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Space City Sound

Singing Safe and Live

Over the past few weeks, leaders of SCS have been exploring ways to potentially have live, latency free singing without
exposing our singers to unnecessary risk and adhering to all applicable guidelines from local and national agencies
regarding COVID-19 safety. Taking some cues from fellow choruses around the nation, we started to put together a way
that our members can sing from the safety of their own cars. After a few weeks of testing, we are pleased to announce
that we believe this can be a successful vehicle (haha) for engaging live singing – and even eventually some degree of

The setup looks like this:

Any member who wishes to participate would need to purchase the following equipment:

1. Microphone – You will need a high quality, cardioid dynamic vocal microphone. The MINIMUM microphone
needed would be a Shure SM48 or equivalent. ( $40.
2. XLR Cable – Because of the distances we will need to run, you will need to purchase or provide a 100 ft XLR
cable. Our recommendation: $25.
3. FM Receiver Headset (Optional) – If you do not have an FM radio in your car or if you want the option to be able
to stand outside your car (at a safe distance from others) to sing, you can purchase a portable FM receiver.
(Some car radios also do strange things with input, like mine, so you may want one anyway). Quality matters, as
cheaper headsets = more interference. Example: $46.

TOTAL COST: $111 per singing member.

You can order directly on your own or, if you prefer, you can reach out to Allen Otto as part of a bulk order.

Additional Information and Requirements:

1. To start, these will be merely singing get-togethers with tags and songs. Because of the technological learning
curve, SCS will not attempt to hold working rehearsal to start with – but we will sing songs from SCS rep for fun.
2. For the first several weeks, there will be strict size limitations to the number of people participating. This is to
ensure safety protocols can be followed as we scale up and because of current mixer input limitations. Any
member who wishes to participate, however, will have an opportunity on a rotating schedule.
3. All members will be expected to have masks available. Anytime any member is outside of their car, a mask shall
be worn regardless of distance from other members.
4. All members will be expected to immediately inform their section leader if they are experiencing any symptoms
of COVID 19 (, have come into anyone who has tested positive for COVID 19, or is
awaiting test results for COVID 19. Failure to disclose this information could put other members at risk and
would be a violation of the SCS Membership Agreement and would be grounds for dismissal from the chapter.
5. All members would be expected to sanitize their hands and any equipment prior to arrival to rehearsal. The only
time any close contact would occur would be in handling XLR cables – as such, each time an XLR cable is needed
to be transferred between two individuals, it will be done by placing the cable on the ground and then allowing
the person retrieving it to come in after the member has gotten back in their car/backed away. The XLR cables
will be handled after being sanitized or only with gloves.
6. No member shall come within 10 feet of another member unless: 1. They are part of the same household, or 2.
There is an adequate physical barrier between the two members.
7. All participating members will be expected to pay the greatest respect to any rehearsal venue. All equipment
and trash shall be removed from the rehearsal premises after rehearsal has concluded.

8. All participation in these “Singing Safe and Live” (SSaL) live singing get-togethers is voluntarily. No member is
required to buy any equipment or attend. While some work may eventually be done at these SSaL rehearsals, it
would be recorded for later distribution electronically. We currently do not have a timetable for return to in-
person, non-SSaL rehearsals. If you choose to invest in SSaL equipment, it will be yours to keep forever more,
but will only be used consistently for SCS until we are able to go back to in-person, traditional rehearsals.

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