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l'Ilr\(;l\{IlN t S & SCRAPS ()F I II, I II-(iltNTURy FtISTORy

I'lu'u.rt cvcttr ()rt'gory rttt'tttiotts i.r ,Eririr-li tstdblisltrrrt'rtr of Dtrkr l'trtoritrs out,r
,4,[titdrria 1;rinta, irt lhc.fiturttt,trtlr 1,say ol tltt,tilgls ri,rgrr,
tfu "styttt tttit's," tit(,11nln!

that ts, rt. q79.


flu'cofu Ltf'Etrrir i: rltL' tn,tdt'rtt rrirrrtc.fitr t latu codt,tl is-rncd lty tlrt I'isi,qotltit kirry
Eurir tltout tltt' yt',tr q75. It strn,iut's ttnly itt d.fit1qncntary tLtrrditittn tur n
whith ts d,MS orrgittal rtxt lttts bctrr rt,ipcd ofJ' and rcplrtct'd tuitlt ncut tt,xt.

Mth Lt tlte rodr ltr ltt'ttt oblitcrittctl, br!t tttotaqlt of-it srrruiucs ttt sltott, tltat it utrrs rrtt
nnu lc,qi:ldtitt ittltituetnttrt.T'ltc rodt' t)ds tlt( basis.for tht, dcr.,t,lopnrtnt ol'L'isigotltit
lan',tnil u,,ts irtliltuttial itt lttlt'r Btrrqtiltdiilr nnd Bauttrinn todiltrations, {lt1totr,{ otltct-t.
Th Codc ttf'Htrrt dots ttttt dral irr (-)crrtttlnit: tr!st()ntdty !ttu, htr irt t,tilqLtr laru ,ttttl
(t)tftutplrdry Rttntut
ltrartict's, tultidr lt ltattdlcs quite,frct,ly. (TItc ntodcnt tt,rnr 't,ttlgLu
Iatti t: sonrctintts uscd to rt,fi.r ttt llp1t,,r,, lttu, thil no longt,r tttrrcspttrtdt,d to tlrt.ftttnrs
rf tltssitrrl .j trr i s prt r d u t Lr', )
sonc ttl tltt ilrnmftt'r rtf'tlrt'ntlt' rs rr:t'tdlt'd itt tlrt.fbllott,irtg liut! tlhoyr salcs. In
n)tltfiiity t.t,itlt ottttnrltttrttry tlrrrrkirt,l, and latt
Rorttdtt l,gtslatiorr, tltcy lrcdt ])0yment
ol'tfu pLrrtltnc PttL(' d! tltt' prrrrtipdl t'lt'ntcrtt irt tlrc rrartstrrtiorr.Thc contplintions ttf'
l,w:ry uc ltronritrt'rtt ds irt t'trlit't' a.gts.'1'lrc scriptura (trdrtsldrcd bclotu as ,bill Ltl'
stlt") nronltd n0t ottl)t tltt dgrL'cnrt,rtt btrt tltc rcceipt of'tlrt yt.ritL: b1, tltc r.,t,nrlor.
Pecnlrurn u\1s prop('rty at tltt,disposil t)f Lt sldrc ntd adntinistt, b1, ltirn;its ott,nt,r-
ship bdott.qtd to tlt(, tud\ttr.

Sourcc: irl (iir/i(,, rlL lttrtLa. erl. Alr',rr,r I) ()rs. l:strrrlio:Visiqoricos Il (l{orrrc .r1rl M.Lclrrtl. r9(ro)
:6-it.Trrrsl.rtrorr Lrv A.(l. \4Lrr r,rr

On Sales

:sr A salc thrt conrLrctctl by nre:rrrs of .r bill of sale (-irrryruru) is fully valid. If a
bili of sale rs rot c-hawn up. the purch:rsc i-. strll valid if witncsses attest to the
pul'chesc prrcc beinu pric1. A srlle fhat is cxtl.:lcted by torce. that rs by threats
oldeath ol by confrirelllent. is lrv;rlirl.

:11 If sonrt-thirrq is proculcd tlonr r slavc s.ithor-rt his nrastc-r'.s k1orr,lejgc, if thc
to recoqtrizc the veliciity of tlie
lllastcr refilses sa1e, let thc lrrlstel t-ct11-lt thc
plicc to thc br-rvel ancl let the s:rlc be rnvahcl.

rll li sotneoltc sclls his slavc, atrcl tire sl:rvc :lccLlses his fornrer nrastcr of sorne
ollerrse, lct t]ie scllcr Lcccive brck thc slar,.e hc sold.incl rc-tul-1r the pn.c t()
IrI{()Nl ITOMA^-. 'l () \1 lrlt()\rlN(jlAN (lALrl: A RIIAI)lR

thc btrver. so th:it hc nr:rv inqttilt' o[ his s]rve ,lbout thc ch:rlgc thrt tht
hrrs levcled :rt hrll.Wi trlclc'i: lhis ltroceclltrc :rlso lo bc' follorvetl \uth reglld

lernale shvcs.

w|eperrcr- :r clispntc :rrisc-s propcrt)' thul [:rs bcc'rt :;olci :rncl it is esta[
fishec] tt itclolqecl to ;rttother. lct tllc o\vllL'1' sutlcr rl9 clis:rdvant'igc

let $.lroevcr- .1lrcc1 scli riltothef':i proPcrtv be coilrpclled to prv the ownet

cloLrble :rs rvell :ls retul-lt thc p|ice he r'.'ccN'ecl to thc buvet':
and 1et locd

juducs asscss thc- r,:tluc of thc intprovL'lncl)l thc br,lver tlrrv hlve contLibutd
b_v liis o\.r1 cflil1.ts to the pritpcr'ry he accluirccl, rrllcl
lct lait cotnpt'rts:ltionbe
to hittt fbr" his eliorts by hin ri'ho solcl plopcr'ry thlt \vas nol h$

II sclls :t il-cent:ril :rrt11 thL- 1;lttcr ploves his tl'cedoil, let the

'ur.hos.' person u,us soLl rect'ivc a shvc ,:rt' thc price

oi 't slavc fioilr tht'seller'

The scllcr- is :rlso to bc cornl.cllctl to pe-v lltc bttYct' a doublc plice lbl rvhrt
thc br,rycr r.eccivecl.This lr-rlc is elso to bc tollorvcd iirr fcnlale slaves.

lf r of his os'n yttrrhrtttt' rtlcl it l-r:lpperls thlthrs

sl:rvc is pulchascd Lr\t trle"rtls
rtrestcr is ulteware of this. lct the sll\.c not 1e;rvc' the pon'ct' oi his

the rnrtsttl rrnkttorvttlglt l'cacl\-es trt't 'r 1't-ict Llrt thc plopt-rt)' oi hrs orvn

r,r.r Erch:rrrge h:rs the s:rrrrc v.rhclit-v :rs s'rlc

)t This rr.rlc is to bc tirlloli'ed rvith rcspeci to s:rlcs: rf plopeln'. or slaves, or lry

kincl of l'ritt'ral u'e solcl. 11o ()1)c tlrtll irlv:ilicl:rte tl-re s:rlc br. s:rying the

rvrs solcl rt a lort- Pl'icc.

It)i lf :r sr'llcl is not re|ablc (irlor;r'rr.r). hc shrl1 liulrisfi tltc lrr-rycr u'ith a stlrt'tt

l(_)( ) If par.t of- thc,1.ricc rs qilrc-n :rnd prtlt is Prorlrtscd. tl-rc sale is not
ther.ebv invalidetcc'l. Ilut ii thr' buvcr- clocs ilot P:lv lhL' relll:l1llillq P:ll:t

price' otr the agrcr'tl ulroll tlatc' let hirlr p;ly itltel'cst o11 the p:lrt hc owes'

urrless :rn agfeclncnt is nt,rclc fbt- thc pro!rcrqr th;rt hrrs bccrl soltl to bt


I (.)(_l p:l1.cl1ts:u-cnot pctnriftccl to scll, don:rtc, oI plcdgc thcrt'cl-rildreil whoet'et

reccivcs thr:nr 11ill ttot gaitt titlc tr,t-r .lllvthillq- i{:rthcr-, lct rvhocvet
bLtVs lt

chilcl f}onr l-ris p:trents losc thc ltlice he p:tid'

(._ F,lA ['-ll'iE R ]L lt G l1-lT

TtiE \,VORTLD O F,sl D ON i t,l.S A lPOlL,L-l N A I{ n -S

FRCM [1(:)N,1AN'rC VI-s]lGO'lt'Hll (. GAt-IL

Sirlattirrs.4yollirt,rt.i.\ lt,rr-( 1)()r-rl ttldt,r tltt ttttyrrt',rrotrttd 1,ltt, yrolt,tltly tl

L1'otts, tttd

/hJ tt sttlt.jtrt ttl'tltt Ilisr]ytltrr' Air1,J, Etrrtt (t.

{t(t-gi), fitttt' sotttc
lt1r1p1'1'11 13tt nttd
4i0,..:1j,1 f0r/l{ lt,rtt, ltc
tttatritl Papiattilld, tltL' lttt.,lrttr ,tf tltc.fittrtrt t'tttpt'ror '1t'i'
ll5li Lj,i-,s6/ nnd lr,ttl a dt:titt.grrtsltttl, il'at tuttcs rotk1,, ptrltlit (tlrL'('t. l:ront ltt: ttt,tr-
ritgtltc atqtrrrc,l tltc tst'ttt, 1l.1t'itarttttt, tt(,1r
(:l('nn()ttl irt tltt,Ttrlcqqtrt', rt'ltrtlt btttrttt'
Irii "sr,arrrrl lt,.rtttd,utd." Ht bt'c,ttttt'lrrs/r,1, of'Olcrtrtortt tltottttd +7t). ()n'dtl1' tLltttirtd

Jorltslirtnuy tnltrtts, ltL'prrltltslttil

pr('lr)t (.1.34) ntttl lL'tl(ts.,4 rollrttiort pf'lii-r 1t'tnr.t
ittrrilr'lrook-i -tttri,it.'t'-i: lJ()()t-{ i-l rtltltt'artd itt 177 ,ut,l rrt'Lt tttfttr i'0,'A.t it','i',' brott.qltt
till rt ltl)!tquL,ttl I,tar:.'lltL'.lbllott,itl.! sL'l(iiotl ol', lcttr'rt.()t,il)ri.\..i dtout ottt tltinl
oJ tlu rotal.

Sirirrlril.i\ lt,ftt'rs trt'pl tltt' ttt()sl ititPorl(lttl .ii)l/rfi'-{ rlt''(


hisful, ,t1,1 cttltrtrt. .lltltort.qlt tltt lttrrr: rltarll' rtJltrt tltt' .qrt'dt ct.'cttl.s trl tltt dLty Lts

ttll 'ti tru),dq, lift', ottc :lrotrld ktt'p itt utirtd rtlttt rttditt.g llttttt thdt Sir/r'rirrrs
ttnd,tttl:ttll1, rtt,orktl tlttttt.ftrr prrltltt,ttrort; tlrt ptrllitdtiott ttl lttttr-rollcttit)t7-r il'{i-\.1

tttll-ln,tlol,td littrtrl'.gtttn'o.l tltt ptrtol dtt(l ott('sltotrld rtrtt t;i1tt'tt,rrttit'ttt rtt'ittrs

nnd rcitdt,r: Ltl'tltt,:t tollt'ttr)ns t() ltnt,( tltc s,intt' i itlt'lr'.il-r ts tltt'ir rttodt'rtt totttttt'rpart.!.
Str/r,rriir.i! ltticrs tt,t,rt,rtot 1,lttt'd ttt iitrottolo.,ltt,tl ordr'r 611]
pltttt ltttt't ottl)'tltr
ilr)ltiuitluttdl tttJrtrttian: ttl drttt'. ltt tlrt.fttllort,itt.g -(ci(l-lti)/?-{. I lttt't'lrttd ttt.grotrp tltL

futtn:r,raon/rrqq, /() (i t.r)r/{/1 tlrrttttolo,qtttl s('qtt(ttt'. Jr11'1i.r1'r/rilt'.r art'titn'11' J}()-{-{il)ft', {1rlii

tlituft)tittttiotts::till tltt tttnitl |ltns('s,rf'Si,/orrilr-r\ adtrlt lifi'irc ktl()tt'tt attd rtto:t t'f
tln,lt'tttt': tail ltc pltttd ttl tlllPt'ol)ridt(.ir.i{('.r llrit/1ilr L)L'r)' rt)tt.!ll ltttttls ttl ,rttttr,ttl'.

Solrue:Thi ir.rn\l.ui(il i. l..treLl rrrt1,,',,1i().\1. l).tltorl.'iirr /-{l/ir:L (i/ \i,/,'rtirtr. I volr' (()rtot1"
trril,Lrut \\rilr rircirrire rerr'i,rn The l,rcLr etljtrorr ,,i\\'li. Att.ltt'L,tl i( ,rrlrl'riJqe \'1A l orl
dor. i!16 lljt .rrlil tlre lJtttle ((1ill()ll (rl Arlrlre I orctl i1'rrl\. li)(l
I -oi lr'tre l'terr rotl'ttlrt'1. lJo'rlr
,utdlttirrlLrll-cr lr.rrc 1.e.rr 1rl.rr'eLl.rlitr rlre tlre r.rttc ol-tlrr'.rtltlrc"eclIlrtilll'el.,rl-tlle Ircreltl
tr.rll,rtrorr .rc ttt srlLr.itt l.r.tckei' Irc tirrc tll. ,r.ltlrc'r-

friend Dornnicir-rs (4.2o)
To hrs
you take such pleasr.rre in the sight of arnrs and those rvho rvear theili that I

can imaqine your delight if you

could h:rve seen thc young prince Sigrsrner
on his way to the palace of his father
in-larv in tl're quise of a bridesroorn or
suitor in all the pornp anci style of his people' A horse covered in trappirlgs
went before. actr,rally I shoulcl s.ry horses laderr r.vith flashing eems preceded
hlln and even follor,vc,d after-; br,rt ;i still tnorc
handsome sight to be seen was
the prince hi[iself, as he rnarched or-r
loot amid his Lllnners :rtrd atteudants'
dresserJ in fiery scarict, r-udc1y golcl,
and rnilk-rvhrte, whrle his hair. the
blush of hrs cheeks, ancl his skin :rccorded
rvith the hues of his outfit.
But the princes and allies accorup:inying hln had a trrgl-rtenrng

evenin peace. Their f-eet rvcre laccd in boots of bilstly hide reacl]llrg

fiom the toc. to the heel; knees, shins ancl calves wcre exposed. ln addition,
they r'vorehigh trght tunics of varied color hardly descending to their bare
knees.the sleeves coverine only the upper;irm'Thc'y
h:rd grcen rnantles with

crimson borclers; srvords, rvhich hung ir-r baldrics

that crosied their shoulders,
pressed in bossed clecr'-hide'
on sidcs etrcasecl
The very cqr-ripment that adorned therl dcfended tl-renr;
in their rigl-rt
hands they eraspecl barbed spears altd throrvrnq
axes; their lcft sides rvere

by shields, rvhich flashed lvith tarvny golden bosses aud snouy


betrayrltg :rt once the r,velrers' rvealth aud occtlp:ition. Though


, business in hand rvas r'vedlock, Mars. w:is 1ro less prorlinent than Venus in all
\ ' Inls |ol l)1\'

Why ncecl I s:ry nrore? Such :r fine shou' lacked only your presence. For
rvhcn I realized that vou r'r'ould not bc sceing things yor-r love to scc, I nlsed
lhe turcontrolled pleasr.rre you would have trrken in the spectacle.

Chasing Saxons

Tltc omittcd pttrtittns o.l'tltis lcttcr slttttu tlrnt it rlrts rurittt,rt ttlicr the ptfulintian $
sttnrc ttl Sir/ ldtus; tltt rcptulls lltcrc, ltttu,t'ut,r, rnakt'it diffintlt to trrcpt thalit
tros t()nry)(tsed by Sidonius tlu: bishop dlicr q77, whut thc book-s ol'lcttt,rs tts ute notl
Irttuc tlrcu lttgnn fo fu puhlislrcd.,4.r Sir/tlriri-i -{col.s r() Itate ptfilislrctl lettus at urlier
-sf4qe-s il ltis cturct, I lnr.,t, placcd tltis lttter ltc.fttrt ltis cpi-irr1r,rrr..
Tlrc tddrcsscc Nl,lrraair'r.s, a rt:sidttrt ttf' Noucrttrtoptrlarrtt, r.r,rrs stLttiorted on tlrc
Atlantic .(),r-rI /() .gudd pirttts. Tltt' ltrcscut stlrctitut ltc[itts a.ftu
(1t'aiust Sidortius has

bcctr tettsirt! Nrarlalirr-s dltout tltc tluality Ltl' ltis lntntiila dogs.

[tZ] To his fi-iend Narnatir-rs (8 fi)

..Joking:lpart, do let nrc knorv horv things go rvith you and yor,u household.
Just as I wils ol) the point of cndrng this lctter, u,hrch haci r..ambled on long
enough, suddenly a rnessenger fi'orr Saintonges arrived. I spent solne tilne
talkrng rvith him about you, ancl hc lr'ls positivc that yor-r had sor-rnded the
battie signal to the lleet, and, clischarqine thc clurv of sailor' :urd solclier, you
rvere coasting the 'uvinclng western sholes on the look-or.rt for the curved
skrfs of the Saxons. In evcry one of their o;llsmelr you lvould think yourvere
looking at an :trch piratc': all of thern togcther issr-re orders :rnd obcv them,
giving and taking euidance ir-r the lrt of robbery.Tl-rese circunrstances provide
the best reason ior u';rrning vorl cvcn llo\\r to bc cspeciallv on your- euard.
The Saxon rs thc rnost ferocions of all fbes. Hc corles on vou suddenly;
and rvhen you are rvaiting for: hirn, he slips arvry. He is conternptuous of
those rvho st;ind in his rvay rncl overthror,vs the unwary. If he pur-sr.res, he
overtakes; if he hrmself takcs to flight, hc- gcts away. Shipr,vrecks to hirl are no
terror, only so ntuch tlairring. His is no lnere acqu:rintanceship r,vith the
perils of the sea; hc knotvs thent intint:rtely.A stornt serves to put his victrms
ofF suard and to prevent his orvn irtuninent attack l}orn beine seen; the
chance of bringing o1f :i sur-pnse ;ittack rnakes l-rim ghdlv hazard rough seas
and jaeeed locks.
Moreover', rvhen the Saxons :ire re:rdy tii r.urfurl their sails for tl-re r-oyaee
horne fi'om the matnlancl and to hli their anchors flot'r'r the shallolr's of encmy
waters, it rs the custont of those golltg home to put cvery tellth captive to a
torturous cleath by drolvnins, in a litual all the sadder for being dr-re to reli-

, and to this r.vicked death sentertce Llpon the doorned ctowd by

ol the pcrfect equiry of casting lots. Those returnins are bound by
which have to be paid in victirns. Pollutecl by saclilege rather than
by sacrifices of thrs kiud, these perPetratol's of iin unpropitious
regard it a religious act to extract aeony frorn a prisotier l'ather than

Iam full of anxiety and apprchenston about thest- drngers, though, otl the
hand, therc are good reasons for me to leel ettcouraged. First, yor.r
the standalds of a victorious peoplc. Secorld, I dare s:ry thzrt rnen of
, among rvhose nutnber you m:ry failly be cor:tlted, :ue not in the
t of leaving rnything to chalrce. Third, good friends rvho live fir fi'om
other ale apt to leel :rlartn even when there is no dauger, because it is
to be applehensrve :rbout dist:rnt and unresoived events.You lnay say
that rny fears should tlot be such ;r concern.That surely is true, but it
also true that lve fe:rr rrtost lbr those r'vhom ',ve love llost. So, as soon as

can, please relicve the fears which yout' situation lus aroused by grvrng
a favorable accoulrt of your fortunes. Until I get good ner'vs, I will never

be dissuaded frorn fearing the rvot'st regarding friends rvho :rre :rr'vay
horne, esper:ially those rvhose business is the trLllnpet and the cornmand
ffoops, 't1\
In accordance rvith your request, I
send you the LogistoricLr-, of Varro and
. \)'
t Chronographia of Er-rsebir-rs. If these works reach you s:ifely, and you ftnd a .. t' i,,"\'

le leisure frorn the your duties oversceing patrols when yoll :rre iu camp \
- |

Iuck of the dra.r sirouid supply sorne respite you will be able, ot,..
' arms are fulbrshed, to apply another krnd
of polish to an eloquence

ich must be eetting rusry



Euric\ aggressiue policy totuards Rontan power (and that of otlter players in the new
polity of the Gallic prouinces) Ied hin in the years 421-424 to mount cdmpaigns
against clermont, which stood in the way o;f visigothic expansion.These eleyen letters
nJuin uarious Luays to clermont\ resisranrc dttring these years and to those who par-
ttipated in it.
Magnus Felix u,as a -fellou, student o;f theyoung sidonius antl ennuragcd rtim to
publkh his poems. He held the dignities of praetoriart preJett furobably o;f Caul, in
461 and patridan,
ilal irrll
IL itLl.

!ll. .l\ ii
lti L r'r. ,1

r titlrrrl'

:'l\'\ Lri

r ill 'iLrlt

,,,1i1 loi
, rin irhi'1

,,j i r \lll




. iiri

i ii' (ri

, ,rll-



ll ll:l

how can the citizens ever fbrget horv ereat r lnan yoLl are rvhen rnernbcrs of
both sexes and ol every aqe :rnd rank lately caught siel-rt of you trorrr the half
tuined ranparts ridine across the eap betrvcen the enerny and the
Attended by a cornpary of scarcely cightce' troopers, you passed tlrro'eh
several thousand (loths not just in broacl d:rylight but or_rr in thc open a
feat rvhich posteriry rviil have trouble believi's. At the ,rentio, of -y'ur
name and the srght of your persoll, a seaso'ecl lbrce was ovcr.o'c Lry Jsron-
ishment, and the cnerny cornr';r'ders, taker by surpr-ise, farleci to :rppr-eciate
how marry rnen they had ard horv tew were :rccolnpa'yi't yo'. Lmriediately
all thc enerny lines rvelc rvithdrarvn to rhc bror,v ol a stcep
hill, and althoueh
they had bee' e'rployed in a' ass;rult on the tc,wn, they were not
deployed lbr cor'bat rvhen they sa\\r yolr. Meanwhrle, yorl cut dorv' their
rearguard, cornposed of rnen rvho rvefe' there, not because they rvere
ardly, but becausc they r,vcre bravc' and rvcre their best lost none
of your or'vnrne' rn the engaqe're't and were left the sole of a co'r-
pletely ':rster
ope' plain, though you had no more cornr:rdes irr the frght tha. yon
usually have guests at the t:rble.
Imagination rnay better co'ceivc- than rvords clescribc' thc applause a'd
tears ofjoy that sreeted your lers'rely returr to the' ciry. The
courts of yor-rr
spacrous housc' crarn'red rvith peoplc were the auspicio.s se[ti'g
for the
crowd givrng you an ov;rti.r or1 yo'r reru'. Son're kissed awav the dr-rst that
covered you; some took frorn tl-re horses the bri.lles shmed rvrth fo.'ri and
blood; sonie rernoved thc srvcat-dre'checr saddles; so'e ,'did the
cheek-pieces of the hehne t yoll wcr:e about to
rr.movL-; solne set about u'lac-
rng your greaves; sonle col111te d the notches in sr,vorcls bjr-rntecl by blons; and
others measured rvith envrous flnsers the cuts and punctures made in the
mesh of the marl shirts. Thoush rnany, dancmg Ibr.1oy, embriiced your corn_
rades,the full bru't of popula. joy rvas heaped on your
among an un:irrned host at last, but we;rpolrs r,vould not have avarled
to extri-
cate you llom it. Yo' bore wrth g5ood erace the boorish'ess
of youruvell-
wishers, and, thoush you were torn to bits by people madly rushng ro
embrace you, as a corscientious reader of the state of p'blic enthusiasrn vou
had recos'ized the of co'veyi'e the rvarmest :rcknor.r,legme'ts
uponrvhoevcl inflicted the r,vorst olrtr:rgc upon you.
And next I shall say !g of horv you raised rvhat rvas practically a
public lorcc fronr your priv:rte resorlrcc-s, and wrth littlc or-rtside help f}om
tmportant people; a'd of how yor-r curbed the u'checked raids of the e'erry,
re$rainins their plundering.
I shall s:ry nothing of the surprise artacks by rvhicrr y.u sorretirnes a'rihi-
lated lvhole squadror-rs of c:lval'y r,vrth thc' loss ol o'ly nvo
or three men o'
your side. Yor-r inflicted such losses on thc enelny by these unexpccted
{ lil,{i)l-it

r-;r:-;)rlrrircrir, ilr.r:-' rir1'isr11 rr ili>ilr-.ririirl Lri:ill io ailrat'ii firc iluurbeLoi

tlrr'r' ri,.'.r11. honr iirci ( ()lLi 1l{li l.uit u titr: shorl
il-ii,,'.r, dt',.'.liritritcil .ril i.,
ijr!allt rtr)rrr:"s.,rs rf il r'tt't-r,- J.'ss i-er'.':tltill; fo ie.tvt ;r ('!)r'i)sa \r'1tl1(ir-tt its lic:rdth,rrr
Iir lL'i rrrrr'r'r-rrir it--lg ir:Li,'i.c r"ccognrzi-'ci br,rts locki. ttrr'ltcit. il iltc urolnng
ltl:irL. ilrif sii\f^ cifir,!: t', r -il1{,\ rr tit,-r r,\ ot'titcit'rl,t'ri':rt r-c\'c,r]cd tnrl]
lt.\ L (Jr) :tIrq,-'i1,. tircV tircr tuili,:il .rl ta opcJl ()irscqrlcs; but t]rev
')'d r(r llirii-c i:1 rn i:Ortrrjnq thtir 1ilst l)\, 1t.rsl,-' tjr:ril r'hc\. $'r'rr ilL
r.\ .iir(-ac!rf

!'()\'r'r"1r!gtlr.'ir' ]ossr-: irV tli- r' flr\r'. The\.' ,1i,1 rrot cyL'1r hlrrr'rL'(1iV |ltisr lr tnoLtnd
oi''iit olt;- titt' t-crll.ii1)s' !r{}f ,ir,l ilrt't ,,,r\rjn thc bo.jtcs lrt iltcit'gLltlti
,r-.isl,tti :trti clotl;e11. pci'iirrirrrirg ibt Protcl t'rtes clrte tlte .ic:rti Llorlies ltrt
f.itrr:glri il irl:rr ir\'.r'\.-,\'lrcra. i.rrlrLl lrn tillpt-ittq \\'.it()ils;.ila] s11lLc \1)Ll lc\iet
iJ.iLtsir(1 .t il()lrtll r;r l;'cssittil ltollc vout i'ictoir'. ti-tr-'\'rl.t-r"c hLillr,'r]lv fl;rctd
i;r ilrii,.iinr:s tl;.rt ri,'t:tr: ihcl Jr't orr tiii. rn.l tlrt ir1:rzrrrg fi':r{nrr'irt-i o1'co]1.rIrng
11)i,'i:, irr'c:lrni' rircrr- firntr.rI ;rl rts.
LJlt { r'lt:rtttl r)it l()(, rlrr lr, rl\ llil \\-i\ 1r()t lo 1'a('{lirstj'ufl t]tc l,]tolt
\r{r1-1,, ()i.,,out :rchlrverirtirls. ir,.rt lo i-cc:ijl .l iit' oi- iirctti, tn ()j'r1t1' to aon\Itlr
\:i)r-l i.irirt :\:irLi1' ll):aJ)af ii)ir.iias \'olLi ii:tcirils ]"t-rick .in!i lll.1t irrrlv vor-rr LctLtLrt

iir11 prt-rrr1,' .i
ii ,rnil cfilcr,:roirs r-crrrc,.i\,. ii. tir,:ii, tht' cnti'critics of
LlLlr( oLrL

1rc{lP]';' ;.1'1 lrii'siLrcic rio1r. sorrrlri iltc ittrt;rt rir!i si:1rt hlrrc\.;iId,tt ottit
li ltlir'tr'\'ouisclf ii'rtlroui tir'1:n' firu (()rlit:lri c\i.)()surc to ilre r.1:rnqer'oLrs urtr-
rir.r.\ r)i'l;ings. Tli.' r.rtLrrt' o1'tircir iiitn.lsirip rs r-rqhtjr' .!lnlir,ri"c(1 1,r,thorr
l'iiir rrpti-rcn.. i() rl 11:rnrc. rr'hreir rilunriir;rtc:r tirrirgs :rl I sl)oft tlist.:utct bLtt
! (rniulrcs :lr,- nr t1' thLV ioiilc lor', .'1,-tsc.

'i'itt rl'ttt ol
)l iltt: it'ttt'r i:: t!itiittJin i)tu tts tt)i!tuiti /u(/t, I'rli'l r() a//{'f r,,1{,,r/rii,rtt'liAi
'I ,rtrl,1;-,1.
lti.'itt,t'r.'it -11t l:itttittritts. Ift, ilrlln'.r-ir'r', [,,r; rL(,rril,,/ ,, ,tt,lt,.,rltl, Jtttf]tt

!,tsltoliriL i)l'li{)li.lrr'.i iii .!10 l)t'!dt!\L itt l,,tl ltr'tti tit'irL nttnltd ( tl,ttt't lLtttr :q1
.4iLortlttt.,l air (itl.(i)i)'lrf lrrt/1.':, itL'tt,rts |ttti irr rliilil lri, 11,,U,' ['ttl,.tttrt,; /,iLrt,,t roltL-

sitottlLtit 1rf'.!rrlrrrilsl ,iliL'r t!tt 1,i;1;,i'y c,l l:tttit.

i li,' iJrtttu: ttL'tttittt(i ft,.'t',.' t: lto( ifi{' ,?-(-((/-i.iiI/ qr/ (ilr'.i,rr. hut t nutLlt t'uittr fi,itu,
illrtrr1r-r1,1/11, ilt,o!trri ilr r/rr'r,.r'l'ril.iirtit L,i iitt'ltr,1rtlt,;.

i t+l Ii, ir,s iirtirrl F,trcircr.rLrs (.3.f])

I rcstr cci lhr but iroi s() n L'.'lr ,Jcr191 Jtl t]rc .ririlitic: iu)rl .laini\r-
.rne lcrris.
nientl oi niV {l nr.n' 1'c trlra t]rlr tlrc liolr.rit si,ttc lr.ri sunk
iil .;irtlr r'rit|cilrc ilr!\r'rV tlr:rf rt hrs l'f,rscLi i-{l |'tj ils 1o\,:ri sci !rnlr. lrirt D0t
lirl tlrrrl iil:;oii r'lrtcs ()Lir' :)gc J!o1 Pt'!)(lirat: .r Llnitir:r ot lirr-rlu.rtrn.
'""/y' ,lrt ri.tJu gcttill!j ,it?'1.1111 iisk. I .ljll st.,c':tLirtl: ti)'\.1)u .i1tri .t'Lrout roLr,
ir)ost ,rc('o1r)plisirt'd sir'. Tlrc st:itt o\\'r's \.or.1 tlia rc\\:,lr!i\ n-hrclr hrst,oi'r, .rirrrl.11,1,
rr,'ltc;i p.t jci tlr tht' .rlro'.'c ir)cirlirltirri'l rrrcir. lor" ilris lc:rsor. i)ailIlf \i uL)
- i, Ir lt. r i


.\lLtnttrltt:: l/,(t-! ir,-ii i{)1, .ttittit..

iti [ ],lit:,
!(l)(i. ||lilalt
l/,,i{iilr', ;i tlt,iiiy iit,tl,:lit l',rrr;-1 ir,r,- tjti liti t,!,r,,i.-, (.ti tlj{
ir, rlttrt. li.t , ,1 , .'. /.,i, .\. !tt. .:,i tllr,
\lt,'.t,|. .. ., i.t, tt ,.. ,.,t , i. ,i,;.

.tr.t rtr;i :rli!r tji:ii iitc
i,.r:i..-i:r,il i.ii t li.trti:
(]iir'1i:iij:; i) ii.r.ri,rng..11
of i.r._r,:.,r, ,r,.. ,.,,',,,.,-.',."..-,. '-:t.':,

*.rrch, ivril:i,ri!ri1,,.r,,,,, ''l ',r ';1',,,,1, ,''i ,,'r,i.rirr

,,',lii,..,,," :,:",11,1.;.:"t..',n
c.rrriir.i ,r ilr. ,i..,,,:.,",,,,,,'r..,,,.fi.,'i,.;:';,:,:;;,i,.,:,, ,t,',*.,,rtis !1,/,r .irl.,. jirr.l
Alvct-tr.ra l-rr..irl,, lr.rr,,L.
ir.rgir,r :,, i)a(ii.r_r.rii!, ,.,,,,ttttt l'lrc
''J,,r..,j,1,.... 'rr"i ' ' i)I.'rl :,,{; :1.-,:,,1
rc,sr,r.ith ;,o ri,. .,,,,,;,.;.,.,'',";,, ,.':r:,1',:..,,,1..;:,:';,:,;l::.:.;1',;],,1.1,;
u'ltc,trctl ti-r,ir; .,,. 'r! ti Irri. ill-\'r'itti it:ivr' Jl ,,.,
1ar.!.{)i.s r.aL,.i jrt:::. i.lrL,:a.
\lr ,r,.: ,., ., ,.!
rlr'll illt- ilii r'iitt'trsLrii r.
],t,urir ri:.r.,r: ij;ir ..iri.,, .,:,1 :.1::r 'rr''r 1.or,r i,r,'
, l"r'r : : .,,,, ',.,:.. ', ,'',lr',,r l.r',<.,,'i.
.llr'..- lt r :"; l:ir'. , ,;iJr
Jl,\!. j .,, , r. " "'
h,pc,rrc.trii, i,;.,.,1..;. q,111 i , '1 '1ii i- ,L, f,;rr.s
i.,;;,;,,,r',.,,,;,.,.",1"1;i,;::',1; ,,
dcei..l.,rlrl irirl -,,1;.,;r1;1 - ,!., .i.,151,. 11,.,,.
,, ,,.,, :,,,,:r...,,,::r-',],,.,,,,ri:r
il.tkrttl i]rr'rt r r;r. r;r ;1,,. ,, lllii\'1)l'(- r itiirlrr:iiril!-r)i b!
1,.,,r,. .,,,,,,r. ,,,,,. ,,,.',,,.,t.,
,.tl, 1,.,1;t ...',t',,,t:
!r::rs. .r\ ilr. ,:L\
'r: .'' iir(lili'"lii
'lttil alilzr'ir:i. Vo|]i
fll)tltltl ia!i)i];ttf \r,rr i{}
:t'1.,' ;,, i ,,, :

tlt f.tct. ' iL'..r r,j t,::,,,tl

.,r, ,-.,,,,i,, ,,r\rr.l!_\1 i;,,,r ':l...trt-ttrrrg.Arrti
|ir.a llt.lilq julillj.
.tiir,t. \/()rtr
: ;l i[i
;, rriti.',1
a. r'Llll-
, I il(, ..-

r'rf i()Ll

,;ii l-rft

t f ';. .UlJ

tr'1|. irLrt

. i
L;' ri.,iltlh'

,ir rlll)a\\
,., ilti]-
:i,r itrlt-
,,li,l ,lll
:r ri lLt]l
,,lill,: lit

i r.!l t\ r\

'r','; t0t

r. .1. ., : li tti-l -- :r' ;l,i\ r:", r' i.- ii ,. ltl,lii

i r,i i r.1

i ll]\


I nray opcrrv la're't. su'dcreci .rs wc ar-e by thrs

One thine, ho'v-er-cr'.
whirln'urd of nar.'rq forces, rl.e havc pr.actically no cha'ce ol rne.eti'g
another' You nevcr afrpcal beforc thc' arxious gaze
of yorlr countr-yrner),
except, as it happc''s, *'he' :rt the rvhi'r of
str:rngcrs we ;lre forced to protect
ourselves, you ir yaur shi.t, ."r,c bchind our rarlparts. At sr-rch t''c y.u
are this la'd as ;r captive, obligcd to elrpry your qulvcr .f-arLo.uvs
led agar'st
and to fil1 youl' eyes rvith tc-ars.'wc' bear yolr
r)o iil rviir; u,e k'<xv that vo'r
pnyers are othcnvise clirccted th:rn yor-u. nissiles.
surcc ir the r'e ;r'ti'rc. eve' though ,,r,c lack thc-
se cu'ry of a trcrry tl.Llces
arleastbrine a gli''rer to briehten ollr prospects of liber.ry I entreat
you to [rrte us as ottc' as vor-l ciur; yor-l r]iay
be sure that our bcsiegecl citi-
zens preservc in therr hcrrts good fechtrgs
torvarcis yor.t and cJisrcqarcl the
hatelul part you play as rhc-ir besieger.

Constantirts, tltc atldrtssct' ttf' tht ttt.rt letttr, tttds ttspottsiblL:

-fitr etrtotrrd.qirtg Sir/onil-s
n publilt ltl,s lt'tttrs. sttrrtc rt,ottld idcrttily lrint tyitlt tltt, at.rthttr
ol-tlrc Litr of St.
Gerrnarrus (scc fi).

[37] f iend Constantius (3.:)

To his
The of (llernront salute vor-r. :r mighty guest visiting their humblc
cottages.You do not try to iurpress us rvith your r.etinuc
but yrrn.tre p1L.5sscl
round'"vith our allbction.
Good God, rvliat joy those afllicteci peoprc fcrt rvhe' ,vou set ,vour sacrc-d
foot rvithi' their hali'rr'ed r.vails. wh:t
crorvded ror-rrrd yor, rnalc-s
and fernales of everv rgc .rnd r:rnk! Hou. rveli
drcr yor-rr stirnurati.rg speech
speak to each and cvcry onc of theml Horv
channrng thr: small boys found
vou, hor,, alhble the young nrcn. horv serious the 'What
oicll tcars you shecl
for buildi'gs' brought ck^r'n by rhe flarries, a'cr hornes harf b'rnecl to thc
ground. as if you hacl beer thc f,rrher olus alll what
grief yor-r shorvecl :rt the
sight of fields buriet-l .'der thc- bones .f the
clead! And aftc-r-warcls
ho'' encourasi's you wcre. a'd u,ith rvhat sprrit 'nb'r-ied
you urgecr us to rebr,rirdl
over ancl abovt' rll this, yo' fbr-rnd the crty e'rptred no less
by civrl strire
than by barbari:ur attack. Ycru ursc-d :rll to :rccept
pcace, :urd thosc, to rvirorn
you brouglrt bai:k love
lou save back to their honrcla'c1. At your acirno'itio'
rhey rejorned e unitcd c)Lrse ,o lt'ss than a united
cirv. Thc restor.ation of
peopis 6n the r,valls is yor-rr doir.rg. :rs is the r_urlnrnrity
lrnons a rcstored

For this reason. orrt: :rrcl :rll rvcll belicve th:rt you belonq to thenr and that
rhey bclong to vou; ancj thev rnake no ntistake as to u4rat is
Vour crownlng
glory For chy bv day tht-y :ril berr i' nrircr horv a pcrsor,
rcl'a'cecl i' vcars.
': t' . i,i!,lr
rr r lt]tit
' rlr.Lllrll:.

fril\ ilt

, ,. irrrlr
I ii {{lL1

: r,'..' ,]r*
.., \\ii]l

i I r'linl\'
:. rri.i
. tt \'0Ll

',ir lt',

i r I I'il

ir) ilti
' ir1l\

r !lli'ilt\
lr '\1iil

il r ,l1lii

r','L i
', )'

,i , i .1Il

.., lLLt
.. rtirct

,r'l ili'\'

'. tlti
, Lr lt,t\ I

' '1 r'lll'


CIIAPl I]]t I]I(]IJ,1': II]L
W()JiJ J) oF SI])()NII]S A])0I
g00d tilstc th.rt thc vic*.e'is rcft urrccr-t.Il, \\rrretrlr.r
than thc old f:rbtic u,hiclt h:rs
trrc- ,cldrtions arc better.
ber.n ."p.i.",].
I prss over horl'. ulrdcr
\.oUr .tUsp1ccs, basilic:r
so rna'y Jlstri cts.
a r d h orv rircir.
olthe laith is rrnpr.o.,,etl
e.or-r r'r er rs :r1.1. ],]:]i.:i:
vour aclurirristr..rtir
:,:; :::lllil;
the nL':rntrer of her:crics is rrrnurrisjrcd: horv,.
c"tih l]t. rrri,i
in .,";,tll':;:l:lJll'',rli]:
''."'',"r 'rl'u\r()rl(' l)IIllt :l:lJ
rtrrrr,is ,,1 11,- ;rJ,,,ri,,i,,,. :.. -,
ho*,b:rrba,i:,rrs .,.
,,,,.;il]',.j',;:T"]l:l]: "J;:::i:il:*.,;..11il;:
bv l'onr clocluencc. stick to tl)e tt_lil you har.e set urrtrl vou, :r fbrturratc
of souls, dr:rl. therrr iioin thc- c.lepths tjshcr
It ntav be tr.uc th;rt sornc-
of tltc,sc- qood clctcls nnrst be shared rvith
leagucs; bLlt tlrer:e rs onc rvhich j, yo,rr, bl.. .rs I
*,hrch vour- j),oLrcsr\, ..,,,,.,, i,.,,,. i;:;;l;.,;,:1]'ili,1:".]:;:i:'.jiil;
cl0l' \\c,i .rll ,i,.s11'o1i.1l I,i lili.. )r,Lr \r.r)r ,rt )i,.r.,,rr,, .rl,r,,*',i::.,;:;::rt:; ;i]: ,

gnin lbr tjrc' reliei ol tjrc

dc.stitutr, ,t,r.ougtr,ru, the r::rvagecl \
provinccs I
prodLrct h;rd conrc to ther 'l::'l o' ,.
)f,', vrrrs p."p,",
L\/ s,i,rv,,,s
Pcolrlcs Ii I'he t r',;;.
we sau, rhe ,,,..,, .,..,,,u,.1], iiliil;ll;j]ll: l]":[ .ilil: ,:: j
saw rnore th.rn one storchousc rvhitrh vou elorrc
,;l:,ll :i:':,:i fi]lctj.
Sir/trrtrlr.r, nrallin.g ttlc: Ltl Tiiptolt,rttrrs orttl
Ccn,s, .,lrrrct:t, llttt tltc
pngaru lttut, l,rcrt Lilrltst,d
lt,qcrtrls of.tltc
14, tlrc dtrd of. patrtrts.
If ')s '1r r'stccrirecr rrrarr of rcligio'yorr fircl:l r(,rl'-rfrs()ll L'..1\\.,
fi.orr thc
Achrear supei'stitror .f Erc'sis ret ,re clllrv
of the verrc.r-ablc pa':rrrc'Joseph 'r.1rprop,-r.rte,
tr)c i'cr'strv
as a, exa'rplc (l 1ear,.c ,,rrO.,;;i::
resald due his rnystic.ri
signitlc.rtrrc).lJec.rusc lrc hacl iorckrrcxr.ledgc. itc r:c;r,,1_
p'o'rdctl a rerrccl' ror the f:,rri,c
trrar *r:rs c. fbilou, trre scr.,c-'
plenhr llLrt florr :r vears or-
Lrc5pccrr\1. i, ,ry ()pllro,r,;,;;';";_:,,'r:';l,lr:t..,.u
prrrvitles aici ,r .r sir'ihi. .-,r,.r*.,,.n
"',t. *.irh.ur k'.rvlc.lsc of thc
I ca''.r cx;rctly tr't hon
lolv tttLtch the r-esicletrts '.ch sr;ltitudc t'e'e-.prc of Arres a'cr l{icz.
Avignorr. ()rangc. aud Vrr.rers.
landholders ofvrrerrce .rrci.ol
6o11, 1rr-rc6 tlic
T.ors .rretcaur to volr; rt is rrar-cr t. ssg1,1
up the tha'ks rf pc'.tr're '..r,d",
rvh. rc'ceivecr p..,r,,r,,r,r,
cotlllt out a pcllltv. l3ut in
.f fbocr :rrd rratl t.
the n.rrnc of the ciry* of thc Arvertri. '. 'ceci
thcth:r'ks I cr'. For you trt-cr.reJ f gir.. \,.;,, .U
n, helf..s Jcspitc t.'e irct that
p,lrl oi )',llr j111 (.. ('ur.
*.e wcl.c,ot
1,yi,1 (.itj(.\ rr.r.ti. rt.r, 1,,....,,,
nected us.,,'.1 ,r,,, p.vlr)L-r)r rr.r.r.ce,
trr:r'ksr- y.'; u'iti'r thc aclclitioir .ryoLrr
sLrppr_v of rr....r, tlr.y
h.rtc l,r. rt .rlrlt' r,, Ini\J,ul:l) ro 1,..,1 ,, .,,,r.,r1,r'
Nor"'thrt I h:rvc pr.opcrJv flr]fillc-cl
thc rjun, enrrusteri to rne, I rvill go fhu.r
being arr ellvo, to a ,rcssc'qL-r.. I rr,r11l1i tr.,,,. ,1.,, kr.rv ,r'rretJiatclv tirat
irlil)I,t ;).()i\j,r}] !r) \,i jllir)iiri\{tlA\t G l: d iltrAl)|lt
\'{)lu' i.litr(' si.rr.L,uris ilrnrrrlllt .r11 Arlrrit:rine; 1il tllr, \\,ishr's lrrd
rii:ril, rou
'ri'r' i.r'crl :rrrti rrr',.:r'd, lorrgc,l tdr. lrrrr rro'lrr.t 1.1_;i1.315
rr. r, t1r.,sr rurcs, \1lir .lre ,l
ilooiJ t,r'irsi.,l :I(-)i)ri ijrlltci :rittl .r griticl (ls ':rci
tlrL: r'isk .,1',,r,rrr:,ri.,,, *r,"rd
;,."; i::,,;.j',',:.r, t]:l'H,::i:J:i
!.1 l'- ,,'1, r:,i \{,Il
ll llll,"l,j:,
l)lcrsc ii,:,lir ltt. iir yoL,r tlr, ,irrllrts.
lt r\ ltrtil [.isliol..

'1f,i1'1771-t Jilr,r'i-i tirr'r,trrt ,ttrrrc:sct,ds i, r(ft.t.j),

,, r i r' 1l trn tilt.l,,-lril,|,
tir)ot,(,. !,itiri,rtirrsrlrriJ'l
\.1,,,. ,tt .l_ l. ! t,ttttttItt-

'lo.r jr;s tr"ir..rtj
[&{esr1n51 Fc]ir (t.r)
Y.i1 l1'11-,' r.r *-ritic, iir:' :r roirg tirrrr.'..:rcrr
fr'r ()n. v()u hol,,l Vorrr 't ,s is ro his rr.rbits. r chur_
il <:lhcr.oblig:ltio;rs
1,cuci. Arrcl siirt.r- of fiicrcl-sllp,,nil
'r'c lrctorti 1'r'frf().air' I t'rak r,.rrr .r''iti'
llot t{) qrol.\' \\.r,ri1.\. ()1. *rc^ idrc'css
'' i, tlt .' J.'ri,i ,rr \rirr(.. V:ll ,1,, rlr,,rr.,Jrr
li.rr tlrc i-rrr oi-trris irriei-rrrrr.rble sircrrct.? ( ,,t,i ,,,,, , , :,.:r::l i, ,"
)i- :rre r.ou rcrrrr. u..r*..ii.c
rr, tirrr" rl,,,p; ,1 iit,.,,lt r,, th.ri rt ii
,.,.r'r, ,. i !.ll( I t\ \ ir).rl
lrirr.rrr' .i. irlrs;ros:,
)'.rr gi\'r. ir. srgi) rir'riii.. r,* ,,i]",,]ll ,.,i,it:i:::;:iil]"
';'r ,,1 I j,,..,1 l,:.,. y,,1;r, ,rr, ,t,.,,,_1, ,,,1,
""''t' )(rLr rlli)\v
1,, tlLllte u'c11 th:tl tltlllc t:,t
l'r'llr]\.r..ltlrcr tit.rtr :r qrli.,i1
Alv urrrie lrr's .tt li-:rsl itrrqltt io filr.nish sul.itr
iir"iis 1':l':l;
ri-rr'-l \\'Jsti-' ,o t.r,re Icttirq rrrcrr k;roiv *.rrcrhcr
l'(, lr rtrtlr 1,..,i, ,lrit., ir,,l) r., ,,1,,.' , trrt, 4r,rr,.ii,,r,r,,,,,,,,,,..1'], i
,ri, r,r,\.r.*,r. ,.,rr ,,J ,,llt i1',rrr ,,
i:ltl; I
.ir'l' ''t'rt'lr h'ts r'<';r*h''':
;il,Ti:l:,:.,fi;,1;,il:].:-].']lu ''' iirrrrirctr ,,,.:;,,-
: ,, i, .{ 1,srric.,,r s1r.
",i.i::l:i; fl;],:l:,1 _:;i, :1,,:-',J:i, T,: .:; :;:,:;:i:ll
rrotlci lrl'-jrrtlqr)rant.:rcior.rr,-,tl ilrtlr ctlu;rJ ;ir.aarr,r,, rrrrci ps1.51y113j
ii-tlstv ct)\',.)\. ts \r,oitltv of- .b.rnr. lhis
t1,., ,.,,,r.",- ri,lriclt I
ii-i,rr rfii'it,rri.' .r
1r.,,rc,r,.,.: thcrc is ,,"rUr,r.,',.r*,i::t:l]':,,:':;,:
1r'rrrls ri'rrqirr t. rris *,.i'trs.
tre tircs rr.r ii,rori.
*'h. 11t'1ir'':r rrrcrr irr'ss'igc ri'itlrrirt ils\Lir.lir.c,rrcliire txlrirrir,lc .i- rrr.:t err..r.s.
*,isJr t- irr- pr.rrci'crr .rr crr
au!lsr)eat-htl it:s sltiil 11r,tt llc
rr rtoi fo bc..
u'ho st'i, rhr sr'.'rrs .,rii,c
1-,i''rccs *,h., s.,,r ,,,:'l]]::i,j;I;lr.,ii]';l:;]]]:i
r'i1 1111.;,. 1,,. ti,,.rrr.r,ir..r
,,rli,t tlt.rrt 1,, rl)ttt ltrt\.i{)r,. "r;.1,
oi ilrc rr.ln .ls (.a)r)\/.\.cLl to us b\. r ti:, ,JLri.r.i,t.
aror..rbl., rt_p()rt.

I-r[ ,s krr'r'rr {]'ar' ri rhc crcscril,,ior,r

,q,,,,aa, rvrt.rr trrr ri..fh. so
tirr' rrc:ir-rti,t' rat''cii1.l1 rrlrv th.rr rir
t-:rtr:h ,t,.r. t r.rrt, fr.c,r, iirr:;i-
Ai 1-i-1'59"1 rcith.'s1li)\\'\'dil)'rtir iurccrrsirg r.rgir.
rra.rress ()r !fo,ru)\-rrighr is
t,iiough t.
I ]JI] W,I.ILI) .]] SI1),NIUS
dra*'theur tro,r trrcrr
rp.rr trrc- rv.ts. Evc' thr:'ar.brrr:rl'ro
to wirtL'l'rrr-r:utr'rs,
tjrcir fear:s:lre t()o decp t. bc-
best can only bc
er:rcricatccr r'cr et
\o116111 r-,, .rrdr'g,i,.t ,,"*.r, ibr olJy ouL
]ard is thr lrv:ry hour yorr. not olrr h.'re_

fr/iri-i \i7r1r-s ott'rrlrrttt, tltt,t,nrpl,ypy ()lyty1.i11-s

ruitlr cnslt,rrr lrt,lp ttrl
u,,t-; protlaintcrl
r:nputr itt
-lrtrrc q7q.'frtt'st' rtpo /t?r.r:r -rrr({rrt sout( of trtt,
dftent/d rtt'trts of'/ii'i
yoriritnr (.()rs(qr(,trt(,! rrt(1t
-trrrrzr-iiLtn ttt (;u,ir .1r,r',rrlr/irssr:t,
, rua.s
llr|'.lit'itt'':,t|tlt.'tttttt.ttIiti,,,,,(;'i'',,',, J,i1/1;17i11.1.1

by tltc 'tccortd rt'fttr, kirrq ttr'rrtt

8,,,q,,,,,riu,,r.7:rt(. rct.nt rirartrr,.rttt,rtr
ond ltfttr,.i.'(,r//-i I() l,r, ,r,, ,r,!lt,-rio,r irr rht. :r:r-
to (-ltt,lpr.r.t,.:, ,1,,),, hnrrl,rrr. C)nc
tltt[tal' rt,r: ptrtt'ittl' rrttdtr ()ryrtrirrs ttf- tltL,rn, ()trrr_
ttrttr rcspousit,,tt 1i',r tt,c altpoirttt.rrt,rtr
Hr' nrltd ,t: d ttf,(]ryrt,rirts.
kirry ttf-rlrc 13t.rrgtrrrtliarts to :t(t

laoj To hrs fiierrcl ApolLnaris (i.6)

As soo' :is sl'tl')cr gevL. \\-.1).
t. ,r111r,r,,,, .r,.1 tlre fe:rr-r of t'c A^,et'ia's
brought urrclcr corrrrol li,r- .L tinrc hr the ,:.r"rr. werc
I.jor_rr.ncye,cl to Vicnrrr.
fl)ltcd \oUt Irt..rtltct. flt.Lrrr,r r\r rr\ \r ,,..,,, , .. - arrd
kinship ,,rcl .*", .n. *,];]l]'':'.J:.*ll'i,ir1::::.i":,,1j,'i.hT,Ji.::::..ju",,
ile recc,t or- rris hc' *ras
ii:arlLrl ancl apprehcnsrvc.
'r.'ifc. ress tr.'ublccl o' your ...o.rrrr,'o"rrr*
that turbuIerrt barb;rri:lrls .,1' corrtlpt solciie'ry rnrght
tru|rp up sornc chrrrge .rgarlst
Ht.r' r.t.r.r.rilt rlr.rr ti
secrc'rl,v t *r,r k, rvr'sp c,l:,- :i :1,':::, 3,;l":-";,,:i;":"::;]. ",'#l::,ll]:

I'ictorious Clilper.ic. thrt rt rvas elrcfly 1t,ur.cloirig tj-rat :::

the torvn ofVaisorr
\\'',is o\,'eL to thc siclc. oifhc rre.,v
L-ntperor. Iiv,,u ,rr .lrc a_p,rraa
lny suspicio' ru this st:.rc' iufirr-rr
,r.' ,,t ouc" L-.,y ,"rr.-lirrg L-r..t .

,ote' so that y.u rtr rr.t rosc-

trrc bcrefit .f rny attc'tro'
yoLr think thert'is rc:rlly
or rcprese'tatior. If-
s.'rctl.rinr to *.,.rry rllr,rut, t s'all'r;rke
nes ert^cr ro s:ri, firr it,rv busi-
voLr g.ocl tavor rher u,ill
the trounds of thc o,;_J;;::,;.,.'rJ,...,,
anger. so vou c:rn be nrorc- carefil.

T'ltt s,rntc attrtt,.t:t ts Iltt nlt,

ht rt'rli"'l-ltt'-fitrrttcr pair rt'cn' a rL'qtrrtlary rri,i,.g o,r,r qtrt,crt

tlr [?ontt,. crtrrpcrir,s
qurctt'! 1t(1tr( ,tts prohtlly Oarttt,rta; Clrilpt:,rit ,,,:,), rl,r.p,rl,r, of. Cltlothiltl, rplttt ,rar-
,'l r.'

Euric,ki'g of the Goths, havi's broke' and abrogated tl-re old trcary cither-
defends or extcnds by right of a''s tire bo''dary of hrs kr'sdom. Irr this
world a sinner like me is not allorvecl to lay :r conrplaint nor r saint like vou
to carry out an invcstiqation. Rather', rf yor,r ask me, it is the rr,rle in this u,orld

for the rrch to bc clotl-red ir p'r'ple a'd fi'e line' and for Lazar-'s to be
with sorcs and povel:ry It is thc rule that, as lons as rve drvell in this
Ewpt, Pharaoh rvill go with a diadem on his heacJ. and rhe Israelite
wrth the carliel'.s basket. It ts the r-ule th;rt, as loug as we ;lre burned in the
furnace of this syrnbolic Babylon, wc llllrst sigh and groan Ibr the spiritr.ral

Jerusalem likc Jeremiah, r,vhile the Assyriari thr-urdcrs in hrs royal ponrp and
treads the Holy of Holies bcreatl-r his feet. yer rvhen I consider the change
from the blessinss of this lile to those of the life ro come, I endure the
calamrties rve all sr-rfcruvith patience. For, in the first place, rvhen I erarninc
myself, any alllction that rnight occur seelrs liehter than what I deserwe, ther-r,
I know lvell that thc best cure lor thc' inw;rrd m;ur is for the outr,v:rrd rnan to
undergo the flails of varior-rs snfieri'gs rn the threshi'g floor of this r,vorld.
I must co'tess that as tor-mrdeble as thc Gothic k're r'ay bc- on account of )
the victolies of his forcc's, I dreac'l Eunc less as the assarlant of our rvalls than
as the subvertel of chrrstian larvs. Thc-y s:ry that
the merc mention of the
name of catholic so e'rbitters his cou'te'a'ce :rnd hcart that o'e'right bct-
hirn for chief of his Arian sect than morrarch of his nation. Mor-e over-,
ter take
though he rs miel-rry in war', quick rvittr,-d. and in rhe prime of lifc, he still
makes one brg rnistakc he attributes the success of his uudertakinss and
- of his
to thc orthodoxy
his plans beliel-, whereas it rs actually attarned bv
earthly fortunc-
For these' re:lsonsyou should knorv risht away the hrclden rnalacly of thc
catholic church so that you mriy take steps to apply an open rerledy. Euric
has created a spirrtr,ral .uv:rsteland of considerablc extent. Bordearu, p6risueur,

Rodez, Limoges, J:rvols, Eauze, Bazas, S:ri't-Ilertra'd-de cor''ri'ges, Auch,

and a much sreater nu'rber of cities h:rve be en cleprived of their- bishops by
death. They have bce'' replaced, a'ci thror-rgh thern, of course, the mir-
istry ofthe tnitror ordet's receives its :rpporntrnents.This r,vasteland spreacls clay
by day as the ra'ks of pr-iests ;rre di'ri'ished by dcath; co'sreg:rtio's are so
afnicted rvith despair at the loss of their bishops ar-rd the rurn of their faitl.r
that even the heresia'chs of the past (not to rnentioll the heretics of thc pre-
sent) rvouid bc' moved to plty. There rs no adrninrstration in dioceses :rnd
parishes.You rn:ly see thr'debris of flrlle'roofi in thc'chur:ches or doors oft
therr hinges ar.rd the cnrralrccw:rys to basiicas blocked by thickets of tl.rom
bushes.worse still, yon see catde, only iying i' harf-ope' porticocs,
':ry 'ot
but even c'atlllg grass honr the siclcs of overgror,vn :rltars. And clc-solation is r-rot
lound courltl'y parishes alo'e; even the congregatio's of urba' chur-ches
are thinning out. \

,i rill
, ,i thr
rirrit i]ll
.'rlrl 111

r .,,, I r' tlli
a' r .'\i'l\
,'rlii llLrl
,,-,ji1r'l [f

lii,l , t ',,ii. .111q]

..ilr ilil,ill
:.: I i' r, rjrlr()|\
,rr.i \:()Lll
r' ,l l: .r l-ii-iI r'1)ili r-:rl I
,ri\ir, \. ,ri ,'i,, lll\ilr'lll ill , l i'L rli: ot'

ii r lIlltil lillilil\'lil ;I rr tl. ,t]til

'ir'' lii. ],l.lrt
I l; , -,lrl ilLrlJ

: ,, i.uLlt.


,l11ii': l ". ,a ii) ll)
i :..i,.,, t. .j .i.. i: l. ttt, i,:it i.! i 'i 1)t liri
i JTni-

tt!'f 0l

Lr':l il.lil\

| . :.|.J l(l
l:i:!!i I 'i'rrIlr 0t
.. . ,,' ,,,i, ,.,':rr' ti Lth
.,1 ii rri,-:i:],,' rl: .li t. i.\ rir ,11!l rl. i1... 1. .' 'I t lhr
I L'.t1. Ltt

.,itiii-l!'r'l{ ili ,' .li: I l is llll\


$ccessesin thc held; thosc serveci to brinq yor,r rclief-. Ar-rd r,vhen there r,vere
rveLses, clushed by thc iluslbltr-1nc'. Thesc are the pcople
they r\,eLe thc' oncs
who, out of dcvotion to the state, wctc- rlol afr-aid to briug to jr-rstice Scrona_

tus, \,vho wasservilg up ths tt.tilccs to tl're |at-brrials: elcl lftcr. his convic-
tion, the st:rte coultl barclv flnd thc collr:lse to execrute hi1n.

Is this rs to bc their lervir'.d for errcl'rirrg scrrciry, fire, srvorci, ancl disease,

forgluttingthcrr srvolcls rn cnenty sor-c and f<rr fighture on thoush rvasted by

hunger? Is this, tl-rcn. the pcace we drearned of" rvllen we torc the

grass fiotn cranniesin thc rvllls for food; in olrr iqnor:rncc rve rvere often
porsoned by deadly ellsses, rvhich, Lreins glcen, we sathered rvrth hancls
made tht sarle color by starv;rti.r a'c-l rvithour being ablc to..lucrge the prop-

erties oithe lea'cs .r pr-rlp. Is it in retuln ibr so rrany rcrnarkable ploofi of

ourlidclity that rve, accordirrs to rny infonration, have bc-er-r cast asicle?
I hope ,vou rre ashrnrcd of this tr-eaty r,vhich brinss ncither honor nor
advantaqe.The lesations are channelccl throuqh yor.r. Not only ar-c the terrns
that h;rve beerr rcsotrated rcve:rlecl to yoll fir'st oi lll, even thougl-r thc

emperor rs not present. but the tcrlns to be cliscusscd :lrc elltrusted to you_ I

ask your pardon fbr tcllrng you hard trr.rths; clstress rellrovL-s .rry suspicro'
abuse in nry lcrnlks.You hrvt- too little rcearcl for the colnrnon
eood; r,vhen
you r.neet in councrl, volr rre lcss concerucd to r-elievc pnblic clangers lhan to

favor pnvatc ir-rtcrcsts. By thc lone lepctition of such acts you begln to
tesenble the last tnstead of the first :ltnorls your. ii:llorv ptovinc:i:rls.
Horv iong ca' slt-ights of harcl likc tl's so or? ()u. ver-y :rnccstors rvill
glorrt in that ntljte not rruch louqet- if thcy begir-r t<t hlve no dcscendants.

Use vour advisory powers to try to bi'eak the disgraccful corrdirions of this

agleenlent. If ne ce'ss:tly, rt u'il1 be a

-iov to enclure sicge again. to frght aq.iin,
t0starve agarn. Br.rt if rve :rrc hanclccl over', we rvhorr forcc farleci to conquer,
thrs rs proof thlt you :lre thc corv:irdly corltrivcrs of my brrbar-or-rs conditiorr
that 1'ou recorntnencl.
But rvhv clo I give fl't'c rein to so much sorrorv? you must makc :illor,vlnce
for the r.t bla're those rvho arc in monrning. other regrons
:rfilictecl and
that are surrenrlcred have to e-\pcct servitr.rclc; the Ar,rvergne ar,vaits pur-rish_
ment. Iivor-l can liolcl out ,o hc'lp i' our extrcr.rity. at least bri'g it about by

your unceasine pravcr th:rt our blood lives on thor_rsh our liberty is extin-
gurshed. Plovide land fbl tl-re cxile, r':lrlsonr for the captive. L-xpenses for the

refugee. Ii onl ciN q:ltcs :lre to be openecl to the encruv, lct yours nevcr be

c]oscd r,' yorrr fi'r..rr,'l..

Pleasc keep nre rn youl thoughts, nry lorcl brshop

,i.11, l;,iii

l:ril: !rj!1, 1,:

lii :1 ,,.1 !, ,r 1-..;l11rc

. I .i, i.... ri rlrl'llnl
':)t l:'i ll ' , i . lrr . r' I I . \ilb, l

_i 1 : .l.i:':iil lill\
t.: i,,, .. i ,'ir ],trl,:l:: i lrtl.

-r\ i,r-'fi(rll.ll
r.i- !r LriPll-
, r' I ,llll
r !r,j tll\ r)i .lll
: r.i liriialoll

rmeans the right rnoment to ask me

for letters with some polish,
elaborare l."i-e.;;;:.,;:.,";
correspondence is
,he exchange or a
for ih.,r.r;l;;."-:lilT
'al barbarrsm to w'te.yoviaily
*iti, , ,r.*.a ;;;; fi;
0w much better it would be for you ,o .n',i..
unremrtdng prayers upon
,i. powerful beneflts of
a soul conscious of it,
j1: o,'. .,
*T,il ; brotherhood,:. and .,, "i,i. ";. ;:;jJ'l:.";:.,:T,i;'T:
of the ::rstand
you transferred ili;:.,,'Tt:*'rl;
the ciry where you preside
and from ,n. ,*._i,, of the monks of
over rhe ,r;";;;;r".fi:":#fiT;l
.-"ffi',':ll-:::^.1,." abbot ,til ln ,ot.t,'*o reruse to make
new digniry a prerexr for relaxrne
,n. ;;:;;;:'rillJ:T::;i#"i:
porenr ,,rr....rrio,, ,hat
M;thar enrorled arnons my portion is the
rhe co.nrpames of my
bise to be of the earth,
I ^u.*
to whom ,ro .".rtr,r.o*"t ",T.ilL:"ililJ,,r1:
."ih" ,i,., o*-
fi:,:#:.:::ii,*., *".i0 d) I am to illi}:,t
rhar I besa, ,^"r,n"
The third reason rts rrches.

lf J.TffiT: ::l ;; ::: "' o',i.

* ;;il "$;lT,i'Ji,3J .::l
l: ill
There you have the causes
of my present and future
a few siJence; I could not
tse words wrthout disobedience,
but hencefor"rvard i shall
and learn in silence... hold my
Please keep us in your thoughts, my lord

ttis co,finement, tuas written

I:',!'!:::::"1:t:::recatting atier sidoni,,,,, nnt--. r
Culture and Nobility

TJrc ,tdlrts:t,t, ttl' tltis lott,r rs not otlrt'rrpist idlrtifidhlt.

To his lrierrcl Jolianncs (ti.:,)

I irolcl rnvsclf gr-ultv ol;r cLirrrr- rq:rinst lcarning. rnost acconrplished
liicncl. u'elc i to clcfer congr"rtnl.rtrolrs on voLu- own success irr clc,terring
dcccase o[ litcraturc'. wher shc \\,:ls. :ls it rverc, deacl arc] buricci, it
is y.ur
glor-r'' to h:i'c revivecl. suppoltccl :rrrcl chlmpionerl her, rnd. ,' the storm ot'
\\'ars. yoLl arc thc solc- tcac-hcr- in (l.rul rvho llas bror-rght the Lrtin torrsue
saieiy into port. thougli hcr'rilita.v firrces have sufrerccr disasrcr.
()ltr cottletrrpot'alies :tncl our sLlccessors shoulcl all rvith orre lccord
$'rth tcrvcrrt grrrtitucle cil--dicate to \,ou in var-ious locations statues (if permit
ted) ;urcl po1'tr.lits. ils ro il seco'd I)e'rosthcrres or cicero. By yo'r
thcse gr''erations huve bcc' a'cJ ecrucate.], :rrcl, ,orv i' thc- porver

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