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C. lntcrvie,..

,·;Pcrsonality 'lest
The c.rnd1dat(' will be mterv1c1,vecl by a Board who will have before them a record of the
L·,1mhdatc's circcr. Til e ecrnctidacc will be a sked questions on matters of ge nl'ral interest. The
t)bjL'Ct oft hL· lntL·rviL'w/Pc rso n,1lity Tl·st ts to assess th e personal suitabiltty ol rht: randidnte for a
L·,1 reer in public service by a [loard of compete nr and unbi ased observers. The
lnt C'rvil.·w/PL•rson ality Test is intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In bro ad terms
this is really an assessment of not only intellectual qualities but also social traits and interest in
L'. ll !Tent affairs. Some of the qualities to bC' judged are mental alerrness,
critical powers of
i.1s s111Hlatinn, dear a nd log1L·,i l t'Xpos ition, bLil.mce of judgeml'nt, variety nm! depth of inte rest,
ab1hry fono c1dl cohesion and lecJd ers hip, intellectual and moral integrity

2. The tech111quc of th e lntervicw/Pc rso naltty Test bi not th,H of Ll strict cross-exa mmati on bur
of a natural, though din..'cted and p urpoSIVC' rnnversntion wluch 1s 111tendcd to re vea l the mental
qualities of the cand1date.3. Th e lntervicw /Pcrso1rn lity Test is not inte nd ed to be a test either of
the specialized or gl'ncr;1I lrnowl cctgc· of the c;,nd ilfates which has bl'Cll ..ii ready tested through
their written papers. Canclid;-itc•s ,ll"l' expected to have taken an mtclligent interest not only in their
special subjects of ,1c,-1d cmic study but .ilso 111 the events wl11d1 ;-ire lrnppcninr,: ,iround them both
within and outside rh cir t>Wn Statl' or Country ,l s Wl' II ,i s 111 modc•rn ( Url'l' nt s of thought and 111 n ew
discoveries which shou ld rouse the curiosity of ·, vdl-eclucatcd youth .


Note: Candidates arc advised to go through the Syll..1bu s pubh shl'd in this Stcuon for the
Prelimin:iry Exan111rntion and the f,.fain Examination, as periodic n:vis1o n of syllabus has been done
m several subjc cts.

Part A-Prelimin ary Examinalion

Paper I· (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
• Current events of nati ona l and international im portancl' .
• I listory of IndiJ and Indian Na tio n al J\'lovem c nt .
• Indian and World Geography-P hysical, Social. Economic Geography of India and the
World .
• Indi a n Poliry and Governance-C o nstitution, Polincal System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy,
Righrs Issues, etc.
• Economic and Socrn l Development -Sus tai nable Development , Poverty, Inclusion,
1Jemograph1 cs, Social Sector lniti::ttives, etc.
• General 1ss 11t's o n Environm cnral 1..'Cology. f3io•diversiry anc! Climate Ch,mgc - tlrnt do not
require subjl' ct spern1liz,1tio11 .
• Ge neral Sn cnce .
Paper 11-(2.00 marks) Duration: 1\vo hours
•Comprehens ion;
•Interperson al skills including communic:itlon skills;

C.ill vernmcnt >1n, e, II) 11111·,· :i worldDrt·c win ch 1d l .:c t s gt·11der hahrnc'-' u11tl 11 0111.:11 c:rntllllntc,, nrc .:11<:u11rag~d to nppl

' C. Interview /Personality 1cst
The crnd1datc will be mtcrv1ewcd by a Board who will have before them a record of the
rnndid:.-it c' s L·;ircer. The candidate will bC' a skcd questions on m attcrs of gen ('ral interest. The
l>bjL'Ct of lilt' InrL' rvicw /Personality Test is to assess the person.ii suitability of the candidati: for a
career in public service by a 13oard of competent and unbiased observers. The
lntcrvic·w/PL•rsonality Tl!st is intended to judge the mental ralibre of a candidate. In broad terms
this is really an assc•ssment of not only intellectual qualities but also social traits and interest in
L·urrent affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alermess, critical powers of
;.1ss1milation, dear and log1c,1I l'Xpositicrn, b,11.mce of judgement, variety and depth of interest,
ability for social cohesion and leadership, intelleL·tual and moral integrity.

2. The technique of the Interview/Personality Test b not that of a strict cross-examination but
of a naturnl. though din..'ctt•cl and purpos1vC' convl'rsation which is intended to rl'veal the mental
qualities of the candidatc.3. The Interview /Personality Test is not intended to be a test either of
the specialized or general knowledge ol the cand idatcs which has been already tested through
their written papl!rs. Candid:Hcs are expected to havC' t::ikc•n :m mtclll~c•nt interest not only in their
special subjects of ,1cadcmic study but :ilso in till' events whi ch ;:ire happ ening around them both
within and outside their uwn State or Country as well as in mcHIL-rn currents of thought and in new
discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of wcll-edu rn tecl youth .


Note: Candidates are advised to go through the Syllabus publishc d ln thrs Section for the
Preliminary Examination and the f-.'lain Examination, as periodic revision of syllabus has been done
in several subjects.
Part A-Preliminary Examinalion
Paper I - (200 marks} Duration: Two hours
• Current events of national and international im portancc.
• Historyoflndi;, and Indian Nation,il Movement.
• Indian and World Geography-Physical. Social, Economic Gcograplly of India and the
• Jndian Pollty and Governance-Constitut ion., Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy,
Rights Issues, etc.
• Economic and Social Development-Sustaina ble Development, Poverty, Inclusion,
Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
• Gener.ii issues on Environmental 1.•cr,logy, 13io-diversity and Climate Chnngc - tlrnt do not
require subjl't'l spccializntion.
• Gen t•ral Science.
Paper 11-(200 marks) Duration : 1\vo hours
•Comp re h c n s Ion;
•Interpersonal skills including communication skills;

C.iovcrnmcnt srn vc , 1n hav,· a workfor,·c wluch re l!.:cts gc11ckr llllla111.· c and wotn.:11.:nmhtlutc s arc .:11Co1.1rag.:d 1011pp! y.

•Lo g1c:il rL',l soning and analytic al ability;
•D ecis ion making ;rnd problem solving;
•GL'n L'ral m enta l ability;
dc , etc.) ( Cl.iss X level), Data
• 13ds1c numerac y (numbe rs and their re la tions, orders of m~1gnitu
interp rctati o n { ch~ll"ts, graphs, tables, data sufficien cy etc. - Class
X level);
) Examina tion will he ~1 qualifym g paper wit h
Note 1 :P.iper-l l of rlw Civil Se rvices (Pre liminary
minim um qu..:1li fying marks fixed at 33%,
Note 2 :The question s will be of multipl e choice, o bjective type .
of Civil Se rvices ( Prelim)
Note 3 : It is m a ndatory for the ca ndidate to appear in both che Papers
candidat e: will be disqualif i e d in
Ex.:imin auon for tht· purpose of eva lu atio n . Therefor e: a
(Prclunj Examina tion.
case he/ she does not appear Ill both the 1rnpe rs of Civil Scrvict's
Part B-Maiu Examin ation
ual traits and depth of
Th e main Examination is intended to assess thl' overa ll intellect
n and memory.
undl' rsta nding of candida tes rath e r than m e r e ly tht: range of their inform atfo
The nature s l,rndard of queslrnn s 111 th e Genera l Studic s p,1 pcrs ( P.i per I I to Paper VJ
,lll d
without .my specializ ed study.
be such that a well-edu cated person will be abk to answer them
ss o f a variety o f su bjects, w h ich
The question s will be such as to test ~1 candidat e's genera l nwarL•ne
likely to l t'St rhc ca ndidate' s
will have r e levance.· for .1 career in Civil St'rviccs . The 4uL•srion s are
a view on co nllkrmg
basic und ersta nding of all relevant issues, and ability to ana lyz e, and take
demands . The candicfr1tcs l1l u~t give releva 11t , llll.'aning ful anci
soc10-ec onomic goals, objective s and
succinct answers .

and P,1per Vil) for the

The scope of the syllabus for optional subject papers (Paper VJ
degree level i.e. a level high e r than th e bachelor s' degree
examina tion is broadly of the honours
and lower tlrnn the masters' ck•gree. In the case of Enginee ring, .
r .tcdica l Science and law, th e lewl

correspo nds to the bachel o rs' degree.

Examina tion are given as

Syllabi of the papers included in the scheme of Civil Service s (1'.·la111)
follows :-
and understa nd serious
The aim ol th e pap e r is to test the can di dates' ability to read
s ideas clc.irly .ind correctly , in English and Indian language
discursiv e prosl', and to exp res
concern ed.
The pattern of question s would be bro;:idfy ns follows:
(i) Compreh ension of given passages .
(ii) Precis Writing.
(iii) Usag e and Vocabul a ry,
(iv] Short Essays.
Indian Languages: -

camhdate ;. 111'1.' Clll'Olll'lli!,1.'tl to 11 ppl y,

Ci0\·e rn111.:m sin, e , to ha1·,· a \\ ork f,n"t· c \du ch rctlc,·1s gc·ndc· r ba lance
1md \\·01 n c11

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