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Suggest any improvement that can be made in terms of:

a) Content
In terms of content, some of the contents are in uncompleted sentences and do not follow the
correct syntax; the subjects are missing; the sentences are started with verbs. Plus, there is no any
examples to explain how the stress and suprasegmental features in this topic. So, the group which is
being responsible for creating this info-graphic should follow the sentence syntax when writing
down the explanations correctly and do not forget to provide the examples as well clearly.

b) Clarity
Most of the main points on the template are messy and to close with each other, making the readers
confused with what they read. Therefore, I sincerely hope that the main points of the topic in this
infographic should be neatly arranged so the readers can explore and understand more about the
phonology as well as become more attracted to Linguistics.

c) Design
Another interesting comment is noted from myself. Some of the boxes with the relevant information
with the topic are in the warm colours which are red and yellow. These colors are not suitable for
use in this infographic because it causes most readers to sore eyes while reading the info contained
in the boxes. This then makes it difficult for the reader to read and understand whatever is written in
the box. So, to solve the problem, the group must use suitable and cold colours like blue, lavender
and green as the colour of the boxes and tables in the infographics so the readers can read the
information on the infographics comfortably without their eyes being hurt.

d) Layout
In terms of layout, I am not satisfied on the last page of this info-graphic. The words appear a little
bit messy and to close with each other on the template and make readers to ‘stay away’ from
reading it. Therefore, my suggestion, every member of the group that produces this info-graphic
should write the sentences in point form (list form) properly and neatly with beautiful bullets
following what their learnt before so that all the information on the topic is neat, easy to understand
and interesting to read.

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