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LESSON 13 - EDUCATION StT English Coliocations Vietnamese meanings 4 | Accademic year = school year nam hoc 2 | State school ‘truéng cong lap 3 | Independent/public/private truong dan lap schoo! 4 | Higher education = tertiary gido duc dai hoc | education hoc lén (thuong cho bac trén dai Further education hoc) 5 | Fighting back tears gat nude mat {6 | identity card ching minh thir i i 7 | Reference letter = letter of 1 ae ona thie | thw gid thiéu i | recommendation | | 8 | School certificate hocba | | 9 | Birth certificate gidy khai sink L | 16 | School diploma bang t6i nghiép pho thoag i 41 | Entrance exam/examination | Ki thi dai hoc ' 12 | Final exam/examination ki thi tot nghiép i 13 | National exam/examination ki thi THPT quéc gia | 14 | Mock exam/examination ki thi thir 15 | Teacher's pet hoc sinh cung 16 | Get / be awarded a scholarship | nhan duoc hoc béng 17 | Doacourse = enrol on /takea | tham gia vao khéa hoc course 18 | Take notes = write down ghi chép tom tat lai 19 ing the lecture gidng bai 20 | Give/make presentations thuyét trinh, trinh bay 21 | Doresearch nghién evtu 22 | Write an essay/an viét tiéu luan/bai tap/bao assignment/a report/a paper cdo/bai 23 | Hand in one’s work np bai 24 | Grade the assignment cham aiém 25 | Give sb feedback nhan xét bai lam 99 26 | Take/do/sit an exam tham gia vao Ki thi 27 | Pass/fail the test thi d6/trugt 28 | Withdraw from/drop the bd dé khda hoc course Drop out of school bé hoc 29 | Choose a major/concentration | hoc chuyén sau vao 30 | Graduate from college t6tnghiép dai hoc 31 | Geta degree / diploma = obtain | nhan bing /be awarded a diploma 32 | Have a degree in st c6 bing cap vé linh vire gi 33 | Bachelor's degree bang cir nhan Master's degree bang thac si Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) bang tién si 34 | Make an outline lam dé cuong/dan bai 35 | Draw conclusions ratra nhitng két juan Come to conclusions di dén két wan Jump to conclusions két lun voi vang Draw consequences kéo theo nhiing hau qua Draw trouble upon oneself chuéc lay diéu kho chju vao than Draw a lesson from failure rat ra mét bai hoc tir that bai Draw distinctions vach ra (néu ra) nhing diém khae biat Draw the winner rat tham tring Draw inspiration from... tim thay nguén cam hitng 6... 36 | Briefly summarize tom tat ngan gon 37 | Have a discussion about st = thao luan cai gi discuss st 38 | Go into detail di vao chi tiét 39 | Carry out/conducta tién hanh nghién ctru/khao sat study/survey 40 | Make (out) one’s case ching to 14 minh ding, lap luan cé strc thuyét phuc Put the case that ctr cho rang la, gid du Put the case for sb bénh vue ai, bao chita cho ai State one's case trinh bay ly 1é cia minh 100 Have a good case Itis not the case cé chimg c6 1a minh ding khéng phai nhw thé, khong ating nhw thé 41 | Have aiesson hoc bai 42 | See the point of st/doing st hiéu quan diém, muc dich, ¥ nghia, tam quan trong hay ly do cla mot viéc gi 43 | Make sense of = understand hiéu | 44 |Doa degree /dipioma=study | hoc dy bang... for / take a degree | 45 | Be in two minds about st phan van/luonglyve diéugi | 46-.) Call (bring) st to mind nihé lai mot cai gi £ | Keep one's mind on doing st Give one's mind to st | Change one's mind Mind one’s step Be of one’s mind | Be out of one’s mind | Be in one's right mind Bear/have/keep st in mind Prey on someone's mind Ease one’s mind = set one’s mind at ease Have st on one's mind Come/spring to mind Give sh a piece of one's mind Go out of one's mind Make up one's mind | | thay 461 chuyén tam iam diéu g) chuyén tam vao ¥kién than trong dng ¥/nbat trf voi ai mat tri tinh trf; dna tao ghi nhé diéu gi giay vo tam tri ai lam cho ai thé phao nhe nhom Jo ang vé diéu gi (noi vé y twéng) loé ra; nay ra thang than phé binh ai bi lang quén quyét dinh, nhat dinh; danh phai coi nhur la khong tranh duge Make up one's mind to do st quyét djnh lam viéc gi 47 | Pullone’s socks up 6 gang, né lc nhiéu hon 48 | Stick one’s neck out danh liéu dé doi mét cai gi 49 | Make sacrifices hi sinh 50 | Gap year Ta 12 thang ma ban quyét djnh “nghi gitra higp” trong mét qua 104 trinh hoc tap hay lam viéc, cho phép ban tim dén nhitng ké hoach khac biét (so véi cudc s6ng thong ngay) 51. | Tuition fees hoc phi 52 | Reach/Achieve the goal of dat duoc muc tiéu Exercise 13: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Question 1: In English class yesterday, we a discussion about diverse cultures. A.had B. made C.gave D. took Question 2; Mrs Dawson said that we were our lesson in the library the next Monday. A. having B. making C. reading D. going Question 3: { really don’t the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it. A. take B. have C. mind D.see Question 4: If the examiner can’t sense of your writing, you'll get a low mark. A. take B. bring C. understand D. make Question 5: I would prefer to go to university and do a ___ in International Studies, rather than start work, A. certificate B. qualification C. degree D. result Question 6: My dad wants me to go university, but I’m in __ minds about it. B. two C.some D. different Question 7: When | first started learning English ten years ago, I could hardly __aword - "hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you". A. speak B. talk C.say D. tell Question 8: I went to classes two evenings a week and | was surprised at how quickly I____ progress. A.had B.made C.did D. produced Question 9: She had to her First Certificate Exam three times. A. study B. take C.make D. get Question 10: He'll have to and work harder or he'll fail the exam. A. pull his socks up B. polish his head C. empty his washing basket D. stick his neck out 102 Question 14: Sally always hands in her homework on time and buys the teacher small presents. The other children hate her. She's such a__. A. teacher's toy B, teacher's jewel C. teacher's pet D. teacher's sweet Question 12: They sacrifices so that their only child could have a good education. A.made B. did C. provided D. lent Question 13: [ wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the A. scholar B, scholastic €. scholarship D, scholarly Question 14: He has gota degree Information Technology from Oxford University. Ain B. for con D. of Question 15: Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an year before going to college or aiter finishing high school to travel overseas independently. ©. busy D. graduation Question 16: Going to university is expensive because in addition to the tuition there are expenses for accommodation, books, living costs, etc A. grants B, scholarships _C. fares B, fees Question 17: Next year, I have to decide which area of medicine | want to in. ‘A. come B. focus Chand D. specialise Question 18: Greater efforts are needed to reach the goal of universal education. A. achieve B. archive C. receive D. risk Question 19: When you graduate from college, you'll get a . Afterwards, you can say you have a in the area of your concentration. A. diploma/degree B. degree/diploma C. qualification /degree D. diploma/qualification Question 20: After you in your work, the teacher will __ the assignment and you feedback. A. take/score/give B. hand/grade/give C. summt/do/send D. hand/score/give 103 Question 21: In Vietnam, a school year is divided into two semesters; the first begins in late August and ends in December, while the second begins right after the first, which is about late January and lasts until the end of May. A. annually B. academic B. academically Question 22: In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by the government and by independent fee-paying schools. A, public B. private C. gifted D. both A and B are correct Question 23: education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. A. Higher B. Tertiary C. Further D. Intermediate Question 24: We'll need some influential people making out a/an if we want Congress to consider changing the law. A. decision B. mistake C. online D. case Question 25: I'm studying to find out how to a good presentation. A. make C. create D. form STT | Dap dn Giai thich chi tiét 1 A _| Have adiscussion about st = discuss st: thdo ludn cdi gi Tam dich: Hém qua, trong lép Tiéng Anh ching toi da thdo ludn vé sy da dang van héa, 2 A Have a lesson: hoc bai Tam dich: Ba Dawson ndi rang ching t6i sé hoc bai trong thu vién vao tht Hai téi. 3 D | See the point of st/doing st: hiéu quan diém, muc dich, ¥ nghia, tim quan trong hay ly do cia mét viéc gi Tam dich: Téi khong thé hiéu sé thi cdr nhu nao khi ma ban chua san sang cho n6. 4 D Make sense of = understand: hiéu Tam dich: Néu gidém khdo khéng thé hiéu duge bai lam cia ban, ban sé durgc diém thap. 5 © | Doa degree / diploma = study for / take a degree: hoc idy bang... Tam dich: Tdi thich di hoc dai hoc va lay bang nganh hoc quéc té hon Ia bat dau cong viéc ngay. 104 Be in two minds about st: phan van/lwong he vé diéu gi Tam dich: Bé toi muén tdi di hgc dai hoc, nhung tdi dang phan van vé diéu dé, ‘Say a word: ndi mot loi Say hello/goodbye to sb: néi léi chao/tam biét al Tam dich: Khi t0i bat dau hoc tiéng Anh mudi nam trudc, tdi khé c6 thé ndi mot loi - “xin chao", “tam biét", Make progress = do better: tién bé Tam dich: Tdi da dén 16p hai budi téi mot tua rat agac nbién khi t6i tién bd nhanh nhw thé nao, 10 | Pull one’s socks up: c6 gang, né lc nhiéu ho? Take/do/sit an exam: tham gia vao Ki thi ‘Tam dich: Cd dy phai tham gia ky thi chitng chi dx Bn, Stick one’s neck out: ddnh Héu dé a6i mot ce ‘Tam dich: Anh 4y sé phai né lye ahi8u hon co hank cham chi hon hodc anh Ay sé thi truot. . | Teacher's pet: hoc sinh cwng ee] Tam dich: Sally luén ndp bai tap vé nha dang gid va mae nhéng mén qua nhé cho gido vién, Nhing hoe sinh khac | ghét cé ay. Cé ay 1a hoc sinh cwng ciia gido vién, az Make sacrifices: hi sinh | Tam dich: Ho da hy sinh dé dita con duy nhat cia ho cé thé cé diéu kién hoc tap tét nhat. i 43 Get / be awarded a scholarship: nhan dwec hoc bong Tam dich: Téi tu hoi khéng biét ban cé thé cho ti biét ai a duge trao hoc béng khong. 4 be Have a degree in st: c6 trinh dé trong finh vic gi | Tam dich: Ong da cé bing cdp vé céng nghé théng tin tir Dai hoc Oxford, oop | Gap year: la 12 thang ma ban quyét djnh “nghi gia | | higp” trong mét qué triah hoc tap hay lam viée, cho phép ban tim dén nhitng ké hoach khdc biét (so voi cugc séng thwong ngay) Tam dich: Ngudi Uc va nguéi New Zealand thong nghi 105 mét nam truéc khi vao dai hoc hodc sau khi tot nghiép trung hoc dé di du lich & nuéc ngoai mét cach déc lap. 16 Tution fees: hoc phi Tam dich: Bi hoc dai hoc 1a kha dat béi vi ngoai hoc phi con cé chi phi ché 6, sdch, phf sinh hoat, v.v. 17 Major in = specialize in: chuyén sdu vao Tam dich: Nam t6i, ti phai quyét dinh linh vu y hoc nao toi mun chuyén sau vao. 18 Reach/Achieve the goal of: dat dwoc muc tiéu Tam dich: Can co nhimng né luc nhiéu hon dé dat duoc muc tiéu gido duc phé thong. 19 Get a degree/diploma = obtain /be awarded a diploma: nhén bang Have a degree in st cé bang cap vé link vire gi Tam dich: Khi ban tét nghiép dai hoc, ban sé nhan duge bang tét nghiép. Sau 46, ban cé thé néi ban cé bang cdp trong linh vuc chuyén mén cia ban. 20 Hand in one’s work: nép bai Grade the assignment: chdm diém Give sb feedback: nhdn xét bai lam Tam dich: Sau khi ban nép bai tap, gido vien sé cham diém bai lam va nhan xét bai am cia ban. 2 Accademic year = school year: néim hc Tam dich: 0 Viét Nam, mét nam hoc dug chia thanh hai hoc ky: ki dau tién bat dau vao cuéi thang 8 va két thtic vao thdng 12, trong khi Ki thir hai bat dau ngay sau ki dau, vao Khodng cuéi thdng 1 va kéo dai dén cuéi thang 5. 22 State school: trong céng lap Independent/public/private school: trwéng dan lap Tam dich: ( Anh, gido duc tiéu hoc durgc cung cap bai cdc truong cong lap do chinh ph quan ly va cdc trudng dan lap tra phi. 23 Higher education = tertiary education: gido duc dai hoc Further education: hgc lén (thwéng cho béc trén dai hoc) 106 Tam dich: Gido duc dai hoc thudng ding dé chi viéc dao tgo nhing ngudi dang theo hoc dal hoc va dao tao nghién citu sinh, cling nhwr gido duc va dao tao ngh’. 24 BD Make a deci Make a mistake: mac sai lam Make (out) one’s case: chitng té la minh diing, lap ludin c6 strc thuyét phuc Make an outline: lam dé cwong/dan bai Tam dich: Ching ta sé can mét s6 ngudi cé tam anh huéng dmg ra tranh luan xdc dang néu chting ta muér | i Quéc hoi xem xét viéc thay aéi luat. 28 A Give/make presentations: thuyét trinh, trinh bay Tam dich: Téi dang nghién cttu dé tim hiéu lam thé nao 4é | | | 6 bai thuyét trinh tt, _ i 107

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