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1. Those elements present in the soil required by plants in large quantities are
A. micro nutrients
B. macro nutrients
C. Zinc
D. Copper
2. Excess nitrogen in the soil leads to
A. stunted growth
B. leaves tending to drop
C. encouraging root development
D. delayed fruiting and ripening of fruits
3. One of the following is a symbiotic organism
A. Rhizobium
B. Aztobacter
C. Nostoc
D. Nitrobacter
4. The application of water subsoil through perforated pipes is
A. flooding
B. sub-surface irrigation
C. channel irrigation
D. drainage ditches
5. The artificial application of water to the soil to supplement for insufficient rainfall is
A. irrigation
B. drainage
C. mulching
D. tillage
6. All the following are importance of irrigation except
A. it makes early planting to be possible
B. it adds water to the soil in order to supply the moisture for plant growth
C. it encourages the breeding of pathogens
D. increases yield.
7. One of the following is used in taking bearing and in measuring angular distances
A. Theodolite
B. Prismatic compass
C. Pillar
D. Measuring tape
8. A gunter’s chain is approximately___________ meters long.
A. 20 m
B. 25 m
C. 30 m
D. 40 m
9. The tool used for marking stations in farm surveying is
A. an arrow
B. a chain
C. a ranging pole
D. a cross staff
10. One of the following is NOT a surveying equipment
A. Shovel
B. Gunter’s chain
C. Prismatic compass
D. Measuring tape
11. The following forest management techniques are important so as to ensure the
continuous supply of forest products EXCEPT
A. forest regulation
B. selective exploration
C. fallowing
D. regeneration

12. The system whereby forest trees and food crops are planted together on the same
piece of land is
A. Afforestation
B. Taungya system
C. Selective exploration
D. Regeneration
13. Replenishing soil nutrients involves the following except
A. leaching
B. liming.
C. fallowing.
D. cover cropping.
14. The establishment of forest plantation is referred to as
A. afforestation.
B. deforestation.
C. forestation.
D. reforestation.
15. Floriculture is a subdivision of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of
A. fry it crops.
B. vegetables.
C. ornamental plants.
D. fruit crops.
16. If 200kg of NPK fertilizer is required for a hectare of maize farm; calculate the
amount of the fertilizer required for 15 hectares of maize farm?
A. 600kg
B. 2,000kg
C. 3,000kg
D. 6,000kg
17. In the nitrogen cycle, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are responsible for
A. denitrification.
B. nitrification.
C. amonification.
D. nitrogen reduction.
18. The atmosphere gains carbon dioxide through the following ways EXCEPT
A. Burning of fuel such as coal and wood.
B. Respiration by plants and animals.
C. Photosynthesis in plants
D. Death and decay of plants and animals.
19. To which of the following survey equipment is a piece of red cloth tied when it is
being used?
A. Cross staff
B. Plumb bob
C. Gunter’s chain
D. Arrow pin
20. ___________ refers to by – product of farming practices that result in contamination
of environment and surrounding.
A. Agricultural pollution
B. System pollution
C. Soil pollution
D. Land pollution
21. An example of biotic source of pollutant is
A. pesticides
B. fertilizers
C. animal management
D. heavy metals
22. Which of the following is NOT a way of conserving water in the soil?
A. Addition of organic manure
B. Clean clearing
C. Contour ridging
D. Cover cropping
E. Mulching
23. Soil pH is BEST described as the concentration of _______ in the soil.
A. ammonium
B. calcium ion
C. hydrogen ion
D. nitrogen ion
24. The major aim of liming a farm land is to
A. decrease the soil alkalinity.
B. increase the soil fertility.
C. reduce the level nutrient uptake.
D. reduce the soil acidity.
25. The BEST method of applying fertilizer before Ploughing the field is
A. broadcasting.
B. fertilization.
C. foliar application.
D. ring method.
26. Which of the following is NOT an organic fertilizer?
A. Cow dung
B. Decayed waste
C. Green legumes
D. Super-phosphate
27. The movement of nutrients in soluble form beyond the reach of the roots of plant is
A. erosion.
B. irrigation.
C. leaching.
D. mulching.
28. Surface irrigation involves the use of the following equipment, EXCEPT
A. basin.
B. channels.
C. contour ditch.
D. perforated pipes.
29. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of drip irrigation? It
A. allows application of fertilizer
B. is suitable for arid and semi-arid regions
C. is very economical in water usage
D. needs high power source
30. Which of the following is NOT a specie of citrus?
A. Cavendish
B. Lemon
C. Lime
D. Shaddock
31. Which of the following crops does NOT require nursery operation?
A. Cocoa
B. Coffee
C. Maize
D. Pepper
32. Processing of palm fruits involves the following operations, EXCEPT
A. milling.
B. parboiling.
C. pressing.
D. sterilizing.
33. Which of these crops CANNOT be processed into powdery form for effective
A. Kola nut
B. Maize
C. Pepper
D. Soya bean
34. Pomology is a branch of
A. agriculture.
B. apiculture.
C. aquaculture.
D. horticulture.
35. Which of the following is NOT a maintenance practice in flower establishment?
A. Burning
B. Fertilizer application
C. Irrigation
D. Pruning
36. The botanical name of guinea grass is
A. panicum maximum
B. Cynodon dactylon
C. Imperata cylindrica
D. Mimosa pundica
37. Which of the following is NOT an importance of agriculture?
A. Employment opportunities
B. Income to farmers
C. Provision of food
D. Loan for farmers
38. The most important contribution of agriculture to mankind is the provision of
A. shelter.
B. employment.
C. foreign exchange earnings.
D. food.
39. Agriculture is defined as the art and science of
A. tilling the land.
B. raising farm animals.
C. cultivation of land and production of animals for use by man.
D. supplying inputs and raw materials to people.
40. Which of the following is an agricultural export produce that can provide foreign
exchange for Nigeria?
A. Meat
B. Egg
C. Cocoa
D. Pepper
41. Agriculture is important in Nigeria for
1. Food production for growing population.
2. Providing raw materials
3. Supporting a few agro-industries only.
4. Providing employment for our people.
5. Keeping only a few people happy.
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
42. Agriculture contributes to the economy of West African countries through the
following means except
A. reduction of poverty through job creation.
B. supply of armament for territorial defences.
C. provision of foreign exchange.
D. supply of raw materials to industries.
43. Which of the following is not correct about the importance of agriculture?
A. Production of food
B. Production of employment
C. Provision of the basic raw materials for agro – based industries
D. Serving as the source of mining
44. Which area of agriculture deals with prevention and control of plant diseases?
A. Agricultural economics
B. Crop science
C. Pathology
D. Soil science
45. The following are areas of agriculture except
A. mining.
B. crop production.
C. forestry.
D. livestock farming.
46. The branch of agriculture that deals with cultivation of ornamental plants, vegetables
and fruits is
A. agricultural education.
B. horticulture.
C. agronomy.
D. agricultural extension.
47. Which of the following is not a problem of the peasant farmer?
A. Inability to obtain farm inputs
B. Inadequate capital
C. Small farm holdings
D. Long term loan facility
48. The following are problems of agricultural development in Nigeria except
A. inadequate farm input.
B. inadequate finance.
C. Provision of storage facilities.
D. poor transportation.
49. Agricultural production can be improved in Nigeria through the following except
A. provision of farm implements to the farmers.
B. expansive irrigation of farm land.
C. using communal system of land tenure.
D. granting credits facilities to farmers.
50. The following are the problems of agricultural development in Nigeria except
A. availability of credit facility.
B. inadequate extension services.
C. lack of proper storage facilities.
D. poor road networks in rural areas.
51. An advantage of commercial agriculture is that it
A. requires small space.
B. requires skilled labour.
C. produces high returns.
D. involves low capital.
52. Peasant farmers sell almost all their produce immediately after harvesting because
A. stored produce lose their quality.
B. stored produce would be lost to pests.
C. the prices offered for stored produce are low.
D. there is inadequate storage facilities.
53. Which of the following is not a feature of subsistence Agriculture?
A. Few farmers usually practice it
B. It is practiced where capital is not readily available
C. There is no surplus produce for sale in the market
D. the farmer grows arable crop to feed self and family
54. Subsistence agriculture mainly involves
A. high capital input on the farm enterprise.
B. food production on large scale farms.
C. food production using family labour
D. mechanization of all farm operations.
55. Which of the following is not a raw material for the beverage industry?
A. Cocoa
B. Coffee
C. Groundnut
D. Tea
56. The primary raw material for plywood industry is
A. timber.
B. pulp.
C. paper.
D. particle board.

57. Which of the following industries use coffee as their raw material?
A. Feed mill industries
B. Oil industries
C. Pharmaceutical industries
D. Tire industries

58. One of the following is not a plant product

A. paper.
B. cheese.
C. shirt.
D. cardboard.

59. The following agricultural practices help to increase agricultural productivity except
A. provision of farm implement to farmers.
B. prevalent land tenure system.
C. granting credit facilities.
D. expansive irrigation of farmland.
60. ------------------involves the series of processes which contributes to the circulation of
carbon in nature, i.e., it is concerned with the way the atmospheric carbon dioxide is
utilized by plants and animals and returned to the atmosphere without depleting its
A. Nitrogen cycle
B. Carbon cycle
C. Phosphorus cycle
D. Water cycle

1. (a) State three functions of Nitrogen in crop plants. [Any 3 marks]
(c) List six soil micro nutrients. [Any 3 marks]
(d) List four factors that affect the availability of nutrients. [Any 2 marks]
(e) What is carbon cycle [ 2marks]

2. (a) Define nutrient cycle 1marks

(b) Draw a diagram of nitrogen cycle 4 marks
(c) What is drainage 1 marks
(d) List 4 importance of forest 4marks

3. a. Define irrigation 1marks

b. List 4 sources of water for irrigation 2marks
c. List 4 aims of irrigation 4 marks
d. List 3 disadvantages of sprinkler irrigation 3 marks

4. a. Define pollution
b. State 2 types of agricultural pollution
c. Give 3 effects of agricultural pollution
d. Highlight 4 ways of control of agricultural pollution

5. a. List four importance of farm survey

b. State the functions of the following surveying equipment
i. Ranging pole
ii. Gunter’s chain
iii. Measuring tape
iv. Prismatic compass
v. Theodolite
vi. Arrow pins
vii. Offset staff
viii. Beacon
c. Mention two precautions in surveying
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. C
32. D
33. A
34. D
35. A
36. A
37. D
38. D
39. C
40. C
41. C
42. B
43. D
44. C
45. A
46. B
47. D
48. C
49. C
50. A

1. (a) Functions of Nitrogen in crop plants.

- It is essential for plant growth and reproduction.
- It is found in proteins, enzymes, hormones and protoplasm of all living cells.
- It is essential for the increase in the yield and quality of grains.
- It increases the number of leaves-to-root development.
- It promotes vegetative growth and makes the leaf deep green colour thereby
encouraging photosynthesis.
- It promotes the uptake of potassium and phosphorus. [Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks]

(b) List six soil micro nutrients.

- Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum and Chlorine.
[Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks]

(c) Factors that affect the availability of nutrients.

- Soil pH, Concentration of Other Nutrients, Leaching, Crop Removal, Oxidation
and Reduction of organic material, Burning, Soil Texture, and Erosion.
[Any 2 x 1 = 2marks]
(d) Carbon cycle involves the series of processes which contributes to the
circulation of carbon in nature, i.e., it is concerned with the way the atmospheric
carbon dioxide is utilized by plants and animals and returned to the atmosphere
without depleting its values 2marks

2. a. Nutrient cycles refer to the circulation of certain nutrients like nitrogen,

carbon, phosphorus and water in nature. 1marks

2c. Drainage is a process whereby excess water in the soil is removed artificially to

promote good farming activities while at the same time retaining adequate

reserve to carry the crops through the periods of scarcity. 1mark

Importance of forest

i. Source of food
ii. Provision of fuel
iii. Provision of medicinal herb
iv. Source of employment 4marks

3. a. Irrigation: This is the artificial application of water to soil to supplement rainfall for
farming purposes. It is mainly practiced in areas where there is insufficient rainfall.
b. Source of water for irrigation

i. Rivers

ii. Lakes

iii. Streams

iv. Ponds 4marks

c. Aims of irrigation

i. To soften the ground for tillage practices.

ii. To cool the soil and atmosphere thereby creating more favourable
environment for plant growth.
iii. To provide crop insurance against drought/supplement water
requirement of crops.
iv. To provide cool environment for growth of soil organisms.4marks

Disadvantages of sprinkler irrigation

i. To soften the ground for tillage practices.

ii. To cool the soil and atmosphere thereby creating more favourable
environment for plant growth.
iii. To provide crop insurance against drought/supplement water
requirement of crops.
iv. To provide cool environment for growth of soil organisms.
Any 3=3marks

4. Agricultural pollution refers to biotic and abiotic by-products of farming practices

that result in contamination or degradation of the environment and surrounding
ecosystems, and/or cause injury to humans and their economic interests. 1mark
Types of pollution
i. Biotic pollution
ii. Abiotic pollution 2marks

Effect of agricultural pollution

i. Causes health related issues like blue baby syndrome

ii. Reduction in the amount of oxygen in water bodies resulting in death of aquatic
iii. Causes land degradation 3marks
Ways of controlling agricultural pollution
i. Quarantine
ii. Use of biological control methods
iii. Use of bio pesticides
iv. Use of genetically modified organisms 4marks
5. a. Importance of farm survey
i. It helps to determine the hectare of land.
ii. It exposes the gradient of the land.
iii. It helps to make decisions on locations of various farm building and structure.
iv. It helps in determining the amount of input of fertilizer, labour, seeds, and
chemical to be used in the farm. 4marks
b. Functions of surveying equipment
i. Ranging pole: It is used for marking stations.
ii. Gunter’s chain: It is used in taking short or detailed measurement of
length and breadth.
iii. Measuring tape: It is used in taking short or detailed measurement of
length and breadth.
iv. Prismatic compass: it is used in taking bearings
v. Theodolite: It is used to measure horizontal or vertical angles or planes.
vi. Arrow pins: It can be used for marking stations.
vii. Offset staff: It is used for taking short offset measurements.
viii. Beacon: It is used for the recognition of the measured or surveyed area.
Precautions in surveying
i. Avoid errors of transposing figures on papers.
ii. Equipment such as theodolite should be placed on a perfect horizontal
plane. 2marks

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