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Personnel Training and Development (HRM 545), Section-01

The Case Study: Training Needs Analysis at Bank of Baroda

Submitted to
Dr. Shoaib Ahmed
Independent University, Bangladesh,
School of Business, MBA Program

Prepared by
Sadia Afrin, Student Id: 1910708
Independent University, Bangladesh,
School of Business, MBA Program

AUGUST 5, 2021
Executive Summary

This is an effort to know how the theories are practically implemented in Bank of Baroda case.
The purpose of this assignment is to know the training need analysis of Bank of Baroda. The
first part of this report shows the overview on Training Need Analysis (TNA), objectives of this
study, methodology in this regard.

In the second part, component of training need analysis are discussed from the perspective of
Bank Baroda, six component of analysis - context analysis, Participants’ analysis, Work
analysis, Content analysis, Suitability analysis, Cost-benefit analysis are applied on this case
study to understand training need analysis of Bank of Baroda.

In the third part, recommendations have been presented in this regard. A conclusion has been
given on the overall case study.

The fourth part of this report includes question answer based on this case study. In the first
question was answer finer aspects of needs analysis in Bank of Baroda from strategic procedure
and employees procedure. In the second question, the analysis to identify the training needs and
the training need analysis is identified based on the component of training need analysis. In the
third question, my opinion on branch managers should be empowered to identify and nominate
employees for training

Therefore, through the analysis, the study could be interpreted that training programs are quite
effective and majority of employee’s performance improves though it but still Bank of Baroda
needs to work on some aspects which can give them better result.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction: .................................................................................................................................. 3
II. Literature Review .......................................................................................................................... 4
III. Objectives of the study: ................................................................................................................. 4
IV. Methodology: ................................................................................................................................. 4
V. Training Needs Assessment of Bank of Baroda: ........................................................................... 5
VI. Major components for conducting Training Needs Assessment: ................................................ 5
i. Organizational Analysis: ............................................................................................................... 5
ii. Task Analysis: ............................................................................................................................. 5
iii. Person Analysis: ......................................................................................................................... 5
VII. Six components of Training Needs Analysis: ............................................................................ 6
i. Context Analysis:......................................................................................................................... 6
ii. Participants’ Analysis: ................................................................................................................. 6
iii. Work Analysis: ............................................................................................................................ 7
iv. Content Analysis:........................................................................................................................ 7
v. Suitability Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 8
vi. Cost-Benefit Analysis: ................................................................................................................ 8
VIII. Recommendations: ..................................................................................................................... 9
IX. Conclusion:............................................................................................................................... 10
X. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................. 15
XI. References ................................................................................................................................ 15

I. Introduction:
A training needs analysis (or TNA) always happens for a reason. The need for such a Training
and Development is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing
an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude
or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. Since the beginning of the twentieth century and
especially after World War II, training programs have become widespread among organizations,
involving more and more employees and also expanding in content. The banking industry
becoming more competitive than ever and the executives of the bank are now in the position to
modify their traditional human resources practice in to innovative human resources practices in
order to meet the challenges from other competitive banks. This study is built upon the case
study of Bank of Baroda by providing training needs assessment and organizational
effectiveness based upon development based on strategic, procedure and employee’s
perspective. The purpose of training need assessment is to add value to an organization. Hence,
evaluation measures the progress in achieving this goal by purposefully improving training
programs and measuring their worth. The training programs are established by the needs
assessment of training. In today’s complex and fast changing organizational environment,
developing human resources is of paramount importance and training has now become one of
the important segments of Human Resource Development (HRD) process. That is why the
efficiency of any organization depends directly on how well its employees are trained. Training
motivates employees to work efficiently and it is widely accepted as a problem solving tool. The
Human Resource Development department has to play a more proactive role in shaping the
employees to fight out the challenges. The banks not only have to make plans and policies and
devise strategies, the actual functionaries have to show willingness, competence and
effectiveness in executing the said policies and strategies. Both training and development are
necessary for any organization analysis usually arises due to an organizational problem. For this
purpose it is important that any training effort be targeted and relevant. Thus, the process by which training
needs are identified and addressed becomes a critical issue for organizations. It will introduce basic training
needs assessment terminology and discuss potential options for the process.

II. Literature Review
(Armstrong, 2007) A thorough needs assessment leads to effective and efficient training, which
increases the likelihood that evaluation will demonstrate successful value added outcomes.
Kaufman and Valentine (1999) refer to needs assessment as the process for identifying and
prioritizing gaps in performance. In contrast, they define needs analysis as the process for
attributing cause to identify performance gaps. Hence, the entire process will be referred as
needs assessment. So, once training has been conducted, a comprehensive evaluation should
follow. However, Goldstein (2001) claims that, of all of the best practices, needs assessment is
probably the most important part of the process. Therefore, training needs assessment is the
foundation of the entire instructional design process. It establishes the content of subsequent
training. If not done correctly, or at all, the job-relatedness, effectiveness and validity of any
training program is jeopardized. In addition, needs assessment provides a database to support or
justify resource allocation for other human resource functions. Therefore, Rothwell (2002)
indicates effective training as systematically designed learning, based on a complete analysis of
job requirements and trainee compatibility. This clarification implies a definite training process,
one highly regarded model for describing the systematic development of training programs is
the instruction design process.

III. Objectives of the study:

 To understand the training need analysis procedure of Bank of Baroda.

 To identify the training need from organizational analysis, task and person analysis.
 To analysis the training need of Bank of Baroda though six component of training need
 To make some recommendations and conclusion to further the development of Training
need analysis of Bank of Baroda

IV. Methodology: To carry out the objectives, secondary data has been used. The secondary
data and information have been collected from the case study and from reports and the website
of Bank of Baroda.

V. Training Needs Assessment of Bank of Baroda:
Bank of Baroda has a strong history of training intervention since 1948 when a batch of officers
were sent to UK for training. For this purpose, in a joint initiative with Bank of India, the joint
staff training college was established in 1962. The bank also has Staff College for training its
officers in banking and upgraded to conduct management development program. The training
needs are identified by analyzing the strategic (which challenges of the business have to be met
through training), procedural (which training programs are required for efficient performance of
given job roles), and employee perspectives (which training program should be given to whom).

VI. Major components for conducting Training Needs Assessment:

The data need to be collected at all three levels for the analysis to be effective. Based on the
information gathered and analyzing those, training need are identified .

i. Organizational Analysis: In the case study of Bank of Baroda, an organizational analysis is

done from strategic point of view that what are business challenges bank facing, where in
the organization, training is needed, what business challenges will be met though training.
These assessments help the Bank of Baroda to identify problem areas, identify
opportunities, and develop training program for improving them.
ii. Task Analysis: The task assessment gathers information about a particular job function.
This analysis identifies the key tasks, competencies and skills required to perform the
job at the most efficient level. In the case of Bank of Baroda this type of analysis is
done though the discussion of Zonal heads as well as with employees. It helps to
determine if there are any gaps between existing competencies and those needed for
improved performance and which training programs are required for efficient
performance of given job roles
iii. Person Analysis: Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors involved
in the process. In this case, Branch Manager discusses with employees with the
reference of their performance appraisals, the audit and inspection reports with regard
to customer complaints, and analyzing the business plans. The helps to identify training
need from employee’s perspective and which training program should be given to

VII. Six components of Training Needs Analysis:
To identify training needs, an analysis is done based on six component of need analysis. The six
component is given below:
i. Context analysis
ii. Participants’ analysis
iii. Work analysis
iv. Content analysis
v. Suitability analysis
vi. Cost-benefit analysis

i. Context Analysis: this involves an analysis of the business context or reasons for which the training
is desired. The important questions being answered by this analysis are:-

1. Who decided that training should be conducted?

In this case, the Chairman and Managing Director of the bank discuss with the Zonal heads to
decide it. Though branch managers identify the needs of training but they should be authorized
to both identify and nominate employees for training.

2. Why a training program is seen as the recommended solution to a business problem?

As a part of Bank’s strategic decisions and after analysis business plan, analysis of performance
appraisal, business plan, audit and inspection reports regarding customer complaints,
management decides whether training program is the recommended solutions.

3. What the history of the organization has been with regard to employee learning

The Bank of Baroda has a strong history of training intervention since 1948.

ii. Participants’ Analysis: It is the analysis dealing with potential learners and instructors
involved in the process.

1. Who is going to receive the training and what do they already know about the subject?.
In this case, Branch Manager identify the employees by discussing with them.

Performance appraisal, audit and inspection report are important sources of information
in this case.

• Who is going to instruct and what are their expertise in that subject?

The Bank of Baroda has a staff college for training officers in banking which upgraded to
conduct management development program, and The Bank of Baroda College for information
Technology to impart advanced skills in the area of information technology. Besides the bank
now has twelve regional training centers spread across the country to handle the basic training

iii. Work Analysis: it is an analysis of the tasks being performed. The important things examined
in this case are:

 Activities, tasks and roles of the job

 The competency requirements for effective performance

 It seeks to specify the main duties and skill level required

In this case, details work analysis is not done to identify the tasks, the competency required main
duties and skill level required. Work analysis will helps in ensuring that a given training method
and context are aligned with the relevant job role. Job description, job evaluation, job
specification, KPI analysis can be an important source of information for work analysis.

iv. Content Analysis: Content analysis is done on the documents, manuals, laws or procedures
used in a job so that the contents of the training does not conflict with or contradict job
requirements and all the rules and procedure of performance fully incorporated in the
designed training program. This is the essential question of a suitability training needs
analysis is the following:

 What knowledge or information is used on the job successful performance?

In the case of Bank of Baroda, top management along zonal heads discuss and finalize the
training content, usually related data comes from the branch managers through regional Offices.
After detailed discussion training schedule is finalized and training calendar is sent to the
regional offices and accordingly training programs are conducted.

v. Suitability Analysis: Suitability analysis try to address analysis whether training is the desired
solution. Training is one of several solutions to performance problems. However it may not
always be the best solution for the particular organization problem. This is the essential
question of a suitability training needs analysis is the following:

 Is non-performance due to a lack of knowledge and skills or are there other reasons?

In this case study the Branch Manager try to identify it not only discussing it the employees but
also analysis performance appraisals, business plan and most importantly by considering the
audit and inspection reports by referring to the customer complaints. So, they can easily assess
whether training is solution of the performance problem of the employees.

vi. Cost-Benefit Analysis: It is the analysis of whether the return on investment (ROI) of
training is greater than the initial investment of the training.

In this case, cost-benefit analysis will consider the benefits from training whether skill, ability
of the employees improved to perform efficiently in the job role, reduction in number of
customer compliances , percentage of customer increase through better customer service and its
impact on the revenues of Bank of Baroda.

In a cost-benefit training needs analysis, bank need to takes a long, hard look at the financial
side of training, to determine whether training makes economic sense. In this case, cost will be
reduced as some of the employees may not be able to attend training programs in distance places.
For such employees the regional HR department identifies the need to conduct locational
programs at places which are nearest to them which will benefit the bank in cost saving to some

VIII. Recommendations:

 The bank should analyze whether the training is best solutions to performance problems.
Training is often seen as a quick fix for changing individual and organizational
performance but it may not always be the best solution for the performance problem of
the employees.
 Though branch managers identify the needs of training but they should be authorized to
both identify and nominate employees for training. Rather than zonal heads, branch
managers will understand the best which employees should be nominated for training.
 In participant’s analysis, 360 degree feedback approach could be implemented for better
result. Only employees’ feedback and analysis performance appraisal and inspection
report is not enough,
 Branch Manager should conduct details task analysis to identify the major tasks and roles
of the job, the competency and skill level required for effective performance.
 It would be imperative to conduct cost-benefit analysis of each training program. The
feedback analysis of employees training could be compared with need assessment to
identify whether the benefit received from particular training is greater than it’s cost.
 For effective training output, HR Department along with Branch Managers should
monitor and ensure that employees are implementing training knowledge, skill to provide
effective banking service so that customer complain reduced and customer satisfaction
 It would be beneficial, if they arrange online training, web-based training though Skype,
zoom etc. for the employees who are not able to attend the training in far-off places for
personal reasons like family commitments.
 It would be better if management also focus on informal learning on the job and as
researcher have found sometimes unstructured learning from peers can be more effective
than formally specified classroom training programmes.
 It would be beneficial, if the management of bank arrange Managerial training program
for zonal managers, branch manager as well as for the HR department for successfully
achieving organizational goal.

IX. Conclusion:
Training is necessity in the changing environment and competitive business of banking sector.
Planned and systematic training plays important role to ensure excellent banking service provided
to it’s customer. It brings changes in knowledge skills and, attitude of employees and helps in
increasing the organizational productivity. The organization should encourage more training
facilities and informal learning as well, because it is one kind of encouragement to improve the
interest towards the training and development program. By providing training, bank supports the
skill development of their employees. If the training is good then the employees will contribute
their maximum for the achievement of the organizational objectives. The case study has been
shown that there is lot of scope for improvement in training need analysis of Bank of Baroda.
Although the banks have their own training institute, management attitude is very positive for
training support and training opportunities are also great, however, there are some lack in training
needs assessment. A perfect Training need assessment helps to address performance gap, to create
supportive learning environment. Bank should take necessary steps in such a way that employees
are encouraged to learn and feel that training is essential to enhance the efficiency of performance
and to increase customer satisfaction to meet the organizational goal.

Questions & Answers

Question 1. What, according to you, are the finer aspects of needs analysis in Bank of

Answer: Training needs analysis is the starting point of human resource development and training
process. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process in which the company identifies training
and development needs of its employees so that they can do their job effectively. It involves a
complete analysis of training needs required at various levels of the organization.

However, it is important to analyze the needs of training. Bank of Baroda is one of the exemplary
Bank serving since 1908.

The management at Bank of Baroda is considerate about the training needs assessment and this
challenging activity is done by analyzing following,

 Strategic: This is the plan or steps of action designed to help a company hold and build
on their competitive advantage. Which means the challenges of the business have to be
met through training?
 Procedural: Whether training programs that are required for efficient performance of
given job roles?
 Employee perspectives: which training program should be given to whom?

Other finer aspects of needs analysis are:

 Training needs of employees of branches are identified by discussing with employees, by

referring to the employee performance appraisals, by considering the audit and inspection
reports, by referring to the customer complaints, and by analyzing the business plans.
 In 1948, a batch of young officers was sent to the United Kingdom for training.
 In 1964, the Bank of Baroda staff college was started for training officers.
 The Bank of Baroda College for information Technology was started to teach advanced skills
in the area of information technology.
 Now it has twelve regional training centers across the country to handle the basic training
 In 1948, a batch of young officers was sent to the United Kingdom for training.

 Chairman and Managing Director of the bank with the Zonal heads gather every year to talk
about the training needs.
 Training needs of employees of branches are identified by discussing with employees, by
referring to the employee performance appraisals, by considering the audit and inspection
reports, by referring to the customer complaints, and by analyzing the business plans.

This analysis is basically done in two phases where top management along zonal heads discuss
and finalize the training required, usually related data comes from the branch managers through
regional Offices. After detailed discussion training schedule is finalized and training calendar is
sent to the regional offices and accordingly HR managers maintain and conduct training programs.

Above those are the finer evidences about the training needs analysis of Bank of Baroda.

Question 2. If you were to work as an HR manager in Bank of Baroda, how would you go
about identifying the training needs?

Answer: Before offering any form of training, it is important to identify the training needs.

If I was an HR manager in Bank of Baroda then I would follow above the analysis to identify the
training needs,

 Organizational Analysis
 Task Analysis
 Person Analysis

Organizational Analysis: An organizational analysis is an analytic business process that can

help organizations understand their performance, look for problem areas, identify opportunities,
and develop a plan of action for improving performance. In short, an organizational analysis is a
review of the basic components of an organization. In the case study of Bank of Baroda, an
organizational analysis will help to identify what are business challenges bank facing, where in
the organization training is needed, what business challenges will be met though training, under
what condition training will be conducted. These assessments will help the Bank of Baroda to
identify problem areas, identify opportunities, and develop training program for improving them.

Task Analysis: Task analysis gathers information about a particular job function. This
analysis identifies the key tasks, competencies and skills required to perform the job at the
most efficient level. Using job descriptions, skill analyses and job record questionnaires these
assessments are used to discover specific training needs. By using task analysis, it would be
easier to determine the factors such as present employee skills and the skill required to
complete the tasks successfully. In the case of Bank of Baroda, this analysis will helps to
determine if there are any gaps between existing competencies and competency needed for
successful performance on the job role and which training programs are required for efficient
performance of given job roles

Person Analysis: Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors involved in the
process. The important questions being answered by this analysis are who will receive the
training and their level of existing knowledge on the subject, what their learning style is, and
who will conduct the training. Do the employees have required skills? Are there changes to
policies, procedures, software, or equipment that require or necessitate training?
It focuses on a particular employee to discover how well they are performing. This type of
assessment determines the individual’s existing skills and competencies, their learning style
and capacity for new work. It identifies who within the organization requires training and
what kind of training is needed. As an HR Manager, I would like to use 360 degree
evaluations that are useful to identify the employee’s strengths and areas for improvement in
regards to competencies, skills and behaviors. Information can be gathered about employees
by 360 degree performance appraisal from peers, supervisor, subordinates and customers.
Person Analysis will helps to identify training need from employee’s perspective and which
training program should be given to whom

Question 3. HR managers sitting in regional offices cannot understand the needs of the
branches. Therefore, branch managers should be empowered to identify and nominate
employees for training. Discuss giving your views in this case.
Answer: In Bank of Baroda, a corporate meeting held by the Chairman and Managing Director
with the Zonal heads to discuss the training needs every year. Zonal heads for their part collect
the information from their offices and branches about training needs. Though branch managers

identify the needs of training but they should be authorized to both identify and nominate
employees for training. Rather than zonal heads, branch managers will understand the best of
who should be nominated for training. It is a long process when the branch manager doesn’t
have the power of nominating the training program to a particular employee. Also, it is a time
consuming process.
For example, an employee of foreign transaction department needs urgent training to deal with the
most recent issues. So here the branch manager needs to wait for the corporate meeting then he
will report about the necessary training. In this situation both the employee and the branch manager
need to wait which is sometimes time consuming. At the same time, this branch may face some
difficulties to deal with issues and it may hamper the customer satisfaction towards Bank of

If the branch manager has the empowerment to nominate the training to employees then it would
be helpful for employees as they will get training on time and can improve the service of the bank
timely. This could be a reason for the sustainable image of Bank of Baroda towards customers.

It would be imperative to maintain Bank of Baroda training staffs which are capable of performing
all training functions including needs assessment analysis and evaluation. Moreover, branch
managers are more close to employees than zonal ones. Employees may feel comfortable sharing
something with the branch manager. Also, branch managers will understand better the feedbacks
or results of the training effectively.

Therefore, the branch managers should be authorized to identify and nominate employees for

X. Bibliography




XI. References
1 Armstrong, M. Human resource management (Kogan Page Limited, 2nd Ed., London,
2 Rothwell, W. J., Beyond training and development: State-of-the-art strategies for
enhancing performance, AMACOM, New
3 York, 2002.
4 Kozlowski, S. W. J., & Salas, E., A multilevel organizational systems approach for the
implementation and transfer of training,
5 Goldstein, I. L., Training in organizations: Needs assessment, development, and
evaluation (Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 3rd Ed., 2001)


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