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1. If you were to express your current feelings or emotional state right now what type of art
expression will you use? Why?

Right now in this time of pandemic i would use a dull color,to paint my feelings i
sympathize with all of the frontliners and sad about the deaths of many people but we are
still fighting that is why after the rain there is always a rainbow PAINT THE WORLD
WITH DIFFERENT COLORS AND ART STYLE. One way that artists have used to
express emotion is by the sweeping gesture. Which, incidentally, I personally hate and try
almost any avenue that enables me to eradicate it. HOWEVER, other artists love it, a
prime example being the Suprematist Artist Kazuhiro Malevich, who coined the term
Suprematism as “the elevation of emotion” in art. Actually, most of his work seems not
to feature all that much gesture, and seems even somewhat restrained. Not so the work of
one of his most enthusiastic later devotees, the recently deceased Zaha Hadid, the famous
architect. And I also don’t much like the work of hers that seems most expressive of
gestural emotion, as, again, I am more of the opinion that architecture should be less
concerned with dramatic ego statements and more about responding to lived human needs
as regards space utilization.

2. Utilizing your creativity and imagination express your current feelings or emotional state
with the art of expression of your choice.

Some feelings are hard to verbalize. Some thoughts we don’t want to say out loud. So what
do we do with them? My thoughts and feelings used to drive me to get high. I had learned
that drugs could change how I felt, whether it was dampening my anger or invigorating my
boredom. But, that change was always only temporary.
Now that I’m living a life in recovery, I still deal with impulsive thoughts and overwhelming
feelings, but I find a way to manage them by expressing them. Self-expression sounded like a
lot of “Dear Diary” nonsense to me, but  the creative arts are an amazing outlet for our
We can write our thoughts down privately into journals, stories and poems. But, we can go
beyond words and express through paintings, drawings, doodles, and photographs. We can
express through music, dance, and song. Self-expression involves any activity where we can
transfer the energy from our thoughts and feelings into another form. And, usually, this
makes us feel better.

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