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Aprotinin and Tranexamic Acid for High

Transfusion Risk Cardiac Surgery

Bill I. Wong, MD, Richard F. McLean, MD, Stephen E. Fremes, MD,
Katherine A. Deemar, CPC, Ellen M. Harrington, BA, George T. Christakis, MD,
and Bernard S. Goldman, MD
Department of Anesthesia, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, and Department of Clinical Perfusion, Sunnybrook and Women’s
College Health Science Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Background. Studies have shown that aprotinin and blood transfusions up to 24 hours postoperatively, total
tranexamic acid can reduce postoperative blood loss after allogeneic blood transfusions for entire hospital stay, or
cardiac operation. However, which drug is more effica- induction/postoperative hemoglobin levels. However,
cious in a higher risk surgical group of patients, has yet multiple regression analysis revealed a positive relation-
to be defined in a randomized study. ship between cardiopulmonary bypass time and 24 hour
Methods. With informed consent, 80 patients undergo- blood loss in the tranexamic acid group (p 5 0.001),
ing elective high transfusion risk cardiac procedures unlike the aprotinin group where 24 hour blood loss is
(repeat sternotomy, multiple valve, combined proce- independent of cardiopulmonary bypass time (p 5 0.423).
dures, or aortic arch operation) were randomized in a Conclusions. Overall, there was no significant differ-
double-blind fashion, to receive either high dose aproti- ence in blood loss, or transfusion requirements, when
nin or tranexamic acid. Patient and operative character- patients received either aprotinin or tranexamic acid for
istics, chest tube drainage and transfusion requirements high transfusion risk cardiac operation. Aprotinin, when
were recorded. given as an infusion in a high-dose regimen, was able to
Results. There was no significant difference between negate the usual positive effect of cardiopulmonary by-
the 2 treatment groups with respect to age, cardiopulmo- pass time on chest tube blood loss.
nary bypass time, complications (myocardial infarction, (Ann Thorac Surg 2000;69:808 –16)
stroke, death), chest tube drainage (6, 12, or 24 hours), © 2000 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

C ardiovascular surgery is associated with a significant

consumption of allogeneic blood products, often as
a result of acquired hemostatic defects and/or incomplete
blood conservation techniques. However, some patients
or operations are at an increased risk for allogeneic
transfusions, because of excessive bleeding periopera-
surgical hemostasis. Management of the abnormal bleed- tively. The risk factors include: (1) repeat cardiac opera-
ing exposes the patient to the morbidity of reoperation tion; (2) complex procedures, such as multiple valve
and/or excessive, and sometimes inappropriate, blood replacements or aortic arch repairs; and (3) procedures
product transfusions. The resulting increased risk of requiring long CPB times, such as combined procedures
transfusion-related complications, especially the trans- (valve replacement plus myocardial revascularization)
mission of the hepatitis C virus and human immunode- [2]. These patients will benefit the most from the use of
ficiency virus, has caused a renewed interest in dimin- pharmacological agents to reduce bleeding.
ishing the need for allogeneic blood transfusions by the Pharmacological agents to reduce bleeding have re-
pharmacological reduction of bleeding. cently gained much interest, since they are readily avail-
The nonendothelial surfaces of the cardiopulmonary able, easy to administer, can be used prophylactically, do
bypass (CPB) circuit cause contact activation of the coag-
not require the use of costly equipment, and appear to be
ulation cascades and of platelets, despite the use of
very safe and efficacious. The perioperative use of tran-
heparin. Thus, CPB is associated with several alterations
examic acid, «-aminocaproic acid, and aprotinin have
in the hemostatic mechanisms including: (1) increased
gained acceptance around the world for the prophylactic
fibrinolysis; (2) decreased platelet numbers and function;
reduction of allogeneic blood transfusions in cardiac
(3) dilution of clotting factors; and (4) the residual effects
of heparin or excess protamine [1]. All patients will lose operation patients. Tranexamic acid and «-aminocaproic
some blood during and after CPB, and many patients will acid are synthetic lysine analogue antifibrinolytics. Tran-
not require blood transfusions with presently employed examic acid was chosen for this study because it has been
more extensively studied in the cardiac operation popu-
Accepted for publication Aug 31, 1999. lation. It competitively inhibits the activation of plasmin-
ogen to plasmin, and is also a weak noncompetitive
Address reprint requests to Dr Wong, M3–200, Department of Anesthesia,
Sunnybrook and Women’s College HSC, 2075 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON, inhibitor of plasmin, blocking its action on fibrin. Thus,
Canada M4N 3M5; e-mail: tranexamic acid is thought to act by preventing the

© 2000 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/00/$20.00

Published by Elsevier Science Inc PII S0003-4975(99)01419-8

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premature dissolution of the normal fibrin clot. It is also ulation defects (including abnormal preoperative coagu-
possible that tranexamic acid may help to preserve plate- logram [prothrombin time (PT) . 18 seconds or partial
let function, by reducing the effect of plasmin on platelet prothrombin time (PTT) . 50 seconds] or platelet
membrane receptors [3]. Aprotinin forms reversible count , 100 3 109/L), preexisting renal dysfunction
dose-dependent enzyme-inhibitor complexes of proteo- (serum creatinine . 200 mmol/L), or had autologous
lytic enzymes, including human trypsin, plasmin, and predonation of blood, were excluded from the study.
kallikrein. Thus, it also has an antiplasmin effect, like the Consenting subjects were randomized (double-blinded)
antifibrinolytics, inhibiting fibrinolysis and preserving to receive either high-dose aprotinin (AP group) or
platelet function. However, there may be other beneficial high-dose tranexamic acid (TA group).
effects such as an antikallikrein effect, which may inhibit
the contact phase of coagulation, diminishing the gener- Drug Administration
ation of thrombin [3]. Because of its varying actions on The randomization and preparation of the study drugs
different enzyme systems, its exact mechanism(s) of ac- was performed by the hospital’s department of phar-
tion are still not entirely clear. macy. There was no attempt to stratify the randomization
Both aprotinin and tranexamic acid appear to be effi- process. The high-dose aprotinin regimen [7] included
cacious in reducing blood loss after cardiac operations intravenous infusion of 2 3 106 kallikrein inhibitory units
[4]. Aprotinin is more extensively reported in the litera- (KIU) of aprotinin-Trasylol ([Bayer AG; Leverkusen, Ger-
ture for all patient subsets. It appears more efficacious in many], 10,000 KIU/mL of pure aprotinin in a preserva-
attaining the goal of reducing allogeneic transfusion tive-free isotonic solution) infused over 20 minutes, after
requirements in the population at risk, while the efficacy induction of anesthesia and before skin incision. Subse-
of tranexamic acid in high and low-risk populations has quently, 5 3 105 KIU/h of aprotinin were administered
more recently been confirmed in the literature [5]. For- continuously throughout the operation, until skin clo-
tunately, the incidence of complications, such as graft sure. Additionally, aprotinin (2 3 106 KIU) was added to
thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction, stroke, renal the priming solution of the CPB circuit. Tranexamic acid
dysfunction, and allergic reactions is low [6]. There is was administered as an intravenous bolus dose of 10 g
evidence that the hypercoagulable effects of aprotinin or tranexamic acid-Cyklokapron ([Pharmacia & UpJohn Inc,
tranexamic acid may be related to patient risk factors, Missisgauga, Ontario, Canada], 0.1 g/mL tranexamic
inadequate anticoagulation, protamine reversal syn- acid) over 20 minutes, after induction of anesthesia and
drome, and the use of these drugs in the postoperative before skin incision [8]. No further tranexamic acid was
time frame. Cost is another factor to consider; aprotinin is used, but placebos consisting of 0.9% normal saline
over three times more expensive than tranexamic acid solution were used for the continuous infusion, and the
(CAN$930.00 vs CAN$277.50 per patient). This study will addition to the CPB prime solution to mimic aprotinin
try to determine which drug is the most efficacious. If administration. A test dose of the study solution (1 mL)
tranexamic acid can reduce bleeding to the same extent was given to the patient to help detect any allergic
as aprotinin, then it would it would make economic sense responses before the initial loading dose was given. The
to use the less costly drug therapy. prime dose was not added to the CPB prime solution
until after the patient safely received the initial loading
dose of the study drug.
Patients and Methods
With the approval of the Sunnybrook HSC Research Anesthetic, Surgical, and CPB Management
Ethics Board (1993), 80 patients undergoing elective, high The anesthetic protocol consisted of intravenous fentanyl
transfusion risk cardiac procedures were studied after citrate, midazolam, and pancuronium bromide. Follow-
giving informed consent. Preliminary sample size (esti- ing tracheal intubation, anesthesia was maintained with
mates based on retrospective data) suggested that 30 halothane or isoflurane. The subjects were ventilated to
patients per group would have enough power (1 2 b . normocapnia with a 50% oxygen/air mixture. Conduct of
0.80, a 5 0.05 two-sided test) to detect clinically signifi- the operation was carried out in accordance with the
cant endpoints (200 mL difference in postoperative chest usual protocols of the participating surgeons. Exposure
tube blood loss or the transfusion of 2 units of packed red was provided by a median sternotomy, and extracorpo-
blood cells). A total sample of 80 patients was chosen, to real circulation lines consisted of aortic arch and atrial
ensure enough patients complete the protocol. The pro- cannulas. A Cobe heart-lung machine (Cobe Cardiovas-
cedures included repeat cardiac operations (aortocoro- cular Inc, Arvada, CO) with Bentley (Baxter Healthcare
nary bypass [ACB] or valvular operations), combined Corp, Bentley Laboratories Division, Irvine, CA) tubing
procedures (valvular operation plus ACB), and other and reservoirs were used for CPB, including membrane
complex procedures (multiple valve replacement, as- oxygenators (Maxima Hollow Fiber Oxygenator;
cending aortic graft). Subjects were excluded if they had Medtronic Blood Systems, Inc, Anaheim, CA) and in-line
recent (, 5 days) acetylsalicylic acid ingestion, thrombo- arterial line filters (Bard H-645 with Biothyl; C. R. Bard,
lytic therapy (streptokinase, urokinase, or tissue plasmin- Inc, Murray Hill, NJ). Circuit prime consisted of 1500 mL
ogen activator , 1 day) or anticoagulant therapy (hepa- lactated Ringer’s solution, 100 mL 25% albumin, 25 g
rin , 4 hours preoperative or warfarin , 3 days mannitol, 50 mEq sodium bicarbonate, and 5000 units
preoperatively). As well, subjects with preexisting coag- heparin sodium. Priming solution was precirculated

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through a 5 mm prebypass filter (Bentley) before cannu- of excessive active bleeding (. 200 mL/h), and a labora-
lation. CPB was employed with core temperatures of 27° tory demonstrated coagulation defect (platelet count ,
C to 33° C. Nonpulsatile flows of 2.4 L/min/m2 were used 100 3 109/L, PT or PTT . 1.5 3 control value, or
at normothermia, and were no lower than 1.8 L/min/m2 fibrinogen level , 1.0 g/L).
at 28° C. Mean arterial pressure was maintained between
50 and 80 mm Hg. Oxygen inflow of 2 to 5 L/min was Postoperative Intensive Care
adjusted for normal oxygenation and alpha-stat acid- With the exception of protamine to reverse the action of
base balance. heparin, the nonstudy postoperative use of additional
The study did not intend for the inclusion of cases with pharmacologic agents to reduce bleeding (antifibrinolyt-
deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). The proce- ics: aprotinin, tranexamic acid, «-aminocaproic acid; co-
dures did include repairs of the ascending aorta, with or agulation factor enhancers: desmopressin acetate; or
without aortic valve replacement. These cases generally agents to preserve platelet function: prostaglandins
do not employ DHCA at our institution. However, one [PGE1 or PGI2]) were avoided for the first 24 hours in the
mitral valve replacement (MVR) with ACB procedure study. The routine immediate postoperative use of low-
required DHCA, because of an aortic tear secondary to dose acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg orally per day) for the
aortic cannulation. This patient (TA group) required protection of ACB graft patency, and low dose intrave-
DHCA to urgently replace the ascending aorta with a nous heparin (PTT , 40) for antithrombotic protection of
graft. Circulatory arrest lasted 8 minutes at a temperature valve prostheses continued, as per usual protocol, when
of 26 °C. This patient was classified as an aortic operation chest tube bleeding had diminished. Full therapeutic
case. Another aortic valve replacement-ascending aortic anticoagulation (heparin and/or warfarin) for mechanical
graft (AP group) required a short (36 second) period of prosthetic valves was instituted after chest tube removal
circulatory arrest at 20° C. The other 4 cases, involving at 24 to 36 hours postoperatively. In addition, the use of
the ascending aorta, were performed under moderate low dose (6 mg/h) intravenous dipyridamole (Persantine;
hypothermic CPB without circulatory arrest. Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd, Burlington, Ontario,
Patients were anticoagulated pre-CPB with 300 IU/kg Canada) to promote arterial patency after coronary end-
heparin sodium ([Hepalean; Organon Teknika, Toronto, arterectomy was instituted during the operation when
Canada], 1,000 USP U/mL of heparin sodium from por- indicated.
cine intestinal mucosa in 1% benzyl alcohol as preserva-
tive in an isotonic aqueous solution), supplemented with Data Collection
50 to 100 IU/kg as needed, to maintain an activated Postoperatively, blood loss from the mediastinal chest
clotting time (ACT) of greater than 400 seconds during tubes was reported at 6, 12, and 24 hours from the time
CPB (HemoTec kaolin activator [HemoTec, Inc, Engle- the patient arrived in the ICU. In addition, the volume of
wood, CO]; note: aprotinin is reported to prolong the autotransfused blood in the first 6 hours was recorded.
ACT, but this effect is felt to result from the use of Blood product transfusion requirements were docu-
celite-activated assays and not kaolin-activated test mented (by type and donor unit exposure) for the entire
tubes) [9]. Heparin neutralization after termination of hospital stay. Hematological and biochemical studies
CPB was by slow intravenous injection of protamine were monitored in the perioperative period. Periopera-
sulfate ([Lyphomed Canada Inc, Markham, Canada], tive events that were noted included perioperative myo-
10 mg/mL protamine sulfate in preservative free isotonic cardial infarction (new Q-waves on electrocardiogram
solution) at a dose of 1 mg/100 IU of estimated active and elevation of creatinine kinase MB isoenzyme/total
heparin. ACT after protamine administration was moni- creatinine kinase (CK) ratio . 5%), strokes (neurologic
tored with the goal to return to near preheparinization examination), reoperation for bleeding, and the surgical
levels (not greater than 10% above baseline). diagnosis discovered at reoperation (surgical bleeding,
leaking anastomoses; medical bleeding, coagulopathy).
Blood Transfusion Protocol
Blood conservation methods used include reinfusion of Statistics
shed cardiotomy blood during CPB, and autotransfusion Data was analyzed with commercially available software
of salvaged mediastinal-shed blood for the first 6 hours (JMP, SAS Institute Inc; SPSS, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). A
postoperatively. Blood product transfusion guidelines two-sided t-test was used to test normally distributed
were used to standardize transfusion practice. Some variables. A nonparametric test (Wilcoxon two-sample
latitude in the decision to give transfusion products was test) was used on blood transfusion data. The frequency
allowed, since it is often not clinically practical to wait for of transfusion was compared with a x2 test or Fisher’s
laboratory tests when a patient is hemorrhaging. During exact test for small sample sizes. All results are expressed
the operation, packed red blood cell (PRBC) concentrates as mean and standard error of the mean, unless other-
were transfused when the hematocrit/hemoglobin (Hct/ wise stated. Multiple regression analysis (backwards
Hb) value was less than 0.20/70 g/L. In the postoperative elimination) was performed to determine if any patient
intensive care unit (ICU), the threshold for PRBC trans- or surgical variables (age, drug group, CPB time, CPB
fusion was a Hct/Hb less than 0.25/80. The indication for temperature, procedure, and surgeon) impacted on the
perioperative random donor platelets, fresh frozen primary endpoints (blood loss, blood transfusions) of the
plasma, or cryoprecipitate transfusion was the presence study.

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Table 1. Surgical Procedure neic blood transfusions for entire hospital stay, or induc-
tion/postoperative hemoglobin levels (Tables 2– 4).
Procedure Aprotinin Tranexamic Acid
The largest group of surgical procedures included
ACB 1 valve 15 22 those undergoing combined ACB and valve replacement
Repeat sternotomy operation. Post hoc analysis of this more homogenous
Redo ACB 3 1 subgroup also revealed no significant differences in the
Redo valve 7 7 outcomes described above. Further subanalysis of other
Multiple valve 10 6 surgical procedure groups (repeat sternotomy, multiple
Ascending aortic graft 4 2 valve operations) did not reveal any significant differ-
Total 39 38 ences because of the lack of power. For instance, when
the patients who underwent repeat sternotomy (redo)
ACB 5 aortocoronary bypass surgery; Redo 5 repeat sternotomy;
Valve 5 valve replacement surgery. were analyzed post hoc, there appeared to be a signifi-
cant difference, favoring aprotinin, in the use of PRBC’s,
1.50 6 0.54 versus. 3.57 6 0.81 units (p 5 0.046, Wilcoxon
Results 2-sample test), in the intraoperative plus 24 hours post-
Eighty patients were enrolled and randomized to the two operative period. However, we are wary of potential
treatment groups. One patient (TA group) was excluded imbalances in randomization caused by the small size of
when the operation was cancelled, because of the inabil- the subgroup. Also, given the risks of a type 1 error from
ity to safely cannulate a heavily calcified aorta. Two multiplicity, a Bonferroni correction of the p-value would
patients (1 AP, 1 TA) underwent simpler procedures, and not allow this result to be characterized as statistically
were not given the study drug at all. Of the remaining 77 significant.
patients (39 AP, 38 TA) who entered the protocol, analysis Multiple regression analysis also revealed that CPB
of the whole group, or of surgical subsets revealed no time had a significant effect on 12 and 24 hour blood loss
significant differences between the two drug treatment in patients who received tranexamic acid (p 5 0.002, p 5
groups with respect to age, weight, surgical procedure, 0.001 respectively), but not in those who received apro-
CBP time, and CPB temperature (Tables 1, 2). tinin (p 5 0.441, p 5 0.423 respectively). The p value for
There were 4 in-hospital deaths (2 AP, 2 TA). This the drug-by-CPB time interaction for the 12 and 24 hour
included a patient (TA group) undergoing repeat MVR, blood loss was 0.033 and 0.026, respectively. Linear re-
who died intraoperatively from a myocardial infarction. gression analysis revealed a positive relationship be-
This subject is included in the demographic and surgical tween the 24 hour blood loss and CPB time in the
data, but blood loss and transfusion data were not tranexamic acid group (p 5 0.0037, analysis of variance),
complete. Thus, blood loss, transfusion data, and postop- unlike the aprotinin group where 24 hour blood loss is
erative complications were analyzed with 76 patients. independent of CPB time (p 5 0.33, analysis of variance).
Another patient underwent repeat ACB (AP group) and Further multiple regression analysis did not find any
died from a perioperative myocardial infarction 2 days significant interaction between blood loss/transfusions
after operation. A third patient died after a week in the and other variables such as age, gender, surgeon, surgical
ICU, after a combined MVR and ACB (AP group). This procedure, preoperative hemoglobin or CPB temperature.
patient developed severe right heart failure, low output
syndrome, ventricular arrhythmias, and renal failure.
The fourth patient who also underwent a combined MVR
and ACB (TA group) had a long and complicated post- Aprotinin, tranexamic acid, and «-aminocaproic acid
operative course, including low output syndrome, renal [4 – 8, 10] have been shown to reduce blood loss after
failure, and wound infection. This patient died 4 months cardiac operations, when compared to placebo control
postoperatively from hemodialysis complications. groups. The use of tranexamic acid in cardiac operations
Only one patient (AP group), who underwent a com- has been reported in more randomized trials than «-ami-
bined ACB and valve replacement procedure, required nocaproic acid, thus tranexamic acid was chosen as the
reoperation for surgical bleeding. There was no statisti- synthetic antifibrinolytic to compare against aprotinin.
cally significant difference between the two treatment Also, a placebo control group was not used for this study
groups with respect to complications (PMI, stroke, since the efficacy of the drugs has been established in the
death), 6, 12, or 24 hour chest tube blood loss, blood literature. The cost of prophylactic therapy and the in-
transfusions up to 24 hours postoperatively, total alloge- complete safety data for these drugs [11], has reserved

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics and Clinical Outcomesa

Drug N Age (y) Weight (kg) CPB Time (min) CPB Temperature (° C) MI Stroke Hospital Death

Aprotinin 39 65.4 (1.37) 75.7 (2.81) 159 (6.27) 27.8 (0.49) 4 1 2

Tranexamic acid 38 66.0 (1.72) 78.8 (3.35) 169 (8.06) 28.4 (0.51) 5 0 2
Values are absolute or mean (standard error of the mean).
CPB 5 cardiopulmonary bypass; MI 5 myocardial infarction.

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Table 3. Blood Lossa

6 Hour 12 Hour 24 Hour Hb in
Blood Loss Blood Loss Blood Loss Initial Hb 24 Hours
Drug N (mL) (mL) (mL) (g/dL) (g/dL) Reoperation

Aprotinin 39 302 (44.2) 429 (50.5) 682 (61.3) 11.7 (0.24) 9.0 (0.14) 1
Tranexamic acid 37 310 (40.3) 462 (53.9) 746 (71.8) 11.9 (0.24) 9.0 (0.15) 0
Mean TA—AP difference 33 (74) 64 (94)
95% CI of difference 2114,180 2123,252
Values are absolute or mean (standard error of the mean).
AP 5 aprotinin group; CI 5 confidence interval; Hb 5 hemoglobin; TA 5 tranexamic acid group.

the use of these drugs for high-risk procedures/patients examic acid. This trend is not seen in the patients who
in our institution. The high dose regimens described for received aprotinin. Also, the linear regression models for
these drugs [7, 8] were used to affect a maximum benefit, the tranexamic acid is significantly different from a hor-
since these patients are at a higher risk for blood loss. izontal line at the mean (p , 0.01; analysis of variance).
The goal of this study was to determine if either aprotinin The fact that this trend is only seen in patients who
or tranexamic acid (in high doses) was more efficacious in received tranexamic acid suggests that the overall effec-
reducing blood loss and allogeneic transfusion require- tiveness of the medication (when only given as a bolus at
ments in high transfusion risk cardiac operation patients. the beginning of the procedure) may be decreased when
In the total patient group analysis, the amount of shed CPB is prolonged. Aprotinin is given as a bolus and an
mediastinal blood compares favorably with our meta- infusion, thus compensating for long CPB times. Perhaps,
analysis of previously published studies [4]. The 12 hour if the tranexamic acid were also given as an infusion, this
chest tube blood loss (mean 6 standard error of the would help maintain its efficacy for long CPB times. Is it
mean) in all patients of our study was only 443 6 36.3 mL, possible that aprotinin given in a high dose regimen is
compared to means of 698 to 770 mL in the placebo more protective for long CPB times than a single bolus of
groups of the meta-analysis. The aprotinin and antifi- tranexamic acid? In addition, patients undergoing repeat
brinolytic (tranexamic acid or «-aminocaproic acid) treat- sternotomy may have a longer period of time between
ment groups in the meta-analysis did have this amount the delivery of the drug and the start of CPB, since the
of blood loss (446 mL, 526 mL, respectively). When one opening of the chest is more tedious secondary to adhe-
also considers that most of the studies in the meta- sions from the previous sternotomy. Further studies of
analysis were not in the high-risk complex operation the pharmacokinetics of these drugs will enable more
category, our results certainly appear to be in line with accurate dosing of the medication to allow for long CPB
the expected results with prophylactic antifibrinolytics in times.
cardiac operation. The average duration of CPB in this A power analysis was performed to determine if the
study (162 6 5.2 minutes) is much longer that that for study sample had enough power to detect differences in
routine ACBs (80 to 100 minutes), and this length of CPB clinically important outcomes. For postoperative blood
contributes to the patient’s risk of postoperative bleeding loss, a difference of at least 200 to 300 mL would be more
[2]. Remarkably, only 1 patient (1 of 76, 1.3%) returned to clinically relevant than a 100 mL difference, since the
the operating room for postoperative hemorrhaging, sim- larger amount may influence decisions to give transfu-
ilar to the reoperation event rate revealed in the meta- sions or drug therapy. Also, a reduction in the use of
analysis (0.44% to 1.47% in the drug treatment groups). PRBCs in the first 24 hours after operation by two units
Multiple regression analysis of chest tube blood loss would certainly be clinically important. The patient’s
versus CPB time, reveals a positive relationship between preoperative hemoglobin level may influence the need
blood loss and CPB time in patients who received tran- for one unit of blood perioperatively. Our power calcu-

Table 4. Transfusionsa
PRBC in Platelets in FFP in Cryo in Total Units
24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours in Hospital No Bld in No Bld in Reinf
Drug N (units) (units) (units) (units) (units) 24 Hours Hospital Bld

Aprotinin 39 2.03 (0.34) 1.74 (0.55) 0.31 (0.14) 0.51 (0.37) 5.90 (1.66) 12 (30.8%) 9 (23.1%) 7
Tranexamic acid 37 2.49 (0.37) 1.81 (0.57) 0.62 (0.30) 0.86 (0.52) 7.19 (1.71) 8 (21.6%) 6 (16.2%) 4
Mean TA—AP difference 0.46 (0.50)
95% CI of difference 20.55, 1.47
Values are absolute or mean (standard error of the mean).
AP 5 aprotinin group; Bld 5 blood products; CI 5 confidence interval; Cryo 5 cryoprecipitate; FFP 5 fresh frozen plasma; PRBC 5
packed red blood cells; Reinf bld 5 reinfusion of chest tube blood loss; TA 5 tranexamic acid group.

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Table 5. Power Calculation

Detectable Delta
AP TA SD Used in (5% level, 80%
Variable (observed SD) (observed SD) Power Analysis power, 38 per group)

12 Hour blood loss (mL) 315 327 321 209

24 Hour blood loss (mL) 383 437 410 267
PRBC in 24 hours (units) 2.12 2.28 2.2 1.43

AP 5 aprotinin group; PRBC 5 packed red blood cells; SD 5 standard deviation; TA 5 tranexamic acid group.

lations (Table 5) demonstrate that there is sufficient superior to the synthetic antifibrinolytics. Also, the blood
power [(1 2 b) . 0.80] to detect a 209 mL blood loss saving advantage of aprotinin over other antifibrinolytics
difference at 12 hours and 267 mL blood loss difference at may be small, especially in low risk populations. Aproti-
24 hours in the total group (significance level of a 5 0.05, nin does appear to be the most beneficial of these
two-sided test). Also, there is sufficient power to detect a blood-sparing drugs when one examines the meta-
1.43 unit difference in the transfusion of PRBCs in the analyses of randomized trials [4, 5]. However, direct
total study. Since our study did not find any significant comparison trials suggest that the reduction of allogeneic
differences in blood loss or transfusion needs between blood transfusions with aprotinin treatment is not much
the two drug groups (small deltas), the power analysis greater that that seen with tranexamic acid or «-aminoca-
reassures us that clinically important outcomes were not proic acid.
missed by insufficient sample size.
With such a minimal benefit and a large price differ-
There have been 14 cardiac operation studies [18 –31]
ential, many centers are using the less expensive drugs
directly comparing the efficacy of aprotinin against a
for patients at risk. The cost of aprotinin is so large ('
synthetic lysine analogue antifibrinolytic (tranexamic
CAN$1000, compared to tranexamic acid ' CAN$100 to
acid and/or «-aminocaproic acid) (Table 6). The variation
in patient population and drug dosages complicates CAN$275, and «-aminocaproic acid ' CAN$50), that
direct comparisons between studies. As expected, most direct recovery of its cost by reducing blood transfusions
studies did find that aprotinin (11 out of 11), tranexamic is difficult [12]. One of the problems is actually the
acid (4 out of 7), or «-aminocaproic acid (2 out of 2) unnecessary blood transfusions that 27% of patients
reduced postoperative blood loss when compared to receive [13]. A recent publication has revealed that the
available placebo controls. Only about a third of the cost per unit of allogeneic blood for inpatient red blood
studies (5 out of 14) [18, 21, 25, 26, 28] found aprotinin to cell transfusion is CAN$210 [14]. This includes the cost of
be superior to tranexamic acid or «-aminocaproic acid in collection, production, distribution, and delivery. How-
reducing postoperative blood loss. Interestingly, none of ever, one must remember that the cost of bleeding
the studies were able to demonstrate a clear superiority includes not only the cost of drug/transfusion therapy,
of any of these drugs in reducing the average transfusion but also the materials and manpower costs of reopera-
requirements. The study by Landymore and colleagues tions, prolonged intensive care, and the treatment of
[25] did find that the aprotinin and «-aminocaproic acid complications of large volume allogeneic blood product
groups had significantly lower blood transfusions than transfusions. Other problems will always exist in con-
the tranexamic acid group. Interestingly, only 2 out of 6 junction with blood product transfusions: a limited sup-
studies [19, 26], which reported the data, found aprotinin ply; need for cross-matching; ABO blood group compat-
to be significantly superior to tranexamic acid or «-ami- ibility error; septic unit transfusion; alloimmunization;
nocaproic acid in reducing the proportion of patients possible immunosuppression; dilutional coagulopathy;
who required transfusions. and a short shelf life. These costs are enormous (reported
Relatively small sample size and the low risk popula-
as high as CAN$60,000) in comparison to the cost of the
tion studied have limited these comparative studies.
drug therapy [13]. Fortunately, these complications are
Most of these studies utilized primary ACB or valve
infrequent, so the added costs are spread out among a
operation patients and only 4 studies had repeat sternot-
large number of patients. Thus by reducing blood trans-
omy or combined procedures (ACB and valve replace-
ment). By utilizing a high-risk group of patients to fusions, one can easily realize an economical benefit,
compare the efficacy of two blood-sparing drugs (aproti- better patient care, and reduced stress on a valuable and
nin and tranexamic acid), one may be able to show a chronically short-supplied blood banking system.
greater effect with the prophylactic drug treatment. Pa- One cannot discuss the benefits of these hemostatic
tients who are at risk of greater blood loss after cardiac drugs without discussing their potential risks. It would
operation have a greater potential to benefit from pro- seem logical that along with increased efficacy, there may
phylactic pharmacologic treatment. It would appear that be increased thrombotic risk. A large multicenter, ran-
aprotinin and tranexamic acid can reduce blood loss and domized, placebo controlled study was commissioned by
blood transfusions in comparison to placebo controls. Bayer to answer the question of early graft occlusion with
However, there are not enough data to tell if aprotinin is aprotinin therapy. Alderman and colleagues [15] re-

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814 WONG ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

Table 6. Comparison Trials

Total dose Proportion
Authors Procedure Drug N (70 kg/4 h) Blood Loss Blood Transfusion Transfused

Bennett-Guerrero et al Repeat ACB/ Aprotinin 99 6 3 106 KIU AP , EACAa AP , EACAb

[18] and/or valve EACA 105 19 g
Blauhut et al [19] Primary ACB Aprotinin 14 5 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
Tranexamic 15 1 g TA , Plab TA , Plab TA , Plaa
Placebo 14 AP , TAb AP , TAb AP , TAa
Boughenou et al [20] Primary valve Aprotinin 17 6 3 106 KIU TA , APb TA , APb
Tranexamic 18 2 g
Corbeau et al [21] Primary ACB Aprotinin 43 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plab
or AVR Tranexamic 41 2.1 g TA , Plaa TA , Plab
Placebo 20 AP , TAa AP , TAb
Cousin et al [22] Primary or Aprotinin 20 6 3 106 KIU AP H , Plaa Pla , AP Ha
repeat ACB Aprotinin L 30 1.75 3 106 KIU AP L , Plaa Pla , AP Lb
and/or valve Tranexamic 20 2.1 g TA , Plab Pla , TAb
Placebo 20 AP , TAb TA , APb
Eberle et al [23] Primary ACB Aprotinin 20 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP . Plab AP . Plab
(nonrandomized EACA 20 40 g EACA , Plaa EACA . Plab EACA . Plab
control) Placebo 10 AP , EACAb AP , EACAb AP , EACAb
Jamieson et al [24] Repeat valve Aprotinin 24 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
(two trials) Placebo-AP 36
Tranexamic 22 10 mg TA , Plaa TA , Plaa
Placebo-TA 19 AP 5 TA AP , TAb
Landymore et al [25] Primary ACB Aprotinin L 48 1 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
Tranexamic 56 1 g TA , Plaa TA , Plaa
EACA 44 9 g EACA , Plaa EACA , Plaa
Placebo 50 AP , EACA , TAa AP 5 EACA , TAa
Menichetti et al [26] Primary ACB Aprotinin 24 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
Tranexamic 24 1.5 g TA , Plaa TA , Plaa
Placebo 24 AP , TAa AP , TAa
Mongan et al [27] Primary ACB Aprotinin 75 7 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
(nonconcurrent Tranexamic 75 2 g TA , Plaa TA , Plaa TA , Plaa
control) Placebo 30 AP , TAb AP 5 TA AP 5 TA
Penta de Peppo et al Primary ACB Aprotinin 15 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plab AP , Plab
[28] and/or valve Tranexamic 15 1.4 g TA , Plab TA , Plab TA , Plab
Placebo 15 AP , TAa AP , TAb AP , TAb
Pugh et al [29] Primary ACB Aprotinin 21 2 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plaa
(single-blinded) Tranexamic 22 5 g TA , Plaa TA , Plaa
Placebo 23 AP , TAb AP , TAb
Speckenbring et al Primary ACB Aprotinin 15 6 3 106 KIU AP , Plaa AP , Plab
[30] Tranexamic 15 1 g TA , Plaa TA , Plab
Placebo 15 AP , TAb AP , TAb
Trinh-Duc et al [31] ACB, valve Aprotinin 29 6 3 106 KIU AP , EACAb AP , EACAb AP , EACAb
Aorta, ASD EACA 27 20 g
a b
p # 0.05. Not significant.
ACB 5 aortocoronary bypass surgery; AVR 5 aortic valve replacement; Aorta 5 aortic dissection repair; AP 5 aprotinin group; Aprotinin
H 5 high dose aprotinin; Aprotinin L 5 low dose aprotinin; ASD 5 atrial septal defect repair; EACA 5 e-aminocaproic acid; KIU 5
kallikrein inhibitory units; Pla 5 placebo; TA 5 tranexamic acid group; Valve 5 valve replacement surgery.

ported the results from the International Multicenter in the placebo group (p 5 0.02). The conclusion by the
Aprotinin Graft Patency Experience (IMAGE) trial which authors was that early vein graft occlusion was increased
involved 13 international sites and enrolled 870 patients by aprotinin, but this outcome was promoted by multiple
in 1994 to 1995. Among 703 patients with assessable risk factors for graft occlusion (mainly small or poor
saphenous vein grafts, occlusions occurred in 15.4% of distal vessel quality).
aprotinin-treated patients and 10.9% of the placebo The synthetic antifibrinolytics have not been studied as
group (p 5 0.03). The occlusion rate of distal saphenous intensely as aprotinin, but the question of graft throm-
vein grafts was 7.5% (897 saphenous vein graft insertions bosis is just as pertinent. Recently, Karski and associates
studied) in the aprotinin group versus 4.8% (837 studied) [16] presented an abstract on their experience with tran-

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Ann Thorac Surg WONG ET AL 815

examic acid. They assessed early saphenous vein graft the staff of the Cardiovascular Operating Rooms and Intensive
patency (5 to 30 days) with cine magnetic resonance Care Unit of Sunnybrook & Women’s College HSC. This study
was supported by a grant from the J.P. Bickell Foundation,
imaging techniques in 146 patients randomized to re- National Trust Company.
ceive tranexamic acid (n 5 76) versus placebo (n 5 70).
The saphenous vein graft patency was 85.1% in the
tranexamic acid group versus 86.3% in the placebo group
(clearly no difference but a relatively high graft occlusion References
rate). In terms of blood sparing effect, 14.3% of the
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Aprotinin and tranexamic acid for high transfusion risk cardiac surgery
Bill I. Wong, Richard F. McLean, Stephen E. Fremes, Katherine A. Deemar, Ellen M.
Harrington, George T. Christakis and Bernard S. Goldman
Ann Thorac Surg 2000;69:808-816

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