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Principles of Management B.Com.

– Part II

Hierarchy of Need Theory / Maslow’s Ladder of Needs (Humanistic Approach)

Abraham H. Maslow has evolved hierarchy of his Need Theory. According to his theory, every human has a nature drive
toward health, pleasure and achievement. He discovered five basic human needs arranged in a natural order. Once the
lower needs are satisfied, the higher needs are sought for their further satisfaction.

5. Self-
tion needs

4. Self-Esteem

3. Love and Affection needs

2. Safety and Security needs

1. Physiological needs

1. Physiological needs
Human basic physiological needs are food, water, clothes, air, shelter, and so on. At this stage of basic needs,
humans do not desirous of luxuries, security or respect.

2. Safety and Security needs

Once the basic physiological needs are satisfied, humans start pursuing the satisfaction of the next higher level of
needs which is Safety and Security needs. People may live under continual threat by political, geographical, or
weather hazards; they try to migrate to satisfy their need for safety and security.

3. Love and Affection needs

Naturally, humans want love and affection for children, friends & family, etc. They also want to be loved by others.
The first two needs must be met before Love and Affection needs to be fulfilled. For instance, a mother may sell her
baby to get food for her survival.

4. Self-Esteem needs
In the present society, self-esteem is accomplished by having a bungalow, a car, a well-established business or a
position in a prestigious company, possession of riches, etc. These needs are harder to satisfy.

5. Self-Actualization needs
Self-Actualization takes place when people have met the all four needs and then are willing to fulfill the needs of
others. Being own this willingness, they know truly themselves i.e. their weaknesses and strengths which makes
themselves a human great.

Hierarchy of Need Theory / Maslow’s Ladder of Needs Compiled by: NOOR UL HUDA Page 1 of 1

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