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1downs syndrome dec alfa fet proteins

2Toll rep intra cellular signaling pathway- NF kappa

3abdominal aneurysm after accident. most likely due to?

4ewing tumor gene translocation 11/22 the chimeric gene formed name?

5in insulin what is activated- glycogen synthase

6fictacious by proxy, kid comatose, hypo glycemia, improves on glucagon, otherwise normal mom has
type 1 diabates

7neutrophil missing NADP oxidase different graphs on activity against bacteria given

8x linked burtons diagnosis .

9thymus and parathyroid derived from

10isoproterinol graph BV before n after atropine blockade

11agraphia n aphasia lesion on gross brain gyri labeled

12median nerve parasthesia 3 digits

13radial nerve lesion spiral fracture humers

14statistics NNT n cost of drug per person?

15Absolute risk

16sensitivity two tests 37 positives both, 28 negatives both. total 60 kids

17heart sounds aortic stenosis syncopy dypnea

18diastoli murmur mitral regurge

19atrial fibrilation ecg

20kid bony lesions skin rash- langerhens

21brain sections ipsilateral frontal eye filed lesion identify

22Rt temporal left nasal pick site of lesion

23loss of dorsi flexion, loss of sensation over dorsum of foot, what other muscle could be possibly
expected (lat compartment leg)

24 loss of flexion of elbow-musculocutaneous nerve involved

osteoarthritis - heberdan nodes

listeria mode of spread-cold delicaies

singal ring enhancing lesion in aids- toxo (lymphoma wasn’t given, crypo less likely to cause lesion than

pic HSV2

poriasis treatment drug contraindicated in woman with raised b hcg

ITP bone marrow large megakaryocytes

endocarditis- what else to expect organism was a new streptococcal organism

mouse graph should dec free glucose, inc glycogen which enzyme activated

MCFA deficiency

lead inhibits heme synthesis

a new drug to overcome effects of radiation, what does it do.

drug similar action like cyclosporin

asthma. patient gets horsness in voice due to steroid. which drug? montelukast, ipratropium,

glaucoma, which drrug not to give- amytriptyline, mydriasis is badd for him

ethics; neighbour tells trhe patient dint want tp b on tubes. whatr do u do? I asked for hospital lawyer
consultation. neighbour ki kyou sunain gae?

qz on prolactinoma treat dopamine agonist

anorexa no periods why no gnrh

single kidney, tumor? cause it looked yellow.

manyy graphs.

ricketia rash palms sole, tick separated by doc

2 yr old sleeping too much? constipation, iritability , abd pain, old home. chk blood fo lead/ second
option was urinre for heavy metals?

heavy drinker aurat, husband died. gets seizures. last drink 12 hrs ago. seizures due to alcholo withdrawl

opiod withdrawl, mydriasis, etc

air under diaphragm on x ray. perrforation of peptic ulcer

drug that inc Action potentrial duration procainamide

dysarthia, umn weakness arm n leg, UMN weakness face. site of lesion? pyramids/internal capsule? lat
medula wasn’t given

2 questions on developmental milstones. all fine doznt speak by 2 yrz . language imapirment

second qz yad nai a raha.. stacks 11 blocks, 3 yrz, copy pictures, toilet trained

teenager, distant, irritable partents expect and abusee. friendly to talk to, normal conjuctiva , physical
normal. which abuse u suspect? alcohol/ ecstasy

2 questions on stages to ovecome substance abuse pg 470 f.a

one was contemplating, other wanted to change (preparation)

qz of shoulder dystocia, diabetes mom, most common complication in birth process

red urine, on statins, what is elevated. creatin kinase

angiogram kidney, obstruction. dec k in urine, normal serum sodium? of renin aldosteron ( k was dec in

mitral valve close on left ventrile pressure loop

auria- blood ph/ co2/bicarb?

hypodense bone, normal vita D. serum Ca/ phosphorous/ PTH picture?

vita d k receptors

mousey sequency of DNA removed, v dec quantities of protein produced. dna put back, normal function
reganed. I did enhancer not promotor coz in promotor absence, that proteins wont be produced AT ALL!

radioactive radiation damage- free radical injury? pyramidine dimers?

shipyad worker, smoker, pleural effusion, mass on lung periphery. most imp risk fact for his lesion?

Pressure ulcer

Sagittal sinus thrombosis

Cystic duct obstruction by gallstone USG

Vitamin D= intracellular receptor (options were so confusing; I marked that with DNA binding wala)

Insulin receptor with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity

Exam 2nd Feb 2019

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