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Lorem Ipsum: Quality typographic filler text for webmasters

The dummy copy at this site is made from a dictionary of 500 words from Cicero's original
source and the text fragments traditionally added. We use a lexical scheme to ensure a
grammatically correct look and feel. This avoids repetitions, unintentional humor, and structures
considered non-idiomatic for standard lipsum filler text. This generator doesn't just add chunks
of predefined text with a limited choice of words.

Besides providing lipsum in exotic charsets and languages, we provide Japanese lipsum with an
adequate ratio of kanji, kana, hiragana, and rōmaji. Japanese, Chinese, and Korean dummy
copy apply basic rules of grammar and orthography to prevent inadequacies. Lorem Ipsum is
needed for web design, web pages, website templates and CMS.

Japanese Lorem ipsum, variant 1

Japanese greeking text in variant 1 is based on the kanji frequency count at and
includes about 50% kanji, 25% hiragana, 20% katakana and 5% roman numerals and
punctuation. Katakana and hiragana cluster in strings between 1 to 4 chars at random points in
each paragraph. Hiragana occurs more often at the end of sentences, rather in clumps of 1 to 4
chars rather than just single chars. Katakana is very unlikely to appear as a single character in
Japanese text, but hiragana could. Exclamation and question marks are 'double-byte', not
standard ascii ones.

Japanese Lorem Ipsum, variant 2

This version is adapted from an algorithm by Chris Moore, corrected for some punctuation

Japanese Lorem Ipsum, variant 3

This is based on Jugemu, a Japanese folktale with a humorous repetition of a ridiculously long
name. It is often used in training sessions for Rakugo entertainers.

Russian (Cyrillic), Greek, Armenian Lorem Ipsum

All of the above are transliterations of the classic Lorem ipsum, letter by letter or its closest

Lorem Ipsum dummy text based on artificial languages

This applies to Esperanto, Interlingua, Quenya, Slovio, Sona, Tokipona, Volapük. As hardly
anyone actually speaks them their use should be innocuous. The dictionaries are based on the
coresponding Wikipedia articles. l33tspeak is a mildly humorous alternative alphabet and used
mostly on the Internet.

Randomized dummy text

by this text-generator is suitable for greeking, typesetting, layouts for websites, and WYSIWYG
Web development, either Lorem Ipsum style or in other languages/charsets. We provide
information on Lorem Ipsum, aka. Lipsum, its application and etymology, whether for print,
typesetting or web design, placeholders, and copyfitting text for desktop publishing.

Typographic filler text generators are available for these languages:

Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Chinese, Esperanto, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Interlingua, Japanese
(1), Japanese (2), Japanese (Jugemu), Korean (1), Korean
(2), L33tspeak, Latin, Letzebuergesch, Morsecode, Quenya, Russian, Slovio, Sona, Tokipona, Volap

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