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poem by tim toady rik

date 13 aug 2021


God moves in mysterious ways


mysterious ways


if you can always do things that are mysteries.

i wouldn't try to understand.

do in a mysterious way.

it's not you are not resolving the situation,

it's just that the situation has multitudes of possibilities.

learn but not impede

learn but not impose.

try to be like emptiness

just let go and let everything takes

care of itself

in God's presence stay

send all your love

love and healing go together.

be in a band

be in a group

integrate perfectly

let things take care of themselves

you will only direct without imposition

you are learning to let go and let God

let mysteries and secrets keep everything

they will come to you by themselves

you will resurface only later

let things be free.

you will remain grateful to God

forever love

no mind and nothing to decide

let God.


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