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poem by tim toady rik

date 27 jun 2021

let the brain become


the girl asks

when will the birds alight and fly

isn't it fine?

anytime it can happen

what is known is the brains control all

all living things have brains

whether rudimentary or otherwise

brain is the reason why we are here

for humans brains can meditate

do other animals or living things meditate?

who knows

what is important is all sentient beings have Buddha mind

so we must work for Buddha mind

human must try and not waste time

time waits for no one

you can't know if you squander

the chance to be enlightened

so meditate and be free

let know that meditate

is the gateway to powers

be lke the sun

be still

be wise and be fast

a human does become superhuman

when meditation becomes the focus point

focus but unfocused.

be there and to search

may God guide you always.


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