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17 11.

Sports - 2

1. The first Olympic games - - - - in Greece. 4. - - - - is an individual sport.

A) will held A) football
B) are held B) paintball
C) has held C) swimming
D) had held D) kickboxing
E) were held E) table-tennis

MEB 2018 - 2019 ● Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

2. - - - - is/are a hard hat that protects the heads of the 5. If I hadn’t touched a hot cake pan, I wouldn’t have
players. - - - -.
A) cap A) worn those shoes
B) gloves B) burnt my finger
C) helmet C) had a cut on my foot
D) glasses D) been so careless
E) googles E) tried harder

3. - - - - trains a person or a team in sports. 6. - - - - is not an extreme sport.

A) trainee A) bungee jumping
B) couch B) mountain biking
C) referee C) climbing
D) coach D) cliff diving
E) scholar E) canoeing
17 11. Sınıf
Sports - 2

7. Our school team came third in the table tennis - - - - 10 - 12. sorularda, verilen parçada numaralanmış
last weekend. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
A) tournament 10. There aren’t many sports that will bring you this close to
B) marathon the power of nature. The (10) - - - - wave ever surfed
was 78 feet tall – that’s about the same (11) - - - - as an
C) medal 8-storey building Learning how to paddle and stand up
D) cross can be tricky, (12) - - - - a good surfer must also know how
to read the ocean.
E) race
A) largest
B) cheapest
C) easiest
D) coldest

MEB 2018 - 2019 ● Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

E) modest

8. In the first - - - - of the marathon, he fell down and 11.

broke his leg.
A) weight
A) final
B) strength
B) ticket
C) length
C) medal
D) depth
D) winner
E) height
E) section

9. There were thousands of - - - - in the court for the final 12.

A) since
A) goal keepers
B) however
B) spectators
C) although
C) winners
D) but
D) points
E) and
E) races

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