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Discussion forum Unit 2

Online Education Strategy (University of the People)

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Is writing easy for you, or difficult? Why?

Typically writing has always been easy for me. I’ve always had the ability to write out emails,
personal letters, even just random notes and stories. However, now this is college writing that
I’m tasked with. I’m challenged and/or instructed to write about a particular thing or subject. It’s
difficult to structure an initial thought in order to start the process. I’m finding it next to
impossible to understand a format to begin with, I think college writing requires a skillset owhich
involves several factors. Whatever these factors involve, they are non the less factors that I’d
have to learn and adapt to and I think that will take some time and practice.
What strategies are helpful for college-level writing assignments? How do you start your
assignments that require a lot of writing?

I personally believe that the only true strategy to be successful with college level writing
assignments is to just keep practicing. Every single time you’re assigned a writing assignment,
just have at it. For me, I’ll see some of my mistakes and or learn how I can do better when I get a
chance to review my peers writing assignments.
Starting a writing assignment generally begins with reading and re-reading the instructors
directions several times over. I then find myself pacing about the house, trying to squeeze a
mustard seed of an idea of what exactly is being asked of me out. I phone a friend, and then
another about an hour or two later, asking for help and direction. By the time I actually start
writing, it’s many hours later and I’d mostly compare my initiation of whatever it is I’m writing
to, jumping out of an airplane.
When you write, what is the difference between writing a paper and writing a discussion
post? What is the difference between writing an initial discussion post and a response to
one of your classmates?
While I have not grasp the details to understand the differences in these different writings, I read
the directions that are provided to me by the instructor. If the instructions are telling to post and
that I should have a minimum of 150 words, I just think of it as a social media post. At the same
token, if I’m instructed to write something 500 words or more, using double space, I follow those
direct details. Honestly, whether it’s a post, a paper, discussion and/or etc., I do not yet under the
differences. So for now I just write and hope that I’ve done well for myself, until I’m more
proficient and confident in my studies.

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