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Creative Writing Syllabus

Dr. Melissa Roy
Phone: 407-320-4566


Creative writing is a semester-long course which offers an opportunity for

students to write for publication and for performance. This course will serve
as an introduction to creative writing through the creation of original poetry,
drama, fiction and non-fiction. Students will engage in creative activities,
informative workshops, and project-based writing. There is no textbook for
our class this semester; we will be using a variety of texts and materials. In

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this class, students will form a community of writers and learn how to be

compassionate and critically engaged readers of one another’s work. All

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students will be given the opportunity to figure out what they have to say

about the world around them and express their “voice” in a safe and
encouraging environment. rs e
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Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate knowledge of language and literary terminology

2. Learn different styles of writing and formulate original and creative
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3. Provide detailed support and examples in writing
4. Write clear, well organized papers
5. Use simple, compound, and complex sentence structures with smooth
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6. Learn strategies to interpret and analyze various types of writing

7. Improve comprehension skills by reading for a variety of purposes
8. Improve vocabulary
9. Recognize different writing styles in literature

10. Identify main ideas from non-fiction reading


11. Demonstrate knowledge of 6+1 traits of writing

12. Improve technology and typing skills
13. Master various computer applications

Six Principles That Guide Teaching and Learning in Creative Writing

1. Writers need regular chunks of time -- They need time to think, write,
confer, read, change their minds, and write some more. Writers need time
they can count on, so even when they aren’t writing, they’re anticipating the
time they will be. Writers need time to write well.

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2. Writers need their own topics -- Right from the first day of kindergarten
students should use writing as a way to think about and give shape to their
own ideas and concerns.
3. Writers need response -- Helpful response comes during -- not after -- the
composing. It comes from the writer’s peers and from the teacher, who
consistently models the kinds of restatements and questions that help
writers reflect on the content of their writing.
4. Writers learn mechanics in context -- They learn from teachers who
address errors as they occur within individual pieces of writing, where these
rules and forms will have meaning.
5. Children need to know adults who write -- Teachers need to write, share
our writing with our students, and demonstrate what experienced writers do
in the process of composing, letting our students see our own drafts in all
their messiness and tentativeness.
6. Writers need to read -- They need access to a wide-ranging variety of
texts, prose and poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

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*In the Middle: Writing, Reading and Learning with Adolescents, by Nancie Atwell.

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Expectations of Creative Writing Students

1. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
2. rs e
Complete all assignments correctly and on time.
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3. Be honest but kind in the feedback you give your peers about their work.
4. Use feedback from your teacher and peers to revise your writing pieces
so that your final drafts always represent your best work.
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Class Procedures
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-When you come into the classroom, please be seated in your assigned seat,
view the goal and activities for the day, and open the daily assignment on
your computer.
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-All assignments should be turned in on time. Students who need extra time
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may come in any morning to use the computers, or can take work home on a
flash drive to finish.
-If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what you

have missed by checking the electronic daily assignment folder found on

your computer.

-Revisions of writing are always allowed at any point during the semester. If
you are not satisfied with your score on a writing piece, feel free to use the
feedback given to revise and re-submit for grading.

Grading and Assessment

Classwork/Projects 80%
SBA (end of course evaluation) 20%

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Grading Scale
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F

*Homework: There is never homework in this course unless a

student needs to finish a piece they didn’t have time to finish in
class or was absent.

Pacing Guide

This semester we will cover the following types of writing:

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Various forms of poetry

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Short story

Folk tale
Interview rs e
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Letter to the editor/opinion

Book/film review
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Children’s story
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Web page/blog

*flash drive
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I am available for extra help each day before school at 8:30 and am always
happy to assist writers with their work at that time!

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