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JULY, 2021.
I, Abioye, Sekinah Tasleem, humbly declare that this work entitled THE
HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION was carried out by me as a research
work to be submitted to Professor Okorobia, Department of History and
Diplomatic Studies, Port Harcourt. I further wish to acknowledge that this
work was done solely by me.

Signature Date
30th July, 2021

The research would define “archive” according to the dictionary before

using references for definition, followed by the definition of archival sources and
historical reconstruction, defining archives, the characteristics of archive will be
gotten, their uses and maintenance among other characteristics of archives.
According to the offline dictionary of English, the word ‘archives’ was derived
from the Latin word ‘archivum’, from the ancient Greek ‘arkheion’, archive
generally means certain documents ( letters, records, newspapers) or other types of
historical material(media) kept for historical interest.
According to, archival sources can be manuscripts.
Documents. Records (including electronic records). Objects. Sound. Audiovisuals
and other materials.
According to Oxford Reference, Archives can range from unique modest
collections of unique documentations to highly formalized collections.
Archives debunks historical lies, Phillip Effiong in his book, Re-Integration, True
or False? Asserted to the point, Odumegwu Ojukwu fled the country during the
Nigerian civil war, leaving supporters behind for 13 years and only came back to
summarily collect glory with intent to end the war and feudalism, a point to note the
Nigerian civil war ended 1970 and Biafra was surrendered, archival sources added
that Ojukwu fled Biafra. Surrendered Biafra and ended the war.
The archival source Re-Integration True or False? By Lt.Col. Phillip
Effiong is seen as a way to extradite himself, archival source ascertain to
the fact ‘history does not lie. A source as to the potential of Archival source
for Historical Reconstruction.
In his letter/note, he commented “A victim of circumstance, have borne
to a very great extent the brunt of being unjustly made the scapegoat of the
Nigerian Civil War”.
Re-integration True or False? Is an archive, relating to this research is
certain to know the real news behind the Nigerian civil war and the country
Biafra, contrary to our beliefs. Chief Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, may have
just been a great man who led the war than continue the war, the Nigerian
Civil war or the Nigerian-Biafra war.
Notwithstanding, the archive by Lt.Col. Phillip Effiong is to arrive at the
truth as seen within the perspective of the writer.
The interview with drum magazine and Phillip Effiong held in April
1970. Considered to be an archive as the minutes of the interview exists.
Biafra was announced on May 30, 1967, from the interview it could be
gotten that Lt. Col. Ojukwu was an ambitious, hardworking man a dictator.
It however seemed he led to the end of the war, the war was ended by
Phillip Effiong according to archives. The last day of the civil war were
explained: 10th January 1970- Nkwere and Orlu were seriously threatened,
there was the existence of Biafra officers training school, on 12th January
1970- Mr. Nwaneri played the Biafra National anthem and after Phillip
Effiong declared a statement. Places like Calabar believed to be in the
south-south was captured either voluntarily or not by the Biafra. Biafra was
still going to be in Nigeria but separate from Nigeria and the Nigerian
The fact could be ascertained that the war ended 1970afte Lt. Col. Phillip
Effiong surrendered in Lagos, the transportation was carried out with the
involvement of col. Obasanjo. Then flown to Lagos, names of their room
could be gotten in the archival source, they lodged at the Ikoyi Hotel.
The archival document includes the article on re-integration, the
surrender instrument involving Obasanjo and trying to do so much at the
same time. The attestation statement was acknowledged on 15th January
1970. Regarded as a historic occasion.
The history of the Nigerian crisis which led to the 30 month
fratricidal war will be told and retold in a number of chapters and forms
and for varying motives. People have written for reasons which includes
helplessness. Their claim for victory or loss, for wealth, justification
Re-Integration led Lt.Col. Phillip Effiong to prison, labelled Emeka
(Ojukwu) to be insincere.
After the war, history has it that there was a brief on issues to discuss
with the head of Federal Government, Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon, which
included Relief- Food, drugs, and clothing although it was not agreed, it
was approved later on and the Nigerian red cross had been informed.
Security- of person and property, the problem of currency-known to be one
of the sorest problem, the war had devalued currency. Absorption and
demobilization of ex-Biafra armed forces personnel, Question of an Interim
The archive ‘Re-Integration True or False’ by Phillip Effiong
has archival potentials, mere challenges as posited by the student. The
perspective of a soldier who witnessed the war had the ability to free my
mine of uncertainty, the fact that history does not lie has been justified by
the archive, and documents for over a decade are being stored as archive
presenting them to be existing. Phillip Effiong’s interview with DRUM
magazine. The last days of the Nigerian civil war as experience by Lt. Col.
Phillip Effiong, declaration of 1970 on the dissolution of the country Biafra
15th September 1970.
The historical work seeks to note the potentials and challenges of
Archival sources in historical reconstruction using archival sources of
soldiers of the Nigerian civil war.
Nigerian Civil War, Aburi Accord to be examined as an archival source,
the potentials and challenges, the verbatim report of the proceeding of the
supreme military council held at Aburi, Accra, Ghana on 4th and 5th January
1967, the conversation between Gowon and Ojukwu is an archive. The
potential is its increase in knowledge for learners of History and its effects
in present day Nigeria. There was a clamor that there has nit been an igbo
president. The political hierarchy of Nigeria is filled with northerners. The
presence of westerners is felt. The instance of believing tales of the
Nigerian civil war has been debunked because of the existence of archival
The conversation between Gowon and Ojukwu was clearly on the
amount that been spent on buying arms and ammunition which included
2045 rifles, 500 machine guns, 2000 rounds of 105 ammunition clearly for
the civil war, #1,000,000 was paid from the federal government to the
ambassador in Paris, the defiance budget was made known, the issue of
storage costing Nigeria to waste money. The conversation involved other
Nigerian correspondents (politicians) which included Hassan. Ejoor,
Adebayo, and the supreme military council on 4th June, 1967, declared
i. That we renounce the use of force as a means of settling the crisis in
ii. Reaffirm our fate in discussion and negotiations as the only peaceful
way of resolving Nigerian crisis.
The entire archive was the Aburi accord, the verbatim report.
The account of the Nigerian civil war 1967 – 1970, my command
documented by Olusegun Obasanjo would also be added to review
potentials and challenges of archival sources.
It was noted, only a decade stands between the end of the civil war and
the time of writing, the archive is Obasanjo’s command of the three marine
commando divisions and the end of the civil war. It is clearly stated the
Nigerian civil war broke out on 6th July, 1967 with expectation of quick
victory on the federal side.
The archive also noted the immediate cause of the civil war to be the
coup and counter-coup of 1966. May 1967 points out twelve states were
created from the existing region.
The war was noted to have been started by the federal government on
6th July, 1967, a potential to this archive on 6th July 1967, the war was
documented, thereby making it an archive, the students did not confirm if
the date of the war differs in another archive of the Nigerian civil war.
The view of archivist differs according to the students, reintegration
presented Nigeria as the heart broken party while Biafra was thought not
to be strong but relentless.
Archival documentation further explains that Nigeria existed as a
number of independent and sometimes hostile nation states with no
linguistic and cultural differences. Sir Hugh Clifford described Nigeria as
a collection of independent native states separated from one another by
great distances. It is however noted administration of the north and south
protectorates were done in Nigeria solely for the interest of the British, by
lord Lugard for the ease of governing and in the economic interest of the
British, indirect rule and separate policy government was maintained.
Potential of archives is noted as the history of Nigeria’s independence
is documented even with the creation of states. The effects of the second
world war in Nigeria.
The federal military government in 1967 and their desire to win
independence led to vital issues of Nigeria being unsolved, the problems
include the creation of states which would have provided more lasting
foundation for the stability of the federation of Nigeria.
Nigerian issues resurfaced with the grant of independence in 1960, there
was a defense agreement between Britain and Nigeria which was
considered an attempt to swindle Nigeria out of her sovereignty. 20 May
1962, the western region knew no peace until 15th January 1966 when the
first coup took place.
Summarily, the regions of Nigeria witnessed tribulations on account of
sovereignty, inflation and the 1962 census. The Tiv people openly rioted
from 1962-1965.
The election of 1962-1965 was archived to be neither free nor fair.
The literary archive titled the Nigerian revolution and the Biafran war by
Alexander A, Madiobu commented the federation of Nigeria but never
really has been one homogenous country. It stated the colonial master had
to keep the country one in order to effectively control its vital economic
interest, making both the amalgamation of 1914 purely for economic
interests. Britain introduced the divide and rule system of government for
the country, stated to have claimed social apartheid resulting in division,
hatred, unhealthy rivalry and pronounced disparity in development among
various people of the country.
Tribalism had been an issue to the county even before independence
the Islamic and aristocratic Hausa tribes of northern Nigeria formed the
Northern People Congress as their political party, western Nigeria the
Christian Yoruba formed the Action Group, Eastern Nigeria had the
National Convention for Nigerian Citizens, the federal parliament was
reduced to an intertribal battlefield, between the various peoples of
The 1959 federal elections brought to light the political rift in the
country between the NPC leaders and the Sardauna of Sokoto with Chief
Obafemi Awolowo, by 1962, the tribal issue became a threat to the nation.
The student is carefully examining literary archives, the world took
note of a dictator, Adolf Hitler of Germany, written by Hitler titled Hitler’s
secret book. The real history behind his dominance and failed plot to rule
the world.
History is the presentation of the course of a people’s struggle for
existence, according to Adolph Hitler. Part 3 of Hitler’s archive
ascertained Germans had to give to their arms stating the politicians of
Germany to be bourgeois.
Summarily, Adolf Hitler thought he could control the world as
perceived by the researcher cutting out all luxuries, reviewing the book
possesses the knowledge that the Germans were at a loss during the Adolf
Hitler regime.
Costume 1066-1990s by John Peacock examines the dressing of
individuals through archives, from 1066-87, Europe had their dressing
style for men and women although it dramatically changed during eras, it
is to be noted that the men wore similarly long gowns of the recent age and
women dress in extremely long gown which were heavily decorated
through the eras till the Henry I era, women started to were decorated
belts, the dressing for men and women escalated with the sense of style till
the Edward III era, 1327-1377 and cloaks began to reign with pointed
shoes in Richard II era 1377-1399. The henry VI 1422-1461 had a softer
style of dressing for women which continued till the Elizabeth II era where
women wore trouser-suits and wide trousers and men wore shorts. These
archival sources are documented.
A course titled history of writing by Albertine Gaur , writing existed in
the dawn of human history, known as the practice of representing data
directly without the intermediary of language, writing can also be in the
form of geometrical patterns and designs, history knows that Herodotus
tells the story of a Scythian ruler who sent the gift of a bird, mouse and a
frog with seven arrows to Darius which were variously interpreted to the
Persian king either as an offer of surrender or a Declaration of defiance.
Modifying or decorating objects or artificially creating decorated
objects with high level of storage can be reached. Message sticks were an
essential part aboriginal culture.
The Moche, pre-Inca people from Peru used beans marked with dots,
parallel lines for sending their messages. Wampum belts were woven on a
bow-loom in a manner of analogous to other forms of weaving, black
colors signify danger, death, hostility and sadness. White stood for
happiness, red stood for war.
Nigeria brings us even closer to a phonetic form of information
storage six cowrie shells among the Yoruba means ‘I am attracted’, the
connection between language and writing is by no means evident and
fundamental, the primary object of all information is the preservation of
The ancient Egyptian language used three forms of writing:
hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic. The second century BC, the writing of
the Egyptians was in Greek from the 4th Century AD the copic alphabet
was used, the process of writing evolved from the use of stone, wood,
metal, animal, skins, leaves, bones, shell, clay, wax, pottery, cotton, paper,
a challenge to history as forms of writing appeared to be more or less fully
fashioned writings were encountered on imperishable material, mostly on
17th century India the title deeds of land grants engraved in metal.
Historically types of writing material included mostly leaves to paint or
incite a figure or symbol on dried barks takes less technical skill than to
carefully engrave it on a piece of stone.
Wood, Bones, bamboo, tortoise shells and the bark of trees.
Historically, a love story welcomed the idea of women and writing
in Japan 9th century AD.
The book tells us Islam and Koran played a central part in the
development of Arabic calligraphy at the time of the prophet’s death in
632 AD, Arabs were still an unlettered people, the Abbasid caliphate, one
script was in existence described as rudimentary and distinctly lacking in
elegance. The writing of the Koran, some calligraphic styles associated
with the names of certain town Basrah, Makkah, Medina and Kufah,
Kufah gained the widely acceptance as the most angular script with
horizontally scratched lines as the most suitable script for writing the
The collapse of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity in the
6 century ushered the half-Uncal in Ireland. Irish scripts were brought to
Germany as a result of missionary foundations by the Irish monks, the 8th
century brought the evolution of the Anglo-Savon hand.
In recent times the language if English seems to be more dominant as a
result of colonization.
The potentials and challenges of Archival sources for historical
reconstruction will examine the literary archive of Patrick Marnham titled
‘Dispatches from Africa’, a brief literary review of the archive ascertains
to the justice to the thought outsiders (Europeans) repeatedly tried to alter
a land they did not understand.
The most famous wild elephant in Kenya called Ahmed, a tourist
attraction. The archival information of 1977- 81,000 elephants were found
living in southern Tanzania.
It is noted that the African elephant cannot be numbered, 1903- captain
Richard Einertzhagen noted his activities in his Kenyan diary “these
people live by hunting … it was unbelievable what they were doing to
game”. Animals as intelligent like elephants would be shot in order to
allow inferior animals play billiards.
The Kenyan national parks are the most admired in the world but they
have been altered beyond recognition by the independent administration,
the park was noted to be disintegrating under the troubled eye of National
park’s administration.
The elephants were also killed by poachers, by poisoning an arrow,
applying it in a sticky black tar then planting the arrow in the elephant’s
body. Chapter three of the literary archive ‘dispatches from Africa’ notes
the degeneration of the game parks became not conducive for the masters
who used them for spiritual refreshment. The history of a game warden
assuredly from Kenya noted as a literary archive which explains the
human interaction with lions and also notes the history behind human’s
physical relationship with them.
The history of Somalia noted to be found in archives on account of
security, as they lived by cattle rearing and raiding herds, Somali irregulars
were known as shiffas made the place unsafe for anyone not carrying arms.
History of the world in photographs, an archival source documents
certain notable events in history with briefs, dating from 1850, the fugitive
slave act ensuring runaway slaves were returned to their masters. 2 A
portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1851, he published his moralistic
masterpiece, 3 Amelia Bloomer in 1851, an advocate for women’s right
and temperance.
The portrait of Pinkerton in 1865 who foil attempted assassination of the
president, Abraham Lincoln, a portrait of a group of slaves describes the
slaves as unhappy. The gallery shows development of the world in certain
areas. The student cannot describe all the stages of world development in
the gallery.
The potentials of archival sources for historical reconstruction:
Archival sources provide evidences of activities and tell us more about
individuals and institutions, increasing our sense of identity and
understanding of cultures.

1. Offline dictionary of English/archives
2. sources
3. Phillip Effiong Re-Integration True or False?
First published 1983, star printing and publishing company limited. Uwani,
Enugu. Pages xiii-xiv, pages 2-6, 18, 19 …, page 51-59 memo to Gowon from
the Biafra surrender.
Archival source (pages) a) Brief on matters to discuss with the head of
military federal government, pages 64-72.
4. The Nigerian Civil War ABURI ACCORD: The Verbatim report, published in
1967. The verbatim report page 7-99.
5. Olusegun Obasanjo: My command, an account of the Nigerian Civil War
1967-1970, page xv-xx, 1-6, 47, 56 … 230.
6. Adolf Hitler introduction by Telford Taylor, Hitler’s secret book page 5-13,
140, XVI
7. The Nigerian revolution and the Biafran war, Alexander A. Madiebo page 3-
14, 15 –…
8. Costume 1066-1990s, John Peacock page 7-9. 121-127.
9. Patrick Marnham, Dispatches from Africa 3- …
10. History of the world in photographs, Encyclopedia Britannica and Getty
11. Researchgate/ definition of archival sources
13. Historians use of archival sources, promises and pitfalls
14. Bartleby research- the major problems of historical research

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