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Fac to r i e s o f th e Fu t u r e


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The concept of the digital thread
holds the promise of integrating the
manufacturing enterprise in a
way never before achieved. But
manufacturers must understand the
challenges as well as the rewards of
this transformative paradigm shift.
B y To m H e n n e s s e y

w w w. M a n u f a c t u r i n g L e a d e r s h i p C o m m u n i t y. c o m
MANUFACTURING Feature/ Following the Digital Thread into the Future /4/8 CI

Fac to r i e s o f th e Fu t u r e

and sensors, 3D printing and visualization, fordable and flexible. Advanced analytics
..................................... .. augmented and virtual reality, cloud com- and machine learning help us draw valuable

........................................ puting, robotics, and digital manufacturing insights, predictive models, and simulations
platforms like Manufacturing Execution from massive amounts of data. Precise, real-
PTIMISTIC DESCRIPTIONS OF FACTORIES OF THE FU- Systems (MES), Manufacturing Opera- time, contextual data is generated by sen-
ture may sound like science fiction. Yet, the promise of end-to-end tions Management (MOM), and Product sors on products and equipment, consumed
digital integration in manufacturing, from initial design to mainte- Lifecycle Execution (PLE). by cyber-physical and control systems, and
nance and overhaul, is emerging through advances like the Industrial Building on this momentum, the Na- fed into algorithms and analytics solutions
Internet of Things (IIoT), smart manufacturing, and automation. tional Institute of Standards and Tech- to create models, simulations, and forecasts.
One of the primary visions driving the transformation of manufac- nology (NIST) recently launched a Smart Accenture has projected that the IoT eco-
turing is the concept of the digital thread. The digital thread links systems used to execute Manufacturing Systems (SMS) Test Bed, system will expand rapidly over the next
and track design, engineering, manufacturing, and MRO (maintenance, repair, and over- a model factory that will facilitate and test four years: 212 billion sensors, 50 billion
haul), establishing a seamless flow of information from product conception to delivery and digital thread implementations and en- connected devices, and 2.5 billion connec-
beyond. This type of closed loop integration employs data and analytics across the entire abling technologies. The test bed includes: tions to wireless networks.
product lifecycle, optimizing efficiency, op- a computer-aided technologies laboratory Manufacturers are using advanced 3-D
erations, and maintenance. decision-making at all levels, more effec- running software tools to control design, printers to produce prototypes and intri-
The concept of the digital thread was tive collaboration throughout the supply fabrication, inspection, data, verification cate components, including some that
spearheaded by the military aircraft in- chain, and powerful, real-time business in- and testing; a real-world manufacturing would otherwise be impossible to pro-
dustry, from its desire to improve the per- sights. In complex manufacturing, deliver- facility equipped with CNC machine tools duce. This additive manufacturing ap-
formance of future programs by applying ing the right information to the right place and precision inspection devices; and on- proach enables powerful design flexibility,
lessons learned. The concept has quickly at the right time is essential to every core line data streaming, collection, storage, speeds time to market, and controls costs
Tom Hennessey is vice taken hold beyond the aerospace and de- process, including change management, and publications services. Participants can for custom products; medical device mak-
president of marketing
at iBASEt. Hennessey fense industry, powered by advances in quality, compliance, and supply chain experiment with the digital manufacturing ers are leveraging this approach to create
holds an MBA from the
University of Southern digital and cyber-physical manufacturing visibility and control. The digital thread process, search a repository of SMS Test breakthrough products. 3-D design and
California and a BS de- systems, predictive analytics, automation, should provide a formal system for con- Bed data, and even try replicating model visualization solutions enable the cre-
gree in management
from Northeastern and the IIoT. Manufacturers—especially trolled interplay of authoritative technical products previously fabricated via digital ation of digital twins, virtual copies of a
University.The com-
pany is a member of
those producing complex, highly engi- and as-built data, with the ability to access, threads in their own facilities. manufacturer’s product that are referenced
the Manufacturing neered products in the aerospace, electron- integrate, transform and analyze data from throughout the product lifecycle. Digi-
Leadership Council.
................... ics, medical device, nuclear, and industrial disparate systems into actionable infor- Enabling the Digital Thread tal twins are repositories of data from all

................... equipment industries—are striving to le- mation. Product lifecycle data should be ll the components required to be- stages of manufacturing, from design to
verage these advances to transform the way tracked and analyzed from design, pro- gin developing a digital thread inspection and maintenance, and as such
they orchestrate and optimize business, curement, testing, production, field opera- framework are readily available. are essential components of the digital
digital, and physical processes. The digital tion, and sustainment services. Data storage and cloud computing are af- thread. These standardized digital 3-D
thread will link and enhance those process- For those with “boots on the ground,”
es horizontally across smart factories and achieving this level of machine and data in-
vertically throughout the value chain. tegration may seem daunting—not to men- ......................................................
The digital thread is the communica- tion the human factor. There are certainly ......................................................
tion framework that enables a seamless, many inherent difficulties and obstacles in
connected data flow and integrated view such a transformative endeavor. Yet, the
The digital thread is not being
of a product or asset throughout its life- digital thread concept is not being devel- developed or adopted in a vacuum.
cycle. Connecting and integrating across oped and adopted in a vacuum. It has arisen
traditionally siloed functions (e.g., design, from a powerful convergence of enabling
It has arisen from a powerful con-
engineering, production) supports better technologies: big data analytics, the IIoT vergence of enabling technologies.
w w w. M a n u f a c t u r i n g L e a d e r s h i p C o m m u n i t y. c o m
MANUFACTURING Feature/ Following the Digital Thread into the Future /6/8 CI
LEADERSHIP JOURNAL....................

Fac to r i e s o f th e Fu t u r e
relationships, and configuration manage- legacy equipment), machines and comput-
........................................ The Model-based
........................................ ment functions. To manage resources for ing systems, and machines and operators
..................................... ..
........................................ Manufacturing Enterprise
........................................ production, manufacturers use ERP. ERP have to be established, tested, and secured.

models streamline the interpretation and loud computing may not be as architecture is transaction-based and or- Improving interoperability across indus-
transmission of product-specific data new and exciting as robotics and ganized around production resources. tries and vendors should be a top priority;
throughout the product lifecycle, dramati- virtual reality, but it is one of While the ERP system utilizes product government and industry organizations will
cally reducing the time and error-prone hu- the primary drivers of the digital thread data and process plans contained in the have to step up and lead the way to unified
man interaction required by 2-D systems. framework, and smart manufacturing in PLM system, the architectures of ERP and standards, alliances, and open platforms.
NIST researchers estimate that moving general. On-demand, scalable informa- PLM are fundamentally different. PLM
provides “the what”: modeling, BOM Balancing Risks and Rewards
from 2-D, paper-based methods (still used tion technology services can be quickly

by 90% of small manufacturers) to 3-D deployed, easily managed, and connected management, process planning, process orging ahead with the required in-
digital manufacturing can cut production via APIs and open standards to machines, simulation, and engineering change man- vestments can be a financial and
time by as much as 75 percent. data stores, and enterprise integration agement. ERP provides “the when, where, cultural challenge for manufactur-
In similar fashion, augmented and vir- platforms. These platforms lie at the heart and how much”: scheduling, financials, ers who have spent decades optimizing and
tual reality solutions are helping designers, of the digital thread: performing data ag- and inventory. But to have a fully func- fine-tuning traditional systems. Measuring
engineers, and factory technicians work gregation and analysis, triggering controls, tioning digital thread manufacturers also ROI in new paradigms is inherently tricky, ...................
with machines and execute complex pro- recording operations and performance, need “the how”. That’s what PLE provides but such extensive transformations require
cesses with deeper access to visual sche- and automating workflows across the shop through process execution, process con- top down buy-in from executives and boards.
trol, quality assurance, traceability, and Those leading the way will have to prove that
ahead with
matics and models. These advanced solu- floor and throughout the value chain. As
deviation handling. digital integration won’t break the factory or the required
tions create next level interfaces to simplify the various functional types of manufac-
human-machine interaction, deliver real- turing systems become more closely inte- value chain—or break the bank. investments
A Number of The risk involved in any type of digital can be a
time, contextual data about machine per- grated, the digital thread becomes more Integration Challenges financial
formance, streamline maintenance and fully realized. transformation is significant. In com-

repair, and virtually test the impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and s solution providers improve the plex industries, it can downright painful. and cultural
changes. Robotics and automation like- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) sys- integration of these types of en- Workforce issues loom large—there aren’t challenge for
wise ease the burden on humans, creating tems are considered fundamental for mod- terprise systems with each other enough appropriately skilled workers, and many manu-
safer and more ergonomic operating con- el-based manufacturing enterprises, but a and with the other enabling technologies retraining requires time and resources. facturers.
ditions, speeding production, increasing genuine digital thread cannot exist without discussed, the seemingly futuristic pros- The continuous Big Data collection and
precision and quality, and reducing errors a PLE platform. To develop, describe, man- pect of the digital thread coalesces into real analysis that underpins the digital thread
and downtime. Robotic components and age, and communicate information about digital transformation of the product life- requires data science, cybersecurity, and
automated processes produce digital re- their products from conception to end-of- cycle and supply chain. There are equally IT skills that are in high demand across all
cords of configurations, calibrations, di- life, manufacturers use PLM. real challenges and obstacles to address types of businesses and public agencies.
agnostics, and performance—all of which PLM architecture is object-oriented along the way, cyber security and other The already beleaguered manufacturing
loop back into the digital thread. and structured around products, product fundamental technical difficulties chief workforce has been resistant to automa-
among them. Securing sensors, machines, tion, justifiably fearing job losses. Extend-
data, networks, and cyber-physical sys- ing the digital thread into the supply chain
...................................................... tems is paramount to the sustainability of will require overcoming myriad obstacles,
the whole endeavor. including basic supplier readiness. SMEs,
Improving interoperability across Manufacturers of highly engineered including smaller manufacturers that de-
products in defense, aerospace, medical liver components and subassemblies to
industries and vendors, cybersecurity, devices, and energy are acutely sensitive larger enterprises, lack the resources to
and standards and open platforms are to security concerns, for obvious reasons. retrain, retool, and implement advanced
Connections between machines (including systems. On a grander scale, global crises,
keys to the success of the digital thread.
w w w. M a n u f a c t u r i n g L e a d e r s h i p C o m m u n i t y. c o m
MANUFACTURING Feature/ Following the Digital Thread into the Future /8/8 CI
LEADERSHIP JOURNAL ....................

Fac to r i e s o f th e Fu t u r e
........................................ It also ensures that knowledge and docu- es improves audit readiness and stream- and demonstrate ROI, to cement top floor
..................................... .. mentation of changes are communicated lines callbacks when necessary. buy-in, and to focus on low-hanging fruit
economic trends, and political upheavals upstream and downstream, preserving in- that has a high probability of visible suc-
send ripple effects through multinational tegrity with optimal efficiency. From the The Journey to Digital cess. For example, many enterprises start-
Manufacturing Maturity
supply chains. All of this, of course, has to shop floor to the C-suite, the digital thread ed their journey with optimizing logistics,

be managed under intense market pressure framework enables visibility, consistent iving in to paradigm change re- using sensors to provide contextual, real-
and regulatory oversight. practices, continuous products and pro- quires strategy and planning. time information about supplies and ship-
Yet, progress marches on. As with the cess improvement, and efficient compli- In the case of digital transfor- ments.
broader digital transformation in com- ance with exacting quality and compliance mation, it also requires infrastructure On a broader scope, participate in the
merce and communication, those who wait standards (e.g., ISO 9001, AS9011, and readiness. Initial steps on the journey to development of industry standards work-
on the sidelines for an easier time to join FDA’s 21 CRF Part 11 and Part 820). realizing the digital thread include imple- ing towards interoperability and open plat-
the march may be left out entirely. The po- menting enterprise systems (integrated forms (e.g., DMDII, MESA, NNMI, the
tential benefits, both near- and long-term, Connecting Quality MES suites), maturing IIoT capabilities, Industrial Internet Consortium). Learn
and Compliance
................... are undeniable and compelling. Quality, and evolving supply chain infrastructure. from the NIST SMS Test Bed and similar

................... control, and risk can be precisely managed uality management is a key fea- Build foundational value by focusing on projects. Get involved in workforce pipe-
The biggest in real-time across the enterprise. Busi- ture of the digital thread. In leveraging the data generated by design, line development and retraining initiatives.
value with ness, production, and compliance prob- complex discrete manufactur- engineering, production, quality, com- Manufacturers cannot afford to ignore
lems are solved faster, better, and cheaper. ing, especially, the tolerance for faulty pliance, and MRO processes. In a recent the swelling tide of opportunity and dis-
the digital
Decision support becomes more granular, parts and products is near zero, for ob- Capgemini survey, 61% of executives and ruption created by the power of digital
thread lies
and is harmonized across the factory and vious life-and-death reasons. Closely senior decision makers acknowledged transformation and integration. Around
in the re-
throughout the supply chain. The digital managing quality throughout the entire that data is now a driver of revenues, and the world, concerted efforts are underway
markably thread brings customers, vendors, and sup- manufacturing process using integrated becoming as valuable to their business as to revolutionize design, production, and
improved pliers closer, tying them into holistic feed- systems that embed proofing and inspec- their existing product and service lines. extended services. Germany’s Industrie 4.0
capacity back and evaluation loops. People, ma- tion practices and verify the certifications Start by evaluating readiness factors: and China’s Made in China 2025 initiatives
to manage chines, and other resources are put to more of personnel, tools, and machines saves infrastructure, finances, risk profile, and are turning up the pressure on the U.S. and
product con- efficient use, with optimization driven by time, reduces waste, and protects enter- workforce skills. Examine both assets and other manufacturing centers. The global
figurations. better metrics and predictive performance prise reputation. weak points thoroughly, and develop strat- manufacturing sector is a $10 trillion dol-
analytics that flag pending issues before High-profile quality failures like the egies to leverage or remediate these factors lar behemoth. The digital industrial revo-
they cause outages or quality defects. Takata airbag recall have prompted Gart- in the context of digitizing operations. De- lution will unleash tremendous value and
For complex manufacturers, many of ner, ISO, and others to issue urgent calls velop specific milestones and strategies for innovation over the next 10 years. Jumping
which are digital thread pioneers, the big- for greater focus on supply chain visibility reaching them. Look for expert help from in now, with a focus on bringing the digital
gest value lies in the remarkably improved and quality control. Likewise, regulatory established consultancies, IT vendors, and thread to fruition, will ensure competitive-
capacity to manage product configura- compliance is an ongoing headache for cloud service providers. ness and resilience for years, even decades,
tions and change management across the many industries. Within the digital thread Use pilot projects to prove concepts into the future. M
entire value chain and product life cycle. framework, quality and compliance activi-
These capabilities allow companies to en- ties are more closely linked. Related data ......................................................
sure faster time-to-market, more success- collected and analyzed at key points can ......................................................
ful new product introductions, and flexible be used to predict, prevent, and detect er-
reactions to customer needs. Closing the rors. Corrective actions can be automated, The digital thread brings
loop on engineering changes promotes
conformance to customer specifications
documented, and propagated through the
supply chain to avoid repetitive or cascad-
customers, vendors, and suppli-
and regulations, assuring that as-built con- ing errors. The tracking and traceability of ers close, tying them into holistic
figurations precisely match as-designed. these inspection and remediation process-
feedback and evaluation loops.
w w w. M a n u f a c t u r i n g L e a d e r s h i p C o m m u n i t y. c o m

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