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Crankcase Splitting

Crankcase Splitting
'Remove the engine (see the Engine
Removalflnstalla-tion chapter).
'Set the engine on a clean surface while parts are
being removed.
'Remove the following parts from the engine:
Magneto Cover
Output Shaft Sleeve and 0-ring
Cylinder Head
A. Crankcase Splitting Tool Set 57W1-1098 B.
Piston Adapter: 57W1-136
Right Engine Cover
Primary Cear
Kickstarter Assembly
Kickstarter Idle Cear
Cear Set and Neutral Set Levers
Shift Drum Cuide •Tighten the boit on the crankcase splitting tool to
Magneto Fiywheel. and Stator split the crankcase halves.
'Once the crankcase is split, remove the crankcase
splitting tool, and lift off the left crankcase.
'Remove the shift rods, shift forks, shift drum, and
output and drive shaft assemblies.

'Remove the crankcase bolts or screws.

A. Drive Shaft D. Shift Drum

B. Shift Rods E. Shift Forks
C. Output Shaft
A. Crankcase BolÉ (KX80) or Screws (KM), KDX80)

'Remove the breather hose from the left crankcase

•lnstall the crankcase splitting tool and adapter
(spe Cial tools) into the left side of the crankcase. 'Remove the crankshaftfrom the right crankcase
Be certain to screw the tool in all the way. half using a press.

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