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The Aztecs: History Timeline Cards

1485 AD - 1603 AD
776 BC - 146 BC
1066 AD - 1154 AD
Tudor Britain
Ancient civilisation
Norman Britain
3500 BC - 30 AD
1603 AD - 1714 AD
Civil War and Egyptian
Revolution in civilisation
410 AD - 1066 AD
Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
Copyright © PlanBee Resources Ltd 2016 1914 AD - 1918 AD
World War I
600 BC - 476 AD
Ancient Roman civilisation
1100 AD - 1522 AD
Aztec civilisation
1154 AD - 1485 AD
Middle Ages
1837 AD - 1901 AD
Victorian Britain
1939 AD - 1945 AD
World War II
The Aztecs: History Picture Cards
The Aztecs: History World History Timeline
Copyright © PlanBee Resources Ltd 2016

3500 BC - 30 AD Ancient Egyptians

Pyramids Pharaoh Socrates

776 BC - 146 BC Ancient Greeks

600 BC - 476 AD Ancient Romans
410 - 1066 Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
1066 - 1154 Norman Britain
1154 - 1485 Middle Ages
1100 - 1522 The Aztecs
1485 - 1603 Tudor Britain
1603 - 1714 Civil War and Revolution
1837 - 1901 Victorian Britain
1914 - 1918 World War I
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 - present Modern Day BCBCOlympics
Parthenon oplite

Centurion Aqueduct

Gladiator Scandinavia Boudicca

Colosseum ADADLongboat
lfred the Great
illiam the
Hastings Battle of WConqueror
Domesday Book

Bayeux tapestry ADADKnights Tem Crusades



the Lionheart
esoamerica arriors
M Tenochtitlan W Cortés

Henry VIII Battle of Bosworth Shakespeare Elizabeth I Guy FawkeGunpowder sPlot Great Fire of
London Crom liver well
Queen Victoria
Charles Dickens
Revolution Industrial Ra
Battle Somme
of the
Treaty of
Archduke Ferdinand Franz Trenches Versailles Evacuation Adolf Hitler

Churchill Winston Rationing

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s2010s

The Aztecs: History Worksheet 1A

Name: _____________________________ Date:

Have a careful look at the World History Timeline and then answer these questions:
Copyright © PlanBee Resources Ltd 2016
When did the Aztecs live?

How long did the Aztec civilisation last?

Which period in British history was happening when the Aztec civilisation began?

Which period in British history was happening when the Aztec civilisation ended?

Did the Victorian period happen before or after the Aztecs?

Did the ancient Greek civilisation happen before or after the Aztecs?

Did the Vikings arrive in Britain before or after the Aztec civilisation?

Did the Aztec civilisation happen before or after Guy Fawkes undertook the Gunpowder Plot?

Did the Aztec civilisation happen before or after gladiators fought at the Colosseum?

Did the Aztec civilisation happen before or after the Battle of the Somme?

Did the Aztec civilisation happen before or after Alfred the Great became king?
The Aztecs: History Worksheet 1B

Name: _____________________________ Date:

Have a careful look at the World History Timeline and then answer these questions:
Copyright © PlanBee Resources Ltd 2016
When did the Aztecs live?

Did the Aztecs live before or after Jesus was born?

How long did the Aztecs civilisation last?

Periods in history often overlap. Which two other great civilisations were happening at the same time
as the ancient Egyptian civilisation?

The Aztecs lived at the same time as three different periods in British history. What were these periods?

The Battle of Hastings in 1066 marked the beginning of the Norman period in Britain. Was this before or
after the Aztecs?

Which period in British history was happening when the Aztec civilisation ended?

Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. How many years after the end of
the Aztec civilisation was this?

Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837. How many years after the end of the Aztec civilisation
was this?

Which civilisation on this timeline lasted the longest? How long did it last?

Which civilisation on this timeline lasted the least amount of time? How long did it last?

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