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 Characteristics of neoclassical arts:

- Heroic historical scenes

- idealized or perfect figures
- based on Greek & Roman arts
- controlled brushstrokes
- morally uplifting & inspiring

 Characteristics of romantic arts:

- emotion and imagination

- intense feeling
- dramatic compositions
- kind of mystic and dreamlike quality
- loose and less precise brushstrokes


False - carmen employs a poetric text not a prose text. When Bizet wrote his score, he used
spoken language dialog
False - in elizabeth theater buildings, the audience surround the sage in three sidess. The
nobility are in a standing area around the stage and the commoners stay in the galleries.
True - in shakespeare’s theater, men’s clothing include elaborate, flamboyant, colorful, stylish
and stunning garments, decorated with feathers and jewels.
True - The acting style for the Elizabethan plays was heroic and exaggerated, like the plays
True - In opera, the singer must primarily be a singer and rarely an actor or a dancer.
True - Opera uses conventional and Classical music.
True - Opera has no dancing, except as required by the situation for a particular actor to act.


 The Taming of the Shrew - Shakespeare's works are classified into three genres:
comedy, tragedy and history. Which of the following is an example of his comedy?
 Satyr - performed between the acts of tragedies and made fun of the plight of the
tragedy’s characters
 CARMEN - the best operatic example of naturalism. Tells the story of the downfall of a
naive soldier who is seduced by the wiles of a fiery gypsy woman
 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE - he is considered as the greatest playwright in the history of
English literature
 Euripides - he is destined to be misunderstood poet. The main reason why judges
ignored him is because he did not cater the Athenian crowd wanted to see or hear
 Skene - in an ancient Greek theater, it refers to the place where actors change costumes
or a place for actors to rest
 Tragedy - It is a type of Greek theater which is based on their myths and ancient heroes
and focuses on moral issues, especially on the danger of arrogance , or hubris in Greek.
 OEDIPUS REX - It is a famous Greek tragedy written by Sophocles. It was about the life
of a man, who at birth was prophesied by an oracle that he would unintentionally kill his
father and marry his mother. 
 Aristophanes - he was a comic playwright or comedy-writer of ancient Athens and a poet
of Old Attic Comedy
 Aeschylus - he is often recognized as the father of tragedy
 Comedy - a type of Greek theater which has the goal to comment and criticize their
government and politicians by means of jokes and puns
 STYCHOMYTHIA - It is a dialog used in Greek theater involving a dispute presented in
alternating lines. This dialog is used as a device to heighten the emotional intensity of the

 Which of the following is NOT true about Shakespeare's stories:

The stories criticize the English kings as shown in Shakespeare's plays like Richard II and
Henry V.

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