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Exercise 1:
The picture below show how tomato ketchup is made.

The diagram illutrates the process by which ketchup is produced and packed to be
sold to the supermarket.
In general, it is apparent from the chart that this is a linear process, which is
comprised of 15 steps, starting from collecting tomatos and culminating in using to
tomatos sauce with foods.
Initially, ripe tomatos are picked and out in basket. After that, having been
classified into two groups including good quality and low quality, they are loaded
onto the freight trucks and sent to the factories. In the following step, stalk,
skin,seeds are discarded then odds and ends are put into the containers to be
crushed. After adding some spices like sugar, vinegar, salt, they are then boiled and
be cool down for 2 hours. Next, the glass bottles have been filled by tamato liquid,
they are labeled.
Coutinuing the process, the bottles are verified in order to packed into boxes.The
last steps involving to be delivering by trucks and tasting with fastfoods.

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