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Price of the Sugar”

a. The title The Price of Sugar has deeper implication, it is alluded to what?

(Answer in two or three sentences)
 Yes, this documentary film entitled The Price of Sugar has a deeper implication,
it is alluded the human trafficking happening in the sugar plantation, the human
slavery and deprivation of the human rights of the Haitians where they are forced
to work in the sugar plantation with low salary and no proper shelter and food.
b. What was the first motivation Father Christopher Harley inspired him to
become a priest?
 The first motivation that inspires Father Christopher to become priest is when he
fell the love for the poor and to be a holy, a follow of God just like Mother Teresa
who really love the poor people or to those who are less fortunate, she was
whole heartedly in serving the people.
c. Before, he became a priest, who was he as ordinary individual? Describe him.
 Father Christopher is a Spanish-British and belong to a prominent family. He has
a strong personality but has kind heart and a strong physique, and a very
energetic person. He is also a very competitive person especially in sports.
d. As a missionary priest, what specific town and country was he assigned?
 As a missionary priest, Father Christopher was assigned in the town of San José
de los Llanos in Dominican Republic.
e. To whom and what for was he working?
 When he arrived in his mission place, he found out about illegal transactions
happening in the place where Haitians are the victims. He wanted to help them
and then he takes that as his personal mission. He wanted to uphold justice for
the Haitians and bring back their rights as a human.
f. What was the main issue why the local Dominican people wanted to drive him
 The main issue why the local Dominican people wanted to drive Father
Christopher out is because the people thinks he was Haitianizing their place
where in fact he just wanted to help the Haitians bring back their rights and
justice. Another reason is that Father Christopher exposed the Vacini’s illegals
transactions and the housing plans for the Haitians.
g. There was a racist and nationalist issue in the video, what was it?
 Yes, there was a racist and nationalist in the video. From the unlawful treatment
of Haitians, it is a movement of racism. They were not treated fairly because
aside from they’re black people, they are illegally immigrant of the country where
the Dominicans don’t want and like them. And that is one of the reason why they
want to drive out Father Christopher from their country. They wanted to drive out
both Haitians and Father Christopher in their country and that is a nationalist
issue in the video.
h. Was there an issue of human trafficking in the video? If there is, what was it?
 Yes, there is an issue of human trafficking in the video and it was pointed in the
beginning of the video. The deprivation of human rights of the Haitians, they are
being exploited from the Haiti across the border of Dominican Republic by being
lured of good salary and good future without them knowing that it was the
opposite of the opportunities that was being offered to them.
i. Comment the said line of Father Christopher's supporter: " Living a life without
Justice is living like a hell."
 You can really see the hopelessness of that supporter of Father Christopher as
he said that line, “Living a life without justice is living like hell”. And it is really
true, you are living in hell without justice because justice works for all – the
equally, the treatment and hope of life. Justice serves as a blessing to those
people experience unlawful deeds especially Haitians, they experience
everything from being slave to lack food and shelter and Father Christopher is
their blessing, he wanted that Haitians should have their justice. And justice
should be made equally for poor and for rich, for disabled and not, no status
should render the building of justice, justice is for everyone.
j. Cite the economic, social and political issues involved in the video in
connection with the TCW topic on Sustainable Development. (Explain well, you
can research what is Sustainable Development.)
 The connection on Sustainable Development to the economic issue in the video
is that the fact that the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest producer of raw
products especially sugar in US yet the country is still not productive and they still
stayed poor while the US is continuing to be productive. The social issue was the
main point of the video – human trafficking, poverty, no access to education,
discrimination, child labor and many more that was being showed in the video.
And those social issue cause a big problem to the country and mainly to its
people. The political issue is that the Dominican government didn’t do anything
about those issues like human trafficking, they didn’t take action in spite of actual
transaction about human trafficking, they are being afraid of the power of the rich
people instead of making things right and give justice. They are the government
they work for the people to have an equal and peace environment but that’s the
problem because they cannot give that to their people.

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