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Auxilium Catholic School

History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
The 2nd W.W was fought between two major military blocks kwon as Allied and Axis powers.
 Allied forces – France, Britain, U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
 Axis powers – Germany, Italy and Japan.
Causes of the war
1. The rise of fascist government in Italy, Germany and Japan. The fascists wanted to re-
divide the world by using a military power.
- The 1st fascist government in history was that formed in Italy in 1922 when Mussolini
came to power.
- The Nazis took power in Germany in 1933. The military sized power in Japan
in1930s and begin aggression.
2. The worldwide economic crisis known as the great depression after the IWW paved the
way for fascist to take power.
Hitler (1889-1945)
 An Australian by birth.
 Joined the German army and fought in I.W.W
 In 1919 he joined the Nazi party (national German workers party)
 In November 1923, Hitler attempted a coup d’état with his army named Brown shirts.
 The coup was aborted and he was in prisoned. At prison he wrote a book entitled
Meinekampt (my struggle) in which he describes the Nazi philosophy and his future plan.
The Nazis under Hitler assumed the German as a superior race and sought to rule the world.
German Nazis complained that the Versailles dictated treaty signed at the end of the IWW was
dedicated peace against Germany. Germany was unfairly treated.
When the fascists came to the power and made aggressive measures the western powers were
unable to form an anti-fascist coalition, because the non-fascists followed different policies.
Britain and France dominant in the League of Nations followed a policy of appeasement to avoid
another world war.
USA preferred a policy of Isolation, but this rather encouraged the Fascist states to intensity their
war of conquest on global scale.
In 1931 Japan had invaded Manchuria a province of China – Japan continent to control
Manchuria and when the league condemned her aggression, she withdrew from the League of
Nations in May 1933.
In 1937 the Sino Japanese war (1937-1945) started after Japan decided to invade the whole
Germany withdraw from the league in October 1933. Germany started a national military service
against the terms of the Versailles treaty that prohibited conscription and put a strict limitation on
the German army. Germany:-
 Started rapid rearmament
 In 1936 re occupied the demoralized Rhine land.
 Started national military service.
In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia

pg. 1 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C

The Spanish Civil War (1936- 1939)

- It was another indicator of aggressive move
- Fought between the democratically elected republican government and a rebel nationalist
force under German Franco. An international voluntary force tried to help the republican
government Germany and Italy gave material support to Spanish national party (France)
which became victorious.
In March 1938, Adolf Hitler of Germany incorporated Austria under the pretext of uniting
Austrian Germans with Germany. Similarly Hitler Annexed parts of Czechoslovakia in March
The March deal 1938 agreed between Britain, France and German in which Britain and France
officially allowed Hitler to Annex German speaking Sudefan land of Czechoslovakia.
In August 1939, German and U.S.S.R signed the Nazi soviet non-aggression pact.
Finally Germany invaded Poland on September 1939, the event that marked the outbreak of the
IIWW. Britain and France ended their policy of appeasement and declared war on Germany.
The German called their campaign against Poland Blitzkrieg (lightning war). Germany invaded
western Poland, while Russia took control of eastern Poland.
The fall of France (1940)
After the end of the Polish campaign Hitler overrun Denmark and Norway. On May 10, 1940
Hitler invaded the lower countries (Belgium, Luxemburg, and Holland) then invaded France
through the lower countries. The French resistance collapsed Paris was easily captured.
The Germans occupied the northern France and in the south they allowed the formation of
collaborationist government (a pupet) under Marshal Petain, at Vichy in southern France.

General Charles de-Gaule announced a free French government in England and

decided to resume a war of liberation.
The war against Britain
The battle of Britain was characterized by aerialwayfare. Although the German air force
bombarded major British cities and industrial centers. Hitler failed to invade Britain and was
French to post phone his plan to invade Britain on June 22, 1941 Hitler invaded Russia, Hence
Russia entered the IIWW.
Entry of USA (1941) in IIWW
USA opposed the Japanese expansion in the Far East. Where USA prevented Japanese request
for loan, Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor at Hawaii in December 1941. The
USA declared war on Japan.
In 1942 the axis powers were at the highest of their success the Germans had conquered vast
territories in Europe. The Japanese became masters of much of the Far East and pacific Islands.
On the eastern front the German troops were defeated by Russia at the battles of Stalingrad and
Kurusk in 1942/43.
Allied Countries offensive in Africa

pg. 2 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
In June 1940 Italy entered the IIWW on the side of Germany. This extended WWII into Africa.
The British military intervention in the liberation campaign of Ethiopia was the result of the
entry of Italy to the war.
A joint Anglo-Ethiopian Liberation campaign was made from two directions Sudan and Kenya.
From Sudan a joint army known as the Gedeon force was under the leadership of two British
officers. Charles winget and Baniel Sanford –with H/ Selassie entered Gojjam in April 1941.
- British troops under William piatt liberated Eritrea.
- From Kenya a joint force under the command of Sir Allan Cunningham.
- The first to enter A.A was Cunningham who controlled A.A on 6 April 1941.
- The emperor entered A.A on May 5/1941.
- The 2nd allied military victory in Africa came when Britain, France and USA drove
German and Italian forces out of North Africa in 1943.
- By 1944, the 2nd front was opened with the liberation France in the west.
- Russia advanced west wards and finally entered Berlin.
- On 30th April 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide.
- Mussolini was murdered by Italian communists in 1945.
- Finally Germany surrendered and the war came to an end in Europe.
- The war in the Far East continued, the Allies mainly the USA, new Zealand and
Australia had re occupied the pacific Islands.
- On 6th and 9th of August 1945 the USA dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively.
- Russia declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria.
- On September 2/1945 the America forces entered Tokyo and Japan surrendered
Reasons for the Allied Victory
1. The Axis powers stretched their force to the extent they couldn’t protect the vast
territories they had controlled.
2. The combined human and material resources of the Allies.
3. The entry of USA and USSR in the war shifted the balance of power in favor of the
4. The Allies had dedicated leaders- Churchill of Britain, Roosevelt of USA, and Stalin of
5. The coordinated military operation of the Allies success fully worked to crush the Axis
Effect of WWII
1. About 50 million people l0st their life and 20 million others wounded, of these Russians
suffered the highest.
2. USA and USSR became new super powers.
3. The war encouraged decolonization in Asia and Africa.
4. The cold war, the east-west relation followed.
5. The UNO replaced the League of Nations.
Restoration of the monarchy and British Domination over Ethiopia.

pg. 3 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
In 1941 with British support, H/Selassie restored to the imperial throne, but he couldn’t exercise
his full power immediately. His power was greatly restricted by the British.
The British were in control of the Army. The police force, the finance and other important
administrative positions.
⁕ The case of ogaden and Eritrea was seen in different ways.
⁕ The established occupied enemy territory administrative (OETA) over Eritrea and Ogaden.
Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty (1942)
 Gave extensive power to Britain over Ethiopia affairs.
 Made Ethiopia dependent.
 The emperor agreed to use only British citizen as advisors.
 The emperor had no power to declare war without the permission of Britain.
 The case of the Italian prisoners of war was to be treated by British alone.
The 2nd Anglo-Ethiopia treaty
According the British:
1. Promised to restore Ogaden to Ethiopia, in fact Ogaden was restored only in 1954.
2. Allowed Ethiopia to use the A.A –Djibouti railway.
3. The British domination slowly decreased after the 1944 Anglo-Ethiopian treaty.
4. The Emperor was allowed to use anon British advisor.

The Woyane Rebellion (1943)

- Organized and led by Blatta H/Mariam Rea.
- In 1930s in his administrative reform, H/silasie allowed Tigrai to be a administrated by its
hereditary rulers.
- During the Italian occupation, Italy administrated Tigrai combined with Eritrea.
- After liberation the British also intended to unite the province of Tigrai with Eretria. Aware
of this British plan, H/Selassie reasserted his power in Tigrai by appointing his own
- The royal appointees, however remained unpopular and disliked by the local people, this new
administrative over Tigrai caused the rebellion.
- The woyane rebellions was crushed by the joint Anglo- Ethiopian force.

pg. 4 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C

Unit Six
The Formation of the UNO
The Atlantic Characters 1942
 Laid the foundation for the formation of the UNO.
 Was joint declaration made by president Roosevelt of UAS and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill of Britain.
 The two leaders expressed their readiness for the formation of UNO.
 The consecutive conferences were made at different places and finally at the San-frencisco
conference on June 1945 the representatives of 50 nation approved the charter of the future UNO
which was formally formed on April 25/1945.
The Goals of the United Nations Organization (UNO)

1. Maintain international peace and security.

2. T take collective measures against aggression
3. Develop friendly relations among nations.
4. To create international corporation in solving problem.
5. Promote respect to human rights.
The Structure of the UNO

The UNO has six main Organs

1. The general Assembly
- It composed all members states
- Each member states has one vote in Assembly.
- It elects the non-permanent members of the security council in every two years
- Appoints the secretary general for five years.
2. The security council
- The leading organ of the UNO
- It has five permanent members.
- Britain / France/ USA /Russia/ China (After 1971)
- The permanent members has Veto power.
- There are 15 non-permanent members elected every two years.
- Has a power to mobilize an armed force.
- Has also a power to impose sanctions.
- Controls the election of the secretary generals and the admission of new members.
3. The Secretariat
- Head quarter in New York.

pg. 5 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
- Performs the day to day task of the UN
- Implementation of the decision of the general assembly and the Security Council is its
- Prepares an annual report.
- The secretariat general was recommended by the council, approve and appointed by
the general assembly.
- Has s five year office period
4. Economic and social council.
- Assigned by the general assembly.
- Has three years term.
- Special Agencies (ILO, FAO,WHO,UNESCO)
5. Trustship council
6. International court of Justice.
UN successes and Limitations.
a. Stopped the civil war in Greece and Korea.
b. It halted the bloodshed between India and Pakistan.
c. Arbitrated the Arab Israel conflict.
d. Mediated the Suez Canal crisis.
e. Adopted the declaration of human right in 1948.
f. Approved the genocide convection.
 Limitations
- UN inability to establish a permanent armed forces.
- The presence of political blocs.
The Cold War (1940s -1980s)
-The term cold war was used to describe the post-world war II struggle between the two power
blocks the western block headed by USA and eastern block by Soviet Union.
-The basic causes of the cold war was the conflicting economic and political goals of the two
-1945-1948 Eastern Europe fall under the communist domination, these nations termed out to
become Russian satellites during the years of the cold war.
-The only communist nation in Eastern Europe was Yugoslavia under Marshal Tito.
-The west under USA took measured to stop the expansion of communism.
I. Truman Doctrine
The Doctrine made ready a military and financial aid to those nations under the communist
influence (Greece, Turkey, Korea, and Indo –China). The doctrine was further strengthened by
the formation of defensive military Alliance to stop the communist expansion.
 NATO (North Atlantic treaty organization)
- Formed in 1949 with the initiative of USA.
- Head quarter – Brussels.
- Other military Alliance – SEATO, and MENTO.
 The Marshal Plan
- Named after US secretary general George C. Marshal.
- USA showed her readiness to give financial assistance to Europe.

pg. 6 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
- Was recovery program to re-build a war run European economy.
- Aimed at strengthening Europe’s economic deference.

II. The point four program.

 Strengthening non-European economic defense.
 It was part of the Truman Doctrine.
 A large scale program of economic aid back ward nations.
 Technical assistance to back ward nations to improve their natural resources and
The Chinese Revolution
- Organized by Dr.Sun Yatsen- the founders of Kuomintang (KMT) nationalist part.
- The revolution marked the down fall of the Manchu dynasty and China became a
- The last Manchu ruler – Emperor Puyi was over thrown.
- The CCP the communist party of china was formed in 1921, whose famous ruler was
Mao Tse Tung the 1st leader of communist China.
- 1927 ching Kaishek staged a coup and decided to fight CCP hence the 1 st civil war
between the CCP and the KMT fought until 937.
In 1934 the KMT under Ching Kaishek encircled the CCP at Kaingsi southern china, center of
CCP. In the same year the CCP under Maoset out on along retreat known as the long March
which covers 9000kms from Kiangsi in the south to the province of Yenan in the north.
With the defeat of Japan in to the II WW in 1945 the KMT and the CCP reentered in to the
bloody civil war (1945-1949). The nationalist under Chiang Kaishek wrere defeated.
Chiang Kaishek fled under US flag to Taiwan (Formosa) where he formed a US supported
nationalist government. Taiwan had been permanent member of the Security Council and up to
1971. Then replaced by China. Mao declared the formation of People’s Republic of China on 1 st
October 1949.
The Korean War
Korea was under the Japanese control between1910-1945. Before the defeat of Japan in the II
WW a meeting was held in 1943 at Cairo to decide the fate of Japanese colonies. The three
powers (Churchill, Roosevelt, and Chiang Kaishek) agreed on the restoration of territories taken
from China by Japan and Korea was to become a free and independent state. After the surrender
of Japan, however Korea was occupied the north under the Russia and the south under the US
A national election for the entire Korea was proposed by the UNO but Russia refuses to
In 1950 the communist North Korea invaded the republican South Korea. The Security Council
formed the 1st international army under the UN flag to drive North Korean troops out of the
south. The UN forces was mainly American, but armies from 15 countries including the
Ethiopian fares. At the beginning the UN forces was losing, but later it drove the North Korean
force back. The UN force resumed an offensive in to the north. The victorious UN forces

pg. 7 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C
retreated in 1953 an armistice was signed by which the 8 th parallel remained a dividing line
between the north and the south.

The war of the Vietnam

France ruled indo-china (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) from 1880s until the outbreak of the
IIWW. After the IIWW France wanted to regain Indo-china, but Vietnamese resisted.
Ho-Chi minch Vietnamese leader, declared the formation of the democratic republic of Vietnam
in the northern part. North of the 1st parallel, Russia and China recognized this state.
The war between Vietnam and France fought between 1946-1954, the French were defeated at
the battle of Dien Bien phu. According to the Geneva agreement.
⁕ France agreed to end her colonial claims over Indo China.
⁕ Vietnam was to be divided temporarily.
⁕ The re-unification came only in 1976.
⁕ After French withdrawal, America intervened in Vietnam supporting the capitalist South
Vietnam. Hence the war between north and South Vietnam resumed.
⁕ America intervened in Vietnam in order to contain communism in the area. America sent
about 550000 troops to Vietnam.
⁕ The war in Vietnam caused internal and international opposition to USA.
⁕ In 1973America was forced to pull out its force from Vietnam. The South Vietnamese
government. Collapsed and communists emerged victories and finally Vietnam was re-united
under a communist government in 1976.
The Arab Israel Wars.
The land of Palestine had been a place of conflicting claims between Jewish and Arab
nationalists- Zionism was an international Jewish movement worked for the formation of a
Jewish state in Palestine.
The British in 1915 promised Palestine for the Arabs. In 1917, however the British gave their
support to the Jews through the Balfour declaration.
In 1947 the UN general assembly decided the partition of Palestine into an independent Arab and
Jewish state.
Jerusalem was made an international city under the UNO.
The resolution didn’t satisfy both the Arabs and Jews since, both claimed Palestine as their own
home land.
On 14 Many 1948 the state of Israel was proclaimed David Bengurion became it 1st prime
minister. Followed the British withdrawal from Palestine, the Arab state of Egypt, Syria, Iraq,
Jordan attacked the newly formed state of Israel. This was the 1st Arab Israeli war (1948-1949)
- The Arab state defeated and Israel took control of half of Jerusalem.
- Part of the territory of Arab Palestine was taken by Trans-Jordan which came to be
- Hundreds of thousands of Arabs took refugees in the neighboring Arab countries.
- Palestine liberation organization (PLO) formed in 1964.

pg. 8 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C

The 2nd Arab Israeli War (1956)

o Also called the Suez war or the Suez Canal crisis.
o In 1956 following the withdrawal of the British troops from Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser
nationalized the Suez Canal. Fearing the closure of the canal Israel attacked Egypt. Britain and
France entered the war on the Israeli side.
The 3rd Arab Israeli War (1967)
- Also called the six day war.
- In this war USSR supplied weapons to the Arabs,
- USA Britain and Germany supported Israel.
- At the end of the war Israel occupied.
 Golan Heights from Syria.
 The Sinai and Gaza strip of Egypt.
 The west bank of Jordan.
- Israel used these newly incorporated regions as a buffer zone.
The 4 Arab Israel War (1973)
- Also called the Yom Kipur war, because the Arabs started to attack Israel on Jewish
religious celebration day called Yom Kipur.
- The Arabs suffered defeat.
- After this war the Arabs turned to a guerrilla war
- The Palestinian guerrilla fighters were called Feda Yeens
The Camp David Agreement (1978)
A framework for peace for the Arab-Israeli conflict was signed by American president Jimmy
Carter, Egyptian president Awaral Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menaahim Begin at Camp
David in America. By this agreement Egypt alone among the Arabs recognized the state of
Israel. But soon Sadat was assassinated by the Arab extremists.
The non – Aligned movement movement
- It is neutralism in international relations
Leading the personalities behind the non- aligned movement:
Joseph Bronz Tito – Yugoslavia.
Jawahardal Nehru – India. Foundation conference
Su Kamo – Indonesia. -1955 attended by 29
Nasser – Egypt.
Reasons for member states to be neutral
 No to threaten their sovereignty.
 To relax the east –west conflict.
 To gain economic and technical assistance from both blocks.

pg. 9 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

Auxilium Catholic School
History Grade 10
2012E.C/2019-20 G.C

The last two chapters are coming soon!

pg. 10 by Mr. Mulugeta T.

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