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Eight Lessons on Social-Emotional Learning From a Superintendent

1) Take Time to Plan

Structuring the social environment of the classroom and school requires the same level of planning
for consistency that we provide for the academic curriculum. Just as a consistent math curriculum
methodically builds understanding of mathematical concepts in a logical sequence, social and
emotional learning requires a coherent approach that includes clear messages, a common language,
and sequential skill development.
2) Build Community in the Classroom
Social skills curricula build a valuable base, but social and emotional learning requires that teachers
create caring, inclusive and socially instructive classroom communities. The sense of community in
the learning environment fosters positive relationships among and between adults and students, and
it supports connectedness to peers and to school.
3) Integrate Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Instruction
Opportunities to build students’ social and emotional skills should be intentionally embedded
throughout the academic curriculum. The teaching of reading can be infused with themes that
illustrate social skills. Science investigations can embed instruction in cooperation and provide
opportunities to practice it. This across-the-curriculum embedding helps cement social and
emotional learning and demonstrate its academic value.
4) Highlight Your Classroom’s Cultural Diversity
Community requires authenticity, particularly in terms of the cultural norms and identities that
students bring to the classroom. Enabling students to make their cultural identities visible within the
classroom and honoring the richness that the diversity of cultural perspectives brings to learning are
essential elements of creating safe and affirming classrooms.
5) Leverage Learning Through Service
Service learning deepens the meaningfulness and value of social and emotional learning beyond the
classroom. Students benefit from authentic vehicles for demonstrating their social skills and their
sense of caring. Opportunities to extend service to others and to the community at large validate
what they are learning in the classroom.
6) Productive Discipline Methods are Critical
Our methods of discipline can either foster or undermine our social and emotional learning goals.
In a classroom and school community that focuses on relationships and learning, errors in judgment
and behavior need to be addressed through logical consequences and restorative practices that help
students learn to resolve differences, manage their emotions, and take the perspective of another.
7) Develop Social and Emotional Skills in Adults
As well as learning how to foster social and emotional learning for students, teachers and
administrators need training and guided practice in modeling social skills, facilitating social
development in conflict situations in the classroom, demonstrating cultural proficiency, and
appreciating the impact of teachers’ language on students’ social interactions.
8) Articulate a Strong, Clear Vision―and Follow Through
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Administrative vision and leadership are critical. Articulating a vision of the possible, providing a
rationale for pursuing this work, and ensuring that policy and structural supports are in place are
powerful statements of the administrator’s commitment to prioritizing social and emotional
Implementing a comprehensive approach requires incremental steps, starting with a simple
foundation and deepening the approach over time. However, when done well, social and emotional
learning can have an extraordinary impact on academic performance and school climate.
Its long-term impact is even broader. Through their experience with social and emotional learning,
students begin to understand the meaning of the common good, appreciate the impact of their actions
on those around them, and develop a sense of relatedness to and responsibility for the larger human
community. It is the bridge to socially responsible citizenship.

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