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Imperative mode profa.

Yolibeth Paredes

The imperative is one of three moods of the Spanish language, but unlike the other two moods (Indicative and
Subjunctive) it is not divided into tenses. The imperative mode is used to tell someone to do something. It means a direct
way to give commands, orders and instructions or to advise, either in affirmative or negative form.

This mode is only used with the grammatical persons: tú, usted (formal), nosotros and ustedes (formal). There are also
impersonal commands e.g. No smoking..g. No smoking.

Affirmative vs. Negative

Use the affirmative conjugation corresponding to -ar, -er, and -ir verbs when telling someone to do something. And use
negative conjugation when telling someone not to do something, but remember to place no before the conjugated verb.

In this mode, only the tú form would vary its conjugation depending on whether it is an affirmative or negative command.
The negative command for it is formed by adding –s to the usted command form


Hablar Comer / Escribir

Affirmativ Negative Affirmative Negative
tú a es e as
usted e a
nosotros emos amos
(involve oneself as well as others)
ustedes en an
e.g. (tú) Habla despacio!=>no hables despacio! Come rápido!=>no comas rápido! Escribe bien!=>no escribas bien!

Imperative irregular forms

Some common irregular verbs:

  Ser Ir Tener Venir Poner Salir Hacer Decir

Tú Sé/seas   Ve/vayas Ten/tengas Ven/vengas Pon /pongas Sal/salgas Haz/hagas Di/digas
Usted sea vaya tenga venga Ponga salga haga diga
Nosotros seamos vayamos tengamos Vengamos pongamos salgamos hagamos digamos
Ustedes sean vayan tengan vengan Pongan salgan hagan digan


Impersonal commands

The infinitive which is the unconjugated verb form that ends in -ar, -er or -ir is frequently used as impersonal commands,
especially in print and online rather than verbally. It is used to give commands to no one person in particular and it is seen
most commonly on signs and in written instructions.

e.g. No fumar (No smoking)Hacer clic aquí (Click here) No tocar (Do not touch)

Sazonar los frijoles y servirlos en un plato (Season the beans and serve them on a plate)

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