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Synonyms: garish, loud Synonyms: adulation, cajolery
Antonyms: genuine, real Antonyms: criticism, condemnation
Sentence: He believes in living a meretricious life. Sentence: At first he used his arts of blandishment and
honeyed words in order to lure his boss.
Synonyms: combative, hostile IMPERTURBABILITY (NOUN): balance
Antonyms: agreeable, calm Synonyms: aplomb, coolness
Sentence: She comes across bellicose to men who Antonyms: agitation, anxiety
approach her. Sentence: His imperturbability always had the effect of a
goad upon his father‘s temper.
SNIPER (NOUN): bandit
Synonyms: criminal, crook AUGURY (NOUN): omen
Antonyms: law, police Synonyms: auspice, harbinger
Sentence: He is a notorious sniper. Antonyms: short-sighted, assurance
Sentence: This incident of his infancy was accepted as an
FOIBLE (NOUN): shortcoming augury of his maturity, and he did not believe it.
Synonyms: eccentricity, frailty
Antonyms: advantage, normality GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-talking
Sentence: I can‘t let this whole project work go wrong Synonyms: artful, facile
just because of some foible. Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate
Sentence: She advises women with similar issues not to
GLOAT (VERB): exclaim triumph settle for glib explanations.
Synonyms: rejoice, relish
Antonyms: be sad, commiserate OSTRACISM (NOUN): banishment
Sentence: The winning team was polite enough to not Synonyms: avoidance, boycott
gloat over its huge win. Antonyms: acceptance, allowance
Sentence: Only cruel teachers can follow ostracism and
IMBUE (VERB): inculcate ill-treat their children.
Synonyms: ingrain, instil
Antonyms: drain, take out REPINE (VERB): complain
Sentence: When cinnamon is added to the sweet Synonyms: grumble, lament
potato batter, it will imbue the pie with a hint of spice. Antonyms: appreciate, praise
Sentence: She likes to repine about her colleagues.
HAGGLE (VERB): bicker
Synonyms: barter, quibble FEINT (NOUN): pretense
Antonyms: agree, concur Synonyms: ruse, bluff
Sentence: I‘ll pay the sticker price because I do not Antonyms: honesty, truth
want to haggle with the trader. Sentence: She pretended to be making great efforts to
cope up with the course but it was merely a feint.
FRITTER (VERB): Waste away
Synonyms: misspend, dally INURE (VERB): accustom
Antonyms: conserve, preserve Synonyms: familiarize, habituate
Sentence: It is advised to not to fritter your money. Antonyms: neglect, soften
Sentence: A continuation of the wrongful exclusion of
GRASP (NOUN): understanding these Pakistanis from their lands should not inure to the
Synonyms: awareness, knowledge benefit of the wrongdoers.
Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance
Sentence: I like his grasp over the subject. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
FLINCH (VERB): Avoid Antonyms: simple, straightforward
Synonyms: dodge, duck Sentence: How else to explain the popularity of a novel
Antonyms: face, confront so free of plot, so obsessed with existential rumination
Sentence: Do not try to flinch your duties. and
4 recondite philosophy?
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
ABSTRUSE (ADJECTIVE): difficult to understand MOUTHY (ADJECTIVE): Talkative
Synonyms: esoteric, perplexing Synonyms: chatty, gabby
Antonyms: lucid, clear Antonyms: reticent, silent
Sentence: He is an extremely mouthy boy.
Sentence: Don‘t get into abstruse task and don‘t bite
off more than you can chew. DEBONAIR (ADJECTIVE): charming
Synonyms: affable, elegant
ACCOST (VERB): approach for conversation Antonyms: awkward, inelegant
Synonyms: address, confront Sentence: Arsalan has a debonair personality.
Antonyms: dodge, shun
Sentence: She waited him to accost and then played it PESTILENT (ADJECTIVE): Baneful
Synonyms: contagious, deleterious
by ear.
Antonyms: harmless, innocuous
Sentence: To many, homeless beggars are nothing more
BARRAGE (NOUN): assault than pestilent irritants.
Synonyms: blast, attack
Antonyms: defence, shield PERPETRATE (VERB): Be responsible for
Sentence: When she was experiencing the barrage the Synonyms: carry out, commit
royal Prince came like a knight in shining armour. Antonyms: halt, stop
Sentence: Who would perpetrate for this crime?
BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): curable RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): Charming and immoral
Synonyms: not cancerous, remediable Synonyms: dashing, jaunty
Antonyms: cancerous, injurious Antonyms: moral, upright
Sentence: His ailment was benign but at that last Sentence: She gave Ahmed a rakish smile.
moment doctors turned a blind eye.
Synonyms: captivate, enrapture
ABDICATION (NOUN): relinquishment Antonyms: disenchant, disgust
Synonyms: abandonment, disavowal Sentence: I was totally engrossed by her beauty.
Antonyms: sanction, allowance
Sentence: The family was fed up with the abdication MIDDLING (ADJECTIVE): adequate
from the society. Synonyms: mediocre, passable
Antonyms: extreme, exceptional
Sentence: The patient needs middling amount of water
BABBLE (VERB): mumble
every half an hour.
Synonyms: mutter, murmur
Antonyms: be quiet, be silent DECOY (NOUN): trap
Sentence: She would not babble is like a fat chance. Synonyms: attraction, inducement
Antonyms: honesty, frankness
BAIT (VERB): entice Sentence: We caught a rat, using a decoy to trick it into
Synonyms: tempt, seduce the cage.
Antonyms: repel, repulse
Sentence: She knows the ropes how to bait him. Synonyms: quarrelsome, critical
Antonyms: pleasant, peaceful
ABET (VERB): instigate Sentence: You are a cantankerous man.
Synonyms: provoke, incite
Antonyms: resist, prevent DANK (ADJECTIVE): moist
Sentence: He abets his neighbour all the time, don‘t you Synonyms: clammy, muggy
Antonyms: parched, dry
know he is mad as a hatter. Sentence: The middle section of the house is fully dank.

Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: profitless, stale Synonyms: buffoon, jerk
Antonyms: productive, fertile Antonyms: brain, genius
Sentence: His plan is utterly barren, he has his head in Sentence: He is a simpleton boy and tries to make
the clouds now a days. everybody around him laugh.

ABJURE (VERB): give up CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): exclusive

Synonyms: forswear, recant Synonyms: selected, reserved
Antonyms: allow, emphasize Antonyms: welcoming, open
Sentence: I abjure working on his poor etiquettes as he is Sentence: Celebrities believe in wearing clannish dresses.
driving me round the bend now.
COMPETENCE (NOUN): capability Synonyms: torture, distress
Antonyms: please, relieve
Synonyms: ability, proficiency
Sentence: She was lacerated with her filthy remarks.
Antonyms: bluntness, dullness
Sentence: I regard him as a man of integrity and high SATANIC (ADJECTIVE): demonic
professional competence. Synonyms: cruel, maniacal
Antonyms: angelic, good
COMPENDIUM (NOUN): summary Sentence: His father‘s satanic remark stung deeply and
Synonyms: digest, compilation brought the boy to tears.
Antonyms: extension, enlargement
Sentence: His book is a delightful compendium of MURKY (ADJECTIVE): obscure
important questions. Synonyms: cloudy, dark
Antonyms: bright, apparent
COMPASSION (NOUN): pity Sentence: The plane crashed due to murky weather.
Synonyms: tenderness, gentleness
PAROXYSM (NOUN): outburst
Antonyms: antipathy, ruthlessness
Synonyms: seizure, spasm
Sentence: There is no need to show compassion. Antonyms: peace, calm
Sentence: Nazia overcome a paroxysm of grief.
Synonyms: sensual, lascivious CHOLERIC (ADJECTIVE): irritable
Antonyms: moral, decent Synonyms: peevish, irascible
Sentence: The child should be kept away from Antonyms: happy, pleasant
Sentence: He was beaten by a choleric old schoolmaster.
libidinous movies.
MARSHAL (VERB): organize
REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking Synonyms: assemble, mobilize
Synonyms: festivity, celebration Antonyms: disperse, disarrange
Antonyms: mourning, sadness Sentence: The government marshaled its economic
Sentence: I called the police when my neighbours resources.
refused to settle down and end their revelry.
OCCULT (NOUN): supernatural practices and
RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception Synonyms: magic, mystic
Synonyms: gimmick, ploy Antonyms: open, clear
Antonyms: honesty, openness Sentence: Imran has made a study of witches and the
Sentence: It was a ruse to bring him there. occult.

Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
PREEMPT (VERB): To acquire or take Synonyms: incoherent, blurred
Synonyms: confiscate, annex Antonyms: articulate, communicative
Antonyms: relinquish, surrender Sentence: He made an inarticulate noise in the back of his
Sentence: I've preempted the next compartment. throat.

ASPERITY (NOUN): the quality of being hard VENGEANCE (NOUN): revenge

Synonyms: harshness, acerbity Synonyms: reprisal, requital
Antonyms: sweetness, courtesy Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon
Sentence: ―I told you he had no idea‖ she remarked with Sentence: She wanted vengeance for the loss of her
some asperity. daughter.

BEATITUDE (NOUN): a state of supreme happiness BESEECH (VERB): beg earnestly

Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy Synonyms: implore, adjure
Antonyms: sorrow, misery Antonyms: command, reply
Sentence: After qualifying the CSS Exam, Aamir was in a Sentence: I beseech you, ―don‘t punish him.‖
state of beatitude.
PUNY (ADJECTIVE): small and weak
CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): changeable Synonyms: inconsequential, diminutive
Synonyms: erratic, fickle Antonyms: giant, strong
Antonyms: constant, predictable Sentence: What can we expect from a puny child?
Sentence: She may change her mind, she's very
capricious. CONJECTURE (NOUN): guesswork
Synonyms: speculation, hunch
DENOUEMENT (NOUN): the outcome of a complex Antonyms: certainty, reality
sequence of events Sentence: Sidra made several conjectures about where
Synonyms: conclusion, result her son might be.
Antonyms: beginning, opening
Sentence: The unexpected denouement of the affair JAMBOREE (NOUN): noisy celebration
was surprising for all. Synonyms: ceremony, festival
Antonyms: weary, condolence
RESPLENDENT (ADJECTIVE): impressive Sentence: Our company has planned a nice jamboree.
Synonyms: splendid, dazzling
Antonyms: dull, gloomy JAUNDICED (NOUN): prejudiced
Sentence: Yesterday, my wife bought a resplendent Synonyms: biased, bitter
purse from the market. Antonyms: unbiased, unprejudiced
Sentence: The writer of a novel showed his jaundiced
PIQUE (NOUN): irritation vision in the novel.
Synonyms: annoyance, ruckus
Antonyms: delight, joy LACKADAISICAL (ADJECTIVE): lazy
Sentence: In a fit of pique, he threw down his bag. Synonyms: lethargic, indifferent
Antonyms: excited, inspired
DISARMING (ADJECTIVE): charming Sentence: he seemed a little lackadaisical at times.
Synonyms: irresistible, saccharine
Antonyms: despicable, disgusting LAMBASTE (VERB): punish
Sentence: He approached with a disarming smile. Synonyms: castigate, criticize
Antonyms: praise, loud
FATHOM (VERB): measure the depth of Sentence: No one should be lambasted without any fault.
Synonyms: comprehend, penetrate
Antonyms: neglect, misinterpret LARCENY (NOUN): theft
Sentence: It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the Synonyms: stealing, robbery
death of a child. Antonyms: pay, reimbursement
Sentence: He was arrested because of grand larceny
INARTICULATE (ADJECTIVE): unable to express charges.
oneself clearly 7
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
LARGESS (NOUN): generosity PEDANTIC (ADJECTIVE): marked by a narrow
Synonyms: magnanimity, altruistic focus on
Antonyms: greediness, meanness Synonyms: bookish, didactic
Sentence: Largess is an absolute quality of a nobleman. Antonyms: plain, simple
Sentence: His lecture was pedantic and uninteresting.
Synonyms: secret, concealed PECUNIARY (ADJECTIVE): relating to or involving
Antonyms: developed, expressed money
Sentence: Advertisements attempt to project a latent Synonyms: monetary, financial
meaning behind an overt message. Antonyms: nonfinancial, noncommercial
Sentence: She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by
LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): understandable deception.
Synonyms: clear, unambiguous
Antonyms: incomprehensible, obscure PALL (NOUN): melancholy
Sentence: The speech was a model of its kind - limpid Synonyms: dismay, gloom
and unaffected. Antonyms: happiness, excitement
Sentence: His absence cast a pall over the celebration.
Synonyms: supple, agile PAUPER (NOUN): a person who is poor
Antonyms: clumsy, rigid Synonyms: supplicant, bankrupt
Sentence: His walk was lithe and graceful. Antonyms: rich, wealthy
Sentence: Although Meryam is a pauper, she wears fancy
PENCHANT (NOUN): a strong liking dresses.
Synonyms: fondness, inclination
Antonyms: antipathy, dislike TENACITY (NOUN): diligence
Sentence: He had a penchant for playing jokes on Synonyms: determination, perseverance
people. Antonyms: idleness, slackness
Sentence: Without tenacity, you will not be able to
PENANCE (NOUN): atonement complete the marathon.
Synonyms: punishment, penalty
Antonyms: reward, price PANICKY (ADJECTIVE): frightened
Sentence: The penance imposed on him proved light. Synonyms: worried, afraid
Antonyms: confident, calm
PELLUCID (ADJECTIVE): transparently clear; easily Sentence: Many women feel panicky when traveling
understandable alone at night.
Synonyms: bright, explicit
Antonyms: unclear, doubtful PANEGYRIC (NOUN): tribute
Sentence: Ali‘s plan is pellucid therefore I can‘t object. Synonyms: praise, homage
Antonyms: dishonor, disrespect
PEJORATIVE (ADJECTIVE): expressing disapproval Sentence: It is traditional to deliver a panegyric to the
Synonyms: negative, debasing departed.
Antonyms: praising, positive
Sentence: Imran used the word in a pejorative sense. PANDER (VERB): indulge
Synonyms: please, satisfy
PEEVISH (ADJECTIVE): easily irritated or annoyed Antonyms: anger, annoy
Synonyms: irritable, crabbed Sentence: The government has pandered to the terrorists
Antonyms: pleasant, cheerful for far too long.
Sentence: Lack of sleep never made me peevish.
OBESE (ADJECTIVE): very overweight
PEER (NOUN): person who is another's equal Synonyms: corpulent, heavy
Synonyms: companion, compeer Antonyms: skinny, underweight
Antonyms: opponent, foe Sentence: My sister was fairly slim as a child, but has had
Sentence: His personality made him popular with his to fight obesity all her adult life.
peers. 8
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
PARRY (VERB): ward off DEBAUCH (VERB): deprave
Synonyms: avoid, dodge Synonyms: corrupt, defile
Antonyms: allow, attract Antonyms: defend, clean
Sentence: He parried questions about his involvement Sentence: Faizan wanted to debauch his friend but
in the affair. he failed.


Synonyms: obvious, apparent Synonyms: affable, elegant
Antonyms: concealed, hidden Antonyms: awkward, inelegant
Sentence: This was a patent lie. Sentence: Danish is a handsome and debonair boy
although he is not interested in modeling.
Synonyms: serious, sober DECAMP (VERB): depart suddenly
Antonyms: ignorant, negligent Synonyms: evacuate, escape
Sentence: Nowadays, Ahmed is looking very pensive. Antonyms: arrive, enter
Sentence: A child planned to decamp but his mother
PEREMPTORY (ADJECTIVE): autocratic caught him at the door.
Synonyms: intolerant, dogmatic
Antonyms: lenient, mild DECOROUS (ADJECTIVE): suitable
Sentence: He treated his colleagues in a peremptory Synonyms: polite, sedate
manner. Antonyms: impolite, indecent
Sentence: We all should behave in a decorous manner.
SHED (VERB): cast off
Synonyms: discard, scrap DECOY (NOUN): trap
Antonyms: keep, collect Synonyms: attraction, inducement
Sentence: The failing economy had forced the company to Antonyms: honesty, frankness
shed over 500 positions this past quarter. Sentence: He acted as a decoy to draw the dogs' attention
away from the children.
Synonyms: absurd, crazy REDUNDANT (ADJECTIVE): excessive, repetitious
Antonyms: intelligent, smart Synonyms: superfluous, unnecessary
Sentence: I wasn't so daft as to believe my friend. Antonyms: necessary, essential
Sentence: The programmer deleted the redundant line of
DANK (ADJECTIVE): moist code that added no value to the software program.
Synonyms: clammy, muggy
Antonyms: parched, dry SUPPLE (ADJECTIVE): flexible
Sentence: The kitchen was very dank. Synonyms: pliant, stretchable
Antonyms: stiff, rigid
DAREDEVIL (ADJECTIVE): adventurous Sentence: Paul was incredibly supple and strong.
Synonyms: daring, bold
Antonyms: fearful, cowardly SURREPTITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): secret
Sentence: He enjoys playing daredevil games. Synonyms: underhand, private
Antonyms: open, clear
DAUB (VERB): make dirty Sentence: They had several surreptitious
Synonyms: deface, smear conversations.
Antonyms: cleanse, purify
Sentence: They daubed his home with slogans. SYCOPHANT (NOUN): flatterer
Synonyms: polisher, leech
DAUNT (VERB): discourage Antonyms: master, dictator
Synonyms: frighten, scare Sentence: Whatever Farhan says about his boss, can‘t
Antonyms: encourage, inspire be believed because he is a sycophant.
Sentence: Nothing evil could daunt them.
9 intoxicated, boozy
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: sober, straight Antonyms: inarticulate, stuttering
Sentence: The inebriated partygoers were very loud. Sentence: The salesman was a very glib man.


Synonyms: splendid, deluxe Synonyms: excess, oversupply
Antonyms: plain, cheap Antonyms: dearth, lack
Sentence: They live in sumptuous surroundings. Sentence: There's a glut of agricultural products in Sindh.


Synonyms: haughty, egotistic Synonyms: content, delight
Antonyms: humble, meek Antonyms: discontent, dissatisfy
Sentence: Sohail is a supercilious boy. Sentence: She was gratified by his response.


Synonyms: laborious, burdensome Synonyms: common, banal
Antonyms: effortless, half-hearted Antonyms: fresh, new
Sentence: This is a better advice for you that you Sentence: That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.
should avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.
INCARCERATE (VERB): imprison Synonyms: aimless, casual
Synonyms: jail, captive Antonyms: planned, systematic
Antonyms: free, give liberty Sentence: A haphazard arrangement makes him angry.
Sentence: It can cost Rs. 50,000 to incarcerate a
prisoner for a year. HAUGHTY (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Synonyms: proud, pompous
INCIPIENT (ADJECTIVE): starting Antonyms: humble, modest
Synonyms: beginning, inceptive Sentence: He spoke in a haughty tone.
Antonyms: final, mature
Sentence: There were signs of incipient panic. ELEGANT (ADJECTIVE): beautiful
Synonyms: dignified, fancy
TAINT (VERB): disgrace Antonyms: dull, ugly
Synonyms: shame, dishonour Sentence: You look elegant today.
Antonyms: respect, honour
Sentence: The celebrities were tainted by the media. ENUNCIATE (VERB): declare
Synonyms: propound, express
TANTALIZE (VERB): torture Antonyms: conceal, suppress
Synonyms: frustrate, tease Sentence: He was always ready to enunciate his views to
Antonyms: please, encourage anyone who would listen.
Sentence: When Ahmed had joined the college he was
tantalized there. PERSISTENT (ADJECTIVE): constant
Synonyms: continual, endless
TRADUCE (VERB): defame Antonyms: intermittent, occasional
Synonyms: denigrate, malign Sentence: A persistent effort is required to get success.
Antonyms: glorify, honor
Sentence: We shouldn‘t traduce anyone by saying ENNUI (NOUN): apathy
something wrong. Synonyms: boredom, fatigue
GERMANE (ADJECTIVE): relevant Antonyms: activeness, speed
Synonyms: pertinent, apposite Sentence: He suffered from ennui whenever he was alone.
Antonyms: irrelevant, inappropriate
Sentence: Germane advertisements are not published ENMESH (VERB): intricate
in the local newspaper. Synonyms: entangle, involve
Antonyms: free, liberate
GLIB (ADJECTIVE): smooth-spoken Synonyms: He tried to enmesh Ali but he was fortunate
Synonyms: artful, eloquent enough to be saved.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: unclear, ambiguous Synonyms: excited, frenzied
Antonyms: clear, definite Antonyms: balanced, rational
Sentence: He was evasive about the circumstances of Sentence: He was delirious with joy.
his first meeting.
DERANGE (VERB): disorder
EVINCE (VERB): manifest Synonyms: addle, muddle
Synonyms: show, display Antonyms: order, arrange
Antonyms: conceal, hide Sentence: This does not derange the numbers, since
Sentence: We shouldn‘t evince our weakness to the order of succession is observed.
ESCULENT (ADJECTIVE): edible Synonyms: dishonouring, disparaging
Synonyms: palatable, eatable Antonyms: appreciable, honouring
Antonyms: uneatable, indigestible Sentence: She refused to withdraw her derogatory
Sentence: Esculent plants are those which are suitable remarks.
for food.
DESCENT (NOUN): going down
EXONERATE (VERB): absolve Synonyms: drop, plunge
Synonyms: exculpate, forgive Antonyms: ascent, climb
Antonyms: condemn, punish Sentence: That is a steep descent.
Sentence: The official report exonerated the school of
any blame. DESPICABLE (ADJECTIVE): contemptible
Synonyms: shameful, vile
PERFIDY (NOUN): infidelity Antonyms: honorable, reputable
Synonyms: faithlessness, dishonesty Sentence: He said that it was a despicable crime.
Antonyms: honesty, straightforwardness
Sentence: Can anyone believe perfidy is a quality of a DESPISE (VERB): abhor
noble man? Synonyms: loathe, contemn
Antonyms: regard, admire
DEFT (ADJECTIVE): efficient Sentence: I know she despises me for failing in the test.
Synonyms: adroit, dexterous
Antonyms: dull, blunt COGNOSCENTE (NOUN): expert
Sentence: Her movements during dance were neat Synonyms: judge, specialist
and deft. Antonyms: inexperienced, novice
Sentence: My father is a cognoscente in every field.
Synonyms: lifeless, dead COLLOQUIAL (ADJECTIVE): conversational
Antonyms: live, active Synonyms: informal, familiar
Sentence: Can a defunct law change the face of a Antonyms: formal, unfamiliar
country? Sentence: He converses in colloquial Japanese as easily as
in English.
Synonyms: decline, degrade COLOSSUS (NOUN): gigantic
Antonyms: improve, upgrade Synonyms: enormous, huge
Sentence: The quality of his writing degenerated as he Antonyms: small, pygmy
continued to drink. Sentence: The Landmark hotel in Sukkur is very colossus.

DEIFY (VERB): elevate COMBAT (VERB): battle

Synonyms: idolize, adore Synonyms: fight, war
Antonyms: condemn, critize Antonyms: compromise, negotiate
Sentence: The audience deified the singer‘s Sentence: The residents of the town tried to combat the
performance. government's plans to build a motorway.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: remember, memorialize Synonyms: penchant, predilection
Antonyms: forget, neglect Antonyms: antipathy, dislike
Sentence: This inscription commemorates those who
Sentence: The new book concludes in a way that hardly
matches my own social proclivity.
Synonyms: appeasing, mollifying QUISLING (NOUN): Traitor
Antonyms: aggravating, instigating Synonyms: betrayer, collaborator
Sentence: The next time he will use a conciliatory tone. Antonyms: loyalist, patriot
Sentence: He was proved to be a quisling.
Synonyms: docile, pliant
Antonyms: obstinate, stubborn PLEBIAN (ADJECTIVE): Native
Sentence: My brother is a compliant boy. Synonyms: local, indigenous
Antonyms: uncommon, different
TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having a title Sentence: He is a plebian author.
Synonyms: nominal, so-called
Antonyms: actual, real OPULENCE (NOUN): Wealth
Sentence: He always refused any titular distinction; Synonyms: abundance, affluence
but he was credited by many. Antonyms: dearth, deficiency
Sentence: Her opulence made her have many friends.
Synonyms: flecked, mottled OBVIATE (VERB): Counteract
Antonyms: plain, simple Synonyms: preclude, forestall
Sentence: The valley was speckled with flowers. Antonyms: assist, support
Sentence: Climatic conditions obviate the necessity
BEFOUL (VERB): contaminate of rain.
Synonyms: dirty, malign
Antonyms: cleanse, purify OVERT (ADJECTIVE): Obvious
Sentence: The kids befouled their hands by playing Synonyms: apparent, definite
in the garden. Antonyms: obscure, uncertain
Sentence: The new guest smiled in return but gave no
FLURRY (NOUN): commotion overt sign of knowing the man.
Synonyms: turmoil, outbreak
Antonyms: calm, peace MEDDLESOME (ADJECTIVE): Interfering
Sentence: During weekends the street markets are in a Synonyms: intrusive, meddling
state of flurry. Antonyms: avoiding, dodging
Sentence: She made a meddlesome remark.
QUANDARY (NOUN): Delicate situation
Synonyms: difficulty, dilemma MINCING (ADJECTIVE): Affected
Antonyms: advantage, boon Synonyms: artificial, dainty
Sentence: I found myself in a quandary. Antonyms: extroverted, unaffected
Sentence: Ria can‘t put up with his mincing voice for
QUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm rest of her life.
Synonyms: dispassion, peace
Antonyms: agitation, clamor LAVISH (ADJECTIVE): wasteful
Sentence: Ayesha lived here in quietude. Synonyms: extravagant, profligate
Antonyms: economical, mean
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: She came to a grief because of his lavish RAPT (ADJECTIVE): fully attentive
spending habits. Synonyms: elated, ecstatic
Antonyms: dejected, doleful
LACONIC (ADJECTIVE): brief Sentence: He listened to the speaker with rapt attention.
Synonyms: short, terse
Antonyms: verbose, wordy PERPETUATE (VERB): maintain
Sentence: Though his speech was laconic, yet it was Synonyms: preserve, conserve
lucid. Antonyms: discontinue, cease
Sentence: In order to perpetuate the method of amending
MAMMOTH (ADJECTIVE): huge the constitution was made extremely rigid.
Synonyms: enormous, gargantuan
Antonyms: little, miniature MALIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): deadly
Sentence: A mammoth project will be completed soon. Synonyms: destructive, mortal
Antonyms: harmless, healthful
MENACE (NOUN): danger Sentence: He died of a malignant tumour.
Synonyms: threat, peril
Antonyms: safety, surety DENIGRATE (VERB): besmirch
Sentence: Terrorism is a potential menace to the Synonyms: defame, disparage
integrity of the country. Antonyms: praise, laud
Sentence: We should not try to denigrate the character
MANIFEST (ADJECTIVE): clear of anyone.
Synonyms: understandable, palpable
Antonyms: unclear, obscure DAUNTLESS (ADJECTIVE): bold
Sentence: His evil intentions were manifest when he Synonyms: brave, gallant
mentioned the question of dowry. Antonyms: timid, fearful
Sentence: Z.A. Bhutto was a dauntless politician.
MODICUM (NOUN): small amount
Synonyms: ounce, shred DECORUM (NOUN): grace
Antonyms: lot, whole Synonyms: propriety, dignity
Sentence: There is no modicum of truth in her words. Antonyms: Impropriety, Levity
Sentence: We all should maintain our decorum.
OBLIVION (NOUN): mental blankness
Synonyms: forgetfulness, unconsciousness DETRIMENT (NOUN): damage
Antonyms: awareness, concern Synonyms: harm, loss
Sentence: He drank himself into oblivion. Antonyms: profit, benefit
Sentence: Smoking is a detriment to good health.
REFURBISH (VERB): make clean
Synonyms: repair, renovate DREARY (ADJECTIVE): cheerless
Antonyms: ruin, destroy Synonyms: comfortless, dark
Sentence: A person can refurbish his image by leading Antonyms: inspiring, pleasant
life dedicated to his vocation. Sentence: I will have to go to another dreary meeting
RAZE (VERB): destroy completely
Synonyms: demolish, obliterate GROTESQUE (ADJECTIVE): ugly
Antonyms: build, construct Synonyms: absurd, odd
Sentence: Dozens of villages have been razed. Antonyms: graceful, natural
Sentence: His grotesque appearance makes him defame.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: relapse, go by Synonyms: warm, unenthusiastic
Antonyms: stop, freeze Antonyms: enthusiastic, keen
Sentence: He players glided across the field easily. Sentence: The applause from the audience was tepid.


Synonyms: cautiously, delicately Synonyms: glimmer, indication
Antonyms: hesitantly, timidly Antonyms: information, lot
Sentence: Ahmed gingerly moved his injured foot. Sentence: Some people are said to have revealed no
vestige of religion.
TEEM (VERB): Overflow
Synonyms: overrun, full INGRAINED (ADJECTIVE): Deep-rooted
Antonyms: lack, need Synonyms: deep-seated, inbred
Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the Antonyms: acquired, learned
inhabitants. Sentence: The notion of scarcity is ingrained in them.

CHUNKY (ADJECTIVE): Chubby FEUD (NOUN): major argument

Synonyms: stocky, stout Synonyms: conflict, dispute
Antonyms: skinny, thin Antonyms: friendship, accord
Sentence: Urooj is a chunky fellow of mine. Sentence: The feud between the two sisters lasted for
two hours.
Synonyms: grab, catch FLUSTER (NOUN): perturbation, upset
Antonyms: loose, release Synonyms: agitation, disturbance
Sentence: Ali went to the window and hasped it. Antonyms: peace, calmness
Sentence: There was no longer any fluster or hesitation in
UNDERTONE (NOUN): Mumble his manner.
Synonyms: murmur, hint
Antonyms: overtone, enunciate FEALTY (NOUN): allegiance
Sentence: Nisha was talking in undertone. Synonyms: faithfulness, loyalty
Antonyms: disloyalty, treachery
UNSCATHED (ADJECTIVE): Unharmed Sentence: Everyone expect fealty from their good friends.
Synonyms: unhurt, uninjured
Antonyms: hurt, injured BROACH (VERB): bring up a topic
Sentence: The passengers escaped unscathed. Synonyms: introduce, moot
Antonyms: stop, close
VARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish Sentence: The subject was broached to nurture the
Synonyms: lacquer, cover students in a better way.
Antonyms: uncover, reveal
Sentence: The painter varnished the doors. COY (ADJECTIVE): bashful
Synonyms: skittish, timid
TOUT (VERB): Laud Antonyms: aggressive, forward
Synonyms: praise, promote Sentence: Sania gave him a coy smile.
Antonyms: blame, discourage
Sentence: They touted her performance. CONCOCT (VERB): formulate, think up
Synonyms: contrive, create
Antonyms: demolish, destroy
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: He concocted an idea to start a new business. APPAL (VERB): horrify
Synonyms: alarm, amaze
DILATORY (ADJECTIVE): procrastinating Antonyms: comfort, encourage
Synonyms: delaying, laggard Sentence: Yesterday I was appalled by seeing the horror
Antonyms: diligent, eager movie.
Sentence: He had been dilatory but now he intended to
get down to business. ASTOUND (VERB): amaze
Synonyms: astonish, bewilder
GAMBOL (VERB): run or jump about playfully Antonyms: calm, expect
Synonyms: prank, play Sentence: I was astounded at your presence.
Antonyms: work, study
Sentence: The kids gamboled all around the house. EXALTED (VERB): praised
Synonyms: elevated, illustrious
IMPEACH (VERB): denounce, censure Antonyms: criticized, debased
Synonyms: accuse, criticize Sentence: She exalted the cuisines made by me.
Antonyms: praise, commend
Sentence: He impeached the celebrity in the public for ABANDON (VERB): cease to support or look after sb
his wrong deeds. Synonyms: desert, leave
Antonyms: adopt, adapt
INDIGNATION (NOUN): anger Sentence: They abandoned their old parents.
Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, cheer BOREDOM (NOUN): disinterest
Sentence: The boss came out in indignation from a Synonyms: apathy, disgust
meeting. Antonyms: concern, energy
Sentence: Boredom had settled heavily over his outlook
BESMIRCH (VERB): taint on the operation.
Synonyms: blacken, defile
Antonyms: honor, praise STUPEFY (VERB): stun
Sentence: The celebrity insisted that the accusation was Synonyms: benumb, daze
an attempt to besmirch his name. Antonyms: enliven, inspire
Sentence: She stupefied her mom with her acts.
SMEAR (VERB): To make something blurred
Synonyms: smudge, stained QUIXOTIC (ADJECTIVE): generous
Antonyms: clean, purify Synonyms: idealistic, dreamy
Sentence: She brushed against the newly painted notice Antonyms: cautious, pragmatic
and smeared the lettering. Sentence: Shahrukh has not been successful in life
SPONGY (ADJECTIVE): cushioned because of his non quixotic ideas.
Synonyms: soft, porous NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): harmful
Antonyms: hard, inflexible Synonyms: offensive, putrid
Sentence: She baked a spongy cake. Antonyms: helpful, healthy
Sentence: Emission from diesel cars producing noxious
BREVITY (NOUN): briefness gases causes air pollution.
Synonyms: concise, short
Antonyms: longevity, lengthiness NARCISSISM (NOUN): self-love and devotion
Sentence: She explained the paragraph in brevity. Synonyms: egotism, selfishness
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Sentence: Narcissism leads to selfishness in character.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: astringent, sardonic Synonyms: disorder, disorganise
Antonyms: courteous, gracious Antonyms: Organise, Arrange
Sentence: By the time Zahid began the final round, the Sentence: Asad‘s life is getting jumbled day by day.
audience was vitriolic, already turned against Shahid.
AGILITY (NOUN): quickness
PILFERAGE (NOUN): theft Synonyms: swiftness, sprightliness
Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation Antonyms: dullness, sluggishness
Antonyms: veto, disapprove Sentence: I always find agility in my pet‘s movements.
Sentence: The damage and losses by pilferage of certain
descriptions of goods are enormous. RAMPART (NOUN): defensive wall
Synonyms: barricade, fortification
MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): infinite Antonyms: opening, ditch
Synonyms: multitudinous, multiple Sentence: They built rampart across the area.
Antonyms: finite, limited
Sentence: There the stars seem to have shrunk away QUANDARY (NOUN): dilemma
from you, a myriad of miles. Synonyms: in a fix, predicament
Antonyms: advantage, good fortune
REPOSITION (VERB): alter Sentence: Yesterday I saw my student in a quandary.
Synonyms: deviate, change
Antonyms: keep, hold QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark
Sentence: How do you effectively reposition brands in Synonyms: banter, gag
a global environment? Antonyms: praise, flattery
Sentence: Iqra is quite intelligent and is in the habit of
RAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy making quips.
Synonyms: boisterous, raucous
Antonyms: calm, quiet PERNICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): destructive
Sentence: In his party the kids are being especially Synonyms: injurious, unsafe
rambunctious. Antonyms: safe, harmless
Sentence: Bushra‘s approach is self-pernicious; she needs
RANKLE (VERB): annoy to improve a lot.
Synonyms: bother, embitter
Antonyms: comfort, aid QUINTESSENCE (NOUN): perfect example
Sentence: An article revealed the release of the killer Synonyms: paragon, ideal
from prison is surely to rankle the victim‘s family. Antonyms: artificial, copy
Sentence: Everybody admires Aleena because she is a
RECIDIVISM (NOUN): lapse quintessence of benevolence.
Synonyms: backsliding, decadence
Antonyms: ascent, increase QUALMS (NOUN): feeling of doubt
Sentence: The mentor program hopes to reduce Synonyms: anxiety, apprehension
recidivism by keeping juvenile offenders off the crime. Antonyms: certainty, calm
Sentence: The mentally ill patients are the last to feel
APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): apt qualms while committing cruel deeds.
Synonyms: appropriate, relevant
Antonyms: inapt, inapplicable BEHEMOTH (NOUN): Giant
Sentence: This dress is pretty much apposite for me. Synonyms: colossus, mammoth
Antonyms: mite, dwarf
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: Ali took a behemoth step for humanity. Antonyms: expert, professional
Sentence: Nazia is considered an amateur makeup artist.
Synonyms: amaze, astonished PROPAGATE (VERB): breed
Antonyms: bore, calm Synonyms: inseminate, multiply
Sentence: The burglar was flabbergasted when he Antonyms: decrease, deplete
broke into the house and found himself surrounded by Sentence: The political candidate hopes to propagate his
police officers. vision to potential voters.

STAGGER (VERB): walk falteringly DWINDLE (VERB): to become gradually less or smaller
Synonyms: careen, falter Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: continue, stay Antonyms: rise, grow
Sentence: If my father doesn‘t stagger on his decision, Sentence: The members of this department have
I won‘t be able to attend the sleepover. dwindled from 50 to 20.


Synonyms: abusive, arrogant Synonyms: bedew, dabble
Antonyms: cowardly, modest Antonyms: collect, dry
Sentence: The captain put the insolent soldier Sentence: Even the red sun couldn't dampen her mood.
on report.
TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment
POMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant Synonyms: color, design
Synonyms: boastful, grandiose Antonyms: plainness, eyesore
Antonyms: humble, kind Sentence: His exuberant style is Venetian which he
Sentence: The millionaire was a pompous man who bestrews with tinsel and spangles.
believed he should never wait in line for anything.
DECEITFUL (ADJECTIVE): dishonest Synonyms: affectionate, amicable
Synonyms: artful, deceptive Antonyms: cold, cool
Antonyms: actual, athentic Sentence: If you treat people in a cordial manner, they
Sentence: The early difficulties of Elizabeth's reign will treat you well also.
secured him a deceitful peace on that side for a time.
DIFFIDENCE (NOUN): hesitancy Synonyms: congenital, hereditary
Synonyms: backwardness, doubt Antonyms: acquired, learned
Antonyms: arrogance, boldness Sentence: At the same time the inborn gift of style
Sentence: Zakir was a diffident student who never stood can be starved or stimulated.
up to his bullies.
DOCILITY (NOUN): agreement Synonyms: acceptable, admissible
Synonyms: conformity, consent Antonyms: illegal, improbable
Antonyms: difference, refusal Sentence: As long as a justifiable way to handle the
Sentence: As soon as they shake hands docility reflects problem is discovered, everyone will be in compliance
from their gesture. with it.

AMATEUR (NOUN): casual participant REMISSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): well-founded

Synonyms: aspirants, beginner Synonyms: allowable, defensible
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: illegitimate, invalid Antonyms: impotent, incapable
Sentence: This is remissible to apply for CSS Exam. Sentence: Yoga is very efficacious at reducing stress.

ANIMOSITY (NOUN): extreme dislike INTUITION (NOUN): insight

Synonyms: acrimony, animus Synonyms: hunch, instinct
Antonyms: friendliness, good will Antonyms: knowledge, reasoning
Sentence: Why do you have such animosity towards me Sentence: They say that when you feel something is
when I have done nothing wrong to you? wrong you should trust your intuition.

EMPATHY (NOUN): understanding PARSIMONY (NOUN): stinginess

Synonyms: affinity, appreciation Synonyms: frugality, miserliness
Antonyms: disdain, hatred Antonyms: generosity, kindness
Sentence: Because her parents immigrated to the USA Sentence: To save money, the parsimonious old man
to give her a better life, Maria has empathy for illegal always bought used clothes.
LUNACY (NOUN): craziness
MELANCHOLIA (NOUN): low spirits Synonyms: absurdity, folly
Synonyms: abashment, abjection Antonyms: intelligence, wisdom
Antonyms: advantage, benefit Sentence: The committee of a lunatic, with the sanction
Sentence: After his examination result he was in of the judge in lunacy, may refer disputes to arbitration.
FRIGID (ADJECTIVE): extremely cold
PROTUBERANCE (NOUN): lump Synonyms: chilly, freezing
Synonyms: bulge, bump Antonyms: friendly, heated
Antonyms: depression, ingrowth Sentence: His look was one of frigid anger as he stormed
Sentence: He got protuberance after falling out.
from the swing.
JUBILANT (ADJECTIVE): happy Synonyms: rigid, steely
Synonyms: elated, euphoric Antonyms: flexible, loose
Antonyms: depressed, discouraged Sentence: Most ferrous materials are magnetic.
Sentence: Laughing always puts me in a jubilant mood.
BOGEY (NOUN): ghost
AUDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): reckless Synonyms: apparition, bugaboo
Synonyms: adventurous, bold Antonyms: being, reality
Antonyms: afraid, careful Sentence: He walked off the green with a bogey four.
Sentence: The millionaire earned his fortune by being an
audacious player on the stock market. IMPECCABLE (ADJECTIVE): above suspicion
Synonyms: exquisite, immaculate
OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): very bad Antonyms: flawed, imperfect
Synonyms: barbaric, brazen Sentence: With your impeccable English skills, writing
Antonyms: moral, delightful essays should be a cinch.
Sentence: The outrageous cartoon made fun of the boy
who was dying from cancer. BLEMISH (NOUN): flaw
Synonyms: bruise, blot
EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): efficient Antonyms: blank, clarity
Synonyms: effective, active
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: Urooj‘s wedding dress is free of the slightest Antonyms: closure, continuation
blemish, which is why it cost Aamir so much money. Sentence: There was a lacuna between the two sessions
of the parliament.
MANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform
Synonyms: bruise, contort INCIPIENT (ADJECTIVE): developing
Antonyms: beautify, help Synonyms: embryonic, nascent
Sentence: His hand was caught in the machine accidently Antonyms: developed, mature
and was totally mangled. Sentence: The best way to stop the disease from
spreading is by identifying it while it is incipient.
CONTAMINATE (VERB): adulterate
Synonyms: corrupt, harm INCLEMENT (ADJECTIVE): bitter, nasty (weather)
Antonyms: clean, improve Synonyms: brutal, cold
Sentence: The nurse put on gloves so as not to Antonyms: clear, kind
contaminate herself or the patient. Sentence: During hurricane season, cruises are often
cancelled because of inclement conditions.
SANCTIFY (VERB): hold in highest esteem
Synonyms: glorify, purify RESPONSIVE (ADJECTIVE): quick to react
Antonyms: condemn, degrade Synonyms: active, aware
Sentence: The priests have to sanctify the holy water. Antonyms: ignorant, impassive
Sentence: By the time they entered the building, her arms
HIATUS (NOUN): pause, and legs were responsive again.
Synonyms: interval, break
Antonyms: continuation, juncture IMPINGE (VERB): trespass
Sentence: The professor will take his family on a long Synonyms: encroach, intrude
vacation during his hiatus. Antonyms: avoid, dodge
Sentence: Hopefully the bad weather will move in a
HALCYON (ADJECTIVE): calm different direction and not impinge upon our plans for an
Synonyms: bucolic, quiet outdoor reception.
Antonyms: agitated, angry
Sentence: I was very content during the halcyon days of PRY (VERB): interfere in someone else's business
my childhood. Synonyms: poke, bug
Antonyms: close, neglect
TRANQUIL (ADJECTIVE): peaceful Sentence: I don't mean to pry, but you seem on edge.
Synonyms: amicable, balmy
Antonyms: fierce, excited RANSACK (VERB): turn inside out in search; ravage
Sentence: The doctor says I need to be in a tranquil place Synonyms: raid, pillage
so I can relax. Antonyms: ignore, offer
Sentence: If you don‘t have an emergency plan for
PASTORAL (ADJECTIVE): rustic power outages you‘ll have to ransack your home for
Synonyms: agrarian, bucolic candles and matches.
Antonyms: city, metropolitan
Sentence: When I looked at the artist‘s pastoral FERRET (VERB): dig, uncover
paintings, I could clearly see the fields and trees in which Synonyms: beat, break
he played as a child. Antonyms: cover, dirty
Sentence: She would face that fear — ferret it out and
LACUNA (NOUN): pause destroy it.
Synonyms: break, gap
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
RUMMAGE (VERB): search FICKLE (ADJECTIVE): changeable
Synonyms: forage, poke Synonyms: capricious, vacillating
Antonyms: arrange, organize Antonyms: constant, stable
Sentence: The dog will rummage through the garbage Sentence: My brother Imran is fickle by nature.
for food when it gets hungry. FORTITUDE (NOUN): bravery
Synonyms: courage, boldness
HAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate Antonyms: apathy, cowardice
Synonyms: unlucky, woeful Sentence: My mother faced the problems of life with
Antonyms: happy, fortuitous fortitude.
Sentence: It is always good to help the hapless people.
WINTRY (ADJECTIVE): cold, snowy Synonyms: untrue, artificial
Synonyms: bleak, chilly Antonyms: authentic, true
Antonyms: warm, pleasant Sentence: Don‘t believe her story because it is just
Sentence: The weather was too wintry for me fictitious.
to go outside.
MALINGER (VERB): evade Synonyms: annoyed, enraged
Synonyms: dodge, avoid Antonyms: happy, pleased
Antonyms: do, face Sentence: I am a very irate person therefore my wife
Sentence: The lazy student tried to malinger when dislikes me.
it was time to work on his essay.
LASSITUDE (NOUN): lethargy Synonyms: effortless, simple
Synonyms: dullness, fatigue Antonyms: complicated, difficult
Antonyms: action, diligence Sentence: His facile win tells us he's in form.
Sentence: After the long race, Mohsin experienced
a feeling of lassitude. IRRESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): Indecisive
Synonyms: doubtful, fickle
MACHINATION (NOUN): maneuver Antonyms: resolute, definite
Synonyms: conspiracy, ploy Sentence: Shazia is very irresolute by nature.
Antonyms: frankness, honesty
Sentence: Reading about the criminals‘ machination to PURSUIT (NOUN): Search
rob the casino was enthralling. Synonyms: hunt, seek
Antonyms: retreat, surrender
MENTOR (NOUN): person who advises Sentence: She left home in pursuit of happiness.
Synonyms: adviser, coach
Antonyms: pupil, student SOVEREIGN (ADJECTIVE): Autonomous
Sentence: Syed Qasim Ali is a world class mentor. Synonyms: self-governed, monarchial
Antonyms: subordinate, dependent
MANIFEST (ADJECTIVE): clear Sentence: That government was sovereign in
Synonyms: understandable, obvious its culture.
Antonyms: hidden, unclear
Sentence: His evil intentions were manifest when he CESSATION (NOUN): end
mentioned the question of dowry. Synonyms: abeyance, finish
Antonyms: beginning, introduction
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: The principal believes the cessation of the ALLEVIATE (VERB): relieve
school dress code will open the door for inappropriate Synonyms: allay, assuage
behaviour. Antonyms: increase, intensify
Sentence: Take a Disprin to alleviate your headache.
QUANDARY (NOUN): Difficult situation TOLERANCE (NOUN): fortitude
Synonyms: predicament, dilemma Synonyms: patience, resilience
Antonyms: good fortune, boon Antonyms: lethargy, weakness
Sentence: He has been trapped in quandary. Sentence: She had a low tolerance for noise.

ENDEAR (VERB): Attract attention CONCEITED (ADJECTIVE): egotistical

Synonyms: captivate, cherish Synonyms: arrogant, big talking
Antonyms: dislike, hate Antonyms: diffident, humble
Sentence: She tried to endear everyone. Sentence: The conceited man would not stop talking
about himself.
DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute
Synonyms: advertise, circulate SPURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): counterfeit
Antonyms: hide, conceal Synonyms: bogus, false
Sentence: It took years to disseminate information Antonyms: genuine, true
about Aids. Sentence: To win elections, politicians often make
spurious promises to voters.
Synonyms: charm, magic OBSTRUCTION (NOUN): obstacle
Antonyms: reality, actuality Synonyms: blockage, hindrance
Sentence: The sorcerer knows an incantation to raise Antonyms: aid, assistance
the dead. Sentence: Once the obstruction is removed, water will
continue to flow through the pipe.
Synonyms: bicker, dispute ESTEEM (NOUN): think highly of
Antonyms: agree, comply Synonyms: respect, admiration
Sentence: Do not haggle with me. Antonyms: abandon, condemn
Sentence: He treated all his colleagues with the same
DALLY (VERB): Dawdle level of esteem.
Synonyms: boondoggle, delay
Antonyms: hurry, hasten RIDICULE (NOUN): contemptuous laughter at
Sentence: Don't dally otherwise we'll miss the train. someone or something
Synonyms: caricature, derision
EXEMPTION (NOUN): freedom from a responsibility Antonyms: admiration, approval
Synonyms: discharge, dispensation Sentence: It may have been a simple ridicule, but it still
Antonyms: accountability, liability made him feel rejected.
Sentence: The report confirmed their exemption from
military duty. PERSIFLAGE (NOUN): teasing
Synonyms: banter, frivolity
HILARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very funny Antonyms: seriousness, humorlessness
Synonyms: amusing, comical Sentence: This persiflage is not appropriate when we
Antonyms: boring, sad have such serious problems to discuss.
Sentence: Ali is a very hilarious student in the class.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
CAULK (VERB): secure BORROW (VERB): to take by request
Synonyms: block, barricade Synonyms: loan, beg
Antonyms: free, loosen Antonyms: snatch, rob
Sentence: It only remained to caulk their important Sentence: Can I borrow your notebook?
task, and this occupied them for a day or two.
CONFLICT (VERB): fight Synonyms: shameful, scandalous
Synonyms: brawl, scuffle Antonyms: dignified, distinguished
Antonyms: serene, peace Sentence: The ignominious stealing has given him
Sentence: Raheel appeared extremely disturbed by the nefarious identity.
COUNTENANCE (VERB): to have a favorable opinion of
DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity Synonyms: approve, favor
Synonyms: shrinkness, depletion Antonyms: censure, disapprove
Antonyms: plentiful, lavish Sentence: Our management will not countenance
Sentence: The party criticized opposition who were cheating.
responsible for the financial drought faced by the nation.
PLEA (NOUN): request Synonyms: various, manifold
Synonyms: pray, appeal Antonyms: identical, same
Antonyms: order, instruct Sentence: Divers men have tried to bring about social
Sentence: The teacher's plea for silence went unheard, reforms.
resulting in extreme discomfort to the student.
JOVIAL (ADJECTIVE): Cheerful Synonyms: crestfallen, despairing
Synonyms: merry, exultant Antonyms: happy, pleased
Antonyms: solemn, morose Sentence: I feel heartsore for the poor lady.
Sentence: Shehrish is a jovial fellow.
UPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult Synonyms: disdainful, scornful
Synonym: tough, unimaginable Antonyms: polite, respectful
Antonyms: banal, mundane Sentence: Adeel gave a harsh, derisive laugh.
Sentence: The article had a glorious description
regarding the uphill task done by the cricket team. GLOAMING (NOUN): Sunset
Synonyms: sundown, twilight
RIFT (NOUN): division Antonyms: daybreak, sunrise
Synonyms: gap, difference Sentence: Many lights are shimmering in the gloaming.
Antonyms: bridge, joint
Sentence: The opposition and the government seemed DISINTERESTED (ADJECTIVE): free from prejudice
to be focused on removing the rift between the poor Synonyms: unselfish, neutral
and the rich. Antonyms: biased, partial
Sentence: A great leader renders disinterested services to
IMPART (VERB): convey his society.
Synonyms: bestow, divulge
Antonyms: suppress, withhold PILFER (VERB): Steal
Sentence: Ever since I was of tender age, I have seen my Synonyms: filch, purloin
teachers imparting a great deal of knowledge. Antonyms: give, offer
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: Ejaz pilfered enough pieces of wood from the Sentence: The teenager knew there would never be an
factory to make a chair. opportune time to tell her parents that she was pregnant.


Synonyms: disaffection, separation Synonyms: anger, bother
Antonyms: connection, friendliness Antonyms: calm, assist
Sentence: The growing estrangement between me and Sentence: The fact the plane is leaving two hours late is
my relative is awful. certainly going to rankle the passengers.


Synonyms: discordant, loud Synonyms: baneful, dangerous
Antonyms: low, mild Antonyms: upright, moral
Sentence: The atmosphere was utterly raucous. Sentence: The dog‘s noisome act is making me feel ill.

VIVID (ADJECTIVE): animated MORATORIUM (NOUN): suspension

Synonyms: theatrical, dramatic Synonyms: ban, delay
Antonyms: boring, undramatic Antonyms: continuation, continuance
Sentence: The movie was very vivid. Sentence: A large number of politicians and voters would
like to see a moratorium placed on home foreclosures.
Synonyms: fractious, obstinate NEXUS (NOUN): middle
Antonyms: agreeable, compliant Synonyms: center, connection
Sentence: Despite being offered treats by his parents, the Antonyms: divorce, exteriority
little boy was still recalcitrant about doing his Sentence: Today Facebook seems to be the nexus of
homework. communication.

REFRAIN (VERB): stop oneself from doing sth. NETTLE (VERB): provoke
Synonyms: withhold, abstain Synonyms: annoy, disgust
Antonyms: allow, continue Antonyms: appease, comfort
Sentence: You must refrain from all interference. Sentence: My brother often nettles me by reading my
Synonyms: blackball, exclude REFRACTORY (ADJECTIVE): stubborn
Antonyms: accept, admit Synonyms: disobedient, mulish
Sentence: Sadly, the rich children ostracize the other girl Antonyms: manageable, obedient
because she comes from a poor family. Sentence: The Convention took measures against the
emigres and the refractory priests.
RIFE (ADJECTIVE): overflowing
Synonyms: abundant, alive PETRIFY (VERB): make hard
Antonyms: limited, uncommon Synonyms: calcify, fossilize
Sentence: The beach is rife with young people during the Antonyms: soften, comfort
summer months. Sentence: The terrorist group tries to petrify the public
by showing gruesome videos.
Synonyms: apt, auspicious RECANT (VERB): take back something said
Antonyms: inappropriate, unfortunate Synonyms: annul, renounce
Antonyms: accept, agree
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: The judge ordered the magazine to recant the PREPAREDNESS (NOUN): a state of readiness,
false statements it made about the actress. especially for war.
Synonyms: readiness, preparedness, alacrity, ready
PUERILE (ADJECTIVE): childish Example: People now accept that a minimum level of
Synonyms: callow, infantile preparedness is crucial to tackle a military contingency.
Antonyms: mature, adult
Sentence: The fireman was scolded for playing puerile CONSOLATION (NOUN): comfort received by a
pranks on his coworkers. person after a loss or disappointment.
Synonyms: comfort, solace, sympathy, compassion, pity,
RHAPSODIZE (VERB): rave commiseration, empathy, relief.
Synonyms: babble, declaim Example: She always had a word of consolation and
Antonyms: be quiet, be happy comfort to all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
Sentence: You'd rhapsodize with him to his heart's
content. PREY (NOUN): a person harmed, injured, or killed as a
result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): bad Synonyms: target, object, subject, focus, recipient
Synonyms: horrible, odious Example: A lot of youth are illiterate and unemployed
Antonyms: delightful, gentle and easy prey.
Sentence: One man employed his nefarious scheme to
hack into people's computers and steal bank account‘s CONSTRAIN (Meaning: compel, force, drive, oblige)
information. Definition: compel or force (someone) to follow a
particular course of action.
Usage: Children are constrained to work in the way the
JITTERY (ADJECTIVE): nervous book dictates.
Synonyms: restless, anxious
Antonyms: calm, composed RECEPTIVE
Sentence: She felt jittery before her stage performance. Meaning: Open-mined, responsive, flexible
Definition: willing to consider or accept new suggestions
OBFUSCATE (VERB): confuse and ideas. Usage: A receptive audience.
Synonyms: baffle, becloud
Antonyms: clarify, enlighten Meaning: sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction,
Sentence: Because I am a sympathetic teacher, I avoid Definition: a lack of energy and enthusiasm.
using language which will obfuscate my students. Usage: There was an air of lethargy about him.


Synonyms: culpable, disgraceful Meaning: enfeebling, enervating, enervative
Definition: make (someone) very weak and infirm.
Antonyms: good, kind
Usage: He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset.
Sentence: Instead of making reprehensible comments
about women, go spread some cheer. AGGREGATE
Meaning: Total, combined, gross
MENACE (ADJECTIVE): threaten, especially in a Definition: formed or calculated by the combination of
malignant or hostile manner. several separate elements; total.
Usage: The aggregate amount of grants made
Synonyms: threatening, ominous, intimidating,
frightening, terrifying, alarming TUMULTUOUS
Example: He said various agencies of the Centre and the Meaning: loud, thunderous, ear-shattering
concerned state police are coordinating to tackle the Definition: making an uproar or loud, confused noise.
menace of terrorist funding. Usage: He left the stage to tumultuous applause.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Meaning: small-town, non-metropolitan, non-urban, Meaning: retreat, go back, move back, move away
back woods, backwater Definition: go or move back or further away from a
Definition: of or concerning a province of a country or
previous position. Usage: The floodwaters had receded.
empire of or concerning a province of a country or
empire. Usage: Provincial elections.
REBUKE Meaning: mercifulness, mercy, clemency, lenity
Meaning: reprimand, reproach, scold, admonish Definition: The fact or quality of being more merciful or
Definition: express sharp disapproval or criticism of tolerant than expected; clemency.
(someone) because of their behaviour or actions express Usage: The court could show leniency.
sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of
their behaviour or actions.
Usage: she had rebuked him for drinking too much. BETRAY
Meaning: break one's promise to, be disloyal to, be
LAMBASTED unfaithful to, break faith with, play someone false
Meaning: criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, condemn Definition: expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to
Definition: criticize (someone or something) harshly. danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.
Usage: They lambasted the report as a gross distortion of Usage: A double agent who betrayed some 400 British
the truth.
and French agents to the Germans.
Meaning: Blast, sound loudly, toot, honk, shriek TRITE
Definition: make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound. Meaning: hackneyed, banal, cliched, vapid,
Usage: The ambulance arrived outside, siren blaring. Definition: (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or
freshness; dull on account of overuse.
Usage: This point may now seem obvious and trite
Meaning: ring, jingle, jangle, chime, peal, ding, ping
Definition: make or cause to make a light
Usage: Cool water tinkled in the stone fountains. ARRAIGN
Meaning: Criticize, censure, attack, condemn
TRUMPET Definition: call or bring (someone) before a court to
Meaning: proclaim, announce, declare, broadcast, blazon answer a criminal charge.
Definition: proclaim widely or loudly. Usage: Her sister was arraigned on charges of
Usage: The press trumpeted another defeat for the
attempted murder

Meaning: Exultation, Joy, elation, glee, triumph Meaning: case, legal proceeding, legal dispute
Definition: a feeling of great happiness and triumph. Definition: The process of taking legal action
Usage: Unbelievable scenes of jubilation. Usage: The company wishes to avoid litigation.

Meaning: Plunge, fall headlong, hurtle, dive, drop Meaning: toady, creep, crawler, fawner, flatterer,
Definition: fall or drop straight down at high speed. flunkey, truckler, groveller, minion,
Usage: A climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet Definition: a person who acts obsequiously towards
down an icy gully. someone important in order to gain advantage.
Usage: My sister is a shallow sycophant who will
MALEVOLENT flatter anyone for a free designer handbag.
Meaning: malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded
Definition: having or showing a wish to do evil to others. GARNER
Meaning: gather, collect, assemble
Usage: The glint of dark, malevolent eyes 25
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Definition: gather or collect (something, especially Sentence: If you dye your hair purple, you will be very
information or approval). conspicuous among the other teachers.
Usage: The police struggled to garner sufficient
evidence. CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): volatile
Synonyms: fickle, changeable
Antonyms: constant, stable
REPRIMAND Sentence: You need to settle down and stop being so
Meaning: rebuke, reproof, admonition, reproach, capricious!
Definition: a formal expression of disapproval.
Usage: The golfer received a reprimand for a breach ERRABLE (ADJECTIVE): liable to err
of rules. Synonyms: faulty, frail
Antonyms: perfect, infallible
Sentence: My younger brother is inclined towards
OSTENTATION errable tasks.
Meaning: showiness, show, showing off,
Definition: the pretentious or showy display of wealth DEVOUT (ADJECTIVE): enthusiastic
and luxury, designed to impress Synonyms: zealous, ardent
Usage: The office was spacious, but without any trace Antonyms: apathetic, dull
of ostentation Sentence: It takes more than one devout employee to
make a successful business.
Meaning: impulsive, rash, hasty, reckless, heedless, Synonyms: mythical, fictional
foolhardy, injudicious, unthinking Antonyms: genuine, authentic
Definition: acting or done quickly and without thought Sentence: Scott created a fictitious non-profit
or care organization, funneling his money through it tax free.
Usage: She might live to rue this impetuous decision.
Synonyms: risky, irresponsible
CRUCIFY Antonyms: careful, alert
Meaning: condemn, attack, tear apart, arraign, Sentence: It is easy to be impetuous when you want
denounce, pillory, malign, revile, vilify something really badly!
Definition: criticize (someone) severely and
unrelentingly. DENOUEMENT (NOUN): conclusion
Synonyms: climax, finale
Usage: Our fans would crucify us if we lost.
Antonyms: initiation, debut
Sentence: The play‘s denouement saw the main
SLOVENLY character die tragically just before the curtain fell.
Meaning: scruffy, untidy, messy, unkempt, slatternly,
dishavelled, blowsy, down at heel FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): spasmodic
Definition: (especially of a person or their appearance) Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating
untidy and dirty Usage: A fat, slovenly ex-rock star Antonyms: continuous, continual
Sentence: Jim was tired when he woke up after a fitful
night of sleep.
Meaning: disillusioned, disappointed, let down
Definition: cause (someone) to be disappointed
Synonyms: possible, doable
Usage: He may have been disenchanted by the loss of
Antonyms: impossible, implausible
his huge following.
Sentence: With school, kids and a busy job, it just isn't
feasible to waste time.
Synonyms: noticeable, clear
REPUDIATE (VERB): show contempt for
Antonyms: invisible, hidden
Synonyms: defy, disregard
Antonyms: honour, praise
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: During his next speech, the president will OPUS (NOUN): Creation
repudiate blame for the economic situation. Synonyms: Product, Production
Antonyms: Destruction, Ruin
CONSPICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Manifest Sentence: The part of this work is called opus.
Synonyms: noticeable, salient
Antonyms: inconspicuous, unremarkable PLOWED (ADJECTIVE): cultivated
Sentence: During the summer season, the flies are very Antonyms: recovered, instilled
conspicuous all around. Sentence: Salman plowed into him, nearly knocking him
Synonyms: felicity, enchantment SLAPPED (ADJECTIVE): hard hit/imposed
Antonyms: misery, woet Synonyms: beaten, pat
Sentence: He was famous for his ecstasy of the passion. Antonyms: avoided, saved
Sentence: He was slapped by the disaster.
REGRESS (VERB): Fall back
Synonyms: back slide, retreat EVAPORATE (VERB): dry, dissolve
Antonyms: develop, forge Synonyms: absorb, vaporize
Sentence: Many students start regressing into the Antonyms: appear, moist
practice of not studying once they get a position in the Sentence: The water was evaporated from the pan.
FINERY (NOUN): best clothing
DYSPATHY (NOUN): Animosity Synonyms: apparel, suit
Synonyms: Aversion, animus Antonyms: rags, tatters
Antonyms: love, rapport Sentence: He was in the world‘s best finery.
Sentence: My dyspathy for John is so great that I can
not stand to be around him. ALUMNUS (NOUN): educated/ ex-student
Synonyms: old grad, alumna
AMORPHOUS (ADJECTIVE): Vague Antonyms: undergraduate, uneducated
Synonyms: Nebulous, Baggy Sentence: He is an intelligent alumnus.
Antonyms: Definite, Distinct
Sentence: I could not make an idea because the UNCOUTH (ADJECTIVE): clumsy, uncultivated
painting was amorphous. Synonyms: awkward, barbaric
Antonyms: agile, couth
REPLICATE (VERB): Clone Sentence: Ahmed behaved in an uncouth manner.
Synonyms: Reflect, Repeat
Antonyms: Ignore, Reject TRITE (ADJECTIVE): hackneyed
Sentence: DNA replicates itself in the cell nucleus. Synonyms: dull, cliche
Antonyms: fresh, new
EXULTANTLY (ADVERB): Cheerfully Sentence: I don‘t want to involve in the trite
Synonyms: Freely, Gladly conversation they were having.
Antonyms: Unsuccessfully, Unhappily
Sentence: The crowd let out an exultant cheer. PALLIATE (VERB): abate
Synonyms: allay, assuage
EVACUATE (VERB): Abandon Antonyms: increase, intensify
Synonyms: Desert, Discharge Sentence: Perhaps a nap will palliate my headache.
Antonyms: Continue, Hold
Sentence: Residents have been ordered to evacuate. MELANGE (NOUN): mixture
Synonyms: medley, mishmash
CONDUCE (VERB): Advance Antonyms: constituent, element
Synonyms: Assist, Forward Sentence: Ria‘s set list included a mélange of her
Antonyms: Block, Decrease old and new hits.
Sentence: I would conduce for the further research.
INSTIL (VERB): inject
Synonyms: infuse, implant
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: eradicate, extract HYPOCRITE (NOUN): person who pretends, is
Sentence: The instructor tried to instil fear in the deceitful
students. Synonyms: charlatan, trickster
Antonyms: true, genuine
ENCROACH (VERB): violate Sentence: His friend wrongly said that he was a
Synonyms: trespass, infringe hypocrite.
Antonyms: shun, abide
Sentence: As the forests continue to be destroyed for HEARSAY (NOUN): unsubstantiated information
development, bears have no choice but to encroach Synonyms: rumors, grapevine
into residential areas. Antonyms: reality, truth
Sentence: One should not believe in hearsay.
EVASION (NOUN): avoidance
Synonyms: evasiveness, obliqueness VARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish
Antonyms: directness, frankness Synonyms: lacquer, cover
Sentence: She is in the habit of making evasion from Antonyms: uncover, reveal
every situation. Sentence: The painter varnished the doors.

PERSECUTE (VERB): harass SMEAR (VERB): To make something blurred

Synonyms: torment, domineer Synonyms: smudge, stained
Antonyms: comfort, console Antonyms: clean, purify
Sentence: The major kept on persecuting the soldiers. Sentence: She brushed against the newly painted notice
and smeared the lettering.
Synonyms: enormous, immense JINX (NOUN): Curse
Antonyms: small, slight Synonyms: enchantment, spell
Sentence: A gigantic lily grows at a height of 20 feet‘s. Antonyms: boon, benefit
Sentence: Superstitious persons consider number
RAVAGE (VERB): destroy thirteen a jinx.
Synonyms: ruin, devastate
Antonyms: restore, reconstruct MELEE (NOUN): stampede
Sentence: Sehrish ravaged all our weekend plans. Synonyms: battle, fight
Antonyms: calm, harmony
TRECHAREOUS (ADJECTIVE): disloyal Sentence: In the village fair many pilgrims were
Synonyms: faithless, unreliable injured in the melee.
Antonyms: faithful, reliable
Sentence: He is a treacherous junk-dealer. CASTIGATE (VERB): condemn
Synonyms: denounce, vilify
SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): confident Antonyms: applaud, laud
Synonyms: hopeful, optimistic Sentence: Nuclear explosions must be castigated by the
Antonyms: pessimistic, depressed world powers.
Sentence: He is a sanguine person in every adverse
situation. DECRY (VERB): criticize
Synonyms: blame, derogate
ORDAIN (VERB): impose Antonyms: approve, praise
Synonyms: order, proclaim Sentence: The foreign policy of the party has always been
Antonyms: violate, revoke decried.
Sentence: Arsalan knows the ministry will never ordain
him as a priest. PLUNGE (NOUN): fall
Synonyms: quick drop, dive
INSIPID (ADJECTIVE): tasteless Antonyms: rise, increase
Synonyms: vapid, unflavoured Sentence: Fanatics went straight from the hot room to
Antonyms: delicious, pungent take a cold plunge.
Sentence: Tomato soup tastes insipid.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
SPEW (VERB): spit out WANTON (ADJECTIVE): gratuitous
Synonyms: expel, throw up Synonyms: senseless, unjustifiable
Antonyms: contain, restrain Antonyms: rational, reasonable
Sentence: Ria is going to spew right here in the car. Sentence: He presented a wanton idea in the meeting.

DEMURRER (NOUN): argument for ideas. AUSTERE (ADJECTIVE): stringent

Synonyms: discussion, explanation Synonyms: rigid, inflexible
Antonyms: denial, sympathy Antonyms: flexible, gentle
Sentence: The headmaster was about to enter a Sentence: Anu has an austere family background.
stinging demurrer when the phone rang.
QUIZZ (VERB): cross examine Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Synonyms: investigate, inquire Antonyms: delight, cheer
Antonyms: answer, reply Sentence: Exasperation was clearly visible from his face.
Sentence: For the next few days, Ria quizzed me about
Nikhil. DOUR (ADJECTIVE): bad tempered
Synonyms: rude, blunt
RUCHED (VERB): fold Antonyms: kind, polite
Synonyms: bend, curl Sentence: In a dour voice, the police officer ordered the
Antonyms: flatten, unbend suspect out of his vehicle.
Sentence: Ria hinted towards her ruched T-shirt.
CAVORT (VERB): jump about playfully
MEADOWS (NOUN): grassy fields Synonyms: prank, play
Synonyms: grassland, steppe Antonyms: work, study
Antonyms: cactus, semi-arid Sentence: A kid was cavorting around the corner.
Sentence: They both grazed towards the far meadows.
BEHINDHAND (ADJECTIVE): procrastinating
DOGGED (ADJECTIVE): determined Synonyms: delaying, laggard
Synonyms: Adamant, stubborn Antonyms: diligent, eager
Antonyms: indifferent, irresolute Sentence: I don‘t like behindhand mind-set of
Sentence: Her dogged efforts eventually paid off. the people.


Synonyms: overflow, plenty Synonyms: snowy, wintry
Antonyms: few, lack Antonyms: warm, heated
Sentence: The job came with a plethora of opportunities. Sentence: She woke up to a frore morning in America.


Synonyms: approve, confirm Synonyms: futile, fruitless
Antonyms: deny, agree Antonyms: profitable, fruitful
Sentence: Shareholders will ratify any merger that will Sentence: The rebel officers who led the abortive coup
increase their dividends. were shot.

STANCE (NOUN): attitude PERVERT (VERB): mix up

Synonyms: viewpoint, stand Synonyms: jumble, twist
Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance Antonyms: clear up, organize
Sentence: She poses her clear stance over every issue. Sentence: The boy started to pervert the poem when
he could not remember the words.
FELICITY (NOUN): ecstasy
Synonyms: cheerfulness, euphoria STYGIAN (ADJECTIVE): dark, inky
Antonyms: despair, gloom Synonyms: clouded, brunet
Sentence: I hope my friend finds much felicity in her Antonyms: optimistic, hopeful
career. Sentence: It was a stygian night.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
TOUT (VERB): brag about, show off PONTIFICATE (VERB): sermonize
Synonyms: publicize, trumpet Synonyms: admonish, dogmatize
Antonyms: blame, condemn Antonyms: praise, applaud
Sentence: A liberal group supporting the opposition Sentence: He loves to hear himself talk and will often
tried to tout their pro-middle class. pontificate on even the most trivial issues.

ELLIPSIS (NOUN): abbreviation BROMIDE (NOUN): platitude

Synonyms: abstract, shortness Synonyms: cliché, banality
Antonyms: elongate, prolong Antonyms: coinage, original saying
Sentence: This letter is full of ellipsis. Sentence: Years of coal mining and natural gas
extraction have elevated the concentration of
EXTIRPATION (NOUN): extermination bromides in the river.
Synonyms: annihilation, destruction
Antonyms: construction, formation DISTEMPER (NOUN): disorder
Sentence: After the extirpation of the Indians, the labor Synonyms: affliction, ailment
of African slaves was introduced. Antonyms: health, healer
Sentence: Excessive distemper should not be practiced.
Synonyms: dandified, natty TINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing
Antonyms: non-fashionable, boring Synonyms: chime, jingle
Sentence: He always dress-up in a foppish way. Antonyms: silence, peace
Sentence: The tintinnabulation that could be heard
GAFFE (NOUN): mistake, goof throughout the village was from the church on the
Synonyms: blooper, blunder common announcing morning services.
Antonyms: correction, edition
Sentence: The gaffe created a furor in the scientific SEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): polar
community, which attacked the publication for flawed Synonyms: northward, arctic
and faulty research. Antonyms: southward, Antarctic
Sentence: When he tired of the long, septentrional
MINATORY (ADJECTIVE): threatening winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.
Synonyms: alarming, dangerous
Antonyms: pleasing, harmless PANGLOSSIAN (ADJECTIVE): optimistic
Sentence: And now we know for all time that these Synonyms: assured, confident
countless scolding and minatory voices were not mere Antonyms: pessimistic, uncertain
angry units, but that they were in. Sentence: This is simply a Panglossian idea.

PLUMB (ADJECTIVE): vertical ANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement

Synonyms: perpendicular, straight Synonyms: advance, progress
Antonyms: horizontal, flat Antonyms: hinder, backward
Sentence: The plumb lines near the well were for Sentence: Reluctantly, the general ordered a hasty
protection. anabasis in the face of overwhelming opposing forces.


Synonyms: ultimate, ideal Synonyms: scoundrel, louse
Antonyms: secondary, flawed Antonyms: brave, bold
Sentence: But in reality, he is the quintessential Sentence: A woman was killed by a caitiff.
example of how Pakistan corrupts.
CRENEL (NOUN): scrape
RUNIC (ADJECTIVE): bewitching, charming Synonyms: indentation, incision
Synonyms: charismatic, enchanted Antonyms: increase, bulge
Antonyms: normal, unmoving Sentence: Leaning into a crenel between two square
Sentence: My uncle looked keenly at the document for merlons, he took a deep breath of relief.
some moments and then declared that it was runic.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation or SUCCUMB (VERB): bow
behaviour Synonyms: surrender, break down
Synonyms: craziness, foolishness Antonyms: fight, defend
Antonyms: intelligence, judgment Sentence He succumbed before the enemy.
Sentence: You're the last man I ever expected to hear
that kind of flapdoodle from. BEMOAN (VERB): deplore
Synonyms: mourn, lament
CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): demanding Antonyms: be happy, praise
Synonyms: analytical, fault-finding Sentence: They bemoan at the sudden demise of their
Antonyms: unimportant, trivial father.
Sentence: It is a critical point of view.
SUBSTANTIVE (ADJECTIVE): real Synonyms: antipathy, aversion
Synonyms: tangible, palpable Antonyms: admiration, approval
Antonyms: impractical, insignificant Sentence: I have so much disdain for cheaters.
Sentence: She knows about its substantive use.
INNOVATION (NOUN): addition Synonyms: awful, frightful
Synonyms: alteration, contraption Antonyms: attractive, beautiful
Antonyms: stagnation, custom Sentence: She is expert in making gruesome facial
Sentence: She is known for her innovation. expressions.


Synonyms: liable, culpable Synonyms: arduous, backbreaking
Antonyms: unaccountable, excused Antonyms: easy, effortless
Sentence: You will be held responsible. Sentence: It is a grueling task.

REBUFF (NOUN): rejection GARGANTUAN (ADJECTIVE): very large

Synonyms: rebuke, reprimand Synonyms: enormous, gigantic
Synonyms: praise, compliment Synonyms: dwarfed, miniature
Sentence: When my wife is angry with me, she will Sentence: Ahmed has a gargantuan body.
rebuff my attempts to get back in her favour.
BESET (VERB): besiege
RECONCILE (VERB): adjust Synonyms: embarrass, beleaguer
Synonyms: accommodate, attune Antonyms: free, surrender
Antonyms: refuse, disobey Sentence: He is beset with difficulties.
Sentence: The church split into several factions after
the leaders refused to reconcile their differences. DETEST (VERB): abhor
Synonyms: hate, loathe
ADMONISH (VERB): exhort Antonyms: like, love
Synonyms: warn, chide Sentence: The animal activists detest people who
Antonyms: permit, allow purchase fur coats.
Sentence: Critics always admonish me for my
pitchy singing. MODICUM (NOUN): iota
Synonyms: ounce, pinch
DETAIN (VERB): confine Antonyms: lot, entirety
Synonyms: constrain, restrain Sentence: All I need is a modicum of money to pay
Antonyms: free, liberate for my basic needs.
Sentence: He was detained from giving the examination.
EXHUME (VERB): disclose Synonyms: dwarf, meager
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth Antonyms: big, large
Antonyms: bury, entomb Sentence: I saw a miniscule animal there.
Sentence: He exhumed the secret.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
GRIEVANCE (NOUN): complaint
Synonyms: grief, outrage COCKY (ADJECTIVE): arrogant
Antonyms: joy, delight Synonyms: brash, nervy
Sentence: He has a grievance to share. Antonyms: humble, meek
Sentence: He is such a cocky entrepreneur.
BYGONE (ADJECTIVE): in the past
Synonyms: former, ancient APATHY (NOUN): indifference
Antonyms: alive, modern Synonyms: aloofness, coldness
Sentence: It was his bygone statement. Antonyms: concern, sympathy
Sentence: He is full of apathy.
BALK (VERB): hesitate
Synonyms: resist, shirk ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): esoteric
Antonyms: accept, face Synonyms: cabalistic, occult
Sentence: He balked at such a drastic solution. Antonyms: known, common
Sentence: They follow the arcane procedures for
AVID (ADJECTIVE): ardent electing people.
Synonyms: eager, fervent
Antonyms: apathetic, cold ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): capricious
Sentence: Kamran is an avid man. Synonyms: discretionary, erratic
Antonyms: logical, reasonable
BUTTRESS (VERB): support Sentence: He had an arbitrary idea.
Synonyms: strengthen, uphold
Antonyms: weaken, letdown ANTIPATHY (NOUN): animosity
Sentence: This pillar can buttress this wall. Synonyms: animus, aversion
Synonyms: admiration, appreciation
CANONICAL (ADJECTIVE): accepted Sentence: His mind is full of antipathy towards them.
Synonyms: lawful, legal
Synonyms: unacceptable, unauthorized APPEASE (VERB): allay
Sentence: It is a canonical truth. Synonyms: alleviate, assuage
Antonyms: agitate, irritate
CASTIGATE (VERB): berate Sentence: That statement appeased me.
Synonyms: chastise, criticize
Antonyms: praise, laud AUGMENT (VERB): make greater
Sentence: She was castigated by the teacher. Synonyms: enhance, aggrandize
Antonyms: reduce, curtail
BURGEON (VERB): prosper Sentence: The lights augmented the beauty.
Synonyms: sprout, blossom
Antonyms: fade, diminish AUDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): adventurous
Sentence: You will burgeon day after day. Synonyms: bold, resolute
Antonyms: timid, weak
BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): kindly Sentence: Saad is such an audacious boy.
Synonyms: favorable, friendly
Antonyms: unkind, unfriendly ARCHAIC (ADJECTIVE): outmoded
Sentence: She like her benign presence at the party. Synonyms: obsolete, ancient
Antonyms: current, modern
BOGUS (ADJECTIVE): counterfeit Sentence: This saree is archaic these days.
Synonyms: fake, forged
Antonyms: real, honest AVER (VERB): affirm
Sentence: She is a bogus person. Synonyms: assert, claim
Antonyms: deny, disprove
BOOR (NOUN): clod Sentence: He averred that he was late that day.
Synonyms: barbarian, brute
Antonyms: charmer, enthusiast ABATE (VERB): lessen
Sentence: Why do act as a boor? Synonyms: recede, dwindle Antonyms: develop, enlarge
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: His pain was abated. BELLYACHE (NOUN): complaint
Synonyms: grouse, gripe
ABDICATE (VERB): forgo Antonyms: compliment, flattery
Synonyms: relinquish, renounce Sentence: They had a bellyache regarding his entourage.
Antonyms: pursue, remain
Sentence: He was accused of abdicating his LICITNESS (NOUN): legality
responsibilities. Synonyms: authority, legitimacy
Antonyms: unjustice, unfairness
ABHOR (VERB): despise Sentence: It includes much licitness into it.
Synonyms: loathe, scorn
Antonyms: admire, cherish RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): abstruse
Sentence: He abhorred talking over phone. Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: simple, plain
ABJURE (VERB): forswear Sentence: To me, my daughter‘s foolish actions are
Synonyms: renege, retract recondite and not understandable at all.
Antonyms: allow, emphasize
Sentence: MPs were urged to abjure their Jacobite FLAIR (NOUN): ability
allegiance. Synonyms: elegance, knack
Antonyms: inability, stupidity
ABRASIVE (ADJECTIVE): rough Sentence: He has an immense flair in him.
Synonyms: grinding, scuffing
Antonyms: pleasant, smooth RUDIMENTARY (NOUN): elemental
Sentence: He made an abrasive statement. Synonyms: elementary, vestigial
Antonyms: complex, difficult
ARTIFACT (NOUN): lie Sentence: Education is a rudimentary objective of the
Synonyms: untruth, fiction meeting.
Antonyms: reality, truth
Sentence: He made a statement full of artifacts. HUNKER (VERB): crouch
Synonyms: grovel, kneel
ARTLESS (ADJECTIVE): simple Antonyms: face, meet
Synonyms: guileless, honest Sentence: He hunkered down before me.
Antonyms: contrived, artful
Sentence: He is such an artless man. ANARCHY (NOUN): disorder
Synonyms: chaos, unrest
ABSTINENT (ADJECTIVE): ascetic Antonyms: harmony, peace
Synonyms: austere, moderate Sentence: He has spreaded out the anarchy.
Antonyms: hungry, greedy
Sentence: The patients are best advised to be totally PROPITIATION (NOUN): conciliation
abstinent from alcohol. Synonyms: abatement, placation
Antonyms: provocation, annoyance
SATE (VERB): satisfy Sentence: I lifted his hands in propitiation.
Synonyms: cloy, gorge
Antonyms: abstain, deprive PERPETRATE (VERB): be responsible for
Sentence: Ate your appetite at the resort's restaurant. Synonyms: execute, perform
Antonyms: leave, halt
PEG (VERB): attach Sentence: A crime has been perpetrated against a
Synonyms: fasten, tighten sovereign state.
Antonyms: loose, loosen
Sentence: He pegged the nails into the ceiling joists. RUMPUS (NOUN): clamor
Synonyms: discord, fracas
PROFFER (VERB): suggest Antonyms: harmony, peace
Synonyms: propound, propose Sentence: A rumpus of clashing metal pierced the silent
Antonyms: refrain, hold night when the train derailed resulting in the cars
Sentence: I‘d proffer to not to go there. crashing into each other.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: cede, grant Synonyms: onrush, invasion
Antonyms: reject, deny Antonyms: retreat, defense
Sentence: After he beat me at chess five times, I had to Sentence: The party suddenly made an onslaught on him.
concede he was the better player.
SECEDE (VERB): split from Synonyms: bumptious, obnoxious
Synonyms: quit, break with Antonyms: humble, modest
Antonyms: maintain, continue Sentence: I don‘t know why but most of the times I find
Sentence: The small island nation opted to secede from him the most cocksure fellow.
its mothering country and bear its own flag.
ETHEREAL (ADJECTIVE): delicate Synonyms: rocky, rugged
Synonyms: light, vapory Antonyms: whole, individual
Antonyms: poor, indelicate Sentence: It was a craggy surface.
Sentence: The moon came into view over the wintry
landscape, its light accented by an ethereal halo. HUNK (NOUN): lump
Synonyms: block, glob
CURB (NOUN): rein Antonyms: accept, allow
Synonyms: limitation, control Sentence: The hunk of blood was there.
Synonyms: freedom, encouragement
Sentence: Taking a few deep breaths following a heated PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): complacent
argument may curb your temper. Synonyms: smug, satisfied
Antonyms: dis-contended, dissatisfied
ANGST (NOUN): feeling of anxiety Sentence: I got to meet a priggish person in the train.
Synonyms: agony, apprehension
Antonyms: calmness, confidence LUGUBRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): mournful
Sentence: A day before the fight, the inexperienced boxer Synonyms: sorrowful, pensive
was plagued with angst about losing his first match. Antonyms: cheerful, joyful
Sentence: It was a lugubrious day for them due to their
ACCOMPLICE (NOUN): aide elimination from the show.
Synonyms: associate, ally
Antonyms: opponent, enemy WACKY (ADJECTIVE): crazy
Sentence: Jacqueline could not have committed murders Synonyms: nutty, loony
in two different towns at the same time unless she had an Antonyms: sane, sensible
accomplice. Sentence: I found his idea bit wacky but still worth
doing just for fun.
Synonyms: outcome, consequences ENTOURAGE (NOUN): followers
Antonyms: source, origin Synonyms: cortege, companions
Sentence: Although the aftermath was daunting, nothing Antonyms: leader, torchbearer
could compare to the moment that the tornado struck Sentence: She has many entourages.
the building.
BAIT (NOUN): enticement Synonyms: gauche, gawky
Synonyms: allurement, attraction Antonyms: adroit, agile
Antonyms: discouragement, repulsion Sentence: I got such a clumsy crew.
Sentence: Herrings make excellent bait for pike.
ARID (ADJECTIVE): bone-dry
BAREFACED (ADJECTIVE): shameless Synonyms: parched, waterless
Synonyms: apparent, blatant Antonyms: humid, moist
Anonyms: careful, quiet Sentence: Thar has any arid fields.
Sentence: She revealed his barefaced lies.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
CONTORT (VERB): disfigure, distort Sentence: His voracity for food is increasing like
Synonyms: deform, writhe anything.
Antonyms: beautify, smooth
Sentence: Government is not going to contort DISCERNMENT (NOUN): perception
the refugee laws. Synonyms: acumen, understanding
Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity
TRANSMOGRIFY (VERB): convert Sentence: Tact is skill in touching; nice perception or
Synonyms: alter, mutate discernment in dealing with others.
Antonyms: preserve, stagnate
Sentence: In the play, the actor suddenly transmogrified NARCISSISM (NOUN): egotism
into a monster. Synonyms: arrogance, selfishness
Antonyms: shyness, timidity
SHODDY (ADJECTIVE): in bad shape Sentence: Narcissism is a result of stunted growth
Synonyms: inferior, shameful and of childhood abuse.
Antonyms: good, respectful
Sentence: The house was in a shoddy condition. MUTINY (NOUN): resistance
Synonyms: defiance, insurrection
INEBRIETY (NOUN): drunkenness Antonyms: calm, peace
Synonyms: boozing, alcoholism Sentence: This was a clear case of mutiny, and the only
Antonyms: sobriety, decent one in which I was ever implicated
Sentence: Police say he was in an advanced state of
inebriety. SABOTAGE (NOUN): damage
Synonyms: vandalism, disruption
JANITOR (NOUN): person who cleans and maintains Antonyms: fidelity, loyalty
Synonyms: attendant, custodian Sentence: The sabotage of the Preliminary had been the
Synonyms: polluter, contaminator first local step in that direction.
Sentence: He is in the habit of bribing the janitor.
PROTRUDE (VERB): stick out
GAG (NOUN): practical joke Synonyms: extrude, extend
Synonyms: hoax, quip Antonyms: shrink, sink
Antonyms: seriousness, sincerity Sentence: She had no flesh left; her bones seemed to
Sentence: The burglars gagged the home owner and tied protrude through the skin.
him to a chair.
RECEDE (VERB): withdraw
OPINE (VERB): think Synonyms: abate, regress
Synonyms: say, suggest Antonyms: increase, extend
Antonyms: calculate, measure Sentence: The Cabinet will recede more and more from
Sentence: The reason is, I opine, that each doth wait for our principles, our party.
his neighbour to make a move.
WANTON (ADJECTIVE): extravagant
EFFUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): gushing, profuse Synonyms: lustful, outrageous
Synonyms: lavish, exuberant Antonyms: good, moral
Antonyms: economical, unexcited Sentence: Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten
Sentence: He lives in an effusive way. millions by wanton extravagance to the State debt.

EPOCHAL (ADJECTIVE): irregular, sporadic NULLIFY (VERB): cancel

Synonyms: occasional, periodic Synonyms: revoke, abolish
Antonyms: regular, usual Antonyms: approve, allow
Sentence: Epochal decisions taken by him ruined the Sentence: Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits
show. proved ineffectual.

VORACITY (NOUN): ravenousness ALIGN (VERB): line up

Synonyms: edacity, greed Synonyms: array, adjust
Antonyms: generosity, kindness Antonyms: disorder, mess up
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Sentence: Similar instruction is given the troopers in ODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): hateful
aligning themselves to the left. Synonyms: loathsome, abhorrent
Antonyms: attractive, likeable
GRAPPLE (VERB): grab Sentence: The chief had come forward with that odious
Synonyms: confront, cope smiling face of his.
Antonyms: release, let go
Sentence: Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple AFFABLE (ADJECTIVE): friendly
with the present. Synonyms: amiable, gracious
Antonyms: uncivil, unfriendly
ABASE (NOUN): disgrace Sentence: They are affable, charming companions, and
Antonyms: laud, praise give in readily to the wishes of others.
Synonyms: dishonour, degradation
Sentence: The demotion did not abase his credibility FERRET (VERB): to uproot
with his peers. Synonyms: beat, break
Antonyms: cover, dirty
PLAUSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): believable Sentence: We are trying to ferret out missing details.
Synonyms: probable, credible
Antonyms: impossible, improbable TOUCHSTONE (NOUN): criterion
Sentence: She stammered, and I realized that she had no Synonyms: barometer, benchmark
plausible plan. Antonyms: lawlessness, guess
Sentence: We were testing them against their very own
BLATANT (ADJECTIVE): obvious touchstone of truth.
Synonyms: glaring, conspicuous
Antonyms: inconspicuous, hidden AFFRONT (NOUN): to insult
Sentence: There are a number of others, but these are Synonyms: offence, humiliation
some of the most blatant. Antonyms: respect, appeasement
Sentence: He regarded my work as an affront to my
REPUDIATE (VERB): reject dignity.
Synonyms: abandon, revoke
Antonyms: accept, allow ENMITY (NOUN): hostility
Sentence: He repudiated my idea. Synonyms: friction, animus
Antonyms: approval, sympathy
PLEBIAN (ADJECTIVE): native Sentence: My colleague feels enmity towards me.
Synonyms: indigenous, local
Antonyms: uncommon, different DISSENT (NOUN): disagreement
Sentence: They are the plebian persons. Synonyms: objection, variance
Antonyms: acceptance, concurrence
POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): affecting Sentence: These voices of dissent grew louder
Synonyms: bitter, pathetic against the master.
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Sentence: It was too poignant, too deep-seated in the LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): so foolish
springs of her physical being. Synonyms: bizarre, farcical
Antonyms: grave, serious
OBSEQUIOUS (ADJECTIVE): submissive Sentence: We have found some of his words
Synonyms: abject, beggarly completely ludicrous.
Antonyms: arrogant, brazen
Sentence: With a flattering and obsequious bow our GROUNDSWELL (NOUN): an increase
guide leads the way. Synonyms: bloc, coalition
Antonyms: parting, severance
ADULATION (NOUN): praise Sentence: All the states of the country is usually merged
Synonyms: applause, flattery for a time by the groundswell of the population.
Antonyms: abuse, criticism
Sentence: Through all this adulation Franklin passed VALOR (NOUN): bravery
serenely, if not unconsciously. Synonyms: pluck, spine
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: cowardice, fear Antonyms: inappropriate, improper
Sentence: He showed valor and skill on the battlefield. Sentence: There was an apposite quotation written in the
side of the wall.
ROUT (NOUN): to retreat
Synonyms: beating, confusion ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification
Antonyms: miracle, triumph Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate
Sentence: His wife had to rout him out of the crowd. Antonyms: reject, refuse
Sentence: They arrogate to themselves the ability to
VAINGLORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): excessively proud of divine the nation's true interests.
oneself Synonyms: egotistical, haughty
Antonyms: timid, humble PRUDISH (ADJECTIVE): shy and strict in behavior
Sentence: He was rather vainglorious about his own Synonyms: fastidious, narrow minded
war record. Antonyms: extroverted, outgoing
Sentence: Conservative people unintentionally carry
WAFT (VERB): carry prudish approach to do things.
Synonyms: drift, convey
Antonyms: hold, keep FLECK (VERB): blemish
Sentence: They waft the information. Synonyms: mark, stain
Antonyms: clean, purify
ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid Sentence: He tried to fleck his competitor‘s image
Synonyms: ornate, gilt in the market.
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Sentence: It was a rococo flower-vase. DEIGN (VERB): lower oneself
Synonyms: condescend, consent
CHIMERA (NOUN): bogy Antonyms: oppose, refuse
Synonyms: delusion, monstrosity Sentence: The queen would not deign to invite her maid
Antonyms: certainty, reality to dinner.
Sentence: The economic sovereignty you claim to
defend is a chimera. PRETERNATURAL (ADJECTIVE): unusual, abnormal
Synonyms: aberrant, extraordinary
PORTENT (NOUN): miracle Antonyms: regular, normal
Synonyms: marvel, prodigy Sentence: He often behaves in a preternatural manner.
Antonyms: expectation, doom
Sentence: It was a portent that she won. LEVEE (NOUN): embankment
Synonyms: dam, mound
PERVERION (NOUN): spoof Antonyms: basin, accommodate
Synonyms: burlesque, distortion Sentence: Only when government scientists determine
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity there is a risk of flooding will the middle of the levee to
Sentence: The absurdly lenient sentence is a perversion be put in place.
of justice.
ABUT (VERB): touch or be next to something
BURGESS (NOUN): civilian Synonyms: adjoin, border on
Synonyms: inhabitant, resident Antonyms: separate, divide
Antonyms: alien, foreigner Sentence: There is some debate about how this will affect
Sentence: He is a nice burgess. clinics that abut sidewalks or public streets.

ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse PARENTHESIS (NOUN): digression

Synonyms: incriminate, indict Synonyms: aside, departure
Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate Antonyms: accord, agreement
Sentence: She was arraigned on charges of attempted Sentence: The parenthesis in the description of
murder. this view has been spoken of.

APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): pertinent TAMP (VERB): compress

Synonyms: germane, relevant Synonyms: squeeze, pack
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: abstain, diet EPICENE (ADJECTIVE): weak
Sentence: She tamped the sawdust in the bag. Synonyms: frail, sissy
Antonyms: strong,
PICAYUNE (ADJECTIVE): trivial Sentence: Clothing fashions are becoming increasingly
Synonyms: immaterial, meagre epicene.
Antonyms: significant, major
Sentence: The administration enthusiastically traded CANARD (NOUN): lie
winning the future for a picayune present gain. Synonyms: hoax, rumour
Antonyms: truth, reality Sentence:
VERITABLE (ADJECTIVE): authentic The collection includes some of Hollywood‘s oldest
Synonyms: actual, genuine canards.
Antonyms: fake, false
Sentence: His speech was a veritable tirade against STARVED (ADJECTIVE): deprived of food
everyone who is not an immediate supporter. Synonyms: craving, hungry
Antonyms: satisfied, fed
SYBARITIC (ADJECTIVE): luxurious Sentence: He felt rather starved close to bedtime.
Synonyms: grand, fancy
Antonyms: sober, abstinent CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of something
Sentence: He believes in living a sybaritic life. Synonyms: assemblage, chunk
Antonyms: individual, one
ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): current Sentence: I have a caboodle of songs.
Synonyms: present, ongoing
Antonyms: former, past CHIVALROUS (ADJECTIVE): dreamy
Sentence: What are your erstwhile plans? Synonyms: impractical, unrealistic
Antonyms: practical, pragmatic
FUSS (NOUN): uproar, confusion Sentence: Having a moon top experience in an all new
Synonyms: disorder, turmoil Honda city is a chivalrous situation.
Antonyms: harmony, order
Sentence: He quickly became aware of the violent GROWL (VERB): criticize harshly
fuss near the city. Synonyms: abuse, accuse
Antonyms: honor, praise
AMOROUS (ADJECTIVE): loving, affectionate Sentence: We shouldn‘t growl anyone before everybody.
Synonyms: erotic, romantic
Antonyms: indifferent, frigid REPRIEVE (NOUN): a cancellation of a punishment.
Sentence: She appreciated his amorous nature. Synonyms: absolution, amnesty
Antonyms: accusation, denunciation
CUSTOM-MADE (ADJECTIVE): made to order Sentence: Maya accepted the death sentence and refused
Synonyms: tailored, handmade to appeal for a reprieve.
Antonyms: ready-made, mass produced
Sentence: Today, the custom-made movement is BULWARK (NOUN): barricade
starting to make a comeback. Synonyms: barrier, bastion
Antonyms: open, ditch
DOWNCAST (ADJECTIVE): unhappy Sentence: There was a castle with bulwark and a moat.
Synonyms: blue, gloomy
Antonyms: glad, elated HUBBUB (NOUN): a confusion of voices and other
Sentence: He is feeling downcast for what had sounds
happened today. Synonyms: bedlam, clang
Antonyms: calm, peace
GLOWER (VERB): frown Sentence: The children filled the room with hubbub.
Synonyms: scowl, glare
Antonyms: smile, grin ATTICISM (NOUN): grandeur
Sentence: He glowered at her for talking too loud. Synonyms: classicalism, elegance
Antonyms: imbalance, crudeness
Sentence: I see the majestic Atticism in her personality.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
CALISTHENICS (NOUN): exercise Antonyms: ignorance, carelessness
Synonyms: activity, drill Sentence: She gave me a tip-off of how to do it.
Antonyms: cessation, idleness
Sentence: Calisthenics is recommended to stay active APPEAL (NOUN): request for help
and fit. Synonyms: petition, proposal
Antonyms: disclaimer, revocation
TRAITOROUS (ADJECTIVE): reactionary Sentence: She appealed before the Police officer to
Synonyms: apostate, outlaw hushed up the matter there only.
Antonyms: obedient, submissive
Sentence: He was an agent who later turned out to be FORGE (VERB): counterfeit
a traitorous. Synonyms: fabricate, falsify
Antonyms: invent, produce
GALLANTRY (NOUN): bravery Sentence: He had forged with the Principal.
Synonyms: heroism, prowess
Antonyms: cowardice, meekness HUMANE (ADJECTIVE): humanitarian
Sentence: His gallantry is well known by his friends and Synonyms: unselfish, philanthropic
colleagues. Antonyms: uncharitable, selfish
Sentence: His altruistic habits worry his wife.
Synonyms: aim, plot BETROTHED (ADJECTIVE): engaged
Antonyms: neglect, ignore Synonyms: affianced, committed
Sentence: Atif will contrive before acting on the Antonyms: single, unattached
instructions given by the Chief Officer. Sentence: The betrothed couple was given blessings.

GALL (NOUN): brashness FROLICSOME (ADJECTIVE): full of spirit

Synonyms: arrogance, brazenness Synonyms: lively, romping
Antonyms: modesty, respect Antonyms: depressed, down
Sentence: With all of Jill‘s unruly behavior, she has the Sentence: Shahbaz is actually a frolicsome man.
gall to tell me to stay out of trouble.
CHICANERY (NOUN): deception
THORNY (ADJECTIVE): knotty Synonyms: fraud, machination
Synonyms: barbed, rugged Antonyms: forthrightness, truthfulness.
Antonyms: smooth, unpointed Sentence: You can smell the chicanery from his character
Sentence: The metal sheet was thorny. very easily.


Synonyms: deprecatory, derogatory Synonyms: cavalier, conceited
Antonyms: complimentary, praising Antonyms: modest, unassuming
Sentence: Abhimanyu‘s deprecatory remark made Sentence: My boss‘s son is extremely brash.
her cry.
VISAGE (NOUN): appearance
COGWHEEL (NOUN): main part of device Synonyms: features, expression
Synonyms: cogwheel, pinion Antonyms: generality, expressionlessness
Antonyms: accessories prop Sentence: Salman‘s visage earned him many cover photos.
Sentence: The cogwheel of the truck must be restored
for repairing it. FAD (NOUN): a state of confusion
Synonyms: ballyhooed, commotion
SATIATE (VERB): gratify Antonyms: calm, quietude
Synonyms: content, gorge Sentence: Parliament‘s session was filled with fad.
Antonyms: deplete, fast
Sentence: He was satiated with the food served to him. SLOTHFUL (ADJECTIVE): sluggish
Synonyms: slow, lethargic
TIP-OFF (NOUN): hint Antonyms: active, energetic
Synonyms: prompt, suggestion Sentence: Shahrukh is extremely slothful person.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
ACQUITTAL (NOUN): freedom Antonyms: individual, one
Synonyms: emancipation, liberty Sentence: He addressed phalanx.
Antonyms: bondage, slavery
Sentence: They have caused the acquittal of all the NOSTALGIA (NOUN): pleasant remembrances
prisoners. Synonyms: longing, yearning
Antonyms: indifference, hatred
DIALOGUE (NOUN): talk Sentence: My grandmother says the jazz music triggers
Synonyms: parley, colloquy nostalgia for her youth.
Antonyms: soliloquy, monologue
Sentence: They might forget their dialogue. CEDE (VERB): acknowledge
Synonyms: accept, admit
NETTLE (VERB): provoke Antonyms: deny, refuse
Synonyms: annoy, chafe Sentence: The police will have to concede to the
Antonyms: appease, calm kidnapper‘s demands to free the hostages.
Sentence: The politician nettled the multitude
yesterday. DOWNRIGHT (ADJECTIVE): whole
Synonyms: utter, absolute
PEDANTIC (ADJECTIVE): bookish Antonyms: partial, incomplete
Synonyms: learned, academic Sentence: He was paid for the downright service.
Antonyms: informal, imprecise
Sentence: He looks pedantic by face. FRILL (NOUN): convenience
Synonyms: service, facility
MELEE (NOUN): brawl Antonyms: discomfort, inconvenience
Synonyms: brouhaha, fracas Sentence: He presses the bell for the wifi frill.
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Sentence: Don‘t make such a melee out of a trivial issue. BACKING (NOUN): assistance
Synonyms: ministration, help
PELLUCID (ADJECTIVE): clear Antonyms: obstruction, hindrance
Synonyms: bright, explicit Sentence: I need your backing this time.
Antonyms: dull, implicit
Sentence: He is pellucid in his visions. INANITY (NOUN): truism
Synonyms: banality, cliché
OFFERING (NOUN): donation Antonyms: coinage, original saying
Synonyms: contribution, beneficence Sentence: Your inanity is meaningless and does nothing
Antonyms: withdrawal, retreat for Urooj‘s anger.
Sentence: He made the offering of his kids.
NUMSKULL (NOUN): idiot Synonyms: sterilize, decontaminate
Synonyms: buffoon, dimwit Antonyms: make dirty, contaminate
Antonyms: genius, wise Sentence: The book was so upsetting it would take the
Sentence: You are such a numskull boy. author months to bowdlerize it and make it fit for
sensitive eyes.
Synonyms: assail, castigate MORBID (ADJECTIVE): lurid
Antonyms: laud, praise Synonyms: ghoulish, ghastly
Sentence: Don‘t lambaste him. Antonyms: jaunty, chirpy
Sentence: Police have made a morbid discovery.
OSSIFY (VERB): congeal BRUISE (VERB): distort
Synonyms: fossilize, freeze Synonyms: contort, deform
Antonyms: melt, soften Antonyms: beautify, repair
Sentence: The dream-catcher became ossified. Sentence: The body of the victim was bruised beyond
PHALANX (NOUN): multitude
Synonyms: horde, throng
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
EXTOL (VERB): glorify PRATTLE (VERB): talk foolishly
Synonyms: applaud, celebrate Synonyms: jabber, idle chatter
Antonyms: castigate, criticize Antonyms: be quiet, be silent
Sentence: He extolled the virtues of the Russians. Sentence: They have been blabbering with each other
since morning.
Synonyms: waggish, superficial INOPPORTUNE (ADJECTIVE): unsuitable
Antonyms: intelligent, sensible Synonyms: problematic, inconvenient
Sentence: He is such a barmy man. Antonyms: convenient, appropriate
Sentence: The tiger cubs died because of the inopportune
GRUNGY (ADJECTIVE): shabby surroundings of the zoo.
Synonyms: filthy, messy
Antonyms: clean, spotless KEN (NOUN): perception
Sentence: Don‘t touch this paper with grubby hands. Synonyms: acumen, awareness
Antonyms: blindness, ignorance
AFFLICTIVE (ADJECTIVE): dole some Sentence: Due to the ken of my poor health, the doctor
Synonyms: dolorific, mournful advised me to eat healthier foods and exercise more.
Antonyms: cheery, hopeful
Sentence: Why are you living such a dolorous life? LAMBASTE (VERB): punish, beat
Synonyms: assail, berate
NEXUS (NOUN): link Antonyms: compliment, praise
Synonyms: bond, connection Sentence: The government was severely lambasted by the
Antonyms: interruption, exteriority opposition.
Sentence: There is always a nexus between politicians
and police. IMPUTE (VERB): attribute
Synonyms: ascribe, accredit
DERIDE (VERB): mock Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate
Synonyms: scoff, ridicule Sentence: Rather than impute his brother, he will accept
Antonyms: praise, commend blame for a crime he did not commit.
Sentence: He was derided by his colleague for his
foolish project. LAMENT (VERB): to mourn or grieve deeply
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore
CACHET (NOUN): distinctive and stylish elegance Antonyms: relieve, celebrate
Synonyms: prestige, stature Sentence: I lament for those who believe drinking is
Antonyms: common, usual beneficial.
Sentence: Amazon has the marketing power and
cachet to provide that demo. LUCRE (NOUN): money, profits
Synonyms: capital, cash
SATIATE (VERB): stuff, satisfy completely or Antonyms: bills, debt
excessively Sentence: Gangsters searched the house for hidden lucre
Synonyms: satisfy, sate but found nothing.
Antonyms: deprive, fast
Sentence: There is enough food to satiate the children. LAX (ADJECTIVE): slack, remiss
Synonyms: careless, lenient
CENSORSHIP (NOUN): forbiddance Antonyms: attentive, careful
Synonyms: suppression, restriction Sentence: Her lax attitude left people thinking she was
Anonyms: endorsement, compliment disinterested.

Sentence: We must criticize weird censorship. MAIM (VERB): cripple, put out of action
SUBSTANTIAL (ADJECTIVE): important Synonyms: disable, disfigure
Synonyms: significant, considerable Antonyms: care, aid
Antonyms: inconsiderable, insignificant Sentence: If you do not want your vicious dog to maim
Sentence: He made substantial changes in the system. or fatally injure people, then you should put him down.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
MANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform Sentence: Edward succumbed to drink and a profligate
Synonyms: bruise, contort lifestyle.
Antonyms: beautify, repair
Sentence: How should I fret to mangle every line? PRY (VERB): poke
Synonyms: gaze, gape
NADIR (NOUN): lowest point Antonyms: ignore, evade
Synonyms: base, bottom Sentence: Not wanting to pry, I didn‘t ask why my
Antonyms: top, highest point neighbor was moving so suddenly.
Sentence: The sun does not spring at once from the nadir
to the zenith. RANT (NOUN): yelling
Synonyms: raving, diatribe
ODIUM (NOUN): shame, dishonor Antonyms: serene, tranquil
Synonyms: abhorrence, antipathy Sentence: Even though she made a fool out of herself
Antonyms: affection, approval during her rant, it still had a positive outcome.
Sentence: Because of my odium for the politician‘s views,
I have no plans to vote for him. MYRAID (ADJECTIVE): innumerable
Synonyms: countless, endless
SWERVE (VERB): deflect Antonyms: countable, bounded
Synonyms: skid, stray Sentence: Because Jacob is recovering from a stroke, he
Antonyms: abide, persist has myriad prescriptions to take.
Sentence: A lorry swerved across her path.
RACY (ADJECTIVE): zestful Synonyms: rutted, corrugated
Synonyms: saucy, energetic Antonyms: unfurrowed, unwrinkled
Antonyms: sluggish, lackadaisical Sentence: She laid the furrowed the bed sheet.
Sentence: The novel was considered rather racy at the
time. SMACKED (VERB): bang
Synonyms: pat, whack
PLOD (VERB): lumber Antonyms: tap, bide
Synonyms: slog, tramp Sentence: She smacked the door in my face.
Antonyms: creeping, sneaking
Sentence: We plodded back up the hill. EVANESCE (VERB): disappear
Synonyms: disperse, dissipate
PREPONDERANCE (NOUN): predominance Antonyms: collect, gather
Synonyms: prevalence, dominance Sentence: Her cozy feeling was evanesced immediately.
Antonyms: disadvantage, inferiority
Sentence: The preponderance of women among older GROSS (ADJECTIVE): awful
people is increasing. Synonyms: vulgar, foul
Antonyms: elegant, beautiful
PIETY (NOUN): devotion Sentence: He is such a gross man.
Synonyms: fervor, reverence
Antonyms: agnosticism, disloyalty OUTPACE (VERB): outdo
Sentence: He believes in the acts of piety and charity. Synonyms: outstrip, outrun
Antonyms: associate, connect
PITH (NOUN): center Sentence: He outpaced all six defenders.
Synonyms: crux, gist
Antonyms: exteriority, insignificance GALLIMAUFRY (NOUN): miscellany
Sentence: He made us understand the pith and core of Synonyms: assortment, mishmash
socialism. Antonyms: organization, regulation
Sentence: There was a gallimaufry of tender vegetables
PROFLIGATE (ADJECTIVE): immoral and herbs.
Synonyms: promiscuous, libertine
Antonyms: ethical, righteous EVANESCENT (ADJECTIVE): temporary
Synonyms: fading, disappearing
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: unlimited, permanent SUPERSEDE (VERB): annul
Sentence: She gave her an evanescent look. Synonyms: overrule, repudiate
Antonyms: keep, retain
BROWBEAT (VERB): castigate Sentence: The federal court decision will supersede the
Synonyms: bully, coerce decision of the lower court.
Antonyms: aid, assist
Sentence: The commander had browbeaten her. IMBUED (VERB): inculcate
Synonyms: infuse, instill
DRENCH (VERB): wet thoroughly Antonyms: drain, take out
Synonyms: deluge, douse Sentence: By giving out loans, the bank hoped to imbue
Antonyms: parch, dry new homeowners with a sense of hope in the future.
Sentence: He was totally drench due to rain.
LEEWAY (NOUN): room to move
BARBARIC (ADJECTIVE): crude Synonyms: extent, headway
Synonyms: inhuman, uncivilized Antonyms: constraint, restriction
Antonyms: cultured, civilized Sentence: The judge has a lot of leeway in deciding
Sentence: It was a barbaric murder. matters in court.

INVIGORATING (ADJECTIVE): stimulating PUNITORY (NOUN): disciplinary

Synonyms: bracing, exhilarating Synonyms: penal, punishing
Antonyms: boring, dull Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding
Sentence: There is nothing like an invigorating shower Sentence: I will have to take punitory actions against him
after a long day at work. now.

EVADE (VERB): avoid DECIMATE (VERB): destroy

Synonyms: bypass, circumvent Synonyms: annihilate, exterminate
Antonyms: confront, encounter Antonyms: build, create
Sentence: You can‘t evade your duties. Sentence: She was trying to decimate my evening plans.


Synonyms: amassed, assorted Synonyms: bulletproof, impassable
Antonyms: similar, unvaried Antonyms: destructible, beatable
Sentence: The conglomerate views its collection of Sentence: Her ideology is invincible.
profitable shops.
CONSOLIDATION (NOUN): combination Synonyms: bland, inoffensive
Synonyms: merger, unification Antonyms: harmful, injurious
Antonyms: dispersal, separation Sentence: I found those practices more innocuous.
Sentence: The growth of railways has been
accompanied by the consolidation of small REASSURE (VERB): assure
independent ventures into large groups. Synonyms: comfort, console
Antonyms: annoy, discourage
BUFFET (VERB): hit repeatedly Sentence: They reassured his parents.
Synonyms: batter, clobber
Antonyms: pull, surrender PANACEA (NOUN): cure-all
Sentence: She was buffeted by her best friend. Synonyms: elixir, remedy
Antonyms: disease, injury
VIE (VERB): compete Sentence: She made the panacea for all.
Synonyms: contend, strive
Antonyms: assist, support DETEST (VERB): abhor
Sentence: The competitive twins often vie for the Synonyms: despise, loathe
attention of their parents. Antonyms: like, admire
Sentence: He detests everybody.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
PIOUS (ADJECTIVE): dedicated Antonyms: agreement, belief
Synonyms: devout, righteous Sentence: Court officials dismissed the witness‘s
Antonyms: sinful, impious testimony as hearsay.
Sentence: I have a pious feeling in my mind.
STUPOR (NOUN): slumber Synonyms: sage, subdued
Synonyms: trance, apathy Antonyms: agitated, boisterous
Antonyms: consciousness, wakefulness Sentence: He gave a grave look.
Sentence: She was in a stupor.
GUST (NOUN): blast
INERTIA (NOUN): laziness Synonyms: breeze, burst
Synonyms: paralysis, passivity Antonyms: calm, quiet
Antonyms: activity, liveliness Sentence: I was feeling rather stifling save for a lone gust
Sentence: She did not wake up out of inertia. of wind

ENIGMA (NOUN): conundrum SPLINTER (NOUN): flake

Synonyms: puzzle, mystery Synonyms: fragment, bit
Antonyms: clarity, discernment Antonyms: entirety, lot
Sentence: Sadly, the little girl‘s disappearance Sentence: That splinter of intelligence is substance.
continues to be an enigma.
FREAK (NOUN): aberration Synonyms: premonition, augury
Synonyms: anomaly, oddity Antonyms: doom, cataclysm
Antonyms: conformity, normality Sentence: She was not happy when the psychic told her
Sentence: The teacher says the accident was a total freak. the black cat represented a portent of bad luck.

DISCOURSE (NOUN): communication SLOVENLY (ADJECTIVE): bedraggled

Synonyms: dialogue, conversation Synonyms: botched, dingy
Antonyms: quiet, silence Antonyms: clean, organized
Sentence: This is the language of political discourse. Sentence: Once the slovenly stray was cleaned, he looked
quite adorable.
Synonyms: brave, fearless SPASMODIC (ADJECTIVE): intermittent
Antonyms: afraid, fearful Synonyms: fitful, irregular
Sentence: She is a gallant lady. Antonyms: resting, uninterrupted
Sentence: Days after the marathon, she had spasmodic
GRACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): kind muscle contractions that occurred without warning.
Synonyms: congenial, cordial
Antonyms: surly, irritable LITERAL (ADJECTIVE): actual
Sentence: Harika is a gracious hostess. Synonyms: authentic, true
Antonyms: counterfeit, dishonest
GULLIBLE (ADJECTIVE): foolish Sentence: She was making the literal translation.
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: wise, perceptive POACH (VERB): smuggle
Sentence: He had formulated a gullible idea. Synonyms: pilfer, filch
Antonyms: give, receive
GRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): free Sentence: They were poaching the animal‘s skin.
Synonyms: charge-less, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Sentence: The homeless shelter provides food gratuitous MAMMOTH (ADJECTIVE): huge
for needy individuals. Synonyms: enormous, gigantic
Antonyms: common, ordinary
HEARSAY (NOUN): blasphemy Sentence: There were mammoth islands.
Synonyms: fallacy, apostasy
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: blithe, jocular Synonyms: composed, unflappable
Antonyms: sad, depressed Antonyms: upset, worried
Sentence: She was looking jocund. Sentence: She was looking unruffled.

KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): troublesome ANNEX (NOUN): addendum

Synonyms: complicated, mystifying Synonyms: appendix, adjunct
Antonyms: easy, smooth Antonyms: base, lessening
Sentence: They have done the knotty journey. Sentence: To eliminate overcrowding, the county is going
to add an annex to the high school.
LANGUOR (NOUN): lethargy
Synonyms: inactivity, tiredness UNREFUTED (ADJECTIVE): accurate
Antonyms: energy, vigour Synonyms: authentic, definite
Sentence: They set about the new task with languor. Antonyms: incorrect, indefinite
Sentence: She has completed an unrefuted task.
TAME (ADJECTIVE): domesticated
Synonyms: docile, gentle IRASCIBLE (ADJECTIVE): cranky
Antonyms: harsh, rough Synonyms: grouchy, surly
Sentence: The fish are so tame you have to push them Antonyms: easygoing, happy
away. Sentence: His dog is irascible and has to be kept on a
leash at all times.
CRAM (VERB): overcrowd
Synonyms: stuff, pack WASPISH (ADJECTIVE): cantankerous
Antonyms: release, let out Synonyms: crabby, crotchety
Sentence: The ashtray by the bed was crammed with Antonyms: good-natured, cheerful
cigarette butts. Sentence: By nature, bulls are waspish animals that
prefer to be left alone.
REBUT (VERB): deny
Synonyms: quash, disapprove FORLORN (ADJECTIVE): depressed
Antonyms: allow, approve Synonyms: desolate, miserable
Sentence: He had to rebut charges of acting. Antonyms: joyful, elated
Sentence: Since Amish works so much, he does not
OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): eccentric realize his wife is forlorn because she rarely gets to spend
Synonyms: extravagant, bizarre time with him.
Antonyms: common, familiar
Sentence: He is an outlandish king. INESTIMABLE (ADJECTIVE): priceless
Synonyms: invaluable, precious
SUAVITY (NOUN): sophistication Antonyms: cheap, idolized
Synonyms: charm, courtesy Sentence: I will continue to see the therapist because her
Antonyms: misbehaviour, rudeness stress management tips have proven inestimable to me.
Sentence: I need lessons in suavity.
THRONG (NOUN): bunch Synonyms: incarnate, personalize
Synonyms: flock, mass Antonyms: detach, alienate
Antonyms: individual, one Sentence: The observers were able to internalize the
Sentence: He pushed his way through the throng. happiness released from the event.

INCERTITUDE (NOUN): uncertainty SPARSE (ADJECTIVE): very few and scattered

Synonyms: doubt, insecurity Synonyms: inadequate, meager
Antonyms: certainty, certitude Antonyms: abundant, adequate
Sentence: Some schools broke down under the stresses of Sentence: There are many areas with sparse population.
policy incertitude.
HOODWINK (VERB): deceive
Synonyms: mislead, swindle
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: help, offer Antonyms: leave, depart
Sentence: After the hurricane, many dishonest Sentence: She had sojourned once in France.
individuals tried to hoodwink generous people into
donating to fake charities. SQUALL (NOUN): disturbance
Synonyms: trouble, flurry
CONCRETIZE (VERB): demonstrate Antonyms: calm, quiet
Synonyms: epitomize, exemplify Sentence: I left the house because the squall of our new
Antonyms: conceal, obscure born baby was grating on my nerves.
Sentence: The medication will not be marketed until
it is concretized to be safe. SUNDRY (ADJECTIVE): miscellaneous
Synonyms: assorted, various
PERVERSELY (ADVERB): abnormally Antonyms: singular, individual
Synonyms: unusually, peculiarly Sentence: My grandmother decided to open a sundry
Antonyms: naturally, usually store where people could buy an assortment of goods.
Sentence: Zain knew almost nothing about him whom
he perversely misunderstood. SAVANT (NOUN): scholar
Synonyms: academic, egghead
SOMERSAULT (VERB): bounce Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus
Synonyms: hop, surge Sentence: The seven-year-old savant is a gifted pianist.
Antonyms: decline, decrease
Sentence: The gymnast stuck the somersault landing, RECEDE (VERB): withdraw
but the flip caused a little pain in her knees. Synonyms: retreat, fall back
Antonyms: enhance, increase
HUBBUB (NOUN): fracas Sentence: When the storm quiets, the waters will recede
Synonyms: commotion, brawl from the beach.
Antonyms: calm, peace
Sentence: The hubbub from the group of reporters gave VALOR (NOUN): boldness
the politician a headache. Synonyms: courage, firmness
Antonyms: cowardice, timidity
SHODDY (ADJECTIVE): inferior Sentence: I am impressed with his valor.
Synonyms: in bad shape, shabby
Antonyms: good, noble UNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): calm
Sentence: Because of shoddy accounting practices, our Synonyms: composed, relaxed
firm is being audited. Antonyms: nervous, disconcerted
Sentence: He is in unflappable state of mind.
SLEAZY (ADJECTIVE): disreputable
Synonyms: sordid, tacky UNCANNY (ADJECTIVE): strange
Antonyms: reputable, respectable Synonyms: weird, odd
Sentence: She was raising sleazy topics again and again. Antonyms: conventional, normal
Sentence: Seeing her uncanny behaviour, she was
SPURT (NOUN): commotion surprised.
Synonyms: eruption, explosion
Antonyms: peace, continuity VAUNT (VERB): boast
Sentence: With a spurt of energy, Ammy was able to Synonyms: brag, flaunt
cross over the finish line. Antonyms: be modest, be shy
Sentence: He was vaunting to heights.
SPREE (NOUN): binge
Synonyms: wild activity, bash ROUT (NOUN): defeat
Antonyms: care, thriftiness Synonyms: conquer, overthrow
Sentence: The alcoholic consumed two gallons of Antonyms: win, victory
whiskey during his last drinking spree. Sentence: The retreat degenerated into a rout.


Synonyms: stopover, reside Synonyms: arrogant, proud
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Antonyms: humble, modest Antonyms: arrogance, boldness
Sentence: He has a vainglorious nature. Sentence: I have seen diffidence in his speech.

VISTA (NOUN): glimpse SCHISM (NOUN): separation

Synonyms: look, sight Synonyms: breakup, alienation
Antonyms: blindness, darkness Antonyms: unity, agreement
Sentence: Sweeping lawns and landscaped vistas were Sentence: In the United States, the schism caused by
seen on the way. slavery led to the Civil War.


Synonyms: unharmed, uninjured Synonyms: faltering, hesitancy
Antonyms: hurt, injured Antonyms: peace, tranquility
Sentence: Some passengers came through all the perils Sentence: If a person has no scruples, there is not a great
unscathed. deal he will not do.


Synonyms: smooth, placid Synonyms: dotage, caducity
Antonyms: frantic, nervous Antonyms: adolescence, childhood
Sentence: He was talking about the unruffled waters Sentence: Old when I was ten, long gone in senility by
of the lake. thirteen.

VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): careful BATE (VERB): to become gradually less

Synonyms: watchful, guarded Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: careless, heedless Antonyms: rise, grow
Sentence: She is vigilant while talking to others. Sentence: Traffic has bated to a trickle.

GLIB (ADJECTIVE): eloquent SPLENETIC (ADJECTIVE): nasty in behavior, speech

Synonyms: loquacious, talkative Synonyms: rancorous, angry
Antonyms: quiet, silent Antonyms: kind, mild
Sentence: Ria is a glib girl. Sentence: Gulafsha is not splenetic by nature.


Synonyms: fertile, reproducing Synonyms: pinchpenny, niggard
Antonyms: impotent, sterile Antonyms: spender, spendthrift
Sentence: The airline is looking for fecund individuals Sentence: My uncle is a perfect of the skinflint.
who can complete many tasks in a short period of time..
SANITY (NOUN): mental health
BRAZEN (ADJECTIVE): boll Synonyms: prudence, acumen
Synonyms: abusive, arrogant Antonyms: ignorance, inability
Antonyms: cowardly, modest Sentence: I am concerned about her sanity.
Sentence: Amara presented a very brazen idea.
SOBRIQUET (NOUN): nickname
FRACAS (NOUN): fuel Synonyms: alias, moniker
Synonyms: riot, scuffle Antonyms: formal name, official name
Antonyms: harmony, peace Sentence: Aleena is my sobriquet.
Sentence: Fracas is going on in the city.
SIDEREAL (ADJECTIVE): pertaining to stars
DUPLICITOUS (ADJECTIVE): deceptive Synonyms: glittering, luminous
Synonyms: artful, deceptive Antonyms: dim, dull
Antonyms: actual, authentic Sentence: The teacher told that each sidereal year is
Sentence: She has a duplicitous personality. measured by looking at the position of the sun
relative to the stars.
DIFFIDENCE (NOUN): hesitance
Synonyms: backwardness, doubt
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
LYNCHING (NOUN): to kill (someone) by mob MAR (VERB)
illegally as punishment for a crime Meaning: to ruin the beauty or perfection of
Synonym: execute illegally, hang, kill, string up (something), to hurt or damage the good condition
Usage 1: The accused killer was lynched by an of (something)
angry mob. Synonyms: damage, ruin, deface, harm, mutilate
Usage 2: Police arrested eight people, including Antonyms: heal, improve, renovate, arrange
four minors, for lynching a dentist in Karachi late Usage 1: It was a really nice day, marred only by a
on Thursday. little argument in the car on the way home.
Usage 2: I hope the fact that John isn't coming
STALLED (ADJECTIVE) won't mar your enjoyment of the evening.
Meaning: stop or cause to stop making progress
Synonyms: obstruct, impeded, hindered, muffled, FLEDGLING (ADJECTIVE)
closed, blocked Meaning: new and without experience, young &
Antonyms: advance, expedite, promote, permit inexperienced
Usage 1: Japan's economic growth has stalled, with Synonyms: unqualified, young, inexperienced
industrial production contracting in June for the Antonyms: skilled, efficient, adroit, capable
fourth straight month. Usage 1: The current economic climate is
Usage 2: Commandos stalled the enemy attack by particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.
destroying three bridges. Usage 2: The fledgling writer could use the benefit
of a good editor.
Meaning: something that cause action or activity INHERITED (VERB)
Synonyms: boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, Meaning: an inherited situation, problem,
incentive department, etc. is one that you have become
Antonyms: brake, inactivity, lethargy, standstill responsible for dealing with or managing
Usage 1: In an attempt to give new momentum to Synonyms: genetic, inborn, hereditary, willed,
their plans, the committee set a date for starting handed-down, transferred
detailed discussions. Antonyms: acquired, drifting,
Usage 2: The play loses momentum (= becomes less Usage 1: The inherited economy was recovering
interesting, energetic, etc.) by its half way stage. strongly, having been very sensibly managed for
four years.
DISSENT (NOUN) Usage 2: When my brother left for college,
Meaning: a strong difference of opinion on a I inherited his old computer.
particular subject, to disagree with other people
about something INTERVENE (VERB)
Synonyms: differ, disagreement, nonconcur Meaning: to get involved, become involved in
Antonyms: agree, assent, concur something (such as a conflict) in order to have an
Usage 1: In a democratic society, individuals who influence on what happens
disagree with Goverment are allowed to voice their Synonyms: negotiate, arbitrate, mediate
dissent by writing, speaking, and even marching in Antonyms: ignore, neglect, leave alone
the streets. Usage 1: The Central Bank intervened in the
Usage 2: Anyone wishing to dissent from the currency markets today to try to stabilize the
motion should now raise their hand. exchange rate.
Usage 2: The military had to intervene to restore
Meaning: not considering other people's feelings or
Synonyms: Careless, offhand, indifferent, casual, Meaning: the act of intentionally stopping or
dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned, slowing down an official process
Antonyms: humble, thoughtful, careful, cautious Synonyms: blocking, delay, interference,
Usage 1: Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude. interruption
Usage 2: She has a cavalier attitude about spending Antonyms: helpfulness, assistance, support
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Usage 1: The party surely dread the kind of SEDULOUS
obstructionism they themselves practiced during Meaning: (of a person or action) showing dedication and
the last Congress. diligence.
Synonyms: diligent, careful, meticulous
THWARTED (VERB) Antonyms: nonchalant
Meaning – prevent (someone) from accomplishing Sentence: He watched himself with the most sedulous
something. care.
Synonyms: baffled, failed, hindered, obstructed
Antonym: assisted, promoted, Extrapolate
Usage 1: Our holiday plans were thwarted by the Meaning: extend the application of (a method or
airline pilots' strike. conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that
Usage 2: She did all she could to thwart his plans. existing trends will continue or similar methods will be
MYOPIA (NOUN) Synonyms: deduce, hypothesize, anticipate
Meaning: disapproving of or refusing to accept ideas Antonyms: doubt
or ways of behaving that are different from your own Sentence: The results cannot be extrapolated to other
an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, patient groups.
especially when formed without enough thought or
knowledge CIRCUMVENT
Synonyms: intolerance, Prejudice, bias Meaning: find a way around (an obstacle), deceive;
Antonyms: tolerance, fairness, adjustment outwit.
Usage 1: The campaign aims to dispel the myopia that Synonym: avoid
AIDS is confined to the homosexual community. Antonym: aid, assist
Usage 2: He had to battle against myopia to get a job. Sentence: If you come to an obstruction in a road you can
seek to circumvent it.
SCHISM (NOUN) He's circumvented her with some of his stories.
Meaning: a division among the members of a group
that occurs because they disagree on something
Synonyms: division, split, rift, breach, rupture, break, PERVASIVE
separation, severance, chasm, gulf, discord Meaning: (especially of an unwelcome influence or
Antonyms: union, harmony, agreement, physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a
Usage 1: The schism between my two best friends put group of people
me in the awkward position of having to choose one Synonyms: prevalent, penetrating,
over the other. Antonyms: rare, scarce, uncommon
Usage 2: The schism that divided the nation into two Sentence: "ageism is pervasive and entrenched in our
separate countries was caused by religious society"
PREJUDICE Meaning: leave (property) to a person or other
Meaning: preconceived opinion that is not based beneficiary by a will.
on reason or actual experience. Synonyms: commit, entrust, grant, transfer, convey;
Synonyms: preconception Antonyms: take, keep, receive
Sentence: Male prejudices about women Sentence: He bequeathed his art collection to the town.

Meaning: (of a person or process) diligent, Meaning: tending to obstruct or harm.
thorough, and extremely attentive to details. Synonyms: harmful, injurious, detrimental,
Synonyms: careful, meticulous, painstaking, Antonyms: helpful, advantageous
Antonyms: careless, slapdash Sentence: The policy was inimical to Britain's real
Sentence: The research has been carried out with interests.
scrupulous attention to detail.
Meaning: a person or thing viewed as a sign that
something is about to happen.
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
Synonyms: harbinger, sign, indicator loved Vera sufficiently and of being so ready to get
Sentence: They considered the first primroses as her off their hands.
the herald of spring.
QUELL Meaning: (of computer hardware or software) able
Meaning: put an end to (a rebellion or other to operate independently of other hardware or
disorder), typically by the use of force. software
Synonyms: put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, Synonym – stands in, stand down
end, finish Sentence: Nothing but a standalone phone booth.
Antonyms: succumb to
Sentence: Extra police were called to quell the ALBEIT (CONJUNCTION)
disturbance. Meaning: though
Synonym – admitting, even if
GESTATION (NOUN) Sentence: Your credit card statement captures an
Meaning: the process or period of developing inside accurate, albeit extremely abbreviated, record of
the womb between conception and birth your comings and goings.
Synonyms: evolution, fecundation
Sentence: The period of gestation in the mare is Meaning: causing one to feel unsettled
about eleven months. Synonyms: agitate, bafflestar
Antonyms; aid, assist
EVALUATED (VERB) Sentence: He found it both amusing and a bit
Meaning: form an idea of the amount, number, or disconcerting that both Sidwell women‘s initial
value of, assess reaction was to castrate him.
Synonyms: appraise, assess
Antonyms: neglect INTROSPECTION (NOUN)
Sentence: Wynn was a brilliant surgeon, the only Meaning: the examination or observation of one‘s
person Gabriel knew to bring in and evaluate own mental and emotional processes
Deidre‘s claim that she was healed. Synonyms: contemplation, meditation
Sentence: Perhaps if you indulged in a little
COVETED (VERB) introspection, you would stop repeating the same
Meaning: yearn to possess (something, especially bad habits.
something belonging to another)
Synonyms: crave, envy SAVVY (NOUN)
Antonyms: dislike, hate Meaning: shrewdness and practical knowledge,
Sentence: The tone combined with the much especially in politics or business
coveted endearment of ‗Dad‘ caught him totally off Synonyms: acute, calculating
guard. Antonyms: blunt, coarse
Sentence: He‘s book smart and business savvy, but
INTRIGUING (ADJECTIVE) he‘s still a boy in some ways.
Meaning: arousing one‘s curiosity or interest,
fascinating GRAVELY (ADVERB): very much; desperately
Synonyms: absorbing, alluring Synonyms: deeply, seriously
Antonyms: boring, unexciting Antonyms: lightly, calmly
Sentence: That‘s the intriguing part and what I Sentence: She listened to her father gravely.
hope Vinnie Baratto will tell us.
QUACKERY (NOUN): charlatanism
CONSTRAINTS (NOUN) Synonyms: trickery, deception
Meaning: a limitation or restriction Antonyms: reality, frankness
Synonyms: pressure, restraint Sentence: The meanest and most contemptible
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement kind of cheating is quackery.
Sentence: In the family‘s feeling toward this
wedding a certain awkwardness and constraint
was evident, as if they were ashamed of not having
Vocabulary Notes (Prepared by Aamir Mahar)
OUST (VERB): expel, get rid of Sentence: Mrs. Elena was thoroughly amused by
Synonyms: depose, evict her students‘ waggish behavior, but concealed it
Antonyms: offer, retain really well to maintain her stern reputation.
Sentence: The leader of the party has been ousted
by his own party at their annual convention. YONDER (NOUN): to a far place
Synonyms: faraway, farther
SLUMMY (ADJECTIVE): (of housing or Antonym: close, nearby
residential areas) indicative of poverty Sentence: John denied to drive yonder as he had
Synonyms: damaged, faded spent the day behind the wheel and was
Antonyms: stable, repaired completely drained.
Sentence: Don't you believe she has been led away
into any slummy place, for the sake of politics. TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): cheap and poor in
QUAGGY (ADJECTIVE): soft appearance or quality
Synonyms: cushiony, spongy Synonyms: tacky, sleazy
Antonyms: hard, rough Antonyms: expensive, tasteful
Sentence: Among other things, he noticed the Sentence: Jordan got the interiors done by a
quaggy nature of the meat he purchased for dinner. professional to make his tawdry apartment look
DECREPIT (ADJECTIVE): problems caused as a
result of age FARCE (NOUN): a ridiculous situation or event
Synonyms: dilapidated, crippled Synonyms: parody, absurdity
Antonyms: healthy, stable Antonym: tragedy, sobriety
Sentence: The owners have plans to renovate their Sentence: Mr. Williams is refused to enact the farce
decrepit hotel. as his acting skills were above such humor.
PILLAGE (VERB): loot PIVOTAL (ADJECTIVE): of crucial significance
Synonyms: desecrate, plunder Synonyms: vital, important Antonyms: inessential,
Antonyms: receive, build trivial
Sentence: Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging Sentence: We left the theatre as the movie turned
stores and shooting. boring after the pivotal character died.
ELATION (NOUN): extreme happiness
Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy ABNEGATION (NOUN): the act of rejecting or
Antonyms: sorrow, woe refusing something
Sentence: His elation increased at the sight of the Synonyms: forbearance, abstinence
little girl he had saved. Antonyms: allowance, approval
Sentence: Jemma had no problem with abnegation
EERILY (ADVERB): strangely of worldly possessions as she wanted to be a nun.
Synonyms: weirdly, creepily
Antonyms: naturally, pleasantly CHURLISH (ADJECTIVE): rude
Sentence: His eyes glowed eerily in the dark kitchen. Synonyms: impolite, boorish Antonyms: polished,
CONCILIATE (VERB): make calm and content Sentence: James woke up churlish in the morning
Synonyms: placate, pacify but his mood improved considerably after the
Antonyms: incite, irritate heavenly cup of coffee.
Sentence: Harold‘s attempts to conciliate the angry
protesters failed when they started throwing ABAFT (ADJECTIVE): towards the back
stones at the building. Synonyms: astern, rearward
Antonyms: forward, forth
WAGGISH (ADJECTIVE): acting in a playful Sentence: Rihanna has sea sickness so she was told
manner to sit abaft as the rear of the ship is less wavy.
Synonyms: amusing, humorous Antonyms: tragic,


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