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Impacts of roads and linear clearings

on tropical forests
William F. Laurance1,2, Miriam Goosem3 and Susan G.W. Laurance1,2
School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 0843-03092, Balboa, Ancón, Panama
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia

Linear infrastructure such as roads, highways, power economic impetus for the expansion of road and infrastruc-
lines and gas lines are omnipresent features of human ture developments [15,16]. Roads and paved highways
activity and are rapidly expanding in the tropics. Tropical have a key role in opening up forested regions to exploita-
species are especially vulnerable to such infrastructure tion from hunters, miners and forest colonists (Figure 1)
because they include many ecological specialists that [17,18], a problem exacerbated by often weak enforcement
avoid even narrow (<30-m wide) clearings and forest of environmental laws in remote frontier areas [19–21].
edges, as well as other species that are susceptible to Here, we synthesize existing recent research on the
road kill, predation or hunting by humans near roads. In impacts of roads and linear clearings on tropical rainfor-
addition, roads have a major role in opening up forested ests and their wildlife. We examine linear infrastructure
tropical regions to destructive colonization and exploi- from various perspectives, demonstrating that its impacts
tation. Here, we synthesize existing research on the are often qualitatively and quantitatively different in rain-
impacts of roads and other linear clearings on tropical forests than in other ecosystem types. Practical measures
rainforests, and assert that such impacts are often quali- to minimize or mitigate road impacts are also identified.
tatively and quantitatively different in tropical forests Our synthesis is illustrated with research from the Ama-
than in other ecosystems. We also highlight practical zon, Australasia, Central Africa and elsewhere in the
measures to reduce the negative impacts of roads and tropics.
other linear infrastructure on tropical species.
Impacts of roads and linear clearings
Linear clearings in the tropics As summarized below, roads and other linear clearings can
Roads and other linear infrastructure such as power lines, have an array of deleterious effects on tropical forests and
gas lines, railroads and canals are among the most ubiqui- their wildlife.
tous features of human activity, and are known to have
important environmental impacts on natural habitats and
ecosystems worldwide [1,2]. Such impacts appear to be Physical disturbances
particularly acute in tropical rainforests, for at least two Linear infrastructure can have major impacts on local soils
reasons. [22], hydrology and aquatic ecosystems [23]. Roads and
First, from a biological perspective, rainforests are highways, for example, are typically constructed using a
characterized by a complex architecture and uniquely cut-and-fill approach to help level local topography [2].
humid, dark, stable microclimate [3]. They sustain many Unless frequent culverts are installed, filled areas impede
species that are specialized for forest-interior and unders- drainage, especially in tropical regions that receive heavy
tory conditions, including some species that strongly avoid wet-season rainfall. This can lead to extensive flooding on
forest edges [4–9] and are unable to traverse even narrow the upstream side of the road, killing large patches of
forest clearings [10–13]. Other tropical species are suscept- inundated vegetation (Figure 2a). On the downstream side
ible to hunting, road kill, elevated predation and species of road fills, water flow can be impeded, causing small
invasions near roads. The net effect is that, by virtue of their streams to fail [1,2] and desiccation stress to vegetation,
unique characteristics and abundance of ecologically especially during the dry season. Road-cuts and local sand-
specialized species, rainforests and their biota are especially and gravel-quarrying operations can also be major sources
vulnerable to the environmental changes associated with of erosion (Figure 2b) and stream sedimentation (from 35–
roads and linear clearings [14]. 500 tonnes ha 1 yr 1; [24]), further impacting aquatic
Second, from a socioeconomic perspective, tropical rain- ecosystems and biota and increasing the likelihood of land-
forests largely occur in ‘developing’ nations, many of which slides [22,25]. Additionally, tropical downpours, when con-
are experiencing continued population growth, rapid centrated through a few culverts into streams, can scour
economic development and intense natural-resource and channelize the streambed, simplifying aquatic
exploitation. In many developing nations, industrial log- habitats downstream [1,23]. Finally, roads can alter
ging, oil and gas development, agribusiness, mining and natural disturbance regimes: in fire-maintained tropical
international donors and lenders are providing an woodlands and savannas, for example, roads can create
artificial firebreaks, leading to a proliferation of mesic
Corresponding author: Laurance, W.F. ( vegetation at the expense of fire-adapted species [26].
0169-5347/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2009.06.009 Available online 10 September 2009 659
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

Figure 1. Roads and forest destruction. (a) Close association between frontier Figure 2. Dead trees from impeded drainage (a) and heavy soil erosion (b) along
roads and deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia. (b) Concentration of forest fires logging roads in Gabon, central Africa. Reproduced with permission from W.
(red) and deforestation (yellow) near roads in northeastern Bolivia during the 1997 Laurance.
El Niño drought. Intact forests are shown in green. Reproduced with permission
from NASA (a) and M. Steininger, Conservation International (b).

Chemical and nutrient pollution Edge effects

Roads and highways can be a large source of chemical Edge effects are diverse physical and biotic changes
pollutants. Dust, heavy metals, nutrients, ozone and associated with the often-abrupt verges of roads and
organic molecules are often elevated within 10–200 m of linear clearings, and are particularly important in tropical
road surfaces [1,27]. Lead pollution from car exhausts can rainforests [7,30]. Various edge-related changes in forest
be especially problematic, particularly in developing structure, microclimate and forest dynamics have been
nations that still allow leaded gasoline [28]. However, observed near linear clearings in the Amazon [7,31], the
de-icing salts, which can alter soil and aquatic chemistry Caribbean [22], and tropical Australia [3,9]. For example,
and harm roadside vegetation [1], are not used in the forests within 50–100 m of edges experience greater diur-
tropics. Effects of chemical pollutants and nutrient runoff nal fluctuations in light, temperature and humidity [3],
are likely to be especially serious for streams and wetlands being typically drier and hotter than forest interiors, with
near roads, with major pulses of waterborne pollutants and elevated tree mortality, numerous canopy gaps and a
nutrients entering aquatic ecosystems with heavy rains at proliferation of disturbance-adapted vines, weeds and
the onset of the wet season [29]. Such contaminants can pioneer species [7]. Such changes can alter the community
have wide-ranging effects: for example, many aquatic composition and abundance of many different faunal
invertebrates and vertebrates are sensitive to water pol- groups [7–9,32–35].
lution; waterborne nutrients can promote harmful eutro- The intensity of edge effects is influenced by the
phication; and heavy metals are often biomagnified in attributes of linear clearings. Clearing width is important,
aquatic food chains [1,27–29]. with narrow (<20-m width) linear clearings being less

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

vulnerable to edge-related wind disturbance and desicca- Road-related mortality can occur over varying spatial
tion stress than are wider clearings [14]. The orientation of scales. Mortality from road kill and predation are gener-
linear clearings with respect to solar angles can also ally limited to the road surface or adjoining road verges.
influence edge-effect intensity [2,36]; clearings parallel Hunting by humans near roads, however, can create zones
to the solar track are exposed to sunlight throughout the of elevated mortality and animal avoidance within at least
day and, thus, are likely to suffer greater heat and desicca- 5–10 km of roads, and possibly much further for wide-
tion at ground level than are those that are perpendicular ranging species, such as forest elephants and some
to the path of the sun, which are fully insolated only at mid- primates [44–46]. Notably, the traits that predispose
day. Finally, the maintenance of linear clearings with species to road kill (Box 1), such as slow movement, poor
herbicides, fires or cutting of foliage repeatedly disturbs eyesight and edge-favoring behavior, are often different
the adjoining forest vegetation [6] and, by preventing from those, such as large body size, gregarious social
natural edge closure, can cause edge effects to be elevated systems, conspicuous calls or displays and the use of
in intensity [3,7,30]. regular pathways, that predispose them to hunting or
trapping by humans [43,47]. Thus, roads have the poten-
Road-related mortality tial to affect a broad spectrum of species with widely
Some species suffer heavy mortality near roads from varying characteristics.
vehicle road kill (Box 1) [5,37,38], elevated predation [8]
or human hunting [39–41]. If such effects are strong Barrier effects
enough, the road could become a population sink, contri- In some cases, roads and linear clearings can create bar-
buting to local extinctions of species [42]. Species that are riers to faunal movements. One of the most striking fea-
rare, such as apex predators and large-bodied mammals tures of tropical forests is the high proportion of species,
and birds, and that require large home ranges or have low including various beetles, flies, ants, bees, butterflies,
reproductive rates are generally most vulnerable to elev- amphibians, reptiles, birds, bats and small and large
ated mortality [43]. Paradoxically, although narrow forest mammals, that tend to avoid even narrow (<30-m wide)
roads facilitate road-crossing movements by animals, they clearings or forest edges [7–13,32–35,40,41,44–46,48,49].
also lead to greater road kill [5]. Evidence for avoidance of edges and clearings comes from

Box 1. Vulnerability to road kill.

The locomotion, ecology and behavior of animals collectively
determine their vulnerability to road kill by vehicles (Figure I).
Especially susceptible are: (i) slow-moving, ground-dwelling species,
including many amphibians, reptiles and small mammals [5,9,98,99];
(ii) predominantly arboreal species that occasionally traverse open
ground, such as tree-kangaroos, sloths and many primates [100]; and
(iii) slower-flying birds, bats and insects with low flight paths
[5,91,101]. Species with poor eyesight, including giant ant-eaters
and tamanduas, and those that ‘freeze’ in response to approaching
vehicles, such as armadillos, echidnas and many amphibians [102],
are also vulnerable.
Road kill can also be heavy among: (i) reptiles that bask at night on
warm road surfaces [5,38]; (ii) amphibians that undertake mass
movements during tropical downpours [5,38,91,98]; (iii) species with
key breeding or feeding sites near roads; (iv) dispersing or mate-
hunting individuals [5,9,100]; (v) crespuscular species whose activity
coincides with heavy morning and evening traffic; (vi) large animals,
such as cassowaries, that must regularly traverse roads while ranging
over extensive areas [102]; and (vii) species that forage along roads or
road verges. The latter includes predators that favour forest edges
and clearings, including certain hawks, bats and large carnivores
[11,48,103,104]; owls and bats that prey on animals attracted or
flushed by car headlights; herbivores browsing on forbs or grasses
along road verges [105]; and scavengers feeding on road-killed
Road features also affect animal mortality. Road kill increases
with high vehicle speeds and large traffic volumes [98,101,102],
narrow road widths (which encourage road-crossing movements),
and curves in roads (which reduce driver visibility and the
response times of animals to oncoming vehicles) [5,11]. Incised
topography and riparian vegetation tend to funnel amphibians,
mammals and other animals into certain crossing routes, whereas
steep slopes, cuttings and embankments tend to reduce road
mortality by inhibiting road-crossing attempts [5]. If properly
designed, bridges, culverts and underpasses reduce road kill by
providing safe, alternate routes for road-crossing movements
Figure I. Road-killed vulture in Panama. Reproduced with permission from W.

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

From a demographic and genetic perspective, a strong

distinction exists between clearings that hinder animal or
plant-propagule movements and those that prevent them
completely [1,2]. Just one or a few successful migrants per
generation are sufficient to prevent divided populations
from diverging via genetic drift [54]. When populations are
fully isolated, however, the deleterious effects of random
demographic and genetic changes, in concert with environ-
mental variations, can be a powerful driving force for local
extinction [5,49,55]. According to some theoretical models,
impeded dispersal alone might be sufficient to depress
species richness near major highways [56]. Such deleter-
ious effects are likely to be compounded as road density
increases, with road-dominated landscapes (e.g. Figure 1a)
becoming increasingly hostile terrain for sensitive species.

Exotic species invasions

Linear clearings are facilitating widespread species inva-
sions in the tropics, for taxa ranging from little fire ants
(Wasmannia auropunctuta), exotic earthworms and non-
Figure 3. The association between indices of edge avoidance and clearing rainforest vertebrates, to fungal die-back, caused by Phy-
avoidance in guilds of Amazonian understory birds, showing that guilds that
rarely cross road clearings also tend to avoid forest edges. Edge avoidance was the tophthora spp., and myriad weed species [32,52,53,57–60]
ratio of birds captured on mist-net lines far from (130 m) versus near (10–15 m) to (P. Byrnes, Honours thesis, James Cook University 2002).
road edges. Clearing avoidance was calculated as (O–E)/E, where O=observed rate
Some of these invaders are having major impacts on
of bird crossing for roads 30 m in width, and E=expected rate of crossing based
on movement frequency in intact forest. Adapted with permission from Ref. [11]. tropical biota. Little fire ants, for instance, are proliferat-
ing throughout African rainforests 60-times faster along
logging roads than through undisturbed forest, and are
mark–recapture studies [8–11,13,32,33], experimental responsible for causing mortality or blindness in native
translocations [12,50], radiotelemetry [12,50] and field species such as primates, leopards and many invertebrates
surveys [10,44,48] of various terrestrial vertebrates. [53]. Invasions can occur rapidly in tropical areas lacking
Notably, avoidance of forest edges and linear clearings seasonal restrictions on growth or movement; for example,
appear to be strongly intercorrelated traits, at least for non-rainforest frogs, leafcutter ants, lianas and exotic
Amazonian birds (Figure 3) [11] and several Australian weeds are already penetrating remote areas of the Ama-
rainforest amphibians, skinks and small mammals [5], zon, using the verges of recently constructed roads as
with both traits contributing to road-barrier effects. Avoid- invasion corridors [58]. Repeated spraying, burning or
ance of forest edges and clearings is believed to occur mowing of vegetation in linear clearings favors exotic
because tropical species: (i) have locomotor specializations, and disturbance-adapted species at the expense of native
such as being strictly arboreal [50] or adapted for flying species [59].
in dense, cluttered environments [48]; (ii) require dark, Road-borne invaders affect not only native biota in the
humid microclimates or specialized food resources tropics. In Ecuador, for example, levels of human enteric
[7–10,13,49]; (iii) exhibit strong psychological avoidance of pathogens were 2–8-times higher in villages near roads
clearings, presumably because of past selection pressures than in more remote areas [61]. Likewise, increased inci-
[8,11]; (iv) shun humans or traffic noise, light, movement dences of dengue fever [62], malaria [63] and HIV [64] have
and air pollution near roads [41,46,51]; (v) are repelled been reported in people living near roads in India, Brazil
by invasive or generalist species in clearings [32,52,53] and Uganda, respectively. By facilitating invasions of novel
(P. Byrnes, Honours thesis, James Cook University 2002); and potentially lethal pathogens, roads penetrating into
and (vi) align their defended territories with clearing remote frontier areas also pose a threat to indigenous
boundaries, thereby suppressing local movements by groups attempting to live with limited or no contact with
conspecifics [11,13]. In general, these traits are opposite outsiders [65].
to those that promote road kill (Box 1) because the latter
results from attempted road-crossing movements [5,6,13]. Human invasions
Wider roads and highways can strongly hinder animal In the tropics, roads and highways often greatly facilitate
movements [5]. Among Amazonian understory birds, for invasions of hunters, miners, colonists and land specu-
example, translocated males (which are strongly motiv- lators (Figure 1, Box 2), a phenomenon dubbed the ‘Pan-
ated to return to their territory and mate) were able to dora’s Box Effect’ [66]. In Brazilian Amazonia, for example,
cross a 75-m-wide highway but were entirely halted by a 95% of all deforestation and fires occur within 50 km of
250-m-wide clearing [12]. Similarly, in tropical Queens- highways or roads [15]. In Suriname, most illegal gold-
land, Australia, movements of native rainforest rodents mining operations are located near roads [67], whereas in
(Rattus spp.) fell by 67–90% across narrow (6–12-m wide) tropical Africa, hunting intensity is so elevated near roads
clearings and by 90–100% across larger (20–60-m wide) that it strongly affects the large-scale distribution of forest
clearings [13,32,33]. elephants, buffalo, duikers, primates and other exploited

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

Box 2. Roads and land-use dynamics.

In simplest terms, frontier roads are problematic because they
distribute people broadly across the forest. Per-capita deforestation
is inherently nonlinear (Figure I), such that the first colonists arriving
in an area destroy more forest per person than do later arrivals
[96,106]. Thus, 1000 people in a single frontier village will destroy
considerably less forest than will the same number of people living in
ten scattered villages. By spreading people out across the forest,
roads inherently promote rapid and widespread deforestation.
However, roads might also initiate more complex land-use dynamics.
For example, in Laos [107], the Philippines [108] and Amazonia [97],
landowners intensified agriculture close to newly constructed or
improved roads at the same time that forest regeneration began in
regions farther from the roads, often in upland areas, presumably
because cultivators abandoned these lands or decided to work them
less intensively [109]. In this sense, roads might sometimes act as
‘magnets’ for colonists, potentially reducing land-use pressures further
Although few doubt that roads in virgin forests often cause serious
environmental degradation, geographers and economists sometimes
disagree about other types of road. In the Amazon, for instance, a
heated debate has raged over plans to pave or expand existing roads
in previously occupied areas, with some suggesting this could
diminish net deforestation by concentrating people into already- Figure I. The nonlinear increase in forest loss with population density. Data
degraded lands [97], and others arguing that it would cause shown are from 50-km  50-km quadrats spanning Brazilian Amazonia. Adapted
deforestation to rise and spill-over into nearby forested areas [75]. with permission from Ref. [96].
Available evidence seems to favor the spill-over hypothesis (e.g. Refs
[110,111]), suggesting that new roads are rarely beneficial for nature.

species [40,44–46]. Roads can also increase trade in bush- Brası́lia Highway, completed during the early 1970s,
meat and wildlife products [17,18]; for example, on aver- has now evolved into a 400-km-wide swath of forest
age, eight killed mammals were transported per hour destruction and secondary roads across the eastern Bra-
along a single highway in Sulawesi, Indonesia [68]. zilian Amazon [66]. Efforts to project the long-term con-
Many formerly remote tropical regions such as the dition of Amazonian forests using an array of biophysical
Amazon [65,69], Congo Basin [70], New Guinea [71] and predictors suggest that the locations of highways and
Borneo [72] are now being assailed by expanding road roads will be the greatest single factor influencing future
networks, particularly from industrial timber operations spatial patterns of forest loss, fragmentation and degra-
and oil, gas and mineral projects [15,73]. Paved highways, dation [15,74,77].
which provide year-round access to forest resources and Large-scale efforts to expand regional highway net-
reduce transportation costs, typically have larger-scale works in South America, South and Southeast Asia and,
impacts on forests and wildlife than do unpaved roads to an increasing extent, Sub-Saharan Africa, are cause for
[15,20,74], which tend to become inaccessible during the special concern. Across all of these regions, perhaps the
wet season. most notable trend in recent years is growing investment
by China in frontier roads, highways and railroads that
Reducing and mitigating the impacts of linear clearings will increase access to mineral and timber resources
Various measures and design strategies can be used to (Table 1). In general terms, maintaining large, roadless
curb the environmental impacts of roads and other linear areas of intact forest should be among the highest priori-
infrastructure. These fall into two broad categories: local- ties for regional conservation managers.
scale efforts to reduce the impacts of new or existing linear
clearings, and regional-scale efforts to limit their expan- Managing timber operations
sion into ecologically sensitive areas. Industrial timber operations, which are currently occur-
ring in 28% of the tropical forests worldwide [78], are
Limiting road expansion probably the greatest single driver of road expansion in
In broad terms, roads can be thought of as the enemies of forest frontiers. Many forests in the Asia-Pacific region
rainforests. Although essential in many cases for human have already been severely depleted by loggers. Surviving
activities and economic development, poorly planned or forests in the Amazon, New Guinea and Congo Basin are
excessive road expansion can result in irreparable damage now undergoing rapid timber expansion, with the Congo
to, or destruction of, forests. Roads that penetrate into alone having at least 52 000 km of recently created logging
remote frontier regions often lead to forest encroachment roads [70]. In the Amazon, forests penetrated by roads from
and destruction (Table 1) and we recommend that these be selective logging operations are 400% more likely to be
avoided wherever possible. Paved highways are particu- deforested than are non-logged forests [79].
larly damaging because they tend to spawn networks of Most selective-logging operations in the tropics are
secondary roads that can increase the spatial scale of their poorly planned and have excessive road-building activities
impact [75,76]; for example, the 2000-km-long Belem– [80,81]. Ongoing efforts to reduce the ecological impacts of

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

Table 1. Examples of the most environmentally destructive roads in the tropics and others imminently planned or under
Name and location a Synopsis of impact
Existing roads
Belem–Brası́lia Highway, Brazil Completed in the early 1970s, this 2000-km highway has spawned a 400 km-wide
slash of deforestation across eastern Amazonia
Cuiabá–Porto Velho Highway, Brazil This 1500-km highway, funded by the World Bank, has promoted rampant
forest loss in southwestern Amazonia
Cuiaba–Santarém Highway, Brazil Visible as a ‘line of fire’ at night, this recently paved highway cuts into the
heart of the Amazon for >1200 km
Ecuadorian oil roads Roads associated with two 400-km-long oil pipelines have opened up much
of Ecuadorian Amazonia to destructive colonization, with major impacts on
indigenous groups
Samling Road, Sarawak, Malaysia This 300-km road, recently built by Samling Timber Corporation, is opening
up northern Sarawak, Borneo, to industrial logging
Andaman Trunk Road, Andaman Islands, India Running 420 km across four nearby Andaman islands, this highway
promoted massive deforestation and social upheaval for the indigenous
communities of the islands
Douala–Bangui Road, Cameroon-Central African Republic Completed in 2003, this highway cuts 1400-km across the northwestern
Congo Basin and has promoted massive logging, poaching and forest loss
Roads under construction or planned
Manaus–Porto Velho Highway, Brazil This 900-km paved highway will link the almost pristine central Amazon to
major population centres to the south
Transoceanic Highways, Peru-Bolivia-Brazil Already hotspots of deforestation and frontier lawlessness, this triad of paved
highways will link Brazil to the Pacific Ocean and lucrative export markets in China
Trans-Congo Road, Democratic Republic of Congo Funded by China, this 1600-km road will cut across the Congo Basin, from the
southeast to northwest, providing access to rich mineral and timber resources
North–South Economic Corridor, Indochina This 1500-km highway will provide a direct link between aggressive timber
importers in China and Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar, whose
forests are rapidly shrinking
Leuser Road Plan, Sumatra, Indonesia This network of 450 km of main roads and 1200 km of minor roads is likely to
open up surviving forests in northern Sumatra to illegal logging, poaching and
Mamberamo Basin Roads, Papua, Indonesia Spanning 1400 km, this China-funded road network will traverse pristine forests
in northwestern New Guinea
Compiled from refereed publications and technical reports and from consultations with tropical researchers (see Acknowledgements), environmental organizations and
conservation websites such as

selective logging operations focus strongly on roads, with expansion have substantial environmental costs, roading
measures such as: (i) minimizing roadworks via careful impacts would be lower if logging were focused along
pre-harvest planning [82]; (ii) restricting roads to flatter existing highways and already-populated areas of the
slopes and ridgelines wherever possible; (iii) limiting basin [84].
widths of logging roads and loading ramps; (iv) minimizing
stream crossings to reduce impacts on streams and ripar- Reducing forest invasions
ian vegetation; and (v) prohibiting roading during wetter When roads in frontier areas cannot be avoided, uncon-
periods to reduce soil erosion and stream sedimentation trolled forest loss and invasions can be reduced by creating
[80,81]. In addition to these measures, more attention protected areas (PAs) along the road route in advance of road
should focus on closing logging roads after harvest oper- expansion [77,85]. In the Brazilian Amazon, for example,
ations (e.g. by destroying key bridges or otherwise render- forest destruction has been more severe along the Cuibá–
ing the road impassable) to inhibit post-logging invasions Santarém Highway, which had few PAs in place prior to road
of forests. construction, than along the Porto Velho–Manaus Highway,
From an environmental perspective, some schemes for where 13 PAs were established before or during road
logging expansion appear particularly risky. In Brazilian construction (although the latter is incompletely paved
Amazonia, for example, plans are being developed to log and could suffer further in the future; see http://news.
dozens of widely scattered National Forests, many located More generally,
in remote, largely pristine areas, that could ultimately major forest fires are less frequent near roads in Amazonian
encompass over 50 million ha [83]. The network of new PAs (including semi-protected reserves and indigenous
or improved roads required for such an enterprise could lands) than near roads in unprotected forest (Figure 4) [86].
result in an array of undesirable consequences, such as Another strategy to reduce invasions is establishing
facilitating hunting, forest invasions and land speculation railroads rather than roads in frontier areas. Incursions
in frontier areas. Although all approaches to logging into forests can be partially controlled because trains stop

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

has been adopted (but only incompletely implemented) for

two major gas pipelines running from Camisea in the
Peruvian Amazon across the Andes to the Pacific Ocean

Properly assessing road impacts

Among the most serious hindrances to road mitigation is
that, in many developing nations, environmental-impact
assessments (EIAs) of roading operations focus solely on
the road route itself, ignoring the impacts of roads on forest
invasions, hunting, land speculation and secondary-road
expansion [19–21,85]. In Brazil, for instance, EIAs of major
new Amazonian highways were confined to a narrow swath
along the road route itself, sometimes recommending such
paltry mitigation measures as ‘helping’ animals to move
from the planned route before road building [20,87]. In
other cases, such as for certain mines, hydroelectric dams
and other large developments, the EIA focuses on the
project itself but ignores the impact that the roads will
inevitably have [21,69]. New roads and highways will
continue to be major drivers of rainforest loss and degra-
Figure 4. Incidence of human-lit forest fires at varying distances from roads,
comparing areas inside (squares) versus outside (circles) protected areas in Brazilian dation so long as the EIA process is so fundamentally
Amazonia. Fitted curves are logarithmic. Adapted with permission from Ref. [86]. flawed [19–21,87].

only at designated locations, and these can be situated Road-design strategies

strategically to limit invasions of environmentally sensitive In areas of high conservation significance, such as PAs and
areas. In Brazil, for example, a railroad has been advocated indigenous reserves, various measures can be used to
instead of the Manaus–Porto Velho Highway (see http:// reduce road and linear-clearing impacts. For nature because the reserves, roadworks and road density should generally
highway could greatly increase forest colonization in central be minimized, and roadless core-areas maximized, to sus-
Amazonia (Table 1). tain disturbance- and hunting-sensitive wildlife and
Oil and natural-gas pipelines are proliferating in many reduce exotic-species invasions (e.g. Refs [39,45,46,59,88]).
tropical regions [15,65,69], and the roads established for Destructive flooding can be minimized and stream flows
pipeline construction and maintenance often facilitate for- maintained by the establishment of large culverts under
est invasions. Although burying pipelines is moderately roads. These should be designed so that increased stream
expensive, invasions can be reduced by such a measure and velocity within them does not create a barrier to aquatic
by allowing overlying forests to regenerate. This approach fauna [89]. Soil erosion and stream sedimentation can be

Figure 5. Efforts to mitigate road impacts: warning signs for motorists in tropical Queensland (a) and Brazil (b); artificial walkways for arboreal wildlife in Queensland (c),
which enable road crossing by sensitive species such as the lemuroid ringtail possum (Hemibelideus lemuroides) (d); and wildlife-friendly culverts under roads in
Queensland (e). Reproduced with permission from W. Laurance (a, b), M. Goosem (c, e) and J. Cooper (d).

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

reduced by confining the use of heavy equipment to drier Second, rainforests sustain numerous species with
months and by seeding fast-growing native plants over microhabitat, dietary and locomotor specializations. Such
road cuts and disused quarry sites. species tend to avoid linear clearings and forest edges or
Edge effects along linear clearings can be reduced by align their territories with clearing margins, increasing
allowing secondary growth and vines to proliferate along the likelihood of barrier effects, even when clearings are
forest margins, road cuts and embankments, thereby pro- narrow (<30-m wide).
viding a physical buffer that lessens forest desiccation and Third, intense tropical rainfall can exacerbate erosion
wind [3,7]. Minimizing road widths will also limit the ‘fetch’ and runoff from infrastructure projects, thereby increasing
of clearings, which influences wind- and microclimate- sedimentation and impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Linear
related edge effects. Mowing and brush cutting are gener- infrastructure often impedes drainage, causing upslope
ally superior to broad-scale herbicides and fire for control- flooding and desiccation of vegetation downslope. Further-
ling regrowth along clearing verges because they are less more, by concentrating heavy runoff into a few points, road
likely to damage regenerating forest-edge vegetation. culverts elevate stream velocity, which scours streambeds
Maintaining a relatively continuous canopy above roads and simplifies downstream habitats. In this way roads can
reduces edge effects on microclimate and vegetation and become barriers for aquatic fauna.
helps to prevent invasions by weeds and associated exotic Fourth, where rainfall is seasonal, heavy metals and
or non-rainforest fauna [6]. other pollutants can build up near the road surface during
Barrier effects on wildlife can also be minimized by limit- drier months. These are flushed into streams with the first
ing road widths and maintaining a nearly-continuous heavy rains of the wet season, producing a potentially toxic
canopy overhead [6], although such measures can increase pulse of pollutants when stream flow is still relatively low.
road kill because road-crossing movements are more fre- Many species, such as fish, amphibians and freshwater
quent [5]. Regrowth forest along road margins can further invertebrates, are vulnerable to such pulses.
reduce the isolating effects of roads [8,11]. Bridges over Finally, tropical forests mainly exist in developing
watercourses that include a corridor of unflooded vegetation nations, which are being transformed by ongoing indus-
and natural streambed are especially effective for maintain- trialization, population growth and natural-resource
ing connectivity, both for terrestrial and aquatic fauna [6]. exploitation. Roads and other linear infrastructure are
However, culverts and underpasses can provide effective rapidly expanding in many developing countries and have
avenues for movements of many animals, and can be a key role in opening up forests to hunting, illegal mining,
designed to enhance their attractiveness to wildlife land speculation and destructive exploitation, a problem
(Figure 5e) [90,91] and efficacy in reducing road kill exacerbated by often weak enforcement of environmental
[6,60]. Where maintenance of an intact canopy is infeasible, laws in frontier areas. The proliferation of unplanned,
artificial canopy walkways can provide bridges for move- illegal roads is a serious problem in many tropical nations.
ments of many arboreal species in the tropics (Figure 5c,d),
although their capacity to help sensitive fauna traverse A proactive approach
wider (>30 m) clearings remains uncertain [60,91,92] Efforts to promote road expansion in the tropics are per-
(N.G. Weston, MSc thesis, James Cook University 2003). haps the most striking example of how regional integration
Finally, road-kill mortality can be reduced by limiting and economic development can be directly at odds with
vehicle speeds (via measures such as low legal speed limits, nature conservation. Whether in Africa, Asia or the Ama-
road-painting, warning strips and speed-bumps) [6,60], zon, infrastructure planners typically extol the ‘opening up’
posting warning signs (Figure 5a,b), establishing wildlife of new frontiers as a good thing (e.g. Refs [94,95]). Those
fences along busy highways that help steer animals toward alarmed by rapid environmental deterioration, however,
culverts and, in high-priority areas, by restricted night- usually see this in opposite terms given the logistical
time driving [93]. Most road kills occur at night and near challenges, expense and, often, futility of frontier govern-
dawn and dusk, when animal activity is highest [5,6]. In ance once the roads go in.
tropical Africa, restrictions on night-time driving within a All is not lost, however. Given the central role of roads in
PA have proven especially effective at reducing hunting promoting tropical deforestation and atmospheric carbon
activity [40]. emissions [15,20,74], we assert that forest carbon-trading
initiatives should often focus explicitly on limiting and
Concluding remarks mitigating frontier roads. For example, so-called REDD
Vulnerability of tropical forests funds (‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
As detailed above, many of the impacts of roads and linear Degradation’; see
clearings appear to differ qualitatively or quantitatively cop11eng/102.pdf) could be used to help plan and minimize
between tropical rainforests and other ecosystem types. regional road works, establish PAs in advance of road
This occurs for at least five reasons. establishment, regulate road access, promote railroads
First, rainforests have a complex, multi-layered archi- rather than roads when feasible, and close down the most
tecture with dense canopy cover. This creates a dark, environmentally destructive roads. Such efforts might be
humid, thermally stable and nearly windless microclimate more feasible than many realize. Although carbon trading
in the forest understory, which contrasts with harsher, will require that the impacts of planned roads on forest
more variable conditions in linear clearings. As a result of carbon stocks be projected with reasonable confidence, such
these strong physical gradients, edge effects are especially impacts (including the influence of road paving, distance to
potent in the tropics. population centers, land tenure and various biophysical

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.24 No.12

variables on deforestation dynamics) have been studied and 20 Fearnside, P.M. (2007) Brazil’s Cuiabá-Santarém (BR-163) Highway:
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to thrust the evils of the world back into the box, than to
communities in a tropical rainforest in Borneo, Ecol. Appl. 13,
simply not open it in the first place. 461–473
24 Bruijnzeel, L.A. (2004) Hydrological functions of tropical forests: not
Acknowledgements seeing the soil for the trees? Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 104, 185–228
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Steininger, J. Supriatna, J. Vincent and three anonymous referees for 26 Harrington, G.N. and Sanderson, K.D. (1994) Recent contraction of
information, imagery and insightful comments; L. Gonzalez for help with wet sclerophyll forest in the wet tropics of Queensland due to invasion
graphics; and James Cook University, the Australian Government’s by rainforest, Pacific Conserv. Biol. 1, 319–327
Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility and the Smithsonian 27 Pratt, C. and Lottermoser, B.G. (2007) Trace metal uptake by the
Institution for support. grass Melinis repens from roadside soils and sediments, tropical
Australia, Environ. Geol. 52, 1651–1662
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