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SY 2020-2021
Circular Letter no. 1

September 2, 2020

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Greetings of Peace!

School Year 2020 - 2021 has opened our educational partnership with renewed commitment and dedication all
for the welfare of our children. Thank you for the trust that even with the current pandemic you have sent your
children to us. Article 76 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code states, “The home shall fully support the
school in the implementation of the total school program - curricular and co-curricular toward the proper
physical, social, intellectual, and moral development of the child. Let us support one another in the spirit of
unity and goodwill.

The theme for the entire school year is “SACS @ 104: Moving Forward with Gratitude… Reliving Passion
and Excellence… Creating Harmony and Peace…” Specifically for the month of September, school activities
center on the theme “Moving Forward with Gratitude Amidst Adversities through Sustainable
Development in Creating Harmony and Peace with Mary.”

We are grateful to the God of Love and Compassion and to Mother Mary for her intercession that despite the
obstacles we are facing due to Covid-19 we have joined forces to make use of the opportunities to continue the
integral education of our children. We will move forward with gratitude keeping in mind that our partnership
calls for courage, commitment, collaboration, and communication now that the pandemic is not yet over and
learners have to stay at home.

The learners have started with the different modes of distance learning. It is challenging for the learners,
teachers, and parents/guardians but when all our school undertakings are centered in Christ, everything will fall
into place. We gain our strength and power from Christ when He says “For where there are two or three
gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20).

Intent on carrying out the school’s vision-mission and objectives, year- round activities though some have been
temporarily cancelled ensure a balance of academics and moral formation of learners. Please be guided
accordingly of the September activities listed at the back to enhance closer supervision and monitoring of the
learners. Periodical test schedules for the whole year are also posted for the learners to thoroughly prepare
themselves and for you to have enough time to settle tuition fee payments as requirement for each major exam.

Let us continually pray that the pandemic will soon come to an end. May our Lord Jesus Christ through the
intercession of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart bless all our plans and bring them to a successful completion. “We
know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his
purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,



Noted by:



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