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1) Identify and outline five examples of legislation and regulations that apply to the marketing
industry in Australia.
Here, the marketing simply means the promotional activities or the activity that a company
simply takes to increase their sales, revenue or the supply of goods and products to the oversee
countries is known as marketing (Twin & Drury, 2021). The combination of companies and the
individuals involved in it, with some common goals and objectives is known as marketing
industry. The set of rules, acts and norms that mostly acts like laws for the betterment and
development and the specific guidelines of the company is known as legislation. Regulation is
said to be a defining rules acts norms and regulations, that mostly prevents us from doing some
things or the other is known as regulations. There are different legislations and regulations that
mostly applies to the marketing industry in Australia. Some of the major examples of legislation
and regulations that applies to the marketing industry in Australia are-:
 Copy right Law- The copy right law protects the online and offline marketers, to sell the
other product under their name. Also, protects the actual inventor of the product, in terms
of their earnings.
 Trade protect act- The trade protect act, prevents the anti-competitive conduct, and by
encouraging competition and efficiency in the performance of the business activities, also
it results as a great choice for the consumer’s in terms of price, in terms of quantity, in
terms of service and in terms to safeguard the position of consumer.
 Privacy and data collection law- This law protects the marketers to disclose the
companies data and information’s to the external sources and external authorities in some
manner. It also sets guideline to the way to collect data and maintaining privacy of the
firms in Australia.
 Intellectual Property issues-: The intellectual property of the business includes the trade
marks, the copy right function, the goodwill property and many more. The intellectual
properties of the business should not be affected by the marketers- according to the

 Advertising law- The advertising law in Australia, covers all the pros and corns for
carrying out the advertising measures in Australia. It covers all the aspects related to
advertising. The steps to be followed upon, to be measured and to be protected and
preserved. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, these are all about the five
examples of legislations rules and regulations that apply to the marketing industry.

2) Identify two relevant codes of practice for the marketing industry and outline purpose of the
code and its key components.
Here, the codes refers to the law or the act made in the constitution to protect certain rights and
obligations is known as codes. The codes are of different nature, different types, different
variations and many more. The set of written rules that mostly explains the ways in which the
people are working and the way in which the people should behave in a particular nature of work
and the particular workplace is known as marketing code of practice. There are separate codes of
practice for the marketing industry. The separate codes of practice incorporated for the marketing
industry are-:
 Competition and consumer act 2020 (Advertising Council Australia, 2021).
 Marketing code of ethics.

 Competition and consumer act 2020-:

The competition and consumer act is mainly made and referred to the relationships
between the consumers, whole sellers, retailers, producers and many more as well
(Government of Australia, 2013). The competition and the consumer act 2020, was made
outlining certain purposes as well. Some of the major purposes of competition and
customer act 2020 are-:
 To support and protect business right regarding to competition, consumer right to
get best quality product and the best reasonable product time period.
 To provide maximum possible benefits to the customers and prepare the
regulatory acts in Australia.
 Marketing code of ethics-:

The regular acts and the opportunities that have been formed, by the parliamentary
authority of Australia mostly for guiding the businesses practices is known as marketing
code of ethics. The major objectives outlined for the marketing code of ethics are-:
 In order to guiding business practices
 To conduct affairs with integrity and with customer wellbeing in mind.
So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, it is identified the two relevant code of
practices for the marketing industry, the purposes of such codes are outlined with their key

3) Explain each of the following terms in relation to marketing opportunities: market penetration,
market development, product development and product diversification.
 Market penetration-:
The process of successfully selling of a product or service in a specific market is known
as market penetration. It is mainly measured by the amount or the volume of sale of a
good in a specific market, in comparison to the total target market for the specific product
or services. The market penetration measures the amount of products and services being
used by the customers, in comparison to the total estimated market for that product or the
service. This is directly known as the marketing opportunities. Thus, in this way, the
market penetration is related to marketing opportunities.
 Market development-:
The progressive step taken by the company, for the perpetual development of an existing
market with the various steps like new product invention, new product categorization and
many more is said to be market development. With the market development there is also
the development of market opportunities. The development of market opportunities
increasing level of products, employment opportunities, competition in the market and
many more. Thus, in this way, as well the market development is related to marketing

 Product development-:

The complete process of bringing and enhancing new products in the market, introducing
the product to the new customers using various components and tactics is said to be
product development. Product development creates a space in the market, which creates
marketing opportunities for the new product, and newly made ones. Thus, in this way,
the term product development is linked and relating to the marketing opportunities.
 Product diversification-:
In simple terms and in simple ways, the process in which an existing product is
diversified into differentiated types, different categories and different sub-categories, is
simply known as product diversification. This function is mainly performed to increase
the profitability position of the company and increasing the rate of returns and the earning
portfolio. This, thing provides the marketing opportunities for many products in place of
single product. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about, Product
diversification and the way, in which it is related to marketing opportunities.

4) Explain each of the phases of product life cycle.

The successive strategies and the stages through which a product encompases to its finalization
or the final destination from the development or invention is known as product life cycle (Unger
& Eppinger, 2011). It is mainly said as the succession of strategies mostly done by the business
management. It is also said that, the product is sold, and the changes recorded over time, should
be finalized and managed, as one of the important condition of product life cycle. From the
generation to the final consumption the product under passes many journey’s and sub journeys.
The cycle of a product life has been categorized and sub-categorised into various parts. The
product life cycle is categorized into 5major phases. The 5major phases of a product life cycle
 Development.
 Introduction,
 Growth.
 Maturity.
 Decline.

These are the universally accepted and the globally standardialized phases of a product life cycle.
These things possess and identifies, the overall lifecycle of the product. Each of these steps has
their own importance in the product life cycle. Each of these steps carries their own history and
their own background.

5) Explain the purpose of marketing mix and each of its components.

The foundation model for the businesses, historically centered, around the product price, place
and promotions, is known as the term marketing mix. It is also known as, the tool or the type of
tool that the firm uses, to persue its marketing objectives, in their target market, is also known as
marketing mix. The marketing mix involves different essential factors, also known as the 4p’s.
The essential factors are, The product- also known as the goods and service, the price- also
known as the thing that a customer pay’s, the place- also known as the location where a product
is marketed, and also the promotion- also known as advertising. The marketing mix is generally
carried out for a business, some of the major purposes of the marketing mix are-:
 For finding out the right combination of goods and services offered,
 To shape the functions of the business,
 It sets out the way of how the business should perform the marketing,
 Pricing of the product
 Marketing planning of the product for the business entities mostly.

The Components of marketing mix is generally defined by the term 4P’S. The four P’s of the
marketing mix includes-:
 The Product
 The price
 The Place
 The Promotions.

6) Explain why the marketing mix is important in bringing a product or services to the market.

The marketing mix can help in understanding which product is effective to be launched into the
market (Thabit & Raewf, 2018). The marketing mix determines the production cost, production
time, and successively, the selling cost, the estimated selling price. It also helps to set out when
and how the product to be launched to get maximum benefit. It also helps in the major functions
of the marketing department like, Planning, Developing and executing, insuring effective
marketing strategies and many more. It also avoids the overlapping of the wastage, unnecessary
costs, helps in cost reduction of the businesss and overall ensuring the maximum profit of the
business in the minimum time frame and the minimum strength. In this way, the term marketing
mix helps, the product and services to bring in the market. So, due to some of these reasons and
due to the above mentioned reasons, the marketing mix is important in bringing a product and
the services in the market.

8) Describe four statistical methods or the forecasting techniques that can be used to evaluate
marketing opportunities.
The sales accepted lead that has been qualified as being in need of the product and service is
known as marketing opportunities. The marketing opportunities leads the company, to a higher
level or the position, by performing various tasks that are helpful for the company. Either by
introducing the customer oriented products, or with planning, designing, and delivering the
products or services mostly intended to derive customer satisfaction etc. By performing all these
steps, these steps can primarily be used to evaluate the marketing opportunities. There are
different statistical methods or the forecasting techniques that can be used to evaluate the
marketing opportunities. The major and the most important 4 statistical methods, used in
evaluation of the marketing opportunities are-:
 The Delphi Technique
 The time series forecasting technique
 Market Test Technique
 Correlates Technique.

 The Delphi Technique-:

The forecasting process framework that is basically based on the results of multiple round
of technologies or Questionaries, and the one’s that are set to a panel of experts (Grime &
Wright, 2016). This methods allows experts, working towards a mutual agreement by
conducting a circulating series of questionaries and releasing the related feedback to
further discussion with each subsequent round.
 The time series forecasting Technique-:
The technique that is mostly used for observing the patterns in sales of a certain product
or services is known as The time series forecasting technique. Mostly the time series
analysis technique to used in the stable market system.
 Market test-:
Market test simply means a depth study, or the larger study that is mainly made, by a
company before launching a product is said to be market test. This test helps to identify
the market demographics, the ways to market the new product, to ensure the better
profitability position without hampering the goodwill of the organization. In this way, the
market test, is mostly used for evaluating the marketing opportunities present.
 Correlates Techniques-:
The special form of trend analysis, that is mostly based on the sales forecast on the trend
patterns for the related variables. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is
all about the four statistical methods that can be used to evaluate the marketing
7) Outline four steps in the marketing process.
The ways in which the marketing needs to be carried on forward for its successful completition is
configured as the marketing process. It is also said as the steps determined, involved in the
product life cycle, for developing the product life cycle and many more. The marketing process
is summarized of many steps. The major four steps involved in the marketing process are-:
 Mission
 Situation analysis
 Marketting strategy or marketing planning
 Marketting mix
 Implementation and control.

10) Define the term return on investment and explain how it is calculated.
Generally, the ratio between the net income and the net investment is simply known as the term
return on investment. The return on investment is mainly used to evaluate of an investment or to
compare the efficiencies of several different investments. The return on investment is calculated
by subtracting the initial value of the investment from the final value of the investment, and
dividing the new number by the cost of investment and multiplying finally by 100.
Formulae-: R= (Vf- Vi)/ Vi.

9) Describe a method that can be used for forecasting market growth rate.
There are different methods, used for forecasting the market growth rate. But the technique that I
have selected to go in depth, and to describe briefly is the channel and the customer surveys.
Some of the major methods used for forecasting market growth rate are-:
 Channel and customer surveys
 Sales force composite
 Executive opinion
 Expert opinion

 Channel and customer surveys-:

In business world, the companies, mostly surveys amongst the customer’s. The surveys
are of different types, of different natures, and are carried out for different purposes. But,
the general and the major purposes of the survey is to help with the business to mainly
forecast the market growth rate. In this method, the business complies together to achieve
the certain target and certain objectives, the model of B2B is carried out here as well. So,
due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about a method that can be used
for forecasting the market growth rate.

Hilton Sydney Marketing Plan Review Report

The company

Our hotel is located near the Queen Victoria Building shopping arcade in Sydney’s Central
Business District. The Darling Harbor entertainment district, the Sydney Opera House, and the
Royal Botanic Gardens are all within two kilometers of our hotel (Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital,
2016). The Hilton Sydney, which is located in the heart of Sydney, provides stunning views and
easy access to the city’s most famous attractions. Our Hotel features 23 event and conferencing
areas, includes Grand Ballroom for 1200 guests, the State Room with many other features.

Mission statement

The Hilton Sydney mission is to be the world’s most hospitable organization by providing
memorable experience for guests, meaningful opportunities and reward for team members, create
high value to stakeholders and impact its communities with positivity. Hilton's mission statement
emphasizes two facets of the company's operations: hospitality and making a significant positive
impact. It aspires to be the world's most hospitable corporation.

Above everything, we strive to keep our pledge of value and efficiency. We appreciate our role
in the community and will strive to strengthen those ties while still respecting and protecting the
environment. We will continue to aim to build value for both owners and shareholders while
adhering to our brand values and inspiring our employees to grow in an atmosphere of
confidence, loyalty, and motivation.

The market

Our hotel Hilton Sydney provides Australia’s largest hotel conference space which is specifically
constructed and designed to facilitate the conference, exhibition and grand events (Dilek &
Harman, 2017). Our hotel offers four dedicated levels with a total area of 4000m2 with
combined capacity for 3000 attendees. It major focuses on serving business and corporate clients
with providing luxury guest rooms and services. Our Hotel serves the business community, and
visiting business traveler in the city of Sydney, Australia.

Our major guests or clients are contracted corporate clients from the travel trade, automobile, and
IT sectors, who come from both foreign and domestic markets. The property's strategic position
is crucial to its performance in these fields.

Current marketing strategies

Positive results have been recorded in the marketing aspects from previous years. The areas that
hav shown and promising best result which are listed below

 Price: The Hilton Sydney focus on a premium pricing strategy, appealing to the society's
upper class and high-profile business class. To make it appealing to consumers, it
employs a differentiating approach.
 Service: A effective method to producing high levels of repeat business has proven to be
high-quality facilities followed by outstanding personal service, distinguished from the
market, and in line with the overall brand strategy.
 Place: Hilton Sydney is built on the heart of the Sydney primarily focuses on business
area where the target audience are segment according the strategy. Located in the centre
of Sydney which provides magnificent vies and convenience on accessing the favorite
destinations. Personal sale, direct marketing, advertisements, and the Internet are also
used to offer service information to guests. Travel agents and multinational reservations
networks are examples of delivery channels.
 Promotion: Our brand strategies target particular customer groups when it comes to
specific products. These actions complement and reinforce one another, creating a
virtuous cycle. The primary emphasis has been on mass communication through print
advertisements in trade magazines and on the Internet, direct mail promotions to current
and prospective customers, and personal selling in the local areas.  The factor to make
sure that our company meets a specific target customers needs and requirement, increase
the brand loyalty, effective consumer designed target, reform brand architecture and
strategic brand positioning is established.

Marketing analysis

Since tourism business opportunities are expanding across borders, the hotel industry has
become increasingly important in recent years.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Potential Growth

Travel 6.63% 1235 1543 1827 2045 1235
IT industry 8% 1609 1776 1876 1956 2056
automotive 12% 2007 2059 2195 2354 2580

Total 8.87% 4851 5378 5898 6355 5871

Market demographics:

Hilton Sydney segment approach focuses on developing hotels in areas that the target customer
segment frequents (Dudovskiy, 2016). Gender, life-cycle level, age, income, social class, and
lifestyle are some of the variables used in demographic market segmentation. Hilton Sydney
target segment consist of middle and senior aged professional with a high level of income who
are member of the upper social class.

Market Psychographics:

There are many strong high class business organization in same community and many of them
are operating its operation through the generation, as well as new organization is emerging. As
our organization holds strong sense of responsibility toward the society it operates as well as
high degree of environmental consciousness.

Target audience of Hilton Sydney

Hilton hotels do not only cater to high-end consumers; we can see that they have expanded their
brand to include several hotel brands in order to cater to a wider range of customers (The
Palladium Group, 2005). The target segment of the Hilton Sydney are listed below

 Business professional
 High income level individual
 Event organizer
 And traveler

Current market trends

Market trends can be categorized as follows: corporate travel policies, local business trends, and
economic cut backs

Corporate travel policies: as the result of current pandemic environment raised from Covid-19,
our organization has reported significant drop in the corporate clients visiting cities as regard
from both national and international markets. Despite the fact that corporate room business
appears to be growing again, it had a substantial impact on last year's results and future

Local business trends: Due the pandemic, local business and organization haven chosen to hold
the meeting and conferences on their own premises to security save money which is resulting
low activity in our organization. Few events of the local clients are being conducted with the
proper safety and regulation of Covid-19. Change in the service pattern to generate the client’s

Economic cut backs: Different international trade events over the past year has be cancelled,
occupancy rate are constant in the local business trend. Due to effect of pandemic whole
economic condition is decreasing which has shown negative effect on Hilton Sydney.

Market Growth

The rate of growth has slowed as a result of recent global events, but current trends suggest that
it will resume in the next 1 to 2 years. Development is expected to resume at a steady pace once
the economy has stabilized, owing to expansions in the region's IT operations, the annual
program of travel trade events, and the introduction of a new overall motors model this year.

Analysis of organization (SWOT)

The following review highlights our organization's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as
the opportunities and risks it faces in its external world (Sammut-Bonnici & Galea, 2015). We
need to focus on our areas of weakness. Organizational strengths must be leveraged to capitalize
on potential opportunities when they occur, and contingency plans must be developed to cope
with environmental threats.


 Well establish and customer oriented strategy

 Diverse range of service skills within management and staff
 Ethical consideration

 The brand values are well reflected, resulting in increased brand loyalty among current
and new customer or clients
 a good reputation for dependability, outstanding service, and pricing in the local market,
as well as the corporate and travel trade markets


 local strategy to attract new client within boundaries of country

 diversity in the employees and staff
 Seasonal employee turnover necessitates ongoing preparation and orientation.


 Returning growth after a period of slump and attracting new clients

 No direct competition exist at present, in terms of the conference and event place
 Strong and worldwide branches with long-term relationship establishment
 Strong brand image and recognition


 Increasing number of the competition

 Recent outbreak of pandemic
 Incompetent strategies implementation


As operating in the competitive industry in the 21 st century, there is establishment of different

business organization who provide similar product and services which can be imposed as the
competition to our organization. Some of the competitions are as listed below:

 Grace Hotel
 The Woolbrokers Hotel Darling
 Harbor and Backpackers Newcastle
 Hyatt Residence

Marketing opportunities

Digital marketing

In the advancing technological world, digital format of marketing has the vital role for the
success of international organization (Desai, 2019). The key benefit of digital marketing is that it
allows you to reach a specific audience in a cost-effective and observable manner and is also the
secure way in current global pandemic condition. It can be expressed in the digital format such
as online media, computer, phone tablet etc. It can come in a variety of ways, such as online
video, display advertising, and social media post and messages. It can be effective tools against
combating the Covid-19. Digital marketing approaches can be also useful to obtain the vital
information about the client’s interest and perception of our product and services as wells gain
feedback. New upgraded application can be developed for organization from which clients
analysis the hotel rooms, facilities, cost, offers, events and able to book their reservation.

Customer experience marketing

Customer experience marketing is a series of hotel marketing techniques focused on the actual
experience customers have when staying at a hotel or engaging with a company(Kandampully et
al., 2018). It is focused on the notion that hotel guests do not pay for goods or services; rather,
they pay for experiences. Our hotel can enhance the client experience in a variety of methods,
including providing exemplary customer service, full safety and regulating policy for Covid-19
pandemic, innovative and upgraded feature for hotel rooms, complementary services, and
delivering high range of amenities. Hotels can reach into the way to clients and guest stay in
hotels in the first place by concentrating their marketing strategies on the experience.

Different schemes and offers

Everyone loves a different schemes and offers which can saves their money, particularly if the
reward is something that will make your next trip more enjoyable. Offering different schemes
such as discount, coupon or like running contest or giveaway. Running a contest is one of the
most effective ways to reward your existing customers while also attracting new ones. For our
business organization, a well-run contest can be beneficial in many ways:

 Increase brand awareness and recognition

 Increase customer engagement and drive excitement
 Identify our potential client
 Build customer contact

Another great advantage of holding contests is that it allows you to build partnerships with other
companies. You can build powerful alliances by giving them publicity in return for a reward.
This can help you expand your influence and amplify your voice. They will also help promote
your promotion in order to raise their own brand. It is unquestionably a win-win scenario.


To: Marketing Director

From: Marketing Manager

Sub: Request for meeting

With due respect, it is to say that I, Kim Jones marketing manager of our company will like to
state that I have completed marketing plan review report of our business organization. As per
current pandemic condition emergence, our company has to incur the unprecedented loss and
problems. It has occur that our business have to adjust its strategies to overcome the challenges
and implement the new marketing strategies to overcome the barriers.

With your supervision, I would like to conduct a meeting with you, and relevant marketing team
personnel to further discuss about the review report. The purpose of meeting will be to analysis
the current marketing plan and purpose new marketing opportunities for our organization.

I am confident that I will provide helpful insight for the company, and won’t be waste of time.
So please kindly select a date and time as per your convenience to conduct a meeting and write

back to me. I will hope that you will reply as soon as possible. I have attached my marketing
plan review report with these documents.

Thank you so much for your valuable time.

Kim Jones
Marketing Manager
(Hilton Sydney)


Role play of meeting conducted on with the Marketing Director (MD) and relevant team

Marketing Manager (me): Good morning everyone presented in the meeting. I would like to
show my appreciation to our Marketing Director for this meeting. In this meeting we will discuss
about our current marketing plan, analysis the current situation and would like to propose new
marketing strategies for our business. Please free to ask any question regarding the analysis and
provide your insightful feedback.

Marketing Director: So, Kim what is the review finding? Can you share with us?

Me: yes, firstly I will like to point out short summary of our organization. As, we all know that
Hilton Sydney which is located in the heart of Sydney, provides stunning views and easy
access to the city’s most famous attractions. As the objective of our organization is to provide
excellent service to our guest and emerge as a leading and exemplary organization in hospitality
industries. As I was reviewing our marketing plan, I found out that our marketing plan has some
short coming.

MD: what are shortcomings did you find in our marketing plan?

Me: As my study I have found that our target customers are the people with the high end job
such as working professional, international clients, wealthy individual and overlook the
economic people within the city. And current marketing focus on the service and product,
premium pricing strategies which are ineffective strategies in present pandemic condition.

MD: Did you analysis the current market trend to support the marketing plan review?

Me: we know that due to current global pandemic all the organization are adversely affected,
mostly we can say that the hospitality industry have seen the worst days. As my research, I have
come to know the current market trend has shift toward providing safe service and product,
maximizing the guest’s health and safety, cutting the unnecessary expense, investing on
promotional activities. The market growth is declined as the result of lockdown, loss of
international clients. Growth rate seems to be stay still until the unprecedented events end, or it is
estimated to be resurrected in about 1-2 years after as my finding.

MD: What are the levels of competition and what are the changes in their marketing strategies?

Me: There are many hospitality industries which provide the competitive product and services as
our organization which is also focused on the business clients, event and working professional.
The tough competition of our organization is like Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, Shangri-la Hotel,
The Grace Hotel, and Hyatt Regency. As the change in the current environment, our competition
has also change it marketing strategies in many forms such as promotion has become more
digital, price has become more flexible. They have change their strategies which are more
focused on guest’s safety, local level as international clients have been slow down.

MD: Have you analysis our company strength and weakness at this point?

Me: Yes, I have conducted the SWOT analysis of our organization as I have reported in my
review. Analysis of SWOT have resulted the our organization have tremendous strength in the
form of organization structure, multi-level of product and services, verity of marketing policies,
well defines brand value which is reflected through the organization service and product. Where
the weakness our organization is recognized as ineffective use of marketing policies on present
working scenario, lack of strategies implementation to old technology marketing technique.

MD: What reform should Hilton Sydney should on marketing strategies to grab the opportunities
and element the threats?

Me: As state in my marketing plan review, change is natural things in these competitive
industries. More has to endure by hospitality due current global pandemic. Many social reform as
to change, day to day activities has to change, as same our organization also have to alter or

upgrade it marketing strategy to mitigate the threats and grab the opportunities. As I have
mention on my review report, I have identified three major marketing potential to grab the future
opportunities. They are classified into

Marketing through the digital platform: The virtual aspect of marketing has amplified its
potentiality in current condition. It has proven effective, productive and safest platform to market
our service and product. Digital marketing done through the ads in YouTube, Instagram,
Facebook, other website etc. It also collects the feedback of the customers which can be helpful
for decision making. As the topic of digital plat form, an app can be developed which provides
the full display of our services, its open and closing time, availability of the rooms, cost,
registration procedures, events and offers, promotional activities, etc.

Focusing on customer experience marketing strategy: it is a marketing strategy in where

experiences of the customer are excelled through continuous improvement of product and service
provided by the organization. It is focused on the notion that hotel guests do not pay for goods or
services; rather, they pay for experiences. Our organization should on providing safest services,
maintaining the policies and procedure regulated for Covid-19, make stay more pleasant by
making them comfortable and important.

Promotion through different contest, program:- Everybody loves prizes which can make them
feel better or gives new experience, even more if it comes in terms of money. Marketing through
promotional program such as organization contest digitally, formally increase the likelihood of
brand image and recognition. In current context, providing support to local environment, such as
donation money, cut in price, safety equipment such as mask, sanitizer. Providing a corporate
social responsibility can be the effective tools on marketing our brand in the time of need.

MD: while the plan look solid? How our organization can manage the cost?

Me: Marketing team will be great help for maximum activities to be conducted. Cost of new
marketing tools and strategies will be slowly incurred by the increase level of guests and
customers as it full the promotional need of our organization

4. Writing an email to the marketing team

To: Marketing Team Member

From: Marketing Manager

Sub: New Marketing Strategies

Hello everybody of the marketing team, I am Kim Jonas Marketing manager of the Hilton
Sydney. This email is concerned with the implementation of the new marketing strategies of our
organization. As we know that an industry is facing unpredictable issues present by the global
pandemic. It is made necessary to adapt the change our left behind in the race. As the condition
has present with many threats and setback, our team as established some strategies to over the
barriers through conducting meeting which consisted of our Marketing Director, marketing
manager (me), and relevant team member.

Some of the marketing strategies which will be implemented to achieve our pre-defined

 Establishment of new marketing approach digitally to promote our organization

 Use of virtual marketing strategies such as video adds, facebook, Instagram, Youtube
 Strategy will focus on customer experience marketing strategies, making customer
experience pleasurable and safe, following all the protocol and policies regarding safe
handling Covid-19
 Different promotional program such as contest in both in virtual and real environment to
promote the business
 Carrying out Corporate Social responsibility such as providing tools and equipment,
mask, sanitizer, funding the unfortunate etc

So, all the marketing teams are required to fulfill allocated duties and responsibilities to meet our
new marketing objectives. This information is provided as the guidelines for implementing the
new marketing strategies. I hope all will undertake the responsibility seriously and work as a


Kim Jonas

Marketing Manager

(Hilton Sydney)


Hilton Sydney Marketing Objectives evaluation

- Business objectives and goals-:

The business objectives and goals generally refers, to the predetermined aspects to any
business, that the business tends to fulfill in the shortest span of time is generally referred
as the business objectives and goals (Euromonitor International, 2014). The Hilton
Sydney also, compasses some major business objectives and goals. Relating to the
marketing plan of the business, the hotel has a visionary long term goal and to achieve
the goal, the hotel segregates its objectives into various types and sub-types(Cheng-Feng
Cheng, 2011).

The goal of the Hilton Sydney hotel is to be the world’s most hospitable organization, at
the end of some fixed tenure of time. The next goal of The Hilton Sydney is to make
significant positive impact towards the hospitality and technological sector in an
economy. Whereas, some of the major objectives of The Hilton Sydney are-:
- To provide memorable experience for guests.
- To provide meaningful opportunities and reward for team members.
- To create high value to stakeholders and impact its communities with positivity.
- To keep our pledge of value and efficiency and striving to strengthen the ties while
respecting and protecting the environment as well.

- Target Customer’s-:
The group of customers or the group of individuals, to whom company wants to sell its
products and services is known as Target customer. The target Customer share similar
characteristics including the geography, the buying power of the customer, their

successive demographics and the incomes. Some of the major set of target Customer’s
that the hotel group has selected are-:
 Group of business professionals.
 Event organizers and the travelers or the tourists.
 Individuals with higher income levels.
 Film makers, Stars and the actors.
 Professionals like project managers, marketing representatives and many more.

Group of business professionals-:

The group of business professionals are the people who tend to travel, to various places
mainly due to the business tasks, business meetings, new business tasks etc. They not
only come themselves, but also brings group of other people involved. They have higher
spending level as well. Thus, the hotel has categorized them as their target customer’s as
well. From the previous time or many years ago as well, there was the presence of group
of business professionals, thus they are identified hereby be me as the existing target
customer for the company.
- Existing target Customer

Event organizers and the travelers or the tourists-:

The travelers and the tourists, keep on travelling to many places. They also, have higher
spending level, the higher profile values and higher spending level. They need the good
environment, which the hotel is capable to provide. Also, their needs and the services that
the hotel can provide align as well, in various sectors. Due to the many fests lined up, the
event organizationers are like to come to the specific hotel place, thus they are identified
as the new target customer for the business.
- New target Customer.

Individuals with higher income levels-:

The individuals with higher income level, has interests to luxury living, having quality
practice and many more. They like travelling to many places, and like to do many
adventures sports, photography’s and many more. The hotel also, provides the vehicle

facilities and performs the necessary arrangements they want. Thus, they also become the
target audience of the Hotel. The individuals with higher income level travels to the place
where the hotel is, to enjoy the adventurous sports, and the quality services provided by
the businesses, thus in my opinion they are considered as the new target customer as well.
- New target customer.
So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about the target customers and in this
way, they are described and are categorized into new or existing customers.

 Benefits of the business in the marketing opportunities-:

Businesses mostly, feel benefits when performing marketing opportunities. We can
categorize and sub-categorize business benefits. Some of the major benefits that the
business achieve and feels are-:
 Well establish and customer oriented strategy
 Diverse range of service skills within management and staff
 Ethical consideration
 The brand values are well reflected, resulting in increased brand loyalty among
current and new customer or clients
 A good reputation for dependability, outstanding service, and pricing in the local
market, as well as the corporate and travel trade markets.

The marketing opportunities benefits a business with their well established customer oriented
strategy. By performing these all opportunities business register their level of success in the
business. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about the benefits of the
business in the marketing opportunities.

 Anticipated effect of the marketing opportunity-:

The marketing opportunities has a lot of opportunities and the ones that are anticipated
effects on sales, profitability, growth and market share. Some of the major anticipated
effect of the marketing opportunities on sales, profitability, growth and market share are-:
 Using agents
 Licensing
 Online business opportunities

 Using agents-:
The effects anticipated with the marketing opportunity of using agents is that it helps
increasing the profit. The agents have a good network, using their network, helps to
promote the company’s products and services. Thus, the marketing opportunity of using
agents will bring good anticipated effects.
 Licensing-:
Generally, customer trusts the companies having license with them. Thinking the product
to be of good quality, and increasing the feeling of trusting the company. Thus, licensing
is considered as one of the major marketing opportunity, and in this way, is creates
positive anticipated marketing opportunities as well.
 Online business opportunities-:
The online business opportunities mostly gives the company positive sales they will build
good customer network, via internet and via electronic devices (Hennig-Thurau et al.,
2010). So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, these are all about the
anticipated effect of the marketing opportunity on sales, profitability, growth and the
market share.
 Additional resources that will be required-:
For the marketing opportunities and for the business to accomplish with the various
organizational and the social goals various resources are required. We have some
resources and we require some additional resources. Some of the major additional
resources that will be required for the marketing opportunities generation by the hotel
 Additional Human resource Networks,
 Additional funds for operation,
 Additional technical manpower like chef, head accountant, IT professional,
electrician, lawyer etc.
 Additional generation of idea’s, technologies and methodologies.
 Hilton Sydney not only faces challenges, obstacles but also, has to maintain and co-
ordinate with its competitors and colleagues. The competitors are also a source of
inspiration, source of motivation, source of information and the major source behind
effectiveness. Similarly, the hotel Hilton Sydney too has, different competitors, they need

to put some extra effort in marketing, costumer servicing and many more. Some of the
major competitors to Hilton Sydney are-:
- Park Hyaat Sydney
- Kangaroo Sydney comfort
- Blue Lagoon beach resort
- Gilligan’s
- Hotel mention palace.

The changes in economic conditions is one of the major reason and one of the major factor
behind the impact of marketing opportunity (Sheth, 2011). It provides a diversified effect on the
marketing opportunity of the business. If the economic revenue of the firm goes beyond the
tagline, or beyond the limit, then the firms major focus shifts towards the up liftment of their
revenue, and to increase their revenue level. If the economic revenue of the firm rises, then the
company thinks from the sector where more focus should be given, the other sector gets
unselected and gets miss-managed in the future. Both the cases neglects the marketing
opportunity of the firm, thus in this way the changes in the economic level might impact on each
market opportunity. Technological factors plays one of the biggest role in the marketing
opportunity segmentation. The technological factors that may affect the marketing opportunities

- Internet connectivity
- Automation
- Engine efficiency
- Technological speed and power.

The technological factor like the internet connectivity, the technological speed and power mostly
affects the marketing opportunities like digital marketing. The Technological factors like
Automation and engine efficiency affects the marketing opportunities like customer experience
marketing. These technological factors are hence identified, as the factors responsible for
affecting the marketing opportunities identified.

Taking the marketing opportunity of digital marketing into consideration, the legal issues
associated with it in general are-:

 The privacy Law obligation.
The marketing of customer and the privacy of the other business if prevails is one of the most
important headache of the businesses operating. For that major reason the legal issue as the
privacy law regulation is also formed. The law protects that kinds of activities being performed.
Some major regulations applied under this are-:
 To stop receiving unwanted direct marketing
 Knowing and protecting the reason for the collection of the privacy information.
This Law applies to the Australian Informational Pricacy Act 2004.
The code associated to this Law is- Informational Privacy Act2004.
 Consumer law and marketing-:
This type of legal issues is mainly associated with the business to business model, where one
business services to different other business as well. The client business also have some tastes,
preferences, colors, choices likes and dis-likes.
The Code that apply to this Legislation is Competition and Consumer Act2010.
 Intellectual property-:
The intellectual properties of the customers like music’s, arts, fashions, are their intellectual
properties. This law protects them from copying and their miss-usage. Also, this law protects the
copyrights, brandings, consumer interests and many more. The regulations and the standards to
which this law are mainly associated with are-:
 The Patent protection.
 The Trade mark protection
 Registering a domain name
 Design protection
 Copyright protection.
The code that applies to this legislation is Australian Intellectual Property Laws act.
 Competition regulations-:
This legislator requirement mostly protects for the running or advertising companies products
and services. It is also known as the trade promotion in other ways. This protects the the
companies rights to competition and companies right to advertisement. So, due to some of these
reasons and in this way, this is all about legal issues associated with each marketing opportunity,
including the legislation, regulations, standards, and the codes that apply.

We have considered the marketing opportunities for Hilton Sydney as Digital marketing and
Consumer experience marketing. These two marketing techniques can play vital role and can
bring good result, mostly for the profitability ratio to increase for the marketing opportunities.
Digital marketing-:
 Cost-: The cost incurred for creating digital marketing plan to reach to the potential
targeted customers is estimated as $1,000. The cost for graphic designing, SEO
optimization, and the generation of the overall marketing plan is considered as $5,000.
The cost for Google ad marketing, YouTube marketing cost, Facebook marketing is
estimated as $2,500. The operating cost is estimated as $2,500. The cost for the
designers, engineers and manager is estimated around $10,000. The total cost for
investment is around $21,000 per year. This marketing opportunity can drive good traffic
and can bring good revenue collection. The estimated revenue collection is $100,000.
 Benefits-: Through digital marketing platform a focused target market can be reached in a low in
cost and measurable way. Digital marketing also helps to increase brand loyalty and plays a greater
role for driving online sales. An internet site permits you to discover new markets and exchange
globally for solely a small investment. Digital advertising lets the company to create enticing
campaigns the use of content material advertising tactics.
 Risks-: There are a wide variety of felony concerns round gathering and the usage of client records
for digital advertising and marketing purposes. High competition and legal issues regarding the
privacy also acts as the component towards the risk for the company.

 Financial Viability-: Digital marketing can help attract targeted audiences, helps to give less stress and
viability. With relatively less stress and relatively more sequence to growth. Having high benefits,
good cost analysis and less risks. Digital marketing financial viability is said to be effective and more
Customer experience marketing-:
 Cost- The CXV value for the company is estimated to be around 23% for the total
companies value. Which estimated the ROI to be 53%.
 Benefit- Increased company loyalty for increased, long-term profitability. Increased
manufacturer focus and reach. In this way, Customer experience marketing plays as the
vital aspect for the marketing opportunities of the business.
 Risk-: Disgruntled Customers Inadequate Information Systems Training Warranty.

 Financial Viability-: The financial viability for the business is also financially scaled up.
Estimated to grow the new customers by 29% and estimated to increase revenues by
around 33%. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about financial
viability of the customer.

When ranking for the marketing opportunities, identified from most viable to lest
viable in terms of contribution of each opportunity to business growth, I would
rank Digital marketing opportunities as 1st and I would rank Customer experience
marketing as 2nd . The reason for my ranking is because, digital marketing can be
grown-up, using special tactics and using different measures. The customer
experience marketing has relative less scope of growth, having limited market and
based on the previous experience.

Anticipated ROI-:
Anticipated ROI, is calculated earlier than a venture kicks off, and is frequently used to decide if
that mission makes experience to pursue. Anticipated ROI makes use of estimated costs,
revenues, and different assumptions to decide how plenty earnings a mission is in all likelihood
to generate. Cost of opportunity will be 50% more against the anticipated return.

Changes to the business-:

The identified marketing opportunities have brought certain commitments and
certain changes applied to the operations of the business. Some of the major
changes are-:
Digitalization in operation.
Focus on work quality improvement, focusing for customer experience marketing.

Reduction in staff and labors.
Reduction in the operational costs.
So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, this is all about the changes to

Different changes needs to be made to current operations, in order to take advantage of the
opportunities identified. The different changes means the involvement and improvement of
operation and automation. Increasing of the technical manpower, and the increase in the
sanitization needs to be done in performing the current operations, in order to take the advantage
of the opportunities identified. The above report briefly describes all the details about the types
of changes to be made, from the business objectives and goals to the depth one. But, the business
needs to ensure that a customer is affected by the change in the quality or not. For this as well
various strategies is to be used and to be ensured. Thus, this is the conclusion of the report above.

2) Send an email to the Managing Director (your assessor).

To- Managing Director

Subject-: Cover picture guide to marketing opportunities.

Dear Sir,
I am here writing you this acknowledge letter for your kind reference, to view my Marketting
opportunities report, which I have attached with this letter. The Report consists of the description
about the market opportunities, Business objectives and goals, Target customers. The effect on
the marketing opportunities, that additional resources that will be applied and many more. Ans
the report is beautifully concluded.
I hope you to kindly go through the report and, kindly provide me your valuable feedback and
acknowledgement. Kindly, provide me with the feedback that you have identified on the
marketing opportunities.

Thanking you!!!
Yours sincerely,
Students name.

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