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Quarter 2 Week 6 - Summative Test and Performance Task

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Write the letter of the CORRECT and BEST answer on a separate sheet of paper.
(For numbers 1 to 8) Given three concentric circles centered at O and with the following radii: OR = 4; OE = 8;
OP = 12. DC is tangent to the circle with radius ¿ at point R. AB is tangent to the
circle with radius OE at point Q. Points O, R, E, and p are collinear.
1. What is the length of ER? B •
A. 2cm B. 4cm C. 6cm D. 8cm A• •E •B
2. How long is CR? B
A. 4cm B. 4√ 3cm C. 4√ 5cm D. 4√ 13cm D
• •R •
3. Find the length of AB. C •
A. 4√ 3cm B. 4√ 5cm C. 8√ 5cm D. 4√ 13cm O
4. What is the area of the smallest circle? C
A.54.20cm2 B. 52.04cm2 C. 50.24cm2 D. 50.42cm2
5. How many square centimeters are there in parallelogram ABCD? D
A. 2(√ 3 + √ 5)cm2 B. 4(√ 3 + √ 5)cm2 C. 8(√ 3 + √ 5)cm2 D.16(√ 3 + √ 5)cm2
6. If m∠EOC = 60, what is the area of sector EOC? D
A.8.37cm B.8.37 cm2 C.33.49 cm D.33.49 cm2
7. How long is ^EDC if m∠EOC = 60? A
A. 41.87cm B.41.87 cm2 C.33.49 cm2 D.8.37cm
8. How long is the longest chord of the biggest circle? A
A.24cm B. 16cm C.12m D. 8 cm

9. A secant and a tangent of a circle intersect at C at the exterior of circle O.

The secant segment passes through O, the center of the circle, and its external O
segment is 1cm. Find the diameter of the circle if the length of the tangent •
segment from C to the point of tangency is 3cm. B C• •
A.4cm B. 8cm C. 10cm D. 12cm B

10. An annular ring is a region bounded by two concentric circles. Find the area
of the annular ring(shaded area) formed by circles whose radii are 5 and 10. B 0 •5
A. 75𝜋 units C. 100𝜋 sq.units
B. 75𝜋 sq.units D. 125𝜋 sq.units
11. The roof of a carousel in an amusement park is circular with 10 equally spaced radii. What is the measure
of each minor arc? C
A.12⁰ B.18⁰ C.36⁰ D. 72⁰
12. Triangle BAC is circumscribed about circle L . If AD=12, BE = 3, and CF = 5, what is the
perimeter of triangle BAC? C
A. 80 units
B. 60 units
C. 40 units
F D. 20 units
D . . L
B .E C
13. In circle L, if CA= 3x, AP = 5, DB=2x and BP = 7 , find the value of x. C

C. 3x
.A A. 8 C. 24
.L .
B. 12 D. 42
2x B
D .
14. If the radius of a circle is 12, then how long is an arc of measure 45⁰ ? C
A. 56.52 units B. 56.52 square units C.9.42 square units D. 9.42 units
15. The radius of a sector is 15dm. What is the area of that sector having an arc measure of 56⁰? D
A. 14.65dm B. 14.65dm2 C. 109.9dm D. 109.9dm2
16. Gela’s fan has an arc length of 38cm and subtends a central angle of 120⁰ . What is the length of the
radius of the fan? D A. 6.03cm2 B. 6.03cm2 C. 18.15cm2 D. 18.15cm
17. One of the largest trees in the park has a diameter of 10feet. How long does it take a rope to go around
it? A A. 31.4ft B. 31.4ft2 C. 314 ft D. 314 ft2
18. How long is the radius of a circle if the distance around it is 200π cm? B
A. 50cm B. 100cm C. 100cm2 D. 200cm
19. The circumference of two concentric circles differ by 10 inches. How long
is the width of the ring between the two circles? C
A. 1 in B. 1.58in C. 1.59 in D. 1.61 in
20. If ∠G is an inscribed angle that measures 84⁰, what is the measure of its intercepted arc? D
A.42⁰ B.84⁰ C.96⁰ D.168⁰

(For numbers 21 to 22) A semicircular garden is to be constructed adjacent 50m

to a rectangular garden. The length of the rectangular ground is 50m
and its perimeter is 170 m
21. What is the area of the semicircular garden? D
A. 961.63 m2 B. 961.63m C. 480.81 m D. 480.81 m2
22. What is the total area of the rectangular ground and the semicircular garden? C
A. 2 230 m2 B. 2 230.80 m2 C. 2 230.81m2 D. 2 230.82m2

(For numbers 23 to 25). Mr. Math wanted to plant three different

colors ofroses on the outer rim of a circular garden. He stretched 192⁰ C
two strings from a point external to the circle to see how the
circular rim can be divided into three portions. A•
. •

M 20⁰ B
23. What is the measure of minor arc ^
AB? C •
A. 48⁰ B. 58⁰ C. 64⁰ D. 104⁰
24. What is the degree measure of minor arc ^
A. 48⁰ B. 58⁰ C. 64⁰ D. 104⁰
25. What is the degree measure of minor arc ^
A. 168⁰ B. 192⁰ C. 204⁰ D. 360⁰
B. PERFORMANCE TASK. Show complete solution and explain your answer using 1 to 2 sentences.
If a 16-inch pizza is enough to feed four people, will a 20-inch pizza be enough to feed eight people?
Rubric for scoring:
Score 25 20 15 10 5 0
Solution is complete, Solutionis complete, final Solution is generally Solution is There is No
final answer is correct answer and explanation is correct but yields generally an attempt
with complete and correct but contains minor incorrect answer and incorrect attempt
correct explanation flaws incorrect explanation

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