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1. Do Not be Afraid
The real estate business can be overwhelming. Entering the business can be challenging
especially to those who are neophytes in real estate business. Be goal-driven and willing to learn. We
all start from nothing and most of us get challenged because of the lack of experience. So be brave,
be open and be optimistic in the business.
2. Expect Rejections
In the business, rejections and mistakes are normal. Get ready to handle rejections. Not all
clients will buy all of your listings. There will be a wide variation of clients. Customers will most likely
be picky and do not be affected if you ever experience any bad situations. Prepare yourself for these
kinds of situation. Remember to always treat your clients with respect even if they are showing
unpleasant characteristics. Be a professional, learn from your mistakes and be better.
3. Get a Mentor
Entering the real estate field of business comes with the expectation of a small room for error.
You will encounter different situations and being meticulous and careful is a must. You can get great
experiences, great stories and great wisdom from your fellow experience agents. Having a mentor
does not necessarily mean to hire someone to teach and guide you every time.
As long as you learn from others and your experiences, everything will go on smoothly. Do not
hesitate to ask questions. The best mentor that you can have is yourself learning from every
experience and applying the knowledge to become a better agent.
4. Be Transparent
Never tell lies about your listings because someday, it can backfire and damage your
credibility. When the client asks if the area is prone to flood, tell him/her the truth. When the client
asks if there’s someone who already died in the property, tell him/her the truth.
Also, over pricing is very timely nowadays. Be transparent and honest. Your name, image and
credibility depend on your performance as a real estate agent. You will still get a great amount of
commission from the properties that you sell regardless you offer a high price or not.
5. Get an Authority to Sell and Register your Clients
This serves as your protection if ever the buyer goes directly to the seller. The best thing to do
is to prepare documents of Authority to Sell ahead of time so that it will be ready to be signed if there
will be someone to appoint you to sell their property. It is possible that the seller will not honor the
agent if there is no Authority to Sell that is present.
In cases like clients inquiring through social media, tell the seller immediately so that the said
client/s will be registered directly. It is inevitable that there will be some clients who will inquire directly
to the seller. And you don’t want this to happen because you will lose commission.

1. Perform Ocular Visit

Before heading to client meetings, it is essential that you get acquainted with the property or
area first. As a real estate agent, you must know the basic directions and compositions of the
property. It is hard to sell something that you have not put yourself into before. So performing an
ocular visit gives you the advantage to make you feel the ambience and surrounding. You, as the real
estate agent must be convinced first-hand that the property is worth selling.
Doing an ocular visit also gives you a head-start on how to convince your clients to love the
property. It lets you know about the advantages and disadvantages of the property to help you close
the deal. The bottom-line is to familiarize yourself with the property. You must know how many
bedrooms, bathrooms, balconies, car ports and etc.
2. Be Aware About the Deadline of Taxes
This is a very important tip. If you, as the real estate agent will neglect the due dates of taxes,
there will be a great chance that the buyer will want you to contribute for the payment of his/her tax
penalization. Keeping in mind about the deadline of taxes of the property upon listing and selling is
one of the responsibilities of a real estate agent.
For the Documentary Stamp Tax, the buyer must be able to comply the requirements within 5
days after the close of the month when the taxable document was signed, issued, accepted or
transferred. While for the Transfer Tax, documents and payments must be complied 60 days after the
notarization. And the Capital Gains Tax paperwork should be handled 30 days upon notarization of
the deed of absolute sale.
Always take note of the deadlines of your taxes.
3. Be Presentable
This does not necessarily mean to wear over-the-top clothing. Being presentable is always
about how you bring yourself as a real estate agent. There are cases where real estate agents wear
more formal clothing depending on the type of property they are selling. Dress according to the type
of property you are selling. If you are selling a high-end property and location, it is best to wear formal
clothing. Whereas if you are selling a more casual location, it is not necessary to wear formal clothing.
Nevertheless, the main point in being presentable is not to look ragged, but to look decent.
You can still wear formal or casual clothing to any locations as long as you want. It is only an advice
to dress depending on the location or occasion. Never forget to consider your comfort and what look
suits you because it might affect your performance on how you persuade your client.
4. Create a Website
Making use of the advantages of technology is a great way to expand your influence in the
market. You can use social media platforms to promote your listings but it is better to create your own
website as you will have the freedom on how you can present your listings. You have the control on
how compositions will work, show and transition your listings into creating different stories through the
properties that you are selling.
Having your own website will help you direct customers to different properties and locations
faster. Clients will have the comfort of differentiating and choosing properties in their preference by
just simply swiping or visiting certain sections of the site. Creating your own website gives you the
advantage to access to a wider market.
5. Learn Basic Photography
Invest time in learning basic photography because it will be the silver lining in promoting your
listings. Learning basic photography does not have to be complicated. It is best to capture footages of
the properties that you are selling in a good angle and lighting to have captivating pictures. The more
captivating your pictures are, the more clients you will drag to make appointments regarding your

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