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Preparing to Teach in Inclusive Classrooms

Umesh Sharma, Monash University
Published online: 24 May 2018

This article presents a critical analysis of inclusive teacher education. The article argues
that while teacher education programs have changed dramatically over the last few
decades, there are still areas where more progress could be made. It also argues for a
need to re-conceptualize the way we prepare teachers so that they can confidently
include all learners. It presents a framework, largely influenced by the work of Shulman,
which could be applied for the preparation of pre-service teachers to teach in inclusive

Keywords: inclusive education, teacher education, disability, head, heart and hands, framework


Regular classroom teachers worldwide are increasingly being asked to include students with a
range of diversities in their classrooms as a result of policy and legislative reforms
internationally (UNESCO, 2013). The placement of students with diverse abilities (including
those with a disability) in a regular school does not guarantee high-quality education. Schools
often find excuses not to include a student, citing reasons as lack of resources or lack of
necessary skills and knowledge in the teaching community to teach the students. We already
know that children are more likely to attend schools if they receive high-quality education
(Rouse, 2010). We cannot expect that increasing number of placement opportunities will
result in increased participation of learners with diverse abilities, including those with
disabilities, in our education system. We need to pay as much attention to the quality of
teaching and teacher preparation as we have paid to increasing placement opportunities
through legislation and policy mandates internationally (UNESCO, 2013).

UNICEF (2012) conducted a study of participants involved in teacher education programs

from 111 countries. The report found that, in general, most teacher education programs do
not prepare teachers well to teach learners with diverse abilities including those with a
disability in their classrooms. Slightly over 33% of respondents indicated that information
about inclusive education was not covered during their teacher education programs.
Qualitative comments from participants provided further insight into the data. The report
argued that teacher educators’ lack of experience in inclusive education negatively impacted
upon their ability to translate theory of inclusive education into practical guidance for pre-

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service teachers. Inadequate preparation of pre-service teachers for inclusive classrooms
suggests that most in-service teachers in the same system are likely to struggle to include all
learners in regular classrooms.

In a recent Senate report (Commonwealth of Australia, 2016), the Australian Education Union
(AEU) stated that “many teachers report feeling underprepared when it comes to educating
students with disability” (p. 77). An overwhelming 63% of teachers stated that the level of
training and professional development they had received had not given them the skills and
knowledge to teach students with disability. A review of research and policy documents from
several countries suggests that inadequate preparation of teachers to teach in inclusive
classrooms is a worldwide phenomenon (EADSNE, 2010). In a large study of in-service
teachers undertaken by OECD (Schleicher, 2016), it was found that the greatest challenge
faced by teachers across all participating OECD countries was their lack of preparedness to
teach students with special needs. The problem of inadequate preparation of teachers to
teach in inclusive classrooms in developing countries is even worse. In a review of the teacher
education programs from 13 countries of the Asia Pacific region, we found that focus on
inclusive education in teacher education programs was ad hoc, minimal, and isolated
(Sharma, Forlin, Deppeler, & Yang, 2013). While some universities covered theoretical
information about disabilities and inclusion, none of the universities had any practicum
component oriented toward practicing inclusion.

Clearly there is a need for us to rethink the way we have been preparing teachers to teach in
inclusive classrooms. Better prepared teachers not only provide high-quality education to
children with disabilities, all children benefit in classrooms taught by competent, inclusive
teachers (Sharma & Loreman, 2014). One aspect that needs to be given significant attention
relates to addressing gaps between theory and practice of inclusion. Levine (2006) in a
comprehensive report “Educating School Teachers” indicated that despite significant changes
in teacher education in the United States, there remain clear gaps between theory and
practice. A comment made by one pre-service teacher (PST) in the report highlights his point.
“I could talk about Carl Jung, scaffolding, cooperative learning groups, [and] the advantages
of constructivism, but had no idea what to do when Johnny goes nuts in the back of the class,
or when Lisa comes in abused, or when Sue hasn’t eaten in three days” (p. 39). The comment
by the participating teacher presents “a symptom of a serious underlying problem described
by one education alumnus as ‘an abyss’ between theory and practice” (p. 39). Recently a
report on Australian teacher education programs also reported significant disconnect between
university-based teaching and school experiences (Ingvarson et al., 2014). It stated that the
disconnect is unlikely to produce teachers who were ready to teach in our diverse classrooms.
The report stated there are significant consequences of inadequate preparation of teachers,
including higher turnover among poorly developed pre-service teachers. The authors
(Ingvarson et al., 2014) recommended that we should focus our attention to meet the
challenge. There is a need for us to reform our teacher education programs internationally to
ensure true inclusion of all learners, including those with a disability, in mainstream
classrooms. A number of researchers have discussed ways teacher education for inclusion
could be reformed. For example, in one such program Humberto (n.d.) suggested that an
inclusive education teacher needs to be prepared to recognize individual differences and
implement learning strategies for all. He further suggested that inclusive teacher education
programs should focus on equality: promoting the same opportunities for all; quality: offering
functional and meaningful learning; and equity: responding to special educational needs.

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Other authors have talked about various other means that inclusive teacher education
preparation should be undertaken. Various authors have talked about various aspects of
preparing teachers for inclusion ranging from using an infusion approach to inclusion where
content about inclusive education is infused in all teacher education subjects rather than
covered in just one stand-alone teacher education subject (Loreman, 2010); use of reflective
teaching practice as a dominant frame for teacher preparation (Sharma, 2010); and use of
professional learning schools to provide field experience for graduate teachers (Waitoler &
Kozleski, 2010). Some researchers have also talked about ways inclusive teacher education
could be evaluated to determine its effectiveness (Salend, 2010). Clearly, the work done by
these researchers have significantly moved the field forward. In this article I make an attempt
to build upon Shulman’s signature pedagogies framework as a possible way to prepare
teachers for inclusive classrooms. It is important to recognize that Shulman’s framework was
mainly developed for preparation of regular classroom teachers. It is important to
acknowledge that Shulman’s framework in inclusive teacher education has previously been
applied by Florian and Rouse (2009) in Scotland and has already shown promising signs in the

Prior to reviewing inclusive teacher education, it is important to define inclusive education.

UNESCO (2013) recognizes “inclusive education is a dynamic process of change and
improvement through which the education system, and individual schools, school managers,
and teachers address the education needs of all children without discrimination” (p. 4).
Implementers of inclusive education make constant efforts to identify and address barriers
that might prevent learners from accessing education, and participating in the learning
process, and increasing their capacity both academically and socially (UNESCO, 2013).
Ainscow (2005) identified four key elements of inclusive education that should form the
foundation of inclusive teacher education. First, inclusion is a process. He suggests that
inclusion is an ongoing process to search for ways to respond to diversity. It is about an
ongoing journey of learning to live with difference, and, also about learning about how to
learn from difference. Second, inclusion is concerned with the identification and removal of
barriers to learning. Implementing inclusion requires collecting, collating, and evaluating
information from a variety of sources to plan for improving practice. Third, inclusion is about
the presence (i.e., attending schools alongside other students), participation (i.e., the quality
of experiences), and achievement (i.e., learning and achieving across the curriculum not just
examination results) of all learners, not just those who have an identified disability. Fourth,
inclusion involves a particular emphasis on learners who are at an increased risk of
marginalization, exclusion, or underachievement. Inclusion requires that we make serious
attempts to ensure their presence, participation, and achievement within our education

Understanding the Challenge

In order to understand how best we can reform teacher education for inclusion, we need to
first understand what do teachers need to learn to teach effectively in inclusive classrooms.
According to Shulman (2004), teacher education or any other professional learning programs
must prepare teachers with three key elements (Shulman, 2004). He calls these elements
“three apprenticeships.” These are “apprenticeship of the head” (i.e., the cognitive knowledge
and theoretical basis of profession); “apprenticeship of the heart” (the ethical and moral

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dimensions of a professions, attitudes, and beliefs that are critical to one’s profession); and
“apprenticeship of the hand” (the technical and practical skills required to carry out the tasks
relevant to one’s profession). One critical question that we need to ask is: Are we preparing
our teachers who have the heart, head and hands of inclusive teachers? In order for us to
answer the question, we need to first understand the heart, head and hands aspects more

Apprenticeship of the Heart

Heart relates to the beliefs of educators. A number of researchers believe that for an educator
to include learners with diverse abilities, he or she must have positive attitudes toward
students with diverse abilities and toward their inclusion into mainstream classrooms. A
number of studies have been conducted on a regular basis since the 1970s to examine
educators’ attitudes toward students with disabilities or toward their inclusion into
mainstream classrooms. Scruggs, Mastropieri, and Leins (2011) conducted a systematic
review of 40 attitudinal survey reports of teachers from countries like the United States, Italy,
Serbia, Greece, and South Korea. The combined total sample of teachers in the studies was
over 8300. They found that close to 63% of teachers supported the concept of inclusion and
almost a similar number of participants (62%) were willing to teach students with disabilities.
However, it is important to note that participants were slightly apprehensive to include all
students in mainstream classrooms. The researchers reported that only 40% of participants
agreed that “all students with disabilities should be educated in general education classes.” It
could be assumed that the remaining 60% of participants were still hesitant about the
inclusion of all students. The participants were concerned about issues such as insufficient
time, training, and support for inclusion. In an earlier review of educators’ attitudes toward
inclusion, Avramidis and Norwich (2002) found that educators tend to be reluctant to include
students with severe disabilities when compared to students with milder forms of disability.
De Boer, Pijl, and Minnaret (2011) conducted a review of 26 studies to examine what attitudes
teachers hold toward inclusion of students with disabilities in regular primary schools. Their
study found that the majority of participants either hold neutral or negative attitudes toward
inclusion. Interestingly, none of the studies that they reviewed reported clearly positive
attitudes. Most of the systematic literature reviews have looked at the attitudes of in-service
teachers. Such research reviews on attitudes of pre-service teachers is limited. Available
research on pre-service teachers tend to indicate that in general pre-service teachers tend to
have apprehensive attitudes toward inclusion at the beginning of teacher education programs,
which shift in a positive direction after the completion of university teacher education
programs. However, most pre-service teachers continue to have concerns to teach in inclusive
classrooms (Sharma, Loreman, & Forlin, 2007). Their concerns mainly relate to lack of
support available to them when they would start teaching in inclusive classrooms.

A reflection on studies undertaken to examine educators’ attitudes toward inclusion suggests

that a large number of teachers (both in-service and pre-service) still continue to believe that
inclusion is not good for all students and they have concerns about including students in
mainstream classrooms. It can be assumed that these teachers may not have the heart of an
inclusive teachers and they do not believe that inclusion is a good idea. In such a situation, we
can either blame teachers or we can rethink about why teachers do not have the heart of an
inclusive educator and what can be done about it. In order to address the issue further we

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need to first understand why teachers have negative attitudes toward inclusion or toward
students with disabilities. The majority of the research on educators’ attitudes have looked at
factors that influence educators’ attitudes. The researchers have found that educators’
negative attitudes are mainly associated with their lack of contact with people with
disabilities, lack of adequate training, and lack of support (Avramidis & Norwich, 2002). While
this research is useful and may provide some guidance on how best to address negative
attitudes of educators, I do believe that the research on attitudinal aspects needs to take a
new dimension. The majority of the research that has examined educators’ attitudes tends to
be largely based on two underlying assumptions. First, it is assumed that students with
disabilities are significantly different from mainstream students; and second that inclusion of
such students is considered to be good mainly for the students and to the society. Both these
assumptions are flawed to some extent. In most of the research on attitudes, researchers
typically use a questionnaire with multiple statements and participants are asked to respond
to the statements often using a Likert-type response format. An example of a statement from
one such scale is “Students with down syndrome should be included in regular classrooms.” A
respondent can indicate his or her agreement or disagreement with the statement using
Likert-type anchors such as “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” Asking such questions
can reinforce educators’ beliefs that students with disabilities (in this case Down syndrome)
are different from other typical students. Teacher educators make attempts to shift pre-
service teachers’ attitudes in a positive direction with a belief that change in attitudes will
result in change in educational practices. It is possible that while attitudes might shift in a
positive direction, their attitudes could still largely be grounded in a medical paradigm where
students with a disability are seen as problems to be fixed. It is, therefore, very likely that
change in educational practices could be minimal.

Deep-rooted changes in attitudes and beliefs are needed and systematic efforts should be
made during teacher education programs to address this issue. Pre-service educators need to
be convinced that teaching in inclusive classroom is an opportunity for them to learn new
skills and thus become better teachers for all learners rather than to see it as a burden. It can
only happen if inclusion is seen as a foundation to provide high-quality education to all
learners rather than for some learners. In-service teachers who are not competent in including
all learners need to learn new skills by undertaking various professional learning programs
that prepare them to teach in inclusive classrooms.

In most teacher education programs, a significant emphasis is placed on covering theoretical

aspects about inclusive education (Sharma et al., 2013). Most programs cover information
about “what” and “how” aspects of inclusive education and limited emphasis is placed on
covering “why” aspects of inclusion. It can be argued that unless pre-service teachers believe
in an idea, they are less likely to learn and apply new knowledge in their classrooms. The
question that arises from the discussion is how do we teach “beliefs”? Beliefs cannot be
taught. Beliefs can, however, be modified. Most pre-service teachers enter teacher education
programs with beliefs that teaching students with disabilities or different ethnic backgrounds
is good for such students and schools should include them. In some teacher education
programs, pre-service teachers also learn that including learners with disability is their legal
responsibility. While the new knowledge forces pre-service teachers to include students with
disabilities in their classrooms, the foundation of such beliefs are driven by either sympathy or
fear factors (Sharma & Loreman, 2014). It is possible that teachers informed with the new
knowledge may include students with disabilities in their classrooms but whether or not all

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learners, mainly those with a disability, would receive high-quality education is questionable.
It is important that pre-service teachers are challenged in teacher education programs. They
need to be convinced that including learners with disabilities or other disadvantages is good
for teachers first and students second. Teachers who fail to include a learner with a disability
or other disadvantages need to understand that unless they are competent to include the
student, they cannot call themselves to be fully qualified teachers. Teacher educators need to
spend time in engaging in open discussions. Ignoring pre-service teachers’ concerns about
inclusion is unlikely to motivate teachers to practice inclusion. Pre-service teachers need to be
encouraged in raising their concerns and need to be gradually supported in addressing their
concerns throughout the teacher education program. This approach conveys an important
message to graduates that despite some difficulties surrounding implementation of inclusive
practices, it is possible to implement inclusion, provided teachers genuinely believe in the
idea and are prepared to change their teaching practices. When pre-service teachers
understand a strong rationale behind inclusion, they tend to develop positive beliefs about

A number of authors have written that beliefs to discriminate against learners with disabilities
are deep rooted and justifiable through religious and cultural practices in many Asian Pacific
countries (see, e.g., Miles, 1995, 1997; Sharma & Deppeler, 2005). Changing such deep-rooted
beliefs is extremely difficult. Careful approaches are needed to modify such deep-rooted
beliefs. First of all, teacher educators need to reflect upon their own beliefs and be prepared
to change them if they are willing to change beliefs of pre-service teachers. Teacher educators
in these contexts may find it useful that religious and cultural practices could be interpreted
in multiple ways. A number of scholars report that many of the practices could be interpreted
in positive ways and should ideally be used to shape educators’ beliefs to support inclusive
practices. For example, Bazna and Hatab (2005) undertook an extensive analysis of the Quran
to understand how disability is conceptualized and its implication for education. They found
that the Quran promotes respect for individual differences and asks society to include people
with disabilities in the mainstream of society. They further reported that “physical conditions
are viewed in Quran as neither a curse nor a blessing; they are simply part of human
condition. The Quran removes any stigma and barrier to full inclusion of people with physical
condition” (p. 24). Such positive interpretations of using religious texts to promote
educational opportunities are also reported in the religious texts of Hinduism and Buddhism
(Gupta, 2011; Miles, 1995, 2002). It may be useful for teacher educators in the countries of
Asia Pacific region to engage with relevant literature in the area and use it in teacher
education programs. In countries where negative attitudes toward disability continue to be
among the significant barriers to providing quality education to people with disabilities, use of
religious texts could just be the right solution to address the barrier. Miles (1995) reports
several examples (e.g., immunization drives in Pakistan) from Asian countries where religion
has been successfully used for large-scale implementation of desired reforms in Asian
countries. Some critics have called the use of religion to propagate various practices as “pious
fraud” (Miles, 2002).

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Apprenticeship of the Head
Teachers need to have adequate knowledge to teach in inclusive classrooms. Prior to
understanding what knowledge and skills are necessary for educators to teach in inclusive
classrooms, it is important to determine what most teachers do currently learn about inclusive
education internationally. The UNICEF review (2012) of 603 university educators engaged in
teacher education suggested that little over half of the respondents suggested that teacher
education programs covered only some aspects of inclusive education. Of the 603
participants, around 10% of respondents revealed that “inclusion of learners with disabilities
in education featured in design of training but was not evident in implementation” (p. 5).
Another 11% of respondents indicated that “no attention was paid to inclusion of people with
disabilities in education design or delivery of training” (p. 5). Many respondents were
concerned about the focus of training. For example, it was highlighted that, “Only types of
disability were mentioned, practical methods and knowledge required to help children with
disabilities were not included” (p. 6). Participants were also asked to make note of the key
aspects covered in their teacher education programs.

In our review of teacher education programs from the countries of the Asia Pacific region, we
found that information on disability and inclusive education was not covered well in the
programs (Sharma et al., 2013). Only one country (Vietnam) has made subjects on disability
and inclusive education compulsory for all teachers. The focus of the programs that we
reviewed mainly covered theoretical aspects of various disabling conditions. It remains
questionable if such a focus in teacher education programs can really prepare teachers to
teach students with diverse learning needs in mainstream classrooms. The review stated that
inclusive education should not just be seen as an additional subject that all teachers must do.
Inclusive education needs to be seen as a sound foundation to provide quality education to all
children. The review (Sharma et al., 2013) concluded by stating that:

In universities inclusive education, and even the teacher educators involved in

teaching inclusive and special education, are typically regarded at the peripheries of
education programs. Subjects on inclusive and special education are either offered in
elective mode or not offered at all. Often it is argued that teachers have to learn a lot
and learning to teach in inclusive classrooms is the last priority. As countries move
towards ratifying the UN conventions, this has to change. (p. 10)

The question that arises from the discussion is: “What specific knowledge do pre-service (or
in-service) teachers need to acquire to teach effectively in inclusive classrooms?” The
question has created frequent heated debates among researchers in the field. There are two
schools of thought. One school argues that pre-service teachers do not learn enough about
various types of disabilities such as Down syndrome, specific learning disability, autism, and
other disabilities (Kauffman, Landrum, Mock, Sayeski, & Sayeski, 2005). It is argued that
unless they learn enough about these conditions they would not be confident in including all
students. This school of thought is sometimes called special education paradigm. The
argument is largely based on the premise that children with disabilities have special
educational needs that are significantly different from other learners. Therefore, the adequate
preparation of pre-service teachers requires teaching them the skills that are often not
covered in a teacher education program (e.g., identifying children with disabilities). The other

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school of thought argues that inclusion cannot be created through the extension of special
education paradigm (Allan, 2006; Davis & Florian, 2004; Slee, 2011). These researchers argue
that identification of disabilities in students and then developing teaching pedagogy to suit a
disability type are unhelpful. They argue that PSTs should learn to identify barriers to learning
and participation of all learners and be confident in addressing barriers to the participation of
marginalized leaners. Clearly the views proposed by these authors require significant shift in
the way PSTs are prepared in terms of content, curriculum, and field experiences.

Some of the research that we have conducted favors the second school of thought. For
example, in a multi-country study of pre-service teachers from Australia, Canada, Singapore,
and Hong Kong, we examined attitudes, concerns and sentiments of PSTs and found that the
content and pedagogy that focused on creating inclusive classroom environments for all
learners resulted in significantly positive attitudes toward inclusion, better sentiments, and
lower degree of concerns among PSTs compared to programs that focused on teaching about
specific disability and teaching pedagogy relevant to the disability type (Sharma, Loreman, &
Forlin, 2008). We also found that an increased emphasis on content relating to types and
characteristics of various disabling conditions increased concerns of PSTs to teach in inclusive
classrooms (Sharma, 2012; Sharma, Loreman, & Forlin, 2007). One possible reason that PSTs
become more concerned after gaining more knowledge about various disabling conditions is
that they start on speculating scenarios of including students with the most severe forms of
the disabling conditions covered in the teacher education programs. It is critical that
information about various disabling conditions is either not covered in teacher education
programs or if it has to be covered, then PSTs must learn that each individual student, despite
having a particular label, will differ in his or her abilities, strengths, and learning profile from
other students with the same disabling condition.

Does it mean that we should not cover any information about specific disability or about how
to teach students with a specific disability? This question has been investigated using
different approaches (Davis & Florian, 2004; Kavale, 2007; Lewis & Norwich, 2005). Davis and
Florian (2004) undertook a systematic analysis of literature to find out if there are teaching
strategies that are particularly effective for teaching students with a particular label. They
found that teaching approaches that were effective for teaching students with a particular
label were also effective for teaching all other children. Their review failed to reveal any
specific teaching strategies that were effective only for a group of students with a particular
label. They concluded that:

. . . certain teaching strategies and approaches are associated with, but not
necessarily related directly to specific categories of SEN [special educational needs]
(such as autism, learning difficulty, etc). However the teaching strategies and
approaches identified in the review were not sufficiently differentiated from those
which are used to teach all children to justify a distinctive SEN pedagogy. It was
clear that sound practices in teaching and learning in both mainstream and special
education literatures were often informed by the same basic research, and that
certain teaching strategies developed for one purpose could be effectively applied to
other groups of children with different patterns of educational need (e.g.,
cooperative learning). This does not, however, diminish the importance of what might
be construed as “special education knowledge” as an element of pedagogy applying
to all learners. (p. 6)

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Research by other authors (Kavale, 2007; Lewis & Norwich, 2005) also support the
conclusions drawn by Davis and Florian (2004). Often increased emphasis is placed on
covering information about specific disability and characteristics of students with various
disabilities in teacher education programs. The rationale behind covering extensive
information is related to the popular belief that when teachers know a lot about a disabling
condition, they are likely to be confident in teaching students with the condition.

If teachers should not learn about disabilities, then what should they learn in teacher
education about inclusion so that they can confidently include all learners? One way to
determine what should be covered in inclusive teacher education programs is to examine
exemplary practices used by teachers in inclusive classrooms and then incorporating the
information into teacher education programs. In two comprehensive projects, the European
Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2005a, 2005b) examined inclusive
education and classroom practices in primary and secondary classrooms. The project findings
were based on comprehensive literature reviews, expert visits in five countries, as well as
exemplary case studies from 14 European countries. Both projects revealed that approaches
that are effective in primary schools are also effective in secondary schools. The researchers
found a handful of teaching strategies that make a classroom inclusive. The strategies
included cooperative teaching, cooperative learning, collaborative problem solving,
heterogeneous grouping, and effective teaching. One approach that stood out and was found
to be particularly effective in secondary classrooms is the home area system. The home area
system is an area that consists of two or three classrooms combined where a small group of
teachers deliver the entire curriculum. Interestingly both studies did not identify any specific
strategy that could be associated with a particular group of students with a disability (e.g.,
Down syndrome, or a specific learning disability). A number of other researchers have
identified a range of other strategies that are critical for teachers to use to make their
classrooms more inclusive. These include assessment for learning, Universal Design of
Learning, and collaborative consultation (EADSNE, 2010; Salend, 2016).

Apprenticeship of the Hands

One of the most difficult aspects of inclusive teacher education programs is the ability of pre-
service teachers to practice inclusion in real life classrooms. This has been highlighted well in
the UNICEF report (2012). A large number of respondents who participated in the project felt
that theoretical knowledge contained in teacher education programs does not always
translate into classroom practice. The report failed to identify the reasons for ongoing gaps
between theory and practice aspects of inclusive education. There are various reasons why
theoretical information covered in teacher education programs fail to make an impact in
teaching practices of pre-service teachers. Universities and schools are two different worlds.
The information covered in teacher education programs often is too distant from the realities
of classrooms (Sharma & Loreman, 2014).

In general, most teacher education programs struggle in closing the gap between theory and
practice. It should concern teacher education programs considering high-achieving teachers
identify access to a high-quality practicum experience as extremely critical for their

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preparation as effective teachers (Behrstock-Sherrat, Bassett, Olson, & Jacques, 2014). High-
achieving teachers from the Behrstock-Sherrat et al. study identified access to a well-qualified
and experienced supervising teacher as the most important element of professional practice.

There is a large body of research that has identified key elements of effective teacher
education practicum. This body of research does not necessarily target preparation of
teachers for inclusive classrooms, but the information from the research could give us some
guidance on how best we can improve professional placement aspects for inclusive teacher
education programs. Darling-Hammond (2006) analyzed key features of seven teacher
education programs from the United States that are known to produce high-quality teachers.
Based on her analysis of the programs she found that all programs shared one common
characteristic with each program incorporating at least 30 weeks of supervised teaching
practice in schools. She also found that these programs shared another common element. All
programs nurtured strong connections between university and schools and carefully linked
the university curriculum with schooling practices.

Teacher education programs find it difficult to encourage connections between theory and
practice due to limited contacts with school personnel, use of contradictory teaching practices
in schools in contrast to what is covered in teacher education programs, and limited contact
between university and school staff (Capraro, Capraro, & Helfeldt, 2010). The way that most
teacher education programs currently organize professional placement is problematic. The
number of pre-service teachers that need to be placed for their practicum experiences has
risen steadily over the years in countries like Australia, Canada, and the United States. More
pre-service teachers need placements compared to the number of placement opportunities
available. The conditions are not any better in developing countries such as India,
Bangladesh, and China (Sharma et al., 2013). The result has been that most pre-service
teachers are placed in whatever settings are available for placements. It can be argued that
not all schools and mentor teachers are suitable for placements. MacDougall, Mtika, Reid, and
Weir (2013) report that the mentor teacher role in Australia remains largely untrained. They
rarely get any support from universities or their schools to become better mentors. They also
get limited support from school leadership teams to act as mentor teachers. Mentoring
teachers need to have specific attributes that qualify them to act as mentors. They need to be
experienced, knowledgeable about subject pedagogy, and must be highly effective teachers;
and lastly they must be willing to mentor others (Greenberg, Pomerance, & Walsh, 2011). In a
typical school of 25 teachers, there will be only one such teacher who has all these qualities
(Greenberg et al., 2011). Thus many of our pre-service teachers end up completing their field
experience in settings where they learn very little about exemplary inclusive education
practices. A large majority of pre-service teachers find themselves in classrooms of
supervising teachers who are not well qualified to mentor new teachers. It should, therefore,
not be surprising to see a large majority of these pre-service teachers returning to university
classrooms ill prepared to practice inclusion.

The situation could be compared to a person who is learning to drive. Consider about the
competence of the learner driver who was given driving lessons on roads that have far less
traffic compared to most of the city roads. Also consider the learner is instructed by an
instructor who himself or herself has limited experience and confidence to drive on busy roads
and in complex traffic conditions. The learner is most likely to fail the driving test when he or
she has to drive in situations that are significantly different from the traffic conditions where

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he or she learned to drive. Teaching in inclusive classrooms is not easy. It is like driving on
highly complex roads and through tough traffic conditions. A pre-service teacher with limited
exposure to teaching in a class with limited diversity is unlikely to develop skills of an
effective inclusive education teacher. It is critical that we pay as much attention to the
placement aspect of teacher education as we have given to theoretical aspects of teacher

A number of teacher education programs around the world are trying to address the issue of
inadequate professional practice. We can learn a great deal from these programs and
incorporate the key lessons learned in improving our programs. One common practice to
bridge the gap between theory and practice is achieved by establishing strong connections
between schools and universities. Professional Development Schools or Professional Learning
Schools are becoming increasingly popular in the United States and Australia (Clift & Brady,
2005; Grossman, 2010; Latham & Voget, 2007). A Professional Development School is a
setting that is designed to provide high-quality education to students enrolled in school and
also to provide a high-level of support to new teachers. There is widespread evidence to show
that teachers who have completed their placement in PDS have a high degree of confidence in
their teaching ability during the early years of teaching (Clift & Brady, 2005) and are most
likely to stay in the teaching profession (Latham & Voget, 2007). Cobb (2001) reports that pre-
service teachers who have completed their placements in PDS schools tend to use more
refined pedagogical methods, are more reflective and feel more confident to teach in
classrooms with greater linguistic and ethnic diversity, and are more likely to seek
employment in schools with difficult teaching conditions compared to their traditionally
prepared peers.

We cannot afford to continue to prepare teachers the way we have done in the past. We need
to conceptualize the challenge better and identify ways the challenge could be addressed to
better prepare teachers for inclusive classrooms. A number of educational and inclusion
theorists have talked about ways we can prepare educators for inclusive classrooms. Each
theory on its own can have significant impact in the way we prepare teachers. In this article
an attempt is made to integrate the work of various theorists with an intention to propose a
new framework that is likely to result in better preparation of educators for inclusive

Addressing the Challenge

The purpose of this article is not just to present what is wrong with how we are preparing our
teachers for inclusion; it is also about how best we can reform what we have done for so far.
One way we can prepare teachers with head, heart and hands is to use the existing research
on various aspects of head, heart and hands along with what we have learned from other
research that is complementary to the field of inclusive education. In this regard, work done
by Ajzen (1991) and Ainscow, Farell, Tweddle, and Malki (1999) could be useful. Ajzen made a
significant contribution in explaining human behavior and how our attitudes shape behaviors.
According to his theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991), a person’s actual behavior could be
predicted based on the individual’s intentions to perform the behavior. For example, whether
a teacher will include a learner with a disability in his or her classroom depends on the
teacher’s intention to include the learner. Intentions to perform a behavior in turn are

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influenced by three closely related psychosocial constructs of attitudes, perceived
competence, and subjective norms. Attitudes toward the behavior relate to the person viewing
the behavior favorably or unfavorably. Perceived competence relates to the individual’s
capacity to perform the behavior. Subjective norm refers to how significant people in the
environment evaluate the behavior. Applying the theory to the field of inclusive education, if a
teacher has favorable attitudes toward inclusion; if he or she is competent to include (high-
efficacy beliefs) students with disabilities; and if he or she is working in a school where school
leaders, other teachers and parents favor inclusion (favorable subjective norm); the teacher is
likely to have positive intentions to include students with disabilities in his or her classrooms.
Positive intentions in turn would positively shape the teacher’s behavior and he or she would
most likely include students with disabilities in his or her classrooms. In recent years, some
researchers (Ahmmed, Sharma, & Deppeler, 2013; Kuyini & Desai, 2007) have applied the
theory in understanding intentions of in-service teachers and found that attitudes, efficacy,
and subjective norm influence their intentions to include a child with a disability in their
classrooms. Ajzen’s theory complements the work done by Shulman. For example, two key
components of Ajzen’s theory, that is, attitude and perceived competence are similar to two
key aspects of Shulman’s theory, that is, heart and hands. Ajzen’s theory provides further
guidance about changing a teacher’s actual classroom behavior (i.e., hands). In order to
change classroom practices of a teacher, he or she will need to be well supported and he or
she needs to teach in an environment where other people will be supportive of the idea of
inclusive education. It can thus be implied that for us to prepare teachers with head, heart
and hands, we need to make sure that pre-service teachers are asked to complete their field
placement experiences in schools that believe in inclusion philosophy. They should be placed
in schools that are willing to support pre-service teachers during their placements. It is at this
time that most pre-service teachers will come across difficult teaching situations, and if they
are supported to get through difficult teaching situation they are more likely to develop long-
lasting confidence to teach in inclusive classrooms. More research is needed in determining
what support is critical at the time of field placement for pre-service teachers to build their
capacity to teach in inclusive classrooms.

There is a second body of research that could be useful in making a decision about when pre-
service teachers are ready to teach in inclusive classrooms. Many authors have argued that
teaching practices, also known as professional experiences or field experiences, are central to
the better preparation of teachers (Beauchamp, Clarke, Hulme, & Murray, 2013). However,
research evidence for the effectiveness of different types of teaching practical experiences is
limited (Beauchamp et al., 2013). We cannot expect PSTs to acquire all necessary skills to
teach in inclusive classrooms as many skills develop when they actually start teaching.
However, significant inroads can be made during the time of field experience to improve
knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach effectively in inclusive classrooms. The common
practice is that a mentor teacher makes subjective judgment about the readiness of a PST to
teach. It is an area that might be contributing to inadequate preparation of teachers as it is
possible that PSTs obtain passing grades from mentor teachers who themselves are not
exemplary inclusive professionals. All students, including those with a disability, should be
involved in making a decision about the readiness of a teacher.

Students with disabilities represent hidden voices and rarely any attention is paid to what
they have to say about their education (Dunleavy, 2008). It is argued that failure to engage in
conversations about their learning can significantly increase the chances of their

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disengagement (Dunleavy, 2008). Students, including those with a disability, do have a voice
and it is unfortunate that we have failed to listen to them (Dunleavy, 2008). Listening to
students’ views provides a powerful mechanism for making connections with vulnerable
students. Considering students are the primary consumers of educational services, their
voices need to be captured and have potential to significantly improve teaching practices of
pre-service teachers. The need to listen to the voices of people with disability was echoed by
themselves during the Lisbon declaration (Soriano, Kyriazopoulou, Weber, & Grunberger,
2008). They said, “teachers need to be motivated, to be well informed about and understand
our needs. They need to be well trained, ask us what we need and to be well co-ordinated
among themselves” (p. 22).

A New Framework
It is possible for us to prepare teachers with head, heart and hands of inclusive educators.
However, it will require a significant shift in the way we have prepared them in the past.
Figure 1 below represents the conceptual framework. It also shows how it can be evaluated by
measuring efficacy, attitudes, and teaching practices.

Figure 1. Conceptual framework.

In a reformed teacher education program, four things must happen. First, pre-service
teachers need to be jointly taught by a team of university academics and school educators.
This partnership will allow bridging the gaps that have existed between theory and practice.
School educators should not just deliver guest lectures in teacher education programs, they
should co-teach the whole subject on inclusive education alongside the university academics.
It will be even better if all pre-service teachers could complete their field experience in the
schools of those educators who teach in teacher education programs. Pre-service teachers
prepared using this kind of partnership are likely to have a higher sense of teaching efficacy
(head or knowledge) to teach in inclusive classrooms and would be more willing to include
learners with diverse abilities in their classrooms (positive attitude or heart). Second, pre-

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service teachers should only learn information that aligns with inclusion philosophy and which
is evidence based. This article earlier presented information from various exemplary inclusive
education programs and other sources. Some of the common topics that must be covered in a
teacher inclusive education program will include a rationale for inclusive education,
assessment for learning, knowledge of inclusive education strategies (e.g., cooperative
learning, peer tutoring, differentiated instruction), working with parents and para-
professionals, Universal Design of Learning, and assistive technology. Most importantly,
information on various types of disabilities should be covered minimally or not covered at all.
If information about any disability category has to be covered, participants must learn that an
individual with a particular label will differ in his or her abilities with another individual with
the same label. Information about the categories of various disabilities does not inform
teachers about how to teach a child who has a specific label. It only teaches about the medical
aspects of a type of disability and the information may not be particularly helpful when
teaching students with a range of abilities. Third, the university academics and the school
educators should jointly support pre-service teachers during the time of placement. If school
educators have been co-teaching with university academics, then they will be in much better
position to support pre-service teachers and can facilitate PSTs to use teaching strategies
covered in the teacher education programs. School educators can also call upon university
academics for additional support when a pre-service teacher faces difficulty in teaching
effectively in the classroom. Last, all pre-service teachers need to be thoroughly assessed at
the time of teaching placement to determine their readiness to teach in inclusive classrooms.
An innovative way to assess pre-service teacher readiness is to get information from three key
stakeholders (the pre-service teacher, the mentor teacher, and the students) using parallel
forms of the same rating scale/tool that covers core inclusive teaching practices (e.g.,
Inclusive Practices Classroom Observation Scale (IPCOS) (Sharma & Sokal, 2015). Using such
multiple forms of data will allow the pre-service teacher to get a true sense of his or her
readiness to teach in inclusive classroom. Scores from different stakeholders will also allow
the pre-service teacher, mentor teacher, and university academics to target areas where the
pre-service teacher scores poorly.


The article presented a critical analysis of inclusive teacher education programs

internationally. We know that currently our new teachers graduating out of teacher education
programs are not fully equipped to include all learners with disabilities. Most universities do a
reasonable job of preparing teachers with a head of inclusion (i.e., cover relevant knowledge
about inclusive education). However, transforming this knowledge into truly inclusive
classrooms is sometime difficult. Not all pre-service teachers believe that including all
learners with disabilities is possible in their classrooms. In order to change the situation, it is
critical that we adopt a new framework that will allow all teachers to be prepared with the
heart, head and hands of inclusive teachers. Preparation of teachers with head, heart and
hands will require close partnership between universities and schools. Neither universities on
their own, nor schools on their own can create truly inclusive classrooms and prepare new
generation of teachers who can include all learners. In this article I proposed a framework
that builds upon the work done by Shulman, Ajzen, and other eminent researchers from the
field. The framework brings four key elements (why should university and school educators
co-teach, what should they teach, how to support pre-service teachers, and how to determine

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their readiness to teach in inclusive classrooms) needed to prepare future teachers to be
inclusive of all learners. The framework could be applied in countries with limited resources
as it is not very resource intensive. However, it does require commitment from both
universities and schools to work together. Unless schools and universities collaborate and are
jointly responsible for preparing the teaching force, producing inclusive teachers with the
head, heart and hands will remain a distant reality.

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