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April 13, 2021

SCOTT RITTER, RUSSIA TODAY ............................................................................................................................... 2

ROBERT BRIDGE, RUSSIA TODAY............................................................................................................................ 5

ARIFA NOOR, DAWN .............................................................................................................................................. 7

JAWED NAQVI, DAWN ........................................................................................................................................... 9

MUHAMMAD HAMID ZAMAN, EXPRESS TRIBUNE ............................................................................................... 11

DAVID SACKS AND MAX YOELI, CFR ..................................................................................................................... 12

JOSHUA KURLANTZICK, WORLD POLITICS REVIEW ............................................................................................... 14

C. RAJA MOHAN, THE INDIAN EXPRESS ................................................................................................................ 16

LEONID RAGOZIN, ALJAZEERA.............................................................................................................................. 18

FARZANA HANIFFA, ALJAZEERA ........................................................................................................................... 21


By sabotaging Iran’s nuclear program, Israel sabotaged world peace

Scott Ritter, Russia Today

entagon chief Austin’s

President,Hassan Rouhani, should the US come back into
visit to Israel serves as a visited the Natanz uranium compliance with its obligations
stark reminder that enrichment facility, where he under the agreement.
regardless of stated US policy inaugurated a cascade of 164
Tehran’s moves were intended
goals, Israel almost always gets IR-6 centrifuges for producing
to send a signal to US
its way. enriched uranium, as well as
negotiators that time was not on
two test cascades containing 30
After a week of fruitful their side. According to the
IR-5 and 30 IR-6S centrifuges,
discussions between the parties International Atomic Energy
respectively. Rouhani also
to the Joint Comprehensive Agency, Iran was operating
oversaw the initiation of tests of
Program of Action – the 5,060 first-generation IR-1
its latest-generation IR-9
JCPOA, better known as the centrifuges and 348 second-
centrifuges, and participated in
Iranian nuclear agreement – generation IR-2 centrifuges at
a ceremony marking the
and the United States (who, Natanz. The IR-2 centrifuge is
opening of a new underground
since May 2018, was no longer roughly four times as efficient
centrifuge assembly facility
a party, and as such sat in as an as the older IR-1, while the
intended to replace one which
observer), it looked as if the US newly installed IR-6
had been destroyed in July 2020
and Iran had agreed to a centrifuges are ten times more
by an explosion that has been
mutually accepted outcome: the efficient.
attributed to Israel.
lifting of all nuclear-related
Left unconstrained, Iran would
sanctions imposed by the US in All the actions undertaken at
be able to blow past the so-
exchange for Iran returning to the Natanz uranium enrichment
called “one year breakout
full compliance with its facility were technical
window” which drives the
obligations under the terms of violations of the JCPOA.
entire logic of the JCPOA
the JCPOA. The devil was in However, Iran maintains that its
restrictions to begin with –
the details, however. And by actions are consistent with
namely the time it would take
week’s end there was no Article 26 of the agreement,
for Iran, once it ceased
agreed-upon formula regarding which states that if the US
complying with the restrictions
the sequence of events imposes new nuclear-related
imposed by the deal, to acquire
concerning the actions needed sanctions on Iran, that act
enough fissile material to
to be taken by both parties to would constitute “grounds (for
produce a single nuclear
fulfil their respective Iran) to cease performing its
requirements. There was not commitments under this
even a timeframe. JCPOA in whole or in part.” Iran’s “National Nuclear
Technology Day'' activities
While the diplomats worked to Saturday’s events were but the
coincided with the visit by US
come up with a solution latest in a series of measures
Secretary of Defense Lloyd
acceptable to all parties, on undertaken by Iran to stop
Austin to Israel, where Iran’s
Saturday Iran celebrated what it complying with the restrictions
nuclear program and the
calls “National Nuclear imposed under the terms of the
ongoing negotiations regarding
Technology Day”, marking JCPOA, all of which –
the JCPOA topped the list of
eleven years of mastering the according to Iran – would be
issues to be discussed.
nuclear fuel cycle. Iran’s “immediately reversible”

In remarks delivered alongside control rooms responsible for it would take under Article 26
Austin on Sunday, Israel’s the monitoring and operation of would be immediately
Defense Minister, Benny Iran’s centrifuges. No one was reversible once the US rejoined
Gantz, declared that the US- reported killed or injured as a the JCPOA. This is most likely
Israeli relationship “is built on direct result of the attack, and the outcome desired by Israel –
trust, which has developed over there were no reports of any creating the conditions under
decades of cooperation”, noting radiation leaks or other which Iran would be acting out
that Israel will work closely environmental damage. in a manner inconsistent with
with “American allies, to its obligations under the deal,
The attack reportedly destroyed
ensure that any new agreement and making it difficult, if not
a large number of IR-1
with Iran will secure the vital impossible, to abide by its
centrifuges, along with
interests of the world and the previous commitment that
numerous “advanced”
United States, prevent a every action it took under
centrifuges, most likely the IR-
dangerous arms race in our Article 26 would be
2 and IR-6 models. Iranian
region and protect the State of “immediately reversible.”
sources estimated that the
Iranian enrichment program Israel’s alleged attack on
For his part, Secretary Austin would be set back by up to nine Natanz is reprehensible on any
reiterated the long-standing US months as a result of the number of levels. Had it taken
position that Israel was a damage. place one day earlier, it could
“major strategic partner” whose have killed a large number of
relationship with the US “is senior technicians, nuclear
central to regional stability and According to Iranian media scientists and politicians who
security in the Middle East”, sources close to the country’s were at the site celebrating
concluding that the US security establishment, a “National Nuclear Technology
“commitment to Israel is perpetrator “who caused the Day”. Even if Israel
enduring and it is ironclad.” shutdown of electricity” has deliberately timed its attack to
been identified, and Iranian avoid such a scenario, the fact
Even as these two officials were
authorities have ascertained that Israel had the capacity to
giving voice to their mutual
how and why the explosion carry out such an attack is
assurances of trust and fidelity,
occurred and measures have sobering.
Israel was allegedly plotting
been taken to “restore the
behind the backs of their If any other nation in the world
facility to full capacity.”
erstwhile American allies, attacked a functioning uranium
carrying out a covert attack on Herein lies the rub – Iran has enrichment facility operating
Iran’s Natanz facility. indicated that it will replace the under IAEA safeguards, it
destroyed IR-1 centrifuges with would be rightly condemned,
While the Israeli government
“advanced” designs which are and harsh measures taken in
has not officially taken credit
incompatible with its retaliation. Israel, however,
for the attack, the Israeli media,
obligations under the JCPOA. operates under the umbrella of
citing official government
It has also indicated that it will diplomatic immunity provided
sources, has reported that the
be moving its advanced by the US. As such, Israel is
Israeli intelligence service,
enrichment capability out of untouchable, no matter how
Mossad, was behind a
Natanz and into the hardened egregious its actions – even
cyberattack which produced a
underground facility at Fordow. when, as is the case here, they
large explosion that destroyed
infringe on the diplomatic and
the internal power system that Such measures reflect a more
national security imperatives
supplied power to the Natanz permanent posture and are
and priorities of the US.
facility, causing a ceiling to antithetical to Iran’s previous
collapse on one of the main assurances that every measure

In a sign that the attack on Writer is a former US Marine implementing the INF Treaty,
Natanz facility may not have Corps intelligence officer and in General Schwarzkopf’s staff
succeeded in sabotaging the author of 'SCORPION KING: during the Gulf War, and from
US-Iranian negotiations on the America's Suicidal Embrace of 1991-1998 as a UN weapons
JCPOA, both the US and Iran Nuclear Weapons from FDR to inspector.
have indicated that talks in Trump.' He served in the Soviet
Vienna will resume this week. Union as an inspector

Next stop, the apocalypse? The bumbling Biden administration’s

claim to fame may be jumpstarting World War III

Robert Bridge, Russia Today

ince Biden’s

Donbass, where a civil war has The current battle is not over
inauspicious rise to been raging for seven years geographical conquest, but
power, the world has between pro-Russian forces rather for access to Europe’s
become littered with hotspots and Kiev. Meanwhile, it is lucrative energy sector.
from Ukraine to China where a Ukrainian President Washington refuses to sit by
major conflict could erupt at Volodymyr Zelensky who has idly as Moscow and Berlin put
any time. Is the US deep state abandoned the Minsk Protocol, the final touches on the Nord
desperate to make up for four the 2014 peace treaty, while Stream 2 gas pipeline, which, if
warless years? signing a decree on March 24 fulfilled, will see natural gas
that practically places Ukraine supplies flowing from Russia to
Coincidence or otherwise, the
on a war footing with Russia. Germany – without the highly
world feels like a much more
unpredictable Ukrainian
dangerous place since Joe And those aren’t the only
middleman – across the Baltic
Biden formally entered the inconvenient truths the Western
White House on January 20. media would rather its audience
Now that the ‘Make America not know about. Washington’s determination to
Great Again’ bumper sticker play spoiler was made clear last
On April 6, just days after
has been removed from the US month when US Secretary of
Zelensky had a lengthy
juggernaut, early indicators State Antony Blinken said on
telephone conversation with
point to a global joyride riddled the sidelines of a meeting with
US President Joe Biden, in
with dangerous standoffs and NATO’s Stoltenberg that the
which the US leader pledged
even full-blown hostilities that pipeline “is in contradiction to
America’s “unwavering
could spark the mother of all the EU’s own security goals.”
support,” Zelensky placed a call
conflagrations. One of the most Interesting how Washington
to NATO Secretary General
dangerous stops along this understands the EU’s “security
Jens Stoltenberg, in which he
highway to possible oblivion is goals” even better than Brussels
expressed Kiev’s desire to
playing out right now on does. And lest Germany failed
become a card-carrying
Russia’s doorstep. to take the hint, Blinken warned
member of the US-led military
Berlin of “possible sanctions”
For the average consumer of block. Just a coincidence, right?
should the project go to the
Western media junk food, the
“NATO is the only way to end joyous ribbon-cutting phase. In
simmering standoff between
the war in Donbass,” Zelensky other words, ‘free markets’
Ukraine and Russia has been
said, which may have been the were only designed primarily
reduced to snack-size bites,
funniest one-liner the former with US corporations in mind;
popularly sold to unsuspecting
actor-comedian has ever all other contenders, especially
consumers as ‘Russian
uttered in his career. Russia, need not apply.
aggression’. Toss away the
greasy bag, however, and the What Zelensky fails to Not only would Nord Stream 2
more discerning shopper will understand is that Kiev is being preclude the necessity of
discover that Moscow has in played as a pawn in the expensive US liquefied natural
fact steadfastly supported the perennial ‘Great Game’ gas (LNG) from being imported
conditions for peace in between the US and Russia. by the EU, it would turn

Brussels and Moscow into which Beijing considers to be Duterte, who relies on China
Washington’s worst nightmare, an integral part of the mainland. and Russia for its military
that is, bona-fide partners with However one may view that equipment instead of the United
a real incentive to remain on standoff, it was a stunningly States. Still, Washington
good terms. Such a geopolitical incompetent display of US largely ignores Duterte’s
turn of events has all the diplomacy, not least of all demonstrations, deferring to its
potential to eventually render because relations between own imperial interests.
NATO obsolete. Thus, we find Washington and Moscow are at
“An armed attack against the
Zelensky doing the dirty and their worst in decades. Does
Philippines’ armed forces,
extremely dangerous work of Washington really need two
public vessels or aircraft in the
Washington, militarizing the nuclear-armed adversaries at
Pacific, including in the South
Donbass while making the same time? It seems that
China Sea, will trigger our
aggressive overtures to somebody in the Biden
obligations under the US-
Moscow. administration needs to brush
Philippines Mutual Defense
up on their Sun Tzu.
The strategy is obvious – the Treaty,” State Department
Western media will dutifully One obvious problem with spokesman Ned Price told
set the stage for a potential war America lecturing other reporters.
between ‘peaceful’ Ukraine countries with regards to their
That comment reflects how
and ‘aggressive’ Russia, a false internal affairs is the
easily these extremely
narrative that may prove breathtaking hypocrisy. The
dangerous global standoffs
damaging enough to cancel offended Chinese diplomats did
could spiral out of control.
Nord Stream 2, while also not hesitate to remind their
keeping military spending American counterparts about Is the world truly a safer place
among NATO subjects at an Black Lives Matter protests, for with the US, the self-
all-time high. What the intrigue example, and illicit US military proclaimed ‘indispensable
reveals is Washington’s incursions abroad. In fact, less nation’, meddling in the affairs
willingness to risk the outbreak than three weeks after Biden’s of foreign states like a super
of a major conflict, possibly locked-down inauguration, cop? When it is considered how
even a world war, in order to where the soldiers much meddling is being done
maintain its economic and outnumbered guests by a on behalf of its own strategic
political hegemony over margin unfashionable for a advantage, the argument does
European capitals. democratic pageant, the USS not hold much water. More
McCain, a guided-missile worrying is what Washington’s
Russia, however, is not the only
destroyer, ventured through the reaction will be when a Chinese
military superpower that the
Taiwan Strait on a freedom- or Russian destroyer shows up
United States has decided to
loving mission, and despite in the Caribbean Sea one sunny
antagonize. Last month, in the
China’s claims on the territory. morning, amid calls to defend
Biden administration’s first
the cause of some declared
high-level meeting with Almost like clockwork, the
victim group either inside
Chinese officials, Secretary of reckless move on the part of the
America or beyond. That’s
State Blinken, with no lack of Biden administration forced a
when American hypocrisy will
irony, accused Beijing of reaction on the part of Beijing,
have really come full circle.
“threatening the rules-based which began sailing naval
order that maintains global vessels near the Philippines.
stability.” Although the Pacific
Robert Bridge is an American
archipelago nation has been a
Blinken was referring to writer and journalist. He is the
longtime US ally, its
China’s long and tumultuous author of 'Midnight in the
allegiances have fallen into
relationship with Taiwan, American Empire,'.
doubt under President Rodrigo
The virus’s latest attack

Arifa noor, Dawn

OON after the this time around, South Asia found it hard to convince
vaccination drive was hasn’t been lucky. Consider the people to adhere to social
opened for elderly figures provided by World in distancing. In Pakistan for
citizens, I asked a few Data, on April 7; the positivity example, much has been said
colleagues if they were ratio in Bangladesh, Iran, about the absence of masks in
planning to take their parents Pakistan and India is 22.6 per public places and the big
for a shot anytime soon. Except cent, 19.4pc, 9.6pc and 9.1pc gatherings for weddings which
for one notable exception, respectively. have played a role in the spread.
whose parents didn’t fall in the
For perspective, consider the India has been covered more
right age category, the rest said
positivity rate in the earlier extensively in the international
that their parents (and a
wave. Bangladesh didn’t see press in the current wave. A
grandparent or two) were not
similar numbers till August story in the Financial Times
willing. I was taken aback to
2020. And India till July. And says, “ took just six weeks
say the least — after all, most of
by then, Pakistan was already for the daily new infections to
these colleagues had spent the
on its way down after having surge by a magnitude that took
past year working in or around
experienced the highest rate in three months last year”. Like
a news studio where they had
the region (its upsurge as well Pakistan, big weddings have
heard constant and incessant
as the decline was the steepest played a role and so has
discussion about the pandemic,
of the four countries). But this electioneering, say news
as we interviewed doctors and
time around, the upswing in the reports.
health experts in Pakistan and
rate for Bangladesh, India and
around the world. They were all The vaccination efforts, so far,
Pakistan seems to be roughly
aware of the virus and the risks have not been enough to affect
similar — beginning towards
it brought and yet some in their the spread — even though
the end of February. However,
families thought otherwise. vaccination numbers in India
the rate is far higher in
None of them expressed any and Bangladesh are higher than
Bangladesh and Iran while
discomfort with the idea of Pakistan’s, this has had no
India and Pakistan are behind.
vaccination but the parents impact, it seems, on the spike.
were reluctant — and they The rapid rise this time around
However, unlike India,
didn’t know how to convince is being attributed to the new,
Pakistan’s decision-making
them otherwise. If this is a more infectious variant as well
through a single platform of
situation in a news channel’s as fatigue which is making it
NCOC does help; in the former,
office, one can only imagine hard for people to continue
the state governments and the
what the rest are thinking. using precautionary measures.
federal sometimes appear to be
Government officials
No wonder that the vaccination at odds. According to the NYT,
acknowledge this during
drive is the biggest challenge at federal officials have blamed
interviews as well as at media
the moment, especially as the state governments for
briefings organised by the
new variant — or is it variants? mismanagement. But another
NCOC. In addition, local
— sweeps across Pakistan. lockdown like the one last year
administrations are also facing
Indeed, it’s not just Pakistan but has been ruled out.
similar fatigue cracking down
the entire region, which had
on citizens. Pakistan too seems averse to a
escaped the kind of havoc
national-level lockdown; in an
witnessed in, for example, This has been a constant across
NCOC briefing last week, it
Europe, or the US since the the world — as infections rose
was said that the restrictions
beginning of the pandemic. But in the third wave, governments

(non-pharmaceutical But alongside the limited stopped export of the vaccine as

interventions, as they are called restrictions, the government is its own cases went up. It is now
in the NCOC) are having an counting on the expansion of expected around May but what
effect. However, better results the vaccination drive to provide if the numbers in India continue
in terms of hospitalisations and the real break in the spread of to rise? Would the export of the
deaths will not be evident for a the virus. However, here the vaccine be stopped again?
couple of weeks. problem is twofold — the first
Along with the challenges of
Hospitalisations, according to challenge is the reluctance of
the vaccination drive, there is
NCOC numbers, are higher the people and the second is the
another one looming large.
than the first wave but there are availability of the vaccine. With
Ramazan is about to begin and
fewer stories in the press and most of the Western supplies
it will be followed by Eid. Last
anecdotally of patients not tied up by wealthier
year, the shopping frenzy in the
being able to find beds. This is governments, there is a limited
last days of Ramazan led to the
partly due to the capacity of the supply of vaccine, mostly
spate of infections we term the
health system, which, says the Chinese and Russian, which
first peak. The positivity rate
government, increased can be bought. According to
then was the highest Pakistan
throughout 2020. But the NCOC chairman Asad Umar,
has witnessed so far — how
numbers are nonetheless the issue is not the payment but
will the government deal with it
putting pressure on the health the availability. A major
this year? Perhaps, the
system in the more affected setback in this regard has been
precautions we take and the
parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. the delay in the stocks promised
restrictions the government
And even at the time of writing, by Covax, a global initiative
imposes over the coming weeks
there were reports that a aimed at equitable access to the
will determine what the days
lockdown in Lahore was being vaccine, to be provided in
leading up to Eid will look like.
considered. March. The Indian government

Like the Cheshire cat’s grin

Jawed Naqvi, Dawn

JOURNALIST friend The people fell for the illusion party. In 1984, the Congress
has written a whole and believed the emperor was won an unparalleled 404 seats
new book to caution going to stake his life for the and the party got more than
that a cultural revolution is glory of Rome. And while 50pc votes in 17 states. Was
underway in India led by Commodus won a series of there a cultural revolution or an
Hindutva. Let’s reserve bloody combats plunging the ideological wave underway led
comment and ponder an sword through his opponents’ by the Congress? And then it
alternative perspective instead hearts, which sent the crowds fizzled out.
about the country under Prime into delirium, his ploy went
Comparisons have been made,
Minister Narendra Modi’s unnoticed. His opponents
including by well-meaning
watch. Consider the compelling comprised pliant slaves who
analysts, between Indians today
possibility that the cultural were quietly forced to fight
and the German people in the
frenzy supposedly coursing with a blunt wooden sword that
1930s who became Nazi
through India’s rippling sinews could no more than scratch the
supporters overnight. India has
since Modi’s ascent as a saffron skin of the emperor dressed as a
not come to that pass, not yet,
mascot is really a well- gladiator. Wearing a lion’s head
and is not likely to in the
orchestrated myth quite likely instead of a crown as he entered
foreseeable future. History will
spun by powerful but very the stadium, Commodus
bear this out. Did Hitler ever
threatened political and likened himself to the
praise the gypsies in Romania
business interests. Facts on the legendary Hercules, which
or speak Hebrew in Poland?
ground reveal Mr Modi’s involved erecting many gold
No, he didn’t whereas Mr Modi
exaggerated sense of political statues of him in that image. In
did in a manner of speaking. To
invincibility propagated by his India’s case the blunt sword is
canvass support in the state
cohorts and accepted by him the opiated and delusional
polls now underway, he
without demur. opposition.
underplayed and occasionally
Sleight of hand should not be Blunt facts challenge the feared erased from his midst his
equated with an earthshaking cultural upheaval. The 2019 preferred revivalist ideology.
moment like Mao’s Cultural elections threw up after a long
Had there been a Hindutva
Revolution. A truer imagery for time a single party that secured
wave would Mr Modi be
what may be afoot in India can more than 50 per cent votes.
seeking the blessings of modern
be more readily seen in an The BJP did that in 13 states
India’s ace anti-bigotry public
unremarkable phase in the last and union territories. However,
intellectual Rabindranath
days of ancient Rome. Emperor in 1971, the Congress got more
Tagore in West Bengal? Modi
Commodus for the first time in than 50pc votes in 12 states
and the BJP did this, often to
Rome’s history went into the under Indira Gandhi by
the pointed exclusion of the
Coliseum as a gladiator. The winning 352 of the Lok Sabha’s
founder of the BJP in its avatar
idea was to win the people’s 518 seats. And she didn’t need
as Bharatiya Jan Sangh,
support after mishandling the to send air force bombers across
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
economy, which had set off the borders to win. In 1980,
Then again, the prime minister
exploding bread riots. Mrs. Gandhi won 353 seats out
of Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan
of 542 with 13 states giving
fame was found struggling with
more than 50pc votes to the

English while addressing the violence — verbally and democracy. BJP leader L.K.
crowds in Tamil Nadu. He also physically — with chilling Advani records in his memoirs
attempted salutations in Bangla videos that are then circulated that Indira Gandhi asked the
in rallies against Mamata to terrorise the TV-addicted media to bend, and they
Banerjee. Ergo: no Hindi here. middle classes, indicate mass crawled. That habit has
support or state support for evidently stayed. False praise or
Given the magic of the
street crime? There’s a flattery cannot be coterminous
multicultural and multilingual
significant difference between with popularity.
country that India is, it’s hardly
the two.
surprising that Hindutva Perhaps the most
ideologues are reduced to Add to the mix an unalloyed overwhelming evidence that
faffing about a mythical past reliance on near-total Hindutva is shackled by its
that looks hard to connect to the monopoly on media to purvey a overreach in larger India comes
present leave alone to the ruler’s monologues. In most from the realm of the beef
future. Indira Gandhi set up the democracies, the media is debate. It’s easy to lynch Pehlu
vaccines’ facility that are constructed around social and Khan and others in the
helping the country and others, political fault lines. Media government’s cow-saving spree
not Baba Ramdev. rivalries make for a debate, not in north Indian states. Is there
necessarily reflecting the popular support for this
Moreover, in a country
plurality of an entire canvas, brutality? No. What then
witnessing a Hindutva wave,
but there’s a debate explains the obvious reluctance
would the BJP need the smash-
nevertheless. to impose a beef ban in BJP-
and-grab seizure of opposition-
ruled Tripura, Goa, Assam and
run state governments through In Modi’s India what passes for
other north-eastern states? Try
inducements to MLAs? If dominant media, and an
pursuing it in the south, and the
venality of politics passes for extremely handy media at that,
roaring cultural revolution will
popularity, it is just that, not to is revealed in the pusillanimity
hang in the air momentarily like
be confused with social change, of journalists who play to the
the Cheshire cat’s grin, before
leave alone a cultural machinations of wilful rulers.
fading into oblivion.
revolution. If anything, does the This is not the first time the
constant need to conjure street media has let down India’s

Killing our own children

Muhammad Hamid Zaman, Express Tribune

here is no great river of international conspiracy cities, (even those famed for
progress springing from maligning the great giving us the most progressive
Ratodero. In fact, as far progressives of Sindh, let it be leaders!), a continued threat
as health of young innocent known that several local looms large. What is to say that
children is concerned, it is a sea journalists, in print and on TV, a community that is unable to
of evil. The party claiming the have been talking about the protect its weakest from reused
banner of progress and equality story for at least two years. The needles in HIV treatment will
— that has been in power in result is the same — screaming do any better for Covid? What
Sindh for nearly a generation — and shouting from some local is to say that a few months or
is complicit and guilty in killing health officials, denial from years from now, we will not be
the children of Ratodero. There others, and hollow and empty losing our people and our future
is no accountability, plan, or promises from the top to medical malpractices and
vision to tackle an HIV leadership. malice towards the poor that
outbreak that is spinning out of continue to proliferate in the
Shame on all of them.
control. Instead of remorse, and heartland? And that takes me to
a resolve to change, what we The spread of the disease my final point: while health
hear is denial, blaming others among children is through may be a provincial matter,
and deflection. Maybe this is malpractice which, in this decency is not. What is
what progress in the 21st particular case, happens to be stopping the Governor of Sindh
century looks like. through reusing injection to say that this is unacceptable?
needles. There is no technical What is stopping more
The HIV outbreak — which is
complexity here, no new members of the provincial and
likely to lead to thousands of
science to be discovered. National Assembly to say how
preventable deaths of innocent
Needles are not expensive, and we can let this happen to our
young children in the district
there is absolutely no reason for own and that we need to have
that has produced the
them to be reused, except if the an inquiry and a commission to
successive leaders of the party
doctors, nurses and health staff fix this right now? What is
in power in Sindh — was in the
are simply not qualified to be in stopping the powerful talk-
news yet again. This time, in a
the sacred profession, and those show hosts and talking heads to
long read by a physician-writer
in charge of cracking down on keep this issue in the news, and
and professor at Columbia
the malpractice not concerned pressure the provincial health
University, Dr Helen Ouyang.
about the lives of poor children. authorities to change course?
It is hard not to cry or scream in
What is stopping all of us to
anger while reading the story Shame on all of them.
demand that this can no longer
that was published in The New
As we slowly try to inch our be the norm, and that children
York Times on March 31, 2021,
way out of Covid, our best bet in Larkana and in every village,
(titled, “The City Losing Its
is through vaccination. There is and small town and large city
Children to HIV”). The writing
no question that the vaccination cannot be killed by our
is sharp, the imagery vivid and
rollout in the country has been corruption and negligence?
the message clear: we are
painfully slow, chaotic and the
killing our own children. But And if we do not have the will
direction remains murky. But
before the nationalists jump to a or the time to do it — shame on
given what happens in our
conclusion about an all of us.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative Should Be on the World Bank and
IMF’s Agenda

David Sacks and Max Yoeli, CFR

he Spring Meetings of good news. The bad news, as as fears grow that the country
the World Bank Group our recent Council on Foreign will be unable to repay China
and International Relations Independent Task for its disastrously unprofitable
Monetary Fund (IMF) convene Force points out, is that BRI $4.7 billion railway.
virtually this week against the also contributes to economic
The COVID-19 pandemic
backdrop of a historic health instability. China’s lending
struck when many BRI partners
crisis and an uneven economic practices have increased
were at their most vulnerable:
recovery. The COVID-19 indebtedness to alarming levels
projects had not yet begun to
pandemic precipitated the most in some BRI partner nations.
pay for themselves, and
serious economic downturn Because they enjoy state
countries started facing debt
since the Great Depression, backing, China’s state-owned
payments alongside increased
causing the global economy to commercial and policy banks
healthcare and social
contract by 3.5 percent last can relax lending criteria and
expenditures, even as state
year. While some countries are finance projects that nobody
revenues plummeted. As a
beginning to bounce back, else will, even as they generally
result, many countries have
emerging market and lend on commercial rather than
found it difficult to repay their
developing economies face a concessional terms. As a result,
BRI loans, increasing the risk
longer recovery, as many lack China has funded many large
of debt crises. Should these
access to vaccines and the fiscal projects that cannot pay for
materialize, ailing countries
space to deploy significant themselves, leading host
will be forced to make painful
economic stimulus. countries to become
tradeoffs. Meanwhile, debt
overextended and economically
As the World Bank and IMF distress boosts China’s
seek to put the world economy geopolitical leverage over
on a more stable footing and Even before COVID-19, the partner nations, especially
promote sustainable growth, World Bank estimated that given Beijing’s practice of
there is one issue they cannot nearly one-third of BRI using foreign assets as loan
ignore: China’s Belt and Road countries were at high risk of collateral. While it is unlikely
Initiative (BRI). China’s debt distress. Although BRI is China will seize infrastructure,
massive global infrastructure just one factor behind such debt that very possibility may lead
program has increased debt pressure, there is no doubt that countries to defer to China on
levels to a worrying extent in its megaprojects have deepened political or strategic issues, to
many developing countries, the macroeconomic plight of the detriment of the United
threatening to hinder their many nations. In Pakistan, the States.
economic recovery. The $62 billion China-Pakistan
BRI borrower nations clearly
Bretton Woods institutions Economic Corridor helped
need relief, and many have
need to confront this issue precipitate a balance of
sought it directly (see the chart
head-on, rather than sweeping it payments crisis, necessitating a
above). Before COVID-19,
under the rug. $6 billion IMF bailout. Sri
Malaysia and Myanmar
Lanka, unable to make debt
BRI meets significant renegotiated unsustainable
payments to its Chinese
development needs, by funding deals, and countries from
creditors, handed over control
and building physical and Serbia to Thailand delayed,
of a port for 99 years. Kenya
digital infrastructure projects shrunk, or cancelled BRI
offers another cautionary tale,
around the world. That is the projects. Since the pandemic

began, however, newly urgent overseas lending and advocate marshal multilateral pressure
requests for debt assistance for improved transparency in on China to treat BRI-related
have found only limited BRI projects, which would help claims as official debt, subject
success. China rarely cancels ensure more reliable to generous restructuring terms.
debt, instead opting to increase macroeconomic oversight. The Finally, the United States and
loan maturity, reschedule World Bank should also begin its partners should implore
payments, and extend new the process of returning the China, the world’s largest
credit. focus of its lending activities to official creditor, to join the
infrastructure to ensure that Paris Club so that during the
China’s lending practices make
countries with legitimate next crisis it cannot pursue
it difficult for borrower nations
financing needs have a high- opaque bilateral consultations.
to obtain—or even seek—
standards alternative to BRI.
relief. Beijing regularly insists The Spring Meetings should
The United States could
on confidentiality clauses that address BRI’s pitfalls and
encourage this shift by
prevent borrowers from advance policies to help put
advocating for recapitalization
disclosing the terms of debt, BRI countries on the path
of the World Bank and other
and sometimes its very toward recovery and
multilateral development
existence. Chinese lending sustainable growth. The United
contracts often prohibit States should work with its
collective restructuring Following the Spring Meetings, partners under the auspices of
processes, including through the United States should work the World Bank and IMF to
the Paris Club. And China also with like-minded countries in offer an alternative to BRI and
inserts expansive cross-default, the IMF to make clear that the press China to improve its
stabilization, and other contract Fund will not bail out nations lending practices—to protect
clauses that allow it to demand that take on unsustainable debt against macroeconomic
immediate repayment should a through BRI. At the same time, instability, promote higher
host country take an action the United States should standards of development
deemed contrary to Chinese support coordinated efforts to cooperation, and boost the
interests. provide some relief to nations nascent economic recovery.
that have become
The Spring Meetings offer an
overextended. This should
opportunity to shine a light on
include extending through the Jennifer Hillman and David
China’s problematic lending
end of the year the G20’s Debt Sacks are codirectors of the
practices and its inadequate
Service Suspension Initiative, CFR-sponsored Independent
response to rising debt across
which currently permits Task Force on a U.S. Response
BRI nations, which risk
seventy-three eligible countries to China’s Belt and Road
undermining the nascent global
to suspend debt-service Initiative, which is co-chaired
economic recovery. The World
payments through June 2021. by Jacob J. Lew and Gary
Bank and IMF should press
The United States should also Roughead.
China to publish data on its

Post-Coup Myanmar Could Become a Failed State

Joshua Kurlantzick, World Politics Review
n the days after Myanmar’s

children. Some 2,700 people even neighboring India and
military staged a coup on have reportedly been arrested. China.
Feb. 1, it likely hoped to
While the anti-coup resistance The Tatmadaw apparently
consolidate power with
movement remains largely failed to anticipate the
minimal bloodshed. Having
peaceful, the military’s resilience of the anti-coup
overthrown the elected
brutality has caused some protesters, the resistance of
government led by Aung San
demonstrators to shift tactics, ethnic armies, or the fact that it
Suu Kyi, the Tatmadaw, as the
trading in their slogans and would get little cover from
armed forces are known in
placards for makeshift weapons other countries, save China and
Myanmar, set out to create a
like slingshots, air guns and Russia. Yet for all its
managed democracy like
even Molotov cocktails. As for weaknesses, the Tatmadaw
neighboring Thailand’s, with
the armed ethnic groups that the enjoys high levels of unity and
an electoral system that
junta had hoped to woo, many institutional cohesion. Soldiers
guarantees victory for military-
of them have declared past are indoctrinated from an early
aligned parties and their allies.
cease-fires null and void age through an intense
The coup leader, Gen. Min because of the coup, and some propaganda effort, and internal
Aung Hlaing, probably hoped are launching new offensives. incentives prevent large-scale
that neighboring states and defections. At this point, the
There appears to be no clear
possibly even the world’s junta is unlikely to yield to
endpoint or offramp to the
leading democracies would protesters’ demands that Suu
violence, which is causing
eventually recognize Kyi’s government be
public services and other state
Myanmar’s new government. reinstated; apparently, it would
functions to collapse in parts of
Indeed, as protests erupted rather preside over a failed state
the country. Much of Myanmar,
across the country in the coup’s than give way to a solution that
particularly its ethnic minority-
immediate aftermath, security allows for better governance
dominated borderlands, was
forces responded at first with but dilutes the military’s power.
already difficult to govern due
crowd control efforts rather One Western diplomat told The
to decades of civil strife. As I
than the widespread use of Irrawaddy, an independent
wrote in an article for the
lethal force. The junta even news outlet based in Thailand,
journal Current History in
tried to gain the support of that the situation resembles the
2011, Myanmar had the
some of Myanmar’s ethnic civil war in Syria. Like that
potential to become a failed
armed groups, many of which country’s dictator, Bashar al-
state even then. Ten years later,
had signed cease-fire Assad, Min Aung Hlaing and
that prospect could easily
agreements with Suu Kyi’s his fellow generals are “open to
become reality, even in major
government. destroying the country to
cities like Yangon and
protect themselves,” the
But over the past two months, Mandalay. A civil war across
diplomat said.
the growing anger and the country also seems
resilience of the protesters have increasingly likely, one that There are troubling signs of
made clear that the could spark a massive escalating conflict in
demonstrations are not going to humanitarian emergency and a Myanmar’s outer-lying
stop. In response, the new refugee crisis. If not provinces. Two of the most
Tatmadaw has stepped up its contained, such a conflict could powerful armed groups, the
repression, killing at least 700 destabilize other parts of Kachin Independence Army
people, including dozens of mainland Southeast Asia and and the Karen National Union,

have attacked military outposts Union. And in some residential With the economy devastated,
in recent weeks. And the areas, security forces are the financial system collapsing
and food prices rising, an
Arakan Army, a hard-line carrying out nighttime raids, untold number of people will
Buddhist militia that is active in going door-to-door to round up fall into poverty and hunger;
western Rakhine state, suspected demonstrators and COVID-19 is likely spreading
condemned the coup in a subjecting them to beatings, as well. As the violence
persists, refugees are going to
statement last month, adding detentions or, in some cases, pour across Myanmar’s borders
that “the oppressed ethnic summary executions. With a in larger numbers, causing
people as a whole will continue steady supply of weaponry and significant challenges for
to fight for their freedom from materiel from Russia and its receiving states like Thailand,
Bangladesh, India and parts of
oppression.” own factories, the Tatmadaw is China. Bangladesh, in
in no danger of running out of particular, already hosts
By some estimates, the ethnic hundreds of thousands of ethnic
armies have a total of 75,000 Rohingya refugees who have
soldiers under their For now, though, neither the fled persecution. Many of these
command—fewer than the military nor the protesters nor countries have no desire to take
people in from Myanmar, but
Tatmadaw’s roughly 350,000, the ethnic militias seem capable they will likely have little
but still a sizable number. The of gaining a major advantage. choice. If not carefully
volatile situation could also Instead, Myanmar seems managed, new camps for
spark renewed fighting poised for an increasingly refugees and displaced people
could breed anger and despair,
between rival armed groups, bloody stalemate, though with providing new recruits to
causing even greater chaos in fighting stretching across the trafficking organizations and
the countryside. For example, country. The junta has largely armed groups.
the biggest ethnic army, the shut down the internet, but So far, the international
30,000-strong United Wa State reports of urban battles are community has responded to
Army—which controls emerging. Frontier Myanmar, the situation mainly by trying to
territory in the northeast and is one of the last remaining pressure Myanmar’s military
leaders through economic
also allegedly one of the biggest independent news outlets in the sanctions. But these measures
drug trafficking organizations country, recently reported that have apparently not had an
in the world—might use the one police officer who had impact thus far. Instead, the
power vacuum to try and apparently joined the resistance lack of foreign investment
means the junta will likely turn
consolidate or expand the used hand grenades to kill five to illicit revenue-generating
territory it controls. other members of the security activities, like narcotics and
forces. In another incident, a human trafficking. It remains
As some protesters in cities and unlikely that nearby states will
protester detonated a landmine
towns begin to adopt more intervene directly to prop up
in an apparent effort to harm a one actor or another, turning
violent tactics, there is also the
group of soldiers, who then shot Myanmar into a proxy war like
prospect of urban armed the ones that were common in
at protesters in retaliation.
resistance or even guerilla mainland Southeast Asia
Frontier Myanmar reported that during the Cold War. Still, if
warfare. Some protesters have
these were just some of the instability rises in Myanmar,
met with members of the ethnic
multiple violent encounters that regional powers may feel the
militias to learn their tactics. need to intervene more
are increasingly common
This is likely to prompt an even assertively. All of this means
between security forces and that the situation in Myanmar
more heavy-handed response
protesters across the country. could easily get much worse
from the military, which
A prolonged period of civil before it gets better.
recently conducted airstrikes
against the Karen National unrest in Myanmar will
certainly affect its neighbors.

India and the great power triangle of Russia, China and US

C. Raja Mohan, The Indian Express

he recent visit of treaty of alliance in 1950. become a part of the political
Russian foreign minister Russia not only invested West. But disappointed with the
Sergei Lavrov to Delhi massively in the economic Western response, Russia
and Islamabad is among modernisation of China, but turned to build a stronger
multiple signs of India’s also gave it technology that partnership with China.
changing relations with the made it easier for Beijing to
Stepping back to the 1960s and
great powers. The others become a nuclear weapon
1970s, China strongly objected
include the dramatic rise of power.
to Delhi’s partnership with
China and Beijing’s new
However, by the 1960s, the two Moscow (much in the manner
assertiveness. At the same time,
communist states were at each that Beijing complains about
Delhi’s growing strategic
other’s throats, arguing about India’s relations with America
partnerships with the US and
ideology and a lot else. today). In a pithy but vulgar
Europe have begun to end
Dispelling the illusions that summary of Delhi-Moscow
India’s prolonged alienation
communist states don’t fight ties, Mao Zedong described
from the West. Meanwhile,
with each other, the armies of them as the Russian bear
New Delhi’s own relative
Russia and China fought each mounting the Indian cow.
weight in the international
other on their frontier in 1969. Although the Indo-Russian
system continues to increase
The Sino-Soviet split had strategic liaison endured, it was
and give greater breadth and
consequences way beyond their never without its share of
depth to India’s foreign policy.
bilateral relations. None of problems that Delhi had to cope
Change is the only permanent them more important than the with.
feature of the world and Delhi efforts by both Moscow and
Russia, which today resents
has no reason to be sentimental Beijing to woo Washington.
India’s growing strategic
about the past. Consider, for
The break-up between Russia warmth with the US, has its
example, the shifts in the
and China also opened space own long history of
triangular relations between
for Delhi against Beijing after collaboration with Washington.
Russia, China and America. If
the 1962 war in the Himalayas. Moscow and Washington were
you like to pick nits, you could
As Sino-Russian relations allies in defeating Hitler’s
argue with Lavrov’s claim in
worsened in the 1960s along Germany and in constructing
Delhi last week about relations
with the deterioration of India’s the post-War Yalta system on
between Moscow and Beijing
relations with China, Delhi and which the current world order
being in their best-ever phase
Moscow found common rests. The alliance between
today. They were probably
interest in balancing Beijing. Washington and Moscow,
even better in the 1950s when
That did not last too long however, quickly degenerated
Russia and China were
though. into a Cold War by the late
ideological soulmates united by
expansive economic and Under intense American
security cooperation. pressure on Russia in the 1980s, But by the turn of the 1960s,
Moscow sought to normalise Russia was seeking peaceful
The leaders of the two nations
ties with Beijing. After the coexistence with America.
— Joseph Stalin and Mao
collapse of the Soviet Union, Together, Moscow and
Zedong — signed a formal
Moscow’s first instinct was to Washington laid the

foundations for nuclear arms the perceived threat from not going to be “best friends
control and sought to develop a Russia. He was merely forever”. Nor will America’s
new framework for shared following the old Chinese ties with China and Russia
global leadership. dictum of “aligning with the far remain permanently frozen.
to balance the near”. His Delhi has successfully
Delhi was happy to welcome
successor, Deng Xiaoping, managed the past flux in the
Russia’s repeated veto in the
refused to extend the 1950 great power politics; it is even
United Nations Security
security treaty with Russia that better positioned today to deal
Council against Anglo-
expired in 1980. with potential changes among
American interventions on the
the great powers, thanks to the
Kashmir question. But it was Deng turned, instead, towards
size of the Indian economy — it
anxious about the dangers of a building a solid economic
is the sixth-largest in the world
potential US-Russian global partnership with the US and the
— and a more broad-based
condominium. This is not very West that helped accelerate
foreign policy.
different from Delhi’s worries China’s rise as a great power.
these days about America and Today, the Chinese economy is In the last few years, India has
China setting up a G-2 over nine times larger than that of finally overcome its historic
Asia and the world. Russia. If Moscow was the big hesitations in partnering with
brother in the 1950s, Beijing is the US. Delhi has also
Delhi was especially concerned
the senior partner today. It is a intensified its efforts to woo
about the Nuclear
reminder that power balances European powers, especially
Nonproliferation Treaty
will inevitably change over France. Prime Minister Boris
system, with all its constraints
time. Johnson’s visit to Delhi later
on India’s atomic options, that
this month promises a fresh
Moscow and Washington Despite all their venting on
start in India’s difficult
constructed in the late 1960s. India joining an “Asian Nato”,
postcolonial ties with Britain.
Many other global and regional China and Russia have not
India is also expanding its ties
issues, including Russian stopped seeking special
with Asian middle powers like
interventions in Hungary, bilateral relationships of their
Japan, Korea and Australia.
Czechoslovakia and own with America. The
Afghanistan, created political problem is not about principle, The current troubles with China
difficulties for India. Delhi but the difficulty of finding seem to be an unfortunate
never relished Moscow’s ideas acceptable terms of exception to the upswing in
on “Asian collective security”. accommodation with India’s bilateral ties with global
China was even more visceral Washington. Delhi has no actors. What about Russia?
in its denunciation of the US- reason to rule out important Despite the current differences
Soviet detente in the 1960s and changes in the way the US, over Afghanistan and the Indo-
1970s. But Mao’s answer was Russia and China relate to each Pacific, Delhi and Moscow
not in staying away from both, other in the near and medium- have no reason to throw away
but in leaning towards America. term. their mutually beneficial
bilateral partnership. To be
Although he fought a costly The twists and turns in the
sure, their relations with third
Korean War with the US in the triangular dynamic between
parties like China and America
early 1950s, Mao had no America, Russia and China
are evolving. But none of that
difficulty cosying up to noted above should remind us
change is impossible for Delhi
Washington in 1971 to counter that Moscow and Beijing are
to manage.

What is behind the growing tensions in Ukraine?

Leonid Ragozin, Aljazeera

ver the past few weeks, to be a preparation of imminent in Washington, was quick to
Russia has been invasion. Their enhanced suggest that the war in
amassing troops at the visibility has made some Nagorno-Karabakh opened a
Ukrainian border, triggering observers conclude that they possibility of a military solution
alarm in Kyiv and European are meant as intimidation rather in Donbas, while peace talks
Union capitals. Kremlin- than outright aggression. were a road to nowhere.
controlled TV channels have Incidentally, both Karabakh
From the Russian perspective,
been busy preparing the public and Ukraine talks take place at
however, the Kremlin is being
in Russia for a fresh outbreak of the same venue – Minsk,
reactive, not proactive, in the
war. Alarmingly jingoistic Belarus.
face of a newly emerging
statements are being made on
threat. The amassing of troops
various talk shows, with hosts
is the Kremlin’s heavy-handed
and guests suggesting the The Minsk agreements were
response to what it interprets as
possibility of Russia seizing imposed on Ukraine after it
a coordinated attempt by Biden
new chunks of Ukrainian suffered a series of defeats in
and Ukrainian President
territory or even advancing as the war against Russia-backed
Volodymyr Zelenskyy to upset
far as Kyiv. Donbas separatists in 2015. If
the fragile equilibrium which
implemented in full, they
Western observers have been underpinned a relative calm on
essentially ensure that Russia
speculating that Russian the front line in eastern
retains a stake in Ukrainian
President Vladimir Putin is Ukraine.
politics, allowing it to block the
trying to test US President Joe
A landmark event, which country’s membership in
Biden’s resolve or that he wants
preceded this escalation, was NATO – Moscow’s main
to distract public attention in
the war in Nagorno-Karabakh concern that drives its Ukraine
Russia from the plight of the
last fall, in which Russia’s policy. Kyiv has long tried to
first poisoned, then imprisoned
military ally, Armenia, was amend the agreements while
opposition leader Aleksey
soundly defeated by Azerbaijan threatening to leave the Minsk
Navalny. It is also not
with the assistance of Turkey, a framework altogether, but
inconceivable that he might be
NATO member. That war Moscow would not budge.
entertaining the idea of
demonstrated the limits of
replicating the “Crimea effect” The arrival of Biden’s
Russia’s ability and willingness
by waging “a small victorious administration coincided with
to get dragged into another
war” on the eve of Zelenskyy adopting a new
serious conflict. It also
parliamentary elections in assertive policy on Russia,
highlighted the vulnerabilities
September. In 2014, the which could not help but alarm
of an army overly reliant on
annexation of Crimea resulted the Kremlin.
Russian weapon supplies,
in a huge surge in his personal
particularly against Turkish First, his government closed
drones. TV channels associated with
But given Putin’s propensity to Viktor Medvedchuk, an
The Atlantic Council, a
stealthy and surprising moves, oligarch seen as Putin’s man in
hawkish NATO-linked think
the current deployment of Ukraine. The move primarily
tank, which to a large extent
troops is way too demonstrative served to undermine
drives the Ukrainian discourse

Medvedchuk’s Opposition collapsed. At the end of March, support, including from people
Platform/For Life party. This Putin spoke to French and who do not like his other
Russia-friendly force emerged German leaders, the co- policies. America’s disregard
as Ukraine’s most popular party sponsors of the Minsk peace for that trauma and its never-
at the end of 2020, not least talks, to communicate his ending flirtation with radical
because of Zelensky’s failure to concern about the aggravating nationalism in Eastern Europe
bring peace and repeal the situation. Ukraine was makes it all too easy for the
ethnonationalist legislation demonstratively excluded from Kremlin to sell NATO to
restricting the use of the the conversation. Soon after, Russians as an existential
Russian language, a ticking Russia began amassing troops threat. Examples of that tone-
time bomb set up by his at the Ukrainian border. deafness are all too many. At a
predecessor, Petro Poroshenko, policy conference earlier this
in the last days of his month, the former commander
presidency. In sharp contrast with his of US armed forces in Europe,
habitually dovish approach, Ben Hodges, made a wild claim
Meanwhile, Ukraine renewed
Zelenskyy is not backing off. that “it were Ukrainians, not
its efforts to attain NATO
On April 6, he told NATO Russians” who perished in
membership. Three days after
Secretary-General Jens World War II. At the same
Biden entered the White House,
Stoltenberg that NATO was conference, a Ukrainian
Zelenskyy gave an interview to
“the only way to end the war in politician promoted the idea of
US media outlet Axios, in
Donbas” and that the Idel-Ural, a separatist project
which he made clear Ukraine’s
membership action plan would for Russia’s Volga region
readiness to join the
be “a real signal for Russia”. A Hitler toyed with during the
transatlantic alliance under this
real signal indeed: A few hours war.
US administration. The
later, Russian defence minister
interview was followed by Diplomats representing all
Sergey Shoygu ordered a
foreign minister Dmytro parties involved are surely
combat readiness check for the
Kuleba publishing an op-ed on working hard to prevent the
whole Russian army.
the Atlantic Council’s website worst, but all of this does not
titled: Why is Ukraine still not Ukraine’s NATO membership bode well for millions of
in NATO?, which called for is a clear red line not just for the eastern Ukrainians trapped
launching a membership plan Kremlin, but for Russian between Putin’s dictatorship
for Ukraine. society as a whole. It would and the American-backed
place hostile troops just 500km ethnonationalist project for
On March 5, the same think-
(310 miles) south of Moscow, Ukraine – as promoted by
tank presented a list of
in addition to them already Atlantic Council pundits –
recommendations to the Biden
being stationed 600km (373 which defies social and cultural
administration, which included
miles) to the west of the reality in the post-Soviet
granting Ukraine the status of a
Russian capital, in Baltic region.
“major non-NATO ally” and
countries. This would not only
threatening Russia with A renewed conflict will
elicit a hostile response from
activating a NATO inevitably lead to renewed
the Kremlin, but it would also
membership plan for Ukraine, polarisation in Ukraine. A
solidify Putin’s regime for
if Moscow fails to be more unifying figure who transcends
years to come and marginalise
cooperative on Donbas. the country’s east-west
the currently fledgeling anti-
linguistic divide, Zelenskyy
In the meantime, the ceasefire Putin opposition.
might be Ukraine’s last chance
in eastern Ukraine – Zelensky’s
Putin is known for skillfully to save itself from partition and
main achievement on the peace
exploiting the unhealed trauma the West’s last chance to
settlement front – essentially
of World War II to mobilise preserve Ukraine as a potential

role model serving to inspire one, except war-mongering and Kyiv, would gain from
pro-democracy Russians. No hawks in Moscow, Washington another blood bath in Ukraine.

What is behind the anti-Muslim measures in Sri Lanka?

Farzana Haniffa, Aljazeera

n March 13, Sarath The anti-Muslim movement Muslims across the country.
Weerasekara, Sri Incitement by the BBS and the
Since it gained independence
Lanka’s minister of cultivation of anti-Muslim
from the British in 1948, Sri
public security, announced that sentiment over the post-war
Lanka has witnessed
the government will ban years also led to violent attacks
tumultuous relations between
wearing of the burqa and close against small Muslim
the Sinhala Buddhist majority,
more than 1,000 Islamic communities in 2014, 2017 and
which makes up about 70
schools in the country. The 2018. The BBS also aligned
percent of the population and
minister was quoted as saying itself with similar groups in
the Hindu and Christian Tamil
that “the burqa” was a “sign of Myanmar.
minority, which accounts for
religious extremism” and has a
roughly 12 percent. During the Following these incidents, the
“direct impact on national
war between the military forces local authorities did not take
and the Liberation Tigers of serious action against BBS and
The news was picked up Tamil Eelam (LTTE), other other similar groups and in
internationally and resulted in minorities, like the Muslims, some cases blamed Muslims for
several statements by human who make up around nine the violence.
rights organisations and the UN percent of the population, were
In 2019, anti-Muslim hatred
special rapporteur on freedom targeted less frequently by
escalated further after eight
of religion or belief, Ahmed ultra-nationalist Sinhalese
suicide bombers pledging
Shaheed, as well as from groups.
allegiance to the Islamic State
Pakistan’s ambassador to Sri
After the end of the civil war in detonated themselves at
Lanka. Three days later the
2009, an anti-Muslim churches, hotels and other
government stepped back from
movement initiated by the locations across the country on
Weerasekera’s statement.
Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), with Easter Sunday. There was
Cabinet spokesman Keheliya
the monk Galabod Aththe evidence of the failure to pursue
Rambukwella announced that
Gnanasara at the helm, began to available intelligence by the
the decision “requires time”
emerge. The BBS is an activist security establishment and
and a consultative process.
group led by Buddhist monks negligence on the part of the
The burqa ban announcement which mobilised around what political leadership. However,
caused a stir among Muslims, they described as the threat the media coverage of the event
who saw it as yet another attack posed by the “social and government policy
on their community. In the past separatism” of “extremist discussion in the aftermath
few months, the government Muslims”. Their definition of primarily targeted the country’s
has undertaken a number of extremism, however, seems to Muslim population.
controversial measures under encompass the majority of
Experts rarely referenced the
the banner of fighting Muslims’ everyday practices.
role of the anti-Muslim
extremism, which have
The BBS’s large public rallies movement in radicalising local
increasingly intimidated the
and their strident social media Muslims. In May, there were
Muslim population and
campaigns normalised hate violent retaliatory attacks
disregarded rule of law
speech and everyday low- against Muslim communities in
intensity harassment of the northwest.

The government response to the holding violent extremist against all other minorities and
attack was to embrace the anti- religious ideology” under the especially the Muslims was
Muslim language of the BBS Prevention of Terrorism Act. cultivated with renewed vigour.
and initiate sweeping arrests of The regulations give it powers
The Rajapaksa family, which
suspected followers of the to arrest and forward persons to
has dominated the political
group responsible for the a rehabilitation centre to be
scene in Sri Lanka since 2005,
bombings. “deradicalised” for one year on
was complicit in this cultivation
suspicion without requiring any
Since then, several prominent until their electoral defeat in the
additional process.
Muslims have also been 2015 elections. During their
arbitrarily targeted by the Apart from the above, the political campaigning after
government, with little or no government has sought other 2015, the Rajapaksas’ new
evidence produced of their ways to intimidate the party, the Sri Lanka Podujana
wrongdoing. In April 2020, the country’s Muslims. When the Peramuna (SLPP), took on a
police arrested Hejaaz COVID-19 pandemic spread to Sinhala supremacist position,
Hisbullah, an activist lawyer, Sri Lanka in the spring of 2020, accommodating activist monks
on suspicion of aiding the it imposed a mandatory and anti-Muslim movement
attackers. Then in May 2020, cremation policy for the stalwarts.
Ahnaf Jazeem, a young Muslim COVID-19 dead and refused to
Rhetoric regarding Muslim
poet, was also detained under allow Muslims to bury their
business prowess as
the same pretext. Recently, the dead, in accordance with their
challenging the ascendence of
former leader of the Jamati religion.
Sinhala entrepreneurs, Muslims
Islami, Hajjul Akbar was
Muslims’ call for the burial conspiring to upend the
arrested and detained for a
option on religious grounds was majority status of Sinhalese or
second time, again without
written and talked about as constituting a terrorist threat
charges being filed.
“tribal” and “backward” and as was widely used.
In the aftermath of the Easter reprehensible behaviour in the
In October 2018, the
Sunday attacks, a parliamentary middle of a public health
Rajapaksas suffered a
sectoral oversight committee emergency. Despite
significant setback. Former
on national security was set up condemnations at home and
president and then MP Mahinda
to put together proposals for abroad and guidelines by the
Rajapaksa, in collusion with
terrorism prevention measures. World Health Organization
President Maithripala Sirisena
It has made recommendations emphasising the safety of
staged a coup to take control of
in 14 areas, many of which curb burials, the government
the government. They were
the religious rights of the maintained its position for
defeated when the Supreme
Muslim minority. nearly a year. Burial was
Court threw out their claim to
permitted only recently under
The burqa ban and the closing legitimacy and the Rajapaksa
international pressure.
of Islamic schools stem from brand suffered some damage as
these recommendations, as do Demonising Muslims as a a result.
several other measures recently political strategy
The 2019 bombings energised
taken. In early March, the
Political elites in Sri Lanka the Rajapaksas’ familial
government declared that all
have consistently demonised politics and helped them
Islamic books imported into the
minorities and incited ethno- overcome the momentary
country will need defence
religious animosity to win unpopularity they were
ministry approval. Several days
elections. After the end of the struggling with. The
later, it gazetted a set of
war in 2009, when victory over Rajapaksas attempted to
regulations ominously sub-
the Tamil Tigers was glorified leverage the bombings to their
titled “Deradicalisation from
by the government, enmity political advantage in the

immediate aftermath. They has pressed forward with anti- war crimes committed during
accused the ruling regime of Muslim policies. the civil war. The motion went
concentrating on reconciliation through mainly because of the
In this context, the recent flurry
with minorities and neglecting loss of support for the
of anti-Muslim government
security. When several months government from some
activity, including the burqa
later, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Muslim-majority countries,
ban, serve not only to mitigate
brother of Mahinda Rajapaksa, who abstained from voting. The
the fallout from the shift in
was nominated as the SLPP’s resolution included reference to
position on COVID-19 burials,
presidential candidate, he the government’s treatment of
but also to distract from the
declared in his platform: “My Muslims in its COVID-19
Rajapaksa administration’s
main task would be to ensure response and the continued
ongoing failures. The cabinet is
that our motherland which is marginalisation of minorities.
facing anger over a vast tax
once again under threat from
scam, mounting opposition to The current government’s
terrorist and extremist elements
its permission of deforestation, inability to mobilise its
is safe and protected.”
and growing public anxiety constituency around anything
Using anti-minority and pro- over the economic downturn. It other than ethno-religious
security rhetoric in his is likely that anti-Muslim animosity is a legacy of Sri
campaign, Rajapaksa won the activities will increase if their Lanka’s post-independence
presidential election by a high popularity continues to decline. politics that looks set to
percentage of Sinhala Buddhist continue in the long term. The
But the anti-Muslim policies of
votes and appointed his brother, UNHRC resolution was a
the government may be
Mahinda, the former president welcome development.
backfiring. In March, it
as prime minister. Since then, at However, the future outlook for
suffered a defeat at the UN
every opportunity, the president minorities in the country
Human Rights Council
has reiterated his commitment remains bleak. Ten years after a
(UNHRC), which passed a
to this majority and outlined his devastating war the Sri Lankan
resolution empowering the UN
actions to combat Islamic polity shows little evidence of
High Commissioner for Human
extremism, and the government having learnt from its past.
Rights to collect and preserve
information and evidence of

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