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Reading for Health_1 Name: __________________________

1. What's the baby crocodile's favourite fruit?

 Apple  Watermelon
 Banana  Mango

2. When does the baby crocodile like to have watermelon?

 In the morning  In the evening
 In the afternoon  All the time

3. What did the baby crocodile swallow?

 A watermelon  A water bottle
 A watermelon seed  A baby

4. Where is the watermelon seed growing?

 In the soil  In the crocodile’s guts
 In the crocodile’s nose  In the crocodile’s brain

5. What will come out of the crocodile's ears soon?

 Vines  Seeds
 Lines  Wires

6. What physical changes will the crocodile face after swallowing the
watermelon seed? 
 Its skin will turn green.  Its tummy will get smaller.
 Its tummy will get bigger.  Its skin will glow.

7. What is the baby crocodile asking for?

 Help  A new iPhone
 More watermelon  A bowl of fruit salad

8. What came out from the crocodile's mouth?

 Watermelon  A sesame seed
 A watermelon seed  A tooth

9. What has the crocodile decided to do?

 Eat more watermelon  Stop eating watermelon
 Eat less watermelon  Eat watermelon seeds only

10. What does the story try to teach us?


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