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Create a Folder where you want to

create the library to be packaged

Run the following command inside the folder: dotnet new classlib

Navigate to

Login to using your account (personal or

organization) Creating a
Library to ship as
Click on Upload Button & Select the <package name>.
NuGet Package
nupkg file
Verify / Review Details
Publish your package by clicking on submit button Packages

NOTE: It takes couple of hours to get the nuget

published. It does validation and indexing before
publishing -V Add your Methods / Libraries into the project that you want to publish through the Nuget Package

Run the following command inside the folder where the .csproj is located: dotnet pack Go TO: .csproj file of your project

Common Convention:
NuGet Package Self (If independent development)
Adding Package Company Name (If it's for your
Metadata to organization)

Library <Company>

Details that you want to share to

<Description> your users which gives ideas about
it's usage.

Ex: MIT or company

Fill following fields specific license

Significantly improves
<PackageTags> discoverability of your

<RepositoryUrl>, etc.

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