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Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16

E€ects of high isostatic pressure on mushrooms

Ariette M. Matser *, Elaine R. Knott 1, Paul G.M. Teunissen, Paul V. Bartels
Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATO-DLO), P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, Netherlands

The possibility of high isostatic pressure treatment as an alternative to conventional blanching of mushrooms was investigated.
An important condition for successful application is a sucient inactivation of the browning enzyme polyphenoloxidase. The
experiments showed that this enzyme is very pressure-resistant in mushrooms. The activity increased after pressure treatments at
600 MPa. Higher pressures up to 950 MPa are necessary for inactivation. The e€ects on texture, colour and yield of mushrooms
were evaluated at these high pressures. If fresh mushrooms are used, pressure treatment results in a dark brown colour. However, if
mushrooms are evacuated before pressure treatment, the colour expressed in L, a* and b* values is comparable with conventionally
blanched mushrooms. The sti€ness of the pressurised mushrooms is larger than that of blanched mushrooms. The yield is roughly
the same for the conventional blanched mushrooms and the pressurised mushrooms. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: High pressure; Mushroom; Polyphenoloxidase; Texture; Colour

1. Introduction ated the e€ect of pressure on several aspects of the one

product, mushrooms, and compared this with a con-
High isostatic pressure can be used as a non-thermal ventional process to evaluate the possibilities for high
technique for conservation and preparation of food pressure as an alternative process resulting in a higher
products. Due to the isostatic nature of the process the quality.
pressure is applied uniformly and immediately on the In the Netherlands, about two third of the annual
products resulting in changes in, for example, proteins, production of mushrooms (220 ´ 106 kg) is preserved.
polysaccharides and lipids. High pressure can inactivate Common mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) are a relatively
micro-organisms and enzymes without large e€ects on expensive product compared to other vegetable prod-
small molecules such as ¯avours, and vitamins. For ucts. Therefore, the cost of high pressure processing is
evaluating the e€ects of pressure on food components, it relatively low compared to the overall price of the
is important to consider the in¯uence of the conditions product. If high pressure results in a higher quality of
in food like pH and chemical composition. As Weemaes the product it can be an interesting alternative. The
(1998) showed, pressure inactivation of polyphenoloxi- conventional conservation process of mushrooms con-
dase can be largely increased at lower pH, and by sists of several steps. After washing, the mushrooms are
components such as sodium chloride and EDTA. evacuated. This is a vacuum hydration leading to a re-
Therefore, results obtained in bu€er solutions are not placement of the air in the mushrooms with the evacu-
always applicable to food systems. It is also important ation ¯uid, which is usually water containing citric acid
to compare the e€ects of high pressure on di€erent and sodiumsulphite. This evacuation results in a better,
characteristics of a product. Pressure conditions, which lighter colour of the product and less shrinkage and
inactivate enzymes or micro-organisms, can be con- water loss in the subsequent heating stages. The evacu-
¯icting with conditions necessary for preservation of ated mushrooms are blanched for inactivation of en-
colour and texture. For this study we therefore evalu- zymes and to shrink the tissue so this will not occur
during sterilisation. After ®lling the mushrooms in glass
* jars, these jars are sterilised to inactivate the micro-or-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-317-475119; fax: +31-317-475347.
E-mail address: (A.M. Matser).
ganisms. Both the blanched and the sterilised mush-
Present address: Unigate PLC, Malton Foods, Parliament street, rooms are sold. Important aspects of the process are the
Norton, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 9HG, UK. quality and the yield of the mushrooms expressed in
0260-8774/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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12 A.M. Matser et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16

colour, taste and texture (Jasinki, Stemberger, Walsh 2.2. Evacuation

& Kilara, 1984; McCord & Kilara, 1983). For high
pressure to be a successful conservation process, it has Mushrooms were evacuated according to a standard
to result in inactivation of the main enzyme responsible procedure. The mushrooms were brought under vacuum
for browning of the mushrooms, polyphenoloxidase. (20±40 mbar) during 5 min after which the evacuation
Weemaes (1998) describes the mechanism of poly- ¯uid was sucked into the vacuum vessel. The vacuum
phenoloxidase catalysed browning. Polyphenoloxidase was held for 3 min. Finally the vacuum was released and
is a copper-containing enzyme that catalyses browning mushrooms were removed from the vessel. Unless stated
reactions of phenols oxidised to o-quinones. These qui- otherwise, tap water was used as evacuation ¯uid. Some
nones react further to brown pigments. It is located in- experiments were done with 50 g sodiumsulphite and
tracellularly for plants but extracellularly for 100 g citric acid in 100 l of tap water.
mushrooms. Polyphenoloxidases can exist in a latent or
inactive state. Activation occurs as a result of ageing or 2.3. Treatment
treatments like acid or base shock, mild heating, pres-
surisation or freezing/thawing. Activation can be re- Fresh or evacuated mushrooms were vacuum packed
versible or irreversible. Possible mechanisms are in polyethylene bags. Pressure treatment was done in a
cleavage of the covalent bond between enzyme and Resato high pressure apparatus (volume 180 ml, Resato,
membrane for plant polyphenoloxidases, conforma- Roden, Netherlands) at 200±1000 MPa. The computer
tional changes or removal of inhibitors. Oxygen avail- controlled pressure build up rate was 10±15 MPa/s.
ability, pH and concentration of inhibitors control the Time for pressure treatment was 5 min, pressure increase
activity of the enzyme. Mushrooms polyphenoloxidase and decrease times not included. Experiments were done
is a multi-subunit enzyme with probably four subunits. at room temperature, due to the compression of the
The enzyme exists in multiple forms called isozymes pressure ¯uid (glycol, Resato) an initial temperature rise
which have a di€erent sensitivity to temperature, pH of 10±15°C was measured with a thermocouple inside
and pressure (Weemaes, 1998). Several authors investi- the pressure vessel.
gated the e€ect of pressure on inactivation of polyphe- Fresh or evacuated mushrooms were blanched for 1,
noloxidases from di€erent origins. For complete 5 or 10 min in boiling tap water.
inactivation at room temperature, relatively high pres-
sures are necessary of more than 600 MPa (Castellari, 2.4. Analysis
Matricardi, Arfelli, Rovere & Amati, 1997; Gomes &
Ledward, 1996; Seyderhelm, Boguslawski, Michaelis & The weight of the mushrooms was measured before
Knorr, 1996; Weemaes, 1998). Asaka and Hayashi, 1991 and after the treatments after 5 min drainage in a sieve.
and Asaka, Oayama, Nakanishi and Hayashi, 1994, For determination of the activity of polyphenoloxi-
however, described that polyphenoloxidase in a cell free dase, the mushrooms were homogenised with sodium-
extract from pears can be activated by pressure treat- phosphate bu€er (pH 6.5). After centrifugation, the
ments of 400±600 MPa, contrary to polyphenoloxidase activity was measured in the extract with the catechol
from apple, banana, sweet potato, pea leaves, spinach, method as described by Cano, Hernandez and De Ancos
lettuce and celery. Hernandez and Cano (1998) and (1997). The appearance of colour compounds resulting
Butz, Koller, Tauscher and Wolf (1994) described acti- from the enzymatic oxidation of catechol was measured
vation of polyphenoloxidase in tomato puree and using a spectrophotometer at 420 nm. The activity is
onions respectively, followed by an (incomplete) inacti- expressed as the change in adsorbance per minute per
vation at higher pressures. gram of fresh weight.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the e€ects The texture of the mushrooms was measured with a
of high isostatic pressure on polyphenoloxidase activity, Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming,
colour, texture and yield of mushrooms and to compare UK). After removal of the stem of the mushroom, the
these e€ects to conventional processing. cap was compressed with a probe (diameter 10 mm) at
0.8 mm/s. The peakstress at 30% compression and the
slope of the linear part of a stress/strain curve (sti€ness)
were calculated.
2. Materials and methods The colour of the mushrooms was measured with a
Minolta Chroma meter within 10 min after opening of
2.1. Materials the plastic bags with the mushrooms. The L*a*b colour
space was used for determining the colour, with L rep-
Mushrooms (A. bisporus) were obtained from a local resenting the lightness, +a* the red direction, )a* the
grocery and used within 24 h for the experiments. For all green direction, +b* the yellow direction, and )b* the
experiments, mushrooms were tested whole. blue direction.
A.M. Matser et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16 13

There can be large di€erences between batches of activity of the enzyme. These results are comparable
mushrooms for texture, colour and enzyme activity. We with the results of McCord and Kilara (1983). Evacu-
therefore compared the results of the treated mush- ated and non-evacuated mushrooms showed compara-
rooms with fresh mushrooms from the same batch. ble reduction of polyphenoloxidase activity. There is a
Weight, texture and enzyme results are expressed as a di€erence in the reduction of the activity between the
percentage of the values of fresh mushrooms. two evacuated batches of mushrooms. Probably this can
be explained by a di€erence in initial activity of 0.104
and 0.447 Dadsorbance/min/g for experiments 1 and 2,
respectively. A correction is made for this by expressing
3. Results and discussion
the activity as a percentage of those in fresh. However,
as Murr and Morris (1975) described, there can be also a
3.1. PPO-activity
di€erence in proportion of latent and active enzyme and
therefore a di€erence in e€ect of blanching.
The in¯uence of blanching and pressurisation on the
Pressurisation has a large in¯uence on the activity of
activity of polyphenoloxidase is presented in Tables 1
polyphenoloxidase. At pressures of 600 MPa an increase
and 2. Experiments were done on di€erent days and
in the activity is measured. This is probably due to a
consequently with di€erent batches of mushrooms. The
transition from the latent to the active state of the en-
activity of polyphenoloxidase increases upon storage of
zyme. As described in Section 1, polyphenoloxidase in
the mushrooms after harvest as well as the ratio between
mushrooms is located extracellularly and not bound to
active and latent enzyme (Murr & Morris, 1975). We
the membranes. Therefore, the presumable mechanism
therefore calculated the activity of polyphenoloxidase as
of activation will be changes in conformation of the
a percentage of the amount in fresh mushrooms of the
enzyme. Higher pressures resulted in an inactivation of
same batch and did not average the results from di€er-
the enzyme as a result of denaturation. However, even at
ent batches.
950 MPa, there is still a small residual activity. For
Evacuation resulted in a small decrease in activity of
complete inactivation of polyphenoloxidase it is there-
10±20%. Blanching caused a large reduction in activity.
fore necessary to perform the high pressure treatment at
As shown in Table 1, blanching for 1 min is insucient
longer holding times and/or temperatures above 50±
to completely inactivate the enzyme. Longer blanching
60°C as described by Weemaes (1998). There is no sig-
times resulted in an almost complete reduction of the
ni®cant di€erence in the residual activity between evac-
Table 1
uated and non-evacuated mushrooms.
Polyphenoloxidase activity after evacuation and blanching of mush- Protein denaturation and thus enzyme inactivation
rooms as a percentage of the activity in fresh mushrooms. Values in by high isostatic pressure can be reversible or irrevers-
one column are means of experiments with one batch of mushroomsa ible (Hendrickx, Ludikhuyze, Van den Broeck &
Weemaes, 1998). We therefore measured the enzyme
Treatment Fresh Evacuated
activity as a function of the time after pressure treatment
Experiment 1 Experiment 2 (Fig. 1). There are no signi®cant changes in the activity
of polyphenoloxidase in 48 h after pressure treatment.
Evacuation 80.9a 91.3a
1 min blanching 54.3 34.0c 41.1d
5 min blanching 3.2e;f 7.8e 0.3f
10 min blanching 2.0f 13.0e 0.4f
Values with di€erent superscripts di€er signi®cantly (P < 0.05).

Table 2
Polyphenoloxidase activity after evacuation and pressurization of
mushrooms as a percentage of the activity in fresh mushrooms. Values
in one column are means of experiments with one batch of mush-

Treatment Fresh Evacuated

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Evacuation 89.8a
b c
600 MPa 152.6 187.5 197.0c
800 MPa 24.6d;g 36.6d 55.2e Fig. 1. Polyphenoloxidase activity as a function of time after pressure
950 MPa 2.8f 3.2f 13.4f;g treatment expressed as a percentage of the initial activity in fresh
mushrooms. Mushrooms were not evacuated. After pressure treat-
Values with di€erent superscripts di€er signi®cantly (P < 0.05). ment, the homogenised mushrooms were stored at 4°C.
14 A.M. Matser et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16

We concluded that the inactivation of the enzyme is ir- to the pressurisation. High isostatic pressure results in
reversible for the conditions used in these experiments. crystallisation of phospholipids in cell membranes, re-
The mushroom industry uses water with citric acid sulting in damage of the membrane. Due to this in-
and sodiumsulphite as evacuation ¯uid instead of water, creased permeability, the extracellularly located
which we used. From the results of Weemaes (1998), it polyphenoloxidase can react with the phenols and con-
can be expected that due to the lower pH, inactivation of sequently causes an increase in browning during pres-
polyphenoloxidase will be larger under these conditions. sure treatment. If mushrooms are evacuated before
pressurisation, the browning is less intense compared to
3.2. Colour non-evacuated mushrooms. During the evacuation
process, the air in the vacuoles is replaced by water re-
The colour of mushrooms after processing is strongly sulting in a large reduction in the concentration of ox-
in¯uenced by the activity of polyphenoloxidase. Table 3 ygen, which is necessary for the enzymatic reaction. In
shows the colour of fresh and evacuated mushrooms industry, mushrooms are evacuated with water con-
after blanching or pressurisation. The least signi®cant taining citric acid and sodiumsulphite. Table 3 shows
di€erence for the L-values is 8.8 (P < 0.05). The blan- that this resulted in a colour that is comparable with the
ched mushrooms have colour values that are only fresh blanched mushrooms. Compared to evacuation
slightly di€erent from the fresh ones. Evacuation with with water, the latter process results in a lowering of the
water resulted in a signi®cant reduction of the lightness pH. The low pH enhanced the inactivation rate at high
of the mushrooms. When these evacuated mushrooms pressure and resulted in less browning.
were blanched, the lightness was signi®cantly lower than
the fresh mushrooms and the blanched fresh mush- 3.3. Texture
rooms. However, the colour is comparable with the
evacuated mushrooms. It can therefore be concluded The texture of the cap of the mushrooms is expressed
that blanching did not result in signi®cant changes in the as the sti€ness or modulus, which is the slope of the
colour compared to the mushrooms prior to blanching. linear part of a stress strain curve. The results are shown
When fresh mushrooms were pressurised, the light- in Fig. 2 (blanching) and Fig. 3 (pressure treatment). We
ness reduced signi®cantly compared to blanched. Also, also measured the stress at 40% compression (results not
the a and b values increased, representing a brown col- shown). These results did not lead to other conclusions
our. Pressure treatment of 600 or 800 MPa of non- than the sti€ness. Evacuation resulted in a small de-
evacuated mushrooms resulted in a dark brown colour. crease in the sti€ness compared to fresh ones. Blanching
The highest pressure used, 950 MPa, gave a slightly clearly reduced the sti€ness of the mushrooms. The
better colour, but still an intense brown. This browning shortest blanching time, of 1 min, gave only a slight
can be explained by several factors. First, as shown in reduction of the sti€ness. However, this blanching
Table 2, pressurisation resulted in an increase of the treatment was insucient to inactivate polyphenoloxi-
activity of polyphenoloxidase at 600 MPa. At higher dase as can be seen in Table 1. There are no signi®cant
pressures there is a large reduction of activity, however di€erences between the texture of evacuated and non-
this did not result in less browning. This is probably evacuated mushrooms after blanching. Pressure also
caused by an increase in the membrane permeability due reduced the texture of the mushrooms compared to

Table 3
Colour of fresh and evacuated mushrooms after several treatments
expressed in L, a* and b* values. Values are means of 3±6 experiments

Treatment Fresh Evacuated

L a* b* L a* b*

None 90.7 0.8 14.5 67.5 )1.0 10.3

1 min blanching 88.2 1.2 13.7 69.7 )1.7 12.6
5 min blanching 79.7 )0.6 15.3 68.7 )0.7 17.3
10 min blanching 75.3 1.1 17.6 68.2 )0.8 16.6
600 MPa 53.0 15.5 29.2 58.0 10.5 25.8
800 MPa 50.1 14.3 24.4 63.1 6.8 21.7
950 MPa 55.7 9.4 23.7 62.3 5.2 18.0
600 MPaa 74.8 )0.1 18.8
800 MPaa 76.5 )2.2 12.4
950 MPaa 76.4 )1.4 16.6
Fig. 2. Sti€ness of evacuated and fresh mushrooms after blanching
Evacuation with citric acid and sodiumsulphite instead of water. expressed as a percentage of the sti€ness of fresh mushrooms.
A.M. Matser et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16 15

Table 5
Weight after evacuation and pressurization of mushrooms as a per-
centage of the weight of fresh mushrooms. Values in one column are
means of experiments with one batch of mushrooms

Treatment Fresh Evacuated

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Evacuation 181.5 ‹ 3.8

600 MPa 67.0 ‹ 4.5 72.4 ‹ 3.0 86.3 ‹ 4.8
800 MPa 68.5 ‹ 2.8 71.3 ‹ 1.0 80.5 ‹ 2.4
950 MPa 80.5 ‹ 4.3 69.4 ‹ 0.0 88.7 ‹ 14.0

signi®cant in¯uence of the evacuation prior to blanch-

Fig. 3. Sti€ness of evacuated and fresh mushrooms after pressure ing, on the resulting weight.
treatment expressed as percentage of the sti€ness of fresh mushrooms.
Pressurisation also resulted in a weight loss of
the mushrooms. Evacuation had a positive e€ect on the
fresh mushrooms. However, as can be concluded from a retention of water after pressurisation. The weight of
comparison of Figs. 2 and 3, the pressurised mushrooms the evacuated mushrooms was higher after pressurisa-
have a higher sti€ness than the blanched mushrooms. tion than that of the non-evacuated mushrooms. After
So, pressure resulted in less loss of texture compared to evacuation, a blanching or pressurisation procedure,
blanching. The texture after cooking was not measured. which is sucient for the inactivation of polypheno-
Stute, Eshtiagi, Bogusiawski and Knorr (1996) de- loxidase, resulted in the same water loss.
scribed that the improved hardness of pressure-treated It must be noted that this water loss has an in¯uence
vegetables could be due to enzymatic demethylation of on the calculated polyphenoloxidase activity. This ac-
pectins followed by the formation of bridge bounds. tivity is measured as the change in adsorbance per
minute per gram of fresh weight of the mushroom. Due
to the evacuation procedure the concentration of the
3.4. Yield
enzyme is diluted. If the activity is calculated per gram
of evacuated mushroom, the result is a much lower
During heat treatment of mushrooms, water is lost
concentration compared to fresh suggesting a part in-
which results in changes of texture and has a large in-
activation but this decrease in concentration is only
¯uence on the yield of the process. We measured the
caused by dilution. We therefore calculated the activity
in¯uence of high pressure and blanching on the water
with respect to the weight of the mushrooms before
loss of mushrooms as shown in Tables 4 and 5. The
evacuation. Due to blanching or pressurisation, the
vacuum hydration during the evacuation procedure
weight of the mushrooms is decreased. We assume that
gave a large increase in the weight of the mushrooms
the concentration of enzyme in the leakage ¯uid is equal
due to the replacement of air by water. This additional
to that of the mushroom tissue, therefore, calculations
water was lost during the blanching of the mushrooms.
were done with the weight of fresh mushroom.
Only after 1 min blanching the weight of the mushrooms
was larger than the fresh weight. However, this
blanching time was insucient to completely inactivate
the polyphenoloxidase. Blanching times of 5 and 10 min 4. Conclusion
resulted in a water loss of roughly 20%. There is no
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibilities
for high pressure as an alternative to the conventional
Table 4
blanching of mushrooms. An important condition for its
Weight after evacuation, blanching or pressure treatment of mush-
rooms as a percentage of the weight of fresh mushrooms. Values in one successful application is a sucient inactivation of the
column are means of experiments with one batch of mushrooms enzyme polyphenoloxidase. These experiments showed
that polyphenoloxidase in mushrooms is a very stable
Treatment Fresh Evacuated enzyme. Pressures up to 950 MPa are necessary for in-
Experiment 1 Experiment 2 activation and therefore, the e€ects on texture, colour
and yield have to be evaluated at this high pressure. If
Evacuation 177.0 ‹ 5.1 153.3 ‹ 3.8 fresh mushrooms are used, such a pressure treatment
1 min blanching 94.6 ‹ 0.4 134.0 ‹ 3.7 127.1 ‹ 4.9 results in a strong discoloured product. However, if
5 min blanching 79.3 ‹ 3.0 79.0 ‹ 3.3 84.2 ‹ 1.8
10 min blanching 81.6 ‹ 4.8 77.2 ‹ 1.6 75.0 ‹ 0.9
mushrooms are evacuated before pressure treatment, the
colour after pressurisation is comparable with the
16 A.M. Matser et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 45 (2000) 11±16

conventionally blanched mushrooms. The texture of Cano, M. P., Hernandez, A., & De Ancos, B. (1997). High pressure
pressurised mushrooms is slightly better than that of and temperature e€ects on enzyme inactivation in strawberry and
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