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(Academic Session : 2020 - 2021)

1. Choose the correct one

(i) Growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living organism.
(ii) Dead organism does not grow.
(iii) Reproduction cannot be an all-inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms.
(iv) No non-living object is capable of replicating itself.
(v) Metabolism in a test tube is non-living.
(vi) Metabolism is a defining feature of all living organisms.
(1) (i) & (iii) (2) All except (v)
(3) All except (iii) (4) All of these

2. Twin characteristics of growth are?

(1) Increase in mass (2) Increase in number of individuals
(3) both a and b (4) increase in metabolism

3. Non living objects also grow, if we take criteria for growth as-
(1) Increase in cell number (2) Increase in body mass
(3) Increase in metabolism (4) all of above

4. Find true statement

(1) unicellular organism grows by cell division
(2) In majority of higher animals and plants, growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events.
(3) Non-living objects also grow if we take increase in body mass as criteria of growth.
(4) All above statements are true.

5. In bacteria, Amoeba and Chlamydomonas, reproduction is?

(1) Synonymous with growth
(2) Increase in cell number
(3) Increase in cellular mass
(4) All of the above true.

6. Isolated Metabolic reactions are

(1) Living Reactions (2) Not a living thing
(3) Neither living nor non living (4) All of the above true

7. Growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment are the features of living organisms. True/false

8. Early man could easily perceive the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms.

9. Common method of multiplication in the fungi, filamentous algae and in the protonema of mosses is?
(1) Fragmentation (2) Binary fission
(3) sporulation (4) gametangial copulation

ALLEN Digital Classroom support Classes and material will continue until lockdown is lifted after which classroom course will commence

10. Reproduction can not be taken as defining properties of living organisms why?
(1) There are many organisms those cannot reproduce
(2) some non-living systems also can multiply
(3) reproduction and growth are synonymous in unicellular organisms
(4) none of the above are correct

11. In non-living objects, growth is-

(1) from inside (2) accumulation of surface on surface
(3) synonymous to the reproduction (4) completely absent

12. True for Emergent property is

(1) property of a complex system that arise as a result of interactions among its constituents
(2) This phenomenon is true in the hierarchy of organisational complexity at all levels
(3) Properties of tissues are not present in the constituent cells but arise as a result of interactions
among the constituent cells.
(4) all of above are correct

13. Which one of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living things?
(1) Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro
(2) Increase in mass from inside only
(3) Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory
(4) Increase in mass by accumulation of material both on surface as well as internally.

14. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of
their ability for -
(1) interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
(2) reproduction
(3) growth and movement
(4) responsiveness to touch.

15. The most obvious and technically complicated feature of all living organisms is
(1) Consciousness (2) metabolism
(3) growth (4) reproduction

16. False for living organisms is / are

(1) All living organisms are made of chemicals.
(2) All plants, animals, fungi and microbes exhibit metabolism.
(3) Metabolic reactions can be demonstrated outside the body in cell-free systems.
(4) All of above are false.

17. Find incorrect statement

(1) Metabolism is a defining feature of all living organisms without exception.
(2) No non-living object exhibits metabolism.
(3) self-consciousness is present only in human being.
(4) increase in body mass is not considered as growth.

18. Ernst Mayr is

(1) The Darwin of the 20th century
(2) one of the 100 greatest scientists of all time
(3) Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology Emeritus
(4) All of the above are true.

ALLEN Digital Classroom support Classes and material will continue until lockdown is lifted after which classroom course will commence

19. Living organisms are

(1) self-replicating
(2) evolving and self-regulating
(3) interactive systems capable of responding to external stimuli.
(4) all of the above.

20. Biology is
(1) the story of life on earth.
(2) the story of ontogeny of living organisms on earth.
(3) the story of growth and consciousness
(4) all of the above.

ALLEN Digital Classroom support Classes and material will continue until lockdown is lifted after which classroom course will commence

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