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Q. 1. (A) 
(i) (B)
(ii) (C)
(iii) (D)
(iv) (D)
(v) (C)

Q. 1. (B) 
(i) True

(ii) C6H12O6
(iii) Bisexual flower : Hibiscus : : Unisexual flower : Papaya

(iv) Tube feet

(v) Mixture of wheat flour and rice flour → Fungus → Soya sauce

Q. 2. (A) 
(i) (1) When glucose is completely oxidized in aerobic cellular respiration, it
produces 38 molecules of ATP.

(2) In cellular respiration, three processes take place one after the other,
these are glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain reactions.

(3) In absence of oxygen only glycolysis can occur but further two reactions
will not take place.
(4) If glycolysis occurs in absence of oxygen, it produces alcohol.
(5) By anaerobic glycolysis only two molecules of ATP are produced.

(6) This results in less energy supply to the body. Therefore, oxygen is

necessary for complete oxidation of glucose.

(ii) (1) Scavenging caterpillars and insects are decomposers. They seem to be

worthless due to filthy surrounding in which they thrive.

(2) But they carry out most important task of decomposition of complex

organic substances into simple inorganic elements.

(3) This recycling is possible only due to decomposers.

(4) If they are not present, there will be huge accumulation of garbage.
Therefore, these living organisms are important.


(iii) (1) Before the advent of biotechnology, the vaccines were made from
inactive or dead pathogens of that disease.
(2) But now the vaccine is made artificially using biotechnological
(3) Such vaccines produced some disease symptoms in some cases.
(4) The antigen of the disease is researched upon and its genetic code is
found out.
(5) A similar antigen is made in the laboratories which is used as a vaccine.
(6) Such vaccines are more thermostable and remain active for longer
duration. Therefore, the vaccines are now safer.

Q. 2. (B) 
Transcription Translation
1. In the process of transcription, 1. In the process of translation,
the sequence of nucleotides the specific amino acids are
present on the DNA molecule picked up according to the
is copied and carried to the codons brought by mRNA.
cytoplasm by mRNA.
2. The process of transcription 2. The process of translation
takes place in nucleus. takes place in ribosomes
located in cytoplasm.
3. During transcription, RNA 3. During translation, proteins
is produced from DNA. are produced with the help of
4. Only mRNA takes part in 4. mRNA, tRNA and rRNA take
transcription. part in translation.
(Note : Students should write any two points.)
(ii) Four stages of prophase-I of meiosis are Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene,
Diplotene and Diakinesis.

Budding in Hydra

  In multicellular organisms asexual reproduction by budding is shown by

 In fully grown Hydra, at specific part of its body there is development of


  This development is only during favourable period. The bud is an outgrowth
developed due to repeated divisions of regenerative cells of body wall. It
grows up gradually to form a small hydra. Parent hydra’s dermal layers and
digestive cavity are in continuity with those of the budding hydra. It receives
all the nutrition from parent hydra. When the budding hydra grows
sufficiently, it detaches from parent hydra. Then it leads an independent life.
Rare species
Types of
Vulnerable Species Indeterminate
species species

(v) (a)  Two ill-effects of taking selfie :

(1) Person becomes selfish and self-centred.
  (2) Fatal accidents may happen due to negligence.
(b)  Factors affecting social health :
(1) Additions
  (2) Chronic diseases
Q. 3.
v  (i)  (a) Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) proposed the theory of natural selection.
Theory of natural selection : ‘The survival of fittest’, i.e. organisms
which are fit for survival, evolve while those that are not, perish. The
natural selection thus acts to produce new species.
(b)  Some of the main objections raised against Darwinism are as follows :
(1) There are other factors too for evolution and just not the Natural
(2) Arrival of useful and useless modifications were not explained by
Darwin, though he said about the survival of the fittest.
(3) He has not given any explanation about slow changes and abrupt
changes occurring during evolution.
(c)  Charles Darwin published the book ‘ Orgin of Species ’. 

v (ii) (a) The ovary and uterus are primarily involved in this process. But the
pituitary gland also controls this cycle.
(b)  Following hormones regulate this menstrual cycle.
 ituitary hormones : Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing
Hormone (LH).
 varian hormones : Estrogen and progesterone.
(c)  Ovulation occurs on 14th or 15th day.


v(iii) (a)  Air pollution : 
 (I) Effect : Impact on human health. Serious effects on respiratory

system, effect on plants and animals, acid rains, climate change.

(II) Control Measure : Tall chimneys, improvements in the production

methodology, equipment to control the pollution.

(b)  Water pollution :
 (I) Effect : Epidemics of water-borne diseases in humans. Mortality of

aquatic animals. Eutrophication of the water bodies.

(II) Control Measure : Measures to control the release of effluents.

Laws against release of toxic effluents in the water bodies.

(c)  Soil pollution :
 (I) Effect : Soil erosion, retarded growth of plants and crops, Nutritional
deficiency, etc.

(II) Control Measure : Recycling and reusing the polluting materials.

Solid waste management.

  (iv) (a) The solar cells shown in the upper diagram are connected in series. This
gives maximum potential difference.
(b) Advantage of solar energy : Solar energy is eco-friendly which does

not create pollution. It is a boundless source.

(c) Disadvantage of solar energy : Solar energy is available only when the

sun is in the sky. Therefore, it has to be stored in batteries.

   (v) 1.  Magnet

2.  Lines of flux

3.  Coil

4.  Voltmeter
5.  Induced emf
6.  Rotating magnetic field


  (vi) (1) Fruits are perishable food stuff. They are spoilt soon if not consumed
immediately. Hence for storage and usage for a long term, their
preservation is absolutely essential.
(2) For year-long use of the fruits they are dried, salted, packed in air tight
containers, used for preparing jams and jellies or condensed into pulps or
syrups. Beverages, pickles, sauce, and various other products made from
the fruits are largely used by us.
(3)  The preserved products also fetch financial benefits.
(4) In national and international markets, Indian fruits like mangoes are in
great demand. We can get foreign currency through exports of fruits and
fruit products. The local horticulturists get good benefit from their
(5) Processed fruit products also give vitamins and minerals that help in
maintaining good health. Thus fruit processing is important for human

 (vii) 1.  Addiction

2.  Facebook

3.  Singing

4.  Good food

5.  Social

6.  Cooking

Plant/Microbes Function

(a) Pteris vitata Absorbs arsenic from soil

Separates hydrocarbon and oil from

(b) Pseudomonas
water and soil

(c) Sunflower Absorption of uranium and arsenic

(d) Deinococcus
Absorption of radiations of nuclear waste

(e) Grasses like
Bio-remediation processes
alfaalfa, etc.

(f) Actinomycetes Decomposing rubber from garbage


Q. 4.

 (i) (a) Balanoglossus – Phylum Hemichordata

(b) Scorpion – Phylum Arthropoda
(c) Planaria – Phylum Platyhelminthes
(d) Cobra – S. Phylum Vertebrata; Class – Reptilia
(e) Elephant – S. Phylum Vertebrata; Class – Mammalia

(ii) (a) The given pictures are showing (1) earthquake (2) fire and (3) snake bite

In the above disasters, the initial precautions to be taken are as follows : 

(1) Earthquake : In case of earthquake, one should immediately come out

of house and stand in the open ground. If this is not possible, one has
to go below table or any other cover. During collapse of the building,
there should not be a head injury. This precaution is basically for
prevention of dangerous injuries and saving our life. Switch off the
power supply. If in journey, stay inside the vehicle.

(2) Fire : First and foremost is to save ourselves from fire. Then one can
help others in rescue operations. Help others to extinguish fire. Call the
fire department for immediate action.

(3) Snake bite : Many a times the biting snake can be non-venomous too.

But the victim is psychologically affected too. The tourniquet should be
tied in the region above the snake bite. The rope, piece of cloth or even
handkerchief can be used for this purpose, so that the venom, if any,
should not rise and reach vital organs. The wound should be made near
the bite-wound so that the blood will ooze out and some venom can
automatically flow out. Though these are first-aid measures, the victim
should be rushed to a qualified doctor for an injection of antivenin.
(b) Disaster management : Disaster management is the preparation for
avoiding the possible disaster; or in case of event of disaster to be ready to
tackle the effects of disasters and to gain the ability to do so.
(c)  Man-made disasters : Bomb explosion, terrorism, wars.


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