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Hnin Nandar Win 202029010009 Week 8/QRs

(1) How did decoloniality and diversity include in the part of the global citizenship

education practice?

I think most of the countries have experienced many complex intersections, decoloniality

and diversity through global learning goals. All educators and associated staff are

familiar with the critical discussion of race and programmatic changes for critical

understanding of diversity and equity to create educational materials and opportunities

for abroad programs. I think decoloniality and diversity are an essential role in trying the

process to achieve global citizenship education for students.

(2) How can students benefit from defining global citizenship education as a university

education goal?

Due to the increasing attention to global attributes and competencies, many people

become interested in the role of personal education and demand global citizenship

education as a graduate attribute. As a result, I think students will get good employment

and get a chance to build their own understanding of world events through the courses

and programs.

(3) Global citizenship education and internationalized education are the same or not?

According to the neoliberal policy, internationalization and global citizenship education

programs have appeared. Internationalization aims to diffuse the market logic into higher

education and to produce global workers and citizens (Brustein, 2007). Global citizenship
education targets to achieve the social goals in education and is based on critical thinking

and engagement in both local and global social conditions either formally or informally.

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