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STUDENT’S NAME:________________________________________ 12 th GRADE “____” #____

GENERAL INTRUCTION: Read carefully every single item presented in this guide before you proceed to

A. Fill in the blank with any or some.

1. Have you got ________ tomatoes?
2. There are ________ exercise books on the floor.
3. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have ________.
4. You should eat ________fresh fruit.
5. We had to wait for ________minutes.
6. Is there ________ lemonade left?
7. They didn't sing ________ songs.
8. Here are ________ cornflakes, but there isn't ________ milk.
9. I'm looking for ________ good music.
10. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get ________.

B. Unscramble the words to write statements or questions.

Ex: lunch / We / at / restaurant / a / had / We had lunch at a restaurant.
1. happy / was / I / morning / this / very / _____________________________________
2. are / doing / What / right / they / now / ? _____________________________________
3. the / is / movie / new / theater / Where / ? _____________________________________
4. What / start / movie / did / time / the / ? _____________________________________
5. yesterday / you / do / did / What / ? _____________________________________
6. doing / sisters / anything / your / Are / ? _____________________________________
7. mall / friends / your / at / the / Were / ? _____________________________________
8. She / she / because / eat / hungry / was / didn’t / _____________________________________
9. stop / a / minutes / she / few / by / ago / Did / ? _________________________________ ____
10. finish / last / homework / you / Did / your / night /? _________________________________ ____
D. Match the questions with the answers. Write the letters.

__e___ Ex: Where do you live? a. No, there isn’t.

_____ 1. Can I go with you, please? b. I usually have toast and juice.

_____ 2. How many hours a day do you sleep? c. There’s one on Palmetto Avenue.

_____ 3. Is this a bad time? d. Yes, I do.

_____ 4. What time does the movie start? e. In Australia.

_____ 5. What do you have for breakfast? f. We speak Chinese.

_____ 6. Where is the YMCA? g. Yes, she can.

_____ 7. Let’s go to the museum. h. Sure, you can.

_____ 8. Is there a restaurant near here? i. I often play sports.

_____ 9. Do you have any video games? j. Yes, it is.

_____ 10. Can she go to the party? k. Eight hours.

_____ 11. What do you usually do after school? l. Good idea.

_____ 12. What language do you speak at home? m. It’s a laptop.

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