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Cabanban, Marielle
Son, Charmine
Nurse PATIENT Therapeutic
Communication Rationale
Verbal Non - Verbal Verbal Non - Verbal Technique
“Hello Ma’am. - Smiles No response - Has good eye  Giving It shows that the nurse
Maayong buntag!” - Maintains contact recognition recognizes the client as a
moderate eye - Attentive person, an individual that
contact gives the client fulfillment of
- Good and her worthiness. In addition, it
open posture does not imply and hold the
- In face to face notion of value that is of
position to the being “good or bad”.

“Kamusta man ka - Moderate eye No response - Shows signs of  Broad opening It allows the patient to take
karun maam?” contact willingness to the initiative to introduce the
- Good and engage in the topic. It also simplifies that
open posture activity the patient has the lead in the
- In face to face - Has good eye
position to the contact interaction and to think of an
client. interesting topic for them.

“ Karun maam, atong - Moderate eye “Sige” - Shows signs of  Giving Informing the client of the
gihimoon kay mag contact willingness to information facts increases his knowledge
tiwas ta sa atong - Good and engage in the about the topic and what to
therapy, ok raba na open posture activity expect on the interaction. It
nimo maam?” - In face to face - Has good eye also builds trust with the
position to the contact client.
“ Sa niagi nga adlaw - Moderate eye “ Wala” - Shows signs of Summarizing This is organizing and
na gakita kay contact willingness to summing up which has gone
nagperform akong - Good and engage in the before and seeks to bring out
kauban ug mindful open posture activity
the important points of
therapy, dayun karun - In face to face - Has good eye
maam kay mag position to the contact discussion and to increase
drawing ta. Ready client. - Smiles awareness and understanding
naka maam?” of both participants. It omits
- Moderate eye No response - Shows signs of irrelevant and organizes the
contact willingness to  Encouraging pertinent aspects of
“Unsa man imong - Good and engage in the expression interaction. It allows both
gibati maam samtang open posture activity
patient and the nurse to
gibuhat nato ang - In face to face - Has good eye
therapy?” position to the contact depart with the same ideas
client and provide a sense of
closure at the completion of
each discussion. This is more
- Moderate eye “Mangita kog - Shows signs of  Silence effective with movements of
No response contact trabaho para willingness to hands, moderate eye contact
- Good and makakwarta palit engage in the
and good and open posture.
open posture ug tambal ni activity
- In face to face Liza.” - Has good eye
position to the contact

 Formulating a
“ Pag makagawas plan of action
naka diri maam, unsa
man imong unang
buhaton?” Helps the client appraise his
own rather than accept the
opinion of others.
Provides limit to put clients
actions, thoughts or feeling
into words and shows place
of interaction gives time to
develop inside.

This means planning in

advance what he might do in
certain situations. Making
definite plans increases the
likelihood that the client will
cope more effectively in a
similar situation.


Today was a great day, as we performed our mindfulness therapy we were pleased with our client’s reaction,
She was attentive and was able to cooperate to the instructions given, although there are times wherein she would get distracted and
drift away with her thoughts, she managed to snap back to her senses quickly. We were happy to see that there was progress along this journey
with her. Slowly she was able to share herself to us and was more open and engaging. There was joy in our hearts knowing that those days of
frustration were now replaced with a sense of relief and satisfaction.

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