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Pre-Renaissance Review

The Ancient World and its Impact, the Middle

Ages, & the Magna Carta
Partner Discussion Think back to 7th grade history…. Can
you name the first examples of
democratic governments or democracy
in history?

-Answer: Greece/Athens &

Rome 1st examples of democracy/
Democracy before Athens and Rome?

●  No known examples of democracy

●  But there were events that influenced the

eventual birth of democracy:

○  Hammurabi’s code:

○  10 Commandments
Hammurabi’s Code

●  Hammurabi-King of Babylon (Mesopotamia)

●  1750 b.c.e. created first large written code of


●  Origin of saying “eye for an eye”

●  Origin of innocent until proven guilty.

Watch Hammurabi’s Code Video
Discuss the ways in which
Partner Discussion
Hammurabi’s Code applied
to different people in different
ways (caste system). Give
me 1 example.

Do you think that laws are

applied to people in the same
way today or are all people
equal under the law?
Israelites & the 10 Commandments

●  Israelites lived in Israel

●  Religion=Judaism

●  2 important contributions to Western Thought:

○  Monotheism=belief in 1 god

○  10 Commandments-basis of their belief


■  Heavily influenced Western laws

10 Commandments/Judaism Influence

●  Influenced later religions:

○  Christianity

○  Islam

●  Spread ideas about:

○  The worth of the individual

○  Importance of social responsibility

○  Idea that all are equal before God.

○  Impacted ethics and morals for centuries.

Individual Response
Citing 2 examples from below, give 2 instances where you
can see an influence from these codes in our everyday life.

● Hammurabi’s Code ● 10 Commandments

● If a man’s wife becomes sick, the husband may take a

● You shall have no other God before me.
second wife, but must continue to care for the sick wife
● You shall not make for yourself an idol.
as long as she lives.
● You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your
● If a son hits his father, his hands shall be cut off. God.
● Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
● If a man wishes to divorce his wife, he must return her ● Honor your father and mother.
dowry and give her the use of part of his field for framing ● You shall not murder.
and part of his property so that she can provide for her ● You shall not commit adultery.
children. ● You shall not steal.
● You shall not give false testimony (lie) against your
● If anyone opens his ditchers to water his crops, but is neighbor.
careless, and the water floods the field of his neighbor,
● You shall not covet.
then he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss.

Feudalism: a system of laws that

governed the relationship between
lords and vassals.

Life revolves around manor

system. Each manor house
owned by a lord, with peasants
that work on it and knights that
defend it. Made everything they
needed at the manor.
Divine Right of Kings

Divine Right of Kings: The belief that kings receive their

power to rule from God and are responsible only to God.

Kings/Emperors hold absolute power over all of Europe and


●  England
●  France
●  Spain
●  Germany
●  Russia
●  China
Abuse of power very very common!
Trouble Brews in England
Abuse of power has angered the nobles of England.

Kings had been raising taxes, imprisoning men

without charging them with a crime, and generally
doing whatever they wanted for a long time.

Additionally, King John of England has angered the

Pope and been excommunicated from the Catholic
Church. He must beg forgiveness of the Pope to be
allowed back into the church.

Nobles are ready to revolt and overthrow the king!

Partner Discussion How do you think the people of England should
handle King John? What would you do?

Remember that many believe that God says he

should rule and that you owe him your obedience.
But at the same are tired of your rights
being stripped away and your family starving or
being attacked.
Robin Hood Clips
The Magna Carta

●  Signed in 1215 in England by King John.

●  Name means “Great Charter”.

○  Granted rights to the Barons/Lords of England

under law.

○  Declared that the King had to obey the laws as


●  Due process of law: fair treatment through

a judicial system

●  Habeas Corpus: you can’t be imprisoned

without first being charged with a crime.
Impact of the Magna Carta

●  Late 1200’s English Parliament is created.

○  King Edward II “what touches all...should be

approved by all”.

●  Influenced the creation of:

○  English Bill of Rights 1689

○  American Bill of Rights 1789

○  United States Constitution

○  And many others!

Magna Carta Video

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