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Printed December 1984

CAZRI Publication No. 24

Editorial Board

. Copyright @ 1984, Central" Arid Zane Research Inst·itute; Jodhpur - 342003, India.
All rights reserved.

The concept of agro-forestry/farm practice of agro-forestry - particularly on

the social and ecological aspects. There
forestry has long been recognised as a
valuable device to help develop optimal is considerable scope for multi-disciplin-
land uses under different agro-climatic ary research in this field. The Central
situations, particularly in the drought- Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
prone areas in the tropics and sub-tropics. (ICAR) has already taken a lead in this
The National Commission on Agriculture direction. With support from the Indian
has also given considerable emphasis on Council of Agricultural Research, the
Agro-forestry in their Report (1976). CAZRI organised a Summer Institute in
1981 to review the current status of know-
Introduction of tree component in
ledge in the field of agro.forestry, its
cropping systems in arid areas which
relevance to our farming systems and
suffer acutely from water stress, and also
future needs for research. The Summer
nutrient stress, offers a valuable cushion
Institute brought out many important
against total crop failure to provide fuel,
points and made valuable recommenda-
fodder and even food under certain situa-
tions. Publication of the Proceedings of
tions. the Summer Institute will be useful to
While the broad principles of agro-
the scientists and development workers
forestry are well known and awareness
alike. The Director and the scientists of
about the significance of agro-forestry is
CAZRI who have worked for this publica-
increasing, there are also obvious gaps in
tion deserve our appreciation.
our knowledge when it comes to actual

New Delhi
Director General, leAR
November 29, 1984
Although the terminology Agro- multiple outputs from the same unit of
forestry is new and has only recently land in a sustainable way and that in some
been scientifically defined, the practice of form Or another interactions occur bet-
having trees in the farm fields and ween the two or more constituent plant
cultivation of crops in the inter - spaces species, one of w"ich at least is a woody
of trees, particularly Khejri (Prosopis perenni1t1 (tree or shrub, etc.). We are to
cineraria) and Bord; (Zizyphus nummu[ar;a) deal with relatively elaborate systems
has been in vogue traditionally among for which programmes of investigations
the farmers of Western Rajasthan. They need to be established that encompass
have long recognised the fertility building more complex space and time dimensions
characteristics of trees and their symbiotic than. tbose normally encountered in
effects for good crop growth and higher agricultlJre and forestry. While we
yields. Admittedly however. there was no explore the problems and possibilities of
scientific approach to it because trees were intimately mixing trees/agricultural crops
permitted to grow_ at random in the fields and/or ~rasses, sometimes in conjunction
and no attention \'vas paid to compatibility with animals as secondary producers, it
and choice of trees and crops for greater is bound to bring into focus constraints
yields. requiring new lines of research approach
It has now been amply demonstrated like (i) shade tolerance of various
that in the fragile ecosystems of the arid agricultl.lral species, (ii) forest species
regions, agriculture alone would not be a which protect the soils but do not reduce
stable enterprise and, therefore, it has to the energy levels on the understorey,
necessarily look to the support of (iii) breeding programmes designed to
forestry into the farming system in obtain in both forest and tree species
order to confer stability and generate and in crops those attributes and
assured income. characteristics that are necessary for
successful and efficient intercropping, and
The function of Agroforestry is
(iv) the plant (topfeed)-animal interactions
precisely to look into problems of land and thei:r management.
use systems invo'ving both agriculture
and forestry and this would certainly need To meet the foregoing objectives on
a change in our research approach. To a concerted basis in the fragile ecosystems
begin with, we need to appreciate the of arid 3.nd semi-arid zones, and to com-
fundamental characteristics inherent in municate;: the latest technological advances
all such systems: that they provide in this field to the concerned teachers and
vi ]

the Indian Council of Agricul- stry (vii) Plant protection and t9xicology
tural Research thoughtfully arranged a (viii) Soil and Water conservation: Water
Summer Institute on Agroforestry in July, use (ix) Appropriate utilisation of agro-
1981 at the Central Arid Zone Research forestry products and (x) Socio-economic
Institute, Jodhpur. The topics for the factors in agroforestry.
lectures covered in the Summer Institute The defiberations of, and the future
embraced such themes as: lines of research that emanated from, the
(i) Agroforestry-Concept and Scope Summer Institute have been compiled in
(ii) Agro-c1imatology I iii) Soils and soil this volume in the hope that it will be of
fertilily (iv) Land use systems (v) Trees, value to the researchers and planners
shrubs and crops in agroforestry engaged in this field of work.
(vi) Complementary systems to agrofore-

Central Ar:d Zone Research Instit1lte, K. A. Sbankaroarayao

Jodhpur. Director

Foreword by G.P. Gautam ill

Preface by K.A. Shankarnarayan v
I. Agro-forestry-concept and scope
Agro-forestry, its concept and implication for a sound
land use goal by K.A. Shaftkarnarayan i
II. Agro-climatology
Climatic features of the arid and semi-arid regions
with special reference to agro-forestry by B. V. Ramana
Rao and A.S.R.A.S. Sastr; 5
Forest microclimate and its importance in agro-forestry
by Y.S. Ramakrishna 9
Studies on droughts and agricultural droughts : A
climatological approach by A.S.R.A.S. Sastri .•. 15
III. Soils and soil fertility
Soils of arid and semi-arid regions: their characteris-
tics and properties by R.P. Dhir 20
Soil physical constraints in relation to increasing the
arid zone productivity with particular reference to
agro-forestry "by H.P. Singh 30
Micronutrient status of soils for developing agro-
forestry in arid regions by D.C;. Joshi 35
Significance of agro-forestry programme as .indicated
by land use capability surveys in arid region by A.S.
Kolarkar 39
Management of sandy soils for higher productivity
by J.P. Gupta 43
.Management of saline and alkali soils by B.L: Jain 50
Influence of Prosopis cineraria and Acacia nilotica on
soil fertility and crops yields by K.A. Shankarnarayan 59
Role of micro organisms in improving the fertility of
aridisols by A.V. Rao 67

IV. Land use systems

Agro-forestry-a multiple land use production system
by KA. Shankarnarayan 71
Shifting cultivation/Taungya cultivation-The need for
integrated and systematic approach by KD. Muthana 75
Land use pattern and overexploitation in Indian arid
zone by Amal Kumar Sen 80
Site quality assessment for afforestation by Suresh
Kumar .... 88-
V. Trees, shrubs and crops in agro-forestry
Tree and shrub species for agro-forestry systems in arid
and semi-arid regions by H.S. Mann 94
Soil-water-plant relationship in agro-forestry system
by A.N. Lallir; 99
Agro-forestry systems for drylands of arid and semi.
arid regions of India by R.P. Singh 107
Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) and bordi (Zizyp/zus nummu-
/aria)-multipurpose plants of arid and semi-arid regions
of India by S.x. Saxena ... III
Leucaena - a mUltipurpose leguminous tree for arid
and semi-arid zones by Subhash S. Arora 122
Improved crop varieties in agro-forestry by M. B.L,
Saxena 126
Intercropping systems for stabilizing agricultural
production in arid and semi-arid ZOnes by H.S. Daulay 132
VJ. Complementary systems to agro-forestry
Silvipastoral system-A pragmatic approach to efficient
integrated land management by KA. Shankarnarayan 137
Inter relationships of tree overstorey and understorey
vegetation in silvi-pastoral system by Vino~ Shankar 143
Grass - component in silvi-pastoral system with special
reference to Indian arid zone by T.K. Bhati 150
Role of horticulture in agro-forestry by B.B. Vashishtha 156
Range management in 'agro-forestry system in arid
regions of India by L.D. Ahuja 167
High yielding legumes for arid and semi-arid rangelands
by S.M.' Yadav 167
[ ix

lJreediog for desirable forage attributes in range grasses

and legumes by R.S. Paroda 171
Utilization and management methods for browse
(Native) stands l1t1d plantations by R.B. Das 174
Palatability, digestibility and nutritive value of :some
'important top feeds of arid and semi-arid regions of
India by P.K. Ghosh and B.C. Bohra 180

VII. Plant protection and toxicology

Diseases in arid land crops and their management by
Satish Lodlza 186
Prospects of pest management in crops· and trees of arid
area by Satya Vir 192
Rok of rodent pests in agro-forestry system by Islrwar ," /

Prakash ... •.. ... .•. ' .. , 199

Termites and their control: a paramount need in agro-
forestry by D.R. Parihar ' •• 206
Role of birds in agro-forestry by B. D. Rana 211
VIII. Soil and water conservation: water use
Soil and water conservation in agricultural land by
M.L. Khybri 216
Conservation farming in arid areas by K.C. Singh 222
Optimum use of scarce water in arid agriculture by Y. V.
Singh 227
Saline water use in agro-forestry by B.L. Jain 232

IX. Appropriate utiJisation of agro-forestry products

The problems of fuel wood in arid and semi-arid regions
of Rajasthan by R.C. Soni 239
Selection of species for fuel wood plantation in arid
and semi-arid areas by K.D. Muthana .,. 243
Industrially economic plants in agro-forestry by Ashok
K. Raina .• ,. 253
Chemical constituents of economic value from plants
of arid and semi·arid regions by Abu Ghanim 257
Post harvest technology - solar energy utilization by
Jagdish P. Gupta 261
x 1
X. Socio-economic factors in agro-forestry
Traditional agro-forestry practices in arid zone oC
Rajasthan by S.P. Malhotra 263
Consolidation of holdings, land tenure and related
problems in agro-forestry by M.L. Purohit 267
. Benefit-cost considerations in agro-forestry by Mruthy-
unjaya 276
Role of institution in agro-forestry development by
L.P. Bharara ... 231

XI. Reflections for the future 287

Acknowledgements by K.D .. Muthana 239
List of Contributors 291
CAZRI Monograph Series 294
Agro-forestry, its concept and implication
for a sound landuse goal
K. A. Shankarnaryan

The concept of agro-forestry implies have been generally aware of the advant-
the integration of farming with forestry ages accruing from tree growth and hence
practices on the farm to the benefit of often encouraged it through individual
agriculture. This concept perhaps origin- efforts.
ates from the realisation that trees play a In addition to amelioration of
a vital role in safeguarding the long range adverse climatic conditions, tree culture is
jnterests of agrkulture and in making necessary to ensure readily available and
agricultural economy viable. adequate supplies of cheap fuel wood in
The practice of agro-forestry is of villages, so that cow-dung, which is still
immense importance to us in India for it being burnt on large scale (about 60 per
is intimately linked with the question of cent) for cooking purpose, is released for
increasing food production ~o meet the Use as farm yard manure. Besides fuel
needs of our burgeoning population, the wood trees, fruits and/or timber yielding
conservation of our soil and moisture trees would not only enrich the diet of
resources so very important for arid and rural population but will also meet the
semiarid regions. demand of timber for farmers and small
Properly distributed tree growth acts scale rural industries. Further, the integ-
as a foster mother to agriculture. This is ration ()f fodder trees in the programme
particularly true in dry inhospitable clim- would also provide the much needed top
ates. Tree growth in such cases conserves feed (fodder) for sustenance of livestock
soil moisture, increases atmospheric hum- during the two major lean periods. In
idity, improves soil fertility, protects field other words, we need to devise such a
crops against the scorching and desiccat- land management and farming system
ing effects of winds and generally make which would produce food, fruit, fodder
the climate more equable and pleasant, and wood and at the same time conserve
thereby stepping up agricultural yields. the ecosystem. Such a system is agrofo-
Although these beneficial effects have restry.
been fully demonstrated in some advance- Agro-!orestry defined
cd countries like Canada, the U.S.A. and King (1978) while clarifying the
the U.S.S.R., no such systematic efforts concept of agroforestry, has distinguished
have been made in India. Yet, enterpris- the various sub-divisions of agroforestry
ing farmers in most parts of the country as stated below:
Agro-silviculture " The conscious and (Beets, 1978), which enjoins the cultivation
de,liberate use of land for the concurrent of more than one crop on the same piece
production of agricultural crops and for- of land at different times of the year and
est crops. this might be likened to the planned
fallows of agroforestry in which forest
Agri-silvipastoral " Here the land is
land is cleared and cultivated and their
managed for the concurrent production
tree species chosen mainly for their rapid
of agricultural and forest crops and for
soil ameliorating characteristics. These
rearing of domesticated animals.
trees are in turn felled after the original
Multipurpose forest tree production level of soil fertility is restored or impro-
system: In this system the forest tree ved and the sequence is continued.
species are regenerated and managed for
their ability to produce not only wood Biological principles in agro-forestry
but also leaves and/or fruits that are Having defined the agroforestry
suitable for fodder and/or food. systems and their comparison with
multiple cropping system of agriculture,
In all agroforestry land management
it is necessary now to examine the vast
systems,there are two essential and related
range of biological principles and data
aims : the systems should conserve and
which ought to be taken into considera-
improve the site and at the same time
tion in the practices of agroforestry. This
optimise the combined production of
calls for animated discussion on the
forest crops and agricultural crops.
possibilities of new approaches in the
A unique soil nutrient recycling system selection of forest species and agricultural
crops and in the choice of managcmentJ
It is well known that in the tropics,
there is often considerable loss of nutri-
ents through erosion and leaching as well The mam problem besetting this
as loss sustained by the removal of system is the inherent potentiality of
nutrients by agricultural crops. In competition among the different types of
such instances if a system can be devised species for solar energy, nutrients and
whic,h will minimise erosion, through the water. We must, therefore, in agro-fores~
judicious selectiQn of tree species which try aqdress ourselves to the selection of
tap nutrients that are not normally avai- species that are compatable with each
lable to the shallower rooting agricultural other and indeed complement each other.
c_rops, that system will increase the level The object should be to optimise the joint
of fertility and will replace the nutrients productivity of both agricultural and
taken out by the annual agricultural forest crops.
crops. Agro-forestry is no doubt an .ans- If this principle is accepted then the
wer for such a system. tree species chosen to be grown in con-
Agroforestry is thus versatile and junction with agricultural crops should
~ay be ,aptly compared with the "Mul- inter alia have the following characteris-
tiple cropping" systems of agriculturists tics (King, 1979) :

(a) they should be, amenable to early The concept 'oj ,plant architecture and
wide espacement, geometry
(b) they should, tolerate relatively high From the foregoing it is obvious
incidence of pruning, i. e., their that the plant architecture and geometry,
photosynthetic efficiency should not morphology, the phenology of trees, root
decrease with heavy pruning. growth and activity are important para-
(c) they should have a low crown dia- meters influencing the growth and produc-
meter to bole diameter ratio, i.e., tion of associated agriculturel crops. Cho-
the width of the crown should be ice of multipurpose trees can be of econ 0-
small relative to bole diameter, mic and social significance on the farms of
(d) they should be light branching in individuals and in villages. Other factors
that need attention are the influence of
their habit,
genotype and environment on dry matter
(e) they should be tolerant of side- distribution in herbaceous and woody
shades, plants, the effects of management on plant
(f) their phyllotaxis should permit the growth, dry matter distribution and plant
penetration of light to the ground, development and the factors affecting the
(g) their phenology, particularly with plant nutrient neeels.
reference to leaf flushing ~nd leaf
fall, should be advantageous to the The genetics and breeding aspects
growth of the annual crop in con- for both trees and crops for the desirable
junction with which they are being attributes mentioned above need no
raised. emphasis if agroforestry is to improve
and take the pride of place in any land
(h) the rate of litter fall and litter
management system practised today.
decomposition should have posi-
tive effects on the soil, Systems approach-A paramoullt need
(i) the above gound changes over time
in structure and morphology should In order to optimise the management,
be such that they retain or improve the environmental resources and the plant
those characteristics which reduce responses to agroforestry. it is paramount
to adopt a systems approach to agrofor-
competetion for solar energy. nutri-
estry. This is important if we are to
ents and water,
encompass and appreciate all the variables
(j ) their root systems and root growth
which 'exist in a system which attempts
characteristics shoUld ideally re~;ult
to combine the concurrent production of
in exploration of soil layers that are annuals and perennials of herbaceous
different to those being tapped by and woody plants-a system in which the
agricultural crops. problems of utilising the space effectively
The same procedure applies to the are compounded by the problems of
agriculture crop components of the change in size, shape and responses over
system. time.

Institutional requirements in agro forestry ted landuse management system, ever
Above all, like any other system of devised by man, systematic and organized
rural developments, the success of the researches are required into the various
system depends in many cases upon the facets of investigations outlined above,
provision of incentive, social amenities in order to generate quantified data that
and services and marketing facilities. shall have immense value for field appli-
Therefore, this factor has to be borne in cation. The challenge is great, but the
mind while examining the relevance of rewards are far reaching.
agroforestry systems to social and eco- REFERENCES
nomic development. To this end the
Institutional requirements also assume Beets, w.e. 1978 : Multiple cropping
great importance. systems reviewed. Span 21(3),

Looking to the magnitude and King, K.F.S. 1978 Agroforestry. PCIJ?,er

complexity of factors involved, the need presented to the 50th Agricultural Con-
for eschewing the false dichotomy bet- ference. Amsterdam.
ween forestry .and agriculture cannot be King, K.P.S. 1979. Some principles of
overemphasised if agroforestry system is agro-forestry. Key note address deli-
to be successful. vered at the Nationai Seminar on Agro-
While the agroforestry system port- forestry in India, May 16-18, 1979.
ends to be the most efficient and integra- Shillong.

Climatic features of the arid and serni-arid regions
with special reference to agro-forestry

B. V. RamaDa Rao aDd A. S. R. A. S. Sastry

For the development of agro-fore- Climatic classification

stry in the arid and semi-arid regions of
Koppen, in 1900, divided the earth's
India, it is of primary importance to
surface into five great zones, separated
understand the climatic features of the
from each other by certain critical values
regions, so that major climatic constra-
of temperature and rainfall. The main
ints can be identified.
climatic types, Tropical (A), Warnv tem-
As a matter of fact the important perate (C), Boreal (D) and Polar (E) were
climatic constraints for the development separated from each other by the mean
of agro-forestry are the moisture and values of temperature and the sub-divis-
light factors. The moisture availability ions under each were demarcated accord-
is a climate-dependent parameter based ing to the seasonal distribution of rainfall.
on the distribution of rainfall and His dry climates (B) were those with
evapotranspiration, while light factor is annual rainfall less than a threshold
dependent more on biological factors value that depended on the annual
like species of the forest, age of the -temperature as given below:
trees as well as the spacing of the trees,
rather than the climatic factors. R=O.44 (T-K)

Before analysing the climatic Where R is the critical value of precipita-

feature for the development of agro- tion (inch), T is the annual tempera-
forestry in arid and semi-arid regions, it ture CF) and K is a constant whose
is important to identify the arid and semi magnitude is determined by the seasonal
arid regions. Here two major climatic distribution of precipitation.
classifications that are widely used (i.e.,
Koppen's and Thornthwaite's) and as Stations having rail fall greater than
applied to India are discussed. R thus come under humid group, while
those with annual rainfall less than R/2
Based on the analysis of different are called absolute deserts (BW) and
water availability periods, the possibility stations' with annual rainfall between R
of agro-forestry in the arid and semI-arid and R/2 are under steppe climate (BS).
regions of Rajasthan are examined. Based on Koppen's classification

Subrahmanyam et af (1965) found Moisture index Climatic type Ceod
that the Steppe (BS) climate is the most
100& adove per humid A
extensive irl India running from north
India down to the central portion of
80-100 )
40-60 } Humid
south India, To the west of the semidry 20-40 HI
region in the north is the true desert 0-20 Moist subhumid ,C2
zone. The Steppe (BS) climate and the -33.3 to-O Dry subhumid Cl
-66.6 to -33.3 Semi arid D
true desert :zone can be attributed to the
-100 to -66.7 Arid E
arid region according to Thornthwaite's
classificatiorl. Thus the arid and semi-arid regions
Thornthwaite's (1948) scheme is are mainly dry regions with the moisture'
based on fundamental considerations of indices less than 33,3.
thermal and moisture effectives. For this
purpose he proposed an index- "Potential A map was prepared by Subrahm-
evapotranspiration" (PE) which is defi- anyam et ol (1965), delineating different
ned as the maximum evaporation from climatic zones of India according to
soil and transpiration from vegetation Thornthwait scheme. According to this
that can take place over an extended area, classification the whole of western
provided there is adequate supply of India is arid with the' semi arid zone
moisture. Taking this PE as water adjoining it on the other end extending
demand and rainfall as supply, Thornth- downward to the tip of the Peninsula.
waite (1948) proposed a water budgeting Analysis of water availability periods
technique by a book-keeping procedure
A knowledge of the commencement
which he later modified with Mather
and duration of the water availabity peri-
(1955). From the water budget analysis
ods gives an idea.of the moisture status of
one can arrive at the actual evapotrans-
the soil and it helps in proper planning
piration, water deficit and water surplus,
of agro-forestry in a given region. The
with rainfall and PE as inputs.
different periods of water availability
From the water balance parameters
are designated following the method
Thornthwaite worked out moisture
proposed by Cocheme and Franquin
index as
. (S-D) (1967).
1m = 100 (PE) ,
Humid period: When rainfall exceeds
Where S = annual water surplus potentia\ evapotranspiration {P> PE}
D = annual water deficit
PE = annnal water need. Moist period : When rainfall exceeds
Regiorls with positive values of half the PE values but falls below the
moisture indices come under' humid (PE>P< PE).
PE va Iues 2
climates and with negative values come
under dry climates. The climatic class i- Submoist period: When rainfall exceeds
ficat,ion proposed by Thornthwaite (1955) PE/4 and falls below PE/2 values
is as follows: (PE/2>P> PE/4).


, .
:l ::s :l ::; ::J :l
~-,,~......, .......
N _ .....

ii ::>
o .c
~ -0
.c ...,o

Using the graphical interpolation of light factor. With proper management
monthly mean potential evapotranspira~ of light penetration into the forest, with
tion estimated by Penman's method and regular lopping, agro-forestry can be
the rainfall, along with the lines of PE/2 developed in these regions.
arid PE/4, the water availability periods
worked out for various arid and semi~
arid regions of Rajasthan. It may be Cocheme, J. and Franquin, P. 1967. An
seen from Table 1 that in the arid regions agroclimatology survey of a semi-
of Rajasthan, the humid period normally arid area in Africa: South Sahara.
does not occur in any region except FAO/WMO Tech. B?lll. 86.
Jodhpur and that too only for a period Koppen, W. 1990. Versuch einer klassifi-
of 7 days. Under these circumstances, cation der Beziehungen zur pflazenwelt
chances of success of agro~forestry are Geograph Z. 6: 593-611; 657-679.
rathes poor in these regions, but suitable
Krishnan, A. 1978. Climatological
silvi-pastoral systems may be adopted
Research at CAZRI, Jodhpua, 1962-
here. Krishnan (1978) observed that the
68. CAZRI Monograph No. 10,
native vegetation in the arid zone extract
moisture even below the wilting point and
is more extravagant in water use comp- Subrahmanyam, V. P., Subba Rao and
ared to bajra crop which restricts the Subramaniam, A.R. 1965. Koppen
success of agro-forestry systems. and Thronthwaite system of climatic
classification as applied to India. Ann.
However, in the semi arid region
Arid Zone. 4, (1): 46-55.
of Rajasthan the humid period may
occur, ranging from 31 days in Ajmer Thornthwaite, C. W., 1948. An appro-
arid Jaipur to 91 days in the Udaipur ach towards rational classification of
region. Thus, agro-forestry can be climates. Geog. Rev. 38: 55-94.
developed in the semi-arid region of - - - - - and Mather, J. R. 1955. The
Rajasthan under normal rainfall condit- water balance. Publ. in Climatology,
ions. Here the only climatic constraint Drexel Inst. Tech., New Jersey, 8(1):
for development of agro-forestry is the 104.

Forest microclima te and its importance In
Y.S. Ramakrishna

With the increasing importance of dant for plant growth. This is true to
afforestation in the arid and semi-arid certain extent since in plants, exposed
regions the need to understand the forest to full insolation, there is tremendous
microclimate has become an essential excess of unused light. However, leaves
factor in selecting suitable tree species transmit about 10 per cent of light imp-
that can come up in a specified region. inging on them and as such light and
Before any species, whether a crop or a energy penetration is often affected by
pasture, is introduced in to a forest eco- the screening action of the foliage, with
system knowledge of its compatability the tallest species (the tree) receiving the
to the environmental conditions available full insolation while the under-shrubs
beneath the tree canopy pecomes essen- receive subdued insolation. Thus radiant
tial. A clear understanding of the forest energy penetration is one of the important
microclimate, thus, becomes a prerequisite factors that influences the success of the
for its successful adoption. pasture or crop establishment in an effici-
ent silvipastoral/agroforestry system. This
Of the various microclimatic para- is so because most of the seeds require
met~rs, knowledge of the incidence of considerable light energy for stimulation
radiation and its interception by the forest and they germinate better with proper
canopy, the temporal variations in air exposure to light and under proper soil
temperature, soil temperature, relative thermal environment, maintained by
humidity, wind speed and interception of adequate radiant energy (Jackson, 1959).
rainfall by the canopy structure are of Apart from this, photosyn thesis utilises the
great importance in the silvipastoral and visible wave lengths (0.3 to 0.7 p.) of radia-
agro-forestry systems as they decide tion and plant growth demands synthesis
the suitability of a particular crop or in excess of the respiratory use by carbon
grass to be introduced into the forest compounds which defines the minimum
ecosystem. amount of light energy required for the
pl~nts and is known as the 'compensa-
Radiant energy penetration
tion point'. Thus, when insufficient light
In the tropical regions radiant energy is available and photosynthesis is
energy is generally assumed to be abun- curtailed, the roots of the plants suffer

the most restriction in growth. Inadequate was adequate (6 to 7 per cent) and was
development of root system in turn not a limiting factor for germination.
inhibits the plant growth and dry matter However, germination and growth of the
production (Daubenmire, 1974). grass seedlings remained very poor. the
Attempts were made at the Central reasons for which could be found in the
Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, diurnal variations in the total and net
to introduce in 1977 Cenchrus ciliaris radiant energy available beneath the tree
grass over a 4 ha plot having 13 year canopy.
old un lopped tree of Acacia tortiUs. The
The total radiant energy received
grass seeds were sown in the interspaces
and the net radiant energy available in
(3m x 3m) in the Acacia tortilis plantation
the open field and beneath the Acacia
during the third week of July just after
tortiUs plantation are presented 111
substantila rains (ISO mm) were received.
Table l.
The moisture content in the soil profile

Table 1. Diurnal variation of radiation in open and under Acacia tortilis plantation
(Monsoon 1977)
Hour of Total radiation (Watts/m:!) Net radiation (Wattsfm 2 )
the day In open Under Energy In Under Energy
(hrs 1ST) Acacia penet- open Acacia penetration
torti/is ration(%) tortilis (%)
1100 814 187 23 335 57 17
1200 788 205 26 323 77 24
1300 1068 278 26 402 68 17
1400 978 235 24 306 46 15
1500 814 244 30 278 61 22
1600 692 180 26 254 38 15
1700 394 55 14 201 32 16
It can be clearly seen that there that for successful introduction of
was a ~harp decrease in the net and total grasses in a silvi-pastoral system or for
radiant energy ben(!ath the mature Acacia .adoptioll of agro-forestry system success-
tortilis plantation. The total incoming ful manipulation of the canopy cover, if
radiation was only 14 to 30 per cent of necessary through lopping, is essential
that received in the open while the net so that light/radiant energy does not
radiant energy was only 15 to 24 percent, become a limiting factor for the growth
indicating poor light energy available for of the crop or grass in the system (Rama-
growth of grass beneath the tree canopy. krishna et al., 1980).
The result was a poor establishment of
Air temperature
the Cenchrus ciliaris grass cover because
sufficient energy was not available for As both the growth and reprodue-
photosynthesis. This study, thus indicates tion of crops depend upon the. efficient

rate at which plants accumulate organic showed that the diurnal 'temperature
compounds, optimum (cardinal) tempera- ranges were higher near the top of the
tures are essential for photosynthesis. tree canopy and decreased towards the
The photosynthesis-respiration relation- surface. They recorded a diurnal range of
ship which depends highly on the ambient 1O.8°C at 46 metre height near the top
temperature, plays a vital role in the of the emergent trees, while the diurnal
ran'ge was only 4.4°C at I metre above
accumulation of carbohydrates and in
the ground in the under-growth. Their
controlling the adaptability of crops in
studies have also shown that a remark-
the agro-forestry system. able similarity in minimum temperatures
It has been the feeling of the earlier exist along the whole vertical profile
workers that temperature is a factor which beneath a forest canopy.
need not be considered in the tropics, Soil temperature
since the monthly average temperatures The temperature of plant organs
calculated for most of the meteorological tends to follow that of the immediate
sites in the tropical forest zone is prover- environment closely. Root temperatures
bially equal (Kooper, ]927). However the of crops and trees remain almost identical
diurnal variations in temperature does to soil temperatures except where rising
indicate considerable fluctuations in transpiration stream pulls cool water
temperature which may become obscure
through roots into the warn surface
when mean monthly temperatures are layer of the soil (Waggoner. 1953). Thus.
considered. Forest ecosystem does show in an agro-forestry system soil tempera-
a diurnal variation in temperature which
ture in the top soil layers is of great
is different from that recorded in open
importance to the growth of crops
sites. Superimposed on these diurnal and
beneath the tree canopy.
seasonal fluctuations are the differences
Inside the forest canopy soil tempe-
in temperature between various layers of
rature is controlled mainly by the average
the forest canopy.
air temperature an~ is only slightly affec-
Studies carried out in a 7 year old ted by changes' in soil moisture. The
Acacia tortilis plantation (Ramakrishna differences in soil temperature recorded
and Sastri, 1977) during the monsoon beneath the tree canopy and that in the
season at Jodhpur showed that during open are highest at the surface and the
the morning period air temperature difference decreases with soil depth. Also
beneath the tree canopy were lower by the diurnal range of soil temperature is
0.1 ° to O.7°C than those recorded in the lower under the tree canopy because of
open, while during the afternoon period the interception of the radiant energy by
the temperatures underneath the tree the forest canopy.
canopy remained lower by as much as Measurement of soil temperatures
0.6° to 2.0°C than those recorded in the in' an agro-forestry system wherein guar
open. was sown beneath the Acacia tortiUs
Studies by Cachan and Duval(1963) (7 year old) tree cover during the 1977
in the rain forest of the Ivory Coast khariJ season indicated that the mean

daily maximum soil temperature beneath are usually 4 to 10 times greater than
the tree cover were lower by as much as those measured under the tree canopy.
10° to 16°C in the top soil zone (0.5 cm) Johnson el at (1975) interestingly found
and 4 ° to 5°C at 30 cm depth than those a correlation between decrease in wind
recorded in the open, which indicates a travel and interceptlon of solar radiation
better soil thermal regime under the tree beneath forest canopies. This correlation
plantation for the adoption of the agro- does not, however, imply a direct rela-
forestry system. tionship between these two parameters,
Studies by Schulz (1960) in the but indicates that both the parameters
Surinam rain forest interestingly revealed are partially depenent on the same
that the yearly average soil temperature parameter, viz. density of leaves on the
was practically equal to the average air tree canopy. In the forest zones in the
temperature in the under-growth of the arid and semi-arid regions of India, wind
forest. Studies by Ramakrishna et of speed and interception of solar radiation
(1980) indicated that the soil temperature can be expected to be Jaw during the
at 5 cm depth in the open and the screen monsoon season (June to September)
air temperatures are highly correlated when the leaf density is at its maximum.
indicating the possibility of estimation Wind profile studies by.Oliver(l975)
of soil temperatures from air temperature show that under lapse conditions wind
measurements itself. Such studies can structure under the tree canopy follows
also be extended to the forest canopy in the normal logarithmic profile while
the arid and semi-arid regions to study under stable atmospheric conditions wind
their suitability for adoptin'g agro-forestry penetration into the canopy is less. In
system. the trunk region, however, wind profiles
Wind structure show an increase in wind penetration,
When air is in motion the evapora- which increased with decreasing wind
tion process becomes strongly affected speed and greater instabilities. This is of
by convection. Wind increases transpira- great consequence in agro - forestry
tion by removing layers of humid air systems as it indicates the possibility of
which tend to accumulate adjacent to the air-borne diseases to be transported over
plant 'surfaces. Under the influence of considerable distances from one canopy
dry!ng wind, plants never' attain satis- to other via the trunk space as well as
factory levels of turgidity and the consti- across the top of the trees aQd also
tuent cells become fixed at subnormal affects carbondioxide exchange in the
sizes resulting in dwarfing, low dry cropped area beneath the tree canopy.
matter production and early maturity of Relative humidity
crops. Knowledge of wind speed and 1!-ir All factors remaining constant, an
flow patterns within a forest are thus of increase in the relative humidity decreases
great importance in agro-forestry. the rates of evaporation and transpira-
Studies by Geiger (1965) indicate tion, because the vapour pressure gradient
that the wind velocities outside a forest between the atmosphere and the moist

surface is lpwered. The evaporative . plant~tion. On an average 25 per cent of
power of the air is increased by high the rain water falling over the area is
temperature and wind as well as by low directly evaporated from the crown of
relative humidity beneath the tree canopy the .tree canopy (Freise, 1936) and in
also plays an important rofe in thick forests 40 per cent of the rain water
promoting the growth of crops beneath runs down the limbs and trunks of the
the tree canopy in an agro - forestry tree as stem flow and is partly absorbed
system. As the inter - tree spaces are by the Qark and partly evaporated from
covered by crop vegetation. the shading the area near the tree trunk .
. by the crop as well as by' the tree
Rainfall interception studies carried
canopy above, reduced air temperature,
out in Acacia tortilis plantations of 13 and
interference in wind movement and the
7 years of age and in Holoptelia integri-
water vapour given off by the leaves, all
folia plant cover (8 year old) at Jodhpur,
conspire to reduce the evaporation rate
indicated that under moderate to heavy
(Daubenmire, 1974). Studies carried out
rainfall conditions (20 to 35 mm) the
in an agro-forestry system comprising of
rainfall interception varied between 23 to
Acacia torti/is (7 year old plantation)
33 per cent and 14 to 19 per cent respe-
and guar crop at Jodhpur (Ramakrishna
ctively under the two Acacia torti/is
and Sastri, 1977) indicated that the mean
plantations while it was only 3 to 8 per
daily relative humidity values recorded
cent under the Holoptelia integrifolia
beneath the tree canopy during the active
plant cover, which can directly be attri-
cropping season of guar w~re found to be
buted to the plant shape and dense plant
about 7 per cent more than that in the
cover of the Acacia tortilis tree species.
These studies thus indicate that tree
Rainfall interception canopy structure and density also control
the water availability beneath the tree
One of the m3jor factors that need
canopy and thus play major roles in the
careful consideration in agro - forestry
successful adoptation of the agro-forestry
system is the rainfall interception by the
tree canopy and the stem flow. In the
arid and semi-arid regions where water Conclusion
availability is a limiting factor for crop Agro-forestry in the arid and semi-
growth, the normal success of a crop in arid regions involves a host of problems
a given region does not indicate that it for its success, the first and foremost
would be successful in an agro-forestry being the water availability beneath the
system, since the characteristics of rain tree cover for the unde rgro\\>th crops 10
water availability for plant growth is survive and succeed. Various other
completely different beneath the tree mi<;roclimatic factors also influence, to
cover as compared to that in the open. a great extent, the adaptability and
The rainwater availability to crops is success of the crop factor in the agro-
often very less in an agro-forestry system forestry system, like the light and radiant
because of the canopy structure of the tree energy availability at the surface beneath

the tree cover, the air and soil tempera- forest microc1iruates ih the midwestern
tures, humidity and wind flow. There is United States. Agri. Met. 14: 335-45.
thus a strong need to study and under-
Kooper, W.J.C. 1927. Sociological and
stand the microclimatic conditions
ecological studies on the tropical
available, before any crop is introduced
in the forest ecosystem. weed-vegetation of Pasurvan (the
Island of Java), Recl. Trav. bot. neer,
24 : 1-256.
Cachan, P. and Duval, J. 1963. Varia-
tions microclimatiques verticales et Ramakrishna, Y.S. and Sastri. A.S.R.A.S.
1977. Microclimate under Acacia torti-
Saisonnieres dans ]a forest Sempervi-
lis plantation. Annual Progress Report
rente de Basse Cote d' Iveire. Ann.
1977. CAZRI, Jodhpur 69-70.
Fac. Sci. Dakar 8: 5-87.
Daubenmire 1974. Plants and Environment Ramakrishna, Y.S., Sastri, A.S.R.A.S.
Wiley Eastern Private Ltd. New and Muthana, K.D. 1980. A note on
Delhi. 422 P. the importance of radiant energy
penetration in silvipastoral systems.
Freise, F. 1956. Das Binnenklima von
Myforest (Accepted for publication).
Urwaldern in Subtropicehen Brasilien.
Petermann's Milt. 82: 301-7. Ramakrishna, Y.S., Sastri, A.S.R.A.S.
Geiger, R. 1965. The climute near the and Krishna. G.V.S.R. 1980. Soil and
ground. Hardward University, Cam- air temperature relationship in the
bridge, Mass., 611 P. Indian arid zone (communicated to
Ind. J. Soil Sc.)
Jackson, L.W.R. 1959. Relation of pine
forest overstory opening diameter to Schulz, J.P. 1960. Ecological studies on
growth of pine production. Ecology rain forest in Northern Suriname. Ams-
40: 478-80. terdam, North Holland.

Johnson, F.L., Bell. D.T. and Sipp, S.K. Waggoner. P.E. 1953. Stem and root
1975. A comparison of urban and temperatures, Phytopath 43: 317-18.

Studies on droughts' and agricultural droughts .
A climatological' approach
A.S.R.A.S. Sastri

Drought is a climatic anomaly hydrological drought with marked deple-

characterised by deficient supply of tion of surface water and consequent
moisture. Such deficiency may result from drying up of reservoirs, lakes, streams
sub-normal rainfall, erratic rainfall dis- and rivers, cessation of spring flows and
tribution, excessive water need or a com- fall in ground water level.
bination of all thesethree. As the required iii) Agricultural drought: It occurs
magnitude of deficiency was not agreed when soil moisture and rainfall are
upon, drought means different things to inadequate during the growing season to
different people (Maunder 1970). Several support healthy crop growth and cause
definitions of drought are available in the extreme crop stress and wilt.
literature. However, no universally accep~
As the hydrological drought is the
ted definition has so far been developed
result of prolonged meteorological
(Haunam, et ai. 1975.) Bagnouls and
drought, and as the data on ground water
Gaussen (1957) considered a month as
level is not as readily available as the
dry when its mean rainfall (p) is less than
meteorological data, drought studies on
twice the normal temperature (T). Dry-
meteorological and agricultural aspects
ness prevails when
are described below:
P< 2 T 1. Meteorological droughts
where P is in mm and T is in °C
The meterological drought over an
Ramdas and Mallik (1948) defined area for a year has been defined recently
drought as a week with actual rainfall by India Meteorological Department as a
equal to half the normal rainfall or less. situatioll when annual rainfall over the
According to the National Commi- area is less than 75 per cent of the normal.
ssion on Agriculture (1976) droughts can Moderate drought prevails when 25 to 50
be classified in to 3 categories. per cent of the norm mal allnuaf rainfall
i) Meteorological drought: It is a occurs.
situation where there is significant (more The drought can be defined in terms
than 25 per cent) decrease from normal of' the moisture deficiency which is a
p' ec' pitation over an area. balance between the water availability and
ii) Hydrological druught : Meteoro- water demand. For an analytical study
logical drought, if prolonged, results in of drought in India, the aridity index Ja

(ratio of annual water deficit to annual and as a whole during the period 1911-40,
water need) of Thornthwaite (1948) is drought conditions prevailed in some part
found to be a very useful parameter of the region or the other.
(Subrahmanyam and Subramaniam, Incidence of droughts
1964). For classification of drought inten-
sity the departure of aridity index from its Droughts do not descend all of a
mean value was chosen and an arbitrary sudden, but are usually the ultimate result
scheme was developed by earlier workers of a set of weather sequences that require
(Subramaniam, 1961; Subrahmanyam, extended periods to develop (Linsley et
1967). al., 1959). In view of this, studies on the
incidence of droughts over Western
However, an analysis of the aridity
Rajasthan were carried out by Ra111a
and drought occurrences revealed that
krishna and Sastri (1980). The study indi-
this criterion does not reflect the true
cated that the occurence and spread of
conditions in the arid region of western
drought is not a sporadic event in Western
Rajasthan. Hence the scheme of drought
Rajasthan but has a general tendency to
classification reported by the earlier
originate in the northeast region, spread
workers was slightly modified (Sastri and
towards southwest direction and dissipate
Ramakrishna, 1967) as with an easterly movement. .

Departure of La Drought Agricultural droughts

from the normal Intensity
Less than mm t T Moderate Knowledge of the frequency of
occurrence of agricultural drough t of
i - to IT Large
varying intensities for different crops is of
(1 to 1t 'T Severe
fundamental importance for identifying
G;eater than I!,. Disastrous
the crops better suited in a given region.
Where q is the standard deviation Not much literature is available on classi-
of la, worked out for a maximum number fication of agricultural droughts with
of years. respect to field crops in India. Krishnan
and Thanvi (1970) proposed a drought
Based on the modified scheme of
classification by considering the aridity
drought classification, the drought clima-
index, la, during the monsoon season but
tology of various regions of western
it was not crop-specific.
Rajasthan was studied (Sastri & Rama-
krishna, 1980). According to the study
George and Krishna (1969) and
the years 1918, 1968 and 1969 were the
George and K alyana Sundaram (1969)
disastrous drought years in more or less
all the regions of Western Rajasthan .. have assessed the agricultural droughts
on the basis of water availability periods
Also, it was observed that the and monthly rainfall. However, no classi-
decades 1911-20, 1921-1930 and 193!-40 fication has been developed on a
were the highest drought-affected decades rational approach for classifying droughts

of various crops during the same season It can be seen that the minimum
in a given region. required value of AE/PE is higher for
Sastri. (1978) and Sastri etal (1981) kharif pulses than for pearl millet. If
developed a new method of drought pearl millet and kharif pulses are sown
classification based on the crop yields and simu ltaneously, the pulses mature first
index of moisture agequacy, known as as they are short duration crops (within
AEjPE, for two crops, pearl millet and 65-70oays). The rainy season of Rajas-
klwrij pulses. than is also limited· to 65-70 days.
The minimum required values of The following criterion was adopted
AEjPE in respect of the two crops for for classifying the drought intensity of
getting average yields were worked out the two crops.
from a graphical interpolation and are
given below for three regions. The yields
Departure of AEjPE below Drought
would be above average if the AEjPE
the minimal required value. intensity
value is more than the minimal required
value and vice versa. Less than 10 Moderate
10-20 Large
Region (AEjPE Index) Severe
Pearl millet Kharifpulses
Greater than 30 Disastrous
Sikar 65 68
(Semi-aried) Using the minimal required values
Jodhpur (Arid) 46 55 of the two crops for the three regions, the
Barmer 39 55 drought intensities were worked out for
(Extremely arid) the period 1956-75 as shown below.
Crop Drought Regions
intensity Sikar Jodhpur Barmer
Pearl M 1958 1958, 1962, 1958, 1962
millet 1972 1972
L 1965 1968, 1974
S 1961 1960 1966
D 1969 1968, 1969
Kharif M 1965, 1966 1959
pulses L 1958, 1958, 1963, 1957, 1962,
1965, 1972 1967
S 1968, 1974 1958
D 1961 1969 1966, 1968,
M = Moderate, L = Large, S = Severe
D = Disastrous.
It can be seen that in all the three Hounam. C. E .• Burgos, J. J., Kalik, M.
regions the drought for kharif pulses was S., Palmer, W.C. and Rodda, J. 1975
al ways one degree higher than that of Drought and agriculture. WMO Tech.
pearl millet. Note 38, Geneva.
For example, in Sikar, 1958 was Krishnan, A. and Thanvi, K. P. 1971
moderate drought for pearl millet while Occurrence of droughts in Rajasthan
the intensity was large in respect of kharif during 1941-60. Proc. All India Seminar
pulses. Similarly in Jodhpur, during the on Dry Farming, New Delhi.
years 1958, 19£'8, 1972 and 1974 the dro-
Linsley, Jr. R. K., Kohler, H. A. and
ught intensities for kharifpulse were one
Spithaus, J.L.H. 1959. Applied Hydro-
degreee higher than that of pearl millet.
logy. Mc Graw Hill, New York.
Same is the case in Barmer during the
years 1962, 1966 and 1967. Maunder, W.l. 1970 The value oj the
Thus, it is found that though kharif weather. Methuen and Co. Ltd. Lon-
pulses are of short duration and are grown don, 388.
during the assured rainfall season, they National Commission on Agriculture
are more susceptible to drought than 1976. Climate and agriculture, Part IV.
pearl millet, in case water stress occurs Govt. of r ndia.
during the growing season.
Ramakrishna, Y.S., Sastri, ASRAS. 1980
The above scheme of drought classi- Studies on the incidence of droughts
fication is a useful yardstick in assessing over Western Rajasthan. The Nat.
the frequency and intensity of droughts Geogr. Joul. of India 26 (1-2) : 44-49.
for various crops. Such studies provide Ramdas. L. A. and Mallik, A. K. 1958.
information on the relative climatic suit-
Agricultural situation in India. IMD
ability of any crop variety for a given Report, 1-5.
Sastri, A.S.R.A.S. 1978. Studies on some
REFERENCES agroC/imatic aspects of Andhra
Pradesh. Uupublished Ph. D. thesis
Bagnouls, F. and Gaussen, H. 1957. Les
submitted to Andhar Univ. Waltair.
c1itnats biologiques et leur classificat-
ion. Ann. de Geogr. 355 .: 193-220.
Sastri, A.S.R A.S. and Ramakrishna,
.George. C. J. and Kalyana Sundaram, V.
Y. S. 1980. A modified scheme of
1969. A use of monthly rainfall deciles
drought classification as applicable
for assessing agricultural droughts in
to the arid zone of western Rajasthan
Bihar State. Pre. Publ. Sci. R.;:p. 96,
Ann. Arid Zone 19 : (1-2) 65-72.
Sastri, A.S.R.A.S. Ramakrishna, Y. S.
George, C. J. and Krishna AIda 1969.
and Ramana Rao, B.V. 1981. A new
Assessment of agricultural droughts method for classification of agricult-
from water ~vailabity periods. Pre ural droughts. Arch. FlIr. Met. Geophy.
Publ. Sci. Rep. 95, IMD. and Bio. Clim. Austria (In Press).

Subrahmanyam, V.P. 1967. Incidence and Subrahmanyam, V.P. and Subramaniam,
spread of continental droughts. Report A.R. 1964. Application of water
on WMO/IHD Projects, Rep. No.2, balance concepts for the climatic study
WMO, Geneva. of droughts in South India. Ann. Arid
Subramaniam, A. R. 1961. Some studies Zone 4, (1) 46-55.
of aridity and droughts in the dry Thornt~waite, C.W. 1948. An approach
climatic zones of India. Unpublished towards the rational classification of
Ph. D. thesis submitted to Andhra climates. Geogr. Rev, 38 No. (1).
University, Waltair.

Soils of a rid and semi -arid regions :
their characteristics aud properties
R. P. Dhir

Despite the common feature of I. Soils of Semi Arid Zone

general moisture deficiency, the arid and I. 1. Deep Black Soils
semi-arid regions of our country are
These are dark coloured clayey soils
characterised by an immense variability
with a property to swell when wet and
of soil cover. The sediments from diverse
crack when dry. The width of cracks can
rock source and varied history of land-
be from 1 to 5 cm with a downward
scape evolution have given rise to a range
extension to 50 cm or more. These are
of soils from Black soil through Red
generally derived from basaltic parent
loams and sandy Aridisols to dunes. Even
material. These are commonly identified
within a taluka or panchayat sal11iti large
as "regur". Since cotton is an important
variations occur along with the depth of
crop on these soils, these are also called
soil, erodibility to wind and water, mois-
"Black cotton soils".
, ture storage capacity and runoff. In many
situations presence or absence of a hard The soils are a meter or more deep.
pan or dense subsoil are important fac- The texture of the surface and subsurface
tors to be reckoned with. All these soil layers is same and is silty clay to clay
features have a large bearing on the use (table I). The soils have a fine to medium
of ,land and un the management practices. moderately subangu!ar blocky structute.
Often these alsp determine the choice of The. pH is generally between 8 to 8.5 and
crops ano tree species. Therefore, in any the soils are non saline, though substrate
programme of land management to incre- can have appreciable concentration of
ase the yield efficiency of the crops by soluble salts. The soils have high moisture
introducing a new system such as agro- retention capacity (38 to 51 %), of which
forestry, knowledge of soil resources is nearly half is in available form. The soils
very helpful and essential. Within the have hydraulic conductivity values bet-
given time and space, it is not possible ween 1 to 4 mm/ hour (Table 2). There-
to give detailed treatment to the subject. fore, large runoff or ponding of water
Therefore, much of the discussion IS does take place. The soils have high base
. limited to the major soil groups only. exchange capacity because. of 2 : 1 type

of clay minerals. The soils are low to dense (CAZRI. 1970) and this.-significantly
mediun in organic carbon, nitrogen and reduces infiltration rate and induces run-
phosphorus but high in potassium. off. The soils are low in organic carbon
and low to medium in phosphorus.
1.2. Medium alld shallow Black Soijs
1.4. Red Loamy Soils
These soils are similar to above in
The Red loamy soils in particular
their morphology except that medium soils
are formed by the weathering of the rocks
have a depth range of 20 to 50 cm only.
like gneisses, charnockites, diorites and
These soils. therefore, have less water
retention capacity. However. compared others which are relatively richer in the
to deeper variant, these are better drained. clay forming minerals and correspondingly
poorer in silica, the acid component. In
13. Red Sandy Soils
some Red soils, lime concretions in the
These soils are. generally derived form of nodules or thick veins are found
from granites, coarse grained granites, to occur. The latter result from the weat-
quartzites, sandstones. etc. and are chara- hering of the feldspars containing lime in
cterised by being rich in the fine and the rocks which occur as intrusions in the
coarse sand fractions. The clay minerals surrounding rock mass. The texture of
become coated with red hematite or yellow these soils may vary from loam to silty
limonite or a mixture of the two oxides clay and clay. The normal red loamy soils
of iron, forming a red, yellow or reddish have a pH around neutrality or else sligh-
yellow soil. Ferruginous gravel, formed of tly on the acid side, while the soils contai-
imrure iron, alumina and silica concre- ning lime may show a pH of !l.5.
tions and bits of quartz, are the common
accessory constituents of Red soils. The The soils have a water retention
characterstic clay minerals present in these capacity of 15 to 20% of which 65 to 70%
soils are of the kaolinitic and illitic types is available to plants. Their fertility status
and exchange capacity of this is about is higher than that of sandy soils descri-
0.25 to 0.5 m.e. per gram of clay. The bed above.
base exchange capacity of the soils gene- /.5. Suils on Alluvium
rally varies from 5 to 15 m.e. per 100
This covers a large assemblage of
grams, depending upon the amount of
soils, with large variation in texture and
clay and organic matter. The majority of
colour. For example in Kota, Bundi
these soils are neutral to slightly alkali
qnd Jhalawar, with provenance from
with pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5.
basalts lying further east, the soils are
The soils have medium moisture reten- quite dark coloured and also fine textured.
tion capacity. i.e. 10 to 18%, of which In rest of the eastern Rajasthan with
nearly 70% is in available form. The soils contribution from Vindhyan sandstone
are quite porous with an infiltration rate and Aravallis the soils are reddish brown
3.5 to 12 cm/hour and hydraulic conducti- to brown and medium textured. Further
vity values of 1.5 to 6.3 cm/hour. However, north in Jaipur tract the soils are very
in some situations the sub - soil is quite deep but light textured. In the semi-arid

tracts of UP, Haryana and Punjab, the supplied with potassium. But looking to
soils are generally light to medium textu- the limitations of climate, the fertility
red, very deep with a calcic layer at 80 status is quite adequate to establish and
to 200 cm. There is also problem of sali- support natural vegetation. The moist-
nity and sodicity. Accordingly, depending ure retention capacity is low, being only
on texture and depth, large variations are 3 to 5% by weight or 80 to 90 minim
encountered III moisture retention depth. However, nearly 80% of it is
capacity. Fertility status of soils is rea- available to plants. The infiltration is
sonably good, though nitrogen remains a very high, being 7 to 15 cm/hour. The
key factor limiting production. soils do not have any aggregation and
therefore. these are highly erodible.
II. Soils of Arid Zone
II. I Dunes II. 2. Light Brown Sandy
In arid Rajasthan dunes are a
dominant formation in 30. 6% and sub- Light brown sandy soils, associated
dominant associate in 34% area .. They are respectively with a few to many dunes
mostly coalesced parabolic type, though occur in 84 and 30.6% of the area. The
longitudinal, transverse and barchan types soils are characterised by a varying
are also noticed. They are highly sandy hummocky surface (3.6 to '6.2% clay, 1.8
with 1.8 to 4.5% clay, 0.4 to 1.3% silt, to 3.1 % silt), very weakly blocky loamy
63.7 to 87.3% fine sand and 11.3 to 30.3% fine sand (Table 3), dominantly brown
coarse sand. Alkaline earth carbonate (10 YR 5/30), sometimes pale brown
is largely present in a diffuse form, with (10 YR 6/3), weakly calcareous subsoil,
followed at 80 to 120 cm by a weakly to
a dominant range of 0.6 to 5.0% though
some in Barmer (Roy et ai, 1969) have moderately developed zone of alkaline
been found to contain up to 15%. The earth carbonates. The calcium carbonate
dunes are devoid of any pedogenic featu- concretions form 3 to 25% by weight and
res, except for a very weak segregation of besides their diffused form, another 5 to
alkaline earth carbonates as filaments or 10%. Within this dominant picture are
nests. Otherwise, the profile exhibits a found sizeable patches, apparently associ-
uniformly structnreless, sandy mass. with. ated with old drainage lines, of soils
colour at different localities ranging from whiclihave heavier texture and a massive
pale brown to brown (10 YR 6/3, 5/3. concretionary stratum of calcium carbon-
5/40). The dune landscape has some ate.
accumulative interdunes with 2.9 to 12.3%
clay, 2.1 to 16.5% silt and 1.5 to 29.9% Compared to dunes, these soils
free alkaline earth carbonates. have 0.08 to 0.2% organic carbon, 15 to
25 kg/ha of available P 20S and 150 to
The dunes are very low in organic 250 kg/ha of potassium. The water
matter (0.04 to 0.12% Org. q, low to retention capacity is 6 to 9% by weight
medium· in phosphorus and fairly well or 90 to 110 mm/m depth.

l/. 3. Brown leight Loams and Grey Brown pockets are scattered throughout. The
Loams thickness of the indurated horizon is
Brown light loams have prolluvium more than a metre thick and it is formed
and alluvium derived from fine grained by a calcium carbonate cementation of
sandstone as their parent material. The gravels and concretions. The stratum is
soils occupy 1.7% of the area and are lightly permeable to water and difficult
characterised by loamy fine sand to fine for plant roots, particularly for useful
top feed species, the growth of which is
sandy loam, brown, weakly blocky
severely restricted.
surface, a slightly heavier darker (10 YR
5/4D), calcareous subsoil, followed at 40 Besides the above, we have in arid
to 90 cm by a zone of lime concretions. zone the sierozems, the medium black
and red loamy soils (similar to those
The grey brown loams occupy 13.6%
described for semi-arid zone) in Kachchh
of the area and occur in the alluvium
and Saurashtra, the sea inundated saline
and weathering zone of medium and fine
flats and few other soils.
grained' sedimentary rocks in the south
eastern and central parts. These soils II I. Soils in Relation to Agro-Forestry
are devoid of wind worked deposits and The foregoing account shows that
have apparently escaped the deflation our arid and semiarid zones are endowed
breakdown experienced on other landsc- with a large variety of soils that differ
apes. Soils are dark greyish brown to greatly in their effective soil depth, mois-
brown (10 YR 4/3,4/3, 5/3D), modera- . ture retention capacity, infiltration rate,
tely subangular blocky, sandy loam to hydraulic conductivity, salinity sodicity
loam on the surface. The subsoil is hazard and so on. These properties seem
heavier with a weI! developed subang- to have great bearing on success of agro-
ular blocky structure. It is followed by forestry system. For example, the dunes
a zone of calcium carbonate as concre- and light brown sandy soils are charact-
tions and as coatings on gravels. erised by low moisture retention capacity
Because of the aggregated and dry and high infiltration rate. With the
state strength, the wind erodibility is frequency and intensity of wetspells
slight to none. The soils have somewhat encountered in the arid zone, the amount
higher fertility status than the so!ls descri- of water at times is more than what soil
bed above. profile can hold. For example in an year
when 628 mm of rainfall was received
II. 4. Soils with Hard Pan during the season as much as 55% of it
Soils with hard pan (5.9%) are went as deep percolation in a cropping
brown (10 YR 5/3, 5/4D), generally light system. This water can be used to sustain
textured with a hard, largely indurated a suitable association of trees with crops.
pan at depths of 40 to 80 cm. At places, The sandy soils also have a characteristic
the hard pan is close to surface and even feature in that their capillary porosity is
exposed. The major area of the soils is very low. Therefore there is very little
located in the central part, though small movement of water from one point to

another. This becomes an important below the soidic layer, has proved quite
consideration in our choice of tree rewarding in this situation.
species. Likewise underneath many of our
A few of our soils are characterised medium deep or shallow soils, the sub-
by hard pan or dense sub soil. This is strata is a weathering crust murrum or
a hindrance in moisture movements and coarse alluvium. This may be of limited
particularly to root penetration. There- value for cropping, but through its mois-
fore, the tree planting technique should ture retention capacity and porosity, it
aim at first breaking this barrier. This can provide an effective foothold to tree
is necessary for successful growth of trees. species. Therefore, while examining soil,
Likewise a number of alkali soils are the substrata should be studied also. For
most sodic in their top 50 to 70 em. Nor- trees, substrata characteristics can be as
mal tree planting technique exposes the important factor as soil itself.
plant to highly adverse soil conditions and The black soils, because of their
consequently poor growth and high mort- properties like cracking and periodic
ality. Here auger-hole method of plan- stagnation, create a unique habitat with a
ting, which enables the roots to be placed bearing on choice of tree species.

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Table 2 Moisture retention capacity and other characteristics of
semi arid zone soils

Moisture retention Plant available Hydraulic conductivity Infiltration

capacity (mm/lOO cm moisture capa- (cm/hour) rate
soil depth) city (mm/IOO cm) (cm/hour)
Deep Black Soil
550-700 200-300 0.1-02 0.1-0.4
Red Sandy Soil
130-220 80-140 1.5-6.3 3 5-1.2
Red Loamy Soil
160-330 100-210 0.6-2.2 0.7-46
Alluvial Soil
140-280 100-220 0.9-3.3 1.5-6.6

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Table 4 Moisture retention capacity and other characteristics of arid zone soil

Moisture reten- Available moisture Hydraulic conduc- Infiltration ratio

tion capacity (mm/IOO cm) tivity (cm/hour) (cm/hour)
80 - 90 65 - 70 6 - '12 15 - 60
Light Brown Sandy
90 - 110 70 - 90 2-4 4 - 15
Brown light loam
95 - 150 70 - 120 1-2 3-6
Grey Brown loam
200 - 240 130 - 240 0.5-1.5 0.6-1.2

Soil physical constraints in relation to increasing
the arid zone productivity with particular
reference to agro-forestry
H. P. Singh

Soils of Indian arid zone are sandy, crop fields by the farming community.
the texture ranging from sand to sandy There is hardly any competition between
loam. Occasionally in areas unaffected by such vegetation and crop plants and in
aeolian activity, heavier soils (Ioams, clay the events of drought these serve as 'fall
loams) are also met with, developed in back' to the farmer and his animals.
depressions by deposition of silt carried Apart from conscrvation value which is
in runoff from catchments or by sedentary well recognised, trees, 'thus, impart a
soil forming processes. However, nearly degree of stability to production which
70% of the area is covered by sand and otherwise is so uncertain due to 'depen-
loamy sand soils and sand dunes. The dence on amount and distribution of
limitations inherent in soil with respect rainfall.
to productivity of the region are, there-
Trees have a modulating effect on
fore, as follows:
nearly all the SOli problems listed above.
(J) Wind erosion-formation and Some of the pertinent aspects are discu-
movement of sand dunes. ssed below.
(2) Low soil watcr storage capacity- (1) Wind erosion
losses of soil moisture in evapo-
ration and deep percolation. Wind erosion is one of the vital pro-
bleIIls to increase the productivity of the
(3), Poor soil fertility.
arid zone. Some times, the damage is so
These limitations are further aggra- acute that entire field get buried under
vated by adverse climatic conditions i.e. the sand. Unlike water erosion. wind
low and erratic rainfall, high atmospheric erosion is dOUbly harmful, as both the
temperatures, high wind velocity and low areas from where the sand is blown off
humidity. and where it is deposited are lost in so
Tree is the all important component far as crop production is concerned
of the desert eco-system. Traditionally, (Singh, 1980 a).
trees ~ike Prosopis cineraria and bushes- The factors causing wind erosion
Zizyphus nummularia, are retained in the are loose surface soil condition, lack of

vegetative cover and, high wind velocity. ery (sandstone) strata, plantation or-trees
Trees can favourably influence all these has not met much success mainly due to
three conditions effectively. Apart from this limitation. Fortunately in Arid Zone
providing vegetative cover and reduc nearly 70% 'soil area is underlain by mois-
ing the wind speed, when established as ' ture retentive Murrum strata where the
shelterbelt, trees help stab,ilizing the soil, agro-forestry system can be implemented
due to their vast root networks. All these without the "Soil depth" limitation.
aspects have been studied in considerable
detail. It is now well established that th'e Excessive evaporation is another
wind erosion hazard can be sufficiently factor that limits plant growth in the
reduced by the incorporation of proper Arid Zone. It has, however, been establi-
tree species in proper alignment, into the shed that in sands and loamy sands once
production system (Singh, 1977). the surface soil dries up, evaporation is
reduced to bare minimum (Daulay et aI,
(2) Loss of moisture in deep percolation
1979). Hence, it is in sandy-loam and
and evaporation
loam where surface evaporation limits
It has been estimated that 25 to 40 water use by crop plants considerably. It
per cent of rainfall penetrates to is, however, established that trees may
Murrum substratum beyond the crop alter the micro-climate of the area over a
root zone, in normal to good years (Singh, period of time and make it more condu-
1980b). The possibilities for upward cive to plant growth. Obviously, trees
movement of this moisture d).lring the help in lowering the wind speed and
kharif season are very low and hence, increasing the relative humidity which in
crop plants cannot make use of this turn reduce the surface evaporation. Thus,
moisture towards their evapotranspiration greater availability of moisture to crop
requirement. The Murrum moisture is plants can be effected if grown in associa-
thus of no avail in so far as moderately tion with trees in a suitable agro-
rooted kharif crops are concerned. This forestry system.
limitation, however, does not apply to
trees which have deep root system (Singh 3. Soil Fertility Management
1980c). Hence, if trees and crops are There are two reasons for low fertil-
grown in association; the loss of moisture ity of arid zone soils :
in deep percolation is made good. This
can be achieved by a proper agro-fore- (I) Low inherent status of organic
stry system which will enforce two storied matter caused by poor vegeta-
moisture extraction pattern-crops feeding tion, high temperatures and
from soil profile proper and trees from low rainfall etc. Addition of
the Murrum stratum. The system will organic residue to soil is very
work, provided the tree species selected is low.
deep feeder and soil is underlain by (2) Slow but constant removal of
Murrum stratum having good moisture top fertile soil layer in wind
storage capacity. In areas having bould- erosion.

It is apparent that both these condi- from the cropped portion of the field III

tions' can be suitably regulated with subsequent years.

the incorporation of trees in the produc- REFERENCES
tion system. As already discussed planta-
Aggarwal, R.K., Gupta, J,P., Muthana,
tion of trees has proved to-be the most
K.D. and Saxena, S.K. 1974. Some
practi cal and feasible means of~reducing
physico,chemical and ecological chan-
the wind erosion hazard in the arid zone.
ges of soil under permanent vegeta-
Apart from th'is, it is- also established
tion. Indian Forester 102 (12):863-872.
that relatively greater quantity of organic
residue is added to the soil under tree Daulay, H.S., Singh, H.P., Singh, R.P.
system. Aggarwal et ai, (197.1.) reported and Singh, K.C.1979. Effect of differ-
considerable improvement in soil fertility ent mulches on yield and moisture
under the tree stands of Prosopis ciner- use of pearl millet Penisetum tpyhoides
aria and Acacia tortiUs over a 10 year Ann. Arid Zone 18 (1&2): 108-115.
period. Thu~ a suitable agro-forestry Singh, H.P. 1977. Wind erosion in west-
system in which crop and tree portions ern Rajasthan and its control. Soil
of the field are rotated every 15-20 years Conservation Digest 5 (2); 80-86.
can help manage the fertility of arid Singh, H.P. 1980a. Management of desert
zone soils effectively, over a long run. soils. Soil Res. Review .. 12lh Int. Cong-
To conclude, agro-forestry is., just ress of Soil Science, New Delhi, 1982.
not only a conservation measure but can Singh, H.P. 1980b. Improving the mois-
also help ameliorate the adverse physical ture storage in sandy desert soils by
condition of the soil resource consider- sub-surface moisture barrier. Arid
ably. Thus, while ensuring the conserva- Zone Res. & Development. 245-252,
tion of resources, productivity can als~ Sci. Pub/i. Jodhpur, 1980._
be increased in the long run. Singh, H.P., Sharma, K.D. and Pareek,
It is obvious that since agro-fore- O.P. 1980. Effect of runoff concentra-
stry is practised on agricultural lands, tion on soil moisture storage under
total yield from crops will be reduced ber plantation in the arid zone. Natn.
due to occupation of a part of the field Symp, on Soil Conservation and Water
,by the tree system. However, this deficit Managment in 1980's, Central Soil
can b,e made good to, some extent due to • Water Conservation Research Insti-
increase in the production per unit area tute, Dehradun (India), March 1980.

Micronutrient status of soils for developing
agroforestry in arid regions
D.C. Josbi

Introduction sses. Micronutrients are distributed

around the matrices of secondary silicate
For conservation of soils and reha-
minerals, iron and aluminium oxides and
bilitation of marginal lands mono-culture
particulate organic matter. Soil texture,
of trees is generally practical but it is not
pH, organic matter and CaC0 3 contents
as rewarding' because local needs for
markedly influence the availability of
grazing etc. are also to be met from these
these nutrients.
areas. To achieve it, the agroforestry i.e.
cultivation of grasses or other plants of Micronutrient Statlls of Arid Soils
economic importance in forest enclosures In arid regions, due to low and
is advocated. A variety of biomorphs trees, erratic rainfall and high temperature suffi-
shrubs, under-shrubs, perennials and cient moisture is available only for a short
annuals may be taken up simultaneously. interval of time to support scanty vegeta-
This is a better utilisation of soil resources tion. Vast area is sandy plain covered
as these biomorphs are of different heights with coarse textured soils, interspersed
and their roots extend to different depths. with hummocks and dunes. The medium
To establish such a multi storey system we and fine textured alluvium occurs only in
should see our foundation i.e. the nutri- the south eastern part of western Rajas-
tional status of the soils. In this section than at the fringes of Aravalli. Arid soils
we shall concentrate on the micronutrient distinguish from rest of zonal soils in
status of soils of arid region. having low organic matter, alkaline
reaction and coarse texture and there is
In soils micronutrients occur in
likely-hood of micronutrient deficiency.
different forms viz., (a) water soluble (b)
The different forms of iron, manganese,
exchengeable (c) extractable precipitates
zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum and
(e) occluded by oxides and hydroxides (f)
cobalt and factors affecting their availa-
held in biological residues and living
bility have been discussed below.
organisms and (g) component of lattice
structure of primary and secondary Iron
minerals Distribution of micronutrients in Shukla and Singh (1973) for siero-
different forms is governed by the nature zem soils of Haryana reported available,
of parent material and pedogenic proce- reducible and total iron content ranging

from 2.2 to 27.2 ppm, 94 to 1213 ppm and Haryana soils, in general all the arid
and 2.05 to 6.87 per cent respectively. soils of Rajasthan contaIned low reducible
For arid soils of western Rajasthan Joshi and active manganese. The exchangeable
et al. (1981a) reported total, HCI soluble and DTPA extractable forms ranged from
exchangeable and DTPA extractable rang- 0.5 to 13.6 and 3.3 to 19.4 ppm respecti-
ing from 1.2 to 3.4 per cent, 0.59 to 2.08 vely. Significant correlation ofHCl soluble
per cent, 3.3 to 21.5 ppm and 3.4 to 8.8 with reducible, active and available; redu-
ppm respectively. They observed that pH, cible with active and available; and active
organic carbon, CaC0 3 • silt and clay with available indicated that these forms
contents significantly affected only the are in equilibrium. Thus HCI soluble,
HCI soluble form of iron and these factors reducible and active forms of manganese,
together accounted for 87.7 per cent contribute to the available pool. Multiple
variability. Joshi and Dhir (1980c) further regression analysis of soil pH, organic
observed that nearly 40 per cent samples carbon, CaC03 , silt and clay contents
contained 2 to 5 ppm, 54 per cent 5 to 10 with different forms indicated that total
ppm and 80 per cent ~amples more than manganese content was not governed by
5 ppm available iron. When viewed from these factors. But all these factors together
the critical limit of 2 ppm DTPA extract- accounted for variability to the extent of
able iron (Takkar and Randhawa, 1978) 82.2 per cent in HCI soluble, 64.9 per
none of the samples was found to to defi- cent in reducible, 56 per cent in active,
cient in iron and even the dune sands were 50 per cent in exchangeable and 58.9 per
seen well provided. On the other hand cent in DTPA extractable forms of man-
Shukla et al. (1975) reported 52 per cent ganese. These studies further revealed
arid brown soils of Haryana deficient in that reducible manganese,which is a poten-
iron. tial source for available status is not so
much governed by the pH and pH +
CaC03 effects as by the organic carbon
Total and HCl soluble manganese and organic carbon + clay effects.
varied from 250·' to 875 and 142 to 405
ppm respectively in arid soils of western Deficiency of manganese in arid
Rajasthan (Joshi et al., 198Ia), Haryana soils has been indicated by Vinayak et al.
(1~64), Lodha and Baser (1971) and
(Shukla,et al." 1975) and Gujrat (Mehta
Joshi and Dhir (1980c). Frequency distri-
and Patel, 1967). The reducible and active
manganese vdried from 3.2 to 123.4 ppm bution of reducible manganese (Joshi and
and 3.9 to 127.8 ppm respectively in Dhir, 1980c) indicated that 15 per cent
western Rajasthan soils (Johari et al., soil samples contained less than 15 ppm,
1978, Joshi et al., 1981 a). Contents of both 67 per cent less then 50 ppm and 87 per
these forms were relatively low in soils cent less than 100 ppm. In 63 per cent
collected from Jaisalmer and Barmer samples the exchangeable manganese was
districts partiuclarly in soils with higher less than 3 ppm. When viewed from DT
pH values (Joshi and Dhir, 1980b). When PA extractable manganese content 23 per
compared with the contents of Punjab cent samples contained less than 5 ppm.

While considering with the critical limit and Kanwar (1964) reported" a range
of 15 ppm reducible, 5 ppm DTPA extrac- of 6.6 to 36.4 ppm copper in the
table (Takkar and Randhawa, 1976) and soils of Punjab and noticed significant corr-
3 ppm exchangeable (Sherman and Har- elation with silt and clay fraction. In arid
mer, 1942) manganese, at least 15 per cent Rajasthan soils (Joshi et al., 1981b) the
samples arefound defi~ient in this nutrient. ranges of HCI soluble, exchangeable and
DTPA extractable forms of copper were
respectively 6.3 to 24.3, 0.23 to 1.56 and
Different forms of zinc viz., HCl
0.28 to 1-.25 ppm. In comparison to fine
soluble, exchangeable and DTPA extrac-
textured alluvium, soils associated with
table showed wide variation of 9.8 to 48.4,
sandy plain, interdunal plain and dunes
0.24 to 1.28 and 0.27 to 2.36 ppm in
contained lower amount of these forms.
different arid soils of Rajasthan (Joshi et
All these fractions were significantly
aI1981b). All these forms were in low
related with the finer fractions of soil.
ranges in soils associated with dunes,inter-
The multiple regression analysis of pH.
dunes, sandy plains and medium textured
organic carbon, CaC03, silt and clay
alluvium than the fine textured alluvium.
contents of these soils accounted for 52.4
The HCI souble zinc was found associated
per cent variation in HCI soluble, 44.9 per
with finer fraction and all the soil para-
cent in exchangeable and 57. J per cent in
meters accounted for 54 per cent variation
available contents. When viewed from
in this fraction. However, exchangeable
the critical limit of 0.2 ppm exchangeable/
and DTPA extractable forms were not
seen related with any ofthe,se soil charac- DTPA extractable copper all the soils
teristics. While viewing with the critical were found to be ~ufficient.
limit of 0.6 ppm DTPA extractable zinc Boron
barring few exceptions all the soils, inclu- Boron is present in soils as
ding those from the extermely arid part water soluble, acid soluble and total.
(Dhir and Joshi, 1980a) was sufficient. Hot water soluble boron is a good indica-
Lal and Biswas (1973) also observed that tor of its availability to plants. Satyanar-
desert soils of Rajasthan are fairly high ayan (1958) reported that water soluble
in zinc status. Shukla and Singh ( 1978) boron content of western Rajasthan soils
however have reported that desert and varied from 2.6 to 12.2 ppm and appeared
sierozem soil groups of Haryana are related with soil texture and organic
deficient in zinc. Widespread zinc deficie- matter content. Moghe and Mathur
ncy has also been observed in other parts (1966) also observed higher available
of the country including Punjab and boron (0.89 to 10.24 ppm) in these arid
Himachal Prrdesh. soils.
Copper Gajbhiye and Kolarkar (1979) in
Total copper content in sierozem some rainfed arid soils of Rajasthan
soils of Haryana ranged from 10 to 245 reported water soluble boron ranging from
ppm and in some soils it was quite high 0.43 to 2.58 ppm of which the lowest was
(Shukla and Anand, 1969). Randhawa in Bikaner and the highest in Jaswantgarh

soils. Considering safe limit upto 0.5 silt+clay and negatively with organic
ppm none of these soils were found in carbon and available phosphorus cont-
the deficiency range. Water soluble boron ent (Yadav et ai, 1975). For arid soils
appeared significantly related with the of Rajasthan no work has been reported.
electrical conductivity at saturation and on the cobalt status so far.
silt+clay contents. Accumulation of Dynamics of lIutrients under agroforestry
total and available boron was observed The micro climate under agroforcs-
by Mathur et al. (1964) in some Jodhpur try ecosystem is likely to be different than
and Pali soils irrigated with high boron under barren and arable farming, Rama-
containing waters. Singh (1970) has krishna and Sastri (1977 a, b) observed
reported total boron content ranging from lower air and soil temperature under
14 to 48 ppm. Immediately available Acacia terti lis and rainfall interception
and absolutely available boron content by A. torlilis and Cenc/zrlls ciliaris ranged
in Haryana soils varied from 0.13 to 1.56 from 14 to 19 and 23 to 33 per cent
and 0.75 to 5.75 ppm respectively. These respectively. Gupta and Saxena (1978)
contents were also above the deficiccny observed better soil moisture regime
level. under Prosopis cineraria and Tecomella
rmdulata than that under Prosopis juliflora,
Molybdenllm Albizzia lebbek and Acacia senegal. Such
In some saline sodic soils of Kamal
changed condition will have profound
Dabasi and Gupta (1978) recorded
influepce on the available status of the
total molybdenum content ranging
m,trient elements. These areas are regu-
from 2.87 to 12.25 and available from
larly under some or other canopy and
0.44 to 2.88 ppm. Majority of the soils
part of it is being returned to soil. This
contained 3 to 7 ppm total and 0.5 to 2.5
will also add to the organic matter and
ppm available molybdenum. These soils
nutrient content of the soil. Singh and
can be considered normal to very high Lal (1969) after investigating the profile
in total molybdenum. Lal and Biswas characteristics of the soils under P. ciner-
(1973) reported 0.09 to 0.23 ppm avail- aria and under Acacia nilotica concluded'
able and 1.02 to 1.82 ppm total molybde- that high organic matter, total nitrogen
!lum in some desert soils of Rajasthan. and available phosphorus and better
While considering with the limit of 0.05 mechanical composition of soils upto
ppm, rione of the soil ,"vas found deficient 120 cm depth under Prosopis cineraria
in this element. promoted growth of crops in its
Cobalt vicinity. Aggarwal et al. (1976) concJude,d
Total Co in the soils of erstwhile that status of available micronutrients
Punjab ranged from 4.4 to 32.5 ppm generally improved under plantation,
and most of the soils contained more specifically under P. cineraria. Dhawan
than the critical limit of 5 ppm (Randh~ and Dhand (1950) observed that natural
awa and Kanwar, 1964). Availabl(;! cobalt vegetation influence the available boron
was. significantly positively correlated status of the soils. Available boron con-
with soil pH, electrical conductivity and tent under Caparis ap/zylla was similar to

barren soils (9.0 to 10.2 and 9.3 to 10.9 Gupta, J. P. and Saxena, ,So K. 1978.
ppm) whereas under Sall'adora (2.0-4.1 Studies on the monitoring of the
ppm) and Sauaeda fructicosa (5.0 to 8.0 dynamics of moisture in the soil and
ppm) its content appreciably decreased. the performance of ground flora under
desertic communities of tree. Indian J.
These observations indicate differen-
Ecol. 5: 30-36.
tial depletion and addition of micronu-
tricnts in soils. Looking to the present Johari, S.N, Joshi D.C. and Sharma,
situation most of the arid soils of Rajas- V.C. 1978. Studies on the managanese
than appear well provided with the iron, status of some soils of western Rajas-
manganese, zinc, copper, boron and than. Ann. Arid Zone 17: 133-135.
molybdenum contents. However, defici- Joshi, D.C. and Dhir, R.P. 1980a Status
ency of manganese and zinc may be and distribution of different forms of
encountered at few places. In other parts copper and zinc in the soils of extre-
of country, including arid wils of Haryana, mely arid part of western Rajasthan.
widespread deficiency of zinc followed J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. (in press,'.
by iron has been reported. A successful - - - - 1980. Distribution of different
agroforestry progromme will 'require a forms of manganese and iron in the
continuous monitaring of micronutrient
soils of extremely arid part of westren
status of soils under the system.
Rajasthan. Ann Arid Zone (in press).
REFERENCES - - - - 1983. Available froms of
Aggarwal, R.K., Gupta, J.P., Saxena, S.K. manganese and iron in some arid soils
and Muthana, K.D. 1-976. Studies on and their relation with soil properties.
the soil physicochemical and ecologi-
Ann. Arid. Zone (in press).
cal changes under twelve years old
Joshi, D.C.; Dhir, R.P. and Gupta, B.S.
five desert tree species of Western
Rajasthan. Indian Forester 102: 863- 1981 a. A study on the forms of iron
872. and manganese in some soils of arid
Dabasi, D.S. and Gupta, V.K. 1978. Rajasthan. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci.
Studies on saline sodic soils of Karnal. (in press).
Paper presented at the 43rd Annual - - - - - (198Ib). The distritution of
Meeting of the IndIan Soc. Soil Sci. different form of copper and zinc in
held at Ludhiana, Feb. 25-27. some soils of arid Rajasthan. J. Indian
Dbawan, c.L. and Dhand, A.D. 1950. Soc. Soil Sci. (Comm).
The occurrence and significance of Lal. F. and Biswas, T.D. 1973. Factors
trace elements in relation to soil affecting the distribution and availabil-
deteriotation. II Boron. Indian J. ity of micronutrient elements of major
Agric. Sci, 20: 479-435. soil groups of Rajasthan. J. Indian
Gajbhiye, K.S. and Kolarkar, A.S. 1979. Soc. Soil. Sci. 21: 455-466.
Study of water soluble boron in some Lodha. P.S. and Baser, B.L. 1971. Avail-
rainfed soils of wastern Rajasthan. a~le micronutrients in sandy soils of
Ann. Arid Zone 18 : 246-252. Rajasthan. Ann. Arid Zone 10: 99-104.

Mathur, C.M., Moghe V.B. and Talati, Shukla, U.c., Gupta, B.L. .and Singh, R.
N.R. 1964. Distribution of Boron in 1975. Available and potentially avail-
soils of Western Rajasthan irrigated able forms of iron and manganese in
with high boron water. J. Indian Soc. surface arid brown soils of Haryana.
Soil Sci. 12: 319-24. J. Indian Soc. S"i/. Sci. 23: 484-488.
Methta, B.V. and Patel, N.K. 1967 .Forms Shukla, U.C. and Singh, R. 1973., Forms
of manganese and their distribution in and distribution of iron in some siero-
soil profiles of Kaira district in Gujarat zem soils of Haryana. J. Indian Soc.
J. 1ndian Soc. Soil Sci. 15: 41-47. Soil Sci. 21: 35-40.
Moghe, V.B and Mathur, C.M. 1966. Shukla, U.C. and Singh, K. 1978.
Status 'of boron in some arid zone Micronutrients in Haryana soils. Their
soils of Western Rajasthan. Soil Sci forms and distribution, areas of pefici-
PI nutr. 12: 3. encyand factors affecting availability.
Ramakrishna, Y.S. and Sastri, A.S.R. A review. [n Land and Water Manage-
A.S. 1977a, Climatological studies on ment in Indus Basin. Vol. 1,369-379.
rainfall interception, diurnal variation Singh, M. 1970. Distribution of boron in
in the total and net radiant energy relation to soil properties. J. Indian
available under Acacia tortilis tree. pp. Soc. Soil Sci 18: 141;146.
69. CAZRI, Ann. Rep. Singh, K.S. and Lal. P. 1969. Effect of
Ramakrishna, Y.S. and Sastri, A S.R. khejri (Prosopis spicigera Linn.) and
A.S. 1977b. Microclimate under Babool (Acacia arabica) trees on soil
Acacia tortilis (1970) plantation. pp. fertility and profile characteristics.
69-70, Annual Report, CAZRI, Jodh- Ann. Arid Zone 8: 33-36.
pur. Takkar, P.N. and Randhawa, N.S. 1978.
Randhawa, N.S. and Kanwar, J.S. 1964. Micronutrients in agriculture. A
Zinc, copper and cobalt status of. review. Fertilizer News. 23: 3-26.
Punjab soils. Soil Sci. 98: 403-407.
Vinayak C.P., Talati, N,R. and Mathur,
Satyanarayan, Y., 1958. Water soluble C.M. 1964. Distribution of mangan-
boron in some desert soils of India' ese in saline alkali soils and its rela-
J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 6: 223·226. tion with some of the soil charcteris-
Sherman, G.D. and Harmer, P.R. 1942. -tics. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 12: 275-
Man'ganou-smangani~ equilibrium in 279.
soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 7: 398- Yadav, D.V., Chaudhary, M.L. and
495. Khanna, S.S. 1975. Cobalt status of
Shukla, U.C. and Anand, S.S. 1969. Quo- Haryana soils and its relationship
ted from Micronutrient research in with some soil characteristics. J. Res.
soils and plants of India-A review. (HAU),5: 103-109.
ICAR Technical Bulletin (Agric.) No.
55; pp. 105.

Significance of agro-forestry programme as indicated
by land use capability surveys in arid region
A. S. Kolarkar

Introduction as relief, - soil and its characteristics,

climate and above all by the economic
The concept and criteria of land
and social conditions of the people. Field
use capability classification was flrst evo-
observations on present land use, during
lved, developed and adopted by United
surveys in most areas, have shown that a
States Department of Agriculture (Klinge-
lot of marginal lands which should have
biel and Montgomery, 1961). The
ordinarily been left over to pasture and
adopted form of the same has been
forestry or should have been developed
followed in India (IARI, 1971).
for grass and forest vegetation, are prese-
All these classifications are on the ntly being put under plough. Such lands
sub-continental scale and therefore, when are not capable of giving sustained agric-
applied to local environment, considerable ultural production for long time. Yet they
elaboration/modification is required. For are put to cultivation. Ta ble 1 shows the
example, in original USDA System arid data on percentage area of cultivable
climate is considered too adverse to per- lands as adjusted and considered from
mit arable farming even with best avail- land use capability classification surveys
able soil and water conservation practices, as well as the data on the cultivated and
while in our Indian arid zone, arable cultivable areas on revenue records in
arid zone, arable farming is supposed to various areas surveyed by CAZRI. The
be feasible and is practised widely. This data reveals a glaring fact that the total
may partly be so because of economic areas of the so called cultivable lands in
factors here and also partly due to pecu- revenue records are far in excess to that
liarities of monsoon climate which do
scientifically mapped by land use capab-
permit some cropping often with certain
ility classification surveys. This shows
and confirms that lot of marginal
Land use capability surveys in arid region vulnerable lands which are not suited for
of Western Rajasthan and their results cultivation are brought under cultivation
Field surveys conducted by CAZRI eve.ry year. Field observations also reveal
in arid zone of Western Rajasthan have that at places even dune flanks, and high
revealed that the land utilization in the hummocky areas comprising of single
arid zone is conditioned by such factors grained fine aeolian sandy soils are also

disturbed by cultivation and cropping to a) Agro Furestry on good cultivable land
utilize hidden moisture in deep layers. In Frequent drought and failure of
fact these areas need to be stabilised by crops is characteristic of this region. It
propagating pasture and forest plan- involves high risk in raising soil manage-
tation. These areas, when disturbed, serve ment standards or increasing the inputs
as focii of wind erosion. Such coarse tex- even in the form of fertilizers, manures
tured soils of marginal value extensively etc. in arable farming even on good
occur in Bikaner district, Chohotan agricultural lands. This is because of
(Barmer district) and Saila Blocks where uncertainty and often erratic nature of
rainfall is comparatively low. In these rainfall. Crop yields in the region are low
areas the marginal lands are comparati- and there is large fluctuation in yield
vely high. Shallow or moderateiy deep from year to year. Bajra, which is princi-
coarse textured soils, capable of holding pal kharif cereal of the region yields 70
only limited or insufficient amount of to 500 kg/ha only. Yields of kharif pulses,
moisture (60 to 90 mm) in profile for mung, mflt/z, guar are also low varying
crop plants, is another condition from 55 kgJha in year of rainfall scarcity
where land is considered marginal and to 500 kgJha in year of good rainfall.
crops frequently fail if rainfall is not There is thus, a large fluctuation of crop
well distributed. Table 1 shows that mar- yields from year to year, wbich cuts down
ginal lands are comparatively lesser in the production dra~tically. Therefore,
Jalore, Jodhpur and Nagaur districts, agro-forestry can better be practised even
perhaps because rainfall is little higher on such agriculturally suitable lands to
in these tracts and soil conditions ensure some biological productivity as
somewhat better. Marginal lands of well as to have economic viability in the
second category are more here. years of failure of rains. There are many
tree species that can withstand droughts.
Significance of Agro-Forestry programme Suitable species can easily be planted on
these lands systematically so as not to
Agr.>-forestry in a simple and app- create hindrance in agricultural operations
ropriate way can be called as forestry and yet have forest productions. Forest
practised alongwith agriculture in this trees, which are hardy than crop plants,
tract that gives supplimentary returns in would grow easily and happily on such
the years of crop success and cO,mplimen- soils and lands which are suitable for
tary one in the years of crop failures. The delicate agricultural crop plants (from I
points discussed so far indicate that agro- to IV). Some of these forest species may
forestry has great relevance in this in addition have beneficial effects on soils
climatic region, where arable farn:ting around; in improving the organic matter
even on good agricultural lands is a status etc. (Singh and Lal, 1969; Aggrawal
gamble because of vagaries of the climate et al., 1976) which in turn benefits the
or the erratic nature of rainfall. agricultural crops besides creating conge-

nial microclimate and keeping high the This will alllount to less disturbance and
soil moisture regime (Gupta and Saxena, least exploitation of land resource. This
1978). Therefore, crop oriented agro- will be better compromise between the
forestry can be practised on such agricul- socio-economic conditions and the scien-
turally suitable lands where cropping is tific land use based on capability of such
primary enterprise while forestry is ll1arginal lands. All beneficial effects of
secondary. forest s~ecies on soil as referred to earlier
b) Agro-Forestry on marginal lands
will also be achieved on these lands as
forest plantation would be better
As discussed earlier, large areas of
than on agricultural lands discussed
marginal nature are also being brought earlier.
under cultivation, whose appropriate use
Thus, to stop the over-exploitation
should be pasture and forestry develop-
of lands, to have a little adjustment for
ment (from V to VII). This is happening
rational land use as judged from land use
primarily because of socio-economic
pressures. Besides inflicting damage to capability surveys and to have compro-
the lands by disturbance through agri- mise with prevailing socia-economic
cultural practices, the crop yields are too conditions in the regions, agro-forestry
poor on these lands (poorer than earlier) programme can be planned as discussed
and they too fluctuate at wide range from above. This will go a long way to help
year to year. Though these lands are put manage and preserve the precious soil
to unscientific and inappropriate use, and land resource of the region.
there is no provision in present legisla- Conclusion
tion to put an end to such practices and Increasing population and socio-
to dictate the proper use of privately economic conditions are bringing press-
owned so called agricultural lands. There- ure on land resources for agriculture and
fore, here again agro-forestry comes there is over-exploitation of lands in the
handy to practice which is most apt in region. Land use capability surveys con-
present eond itions. In this case it should ducted by CAZRI, which are meant to
not only be good to have suppli- show the rational and planned use of
mental forest produce to agricultural lands, have revealed that large marginal
crops or to have biological forest produc- lands which- are not suitable for exploita-
tion in the year of crop failure but it tion for agriculture are being brought
should also be in the interest of manag- under agriculture. Added to this is the
ing the land resources, which partly vagaries of climate \',hich does not permit
will be preserved and protected by substantial improvement in arable lands
forest plantation from further deter- with high inputs. because of often fail-
ioration. Agro - forestry should there- ure of rains and drought conditions with
fore, be forest oriented on such low to negligible yields. Under such
marginal lands where forest production conditions, it is strongly recommended
is primary and agricultural crop produc- to have agro-forestry on good agricultur-
tion supplimental to forest production. aHy fit lands with agriculture as primary

and forestry as secondary enterprise, the
latter ensuring at least some returns in
the year of crop failures. On the marg-
inallands being cultivated agalll agro-
forestry is recommended only with the
difference that here forestry should form
the primary entreprise while agriculture
the supplimental. This way agro-forestry
has a'large scope to develop and go a
long way to Improve the socio-economic
condItion of the people of this region
with planned and rational land use, which
will preserve the land resources too.

Aggrawal, R.K., Gupta. J.P., Saxena,
S.K. and Muthana, K,O. 1976. Studies
on soil physicoch.:mical properties
and ecological changes under twelve
years old five desert species of West-
ern Rajasthan. Indian Forester 102:
Gupta, J.P. and Saxena, S.K. 1978. Stud-
ies on the monitoring of the dynamics
of moisture in the soil and the perfor-
mance of ground flora under desertic
communities of trees. Indian J. Ecol.
5: 30-36.
JARJ, 1971. Soil SUrl'ey Manual. Nati-
onal Bureau of Soil Survey and Land
Use Planning, IARI, New Delhi.

Klingebiel and Montgomery 1961. Land

capability classification. USDA Hand
book 210.
Singh, K.S. and Lal, P. 1969. Effect of
Khejri (Prosopis specigera Linn.) and
Babool (Acacia arabica) trees on soil
fertility and profile characteristics.
Ann. Arid Zone 8: 33-36.

Management of sandy soils for higher productivity
J. P. Gupta

In India a large part of western the slope causes erosion and unproduc-
Rajasthan is covered with sand dunes tive loss of water. Therefore, rainfall
and sandy soils. These soils have low intensity has important implication for
moisture retention and storage character- soil mangement and conservation progra-
stics and allow heavy leaching losses of mme. The following management prac-
nutrients and, therefore, are infertile and tices for soil and water conservation are
unproductive. Further, these soils are discussed in detail.
single grained, structureless and poor in
organic matter and therefore, are more 1. Contour bunding
prone to wind erosion. These factors The main objective of contour bun-
coupled with high evaporative demand of ding is (i) to intercept the overland runoff
the atmosphere in arid areas make plant flowing down the slope, (ii) to reduce soil
production difficult. These soils, therefore, loss, and (iii) to provide opportunity for
need proper treatment for higher produc- increased infiltration of water. This
tivity. practice consists of small earthen emban-
kments constructed across the slope at
I. Soi/management for water conservation
predetermined spacing for intercepting
About 90% of the rainfall in West- the runoff and retaining it on greater part
ern Rajasthan is received during mon- of the field till it is absorbed. The speci-
soon. This is generally low, erratic and of fica tions of the terrace system depend
very high intensity. The distribution and upon the rainfall, soil type, slope and
variability of rainfall of this region has vegetation. Data presented in Table 1
been studied by many workers (Pramanik, shows that at Jadan in Pali district of
1952; Ramdas, 1952; Pramanik and western Rajasthan with 2% slope of soil
Hariharan, 1952 and Jagannathan, 1964). and 427 mm and 782 mm of rainfall dur-
Webster and Wilson (1966) pointed ing 1966 and 1967, respectively, there was
out that in most of tropics much of an increase in soil moisture storage with
the rainfall Occurs as storms of much contour bunding. This water in the
higher intensity than is normally experie- absence of contour bunds would have
nced in the temperate zone. A part of been lost as runoff carrying along with it
the rainfall is absorbed by the soil and the finer sediments rich in fertility. The
rest of it moves down the slope. This increase in moisture storage increased
uncontrolled movement of water down the production of grasses in the area.

Table 1. Soil moisture storage and forage production under different treatments
(Wasi Ullah and Mathur, 1968)
Treatment Per cent increase in Per cem increase in
soil moisture forage yield
1':166 1967 1966 1967
Contour bund 44.4 18.8 82.8 68.8
Contour trench 13.3 40.0 43.2 7e'. ';
2. Water harvesting and recycling irrigation or supplemental irrigation,
In arid zone of Western Rajasthan Mann et al. (1980) reported that a large
khadin cultivation, Nala bunding, etc, part of Western Rajasthan under rock~,
. for supplemental irrigation and ground semi rocky or slopy areas with suitable
water recharge are the age old prac- treatment can generate a high amount of
tices. In order to overcome the harmful runoff which can be used for growing low
effects of droughts and to increase the water requiring crops or as supplemental
crop production, two types of techniques irrigation for increased and sustained
for in situ water harvesting can be used production from arid lands.
depending upon the availability of land,
type of crop and the soil depth for stor- 3. Soil cultivation
ing the runoff water. Studies conducted Soil cultivation has been a practice
at CAZRI showed (Anonymous, 1975) since long for killing weeds which comp-
that with water harvesting in catchment ete with main crop for light, water and
to cultivated area ratio of 0.5, there was nutrients. Recently cultivation on slopy
one to two times more production poten- lands has been found to reduce runoff.
tial than over flat lands. With this tech- improve infiltration and the growth and
nique, higher production of such crops yield of corn (Prihar and Van Doren,
as p~arlmillet, greengram, cowpeas, 1967). However, the magnitude of
sorghum and sesamum was obtained than increase was more with high rainfall
in the flat lands. intensity and more slopy conditions of
Another most important system of soil. In a recent study in Western Rajas-
water harvesting is runoff collection in than, it has been observed (Gupta and
tanks and its. recycling for supplemental Gupta, 1981) that .sandy soil with poor
irrigati'on. In India, tanks have been organic matter status generally get comp-
used for centuries as a source of domestic acted and thus affect the growth and
water and for limited irrigation. In the yield of crops. One post-emergence
absence of proper management, these cultivation of 5 cm depth done after 20
tanks get silted and lose their capacity of days of emergence has been found to
storing water. The amount of. runoff reduce weed popUlation, lower the com-
depends upon the amount and intensity of paction level, increase root growth and
rainfall, the infiltration of soil, the slope their proliferation. All these factors
and .the vegetation. The runoff water combined together helped in raising the
thus collected can be used as life saving average production of pearlmillet from

9.5 to 11.8 q/ha. From this, it emerges 5. Soil ainelldments
that post-emergence cultivation of level Agricultural lands with sandy soils
to slopy lands improves recharge, reduces having poor moisture retention charact-
runoff, checks weed growth, increases eristics and low fertility levels affect crop
root growth and nutrient utilization for production. Therefore, studies were
higher crop producti9n. conducted to find out the effect of the
4. Subsurface barriers addition of pond sediments and farm
yard manure on soil properties and crop
From the flat lands with sandy soils
a huge quantity of water and nutrients (i) Effect of the addition of pond sediments
arc lost due to deep percolation. These
Ponds and n~dis scattered over
soils, therefore, become, infertile and
Western Rajasthan arc the major source
unproductive. Productivity of such soils
of drinking water for animals and human
can be improved by placing a 2 mm thick
layer of asphalt at 60 cm depth in soil beings. They get dry during summer and
profile (Gupta ahd Aggrawal, 1980). their sediments can be used for raising
There was about five times reduction in the productivity of sandy soils of the
percolation and 100% increase in water region (Gupta et al., 1979). It has been
and nitrogen retention of a soil with found that the application of pond sedi-
asphalt barrier. This increased the moist- ments at the rate of 76 t/ha to loamy
ure availability throughout the growing sand soil increased the moisture retention
c~1aracteris!ics, available water capacity,
period of the crop. The increase in avail-
wind stable aggregates and decreased the
ability of water and nitrogen led to an
infiltration rate of soil. There was also
average ipcrease in production of pearl-
increase in nitrogen and organic matter
millet by 40-60% over control without
barrier, particularly under low fertility status of soil. This resulted in 40-50%
conditions. Asphalt barrier over a larger increase in grain yield of pearlmillet
area can be rapidly and conveniently pla- (81 104) and green gram (RS-4).
ced with the help of AMOBAR machine (ii) Use of farm yard manure
available in USA. However, in the
absence of a machine asphalt barrier can Sandy soils with poor organic matter
be placed after removing the loose sand status generally get com pacted and affect
with the help of a tractor or bulldozer. the. seedling emergence and crop growth.
This however, can be possible over a The results of the studies conducted in
limited area for growing nursery plants, this laboratory showed that application
vegetable and some other high value of farm yard manure in association with
crops. Asphalt barrier can also be locally urea to supply 50% nitrogen from each
placed for growing such crops as creepers source increased the moisture retention
and for tree establishment particularly characteristics of soil, decreased the
to check mortality during early period of compaction level and saturated hydraulic
growth. conductivity of soil. This resulted in

about 30% increase in grain and straw 1. Stubble mulch farming
production of pearlmilJet. Stubble mulch farming is regarded
From this it can be suggested that as one of the most significant contribu-
such materials as pond sediments, farm tion to dry land agriculture where wind
yard manure, etc., should be applied for erosion is serious (Lowdermilk, 1953).
increasing the productivity of sandy soils. In mid-west dust bowl of United States,
large scale mechanized stubble mulch
6. Use of mulclies
farming is practiced as a measure of
Deficiency of water and high ther-
protection to the cultivated farm land
mal regimes of soil are two most impor-
from wind erosion. A study was con-
tant factors which adversely affect crop
ducted to find out the magnitude
production particularly in arid areas of
of sand movement from a bare sandy
Western Rajasthan. Surface mulches,
plains of Bikaner. The results (Table 2)
therefore, can be used to reduce evapora-
showed as much as 1449 t/ha soil loss
tive loss, to prevent soil from blowing and
from a bare sandy plain of Bikaner As
washing away, to keep down weeds and
against this there was a loss of only 22
ultimately to increase crop production.
t/ha from soil covered with peartst mtllet
The results of the studies. conducted at
stubbles showing, thereby, the impor-
this Institute have shown (Gupta, 1978,
tance of stubble farming in checking the
1980) that during kharif season, the use
movement of sand to other areas.
of organic mulches reduced the maximum
soil temperature at 10 em depth by 1 to Table 2. Sand movement from sandy
6°e. Polyethylene mulch, on the contrary, plain of Bikaner during 75 days period
raised it by 1 to 3°e. There was suppres- Treatment Total soil loss
sion in weed growth and an increase in (t/ha)
moisture status 'of soil. These factors
Bare 1449
together increased the production of Peart millet stubble cover 22
pearl millet. Application of grass mulch
at the rate of 6 t/ha also reduced the mean 2. Wind strip cropping
maximum soil temperature, reduced Strips of perennial grasses of Lasi-
evaporation loss, suppressed weed growth UrtlS sindiclls and Ricinus communis
and improved root growth and nodulation. es.tablished at right angle to the direction
This resulted in about 40% increase in of prevailing winds reduced the impact
production of green gram. "I:hese mulches, and threshold velocity of wind to the
therefore, can be used for favourably minimum and thus checked the erosion
manipulating soil environment for increa- of wind and increased the production of
sing crop production in the sandy plains crops (Misra, 1964). In another study
of Western Rajasthan. (Gupta and Aggarwal, 1980) it has been
II Soil management for wind erosion found that a 18-20 years old cover of such
control perennial grasses as Lasiurlls sindiclls,
The following practices are sugges- Cenchrus biflorlls, Panicllm tllrgidum at
ted for wind erosion control: Bikaner completely checked the movement

of sand. There was a formation of crust shelterb~lt of Prosopis juliflora, Albizzia
on the surface which provided protection lebbek o.r Acacia tortilis. This, therefore
to the soil from direct action of wind. shows t_ilat plantation of shelterbelts in
3. Sand dune stabilisation the path of wind and on the margins
of agricultural lands checks wind erosion,
Sand dune stabilisation is essenti~l
reduces the effect of desiccating winds
for checking the sand movement towards
and helps in protection of crops.
the productive agricultural. lands, canals,
water courses, etc. This can best be done 5. Tillage
with vegetation. Plantalion of grasses and
Excessive tillage of agricultural land
trees was found to provide surface cover,
when it is dry exposes it to wind action
bind sand particles and to help in the for-
which leads to erosion. In a study at
mation of soil crusts which checked the
this Institute it has been found that harro-
movement of sand (Gupta and Aggarwal,
wing and planking of a loamy sand soil
1980). On the contrary, as much as 37
resulted in breaking up of clods and the
cm of the surface sand was blown away
from a bare sand dune during a period of percentage of clods greater than 5 mm
decreased from 42 to 13. This led to as
75 days. Stabilisation of sand dunes is
much as 40 t/ha soil loss from disked
therefore, of grea~ importance in maintain-
and planked soil compared to 0.5 t/ha
ing the productivity of agricultural lands
beside supplying fuel and fodder for the loss from only disked soil during a period
animals. of 6 days when average wind velocity
was 29 km/hour. This, therefore, shows
4. Use oj shellerbe/ls and plant barriers that minimum tillage should be provided
Vegetation barriers placed in the to the soils which are more vulnerable to
path of wind reduce its velocity near the erosion.
ground by exerting a drag on the wind 6. Mechanical traps
and deflecting the wind stream. The Another important method of con-
effectiveness of shelterbelts in reducing trolling wind erosion is through mechani-
wind velocity depends on many factors cal traps like furrows, ridges and terraces.
such as wind velocity itself, direction, These can be prepared across the direc-
shape, width, tree height and density, etc. tion of wind. However, their effectiveness
Shelterbelts when planted across and on is more on heavier than lighter soils.
the margins of agricultural fields effecti-
vely protect crops and control sand CONCLUSION
drifting (Ganguli and Kaul, 1969). In a In conclusion it may be stated that
study at this Institute it has been found 'With the available technology the sandy
that during 75 days period from April to soils of the arid areas should be managed
June 1979 there was as much as 2.8 t/ha in such a way as to minimise erosional
soil loss from an unprotected agricultural hazards and optimize plant production
field. On the contrary, there was no loss for meeting the growing demand of fuel,
due to wind from a land protected with a fodder and the grains. This can be made

possible by adopting agroforestry system yield of pearlmillt. Ann. Arid Zone
of production in arid and semi-arid areas 21 (4) : 241-247.
of Western Rajasthan and elsewhere. J agannathan, P. 1964. Climatic environ-
REFERENCES ment and its fluduations in Rajasthan.
Proc. Symposium Problems of Indian
Anonymous 1975. Annual Report, CAZRI, Arid Zone, Jodhpllr, Ministry of Edu-
Jodhpur. tion, Govt. of India, New Delhi, pp.
Ganguli, J.K. and Kaul, R.N. 1969.Wind
erosion control. ICAR, New Delhi. Lowdermilk, W. C. 1953. Conquest of
land through seven thousand years.
Techn. Bull. (Agric.) 20 : 1-53.
USDA Agron. Infor. BIIII. 99 : 1-33~
Gupta, J. P. 1978. Evaporation from a
sandy soil under mulches. Ann. Arid Mann, H.S., Gupta,J.P., Murthy,K.N.K.,
Mathur, c.P. and Issac, V.C. 1980.
Zone 17 (3) : 287-290.
An estimation of runoff from some
Gupta, J.P. 1980. Effect of mulches on small rocky catchments of Western
moisture and thermal regimes of soil Rajasthan and its utilization potential
and yield of pearlmillet. Ann. Arid for crops. Indian J. Soil Conservation
Zone 19: 132-138. 8( I) : 38-43.
Gupta, J.P., Aggarwal, R.K. and Kaul, P. Misra, D.K. 1964. Agronomic Investiga-
1979. Effect of the application of tions in Arid Zone. Proc. Symp. Prob-
pond sediments on soil properties lems of Indian Arid Zone, Jodhpur,
and green gram in arid areas of West- Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
ern Rajasthan. Indian. J. Agri. Sci. 49: New Delhi, pp. 165-169.
Pramanik, S. K. 1952. Hydrology of
Gupta, J.P. and Aggarwal, R. K. 1980. Rajasthan desert: rainfall, humidity
Use of an asphalt subsurface barrier and evaporation Proc. of Symp. on
for improving the productivity of Rajputana Desert. Nat. Instt. Sci.
desert sandy soils. J. Arid Environ- India, New Delhi. pp. 183-197.
ment 3: 215-222.
Pramanik, S.K. and Hariharan, P.S. 1952.
Gupta, J.P. and Aggarwal, R.K. '1980. : The climate of Rajasthan. Proc. of
S~nd movement studies under diffe- Symp .. on Rajputana desert, Nat. Inslt.
rent land use conditions of Western Sci. India, New Delhi, 167-178.
Rajasthan. In Arid Zone Research and Prihar, S.S. and Van Doren, D.M. Jr.
Development. (H. S. Mann. Ed.)" 1967. Mode of response of weed free
Scientific publishers, Jodhpur. India corn to post planting cultivation.
pp. 109-114. Agron. J. 59 : 513-516.
Gupta, J. P. and Gupta, G. N. 1981. Ramdas, L.A. 1952. Desert Hydrology:
Effect of post emergence cultivation Condensation and evaporation pheno-
on weed growth, nutrient uptake and mena in the Rajasthan desert. Proc.

of symp. on Rajputana desert, Nat. Rajasthan (Unpublished).-
Instt. Sci. India, New Delhi, pp. 198- Webster, C.C. and Wilson, P.N. 1966.
210. Agriculture in the Tropics. Longman
Wasi Ullah and Mathur,C.P. 1968. Water Green and Company Limited.
conservation in range lands of Western

Management of saline and alkali soils
B.L. Jain

The problem of salt-affected soils 1. Saline soils (affected mainly by

is of global occurrence and is a matter of NaS04 and NaCl)
concern to many countries of the world. 2. Alkali soils (affected mainly with
I n India ~aIt affected soils occupy about NaCO a and NaHCO a). The two
seven million hectares and occur exten- groups have a number of common as
sively in the northern alluvial plains, well as distinct characteristics
flanked by the Rann of Kutch and the
Following are the common features
Rajasthan desert in the west and wb-
of saline and alkali soils:
humid deltaic, marshy and swampy lands
of the Sunderbans subject to tidal action 1. The concentration of electrolytes in
in the east. The salt affected soils also both saline and alkali is higher than
occur in the major river deltas in the in other soil types, except in those
east along the coastline, in major river belonging to the family of salt-affect-
basins and local depressions in the semi- ed soils. In most cases, the salt con-
arid Deccan plateau and its periphery, centration in the saline soils surpasses
extending to the states of Maharashtra, that of alkali soils, sometimes only
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil slightly, but often to a great extent.
Nadu. The problem of salt affected soils 2. The electrolytes dominate the soil-
is further increasing in extent as a result forming process and determine its
of introduction of irrigation pro- pattern. In other words, the effect of
jects coupled with faulty water manage- electrolytes overshadows that of num-
ment. With the increase in population erous other soil-forming factors. For
it is all the more vital that these hitherto example, irrespective of the high or
unutilized saIt affected soils are brought • low humus content, if the electrolyte
under cultivation. However, such soils concentration in a soil surpasses a
need suitable technology for their ameli- certain value, a saline soil develops.
oration and management. Some of the Likewise, the influence of electrolytes
significant factors for the management of becomes prominent on soil aggregates,
salt affected soils arc discussed in the the distribution of compounds bet-
following paragraphs. ween soil horizons and others.
Characteristics of salt affected soils 3. The fertility of the soil is adversely
Salt affected soils can be divided in affected by the high concentration of
two main groups. electrolytes. As mentioned above, the

saline and alkali soils may contain toxicity of several salts occurrin'g il) salt
considerable amounts of compounds, affected soils is roughly as follows:
actually or potentially able to supply Mg$04 Ca Cl 2 Na2S04
the plants of crops with water or 112
nutrients, but their effectiveness is- NaCI NaHCOs
hindered or prevented by the high 3 : 3
electrolyte content or' the soil hori- Different approaches should be
zons. adopted in the utilizati()n and improve-
Main characteristic properties of ment of saline and alkali soils. The first
saline and alkali soils are given in Table 1 step of reclamation should be to control

Table I : The characteristics of saline and alkali soils

Characteristics Saline soils Alkali soils

pH <8.3 > 8.3 somewhere along
the profile or high
ESP 15 in horizon B
Chemistry of soil Dominated by S04 Dominated mainly by
and Cl anions HCO s or COs anions
or both
Effect of electrolytes on Flocculation Dispersion
soil particle
Main adverse or toxic High osmotic pres- Alkalinity of soil
effects on plants sure of soil solution solution
Geographical distribution Associated mainly Associated mainly with
with arid and semi- semi - arid and semi-
arid area humid areas
First aim of reclamation Removal of excess Lowering or neutrali-
electrolyte through zing the high pH through
leaching chemical amelioration

In saline soils, the high osmotic the dominant adverse properties. In the
pressure of the soil solution as a result agricultural utilization of saline soils, the
of a high electrolyte content constitutes high electrolyte content is the main
the main harmful effect on plants (Physi- hurdle in the way of increasing soil ferti-
ological effect). On the other hand, in lity, and, therefore, the establishment of
alkali soils, more frequently the poor soil drainage and leaching will be the pre-
physical and water transmission properties conditions of effective amelioration.
" impede the growth of plants (soil physi- In" alkali soils, the high pH and
cal effect). High electrolyte content some- also high ESP values impede the optimal
times also exercise a toxi.c effect. Relative utilization of the soils. For diminishing

the influence of these adverse properties Irrigatiom
the application of chemical amedments, Irrigation, creating possibilities
such as gypsum will b~ necessary. It is for meeting water requirements of
clear that the pattern of soil amelioration farming, simultaneously induces great
must always be location-specific and changes in the soil-water-salt regime on
should be in accordanc~ with the local the whole irrigated area which in its turn
environmental and agricultural condi- causes wide scale transformations of the
tions. The above described approaches environment. Hence the need is to
are only general statements when talking undertake a constant control of the water
a!:)Jut the improvement and reclamation salt and partially heat balances through
of salt affected soils. engineering facilities to maintain 'the
The development and maintenance controllable changes of environment in
a favourable direction.
of successful irrigation projects involve
not only the supplying the irrigation High salinity of irrigation waters
water to the land but also the control of presents the most dangerous potential
salinity and alkali. Quality of irrigation source of salinity under conditions of
water, irrigation practices and drainage poorly drained or naturally undrained
conditions are involved in salinity and valleys in the areas of new irrigation.
alkalinity control. Saline soils require Control of soil water'and salt regimes, by
the removal of exces salts and may require means of irrigation, drainage and irriga-
chemical amendments in addition to t.ion technique, may be realized through
adequate supply of irrigation water. a definite pattern of water supply and
Improper irrigation and soil management distribution to attain the designed moist-
or inadequate drainage may result in ure level, the uniform leaching regime to
excesS soluble salts or exchangeable reduce the salinity and maintain a defin ite
sodium. ground water through drainage.

Management of saline soil-basic principles Irrigatioll network

Should be designed to assure max-
Plant growth is a function of total
imum possible water tightness of the can-
soil moisture stress which is a sum of
als to attain three goals-the maximum
'total soil moisture tension and osmotic
l'eduction of water losses, the minimum
pressure of soil solution. Through cont-
water seepage from irrigation canals and
rolled leaching osmotic pressure of soil
the prevention of the induced additional
solution should be maintained at lowest
pressure of ground water in the command
feasible level and by irrigation soil moist-
ure tension should be maintained in
optimum range. Transport o! salt by Irrigation technique
water, evaporation, transpiration, quan- In the zone of new irrigation,
tity and quality of irrigation water and besides reduction of irrigation water
upward movement of salts affect salt losses uniform distribution of both the
balance in soil. irrigation water, to obtain deSIgnated soil

moisture level, and the water for leaching Evaluation of LR requir~s the selec-
to prevent the unevenness of the salt built tion of appropriate value of Cd values
up and leachings is essential. for a, given quality of irrigation water.
Concentration of soil saturation extract
Flooding should be favoured if
that produces a 50% decrease in yield
salinity is a serious problem. M'ethod
has been taken as a criterion for selection
should be used in relatively level areas.
of Cd values by Bernstein (I964) and
Border strips or border check method
should be used for control of water. Bouweret 01. (1969). Boumans and Vander
Basin irrigation can be used for better MolJentl964) have introduced the concept
control of depth of watt:r applied and of leaching efficiency to predict the aver-
uniformity of application in orchards. age Cd values. Concept was later used
Furrow irrigation is well adapted to row by Bower (1969) and is given by
·crops and in this method salts get accum- Cd = Ci + (Cs-Ci) E
ulated in ridges. Irrigation of alternate CS = Salt cencentration of soil solution
furrows and making ridges across the E = Leaching efficiency.
direction of sunrays helps in minimizing
adverse effect of salinity in root zone. E appears to be related to soil texture
only and vary from 0.2 for heavy soils
Sprinkler irrigation although assure and 0.6 for light soils. Based on the
the most uniform water distribution fails studies conducted by Gupta and Pandey
to furnish the leaching rates, but also can (1980) leaching efficiency is found to be
not provide the adequate soil moisture in affected by the initial salt distribution in
view of considerable water losses when profile and number of pore volume of
sprinkling it. water drained.
Leaching - Leaching can be accomplished by
Crop production is reduced when ponding appreciable depth of water on
an excessive accumulation of soluble salts the soil surface by means of dikes and
exists in the soil. Since soluble sal~s are ridges and thus establishing downward
transported in the water phase, their movement of water. Frequent applica-
distribution and removal are controlled tion of excess irrigation water applied by
through proper water management. Lea- flooding between border strips until a
ching is one of the management practice crop is being grown are used for leaching.
often followed to avoid salt build up in Effectiveness depends upon how much
the root zone, under steady state condi water passes through the soil and how
tions. The leaching requirement LR, for uniformly the water is applied. Either
maintaining proper salt balance in the continuous flooding or periodic water
root zone may be expressed as application may be used for leaching. If

LR = Ci The salt concentration of irrigation water

Cd The salt concentration of drainage water

soil transmits water slowly periodic drying corrugation helps in better crop stand
may improve infiltration rates. Depth of and fair growth.
water required for 'irrigation or leaching Careful levelling of land makes
depend on the level of salin ity of soil and possible more uniform application of
Irrigation water. water and better salinity control. Barren
Drainage spots are generally high spots and gener-
ally do not get sufficient water for crop
Drainage of irrigated lands is consid-
growth as well as for leach in g. Crusting
ered a'n obligatory condition for provid-
of soil and failure of seedling to emerge
ing a reliable basis for soil desalinisation,
indicate an alkali condition which can be
preventing the secondary salinity and
corrected by amendments. Irrigation
controlling the soil water regime. Drain-
more frequently especially during germina-
age can be through flow over the soil
tion and seedling stage will tend to sof-
surface or flow through the soil sub-sur-
ten hard crusts and help to get a better
face. Irrigated lands are drained primarily
to increase productivity and reduce sari-
nity effects. Crop selection for saline soils

Special practices for salinity control Crop salt tolerance has usually
Saline soil require special manage- been expressed as the yield decrease
ment practice. Where only irrigation expected for a given lever of solule salts in
water of poor quality is available or where the root medium as compared with
drainage and full scale reclamation are yields under non saline conditi~ns.
not economically feasible it may be poss- Salt affected plants usually appear
ible to carryon successfully. normal, although they are stunted and
Saline agriculture may have darker green colour. Occasion-
ally nutritional imbalance caused by
Irrigation, leaching and tillage prac- salinity produce specific nutrient defici-
tices can all be directed towards salinity . - ency symp t oms. A s sa It concen t ra t'IOn
control. Salt tolerant crops can be j Increase .
a b ove a th res h 0 Id Ieve I b ot h t h e
selected and chemical amendments used
growth rate and ultimate size of most
where necessary. Selection of tolerant
plant species progressively decrease.
crop is very important for saline agricul-
Top growth is often suppressed than root
ture. ' growth. Salinity also increase the leaf
In general irrigation methods and stem ratio. In some cases salinty induces
practices that provide uniformity of imbalances or deficiencies causing decre-
application and downward movement of ased growth and plant injury for which
water through soils favour salinity cont- osmotic effects alone can not account.
rol. Ponding or flooding of water over Salt tolerance depend upon many
the soil surface through border check and plant (stage of growth, varieties and root
basin method of irrigation give greater stocks), soil fertility. soil water, soil aera-
uniformity of application than furrow or tion and environmental factors.

Salt tolerance of a crop may be Mas~ et al. (1977) reviewed the crop
appraised according to three criteria. salt tolerance and expressed the salt
1. Ability of the crop to survive on tolerance on the basis of (I} Maximum
saline soil allowable salinity without yield reduc-
2. The yield of the crop 011 saline tion below that of the non saline treat-
soil - ment, and (2) The percent yield decearse
3. Relative yiei<;l of the crop on saline per .unit of salinity increase beyond the
soil as compared with its yield on threshold. Relative salt tolerance of
a non saline soil under similar agricultural crops is given Table 2.
Table 2 : Salt tolerance of agricultural crops
Crop Salinity at initial Yield decrease Salt tolerance
yield decline per unit increase rating
(threshold) in salinity beyond
1 2 3 4

Alfalfa 2.0 7.3 MS

Almond 1.5 19 S
Apple S
Appricot 1.6 24 .s
Avocado S
Barley forage 6.0 7.1 MT
Barley (grain) 8.0 5.0 T
Bean 1.0 19 5
Beet garden 4.0 9.0 MT
Bermuda grass 6.9 6.4 if
Broad bean l.6 9:6 MS
Broccoli 2.8 9.2 MS
Cabbage 1.8 9.7 MS
Carrot 1.0 14 'S
Clover, alsike,
ladino, red,
strawberry l.5 12 MS
Clover, berseem T 1.5 5.7 MS
Corn (forage) 1.8 7.4 lMS
Corn (grain) 1.7 12 MS
Corn, sweet 1.7 12 MS
Cotton 7.7 5.2 T
Cowpea 1.3 14 MS
Cucumber 2.5 13 MS
Date 4.0 3.6 T
Flax 1.7 12 MS

Table 2 (Contd.)
1 2 3 4

Grape 1.5 9.6 MS

Grape fruit 1.8 16 S
Lemon S
Lettuce 1.3 13 MS
Millet, Foxtail MS
Okra S
Olive MT
Onion 1.2 16 S
Orange 1.7 17 S
Orchard grass 1.5 6.2 MS
Peach 1.7 21 S
Peanut 3.2 29 MS
Pepper 1.5 14 MS
Plum 1.5 18 S
Potato 1.7 12 MS
Radish 1.2 13 MS
Raspberry S
Rhodes grass MS
Rice, paddy 3.0 12 MS
Rye grass, 5.6 7.6 MT
Safflower MT
Sesbanai 2.3 7.0 MS
Sorghum MT
Soybean 5.0 20 MT
Spinach 2.0 7.6 MS
Strawberry 1.0 33 S
Sudan grass 2.8 4.3 MT
'Sugar beet 1.0 5.9 T
Sugal' cane 1;7 5.9 MS
Sweet potato 1.5 11 MS
Timathy MS
Tomato 2.5 9.8 MS
Wheat 6.0 7.1 MT
Wheat, grass
crested 3.5 4.0 MT

Management of Alkali soils: Basic princi- Chemical amendments for I:eplqcement of
exch~ngeable sodium
Kind and amount of amendment
In alkali soils adsroption of exces-
required for replacement of exchangeable
sive amount of sodium is detrimental to
sodium depend upon soil characteristics,
the physical status of soil and I may be
desired rate of replacement and economic
toxic to plants. Under such conditions
consideration. Common amendments in
special amendment, leaching and manage-
use are 1. Gypsum 2. Sulphur 3. Sulph-
ment practices are required to improve
uric acid 4. Pyrites.
and maintain favourable soil condition
These amendments can be used in
for plant growth.
alkali soils containing alkali earth carbon-
Essential features for economic ates. Gypsum can also be used in soils
crop production on alkali soils are as devoid of alkali earth carbonates. Amo-
under: unt of amendment required for reclama-
1. Land-shaping and the provision tion depends on exchangeable sodium and
cation exchange capacity of the soil. Use
of an assured irrigation sourq::.
of amendment reduces ESR of soil to a
2. The application of suitable amend- given level. For replacement of 1 m.e.
ments in proper amounts, at the of exchangeable sodium from surface 15
right time and in appropriate em soil layer, 0.16 tons of sulphur or 0.85
manner. ton of gypsum in required. Gypsum
requirement can be estimated by Schoon-
3. The growing of sUitable crops in over's method. 1 m.e. of Ca adsorbed
a rotation and the choice of best- by the soil from saturated gypsum solu-
suited varieties. tion indicate G.R. yalue of 1.85 tons/ha.
In general gypsum dose at the rate of
4. The adoption of fertilization
40-60% G.R. is sufficient for effective
practices, most suited to these
soils, including the application
Gypsum and sulphur are the most
of micronutrients. common amendments for reclamation.
5. The adoption of special cultural Rate of reaction of gypsum in replacing
and management practices for sodium is limited only by its solubility
different crops including optimum in water, i.e., 0.25%. Presence of sodium
and chloride increases solubility. where as
plant population, depth and
sulphate and calcium decreases so:ubility.
frequency of irrigation, planting
Sulphur must be oxidized by microbial
methods, etc.
action to the sulphate form. Finer the
Perfect land shaping, levelling and particle size more rapid is the reaction.
bunding of Farm boundaries and assured Application of amendments
irrigation source of good quality water From the stand point of efficiency
is first requisite in the programme of in replacing exchangeable sodium it is
reclamation and management of soils. advantageous to leach most of the soluble

salts out of the soil before applying REFERENCES
chemical amendment. As result of
Bernstein, L. 1964. Salt tolerance of
removal of ~oluble salt higher proportion
plant. U.S.D.A. Inf. Pull. 283.
of Ca supplied by the addition of amend-
ment is adsorbed by the soil exchange Boumans, W.H. and Vander Mollen,
complex. However, application of W.H. d964. c.f. Int. Symp. Salt
amendment prior to leaching or after Affected Soils.
leaching depend on the permeability Bouwer, H. 1969. Salt balance, irrigation
amendment as gypsum, sulphur, and lime efficiency and drainage design. J. Irrig.
stone are mainly applied broadcast and Drainag. Div. A.S.C.E. 95 (lR-I),
. then incorporated with the soil by means 153-170 .
of disc 0- p!ow. Thorough incorporation Bower, C.A., Ogata, G. and Tpacker,
is especially important. Except when I.M. 1969. Agroll. J. 61: 783-785.
sulphur is used soils should be leached
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute,
immediately following application of
Karnal, 1979. A Decade of Research.
amendments. Leaching dissolves and
causes the amendment to move down- Gupta, S.K. and Pandey, R.N. 1980.
ward and it also removes soluble salts Leaching efficiency criterion and its
that form as a result of cation exchange. evaluation during reclamation of saline
Soils receiving sulphur ordinarily should soils. Int. Symp. Salt affected soils,
not be leached until sufficient time for Karnal, pp. 300-306.
oxidation has been allowed. Improve- International Symposium on Salt affected
ment of physical condition of alkali soil soils, Kamal. 18-21 Feb. 1981. Sympo-
involves the rearrangement and aggrega- sium papers.
tion of soil particles as well as replace- Mass, E.V. and Hoffman, G.J. 1977. Crop
ment of exchangeable sodium. salt tolerance-current Assessment, J.
In alkali soil paddy-wheat-dhaincha Irrig. and Drainage Div. A S.C.E. Vol.
has been found to be most suitable 103 No. IR 2 Proc. Paper. Jun. 1977,
rotation in the beginning. More sensi- 115-134.
tive crops can be taken after 3-4 years of Richards, L.A. (ed.) 1954. Diagnosis and
reclamation. Use of high yielding varie- Improvement of Saline Alkali Soils,
ties wit~ ample quantity of fertilizers and U.S.D.A. Hand Book No. 60.
micronurient significantly improves the
crop performance.

Influence of Prosopis cineraria and· Acacia
nilotica on soil fertility and crops yields
K.A. Shankarnarayan

In inhospitable dry climates, prop- tion of the farmers about the great utility
erlv distributed tree growth acts as a fos- of these trees as integral part of the
ter mother to agriculture. The numer- agricult~ral system. This conviction
ous benefits uf tree growth have been stems from the belief that crop growth
discussed at length in other papers pres- under P. cineraria is better in areas with-
ented in this Summer Institute, I shall out it under the same management
confine myself to the infiuence of tree conditions.
growth on soil fertility aspects. Influence of trees on soil fertility condi-
Prosopis cineraria (Khl'jri) and Acacia
nilotica (Baboot) are two important legum- Sigh and Lal (1969) investigated
inous trees widely distributed in Western the profile characteristics including the
Rajasthan. Of the two, Prosopis cineraria levels of fertility under both Prosopis
has distribution of wide ecological ampli- cineraria and Acacia nilofica and compared
tude in the rainfall zone of 300 to 400 it with open field conditions. Data in
mm and its optimum density ranging Table I and 2 reveal the following.
from 150-200 per hectare can be observed 1) Under Babool and Khejri trees,
in the districts of Sikar, Churu and Nag- the sand per cent decreases and silt +
aur. Acacia nilotica on the other hand clay increases upto the depth of 120 cm
is confined to younger alluvium in the and at subsequent depths the reverse
Luni Basin where its density ranges from trends are observed. Whereas in open
l5-40 per hectare. It occurs in older there is a regular decrease in sand and
alluvium on Iy when water table is 12 to increase in silt+elay upon 90 em only
18 m high. In case of A. nilotica the sub an,d at subsequent depths no discerpible
species Acacia ni/olica, sub species tr'end was observed.
Cupressijormis due to obconical shape 2) III general the pH values of the
and less shade casting characteristics is soils under Kllejri tree are lower than
preferred by the farmers. under Babool while in the open field the
The very fact that both P. cineraria difference is of the magnitude of one unit
and A. nilo/ica occur and are encouraged upto a depth of 60 cm.
to grow in all cultivated fields and village 3) The calcium carbonate content
grazing grounds shows the tacit convic- is also sufficiently low in soil under

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Klzejri whereas under Babaol it is highest results in the transference of silt+ clay
at the fourth sampling depth. to lower depths in these profiles, Whereas
4) In general the organic carbon in open field silt + clay movement is
content decreases with depth but here restricted upto 90.0 em depth. This may
again the organic carbon content is be attributed to the phenomena of stem-
slightly higher at sampling depth six flow from trees whereby whatever
under both Khejri and Baboal compared meagre rainfall occur is ably intercepted
with open field profile. by the crown of the trees and channel-
ised to the soil through ste"m boles which
The total nitrogen. avaiJable P205
act as conduit. Thus the important role
and K 2 0 also decrease with increase in
of trees in generating hydrologic cyc'le
depth. The above constituents are high-
becomes established. However" there is
est in Khejri profile than in Babool or
no quantified data on this phenomenon.
open field profile. However. with reg-
Lower pH values of soils observed
ards to available P 2 0 5 its content in sixty
under Khejri may by attributed to the
sampling depth in profile 2 of Babool
shows a sixteen fold increase compared presence of higher content of organic
with open field profile. matter, soluble calcium and comparati-
vely lower content of t;:aC0 3 , On decom-
In all the profiles in general, the
position, organic matter may produce
sesquoxides are higher in the third layer
organic acids and soluble calcium may
in relation to other layers but the varia-
replace sodium from the exchange comp-
tion is not marked.
The CaO per cent increases up to
The greater accumulation of organic
fourth, third and second sampling depth
matter under Khejri is apparently due to
in profiles benea'th Khejri Babaol and open
the more vigorous growth ,of vegetation
observed under it which in turn leaves
Likewise the P 20 5 content also behind more organic matter in the form
decreases with increase in depth but at of root slubbles and dead leaves. The
lower depths it remains more less const- latter is also apparently contributed in
ant. However, it is highest in profile greater measure from Khejri which has
under Khejri followed by Babaat, and higher leaf stem ratio compared with
open 'field.
Babool. The increased organic matter
The K 20 content ,also shows a obviously seems to be responsible for
general decrease with sampling depth of higher content of total nitrogen, avail-
the profile. A remarkable feature ill this able P205 and K 20.
element is its increase in profile of open The differential movement of CaO
field compared with either Khejri or in the profile which is manifestly higher
Baboal. in Khejri may be explained due to grea~
From the foregoing results, it appe- ter. leaching and solubilizing effect of
ars that leaching is comparatively greater organic acids produced in greater quan-
under Khejri and Babaat trees which tities compared with Babaot and open

fields. Similar trend is observed with ted in the, highest number of her,baceous
CaC0 3 and these together contribute to plant species /m2, mean plant density /m2
the varying quantities of CaO at different and mean above ground phytomass
depths. (Table 5).

Soil fertility studies under fourteen CONCLUSIONS

year old tree commities of P. cineraria,
P. julifiora and bare site, indicate (Tables From the foregoing it is
3 and 4) that there is an overall improve- observed that improvement of crop or
ment in the soil fertility, i.e., organic plant growth beneath these trees may be
matter, total nitrog~n, total P205 and due to combined action of a number of
available macro and micro nutrients factors. The favourable influences of
in soils under P. cineraria community the trees are clearly discernible in pearl-
compared with P. julif/ora at bare ~ite. millet fields in sandy plains where Prosopis
trees are found in abundance. However,
quantified data on the yields of pearl-
The data (Table 4Jon DTPA extract-
millet under this tree are lacking and
able micro-nutrients for 0-15 cm and
there is need for obtaining systematic
15-30 em depth show that available Zn,
data in this regard. Soil moisture being
Mn, Cu and Fe content vary from 0-8 to
a serious limitation, its subtle improve-
2.28 ppm, 6.9 to 11.7 ppm, 0.26 to 1.25
ment below this tree may be considered
ppm and 2.4 to 4.8 ppm, respectively.
as a direct caus"e for vigorous crop growth
Available Mn and Cu contents were
and yield -increase. The stem flow
highest in both the soil depth under P.
enrichment of soil moisture and the non-
cineraia while Fe content was highest in
exploitation of surface moisture by this
0-15 cm soil depth and Zn in 15-30 em
tree which inherently has a phenomenally
soil depth. Aggarwal et al. (1975) conclu-
ded that in general the growth of tree deep root system, encourage luxuriant
plantations and P. cineraria in particular growth of vegetation which obviously
improved the available micronutrient contribute towards organic matter build
status of the soil. up and fertility improvement below the
trees over time which are amply borne
out by soil analysis data. However, syst-
This view IS further supported ematic researches are also required to
by studies conducted by Aggarwal quantify the hydrological cycle generated
et al. (1975) on soil physicochemical through stem-flow. Although the import-
changes under twelve year old tree plant- ant role of trees in general and Prosopis
ations in western Rajasthan, which show cineraria in particular in agroforestry
that organic matter, total nitrogen and system is thus well recognised, there is
P20 5 was highest in Prosopis cineraria at need for quantified data on the input!
0-15 cm depth compared with other tree out put from this system for generating
species and bare site. This is also reflec- an overall balance sheet.


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REFERENCES Singh, KS. and La 1, P. 1969. Effect of
Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) and Babool
Aggarwal, R.K., Gupta, J.P., Saxena, (Acacia arabica) trees on soil fertility
S.K. and Muthana, K.D. 1975. Studies and profile characteristics. Ann. Arid
on soil physico-chemical and ecological
Zone 8 (I): 33·36.
changes under twelve year old five
desert species of West Rajasthan.
Indian Forester 102 (12): 863-872.

Role of microorganisms in irnproving the
fertility of aridisols
A.V. Rao

Among the diverse environmental to high temperatures attained. Meiklejohn

constraints of the desert ecosystem, low (1957) observed 90,%of the total microor-
precipitation, high. temperature coupled ganisms in desertic soils of Kenya as
with intense solar radiation and low soil actinomycetes.
organic matter particularly restrict the
Stabilization and soil microorganislIls
growth of microorganisms which are res-
ponsible for various soil transformation Generally the sand dunes are stabili-
that help plant productivity. Microorga- zed through the silvi-pastoral manage-
nisms especially in numbers vary more ment resulting in the improvement of soil
widely in the desert soils than in any organic matter. The popUlation of fungi,
other climatic zones (Meiklejohn, 1957 ; actinomycetes and bacteria were consist-
Elwan and Mahmoud, 1960). The varia- ently higher in stabilized than in unstabi-
tion in the microbial population in lized dunes. The difference in the
desertic soils (Table I) is attributed to popUlation was sometimes as high as 200
differences in organic matter content and/ folds and might be due to favourable
or some climatic factors, viz, temperature conditions exerted in the soil ecosystem.
and rainfall. The population of microor- It was found that in Sahara desert also,
ganisms in aridisols are generally low as the greater numbers of bacteria were in-
compared to any other tropical soil creased by introducing vegetation. The
because of the extremely low and irregular soil temperature of unstabilized dunes is
rainfall and scanty vegetation. The always 3 to 5°C higher than in the
microbial population in desert sands of stabilized dunes which may also further
the Sahara are very low (Killian and account for the low popUlations in
Feher, 1939). In these soils percentage of un stabilised dunes. The populations of
actinomycetes is generally higher as these fungi and bacteria were decreased with
are resistant to desiccation and high depth but the actinomycete popUlation
was highest at 30 em depth and then
temperature and help in decomposition
deClined thereafter.
of resistant portion of organic matter
such as lignins, chitins, etc., which are Churu dunes contained higher
abundant in these soils while other portion population of microorganisms as compa-
of organic matter is easily degraded due red to Ramgarh and Barmer dunes. These

Table I. Distribution of various microorganisms in arid soils.

Population of microorganisms
Site Bacteria Actino- Fungi Azoto- Nitrifying
(x104/glll) mycetes (x 103/gm) bacter bacteria
(x I04/gm) (xI03/gm) (x I02jgm)
Barmer 7.47 0.93 3.5 0.28 l.l
Bikaner 34.67 23.0 1.53 3.5 1.9
Dcgai 326.7 122.7 33.0 110.0 5.4
Gowrisar 49.0 10.33 7.0 0.7 2.3
Jetpura 200.0 31.00 4.3 17.0 5.4
Jodhpur 121.3 48.33 6.8 3.9 2.0
Masitwala 47.33 . 29.33 5.3 16.0 2.2
Moulasar 89.3 25.33 8.0 8.0 1.3
Ramgarh 2.23 004 0.15 0011 0.02

differences may be due to degree of that there are relatively large annual
stabilization as well as variation in the in puts of nitrogen (10-) 00 kg/ha/year)
annual rainfall and maximum temperature. by lichen crusts and algae and by preci-
The fungi were the least abundant group pitation (12 kg/hal. Using changes in
of microorganisms in these dunes. total nitrogen concentrations in soil from
Cameron (1966) also reported the lowest Great Basin desert areas, Bjerregaerd
number of fungi in Arizona desertic soils (1971) found in equivalent of 2 to 3 .kg
of USA. The fungi mostly belong to N/hajyear is fixed by free living microor-
genera Penicillium and Aspergillus. ganisms.
Biological nitrogen fixation Lequme-Rhizobium symbiosis
With the spiralling oil prices, the Guor (Cyamopsis tertragonoloba L.
use of petroleum based inputs like nitro- Taub.) is an important kharif (rainy
genous fertilizers in agriculture needs a season) legume adapted to arid and semi-
critjcal appraisal. A more durable arid climates and occupies an area of
alternative would be to utilize the biolo- about 2.9 million hectares in India. It is
gically fi~ed nitrogen to meet the partial a drought hardy crop and can grow in
crop requirements. The nitrogen cycle in soils of low fertility. Guar has been
the desert ec'osystem is generally believed reported to fix 50 to 150 kg N/ha (Mal,
to exercise a limitation on the rate of 1968) but not under arid climate. Guor
primary production since very low soil in general is a sparsely nodulating crop
organic matter levels associated with' low in desertic soils because of the presence
nitrogen cycle activity are usually found of few rhizobia in the desertic soil while
in deserts. The IBB studies of nitrogen some soils were found to be devoid of
dynami~s in the Great Basin desert of the guor rhizobia (Cow-pea cross inocul-
Utah, Nevada and Idaho have indicated ation group).

Guar vanetles CFS-277, DP-Safed, found to vary from one soil to another.
HFG-182 and B-19-1-55) had shown The variation was not dependant on any
positive response to inoculation by the one of the individual factors such as org-
rhizobial strains isolated under this anic matter, antagonism by the microor-
climate. Significant increase in nodule ganispls and the competitiveness of the
number, nodule dry weight was observed introduced strain with the native strain
in response to inoculation. Further ino- but the interaction seems to be mainly
culation had resulted in enhanced N 2-ase responsible.
activity (N 2-fixing ability) of the crop. The ability of algae to withstand
The rate of N 2-fixation varied from 9.02 adverse habitats of extreme moisture,
to 16.18 fJ-g of N 2 /5 plants/hr in uninocu-
temperature and salt conditions as well
lated plants and from 40.45 to 106.48 p g
as their capacity to fix catbon and nitro.
N 2 /5 plant~/hr in plants inoculatcd with
gen make them prominent dwellers in
dIfferent strains. The rhizobial strain JG- desert soils. Many algae species are found
5 was found to be more compatible and in desertic soils (Cameron, 1961). The
with all the varieties and more efficient greatest number belong to the blue green
as compared to olher strains.
and green groups. BGA involved either
Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation free living, or in lichen symbiosis are the
Abdel Malek et af. (1971) and species of the genera Noztoc, ScytonemG,
Sasson (1972) reported low numbers of Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Microco/ells,
Azotohacter in different desertic soils of Nodularia and Schizofhrix. Some of the
the world. But the presence of Azotoba- lichens involved are P!ectonemaorganum,
acter and Clostidilllll could not be detect- CollemG occopliencs, L. tenorex,
ed in the soils of the Sahara desert Derll1atocGlpon lachnewn and Peltigera
(Pochan et al., 1957). Then distribution refescens. The BGA crusts and/or BGA
of the N 2-fixing bacteria varies as these lichen crusts can fix significant amount of
bacteria are sensitive to changes in N (3 to 4 g of N/hr/ha of crust following
moisture. In Indian desertic soils the rainfall) in to desert ecosystem t Wallace et
population of Azotobacter varied from 10 al.,1978). These crusts serve to stabilise
to 1,00,000 gm-l. A positive correlation the soil surface to reduce erosion and to
with a correlation coefficient of 0.86 was increase water retention and infiltration.
observed between the population of It wa~ observed that nodulated non-leg-
Azotobacter and the organic matter content ume genera such as Artemisia, Oplllltia,
of the soils. Very low popUlation was TI ibulllS, Zygop!Jyl/lIm, Chrysothal11l/s,
observed in Ramgarh unstabilized Krameria and CercocarpliS also show
dunes (10 cells/gm). In contrast, Degai evidence of N-fixation.
and Jetpura soils contained higher Microbial sollibilization of phosphorus
Though the desertic soils contain a
All the desertic soils have exerted high amount of phosphorus (560-900 kg/
stimulatory effect on the N 2-ase activity hal as tricalcium phosphate, the level of
of A. c/zroocOCCIII1l but the stimulation was available P is only about 10·t5 kg/ha.

Soils of different regions of Western Elwan, S.H. and Mahmoud, S.A.Z. 1960.
Rajasthan showed a wide variation in Ariclzives Mikrobiology 36: 360-64.
the population of P-solubilizers (37.3 Killian, Ch and Feher, D. 1939. Encyclo-
to 13x 15 5 gm- 1 ). The P-solubilization pedia bio/ague Lechevalier ed. Paris,
varied from one organism to another and 21: 127-34.
the maximum release of 65% of added
tricalcium phosphate was observed with Mal, M. 1968. Indian Farm. 18: 37-38.
Aspergillus niger. It became evident Meiklejohn, J. 1957. J. Soil Sci. 8: 240-
from some of the experiments conducted 47.
that P-uptake by different crops can be
Pochan, J., de Barjar, H. and Lajudi~, J.
increased by inoculating the soil with the
] 957. Ann. Ills!. Pasteur, ppris, 92:
efficient P-solubilizing microorganisms.
Abdel Malek, Y, Monib, M., EI Hadidy, Sasson, A. 1972. Ann. Arid Zane 11:
T. and Ragab, M. 1971. A-R.E.J. 67-86.
Desert Inst. 21: 61-72. Wallace. A., Romney, E.M. and Hunter,
Cameron, R.E. 1961. Diss. Abstr., 22: 716, RB. 1978. In: Nitrogen in desert
Univ. Microfilms, Ann. Arbor, Michi- ecosystems (West, N.E. and Skujins,
gan. lJ., eds.) US/IBP synthesis series,
Cameron, RE. 1966. J. Arizona A cad. volume 9.
Sci. 4: 3-27.

Agro-forestry-a multiple land use
production systelll
K. A. bankar Narayan

'The major problems confronting be classified as "fragile ecosystem" areas.

the arid regions are The number of people who depend upon
(a) Environ/al constraints: Low and these areas for their food and livelihood
erratic precipitation, frequent, drought is 630 million or 35% of the total popula-
intense radiation, occurrence of frost, tion of the developing countries (King,
high wind speed and resulting erosion; 1979).
poor soil condition of water for human Traditionally the population living
and livestock and irrigation; sparse vege- in these areas have coped with these ext-
tative cover, soil salinity and or_ brackish reme environment by practising forms of
water. land use that were extensive, by being
(b) Biotic: Pressure of human and mobile, and by being part of a social
animal popUlation on marginal and sub. system that was based on economic inter
marginal lands; low plant productivity dependence. Today the rapid increase of
due to environmental biotic pressure; population and the introduction of
damages due to insects and rodent pest. inappropriate technologies have resu lted
in the removal of protective trees and
(c) Socio-economic : Inadequate ex- shrubs for fuel and shelter and the
posure!ddoption to modern farming cultivation of soil that are ill-suited to
techniques and merits of conservation of to arable agriculture. Moreover, many
natural resources; lack of alternate voca- of the intensive farming practices that
tion other than cropping and animal have been attempted although increasing
husbandry; fragmentation of holdings, yields in the short run, have made the
nomadism, etc. soils vulnerable to erosion and have inde-
To such problem areas, King (1979) ed led to desertification.
has ascribed the term "Fragile ecosystem' In this context the International
because their equilibrium appears to be Council for Res.earch in Agroforestry
easily upset and because they become (ICRAF) has forseen new dimension to
ecologically degraded if certain forms of taungya and agriculture and therefore
land use, particularly sedentary agricul- proclaims the new concept agroforestry
ture are practised on them. It has been as a"Sustainable land management system
estimated that 4900 million hectares or which increases the ov~rall yied of the
65% of the land in the tropical world may land, combines the production of crops

and forest plants/or animals simultaneou- habits. Plots of about 0.1 ha contain two
sly or sequentially on the same unit of land dozen different species of different form
applies management practices that are and together correspond to the layered
compatible with the cultural practices of stratification of mixed forest, coconut or
the local population" (King and Chandler, papaya with a shrub layer of coffee or
1978). A great deal of hope lies in an cacao, tall and low annuals such as maize
integrated approach and a complex net and beans and finally a spreading ground
work of of interactions between two rival cover plant such as squash.
enterpirses agriculture and forestry. In India one study on the shelter belt
Beneficial Impact of Agroforetsry plantation has shown that yields per 'unit
of land for ground nut, redgram and
That forest trees and agricultural
bajra (pearl millet) under sheltered
crops can be grown together to their
conditions were higher by 75, 48 and 63
mutual benefit and without deterioration
of site can be gleaned from several per cent, respectively compared with
controlled situation (Rao, 1980)
Firstly the evidence gained from the In another investigation on the
practice of taungya or agri-silviculture economics of silvipastoral use of land
reported by Blanford (1958) which was resources vis-a-vis seasonal crops, it has
begun way back in Burma in 1856, is a been reported that the net return per
classical instance in point. Many of the hectare of land, enterprise and family
forest plantations which have been esta- labour employed for annual crops ranged
blished in the tropical world including between Rs. 70 and Rs. 150 with and
India owe their origin to this system. average of Rs. 108/-. After pricing the
King (1968) and Von Resmer (1966,1970) family labour employed in cultivation
have reported on the various trees and at Rs. 5 per manday, the net annual return
annual agricultural crops that can be per hectare to land and enterprise ranged
grown together. What is more there is from Rs. 55 to Rs. 15 and the average
not only no adverse effect of agricultural works out to Rs. 28.
crops on trees and vice-versa. there are
On the other b and the net annual
reports of higher yields from both types .returns to land per hectare and enterprises
of crops under certain conditions. worked for silvipastoral system (after
Evidence from tra4itional farming discounting 11 % to arrive at net value)
systems employing tree culture is also revealed that it varied from species very
available in the tropics. Wilken (1977) has widely ranging from Rs. 1850 to Rs. 27,
reported that some societies simulate 530 and Rs. 360 to Rs. 3270 for net pre-
fOl:est conditions in their far~ in order sent value of annual returns and annuities,
to obtain the beneficial effects of forest respectively. Thus the expected net return
structures. The farmers In Central per hectare of land and enterprise sivipa-
America imitate the structure and species storal system are considerably higher than
diversity of tropical forests by planting a those from the annua~ crops in arid
variety of crops with different growth region (Gupta, 1980).

The main point that I wish to state In this context Adeyoju (1980) high-
here is that in a fragile ecosystem such as lighted three important aspects. Firstly
arid regions, agriculture alone would not apart from devising a ~omparatively
be a stable enterprise and has therefore cheap means of regenerating the forest,
to nece~sarily seek the prop of fore-stry the foresters have demonstrated through
into the farming system in order to impart agroforestry that they are able to initiate
stability and generate assured i!lcome. an enlightened mUltiple land managent
technique. It has aiso proved to be an
Current interest, investment and effective strategy for curtailing the unrest
research effort in agrororestry are based of thousands of so-called land less
on the expectation that the net financial farmers.
returns will be higher per unit of land
Secondly the practies of agroforestry
than from either forestry or agriculture
has been marked by increase in the quan-
alone. Tustin et al. (1979) dealing with
tity and variety of food stuffs, fodder and
forest farming as a multiple land-use
the economic impact is therefore, tremen-
production system in Newzealand obser-
dous. There is a strong evidence to
ved that properly applied agroforestry
suggest that due advantage of soil fertility
need not displace or seriously disrupt
agriculture but can complement it by is being taken at the early stages of
forest crop rotation with minimal econo-
minimizing wastage of capital works
mic impairment to pot,ential productivity.
coming only gradual changes in pastoral
based production. The authors further Thirdly agroforestry system has
observed that cash flow problems were created a welcome social revoluton in
unlikely to be encountered where trees rural areas. In some countries, there exists
occupied less then 10% of the farm forest settlements with modern amenities
area. so much so that the provision of forest
employment within the forest settlement
In an excellent review article on the
has been surpassed by establishment of
future of Tropical Agroforestry system
infrastructure facilities. Thus the poten-
Adeyoju (1980) emphasized that agro-
tialities of agroforestry compel a multiple
forestry is not a biological mix pn se;
land use management which eschew the
rather it is a series of management
false dichotomy of agriculture and fore-
technique intended to temporize the
try which at the same time conserves the
"natural machine" with the latest socio-
ecosystem and provides both wood and
economic and technological concepts of
food particularly in a fragile ecosystem.
resource Use. In this age when develop-
ment planners have got used to quantify- Need for research
ing the progress with socio-economic and In view of the potential importance
political indices, the forestry contribution of agroforestry for developing countries
to the human welfare has been critically of tropics, there is urgent need for further
enlarged through taungya, agri-silvicul- research to continuously refine and im-
ture and agroforestry. prove the system. The shade toJeranc~

of various agricultural species must be King, K.F.S. 1978'~ Agro-forestry-Poper
tested. Forest species which protect the presented in 50th Tropical Agriculture
soils but do reduce energy levels on the Day, Royal Tropical Institute, Amster-
understorey lnust be identified. Optimum dam, 10 pp.
espacements for both trees and crops King, KF.S. 1979. Agro-forestry and
need to be determined. Thinning regimes utilisation of fragile ecosystem. Forest
designed to optimise yield of both tree Ecology and Management 2: 161-168.
and agriculture crops require to be evol- King, K.F.S. and Chandler, H.T. 1978.
ved. Optimum species combinations Tile Wasted lands. TCRAF, Nairobi,
need to be investigated from the view 36 pp.
point of allelopthy and complimentarity
Rao, M. Sitaram 1980. Influence of shel-
of species. Above all new breeding pro-
terbelts on Annual crops. Paper
grammes designed to obtain in both
presented at the Second Forestry Con-
forest tree species and crops those charac-
ference, F.R.!., Debra Dun (Mimeo.).
teristics and attributes that are necessary
Tustin, J.R., Knowles, R.L. and Klomp,
for successful and efficient intercropping.
REFERENCES B.K. 1979. Forest Farming-a multiple
landuse producti?D system in Newzea-
Adeyoju, S,K. 1980. The Future of tropi-
land. Forest Ecology and Management
cal Agroforestry systems. Common. W.
2: 169-189.
For. Rev. 59 (2): 155-161.
Blanford, H.R. 1958. Highlights of one Von Hesmer, H. 1966. Der Kombinierte
hundred years of forestry in Burma. Land lind Forst wirstwintschaftliche
Emp. For. Rev. 37 (91): 33-42 Anbalt II Tropisc/les Afrika.' Ernst
Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, 150 pp.
Gupta, Tirath 1980. Economics of sand
dune stabilisation in India. Paper pre- Von Heamer, H. 1970. Der Komhinierte
sented in the FAOIDANIDA Training Land und Forst-wirtschaJlliche Anhau
. Course on Sand dUlle Stabilisation, Jl Tropisches und Subtropisches Asien,
Shelterbelt and Afforestation in the Dry Ernst Klett, Verlag, Stuttgart, 219 pp.
zone, held during March 3-30 1980 at Wilken, G.C. 1977. Integrating Forest
Centr~l Arid Zone Research In,stitute, and small Scale Farm System in
Jodhpur. Middle America. Agro-Ecosystems 3:
King, K.F.S. 1968. Arid-silviculture. The 291-302.
Taungya system, Bulletin No.1 Dep.
For. University of [badon, 109 pp.

Shifting cultivationlTaun~ya cultivation - The
need for integrated and systematic approach
K. D. Mutbana

Shifting cultivation/Taungya culti- shrubs. if resprouted, are cleared and

vation systems suggest (a) using land for burnt in the process of prepairing the site
more than one purpose for better returns: for the subsequent year. After harvesting
(b) interaction among various uses to the second crop, the cultivator moves to
avoid any adverse effects on the trees! the adjoining piece of forest. He repeats
field crops: (c) total output greater than the same process for two years on the
anyone single use. The establishment new bit of land and enjoys the yield.
of forest plantation within the crop land Rarely more than two successive crops
is an important measure which amelio- are harvested from rhe same area due to
rates the microclimate and increases soil and fertility loss, which declines the
productivity of the agricultural lands. crop yield. This way he keeps moving
The scope varies greatly according to the from plot to plot and after a couple of
ecological. socio-economic conditions, years (8 to JO years) returns back to the
present status of land, water, forest and original plot, by which period the land
range resources, immed iate needs of remains fallow and covered with dense
communities and development potential scrub growth. He goes through the cycle
of the area concerned. of clearing. burning and cultivating and
finally abandoning the plots when he
Shifting cultivation (Jhum) realises that cultivation on such lands is
Shifting cultivation or Jhum culti- not profitable.
vation is generally practised by the people This method of shifting cultivation
living in or near the hi lIy forest areas. is destructive to both forest and soil. It
A portion of the forest on the hill slopes accelerates soil erosion, causes'denuda-
is cut. allowed to dry after removal of tion and increases the flood hazard.
timber and fuelwood and burnt in About half of the aboriginal people in
summer season. High unwanted trees India are engaged in this practice. This
are killed by girdling. Such areas remain system is creating greater problems for
barren and exposed in the months of the nation and requires careful handling.
April, May and June. With the onset of' Imposing any legislation to check the
monsoon rains, the seeds of cereals are method may provoke resistance from
SOwn by the tribals and hill dwellers. tribal people. who have been practising
After harvest of crops, the weeds and this system for centuries.

In Dangs, Dharmpur and Vyarat preserving vegetation in the catchment!!.
areas, the adivasis have been practising They used to protect such vulnerable
shifting cultivation for several years, areas from biotic interferences by wisely
causing serious loss of soil and its fertility. dedicating such forests to soine village
The Forest Department has now taken over Deity. They never permitted cutting
all these areas and is providing technical down of trees/branches or ~ven allowed
and financial assistance to the inhabitants. cattle grazing within such forest areas. It
In these areas teak and bamboo stumps would be thrilling to see some such virgin
and seedlings are being planted and forests even to this date in some southern
worked out on a 15 years rotation basis. states well stocked with trees and shrubs.
The cultivators are given subsistence I n certain parts of Rajasthan also one
allowance and alternative employment finds such forests preserved in certain
of the plantation in the first three years. villages, dedicated to the Deities of the
Bamboos and fuelwood, derived from areas, which are known as 'Orans' and
tending and thinning, are offered to the 'Birs'. The areas are still preserviQg the
land holders. Even the sale proceeds of trees but not the ground cover as grazing
the major forest products are also distri- is permitted there.
buted among the land hOlders after
Forestry approach
deducting the amount provided earlier
for subsistence. The areas where shifting cultivation
Almost two-thirds of the forest is practised, the soil has no recuperative
lands under shifting cultivation is on power and this can only be i!llproved by
planting forest species. In large scale
steep slopes where chances of erosion
plantation, the selection of species is an
hazards are severe. It has been estimated
important factor and preference may be
'that the land under such practices is still
increasing in India, causing severe imba- given on the following basis:
lance in the ecology of the region. More (i) The species should he useful for
than 250 million people in the tropics live the Jllum cultivators.
in and around the forest areas and
mainly depend on shifting cultivation. Oi) The plants should be locally
available and adopted to local
accelerati,ng land slide, soil erosion, silting
up of reservoirs, accumulation of silt on environment.
riverbeds, resulting in freq uent and flash (iii) The plants need not be palatable
floods. to the livestock but fast growing.

Any type of vegetative growth Further spacing of forest plants be

binds soil and conserves from peing given due considerations mainly based on
blown away or washed down. It is, the objectives of the plantation, viz., to
therefore, essential to always keep the cover the area as quickly as possible and
catchment areas well stocked with vegeta- the effect of the tree species on the field
·tion. It may be mentioned here, that crops. Though crop cultivation is
even our ancestors were fully aware of normally done for two years, the plants


sO introduced should not grow so tall as vators to raise paddy, other cereals and
to interfere with the crops. A spacing of pulses. The lessee is permitted to raise
3 11' in lines and 4 m from line to line has his field crops within the tree species
been found to be ideal. Forest Depart- with clear cut understanding that he
ment cannot take up the tree plantation should weed round the plants and keep
work in the Jhum areas due to the vast- them free from suppression to check
ness of the area and scattered distribu- competition from the agricultural crops,
tion. Hence the Jhllm cultivators should protect the area from fire incidence and
be inSISted to take up the plantation job also from wild life damage. By this
together with their crops. If both meth~d the forest plantation is raised
raising of the plantation and the sowing without any expense on weeding and
of agricultural crops are done simultane- maintenance and also overcome the
ously, it would be advantageous to take labour difficulties. On the other hand,
care of both weeding and protection of this method provides food for the cultiva-
the crops. This would also ensure success tors. Normally two successive crops are
of the plantation with least expenditure. raised by the cultivators from the same
Moreover, if the plantation job is under- site and later they shift to the next clear
taken by the Forest Department, it would felled areas. The soils in such areas no
imolve large organisational set up and doubt get depleted as the cultivators do
funds. Go\ernmcnt agency should supply not use fertilizers for their crops but they
seedlings and seeds of tree species and extract the maximum from the available
may also pay subsidy to the .lllllm cu ltiva- fertility of the soil. To avoid conflicts
tors through the village organ;sation. This and disputes, the Forest Department
sy~tem is being practised in the N.E. Hill allots the areas by draws.
r<:gions of the country (Angami, 1980). The present day Taungya system is
TOllngya cultivation : This system an integrated land use pattern having a
ha~ b~en in practice in Burma since 1862, combination of forestry, agriculture, soil
in Bengal since 1911, in Southern States conservation and watershed management.
and Kerala since 1921 and in UP since It aims at the intensive utilisation of the
1923. In this system, the forest area is resources available. The allotment of
clear felled and after extraction of all land for free cultivation has been restri-
marketable produce such as timber and cted to the forest dwellers/tribes and the
fue1wood, the remaining materials are remaining areas are being auctioned am-
allowed to dI:Y. After all the materials are ong the prospective tallngyadars cultiva-
dried, say in April, they are burnt, so that tors and the highest bidder gets the right
the area is completely bared. When once of cultivation. Though this system of
the area is ready, the Forest Department leasing land has been providing additi-
carry out aligning the staking as per the onal. income to the Forest Department,
espacement for their forest species. Imme- the Department gradually stopped this
diately after the onset of monsoons, the practice and started giving the land to the
area is planted with tree species and then Cooperative Societies on nominal lease
leased to forest dwellers and other culti- rates for about two successive years.

Normally the taungyadars are allowed to Normally, two years are permitted
raise one crop of paddy followed by ano- for the crop cultvation and if the tallngy-
ther crop of pulses in the north and tapi- adar desires to utilise the same area for
oca in Kerala State. Of late, ginger the third year, he is permitted provided
he applies manure to the forest crops at
cultivation has replaced the other crops
in the south but the Forest Department his own cost. This usually the tallflgyad-
has realised that ginger crop has harmful ars avoid as they prefer to shift to the
newly clear felled areas.
effects on teak plants as they induce some
sort of fungi in teak plantations but not
There are lot of criticism about
under eucalyptus plantations. the system of falillgya cultivation even
In Kerala, the taungyadars on an though it is foo~ producing, revenue
average collect- 30 quintals of paddy per earn ing and profitable to the Governm-
hectare, i.e., a net profit of Rs. 1000/- per ent. The objection to this system mainly
ha. From tapioca, he produces an aver- is that the faungyadars neglect the forest
age crop of 138 q/ha and realises a net crops. In some caSes it has been found
profit of about Rs 2000/ha, whereas from that the agricultural crops act as carders
ginger crop he produces an average of of pathogens. Howe'ier, studies carried
120 q/ha and realises a net profit of about out in Kerala revealed hardly any differ-
Rs. 3,500/ha fKutty, 1980). ence in the growth of forest plants in
Cultivation practices taungya system when compared to the
conventional system and it also proved
Once the Forest Department compl- that there is neither too much soil
ete their planting programme, the lallngy- depletion nor injury to the forest
adars are allow~d to sow their field crops crops in tallngya system.
leaving 30 cm all around the forest
plants. Generally p3ddy and pulses are This system somehow has not been
sown and wh;;:rever tapioca is planted, successful in Maharashtra, Gujarat and
only one stump is permitted to plant in Karnataka States due to interference of
quincunx method. The un burnt debris the politicians, who encouraged the taull-
'are collected and placed across the .local gyadars to ignore the forest crops and in
slopes on contours to prevent soil ero- many cases helped them in transferring
sion. The taungyadar is expected to weed the reserved forest land for permanent
round the forest plan ts to protect the agriculture. Maharashtra State Forest
area from livestock and wildlife and also Department has now formulated a new
from fire incidences. No crop of the approach to utilise the interspaces between
laungyadars should overtop th.e forest the trees by introducing fibre crops like
plants and no prunning or cutting of the sum hemp, jute and mesta also known as
bran'ches of the forest plants are allowed Kenaf (HlbislIs sabduriffa and H. canabis-
when the taungyadars are permitted to ence) and some oil seed bearing crops
raise their crops in the second year from like sunflower, castor, etc. Mesta has
the same area. gained prominence as it is a non-browsed

plant and in easily raised by broadcast- ment and community owned lands,
ing and without much soil working. It thus providing employment to the
produces excellent fibre, used for rope large number of people in the
and paper making. The oil extracted rural areas.
from the seeds of mesta is used for soap (iv) Introducing legislation to check
manufacturing and burning. The state the onslaught of the forest wealth
has also encouraged introduction of and for proper maintenance of
medicinal plants, along. with those oil the ecosystem ...
bearing and fibre plants (Sowani, 1980).
(v) Evolving an effective organisation
If the process of deforestation and and enforcement manned by
degradation of forest areas are to be adequately trained personnel with
reversed and productivity improved, it is multidisciplinary approach.
essential to consider:
(i) Banning of deforestation or allotm- Kutty, M.G. 1980. Taungya cultivation
ent of forest lands either for agric- in Kerala. Paper presented for 2nd
ultural purpose or for settlement Forestry Conference.
of landless people. Sowani, M.Y. 1980. Cash crops and
(ii) Increasing the resources of the Taungya cultivation. Paper presented
existing forest by increased inputs for 2nd Forestry Conference.
and intensive land use managem- Angami, T. 1980. Jhum cultivation and
ent practices. rehabilitation of degraded forest.
(iii) Adopting massive afforestation Paper presented for 2nd Forestry Con-
programmes on both Govern- ference.

Land use pattern and overexploitation in
Indian arid zone
Amal Kumar Sen

INTRODUCTION arid zone is being initially studied on the

Assessment of use and misuse of basis of secondary data available with the
land is the prerequisite to plan the utili- department of Economics and Statistics
zation of resources. Land utilization of Government of Rajasthan. On the basis
survey and mapping is the obvious require- of such data choropleth maps are often
ment to make such estimates. The ultimate prepared and areas under different cate-
purpose of land utilization survey and gories of land use and sometimes their
map is to arrive at systems of land use and changes are shown in graphical forms.
management best suitable to the kinds or The extent and pattern of landuse classes
resources and capabilities of the land cannot be depicted in these maps, but
composing it. these maps are often helpful to visualise
Land use in arid zone of Rajasthan the different type of present land use, their
comparative analysis and thus provide
In the following paragraphs, an
good indications to formulate the mapping
attempt has been made to analyse and
units to be drawn for landuse surveys and
pinpoint the problems of present land
their consequent mapping.
utilization practices in the 11 (eleven)
districts of western Rajasthan which are The present land use and its relation
classified to constitute the arid zone to agricultural aspects including crop
comprising an area of about 208, 430 sq yields and cropping can be best studied or
kms: With this an additional area of . geographically analysed by classifying the
16,680 sq kms of the Sirohi district may area into agro-ecological regions. The
also be added as one third of this district arid zone of Rajasthan has earlier been
in the northwest also comes under arid classified into two macro and four micro
environment. Geographically the area agroecological regions (Sen, 1972a, b).
extends from 24°35 N to 3D" t~ lO'N and This is shown in Table I. The land use
69°30'E to 76°00'E. characteristics of these regions are shown
Land use classificatian through seco- in Tables 2 and 3 in general and 2a, 2b,
ndary data 3a, 3b, 4, 4a, 4b in details.
. The land use in different areas of the

Table 1. Agro-ecological regions
Micro region Districts Area (sq. km & %)
Macro region

a) Kharif monocro- Barmer, Jodhpur, 133,722

1. Arid
pping Churu, Jaisalmer (64.20%)
& Bikaner
b) Irrigated khari! Ganganagar 20.764
& rabi cropping (10%)
a) Khari! monocro- Jhunjhunu, Sikar, 31.244
2. Transitional
pping Nagaur (15.00%)
between arid
b) II rigated khari! Pali and Jalore 82.780
and semi-arid
and rabl cropping (10.80%)

Table 2. Landuse in agro-ecological Regions of rajasthan desert

Agro-ecological Forest Net irri- Net Un-irri- Tree Groves Fallow Culturable Not
region gated gated & orchards land waste availa-
ble for

Arid-khari!mono 0.26 0.27 26.32 0.005 21.12 33.76 18.24

Arid-Irrigated 0.13 2M1 27.90 0.13 20.94 21.67 4.40
khari! and rabi
Transitional belt
(Between arid &
semi arid)
khari! mono- 1.09 2.72 65.22 0.02 15.55 6.66 8.72
Irrigated Khari! 2.85 6.84 39.89 0.05 28.65 7.58 14.10
& rabi cropping

1. Arid region surplus. 78% of the tapped water is utilised

The arid region coincide~ with the for irrigation and 22% for livestock and
area receiving mostly less than 350 mm of domestic purposes.
annual rainfall. The sandy and hot desert a) Kharif monocropping : The region
conditions prevail mostly throughout the includes 64.22 per cent of the total area
region. Rainfall decreases towards the of the western Rajasthan.
west and the region is mostly dominated Density of cultivated lands: The
by the cultivation of bajra crops which density of cultivated lands varies from less
covers more than 90 per cent of the total than 30 per cent to total rural area in
cultivated lands. The agro ecological laisalmer district; Sheo tehsil of Barmer
conditions of the micro regions are des- district (adjacent to Jaisalmer); Bikaner
cribed next. In this zone 1127.75 cm or district (except Lunkaransar tehsil) now
47.73 per cent of the total exploitable served by lift canal and Rajasthan canal
potential is tapped bearing 52.22% as irrigation 31.8% and Nokha tehsil 72.8%

to 80 per cent and above in Jodhpur and Arid irrigated kllarif and rahi cropp-
Churu districts in this micro agro- ing: This includes the district of Ganga-
ecological zone. nagar in the north. The entire N.W.
Landuse alld intensity of cropping: portion is served by Ganga canal system.
The landuse details as worked out from Except a small part in the south the rest
the secondary data (revenue data) are are being irrigated by the Rajasthan canal
shown in Tables 2a and 2b. system. The area is however well within
Table 2a. Landuse and density of cultivated lands (% to total geographical area)- arid, kllGri!
monocropping area
District Density Intensity Forest Landuse
of culti- of crop- Settle -
Not Fallow Singte Double
vation ping -ment avai- land cro- cropp-
non agri lable pped . ing
lands for cu It
Bikaner 16.23 100.00 0.36 3.27 1.28 77.82 16.23
Barmer 43.45 100.00 0.31 2.41 12.24 40S4 43.35 0.10
Churu 63.36 100.10 0.05 5.51 1.17 28.86 63.30 0.08
Jodhpur 43.35 100:50 004 3.37 12.00 41.18 43.18 0.15
Jaisalmer 3.40 100.00 0.48 1.21 44.60 50.25 3.49
Table 2b. Kllar;! arid monocropping region prduction-crop yields in kgfha (arid)
Crops Jodhpur Barmer Jaisalmer Bikaner Churu
Wheat 1225 1090 1491 976 964
Bajra 210 211 58 66 158
JOlVar 153 206 383 1756 233
Maize 687 708 500
Barley 902 975 1500 639 586
Gram 524 526 405 516 931
Cropping pattern alld cropping yields: the desertic tract receiving rainfall less
Bajra, jowar, wheat, barley, maize and than 150 mm in the west to 350 mm in the
gtam are the most important agricultural east. Climl'ltically it is a true desert.
pro}lucts of the region. The main product Cropping pattern and landuse : 76.36
is however, bajra, 99.50, 99.00, 98.00, per cent of the total area is cultivated, the
96.50 and 96.50 per cent of the total intensity of cropping being 107.7. Land
cropped area are put under bajra in utilization of the district indicates (in
Bikaner, Churu, Barmer, Iaisalmer and per cent to total area) forest 0.14, settle-
Jodhpur districts, respectively. The total ments and non agricultural lands 3.97,
cropped area under wheat and badey are land not available for cultivation 0.27,
very insignificant (only 8.20 per cent of fallow land (290.2 short fallow), cultivated
the total cropped area in Jodhpur). The land 76.36 (single cropped 54.46 and
yield. of the main crops produced in double cropped 21.80), irrigated (net),
this sub zone is shown in Table 2b. un irrigated (net) lands comprises 24.61

and 27.90 per cent of the total rural'area. This arid tract practically constitutes the
Only 0.58% of the total area constitutes steppe desert (Raheja and Sen, 1964).
Easte'rn part belongs entirely to rocky
waste lands.
desert. This region has a good agricultural
Crops and crop yields: Rice covers
potentiality but the cultivation of the
198 sq km (irrigated), jowar (kharif), 21
sand dunes and the marginal lands of the
sq. km, bojra 1055 sq km, wheat 2625
true arid lands has already become a
sq km (irrigated); barley (irriga~ed) 113 sq
menace of soil erosion and fresh sand
km. The yield of the crops are rice 2000
deposition in this terrain. In a number of
kg/ha, jowor 500 kg/ha, barley 800 kg/ha,
areas the condition has further deteriora-
balra 1000 kg/ha, wheat 1400 kg/ha,
ted and requires special attention (Sen and
sugarcane (76 sq km - 40000 kg/ha), gram
Mann, 1977).
(5215 sq km-1000 kg/ha), cotton (Ameri-
can- 1975 sq km Deshi - 463 sq km-IOOO Khorif monocropping: This sub-agro-
km/ha. Jowor (3700 sq km 1000 kg/ha.) ecological group includes Jhunjhunu, Sikar
2. a) Transitional district between and Nagaur districts in the north. Cropp-
arid and semi arid: This agro-ecological ing pattern and land use, crop yields are
zone lies between 350 mm to 500 mm shown in Table 3. Density of cultivation,
rainfall belt and comprises about 25 per land use and intensity of cropping are
cent of the total area of W. Rajasthan. presented in Table 3a.

Table 3a. Landus~-Transitional between arid and semi arid khari! monocropping

District Density Intensity Forest Settlement Not Fallow Single Double

of cuIti- of crop- non agri- availa land crop- crop-
vation ping cultural ble for ped ped
(%Iotal lands cult
Sikar 68.38 103.8 1.03 2.83 14.83 12.85 66.32 2.06
Jhunjhunu 75.05 103.7 2.86 1.51 14.83 5.72 71.68 3.37
Nagaur 60.71 100.6 4.19 8.1I 26.32 60.49 0.22

Table 3b. Transitional between arid and semi arid khari! monocropping. Production in kg/hll

Crops Districts
Sikar Jhunjhunu Nagaur
Wheat 1115 1005 1012
Bajra 356 328 230
Jowar 287 266 155
Maize 553 . 560 715
Barley I09S 1005 995
Gram 303 297 416

Table 4. Cropping pattern in agro ecological region
Agro-Aecologi- Crops Area in Production Yield in %of area to %of production
cal regions ha in M. tonnes kgjha total cropp- to total produc-
ed area of tion of region
regiolJ under (different crops)
Arid kharif Whenl 37.:105 44264 1183 1.54 9.09
monocropping Barley 2710 2296 847 0.11 0.47
Gram 56466 19215 340 2.34 3.94
Bajra 2306677 415715 180 95.13 85.47
Jowar 21253 4947 232 0.87 l.Ol
Maize 173 119 687 0.01 0.02
Irrigated khari/ Wheat 175952 192094 1091 21.72 36.58
rabi cropping Barley 32533 28578 878 4.01 5,44
Gram 441385 25554 578 54.50 48.68
Bajra 153126 45996 300 18.91 8.76
Jowar 5573 1724 309 0.68 0.32
Maize 1168 1070 916 0.14 0.20
Transitional belt Wheat 42002 43784 1042 3.22 10.34
and semi arid Barley 44217 46682 1055 3.38 1],00
kharifmonocro- Gram 87197 26425 308 6.67 6.35
pping Bajra 1053998 293760 278 80.63 69.24
Jowor 78587 \2336 156 6.02 2.90
Maize 1125 251 667 00.8 0.17
Irrigated kllari! Wheat 76734 103095 1343 9.91 - 28.57
and rabi Cropp- Barley 25914 6470 510 3.34 6.96
ing Gram 12679 194717 530 1.63 1.79
Bajra 555520 194717 350 71.74 53.69
Jowar 73770 15651 212 9.52 4.33
Maize 29636 15570 532 3.82 4.37

2 b.) Irrigated kharif alld raM cropp- wells. Red desertic and sierozem soils
ing: This mIcro unit includes Pali and here are deep. 64 per cent and 75 per cent
.lalore districts. The topoclimatology is of the estimated ground water is exploited
more .or less similar with the exception in Jalore and Pali districts, respectivelv.
that the eastern part receives more irri- Per cent of gross irrigated area by sources
gation and drainage lines are more inte- accounts; food crops 85%, cotton 5 to 8%
grated and developed. The soils are same, and others 10%. Landuse, density of culti-
actually more than 43 per cent of the vated lands and intensity of cropping is
districts come under semi-arid zone 3 to given in Table 4a and crop yields in Table
9 per cent of the total area is irrigated, 4b.
7% by tank and 2% by well and tube

Table 4a. Landuse and density of cultivation. (% to total area) transitional between arid and
semi-arid/irrigated kharif and rabi

-District Density of Intensity of Forest

cultivation cropping Settlement
Not Fallow Single Double
available land cropp- cropp-
as non for ing iog
agriculture cultiva-
land tion

42.39 104.8 4.90 4.09 19.71 28.07 40.84 1.56

Jalore 57.98 107.6 0.37 3.12 13.92 24.91 56.06 1.98

Table 4b. Transitional Lctween arid and semi-arid/irrigated khorifand robi cropping production

Crops Districts
Pali Jalorc

Wheat 1551 1170

Bajra 337 355
Jowar 234 52
Maize 532 536
Barley 975 909
Gram 502 532

A further more detailed analysis are Land use map of W. Rajasthan based 011
obtained when the data are cartographed the interpretatioll landsat imageries
districtwise only on a large scale map. Based primarily on the interpretation
The maps prepared for Bikaner_ of 5 landsat imagery (I: I ,000,000)
Jodhpur, Nagaur Iaisalmer Ganganager supplied by lSRO a tentative land use
and Churu on J: 250, 000 sub indicatle map of Rajasthan has been prepared on
that there are no significant changes in 1: 1,000,000. This is cartographed on the
areas in land use practices. In Jodhpur basis of total variation of the images aided
and Nagaur districts cultivated lands by the study "convergence of evidence".
alongwith short and long fallows accounts Ground truth of the areas, already surve-
more than 75% whereas in Bikaner the yed by Basic Resources Studies Division accounts below 50%. (48.15%)- of Central Arid Zone Research Institute,
ex~ept only in Nokha tehsil (77.11%)
are also considered. No relationship bet-
which is adjacent to Nagaur, waste lands ween the images and its corresponding
in Bikaner exceeds other units. Sandy ground features are established to map the
wastes predominant in B.ikaner (50.05/~). oran and the abadi areas. These, however,
cannot be mapped on I :1,000,000 scale.
Extent of landuse units-landuse mappinf( The map however has been found very
Extent of land use unit of different useful Lo make the initial landuse classi-
categories can be shown by remote fication for surveying further details and
sensing techniq ues (large scale map or to pinpoint the problem areas. It is
topographical sheet 8nalysis; convergence, possible to·find out and map only the areas
aerial photo analysis and interpretation having more than 100 km 2 . The mapping
of land set imageries). units established are:
Table S. Present land use of W. Rajasthan (Based on landsat imagery)

Area in sq km

Double cropping 4268.88 (1.90)

Monocropping 50776.74 (18.62)
(40-80%) 49874.92 (19.17)
(30-50%) 31562.71 (11.56)
(20-30%) 24095.47 (8.83)
(10-20%) 29404.55 (I0.56)
Below 10% 8798.63 (3.91)
Sandy waste (duny complex 26440.05 (11.76)
and grazing land)
Saline 1808.41 (0.81l
Gravelly and rocky waste 11786.85 (5.1>8)
Stoney, sandwaste and cultivated 9459.40 (3.56)
Hills 6637.19 (3.29)

OVER-EXPLOITA TION Haryana) and southern Ghaggar canal

Some of the drawbacks of present revealed some interesting features.
land utilisation practices are given below. The southern part of the region was
These are leading to lowering of produc- waterlogged flanked by sandy hummocks
tivity, malnutrition, poverty and deserti- and sand dunes as mapped by survey of
fication hazards, etc. India during 1912-14. The reclamation of
(1) Uncontrolled and overgrazing in the water logged areas and the marginal
the waste and fallow lands. lands by irrigation later converted them
(2) Cultivation on the marginal lands into cultivated lands with high intensity of
and sand dunes. 80 to 100 per cent. But the cultivation of
(3) Extensive irrigated land and the marginal lands and sand dunes have
sand dunes that have caused water caused the shifting and deposition of
logging, increased salinity pro- sand further south near Jasana, Ramsara.
blems, rise of water table, seepage Ratanpura, Rajkawra, etc., which were
problems. etc. dun~ free during 1912-14, have now be-
(4) Indiscriminate lopping leading to come the sites of the high dune intensity
the shunting growth of trees. as revealed from the serial photographs
removal of top soils. and S.O.I. toposheets surveyed during
Uneconomic lallduse practices and overex- 1960-61.
ploitation of water resources ill Rajasthall Recent survey (Sept. 1978) has shown
Canal Project area further increase of sands throughout the
Investigations on land use carried area which is due to the indiscriminate
out in between 74°45' to 75°0'E and 29°30' cutting of the shrubs and trees. This
N to 29°15'N just to the south of the old has led to the deterioration of good agri-
Ghaggar river bed (in Hissar district of cultural lands and has increased the

desertification intensity. The undated areas ing problems and 'an area of
which were water logged as early as in about 20 sq kms has b~en sub-
1912 have become saline and this parti- merged near Suratgarh area.
cular problem is gradually increasing (6) The water table has been consi-
towards the south in recent years. derably increased and has reached
The study thus sharply bring into within 2' to 3' round Suratgarh,
focus the biotic interferences of the margi- Norpal and Rangmaha1 areas.
nallands which should be scientifically This has threatened the prehisto-
managed along with judicious exploitation ric excavation situal Rangmahal,
of water resources. Kalibengh, Hanumangarh and
dry beds of Saraswati or Ghaggar
(3) The seepage problem along the
canal irrigated areas hav(~ caused
water logged areas in Suratgarh, REFERENCES
Tibi, Hanumangarh, Anupgarh
areas. This has increased the Raheja, P.e. and Sen, A.K. 1964. "Resou-
salinity hazards. rces in Perspective." Recent Develop-
ment Rajasthan, SOIH'eflir volume,
(4) The overgrazing cultivation of the
CAZRI/ GOVT. of India, pp. 1-28.
sand dunes and the marginal lands
in Bhadra, Nohar and Suratgarh Sen, A.K. 1972a. Agroclimatic regions of
tehsils has led to the shifting Rajasthan. Ann. Arid Zone 11 (1 & 2):
of sands in the adjacent Chum 31-40.
district. The district has recently Sen, A K. I 972b. Agricultural Atlas of
shown considerable increase of India, ICAR New Delhi.
desert sand, sand drifts and the Sen. A.K. 1978. Land use classification
existing stabilised dunes are in- system in !ndian Arid Zone. CAZRI
creased vertically and new sand Monograph No.9.
dunes are developing round Sen A.K. an~ Mann, H.S.1977. A geogr~­
Churu, Taranagar tehsils. phical appraisal of expansion and
(5) The intensive and uneconomic deterioration of Indian desert. Ann.
irrigation has caused water logg- Arid Zone 16 (3): 281-289.

Site quality assessment for afforestation
Suresh Kumar

Preinvestment surveys- a prerequi- quality' is the productive capacity of the

site for taking up forestry programmes, site (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974)
include appraisal of site quality for Assessment of site quality involves an
estimating the productive capacity of the analysis of the relationship between
land. This appraisal helps in selection productivity and environment. Hocker
of site, suitable species and identificlltion (1979) has summarised this in the follo-
of factors that limit optimum producti- wing equation :
vity of land. A comparison of the Site Quality= (Climate) + (Soil) +
benefits from different uses of same land (Physiography) + (Biota)
and clues to its proper management can
+ (Ciimate) (Soil) +
also be had from this kind of exercise. (Climate) (Physiography)
Basic concepts site quality + (Climateh (Biota) +
(Soil) (Physiography) +
At the outset, basic terms, i.e., 'land'
(Soil) (Biota) + (Physio-
and 'site', and their scope needs to be
graphy) (Biota) + (Cli-
well understood. The 'land' is defined
mate) (Physiography)
,geographically as a specific area of the
(Biota) + (Soil) (Physio-
earth's surface, its characteristics embrace
grapay (Biota) +(Climate)
all reasonably stable and predictably
(Soil) (Physiography)
cyclic attributes of the biosphere verti-
cally above and below this area including
those of the atmosphere, the soil, the geo- Attempts have been made to evolve
logy, the hydrology, the plant and animal suita~le techniques for assessing the site
population and the results of the past quality of forest lands. These can be
and present human activity to. the extent categarized into conventional and modern
that these attributes exert a Significant techniq ues.
influence on present and future use of the Conventional methods
land by man (smyth, 1974). The conventional methods have
A tract of 'land' may have many further been grouped into 'direct' or
'sites'. For all practical purposes, the indirect'
definition of 'land' satisfies the needs of Direct methods
'site', except that the latter is presumably Direct methods consist of measur-
sinall in' its geographical extent. 'Site ing or assessing the desired, economic

indices, ,it is presumed that a/site index
product, e.g., timber available from t~e
curve of an area having a particular
land. Attempt is made to asscss the sIte
quality in .terms of basal areas, timber species composition, stand density and
VOlume, height of the tree, weight of all age can have a predictive value for other
organs of the tree or certain of its pro- area only if it has simBar spec,ies compo-
duct (e.g., resin, t~nnins, bark, gum), sition, stand density and age. Different
timber quality and forest growth itself. environmen tal factors considered for site
Site indices are expressed in terms of indices preparation are climate, soil and
dominant height or total volume. A lastly vegetation, which are described
sample plot is laid in the forest land and below.
all the trees in this plot are counted. Climate
Classification of forests within
Age, dominant height and DBH (diameter
countries or continents is largely based on
at breast height) are recorded. Timber
climatic factors. Site indices based on
volume and total weight of all the parts
individual climatic factors have been
of tree are sometimes recorded. These
prepared for quite sometime but of late,
data are used for preparing a site index.
these have been combined to give a
Estimation of growing stock in conven-
mUltiple climatic index of greater rele-
tional forestry practice, for example, is
vance of forest growth. Of the many
nothing but a reflection' of the existing
formulae, Peterson-Week CVP index is
quality of site. the most advanced index:
Thus the direct methods give an
1= Tv x~
idea of existing productive capacity of Ta 1
the site. The desired economic product, Where, I = Index
on the basis of which site quality is predi- Tv = mean monthly temperature
cted, is only an expression of various ( in °C) of the warmest
environmental factors that constitute a month.
site. No attempt is made to identify the Ta difference (in 0c) between
causative factors that infiuence the exis- mean monthly temperatures
ting productive capacity. Factors limiting of the warmest and the
to achieving potemial productive capacity coolest month.
are not distinguished. These darw-backs P mean annual precipitation
are taken care of in indirect methods (in mm).
being described below. ,G Length of the growing season
Indirect Muthods
E (Milankovitch's factor)
The indirect methods are based on
_Rp x 100
the premise that productive capacity is a Rs
reflex of different environmental factors Where,
prevailing at the site. Environmental Rp =solar radiation at the pole
factors are, therefore, correlated to the Rs =solar radiation at a particular
productive capacity in the form of site site (both in 103 g cal. cm-- 2
indices. While preparing these site min.-I)

'J' ranges from zero in polar and Weitzman (1956) computed one such
desert regions to around 20,000 at the equation for Ouercus rubra stands.
equator. Forest growth is impossible y == 1.9702 - 0.0618 Xl +0.0012 x2-
when I is 25. Forest growth increases 0.0020 xa - 0.1509 x4
steadily when value of I is over 25 and Where
upto 30,000 and declines for values above Y = Site index (Jog)
30,000. This index has been applied in xl = aspect (sine of the azimuth
Canada, France, Italy and Sweden from southeast + I)
(Rennie, 1963). x2 = percentage distance from
Soil ridge.
Soil criteria employed for evalua- va = percentage siope
ting productivity in agriculture are only
X4 = (Total soil depth in feet)
partly successful in forest site assessment.
This is due to the fact that agricultural Site quality has also been correlated
soils can be determined within narrow with the depth of horizon, the mineral
range of properties which in case of composition of each horizon, the litho-
forest soils show great variatians. Never- logy or parent rock, the drainage and
theless, attempts have been made to texture (Hocker, 1979). But recently,
correlate site quality with individual soil the trend is to develop equation with
properties such as texture, depth, humus limited need for soil information. Post
content, pH, available N, P&K. In India and Curtis (1970) compared two site
for example, quality class of soil has been indices of some site: one which required
correlated with the soil nitrogen by Seth detailed soil information and second
and Bhatnagar (1960). Correlation of required limited soil information. It was
more than one soil factor in the form of found that the standard error of estimate
multiple regression equation to the site in former i.e., ± 6.6 was only slightly
quality is more objective. Trimble and reduced i.e. ± 6.2 in case of latter.

elevatiOn) .
I = S(75 = 88.5-0.286 ( 100 ( latltude-40 )-

soil group I or 2) .
, ( so Iurn d ep th
113.6 + 8.32 (soli group 3 or 4)

II = S17)• = 87.1-0.257 (elevatiOn).

100 (latItude -40)

- 8.75 (soil group I or 2) + 9.02 (soil group 3 or 4)

+ 4.19 (sine ofazi~uth)
Soil group I = Shallow to bed rock soil
Soil group 2 - deep.well drained soil
Soil group 3 Moderately well drained
Soil group 4 = Somewhat poody drained

Replace required soil group accor~ any sit.e f9r forest growth may be judged
ding to the soil at the site. Substitute a better by the predominant undergrowth
'Zero' for soil group 2 and 4, which are on the area than by that of tree vegetation
placed in one equation, likewise, substi~ itself. Accordingly, Cajander identified
ture a one (1) for soil group (I) and (3) indicators of site quality in Finland.
in soil group factor. Same equations can These were called lesser vegetation. Use
be used for calculating site quality when of lesser vegetation in interpreting site
soil group 1 and 3 are substituted by soil quality has been made by various workers
group 2 and 4, respectively. (Stanley, 1938). Ground vegetation types
have been established as reliable indicators
Since soil criteria are used in isola-
of the rate of height growth of Ponderosa
latian, that is without correlating the
Pine in Washingaon and Idaho (Dauben-
other factors, McClurkin (1953) attemp- mire, 1961).
ted to combine climatic and soil criteria
for predicting site quality of long leaf pine But its particular importance is in
(Pinus palustris) in guly coastal plains the interpretation of the forestry poten-
and developed the following relationship tial of deforested land by recognising
(Cited from Hocker, 1979). indicators from among natural vegetation.

Log site index = 1.8697 + O. 002636 lndicator plants only point towards
(Rainfall January to probable cause of the existing site quality.
June) (depth (0 least These causes are not measured. Vegeta-
permeable soil hori- tion in combination with soil and
zon)- 0.006734 (depth climatic factors should be the most sound
to the least permeable approach.
horizon). Therefore, World Forestry Congr-
ess in 1959 took in itiative and decided to
With all these studies, however, it
compare methods of site quality assessm-
is yet not possible to know exactly the
ent of same forest site on northern foot
form of relationship that exists between
hills of Alps in Switzerland. (Mueller-
a site factor and tree growth. Secondly,
Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974). The
these relations are worked on temporary metheds compared were: (i) Braun- Blan-
plots whose growth period may have quet's purely phyto-sociological method
different 'histories'. Moreover, genetic (ii) Aichinger method which is phyto-
races of a tree species are pooled and sociological with emphasis on dynamics.
variation in estimate due to different (iji) Schmid's method v.hich combines
races of species is not taken into phytosociology with the past history (iv)
account. Ebreswalder's method of analysis of
Vegetation vegetation as well as soil. It was found
Korstian in 1917 firstly advocated that Ebreswalder's method gives most
the Use of native plants as indicators useful information in moderate time.
of site quality. Later Cajander (1926) In this method, vegetation is sampled in
proposed that potential quality of releves and indicator plants are identified

from amongst the vegetational categories. ing when superimposed on growing stock
Extensive studies on soils from same gave clue to the site quality. The photo
vegetation sites are carried out and parameters of these groupings were then
coupled with information from indicator standardised and delineations were finally
plants to decide t he site potential. made on the aerial photos and trans-
Modern methods ferred to base map to finally show the
All these methods involve sampling extent and location of the- site.
on ground and spatial boundaries drawn Methods of classifying forest types
for any particular site are rather arbi- on satellite imageries have been developed
trary. Aerial photos which provide
and new techniques are being evaluated
unobstructed view of the large area there- allover the world. Remotely sensed data
fore, can be employed for accurate has been successfully used -in making
boundary delineation. Site quality of forest type maps, estimating growing
Bhabher sal forest has been successfully stock and calculating yield per unit area
assessed by aerial photo.intcrpretation (Anonymous, 1977). Semi detniled soil
supported by ground work by Shedha maps at 1;50,000 prepared through' sate-
and Kumar 11980). On the basis of physio- llite data can be superimposed on forest
gnomy and composition, the forest was type maps to provide a useful correlation
stratified into 4 height classes. This data, of these factors in determining the site
along with the data obtained in ground quality.
check at 54 grid sampling points 0.1 ha
each) was used in estimation of the grow- Epilogue
ing stock or timber. Thus, site quality Prior knowledge of productive
in terms of growing stock was measured capacity of a site helps in selection of site,
by direct method. Following Cajander's suitable species and in distinguishing the
approach (1905) it was desired to classify factors limiting to achieve the optimum
ground flora into plant groupings which productivity of a land. Assessment of site
are indicators of site quality. Further quality is done by different techniques:
the mapping of these groupings on aerial modern or conventional including direct
photos would help in correctly identifying and indirect methods. Both, direct and
the location and extent of a site. The indirect methods when applied indepen-
conventional methods give little idea of. dently.give partially accurate estimate of
the ecological correlation existing at a the site quality. Direct methods yield
site. Because in these only presence of a quantitative in formation on economic
plant is taken into account. Williams product obtainable from the forest while
and Lambert (1957) proposed that not intricate relationship between environ-
only presence, but also absence of a plant mental factors (singly or in combination)
from a site is indicative of some environ- and the productive capacity is best under-
mental condition. Their technique of stood through indirect. methods. A judi-
Association analysis was therefore, cious combination of different methods
followed in deriving these groupings. from both, direct and indirect approaches
Inqicator value of components o(group- will yield appropriate and desired infor-

. These conventional methods Rennie, P. J. 1963. Methods of assessing
m.1ttOn. .
are t I n_·,. consuming and give poor
. Idea of site capacity. Commollwealth Forestry
the exact geographical boundanes of t~e Review 42 (4): 306-317.
. The use of modern tools, aenal
sIte. - . '11 Seth, S'. K, and Bhatnagar, H. P. 1960.
rl'otographs and satelltte data WI
Interrelations between mineral consti-
overcome these drawbacks. Soil surveys
tuents of foliage, soil properties, site
and modern analytical techniques of
quality and regeneration status in
veg.?tation classification and ordination in
some Shorea robusta forests. Indian
combiration with remote sensing techno-
Forester 86 : 590-601.
lcgy are the possible future lines of
re5earch for site quality assessment. . Shedha. M. D. and Kumar, S J980.
Forest site quality assessment by aeri-
al photointerpretation- case study of
Anonymous 1977. R(;SOlirce sensing Jrom Sal forests (Abs.). pp. 89. Seminer on
space: Prospects for Developing Coun- Applicatioll oj Aerial Photo-interpreta-
tries. National Academy of Sciences. tion alld Remote Sensing techniques Jor
Washington, DC. pp. 201. Natural Resollrces Surveys and Enviro-
Cajander, A.K: 1926. The theory of forest nmental Planning. Proc. of. pp. 97.
types. Acta Forest Fellnica 21: 1-108. Smyth, A. J. 1974. Development oj interna
Daubenmire, R. 1961. Vegetative indica- tional standards oj land classification.
tors of rate of forest 'growth in P. 12-22. Technical Bu11eliI130. Ministry
Ponderosa Pine. For Sci. 7,: 24-34. of Agrieulture, Fisheries and Food.
Hocker (Jr.), H.W. 1979. Introduction to Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
Forest Biology. John Wiley a,d Sons london.
Inc., New York pp. 467. Stanley, O.B. 1938. Indicator significance
Korstian, C.F. 1917. The indicator signi- of lesser vegetation in the Yale Forest
ficance of native vegetation in the near Keene, New Hampshire. Ecology
determination of forest sites. Plant 19 : 188-207.
World 20: 267-287. Trimble, G.R. Jr. and Weitzman, S. 1956.
Mueller - Dombois, D. and Ellenberg, H. Site index study of upland Oaks in the
1974. Aims and Methods oj Vegetation northern Appalachians. For. Sci. 2:
ecology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., 162-173.
New York. pp. 547 Williams, W.T. and Lambert, J.M. 1959.
Post, B. W. and Curtis, R. O. 1970. Esti- Multivariate methods in plant ecology:
mation of northern hardwood site I. Association analysis in plant commu-
index from soils and topography in n·ties. J. Ecol. 47 : 83-101.
the Green Mountains of Vermont.
Vermont Agri. Expt. Sla. Bull. Burli-
ngton, Vt. pp. 664.

Tree and shrub species for agroforestry systerns
in arid and seIni arid regions
H. S. Maun

In the tropics, uncertain supplies Trees of Multipurpose Value

and increasing costs of feed, fertilizer and The FAO (1977) Panel of experts
food coupled with projected population on forest gene resources. recognised the
increases are giving the leguminous trees, importance of exploring and conserving
whose foliage is browsed by animals, a the resources of species that can meet
status they never enjoyed previously. one or more of these non-timber uses,
Trees and shrubs playa dual role particularly for arid zones. These are
in the forage supply, serving ,both as enumerated below:
shade for grass and as forage themselves.
Name of species Uses
In dry tropics in particular, shrubs and
trees are pracious, for without them stock Acacia albida Fd Fu FF
raising would probably be impossible as A. alleura Fd Fu Sh SS
A. sa ligna Fu Sh SS
pasture grasses die when upper soil layers
A. ligulata Fu Sh SS
lose their moisture but tree roots exploit
A. ni/olica Fd Fu FF
,deep underground moisture and they
A. sa/icina Fu Sh SS
continue to flourish.
A. senegal FuFF
In agroforestry system, properly A. tortilis Fu FF
distributed tree growth in the farm acts Azadirachta indica Fu Sh FF
as a foster mother to agriculture. In dry Calligonum polygonoides SS
inhospitable climates, tree growth con- Eucalyptus camaldulensis Fu Sh
serves sqil moisture, improves soil fertil- E. gomphocephala Fu Sh SS
ity, increases atmospheric humidity and E. brockwaeyi Fu Sh SS
protects field crops against scorching and E. microthece Fu Sh SS
desiccating winds, thereby stepping up E. ferelicornis Fu Sh
agricultural yields. Besides, tree culture Gleditsia sp. Fd Fu Sh SS
is necessary to ensure readily available Leucaena leucocephala Fd Fu FF SS
and adequate supplies of cheap fuel: Fur- (For semi arid)
ther, choice of fruit and/or timber yield- Prosopis cineraria Fd Fu Sh SS
ing trees would not only enrich the diet Prosopis spp . Fd Fu Sh SS
. of rural population but also serve the Tamarix aplzylla Fu Sh SS
needs of rural-based small industries. Zizyphus sp. Fd Fu SS

Fd = Fodder; Fu = Fuel wood; and supervISIOn on a variety ,of often
Sh = Shelterbelts; SS = Soil stabi- difficult sites. Apart from these charac-
jisation; FF = Farm forestry teristics 'he observes that a fuel wood spe-
cies would ideally yield other products
The importance of fuel wood pro-
and benefits, including prevention of land
biems was recognised by the US National
erosion, enrichment of soil (especially
Academy of Sciences. The Fuel Wood
Panel (Burley, 1980) constitued for this nitrog~n fixing species can be used),
purpose compiled the major potential provision of shade. wind break shelter,
food for human and animal, fruits or
species for fuel wood plantation in the
seeds, chemical extractives, poles and
main climatic regions. The species of
relevance to arid and semi arid regions light saw timber. He, however. cautions
not to introduce species that are such
are mentioned below:
aggressive pioneer that they spread as
Semi-arid regions weeds or compete with agricultural crops
or harbour agricultural pests.
Azad,rachta ifldica EII/blica offieianalis
Prosopis jllliflora Tamaix sp. The indigenous trees and shrubs in
Albizzia lebbek Acacia nilotica subsp. arid zone of Rajasthan. which have been
indica identified as providing valuable forage on
Acacia albida Acacia seneoal the basis of palatability ratings, are as
Temarindus indica Acacia tortilis follows: Prosopis cilleraia, Zizyphus
n!tlll/nu/aria, Acacia nilotica sub spp.
Arid and Mediterranean areas
indica, AnogeisslIs pendula. Acacia senegai,
Acacia a/bida C%phospeumllm mopane Albizzia lebbek, Azadirachta indica, Sa/va-
dora oleoides, Tecomella undulata, Grewia
A. senegal Prosopis tamaruqo lenox, May tenus emarginalus. The infor-
A.raddiana Zizyphus sp.
mation on palatability, digestiblity and
A. tortilia Parkillsonia acu/eala nutritive value of some of the important
A. ni/otics lnga dulcis
trees will be discussed elsewhere.
Tamarix sp. Prosopis alba
Lopping Practices
Prosopis chilensis Cassia siamea There is no regUlated lopping of
P. cineraria Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in Ajmer-Merwara to supply cattle
Balanites aegyptica E. microtheca fodder, but it had been suggested that
AcaCia aneura E. gymphocephala
lopping should be regulhted on a cycle of
Azadirachta indica
four years with restrictions on lopping of
Burley (1980) reported on the branches of more than 0.75 inch (1.9 em)
selection of species for fuel plantations diameter. Acacia species (particularly A.
The chief requirement of a species are arabica), important for fodder, are
that it should survive, grow fast and both lopped and browsed and their pods
produce large volumes of fuel wood when are also collected for fodder (Common-
planted and managed with minimal skill wealth Agricultural Bureau, 1947). The

Uttar Pradesh consists of ensuring perio-
lopping of trees by villagers in Maharash-
dic closure after lopping in order to pro-
tra for domestic purpose is controlled by
vide necessary respite for trees to recover
the privilege and permit rules. Under
from lopping damage. Although trees
privilege rules, tree removal is allowed to
certain classes of }Jcople in specified lopped during cold weather recover at the
areas and under permit rules remova I is end of a single growing season, a rest
allowed on payment of a small fee, as in of three growing seasons secures complete
the case of Hardwickia binata. Through- immunity to any setback to the growth of
out the State, goat browsing, and to some trees. The results at Saharan pur indicate
extent sheep grazing, are forbidden in a possible reduction of rest period from
three 10 two growing seasons and also
Reserve Forests and hence lopping is
that the upper one-third of the crown or
resorted to indiscriminately outside the
the whole of the trees should be', protec-
forests for feeding animals. ,
ted from grazing.
Lopping for fodder trees in Madhya
Pradesh is forbidden within reserve forest Tn western Rajasthan Prosopis
limits. Lopping of Hardwickia for fodd- splcigera is commonly present in cultiv-
er. howevet, is possible in 'C' class forests. ated fields and grazing lands and is
severely lopped, in the months of Decem-
In erstwt.ile Madras State also lopp-
ber-January each year' for its leaf fooder.
ing of trees in reserve forests was prohibi-
In many instances the lopping have been
ted, the only exception being in Guntur
very indescriminate and one can behold
district where removal of leaves of Hard- unsightly grotesque gall formations in
wickia in times of fodder scarcity was the trunks and base of cut branches.
permissible. Outside forests and in was-
The first ever study on the lopping
telands, however, lopping in dry season
intensities of Prosopis cineraria was made
was common and ruined thousands of
by Bhimaya et al. (1964) at Beriganga
and Jodhpur. Results showed that inten-
All over the western Himalayas in sity of lopping does not adversely affect
the Punjab, oak which provide valuable
the growth of Prosopis cineraria trees.
fodder, were customarily being lopped on Recurrent lopping of trees definitely
'~ definite rotation of two to three years.
r.educes the leaf fooder yield irrespective
Unfortunately, pressure of increasin ocr of the intensity of lopping, perhaps due
population and gradual exhaustion of to successive reduction in the overall
fodder sour.:es through misuse and over- surface of new shoots, thereby suggesting
grazing have intensified the demand on a definite need for an intervening rest
this species, resulting in wanton des- period for sustained forage yield. They
truction of this valuable fodder source concluded that there is a need for evolv-
(Garrie, 1937). . ing a system of rotational lopping, giving
The management of miscellaneous the trees first the right period of rest
forests for a sustained supply' of leaf which may be necessary for a sustained
fodder in Saharan pur Forest Division of leaf fodder yield.
Quick growing fodder trees: row distance of 3 m is ,recommended.
In Madras State Sesbania grandiflora Tbe green forage from the cactus conta-
has long been used as cut fodder to dairy ined 6.80% crude protein. It appears
cattle and also as support for betel vines. suitable for growing in hot desert and
Sesbania grandiflora is a fast - growing drought-prone areas.
tree and can be grown convenietly in the 9ther trees and shrubs useful as forage
bunds of paddy fields and pasture lands. Fiftylhree species mediun or tall
Sesbania microcarpa is also equally fast trees, 16 species of small trees, 20 species
growing species. of shrubs of small trees and 2 species of
AlLhough essentially a species of vines are listed in India as being good to
humid tropics, studies at .IGFRT, Jhansi, cut or lop as fodder (Commonwealth
have shown that Lellcoena leucocephala Agricultural Bureau, 1947). Ninety one
can be grown as a fast growing fodder species produce fruits, eaten by livestock.
tree in semi a rid regions. A few of tJ1e more important species are
as follows:
Exotic fodder trees and shrubs:
Acacia arabica, A. catechu, A.
At the CAZRI, a number of exotic
lellcophloea, Albizzia amara, A.lebbek, A.
trees have been found promising either
odoratissima, A. procera. Bambllsa arund-
for their leaves or pods. Some of the
il/acaea, Bau/zinia malabarica, B. purpurea
more important spe.::ies are: Acacia aneura
B. variegatfJ. Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea,
(the mulga), A. salicina, Acacia torti/is,
Ficlls bengalensis, F. relgiosa, F. rell/sa,
4cacia albida, Colophospermum mopane,
Hardwickia bina/a, Mangifera indica,
Dichrosfachys glomerata, Brachychit on
Moringa tincloria, M. oleifera, Pterccar-
populneum, Pittosporum philliraeoides.
pus marsupium, P. sanlalinus, Quercus
The exotic salt bushes of fooder value
spp. and Zizyphusjujllba.
are Atriplex nummularia and A. halimus.
All these need mUltiplication for field- Future needs:
scale trials in grazing lands/wastelands. 1. Optimum espacements for both
Spinelw; cactii as fodder trees and crops need to be ascertained.
2. Thinning regimes, designed to
Spineless cactii offer considerable
promise as fodder in arid region. Among optimise yield of both the tree and
agricultural crops, must be established,
the spineless cactii collections at the
Central Arid Zone Research Institute, 3. Optimum species combination
Jodhpur, Opuntia ficus indica showed require to be investigated.
good performance. Green fodder yield 4. At present. except for work on
to the extent of 7.34 tlha was obtained Prosopis cineraria, there is hardly any
in the establishment year wheras a 3 year information on lopping schedules, inten-
old plant produced as much as 30 t/ha . sity of lopping and rest period required
green forage. Establishment technique for recuperation for important fodder
for its largescale plantations has been trees and shrubs. These have to be given
evaluated and plant to plant and row to priority in a research programme.

5. Evolution of a system of rota- Commonwealth Agdcultural Bureau
tional lopping needs investigation for 1947. The use and misuse of shrubs
different fodder trees. and trees as fodders. Joint Publication
6. The effect of leguminous fodder 10: 110-123.
trees and shrubs on soil -fertility and FAO 1977. Report a/the Fourth Session
grass growth requires intensive research. of the FAD Panel of experts on Forest
Gene Resources. -Canberra, Australia.
FAO, Rome. 75 p.
Bhimaya, C.P., R.N. Kaul and B.N.
Gorrie, R.N. 1937. Tree lopping on
Ganguli 1964. Studies on lopping
permanent basis. Indian Forester 63
intensities of Prosopis spicigera. Indian
(1): 29-31.
Forester 90 (1).
Burley, J. 1980. Selection of species
for fuel wood plantation. Commomv.
For. Rev. 59 (2): 133-147.

Soil-water-plant relationship In
agro-forestry system
AN. Lahiri

Land use comb;ning both tree are also other factors, such as, foliage cha-
and crop. is in vogue for a long racteristics, their wetting properties. ab-
time in India. III the arid and semi arid sorption by dead plant parts, evaporation
regions of Rajasthan trees like Proso- from leaf and stem surface etc which
pis cineraria and Acacia /ellcopho/ea are influence the stem flow and consequently
commonly found in cultivated fields and the soil moisture beneath a tree. The
ar~ hardly ever removed by farmers. example of moisture retention by vegeta-
However, specific data on the merits tion, provided in table I, indicates that
and/or shortcomings of such agro-fores- under the given situation, the retention
try system are rather meagre. The princi- of rainfall by vegetation as such increased
pal consideration in the effective integra- with the increase in the amount of daily
tion of agriculture and forestry on the precipitation, but the percentage of rain-
same area rests essentially on the soil- fall retained showed a progressive decline.
water-plant relationship oCthe system as a Although Mohr and Van Baren
whole, which ultimately modulate the (1954) assumed that under Indonesian
productivity. ·situation, rainfall exceeding of about 4
An attempt is made here to consider mm may contribute - to soil moisture.
this issue with special reference to the under Jodhpur condition, a rainfall incid-
problems of arid and semi arid regions. ence of 5.8 mm (over three days in March)
Rain interception by the tree component did not bring about any measurable
1t is understandable that the pres- change in soil moisture below the Proso-
ence of trees in the cropped field will pis cineraria tree (Bhatt and Lahiri, 1964).
have some influence on the soil moisture This rain, however, enriched the mois-
below the trees. Long term studies under- ture of the surface soils between the trees
taken elsewhere (Baver, 1956; Rutter, and away from the trees. It was found
1958) have shown that about 10 to 55 that the rainfall intercepted was directly
per cent of the rainfall may reach the absorbed by the foliage of the P. cineraria
soil, depending on the degree of vegeta- trees and this led to a significant increase
tion cover and the type of soil. The in the relative turgidity of leaves immedi-
proportion is obviously influenced as ateiy after the shower and it was follo-
mUch by the frequency and duration of wed by a progressive decline with time
the component showers as by the differ- during the subsequent dry period (table
ence in the structure of the cover. There 2).

Table 1. Quantity of raiMall retained by vegetation in Surinam (Dutch Guiana)
(After Mohr and van Baren, 1954)

Rainlall per day Rainfall retained by Percentage of rainfall

(mm vegetation (mm) retained

1.0 0.8 80
25 1.2 48
5.0 1.6 32
7.5 2.0 26
10.'0 2.5 25
]5.0 3.2 21
20.0 4.2 21.0
30.0 6.0 20.0
40.0 7.8 19.5

Table 2. Changes in relative turgidity of the leaves of P. cineraria after shower

(After Bhatt and Lahiri 1964)
1963 30.3 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4
(n)* A(5) B(6) C(5) 0(5) E(6) F(6) G(6)
R.turg. % 80.53 92.26 87.32 83.68 82.68 7809 79.60
±2.3 :±.0.78 ± 1.31 :±. 0.86 ±3.9 ±3.4 ±2.4
Diff. of means 11.73 4.94 8.58 9.58 14. J 7 12.66
t 4.88 3.18 7.15 2.15** 4.13 5.06
.. ) Number of observations.") Significant at 5% level, in all other cases atl % level.
It seems, however, that under pro- ted (Gupta and Saxena, 1978) that the
longed shower when the process of abso- soil moisture regime below the desertic
rption etc. of the above-ground portion trees Prosopis cineraria and Tecomella
ceases, soil moisture below the treejvege- undulata generally remain higher than
tation ge ts enriched to different exte,nts. ce;tain other species, e.g., P. juliflora,
Studies undertaken by Gupta et al (1975) Albizzia lebbek and Acacia senegal.
under arid condition indicated that the soil Among other factors, such disparities of
moisture in the 90 cm profile of the Euca- soil moisture would obviously influence
lyptus forest increased fr0111 about 4 cm the growth of the ground cover. It is
to 7.5 em after a 38.1 mm shower during possible that as a consequence, 'Shankar
September 1969, but the order of i~crease et af (1976) obtained a yield of 2.3 tjha
was much less in the fallow land, grass of dry herbage from under P. cineraria
land and in the Acacia forest. against 1.66, 1.32, 0.85 and 0.78 tjha
from under T. undilla to, A. lebbek, P .
.In this regard, it has been repor- juliflora and A. senegal.

Campetition for soil moisture between trees and a competition for soil moisture may
and crops: arise at a subsequent stage when the root
A question arises as regard the and shoot (as well as the leaf area) of the
competition for soil moisture between tree seedling increases.
crop and tree in the agro forestry system, Under established trees: It has been
particularly during the rainfed Kharif found that the established desertic trees
season in low rainfall areas. of this area normally transpire at a very
In this regard, we have to conceive high rate all round the year, although
two different situations i. e. (a) in a new certain species like Salvadora oleoides
plantation where the rootsystem of generally maintain a relatively low rate
the tree is limited and secondly (b) when of transpiration. During winter, the
cropping is done in between the establis- effective period of water loss may be
hed xeric trees. We have, however, a shortened or in some case the rate may
meagre data on either of the situations. be reduced, due to low temperature at
dawn and dusk and due to shorter day
III llel~ plantation: An exercise
length. However, the rates at peak
undertaken with a hypothetical situation
where the pearlmillet crop (spacing of periods in all seasons were comparable.
The available data indicate that establis-
about 45 cm between rows and 15 cm
hed desert trees hardly ever economise in
within row) is grown between young
their water use. This, among others, is
Tecomella undu/ala seedlings (spacing of
'an effective mechanism for lowering- the
4 m x 4 m) indicated 011 the basis of
leaf temperature during hot periods. It
available data (Lahiri and Kharbanda has been roughly estimated that 50 trees
1966, Lahiri 1975) that the tree seedlings of Prosopis cineraria in a hectare of land
consumes onl)' about 0.2 mm of watet may use as much as 222 mm water ·annu-
through traspiration (say about 30 gm/ ally in an area which receives an average
day/plant) from a hectare of land (consis- annual rainfall of 366 mm (Lahiri and
ting of 625 tree seedlings) during 90 days Kumar, 1967). Roots of this tree have
of cropping period. The consumptive been excavated to a depth of 8 to 10
Use of moisture of the pearlmillet crop is, metres, but thick roots with secondary
however, around 150 mm. This differ- growth were found to go further down
ence arises as the tree seedlings may have ward, penetrating the Kankar layer. It
approximately a leaf area of 75,000 cm2/ has been further observed that shallow
ha (120 cm 2 per plant) against about 'rooted ground cover of Dactyloctenium
74074000 ·cm 2/ha (500 cm 2 per plant at sindicum, Cenchrus seligerlls, Eleusine
earing density of about 1,48, 148 plants! compressa, Crata/aria burhia, Aristida
ha) of the pearlmillet crop. This rough funiclIlata, CenchrLls biflorus, Cyperu;
estimate does not suggest the possibility rotundus, Gisekia pltanacoeaides, Brachiaria
of serious competition for moisture b~t­ ·ramasa etc., which grew only during the
Ween the crop and the tree seedlings in wet period (i.e. July-September) .as the
the initial stage. But, the water use, as ground cover in P. cineraria community,
such, may alter under different situations consumed about 162.9 mm of water for

their growth, which was about the same with deep soils the tap root of this tree
(163.8 mm) as the precipitation received may go deeper than 20 metres.
(luring the growing period It was, Interaction becween plant components
therefore, conclude1 that established Careful considerations are necessary
trees with deep roots rarely compete for regarding the interactions between the
moisture with the shallow rooted ground species. Prosopis juliflora which grows
cover. fast virtually in all habitats, including
It is thus possible that many desert
dunes of this desert, contain germination
trees of this area behave like phreatophy-
and growth inhibitors in its leaf litter.
tes or "well plant" of Meinzer (1927)
These inhibitors have been found to
which habitually obtain their water
restrict establishment and growth of
supply from zone of saturation either
ground cover (Lahiri and Gaur, 1969).
directly or through capillary fringe and Lamer and Evenari (1961) also found
thus perennial and secure supply of that inh ibitors contained in the leaves,
ground water makes them independent along with the physical effects of leaf
of the moisture regime of the upper litter, may control the vegetation under
strata of soil. Eucalyptus rostraia.
However, in special situations where Shading effects of trees may also
the roots of certain trees are unable to limit the growth of 'ground cover of
penetrate the Kankar layer and grow vegetation. Muthana and Arora (1979)
laterally below the surface soil, there is a indicated that forage yield from introdu-
possibility of competition for moisture ced ground cover of grasses in Acacia
between the tree and the crop. For tortilis plantation declined within two
instanc.:, Muthana and Arora (1979) years after felling of trees due to the shad-
observed that a ten year old Acacia torlilis ing effect of the canopy of newly sprou-
may grow under such situation as far as ted shoots.
20 metres away from the trunk, whereas The significance of shading on the
the tap root may only grow just over crop performance in agro-forestry system
one metre. However, . in sand dunes will also be apparent from table 3, where

Table 3. Grain and dry matter yield from moong and guar grown in the interspace of
Holoptelia integr ifoli.1 plantati?n unde~ three situations. (After Paroda and
. Muthana, 1979).

Species Un lopped Lopped Control

(kgjha) (kg/ha) (kgjha)

1. Moong
(a) seed 5.8 35.4 174.0
(b) I>ry matter 28.0 . 183.0 811.0
2. Guar
(a) Seed 29.1 81.2 93.0
(b) .Dry matter 29.1 70.0 256

the seed and dry matter yields of moong Impact of trees on the soil fertility :
lP/lOseolus radiatus) and guar (Cyamopsis The build up of soil fertility under
teTragonoloba) have been compared different trees may also vary widely, just
under three situations at Jodhpur viz. (a) as the soil moisture regime. Experiment
crops grown between unlopped 8 year by Aggarwal and Lahiri (1977) indicated
old H%ptelia integrifolia trees spaced that the build-up of organic carbon and
at 5 m x 5 m, (b) crops grown between nitrogen of the loamy sand soils of
the lopped trees, and (c) crops grown in
Jodhpur, over a period 14 years, was
the open (control).
different under different tree species,
It seems that the seed and dry although the build-up process was rather
matter yield of these legumes were mini- slow under the arid environment. It is
mum under the unlopped situation and interesting to note again that the process
the yield improved under lopped trees. was largely restricted in the upper layer
However, the production was maximum of the soil. The build-up of soil fertility
where the tree component was absent. was maximum below the P. cineraria
Nonetheless, it may be appreciated that trees and minimum under P. julijiora.
in this agro-forestry system some returns This phenomenon is closely linked
from legumes could be obtained when with the ,activities of the soil microor-
the tree resource was also exploited by ganisms. Table 4 indicates that the wet
lopping. The returns from legumes season population of the microorganisms
could not have been achieved if the land which contributes of the build-up of soil
between the trees was left fallow or fertility was .highest beneath the P.
uncultivated. cineraria tree as compared with certain
The complexion of the situation, other adapted tree species.
however, may vary widely. It has genera- In this regard, studies undertaken
lly been observed that the pearlmillet by Singh and Lal (1969) on the differences
crop beneath the P. cineraria trees grows of soil fertility below P. cineraria and
better than away from it. Acacia arabica indicated that the organic

Table 4. Population of soil microorganisms under different trees. (After Venkates-

warlu and Aggarwal, 1980) with some of their additional data on T.undulata

Sp. ' Number/gm dry soil

Bacteria Fungi Actinomycetes Nitrosomonus Nitrobacter
(x 105) (x 103) (x !O5) (x 10 2) (MPN) (x 10 2 ) (MPN)

P. cineraria 32 29 16 11 3.3
A.lebbek 22 18 11 13 3.3
T. undulata 25 20 12 II 3.3
P. julijiora 20 16 10 7 3.3

carbon, total nitrogen, available P2 0 S circulation of Qutrients between the
and K 20 were higher in soil below the leaves and top soil. Thus, in the tropics
former tree as compared to the latter. It when the forest is cleared for crop cultiva-
was also reported that the calcium carbon- tion, the delicate balance of soil nutrients
ate content and the pH were lower under is disturbed, and crop yield declines with
P. cineraria as compared to the other the passage of time. Therefore, long
tree. fallow is generally adopted for the restora-
tion of fertility.
It seems thus obvious that in agro-
forestry programme, adequate attention In such agro-forestry system the
is necessary on the soil-plant interaction. nutrient balance, rather than the soil-
Special agro-forestry systems water balance, is crucial for the maint-
enance of crop productivity.
Shifting cuitivtltio"1:- The term
'shifting cultivation' is applied to agricul- Shelter belts: In a broader sense
tural'syslems that involve clearing forest the use of shelter belts of trees, shrubs
or brush lands, burning the residues, and etc for the protection of crops from
then growing a crop for a few years, erosive winds is also a special form of
after which the land is allowed to· revert farm-forestry. Extensive literature on
back to natural vegetation. This type this subject (George J960, Van der Linde
of farming occurs mostly in tropical rain 1962, Van Eimern 1964, Marshall 1967,
forests. Weathered soils of the humid annotated bibliography published by the
tropics lack sufficien t storage and supply- Commonwealth Forestry Bureau 1972,
ing capacity of nutrients and thus the Bhimaya 1976) indicate that apart from
nutrients are to be stored in plant mate- the study of the principal effect of the
rial. Shifting cultivation has, therefore, barrier on wind velocity, researches have
evolved in the tropics and is still carried also been undertaken on the choice of
trees, effects of air and soil temperature,
on to-day by over 200 million people
humidity, evaporation, soil moisture etc.
(just under 5.7 per cent of the world
There are both positive (Konstantinov
population) on over 30 million sq. kilo-
and Struzer 1969) and negative (McMar-
meters or over 1/4th of the land surface
tin et ai, 1974, Frank et al (19741 reports
. of the earth (Fink, 1963). _on the effects of shelter belts on crop
. With· high temperature and heavy production. In this regard studies
rains in the tropics, the s<?il formation is undertaken at the CAZRI showed a
quicker. The resulting soils are frequently definite advantage of shelter belts in soil
deep but may be often poorer in fertility conservation, but its favourable effects
as compared to temperate soil due to the on the yield of Kharif crops could not
leaching of nitrates and ba~es. The be established due to rainfall variations
luxuriant vegetation of the tropics provi- in different years.
des a deceptive picture of soil fertility and A reduction from 10-12 rows of
one often fails to appreciate that the trees of initial shelter belt plantation. in
plant growth is maintained on a rapid USA to 1-3 rows, practiced in recent

years (Cannell and Weeks 1979), has Bhatt, P.N. and Lahiri, A.N. }964. Some
reduced the competition for moisture and eVIdence of foliar absorption of water
nutrients between. the trees. But, the in a xeric tree, Prosopis spicigera.
link'> between the desirable density and Naturell'iss.14 : 341-342.
species of trees, their: canopy cover and Bhimaya. c.P. 1976. Shelter belts-func-
growth and the moisture and nutrient tions and uses. In Conservation in arid
requirements for raising of effective shel- and semi arid zones. Rome: FAD.
ter belts do not seem to have been clearly Cannell, G.H. and Weeks. L.V. 1979.
defined, particularly for dry reg:ons. Erosion and its control in semi-arid
CONCLUDING REMARKS regions. In Agriculture in Semi-Arid
Environments (Ecological Studies 34),
It must be admitted that our know-
(Hall, A.E., Cannell, G.H. and H.W.
ledge in the broad area of agro-forestry
Lawton, Eds.). Springer- Verlag. Berlin.
i~ rather limited and thus the scope of
Heidelgerg. pp. 238-256.
researches in this field is fairly wide. It
is obvious that the principal thrust is Commonwealth Forestry Bureau. 1967.
necessary to evaluate the most desirable n. Shelter belts and windbreaks.
combination of the crop and tree which AI/notated biIJ!iography No 1. Forest.
provides a stable production and an Abstr. 28-33.
economically viable cropping system. It Fink, A 1963. "Tropische Boden. Einfith.
may be reasoned that the introduction of rung in die bodenkUl1dlichen Ground/a-
useful trees which yield timber. fuel gen tropischer lind slIbtropischen Land-
wood, fodder or other products of wirtschaft" (Tropical Soils. Introduc-
economic importance in the cropping tion into the soil-scientific funda-
system may substantially mitigate the mentals of tropical and sub-tropical
economic instability of drought-prone agriculture), Hamburg, Berlin.
areas, which often arise due to the crop Frank, A.B., Harris, D.D. and Willis,
failure. However, a pragmatic evaluation W.O. 1977. Growth and yields of
of the durable benefits of this integrated spring wheat as influenced by shelter
system may be possible if an attempt is and soil water. Agron. J. 69 : 903-906.
made for the understanding of the role
George, E. 1960. The effect of shefter
of soil-water-plant-environment complex
belts on crop yield. 5th World Forestry
governing the phenomenon of producti-
Proceedings, pp. 1648-1656.
Gupta, J.P. and Saxena, S.K. 1978. Stud-
ies on the monitoring of the dynamics
Aggarwal. R K. and Lahiri. A.N. 1977. of moisture in the soil and the per·
Influence of vegetation on the status formance of ground flora under
of organic carbon and nitrogen of the desertic communities of trees. Indian
desert soils. Sci. & Cult. 43 : 535. J. Ecol. 5: 30-36.
Baver, L.D. 1956. Soil Physics. 3rd edi- Gupta. J.P. Ullah, Wasi and Issac, V.C.
tion, New York. J. Wiley & Sons. 489. 1975. Note on some soil moisture

changes under permanent vegetative Mohr, E.C.J. an<;l van Baron, F.A. 1954.
cover. Indian Forester 101 : 523-526. Tropical Soils. The Hague Uitgeverji
Konstaintinov, A.R. and Struzer, L.R. W. van Hoeve; New York. Intersci-
1969. Shelter belts and crop yields. ence. 498 p.
Washington, D.C.; U.S. Office Tech. Muthana, K.D. and Arora, G.D. 1979.
Servo TT 68-50370. Acacia tortilis (Forsk) - A promising
Lahiri, A.N. 1975. Water use by desertic fast growing tree for Indian arid
vegetation and its hydrological impli- zones. Technical Bulletin No.5, Cen-
cations. Ann. AridZolle 14: 135-148. tra Arid Zone Res. Institute, Jodhpur
Lahiri, A.N. and Gaur, Y.D. 1969. Ger- pp. 1-19.
mination studies on arid zone plants Paroda, R.S. and Muthana, K.D. 1979.
V. The nature and role of germina- Agro forestry practices in arid desert.
tion inhibitors present in leaves of Paper presented at Seminar on "Agro-
Prosopis jultfiora. Proc. Natn. Illst. Forestry" held at ill/phaf (Manipur),
May 1979.
Sci. India 35 (8): 60-71.
Rutter, A.J.1958. The effects of afforesta-
Lahiri, A.N. and Kharbanda, B.C. 1966.
tion on rainfall and rU'1off. JI. R. Inst.
Studies on plant water relationships
publ. Hi/h. London, pp. 119-138.
II. Influence of soil moisture on the
transpiration of Tecomella lIndulata Shankar, Vinod, .Dadhich, N.K. and
seedlings. Proc. Natn. Inst. Sci. India Saxena, S.K. 1976. Effect of Kheiri
32 (B): 34-46. .tree (Prosopis cineraria Macbride) on
Lahiri, A.N. and Kumar, V. 1967. The the productivity of range grasses grow-
annual water turnover from a xeric ing in its vicinity. Forage Research 2:
tree, Prosopis cineraria. Sci. & Cull.
Singh, K.S. and Lal, P. 1969. Effect of
33: 77-78.
Khejri (Prosopis cineruria Linn.) and
Lamer, H.R. and Evenari, M. 1961. The
Babool (Acacia arabica) trees on soil
nature of germination inhibitors pre-
fertility and profile characteristics.
sent in leaves of Eucalyptlls rostrata.
Ann. Arid Zone 8: 33·36.
Physiologia PI. 14 : 221.
Van der Linde, J. 1962. Trees outside the
Marshall J.K. t9S7. The effect of shelter
forest. In Forest Inj1uences pp. 141-208.
on the productivity of grasslands and
Rome: FAO Forestry forest Prod.
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Pastures and Field Crops 20 : 1-14. Van. Flimern, J. 1964. Windbreaks and
McMartin, W., Frank. A.B. and Heintz, shelter belts. WMO Tech. Note No.
R. H. 1974. Economics of shelter belt 59, World Meteorol. Org., Geneva,
influence on wheat yields in North Switzerland.
Dakota. J. Soil. Water Conserv.29 : Venkateswar-lu, B, and Aggarwal, R.K.
87-91. 1980. Influence of different manage-
Meinzer, O.E. 1927. Plants as indicators ment practices on microorganisms of
of ground water. u.s. Oeol. Sto')ley a desertic soil. Indian J. Micr()biology
Water Supply Paper No. 557. 20: 149-151.

Agro-forestry systems for drylands of arid and
semi-arid regions of India
RP. Singh

Dry regions all over the world face sequence of the respective utilization
more serious problems with regard to scheme (e.g. crop rotation) are different
firewo\ld than their :::ounterparts in humid versions of temporal combination. In
and sub-humid regions. Although soils spatial combination, agro-forestry implies
and other climatic parameters like sun- the possibility of an adequate blending of
light and temperature favour good vege- uses, e.g., permanent grazing in the forest
tative growth, aridity puts a limit on plant or cultivation of field crops under trees
life. The biomass productivity of the arid planted to produce timber but also
and semi-arid ecosystems is, therefore, distribution of crops in clusters or groups.
much less than in any other ecosystem. Agro-forestry, therefore, in its proper
About 450 million people inhabit the low sense means that woody plants, agricul-
rainfall areas of developing countries. A tural crops and/or cattle are obviously
large portion of earth's biomass (0.6 ecologically interdependent.
billion hectares) is considered to be semi- Growing of field crops like pearl-
arid to arid because it receives less than millet, legumes and oilseed crops in a
500 mm of annual precipitation. It is for field predominated by khejri (Prosopis
these regions that an integrated farming
cineraria) and bordi (Zizyphus sps.) is an
system-agroforestry, is required to pro-
ex.ample of traditional agro-forestry
vide enough food, fodder and firewood. followed by the farmers of Rajasthan,
Unfortunately, no research efforts, worth Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat, since ages
the name, have so far been made in India past. By reasonable combination of tree
to evolve such a system for these regions. plantation with agricultural crops and,
Agro-forestry necessarily implies that where possible with cattle farming,
silvicultural and agricultural uses of the impairment of the ecosystem can be
same land are interdependent. It visualises avoided, yields increased and crops diver-
two combinations, viz., temporal combi- sified.
nation, and spatial combination. Simulta-
Selecting suitable species of trees and crops
neity (e.g., cropping or pasturing under
. for an agro-forestry system
tree shelter), overlapping use (e.g. affore-
station towards the end of agricultural The Panel on firewood Crops of the
activity as in the taungya system) and National Academy of Sciences, USA

(1980) looked for the following points in 5. Azadirachta indica
selecting suitable species for firewood: 6. Cajanus cajaT:!
Multiple purpose plants that have 7. Cassia siamea
uses in addition to providing fuel; 8. Emblica officinalis
9. Eucalyptus cama/du/ensis
Plants that adapt well to different
10. Parkinsonia ael/leata
sites, that establish easily. and that
11. Prosopis cineraria
require little care;
12. Prosopis julij/ora
Plants for problem environments 13. Tomarix aphylla
such as steep hill slopes, low-nutrient 14. Zizyphus mauritiana
or toxic soils, arid zones, and tropical
highlands; and Dryland crops that are amicably.
Plants not consumed by goats and suited to the varying environment of arid"
wildlife. and semi·arid regions of India are listed J

Special consideration was given to in Table 2

such characteristics as : Table 2. Dryland crops suited to arid and
Nitrogen 'fixing ability sami-arid regions of India.
Rapid growth A. Cereal crops
Ability to coppice 1. Pennisetum t)'phoides
Ability to produce wood of high 2. Sorghum bic%r
calorific value that burns without 3. Zea mays
sparks or toxic smoke; and 4. Eleucine coraeana
Ability to grow successfully in a B. Annual grain legumes
wide range of environments, including 1. Vigna radiata
different altitudes, soil types, rainfall 2. Vigna mllngo
regimes, amounts of sunlight, and 3. Vigna unguiculata
terrain. 4. Vigna ilconitifolia
The Panel has identified 35 species 5. Cajanus cajan
as suitable for different habitats of arid 6. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
and semi-arid regions of the world. Of 7: Cieer arietinum
, these, 16 species, listed in Table I, are
cons~dered 'suitable for the arid and' semi-
-C. Oil seed erops
arid regions of India (Author'S own J. Arachis hypogaea
choice). ' 2. Glycine max
Table I. Species of firewood crops. suited
3. Sesamum indicum
4. Helianthus anl1t1S
to varying environments of arid
5. Carthamus tinctorills
and semi-arid regions pf India.
6. Ricinus communis
1. Acacia nilotiea
2. Acacia senegal D. Fodder crops
3. Acacia tortilis 1. Pennisetllm typhoides
4. A/bizzia lebbek 2. Sorghum bicolor

3. Zea mays xylon which belongs to family Chelloporlia-
4. Vigna unguiculata ceae, rest of the trees and crop species
5. Vigna acollitifolia belong to the family Leguminosae and as
6. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba such are ideally suited to the nitrogen.
Adaptability and compatibility of the deficient soils of arid and semi-arid
species ;regions.

Adaptability of the tree and field For regions receiving 300 to 500
crop species is one aspect of the agro- rum of annual precipitation, besides the
forestry system. Equally important, and tree and crop species noted above, the
perhaps more, is the aspect of compatibi- following tree and crop species will be
lity. Both adaptability and compatibility found most suitable:
should be thoroughly studied before Firewood tree species
devising a suitable agro·forestry system
Albizzia lebbek
for a region. For example, in a Prosopis
Azadirachta indica
juliflora plantation, no field crop will
Cajanus cajan
survive, because of the extensive and
Eucalyptlls camaldulensis
intensive root system of the luliflora
Parkinsonia aellieata
species. Prosopis cineraria
Evolving suitable agro-forestry system Zizyphus mauri/jona
matching different rainfall patterns
Field crop species
Based on the study of suitable
Penllisetum typhoides
firewood and field crops. suitable agro-
Vigna radiata
forestry systems could be evolved for
Vigna aconitifolia
different agro-climatic zones of India. For
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
regions receiving less t~an 300 mm rain-
Arachis hypogaea
fall, five firewood species, viz., Acacia
Sesamum indicul1l
ni/otica. Acacia senegal. Acacia tortilis,
Ricinus communis
Haloxyloll aphyl/um and Haloxylon persi-
cum, will be found most adaptable. To go All fodder crops (to be harvested within
along with these, the crop plant species 50 to 55 days of sowing)
having low water requirements. like Vigno The best tree and crop species
aconitijolia, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. will combinations for 300 to 500 mm rainfall
be ideally suitable. In fact, except Halo- regions will be :

1. Acacia nilotica/ A. senegal + Vigna aconitijolia
2. Albizzia lebbek, + Vigna acoflitijoiia, or Cyamopsis tetragonolqba, or Vigna
or radiata, or Arachis hypogaea, or Sesamum indicum, or
Azadirachta indica Ricinus communis
3. Cajanus cajan + Arachis hypogaea, or Vigna radiata, or Vigna unguiculata
4. Eucalyptus camaldulensis + Vigna acollitifolia, or Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
5. Prosopis cineraria + Pennisetum typhoides, or Vigna radiata, or Sesamum
indicum, or Arachis hypogaea, or Ricinus communis.

The suggested agro-forestry systems experimentation over varying ecological

are only guidelines. The best system has situations.
to be evolved through extensive field

Khejri (Prosop;s cineraria) and bordi (Zizyphus
nUlnlnularia) multipurpose plants of arid and
semi-arid regions of India
S.K Saxena

Khejri (Prosopis cineraria Me.Bride) position in the arid and semi-arid tract
and bordi (Zizyphus nummularia (Buro. and contribute to the overall economy of
f.) Wt. held increasingly important place the region.
in the economy of Indian Arid Zone. Both Vernacular name of Zizyphus nummularia-
these species are drought hardy and well Bed. J/zar·Beri (Hindi), [(antan-ber
adapted to prevailing climatic conditions (Bundel khund); Malla, ber, birar,
besides possessing a wide ecological Kania Jhari, Jhar - ber (Punjab and
amplitude of distribution. Khejri forms Haryana): Ber, Bhor, Borlf, Burdi, lhar-
climatic climax (Satyanarayan, 1964; ber (Rajasthan); Ber, Janf{ra, Jongri:
Saxena, 1977) of Western Rajasthan and Nandojn 'lgro (Sindi); Pali (Madhya
dominate the alluvial fiats while bordi is Pradesh); Par Pal/igidda (Karnataka).
one of the main codominant on the fiat
Vernacular name of Prosopis cineraria _
plains of arid and semi-arid zones. Both
Khejri, Khejra, (Rajasthan); Janti,
the species provide top-feed to the animals
Chonksa (Delhi): Jhand, lind, land
and fuel and timber to local inhabitants.
(Punjab and Haryana), Banlli (Karna-
khejri and bordi are encouraged in the
taka): Slimri (Gujarat); Kandi (Sindh).
cultivated fields and in village grazing
lands locally called as 'Oran' or Birs. Distribution
Their usefulness has generally been accep- Kllejri: In India it occurs in the states
ted (94%) by local farmers. Desert people of Haryana, Punjab, Western Uttar
have a firm conviction that khejri tree Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
boost the crop growth under its canopy. Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. Its
It remains lush green during summer distribution from Rajasthan to Karna-
when all other desert trees show taka, however, is discontinuous.
sign of drought stress. The shrub of bordi Bordi : In India, the natural stand of this
becomes leafless during summer and shrubs are found in Rajasthan, Punjab
express sign of drought evasion. Thus Haryana, Madhya Pradesh. Uttar
khejri is called the 'king of the desert' Pradesh and Gujarat. In Rajasthan
whereas bordi can be terll1~d as"Queen of some of thc Orans or Bir are exclusi-
the desert". They occupy an important vely dominated by this shrub.

Habilals and associations laisalmer districts with 75-90% relative
Though cultivr.tion has greatly dominance. On cultivated field,. with well
modified the natural vegetation but the defined Kanker pan at 100-150 cm depth,
plains of north west India covering Pun- there is always high density of this shrub
jab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat (250-500 shrubs/ba). Exposed gravelly
support the trees of Prosopis and Acacia. piains 0. e., Gajner, Nal, Kolayat of
In western Rajasthan older alluvial flat Bikaner) support a shrub density of 120-
pJains with sandy loam soils are dominat- 150 shrubs/ba.
ed by a prevalent plant community of Lopping and growth pattern
Prosopis cineraria - Zizyphus lIummu 1aria-
Capparis decidua. On an average there A well lopped khejri has amazing
are 15-20 treesfha of Prosopis whereas capacity for recovery in a period of
burdi shrubs range from 80-120 plants! nine months and assume almost the
ha bilt these shrubs are cut yearly and same crown size (Saxena, 1980). Tbe
hence do not exert any impact of their extra - ordinary recovering capacity of
presence. Alluvial plains (Saxena, 1977), this tree permits its annual lopping.
have recorded fourteen communities in A lopped tree initiates new growth in
association with Prosopis. The plant early spring (Feb.-March) and continues
communities vary with the inclusion or slowly during summer but &velops fast
exclusion of the tree or shrub species during monson. A crown is fully develo-
either single or in combination. Important ped by end of September. This coincides
trees and shrubs associating various com- with the maturity of kharif crops. Remo-
munities are Tecomella undll/ata (Rohida), val of foliage (lopping) commences in
Acacia nilotica (Babul), Salvadora oleoides October in case the fields are to be used
(JalJ, Ba/anites aegyptiaca (Hingota), for rabi crops like wheat and mustard.
Zizyp lz liS llummularia (Bordi), Cappari~ Lopping continues by end of December
decidua (Kair), Cassia aurieu/ata (Anwal), especially when the fields require to be
etc. Khejri occurs on almost all the habit- left fallow. Dried leaves "Loong" are
ats except the hills and saline depressions. separated and stored for lean period.
Its den,sity vary on each habitat, i.e., a The harvesting of hordi shrub coin-
sand dune or sandy plains it ranges from .cides with the season of its leaf fall. The
5-I0/ha, whereas on most of the alluvial cutting of this shrub, in cultivated fields,
plains, there are 30 plants/ha. Optimum commences after the harvest of Kharif
density expression of this tree (80-120 crops Plants are cut at ground level by a
plantsjha) is in Shekhawati region (Sikar- sharp implement and four to five plants
Jhunjhunu - Cburu-Nagaur districts). and are heaped together in one small bundle.
in some parts of Gangangar district. The air dried foliage "PaJa" is removed
Bordi grows on all the habitats after threshing the stored bundles. In an
except sand dunes and saline patches. It Oran or Bir gradual shedding of leaves
gen~rally d.ominates the common village
start by middle of November with marked
grazing lands of Bikaner, Barmer and moisture stress (Nanda, 1967), and the

•...... e continue upto May. The plant prod uces 80-140 g of pala. There ~re

remains dormant till monsoon showers several factors which bring variability in
are received. fodder production. A plantation of
improved selection of Bordi develop at
a cost of Rs. 1000 jha gave an yield of
Khejri tree when cut above the
595 kg/ha of'leaf fodder after three years
ground level produces numerous new
growth (Muthana, 1981).
buds which give rise to several (5-12) new
shoots. These in a year's time assume Fruit/Pod production
the shape of a bushy structure. In an An unlopped khl?jri tree with well
Dran or Blr the coppicing shoots are spread crown cover (30-50 yrs old) 'prod-
generally grazed and continued grazing uces 5 kg of air dried pods in normal
leads to cushion form habit. Under year of rainfall. Young and unlopped
severe grazing and trampling stress, the trees of 20-30 year age group yield 2-3
newly sprouted branches spread horizont- kgjtree of pod (Muthana, 1980). Similarly
ally, But this habit continuously provide 1-2 kg seeds are obtained from young
top feed to small ruminants like sheep. and old trees of khejri, respectively. Ripe
Like Klzejri the shrubs of Burdi have also fruit locally called as kllOkha are
remarkable power of regeneration through available during May-June.
its root suckers. The cut stumps start
sprouting during February-March. The Bordi shrub (Zizyphus nUI1l117ularia)
tender branches with leaves are grazed by starts bearing fruits after the second
goat. In the cultivated fields these bushes year of establishment. A well developed
sustain injury by plough during mon- five year old shrub produces about
soon and thus apparently stimulates the 3.5-4.0 kg of fruits. Yearly cut shrubs on
development of numerous buds which cultivated field generally do not bear
have faculty for vigorous growth. fruits. Old and well developed shrubs
in Oran or Bir produce 3-5 kg fruits in
Loong and pala production
low rainfall zone (150-250 mm). The
A fully grown khejr; (40 to 60 years) fruits mature after second or third week
tree produces 20-30 kg of air dried leaves of November,
"Loong" in 300-400 mm rainfall zone. A
• Utility of plants in variouS' places
khejri tree is expected to be ready for
lOpping during 8th year of its life time Bordi and khejri tree in the Oran
(300-400 mm zone). or Bir are neither cut nor lopped. The
A well developed crown of bord; plant assume life form and provide gra-
plant produces 2-3 kg of air dried leaf dual flow of top feed to the livestock
fOdder "Pala" in an year whereas bushy grazing under their canopy whereas both
growth on the flat alluvial plains provide these valuablespecies in cultivated fields
150 kgjha of Pala from 14% shrub cover are cutflopped for leaf fodder. In some
(Kaul and Ganguli, 1963). A well stocked parts the trees/shrubs growing on field
area produced 91-169 kg ha of leaf fodder boundaries are not cut with general
(Shanker, 1981). On; coppice shrub harvesting but the foliage (loong!

pala) is directly fed to the animals during sheep to fulfill their 'body requirement
spring month. Lopping during February- (Underwood, 1977).
March provide some new growth to the Manganese contents in both the
cut plant for summer months. species, i.e., khejri and bordi (23.7 to 83.7
Small dried branches of both khejri ppm) are much higher than the minimum
and bordi are used in fencing the fieldsl requirement of 10-20 ppm in the feed
houses/storage yard/farm boundaries, etc. (Sharma and Ohir, 1981).
The main trunk of khejri (Mann and The level of zinc in both the species
Saxena, 1980) provide wood material ranges from 27.6-47.4 ppm in khejri and
for huts, roofs, doors windows and 30.7~47.1 ppm in bordi. Normal level of
agricultural hand tools. Wood of bordi zinc for the growth of calves has been
is also largely used in making yokes for . found as 8-9 ppm whereas in case of
bullocks, steers and young bull ration, concentrat-
Micronutrient statlls ion of 30.0 ppm showed good response.
Micro-nutrients playa vital role in Copper is distributed quite evenly
the health of animals. Deficiency of any in the foliage of khejri (22.1-27.4 ppm)
may bring about distinct/obscure symp- and bordi (16.6-37.5 ppm). The mini-
tom in the animal body. Analysis of mum copper requirement of sheep are
micronutrient contents both in khejri and close to 10 ppm of the dry diet. Past-
bordi have been given in Table 1 (Sharma ure containing as low as 4-6 ppm copper
and Ohir, 1980). do not show any deficiency symptom in
The analysis indicated that a fairly sh~ep and cattle. Thus fo Jiage growth
high concentration of iron content occur of both the species are rich in this
in loong and pala. 25-50 ppm iron content element as well. The above information
is adequate in the feed of the cattle and of trace elements, therefore, indicate
Table 1. Mean values of trace elements ill bord; and khejri foliage in different
district of W. Rajasthan (After Sharma and Dhir, 1981)
Trace elements in ppm
Fe Mn Zu Cu

B K B' K' B K B K
Barmer 249.8 323.7 35.0 30.9 40.5 47.4 23.2 21.8
Bikaner 282.7 270.8 42.3 59.0 39.7 35.1 27.4 18.7
Churu 346.8 '264.7 32.2 28.5 32.3 38.0 22.5 18.1
Jaisalmer 244.7 244.6 34.6 36.3 39.7 46.0 23.7 21.6
Jodhpur 299.6 298.2 47.5 28.7 33.0 27.6 26.3 16.6
Nagaur 324.4 338.3 53.7 33.5 47.1 42.1 22.1 37.5
Pali 330.5 33"3.6 83.7 55.0 33.3 41.7 . 22.7 24.0
Sikar 328.5 245.5 38.0 23.7 30.7 45.8 22.4 24.4
B = Bordi, K = Khejri

Table 2. Mineral contents (%) in topfeed species (After Outta and Ohir; 1981)
P Na K Ca Mg
Bordi (Pala) 0.15~ 0.116 1.17 0.92 0.029
Khejri (Loong) 0.168 0.093 1.31 0.68 0.033
Grasses (Dhaman) 0.149 0.028 2.27 0.37 0.045
that the micron-utrlent stat~s in the plantations have revealed that Rohida
foliage is more than sufficient for the (Tecomella. undulata) holds maximum
growth and development of livestock. moisture at the profile followed by khejri
(P. cineraria). Moisture depletion pattern
Mineral contents
at different depth showed higher depletion
The calcium reguirement of a bal- of moisture from deeper layers under
anced.feed should be of the order of 0.2\ khejri. This implies that khejri docs not
to 0.52%. Both the top feed species either compete with shallow rooted crops grow-
have adequate or high percentage of
ing undes its canopy. Studies of Lahiri
calcium. Potassium dominates amongst
(1980), Lahiri and Kumar ( 1967), Mann
all the constituents and is quite satisfact-
and Lahiri (1979) showed that, khejri
roy for meeting the animal requirements.
being phreatophyte, moisture fluctuations
The values of phosphorus and magnes-
in upper soil layers do not have any influ-
ium seems to be lower than the minimum
eiice on its internal water balance. What
required. But the magnesium and sodium
in more the foliage of this tree appears
requirement may be compensated to the
.to absorb moisture from the at mos.
livestock of this tract from the undergro-
phere. Because of all the above factors,
und and surface water which contain
tree canopy of khejri supports signific-
them in abundance (Outta and Ohir, 1981).
antly higher herbage popUlation per unit
Influence nf Kliejri canopy on soil fertility area under jt~ canopy as compared to
and crop growth other desert tree species (Table 3 ).
Aggarwal et al. ((976) and Singh and Above ground biomass of forage species
Lal ,1969) studied the level of fertility of grasses and w'eed was also significantly
under khejri, Vilayati babool (P. juliflora) higher than other species. Maximum
and babool (A. nilotica). etc., and the number of forage species was also recor-
:soil un.der open field conditions. Their ded under khejri tree while minimum was
results indicated that the soil profile under P.juliflora (Vi/ayalibabool). Studies
. below khejrlcontain comparatively higher of Shanker et al. (1976) reported the
organic matter, total nitrogen, available gradual and significant differences in planf
phosphorus, soluble calcium, low pH, height, tussock diameter and herbage yield
ava'ilable micronutrients and better of dhaman (C. ciliaris) as the distance
'mechanical composition of soil upto 120 f.rom khejri ttee trunk increased.
cm depth. Studies of Gupta and Saxena General observations indicate that
( 1978) on soil moisture status in 120 cm a good herbage develop under a fully
soil profile, under various desert tree developed bordi shrub especially in oran

Table 3. Plant density, number of species and above ground biomass (After Aggar-
wal et al., 1980) .-
Tree species Mean no. of Mean plant Mean above ground
species/m2 density/m 2 biomass gm/m2
Annual Perennial Annual Perennial
Prosopis cineraria 11.4 3.5 476.8 136.4 402.9
Tecomella undulata 10.6 3.4 379.6 96.4 273.5
Albizzia lebbek 8.9 1.4 344.8 55.6 229.2
Acacia senegal 8.6 1.8 313.2 48.8 285.7
Prosopis juliflora 5.9 1.5 136.0 21.6 251.9
SEm ± 0.78 0.38 30.72 14.52 38,0
C.D. at 5% 2.22 1.08 87.48 41.16 99.66 at 10%
or Birs whereas the prostrate form in Khajoor babool in their filed. A naturally
cultivated field hardly allow any weed to grown seedling is protected, pruned and
develop within its vicinity. allowed to develop into a fine tree.
Khajoor babool is a tall tree with acute
Agroforestry in Rajasthan
angle branching patte~n which result
Agroforestry/Farm forestry can be into a compact conical shape. This
defined as "tbe practice of forestry in all type of crown pattern does not permit
its aspects on farm and village land, the bird perching and overall crown
generally more or less integrated with shade is negligible. The crown pattern
other farm operations". does not offer scope for any lopping
practice for this tree. Thus in a well
AgroforestrY/Farm forestry is an
wooded field, there is no shade effect for
old practice in Rajasthan. In different
crop growth. Further this being phrea-
zones of western Rajasthan several trees
tophyte with a deep root system does not
and shrubs are being used along with
exert any adverse effect on the shallow
crops. On the basis of this practice eight
rooted crops like wheat or barley. In
agIoforestry zones have been recognised
cas~ of Babool (A. nilotica) lopping
. Rajasthan.. Best
in western . examples ·of
practice is adopted like khejri. The feed
agro-forestry in Rajasthan are found in
is generally consumed by goats.
the districts of Pali, Nagaur, Churu,
Jhunjhunu, Sikar aud Jaipur. In district On deep older alluvial flats of
Pali (Sumerpur, Sanderao, Falna) Babool Nagaur. Churu, Jhunjhunu and Sikar
(Acacia nilotica) and Khajoor. Babool well established wood lands with 50-120
(A. cupressiformis) are the two' main plants/ha of khejri (P. cineraria) occur.
species which grow on the younger These trees are looped for foliage
alluvial flats along the Jawai and Sukri "Loong" in a systematic manner without
tribut~ries of Luni. Generally cultivators causing any severe injury to the trees in
prefer to maintain 40-60 trees/ha of the month of November-December each

Table 4. Average crop yield (Local varieties) of Khorif crops undef vaJious tree
densities of Khejri (After Mann ahd Saxena, 1980)

Habitat Kllejri density / ha Crop yield (Q/ha)

Bojra Moth Guar Moong Til

Flat alluvial 30 3.37 1.8 1.8 3.00

Sandy undulating 60 3.77 3.60 2.77 2.50
Flat buried 45 3.20 3.12 1.87
Undulating buried 25 3.37 1.80 1.80 3.00
Interdune 52 3.69 0.62 2.50
Sand dunes 15 2.0 0.62 1.55 0.55
Sandy plains 80 3.57 3.25 2.95

year. In case of robi crop sowing, the latter is more common on buried
especially for wheat and mustard, lopp- pediment plains. In some areas only
ing operations are completed by the end Rhoonja predomina tes the tract. The
of October or middle of November. foliage of this tree is not of much use
Khejri tree denSity and crop production except that goat eat it to a limited extent.
In district Sikar arru (Ailanthus excelsa),
An estimate of kharif crop produc-
a fast growing erect tree is a principal
tion in rainfed fields with various khejri
component in farm forestry. Their leaves
tree density on different habitats in
and small branches are cut during summer
district Nagaur was collected in socio-
months and directly fed to goat or
logical survey (unpublished data). The
overall picture of high tree density (Table
Bard; (Zizyphus nummularia) shrub
4) of sandy or sandy undulating plains
is used in the rainfed farming system
do not reflect loss of grain yield of bajra
only. The crops are shown after cutting
(Pennisetum typhoides) , moth (Vigna the bush from ground level. Later both
aconitifolius) and guar (Cyamopsis tetra- crop and bordi grow together. Informa-
gonoloba). The variation in grain yield tion is not available about its effect on
was more due to habitat variation and
the crop production. In case of a drou-
their fertility status rather than the tree
ght year at least farmer is able to harvest
density. This is, perhaps, due to correct
'pala' whereas in good rainfall year, a
management of khejri tree lopping during
double harvest, i.e., crop and pala are
winter months.
In the district of Jaipur, agro-fores- In Shekhawati region the land
try practices are followed on similar cost is evaluated by the density of khejri
pattern by lopping khejri (P. cineraria) tree. More number of treesjha give better
and Rhoonja (Acacia leucophloea) trees, evaluation of land. In drought year

peQple largely depend on kh('jri yield than Mann, H.S. arid Lahiri,. A.N. 1979. Opti.
the agricultural crops. A land having mum use of water for agricultural
eighty trees per hectare may fetch in nearly crops, horticultural and fuel trees in
800-1000 rupees from the Loong, Sangri, the desert areas. Proc. Indian naln.
firewood and brushwood. Thus it is a Sci. A cad. 45 (B): 1-17.
capital for the farmer and he makes all
efforts to preserve it. All parts of ""('jr; Mann, H.S. and Saxena, S.K. 1980. Role
are utilized and thus it is supposed to be of Khejri in Agro~Forestry. Tn Khejri
the KaJpa tarujKalpa Vraksha of arid (Prosopis cineraria)in the Indian Desert.
lIS role in Agroforestry (Eds. H.S.
and semi-arid regions.
Mann and S. K. Saxena). pp. 64-67.
Muthana. K.D. 1980. Silvicultural
Dutta, B.K. and Dhir, R.P. 1981. Mineral
aspects of Khejri. In Khejri (P. cinera-
elements in relation to animal require.
ria) ill the Indian Desert- lIS role in
ment. In Bordi (Zizyphlls IIl1mmlilaria)·
Agroforestry (Eds. H. S. Mann and
A shrub of the Indian arid zone-Its S.K. Saxena). pp. 20-24.
role ill silvipasture (Eds. B.S. Mann
and S.K. Saxena). pp. 34-37. Muthana, K. D. 1981. Silvicultural
aspects. In Bordi (z. !1ummularia)-A.
Ganguli, B.N., Kaul, R.N. and Nambiar,
shrub of Indian arid zone-Its role in
K.T.N. 1964. Preliminary studies on
si/l'ipastllre (Eds. H. S. Mann and
a few topfeed species. Ann. Arid Zone
S.K. Saxena). rp. 15·18.
3: 33·37.
Nanda, P.C. 1967. Inter-relationship of
Gupta, M.L. 1967. Studies on variation
habitat to growth and tomposition of
in nutrient content of Khejri (P.
Zizyplllls nummularia (Burm. f.) W.A.
cineraria) and observation of the
Anti. Arid Zone 6( I): 66· 73.
factors affecting its nutritive value.
Unpublished M. V.Sc. Thesis, Univer. Nath. K., Malik, N S. and Singh, D.N.
sity of Udaipur, Udaipur. 1969. Utilization of Zizyphus numml/l-
Kaul, R.N. and Ganguli, B.N. 1963. aria leaves by three breeds of sheep.
Fodder potential of Ziz)'[Jhus in the Aus!. Jour. Agric. Res. 20:.1137-1142.
scrub gra~ing lands of arid zon.e. Saxena, S.K. 1977. Vegetation and its
Indian For. 89: 623-630. succession in the Indian ·desert. In
Lahiri, AN. 1980. Prosopis cineraria in Desertification and ils Control. ICAR,
relation to soil water and other New Delhi. pp. 176·192.
conditions of its habitat. In Khrjri (P. Saxena, S.K. 1980. Taxonomy, morpho-
cineraria) in the Indian deser_t-Its role logy, growth and reproduction of
in Agroforestry (Eds. B.S. Mann and Khejri and its succession in north west
S.K. Saxena). pp. 38-44. India. In Khejri (P. cineraria) in the
Lahiri, A.N. and Kumar, V. 1967. Annual Indian desert - Its role in Agro!oreslry
water turnover from a xeric .tree (P. (Eds. H.S Mann and S.K. Saxena).
cineraria). Sci. Cull. 33: 77-78. CAZRI Monograph No.·') I, PP.4.JO.

Saxena, S. K. 1981. Morphology and Shanker,. Vinod 1981. Distrib4tion pat-
ecology. In Bord; (Zizyphus nummul- tern of Jharber and its leaf fodder
aria). A shurb of Indian arid zone-- (PaJa) and bushwood production on
Its role in silvipasture (Eds. H.S. Mann ditf<::rent habitats and landuse types.
and S.K. Saxena). pp 3-9. In Bord; ,Zizyphus nummularia) - A
Salyanarayana, Y. 1.964. Habitat and shrub of Indian arid zone-Its role in
plant communities of Indian desert. silvipastllre (Eds. H.S. Mann and S.K.
pp. 59-68. In Proc. Symp. Problems Saxena). pp. 10-14.
Arid Zone. Ministry of Education,
Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Appendix: A comparative account of Khejri & Bordi

Characters Khejri Bordi

Habit Tree Shrub

Ha bitat distribution All habitats except hills and All habitats except
saline patches sand dunes and saline
Effect of drought Drought resistant Drought evading
Diseases Resistant to diseases Highly resistant to
Pest attack White Grubs choiciest plant Next to kherji
Tract of occurrence 200·600 mm 100-800 mm
Root system Very deep-upto 117' Deep-upto 6-8'
Erosion resistance Resist well to water erosion Highly resistance to
root system less netted to water erosion hazard.
hold the soil Root system well
netted -to hold soil
Competition to crops/ No competition No competition when
forage species it is in life form
Growth rate Slow for first few years Slow for first year only
Competition to crops- No competition Do not exert any com-
grasses petition if in life form
Wood quality Less durable Highly durable
Calorific value 7640 BTUjlb 7900 BTU/lb
Sapwood/Heart wood
ratio 66 : 34 20: 80
Population variability Negligible High variability
Coppicing Good Very Good
Time taken to provide 8th year onward 3rd year onward
Foliage production 25.30 kg/plant 2-3 kg/plant 91·169 kg
Iha. from bushy lot
Foliage harvesting time Oct.-Dec. Nov.-Dec.
Fruit yield 5.0 kg/plant 3.5-4.0 kg/plant
Leaf crude protein 11.9-15.4 % 1l.5-14.25 %

Tanin elements status High Comparatively low
Trace elements status Mostly above the minimum Fairly high in concen-
requirement tration except zinc-
which is marginally
Mineral elements Sodium and potassium above Calcium and potassium,
normal but phosphorus with dominant but phospho-
low level rus and manganese

Leucaena-a rnultipurpose legurninous tree for
arid and semi-arid zones
Subhasb S. Arora

Leucaena is one of those unexploi- its use is limited because of mimosine

ted leguminous crops of the tropics which content. Mimosine causes hair loss _in man
have great economic importance. It needs and wool shedding in sheep.
very little or no attention and grows well Lellcaena has medicinal properties
in areas Vtith a rainfall of 8bout 600 mm. to control stomach disorders. It can also
It is a deep rooted and drought hardy be used for contraception and abortion.
Leucaena giv~s fairly high yields of
Uses wood which can effectively. be used for
Dry or ensilaged f0liage of iellcaena pulp, paper. poles. posts and also for
is highly palatable and nutritious because construction purposes. Its wood is thin-
of its high protein content (27%-34%) barked and light coloured. The wood itself
with a well balanced composition of serves as a very good fuel with high heat-
essential amino acids (Table I), and vita- ing value and can also be turned into
mins. Under continuous cropping with 4 charcoal having high heating capacity
to 5 harvests a year, high yielding strains (7,000 cal/kg).
of leucaena can produce, under normal Leucaena seeds contai~ high quanti-
conditions, 8-10 tons per acre of highly ties (about 25 %) of mucilagenous gum
palatable forage dry matter. which, like guar gum, may possibly have a
Young pods and seeds of the plant good commercial potential in a number of
constiWte a high protein food. Seeds are industries like cosmetic and food. Seeds,
eaten raw, cooked or roasted. But again, ,pods and bark on extraction give yellow,
Table I. Crude protein, total nitrogen and some essential amino acid content in
leucaena (NAS 1977)

Crude protein 25.9% (leaf)

Total N (as protein) 4.2%
Lysine , 313 (mg amino acid per gm of N)
Phenylalanine 294 -do-
Isoleucine 563 -do-
Leucine 469 -do-
Valine 338 -do-

red, brown or even dark dye for cloth nodulation is not normal, the p1ants
, have
dyeing, depending upon the part used. stunted growth with no reproduction.
Non-nodulating plants yield low protein
Leucaena foliage has high nitrogen forage.
content (one hectare gives about 600 kg
of nitrogen) which gives organic matter Genetics and breeding
(humus) to the soil and improves soil
fertility and net water absorption capacity. Lelleaena is not amenable to genetical
Being a legume it also fixes nitrogen in and breeding studies because of Its highly
the soil, thereby improving the soil ferti- reduced, actinomorphic flowers which are
lity-more than 500 kg per ha per year. antogamous and arranged in dense heads
which makes the emasculation efforts
Because of "its cascade of emerald
leading to hybridization difficult and
leaves and fragrant flowers" and pleasing
laborious. Nonetheless it warrants such
shape of the plant, iellcaena has gained
studies because of wide range of genetic
reputation as an ornamental plant. It is
variability for desirable attributes like
now commonly used ilS a roadside plant
growth habit, maturity, branching habit,
in many parts of the world. Leucaena's
small, dark red shining seeds are arranged number of leaves and yield.
on a string to make a beautiful necklace. The most encouraging aspect of the
genetic improvement of Lellcaena is that
Botany hybridization between some species in
Leucaena is the common name for which desirable characters are scattered
LClicaena /eucocephaJa (Lam.) de Wit had been successful.
which is also popularly known as "Koo-
A new iellcaella strain named Cun-
babul". It is mostly a self-pollinated crop
ningham has been developed in Australia.
having very small (about 5 mm) flowers
It is a dark green leary and vigorously
which arise in large numbers from a single
growing strain and is the result of hybri-
conVex base forming a globe with a stalk
dization between Salvador and Peru types.
of about 3 cm. The thin, flat and almost
straight pods contain about 20-30 tiny, It produces 50% more dry matter than
other Australian forage varieties.
flat and shiny brown seeds when mature.

While at the seedling stage, the plant A new desirable low-mimosine

develops a fairly good and rapid tap root /ellcaena hybrid has been evolved through
system to reach the water table early hybridization between L. leucoceplia/a
before any adverse conditions set in. (cultivar Cunningham) and L. pu/rerulenta
Nitrogen fixing nodules develop on the (comparatively low-mimosine species and
lateral roots fix atmospheric nitrogen with subsequent back-crossing. The hybrid
the help of a specific strain of nitrogen thus developed is a fast growing,profusely
fiXing bacteria, the Rhizobium. The deve- branched, low in mimosine and sterile
lopment of nodules is essential for the because of d itference In chromosomal
healthy plant growth because, if the complement In the parental species

(L.puirerulenta 2n=56 and L.leucocephala It is a well known fact that leucaena
2n = 104), The backcrossing was, there- thrives well under rainfall conditions
fore, fairly difficult. The encouraging more than 500 mm and Jodhpur has
aspect of this hybridization programme annual normal rainfall, 320 mm. Under
however is that the sterility of the hybrid Jodhpur conditions therefore the need
does not matter much because forage is of frequent irrigation arises. In our
important and lIot the seed. Sterility in studies the irrgation was restricted to
fact help leucaena not to become a weed. after every 15 days in summer season and
to every 30 days in other months except
Leucaena at Cazri from July to October when no irrigation
was provided because of the avaiJability
Considering the wide ranging utility
of rains. Tho.ugh restricted availability of
and encouraged by the call given by Dr.
water tended to supress the expression of
M.S. Swaminathan in his inaugural
the varietal differences, the three varie-
address to the National Symposium on
ties out of the 20 tried, i.e., Giant K 8
Plant and Animal Genetic Resources
Hawaii, EI Salvador, K 678 Waimanolo
(NBPGR), New Delhi, a project entitled
and Cunningham nevertheless performed
"Studies on genetic variabiJity for forage
better than the others as depicted by
yield and quality attributes, including
their general growth, green and dry weight
mimosine content, ill Koo-Babool (Leuc-
and plant height and therefore they hold
aena leucocephala (Lam.) de witt.) was
considerable promise under Jodhpur con-
undertaken and the material was collec-
ted from different parts of the world, in-
cluding indigenous places where work on Research needs
leucaena is being carried out. The mate-
rial was raised in RBD in three replica- No information as yet is available
, tions. Inter and intra row spacing was on the exact fertilizer and water require-
kept at 2 m and data were recorded ments, plant density, cutting intensity,
separately for character contributing cutting interval, regeneration capacity
towards forage and seed yield. For forage and seed rate, etc., practically nothing has
the characters studied were plant height, been done. A lot therefore, has to be done
number of tillers per plant, number 9f if leucaena is to be exploited fully under
leaves per plant, number of leaflets per arid and semi-arid conditions. Since
leaf, green and dry weight o~ tillers and leucaena is known to thrive well under
leaves, dry weight per plant and green good and fairly good rainfall conditions,
weight per plant and, on the other hand a selection programme aiming at selecting
for seed yield, the characters studied drought resistant type would be worth·
were plant height, number of til1er~ per while. The most encouraging aspect is that
plant, Dumber of clusters per plant, the ieucaena tap root system is a deep
number of pods per cluster, number penetrating type suitably supported by
of seeds per pod, 100 seed weight and lateral roots and therefore such selection
yield per plant. programme is going to be a success. Such

development when mimosinel'content is
selection programmes and for that
too high, which limits the utility of /euc-
matter, any selection programme for
aena as a high protein and abundantly
/r'ucaena, should invariably be coupled
with selection for low mimosine content available fodder.
I!specifically at younger stages of the

Improved crop varieties in agro-forestry
M.B.L. Saxena

With the pressing demand offodder life cycle within period of moisture a~aila­
and forage for livestocks and food, fuel bility, high degree of yield potential and
and timber for human population of arid resistance to pests and diseases.
zone, there is no other alternative except Tree specifs for arid - forestry in arid
to adopt the integrated approach of grow- regions
ing agricultural crop in association with
The agro.forestry system in the
'forest crop. named as production forestry.
arid areas should meet the require-
I n context of such drive, there is ample
ments of fodder, fuel, timber,
scope for utilization of the inters paces
etc. Therefore, planting of top feed
between the tree rows for inter· cropping trce species which do not suppress the
with agricultural crops which do not crop is essential. An evaluation of many
impair the growth and development of exotic and indigenous tree species at
trees but enable to drive extra income in CAZRJ, Jodhpur, has revealed that
addition to the benefits of fuel and timber among the exotic trees, Prosopis juliflora,
from tree. Acacia forti/is, Dishrostachys nutans,
Clwracters for tree and crop varieties Colophospermum mopane are promising
Tn the agro-forestry system of arid for arid areas. Indigenous species like
zone there are various components like Prosopis cineraria, Khejri, Acacia senegal
tree/shrub, grasses, legumes, etc So trees, ( Albizzia lebbak (Siris), Tecomella
grasses and crop varieties for this system undulata (Rohida), Azadirachta indica
are selected on the basis of compatibility. '(Neem) , Salvodora oleoides, Salrodora
The tree species should be fast growing, .persica • (Kharajal) are good as top feed
deep rooted and of long duration. They species.
should be able to withstand competition Improved crop varieties for arid regions
from the crops for light, water and nutri-
Since the crop growing period is
ents, should be drought hardy and frost
rather limited in the arid region the crop
resistant. They should also be of econo-
varieties must be of shorter duration
mic value.
to fit in the ramfall pattern. However.
Similarly the gram varieties should local varieties of most of the crops of arid
have drought tolerance, early maturity zone possess excessive vegetative growth
habit, enabling the plants to complete the leading to late maturity. Thus, they do

Table 1. Compari~on of local and improved varietits of crops for yield
Grain yield (q/ha)
Crop Varieties 1977 1978 1979 Mean
(326 mm) (298 mm) (681 mm)

Bajra Local 6.9 6.1 8.6 7.2

BJ 104 16.7 10.5 20.Q 15.9
Guar Local 5.0 8.3 0.6 6.4
XV-S-2 11.0 1.7 6.4
D. Sa fed 7.5 12.3 2.2 7.3
Moth Jodia local 2.4 2.4
T-8l 2.8 . 2.8
T-2 3.7 3.7
Moong Local 8.9 8.9
S-8 10.3 10.3

Source: (Millet and Dryfarming schemes, CAZRI, Jodhpur).

not fit into the short crop growing season days and is capable of yielding 15-20 q
prevalent in this region. In fact the local graills per hectare in normal rainfall years.
varieties have the ability to stand the Among other improved varieties
atmospheric drought, but they do not which have proven their worth are:
possess the yield potential. A compari- MBH-llO, PHB 14, CJ 104 and BK 560.
son given in Table 1 will amply justify The first two have awns which are help-
the statement. ful in minimising the bird damage. CJ
Bajra (Pearl millet, Pennisetum typhoides) 104 can resist smut disease and matures
slightly earlier than BJ 104. All the new
Adaptation ~ybrids are medium tall, with high yield
Bajra is the most adapted grain potential of 20-25 q/ha during normal
crop of arid zone with a short growing rams.
period (80 days). It is often grown in Minor millets
regions with annual ra.infall of less than
Bajra is the traditionally grown
600 mm. It is drought tolerant by virtue
staple food crop of arid areas, although
of its well developed root system and
some minor millets have also been under
hairy stalk and leaves. It grows well on
cultivation sporadically. Minor millets
infertile soils as well as on sandy soils.
have low cost of cultivation and can grow
Improved varieties and their characteristics satisfactorily on relativel), poor marginal
Bajra hybrid BJ 104 is recommended soils. They can stand conditions of drou-
for general. cultivation in the arid zone. ght and low moisture availability. The
h is a medium tall hybrid. It is fairly. keeping quality of grain in storage is also
tolerant to disease and responsive to good. Saxena (1975) analysed the yield
fertilizer application. It matures in 75-80 data of minor millets and pearl millet in

Rajasthan for 21 years (1952-1972) and moisture after the ,harvest of irrigated
observed that yield per unit area for crops. Mung is adapted to fairly deep
minor millets was more than that of bajra. and fertile soils.
Influence of unfavourable weather was Itrproved varieties and their characteristics
more marked on blljra than on minor Mung" S-8 and S-9 are semi,com_
millets. Under these circumstances use of pact and profuse bearing with medium
alternative food crops with better produc- to bold grains. These varieties mature
tion and prospect appears feasible. From in 65 to 70 days, possessing an yield
the studies of breeding programme at potential of 10-12 q/ha in normal rain-
CAZRJ, Jodhpur, it was established that fall years. However, mung S-9 is parti.
among the minor millets only two crops, cularly recommended for late sown
viz., Setaria italica (Kangani) and Palli- conditions.
cum miliacellm IChena) can be grown Mung T44 and PS 16 are slightly
successfully in arid region. early in maturity (60-65 days) with com.
Adaptation pact plant type. These varieties are
Setaria italica (Kangni) and Pani- considered more suitable for shorter
cum mfliaceuni (Chena) can grow in growing seasons/summer seasons Both
poor soils of hilly areas to near desert these varieties are ~lso suitable for
conditions, with annual rainfall of less intercropping.
than 600 mm. Moth (Vigna aconitifolius)
Improved varieties and their characteristics Adaptation
A number of high yielding and Moth is a grain legume and is best
early maturing varieties have been adapted to dry warm climate of arid
developed at CAZRI, Jodhpur. Varieties zone. The crop is beller suited to lower
S.No. I, Se21-1 and S-9 of Setaria ita/ica rainfall conditions than mung. Soil and
and PM-31, PM-29 and PM-21 of Pani- fertility requirements are just similar to
cum miliaceum have high yield potential that of mung beans.
(10-18 q/ha) and early maturity (less Improved varieties and their character/sties
than 55 days). No varieties of bajra Moth, Jadia and T-18 f(ir grains
mature in less than 75 days. This makes an.d moth T-3 for fodder have been
their ~ubstitution possible with bajra
identified as suitable for this regjon.
in years of late onset of monsoon or
Moth Jadia is a selection from the local
cultivar grown around Bikaner. It is a
Mung (Vigna radiata)
spreading type and has broad tight gr~en
Adaptation leaves. It matures in 100·105 days witlt
Mung is best adapted to. warm an yield potential of 5-6 q/ha. Moth
climates. The crop is often grown under T-t8 is an introduction from HarY!lna.
limited rainfall condition and is the main It is a semi-spreading plant type with
crop in regions with short rainy season. medium bold grain, maturing in 90-95
It can also be grown with residual soil days and yields around 8 q/na.

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) an yielc! potential of 10-12 q/pa. Guar
Adaptation 2470/12 is a selection from IARI material.
It is branched, medium tall, bold seeded
Cowpea can be grown on sandy
and matures in 105-110 days with yield
soils as well as on heavy soils. It can with-
potential of 10-12 q/ha.
stand both moderate drought and heavier
rains. It can also grow well under the Guar KVS- is an introduction from
shades of tall trees but cannot survive USA. It is a dwarf branched type, small
cold or frost. Cowpea is not a seasonal seeded, matures in 90-95 days and is
crop. capable of yielding 8-10 q/ha.

Improved verieties and their characteristics Guar FS-277. introduced from Har-
yana, is tall single stemmd and is suitable
Cowpea FS 68 and K-11 are some for intercropping. It is bold seeded,
suitable high yielding varieties recom- maturing in 100-105 days and can yield
mended for general cultivation in this 10-12 q/ha.
region. FS 68 is an erect and compact
type with profuse bearing and early Til (Sesamum indicllm)
maturity (65-70 days'. It has yield
potential of 6-8 q/ha. Variety K-ll is
an erect and compact type and matures Til thrives in warm weather and can
in 70-75 days. The yielding ability is tolerate considerable dry weather after
6-8 q/ha. Both the varieties are suitable its esta blishment. It is adapted to regions
of moderate rainfall, and a wide range
for inter-cropping.
of soils, but prefers fertile loamy soils.
Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Til (Sesame) is one of the important oil
seed crops grown in arid region.
Guar is best adapted to dry warm Improved varieties and their characteristics
climate with limited rainfall. It requires Till varieties, T-13, TC-25, and
fairly deep well drained fertile soils Pratap are suitable for cultivation in arid
with a moisture holding capacity. It does regions.
well on soil meeting the crop require-
ment of mineral nutrients. T-13 is medium tall, branched,and
fairly resistant to phyllody. It is white
Improved varieties and their characteristics seeded with 50% oil contents, maturing
Guar Durgapura safed, Durgajai, in 85-90 days with yield potential of 5-6
2470/12, KVS-2, FS 277, are some of the q/ha. Til Pratap is medium tall, single
improved varieties recommended for stemmed, white seeded, with 53% oil
general cultivation in the area. Of late, content. Especially suited for medium to
HFG-75 bas shown promise. Durgapura heavy textured soils, it matures in 90-100
safed guar is a branched, tall and bold days and is capable of yielding 5-6 q/ha.
grain type suitable for cultivation in arid TC-25 is almost similar to Pratap but
region. It matures in 105-110 days with matures slightly earlier.

Castor (Ricinus communis) mustard can follow the principal kharif
Castor grows under a wide range of Raya is grown on wide range of soils
climatic conditions, but it prefers drier but performs well in moisture retentive
climate. In general, castor produces well loamy soils. It can tolerate somewhat
under irrigated conditions in arid regions. saline and alkali soils.
Castor prefers a well drained soil, Improved crop varieties and their characte-
preferably loamy in texture. Yields are ristics
more dependent on soil moisture content Raya varieties T-59, Durgamani and
than other soil factors. It can tolerate RL 18 are recommended for general culti-
mild salinity or alkali soils. vation in this region.
Improved crop varieties and their characte- Raya T-59 or Varuna is me·dium
ristics dwarf, moderately branched and bold
Castor varieties Aruna, Bhagya and seeded with 43-46% oil content. It matures
CAUCH-I are recommended for general in 110-120 days with yield potential of
cultivation in this region. 12-15 q/ha.
Castor Aruna is semi-dwarf with Durgamani is tall, profusely bran-
light green leaves. Capsules do not shatler ching, bold seed(!d with oit content of 40-
on maturity. The crop matures in 120-150 41% and maturity period of 130-140 days.
days and is capable of yielding 15-20 q It yields around 12-13 q/ha. Raya RL-18
seeds per ha in normal rainfall years. is tall, profusely branched with maturity
Castor, Bhagya (R63), is dwarf and of 130-140 days and yield potential of
matures earlier than Aruna. Seeds are 10-12 qjha.
'medium bold and dark brown in colour; Gram (Cincer arieliflllm)
yields around 20 qfha.
Caslor CAUCH-I is hybrid. It is
taller than Aruna, bold seeded, matures Gram is adapted to cool to mode-
in 150-170 days and possesses an yield rate temperatures during growth, but can
potential of 20-25 q/ha. tolerate considerable heat during fruiting
and. ripening. It is primarily grown on
Raya (Brassica juncea)
conserved soil moisture during winter.
Mustard is well adapted to areas of Gram is grown on a wide variety of
soils, but the crop does not tolerate wet
cool to moderate temperatures during
soils and soils affected by salinity.
growth, but can tolerate considerable heat
during fruiting and ripening period .. It is Improved crop varieties and their characte-
generally grown on conserved moisture ristics
in winters. However, it responds well to Gram varieties RSIO, C2-35, G-24,
supplemental irrigation. Where rainfall and Pusa 209 are recommended for
·distribution permits double cropping, general cultivation in the region.

Gram RSIO is a medium tall, semi- June~July the sown klzarij crops and the
prostate, late maturing (145-150 days) tree crown cover develop simultaneously.
variety, with medium bol<;l seeds. It The trees assume full foliage by the end
possesses an yield potential of 10-12 q/ha. of September by which time kharif crops
Gram C-23S is tolerant to stem rot are also matured. Thus, during the crop
and blight. and is yellow brown, medium growth no hindrance is faced from the
bold seeded, maturing in130-140 days and trees for light requirement.
capable of yielding 12-13 q/ha. The best -examples of agro forestry
in Rajasthan are to be found in districts
Gram G-24 is specially recommen-
of Pali, Nagaur, Sikar, Jaipur and Jhun-
ded for areas with very low rainfall and
jhunu. There Prosopis cineraria is the
light sandy soils where wilt is a problem.
main tree species in the field, 20-25 or
It is early maturing (130-135 days) with
more trees per acre being common. The
yield potential of 10-12 q/ha. Pusa 109
cultivator knows the value of Khejri tree.
has attractive, medium bold grains. It
He protects it and develops it which
performs well under rain fed condition
yields wood for fencing, fodder for cattle
and matures in J 35-165 days.
and timber for agricultural implements
The above crop varieties are suitable and also food from its fruits. Thus the
for their cultivation in arid zone. Though tree helps in improving the economy of
they have not been tested in agro-forestry the farmers of this region. The farmer
system, with their proven adaptability and makes all efforts to preserve and develop
high yield potentials, they are capable of it. Density of khejri tree in the Rajas-
doing well in agro-forestry system of arid than desert increases from west (100-200
zone. mm rainfall) to north western part (20fl-
Agro·forestry practices in western Raja-. 500 mm rainfall). The maximum density
st/lOn has been observed on alluvial plains
(300-400 mm) of Shekhavati tract in
In a well planted tree-land of P.
Ganganagar district.
cinerarira (Khejri) on alluvial soil the
trees are lopped in a systematic manner In the desert of Rajasthan, millet,
in the months of November and December mustard and irrigated wheat grow w-:Il
every year. In cases where rabi crops like under the shade of khejri. Agro-forestry
wheat or mustard are sown, the lopping with bajra or legumes as companion
is completed by the end of October or crops and Khejri as tree component is a
middle of November. These lopped trees common tradition in the arid region of
remain dormant during winter months. India.
By middle of February the trees start REFERENCES
sprouting the tender twigs which are once Saxena, M. B. L. 1975. Present status
again cut (10-30%) during May-June and future prospects of minor millets
when fodder is scarce All such practices in arid zone of Rajasthan. Paper
keep less foliage at the crown to facilitate presented at AICMIP Annual Work-
better sunlight for the kharif crops. In shop, Gwalior.

Intercropping systems for stabilizing agricultural
production in arid and semi-arid zones
H.S. DnuJay

In the arid and semi-arid regions the farming system is mainly due to iti
farmers generally practise mixed cropping yield advantages compared to monocul~
or intercropping on marginal lands since ture, greater stability of yield OYer diffe~
times immemorial, with the objectives of rent seasons and its role in meeting th~
meeting their domestic needs, to minimise weather aberations. These advantages ar~
the risk of failure of crops and to lessen especially important to the poor farme~1
the incidence of pests and diseases. because they are achieved not ty the us~
Despite the fact that mixed and intercrop- of costly inputs but by simple expedien~
ping practices are ancient, the difference of growing crops together. A major reasOni
between the two is not always clearly for such yield advantage~ through inter•.:
understood. Intercropping can be defined cropping is the better use of resources i
as the growing of two (or more) crops environment. For assessing the yield ~
simultaneously on the same piece of land, advantage of intercroping system, three
each crop occupying separate.row. Howe- different situations can be distinguished:
ver, any arrangement where there is' a) Where intercropping produces full·
irregular broadcasting or mixing within yield of a main crop and same yield
a row. should be regarded as mixed of the second crop,
cropping. In intercropping system, the
crops are riot necessarily sown exactly b) Where the combined intercrop yield
th~ same time and their harvest time may' exceeds the higher sale crop yield,
by quite different, but they grow simult- and
aneously fo~ significant part of their life. c) Where the combined intercrop yield
cycle. exceeds combined sole crop yields.
Intercropping regarded generally as The above situations and criteria
a primitive practice and expected to give for assessing yield advantages are gover-
way to more cropping as a natural and ned by competitive relationships of the
inevitable consequence of agricultural component species in the intercropping
development, still remains an· extremely system. There can be several different
widespread practice and is likely to stay competIttve situations. However, for
at least in the foreseable future. This present purposes only three broad cate-
continuing importance of this practice in gories need to be recognised. In the first

cotegory, the actual yield of each species Researches on this aspect were ini-
is less than expected and this can be tiated more than a -decade ago and
termed as mutual inhibition. The second mainly annual grain legumes were consi-
is where the yield of each species is greater dered as intercrops with forage grasses
than expected and can be teqned as mut- which are considered to be useful in
ual cooperation. Tht< third and the most building up soil fertility of the inherently
commonest situtation where one species poor arid zone soils. The results obtained
yields Jess than expected and the other are as follows:
more, can be termed as compensation.
(a) Intercropping of annual grain
These situations may be experienced legumes like mung bean, moth bean,
in intcrcropping system where component c1usterbean, with Cenchrus ciliaris and
species are mixed in certain fixed propor- Lasiurus sindicus 01) deep loam sand soils
tions. However, in the present article of Jodhpur and with Cenchrus seligerlls
research findings of the experiments mainly and Dichanthium al1J1uiatum on shallow
conducted at the CAZRI are reviewed. loamy soil of Pali were conducted during
Here the population of the base/main 1966-1968. Intercropping of these grain
crop is maintained nearly at its optimum legumes in the interspaces of C. ciliaris
and companion crops are grown in the planted in rows one metre apart, resulted
interspaces. in 1.3 to 1.8 q/ha grain yield besides
Intercropping system with perennial forage giving 17 to 37 per cent higher forage
grasses yield than pure stand of grass (27.9 qjha
dry forage). However, intercropping of
Cultivation of grasses is considered
these legumes with L. sindicus produced
to be the most appropriate land use of
much encouraging results of 2.2 to 2.8
the arid lands. Perennial desert grasses
q/ha of grains and 21 to 33 per cent incr-
therefore, have an important role to play
eased forage yield. Under shallow loamy
in stabilising the economy of the arid
soils of Pali, mung beans and moth beans
areas. Of the total area under arid zone
were found compatible with only D. annu-
(3.2 lakh km2) in Rajasthan, cultural
lalum, while Cenchrus setigerus, being
waste lands account for 16% (5 million shallow rooted, did not appear to be
ha) which could have easily been put to suitable for intercropping with grain
the cultivation of grasses. Cultivation of legumes.
forage grasses has not attracted th~
attention of the farming communities of (b) With the availability of short
this region. Any system of intercropping duration and high yielding varieties of
with forage grasses, which may yield grain legumes, this study was pursued
additional quantity of grain (cereal or further from 1973 to 1979. Plan ting of
pulse) without impairing the forage four grain legumes (mung beans S-8, moth
production is therefore, likely to go a lo'ng beans, clusterbeans FS 277, cowpeas FS
way in ameliorating the agricultural 68) in the interspaces of Cenchrus ciliaris
economy of the arid regions. 358 at 60 em regular and 40 to 80 em

paired rows indicated that the mean Cenchrus setigerus was free from the
green forage yield of C. ciliuris from pure incidence of yellow 'mosaic virus.
and mixed stands were not significantly (d) To test t.he experimental
different during good rainfall t750 mm) findings on field scale; mungbeans, moth.
years while in the drought years (1974) beans and clusterbeans were sown in the
intercropped legumes failed to establish interspaces of C. ciliaris, planted at one
themselves. Among the intercrops, metre inter-row spaces on fairly large
clusterbeans produced the highest yield size plots. Between 1975 and 1979
(15.6 q/ha), followed by moth beans (7.6 clusterbean gave an average grain yield
q/ha) and cowpeas and moong beans (7.2 q/ha), followed by mungbeans (6.2
yielding 3.7 to 3.8 qjha of grain. The qjha) and moth beans (2.0), without affect
gross return from different intercropping ing the productivity of the grass. How-
also followed the same trend, especially ever, intercropping system of C. ciliaris+
in 1975. From 1975 moisture use mung bean resulted in the highest returns,
data it was observed that there is no followed by C. ciliaris + clusterbeans
difference in moisture use by pure grass and C. ciliaris + mothbeans and the
and mixed grass stands. However, inter- moisture use trends of the systems were
cropping system of C. ciliaris + the same as that of yield trends. With
clusterbean and C. ciliaris + moth beans the adoption of these intercropping syst-
showed comparatively higher moisture ems there may be additional employment
use than the other systems tried, mainly potential of 5 per cent.
due to longer duration of these legumes.
ilJlercropping system imolving onlyamllla}
Both the above mentioned intercropping
systems have also higher moisture use
efficiency than the other two intercropp- (a) Intercropping of annual grain
ing systems. legumes with sunflower: Mung beans,
moth beans, clusterbeans, eowpeas and
(c) Since mungbeans were found groundnut were grown as intercrops of
to be suitable for intercropping with sunflower planted in regular (60 cm) and
Cenchrus spp. studies were conducted to paired rows (40/80 em) over two years.
find out most suitable variety of mung Results indicated that intercropping of
bean for intercropping with this .grass. .mung beans, cowpea, moth beans and gro-
Intercropplng of six high yielding and well undnut did not affect the seed yield of sun-
adapted mungbean vari~ties (288-8, RS flower adversely while cluster beans, altho-
4, T44, S-8, G-65 and Jawahar-45 I in the ugh producing highest grain yield among
interspaces of C. setigerus, planted at 60 the intercrops, offered severe competi-
cm row spacing, indicated that none of tion to the base crop sunflower. However,
these varieties affected the yie~d of grass in general the total productivity of inter-
adversely and mung beans 28R-8 gave cropping system was 74% higher than the
double the yield of mung bean varieties pure cropping of sunflower. Economic
S-8, G-65 and lawahar-45.· Further, evaluation of these intereopping systems
mungbeans grown in association with showed that sunflower + cowpeas gave

highest gross returns, followed by sunflo- one row pf bajra appears to be a paying
-wer + mung beans: proposition.

(b) In other trials on the effects (d) Studies on intercropping ill

of 0, 30 and 60 bg N/ha to sunflower + clusterbeans: Intercropping system involv-
cowpea and sunflower + mungbeans ing planting of one row of bajra with
intercroppping systems, it was found fertilizer application @ 15 and 30 kg
tbat the yields of sunflower grown alone Njha and without fertilizer application
or in combination with legumes tended to in the interspaces of guar, plant~d in
increase linearly with the increasing levels paired rows, resulted in significantly
of nitrogen. Legumes responded margin- higher total production over that of pure
ally to the application of nitrogen. stand of guar in normal rainfall year
Further, it was also observed that applic- (1978), the highest being from the row of
ation of 60 kg Njha to sunflower grown bajra fertilised @ 15 kg N/ha. In the
as a pure crop led to significant increase year of late onset of monsoon and drou-
in yield than 30 kg N/ha application. ght condition (1979) the yield of guar
However, in the case of intercropping was drastically reduced without any
system involving mungbeans and cowpea, compensation by the companion crop.
application of 30 kg Njha in the second thus resulting in lower overall perform-
year gave as good yield as that obtained ance.
with the application of 60 kg Njha, resul- (e) Intercropping of bujra with
ting in a saving of 30 kg N/ha.
1110th: Different intercropping systems tried
with moth during 1979 and 1980 revealed
(c) Intercropping of pear/millet
that among pure cropping systems, moth
with mung beans: In a trial on system of
in paired rows had the maximum yield.
planting mung bean with and without an
Among the intercropping systems, one
intercrop of pearl millet, carried out for
two consecutive years .(1975 and 1976), row of bajra in between the paired rows
of moth had the highest total yield.
revealed that the yield of the base crop
(mungbean) decreased markedly as a result (f) Intercropping of annual grain
of planting one row of bajra under any of and fodder legumes with castor: In an
the planting system. However, the yield experiment, four grain legumes, viz.,
of bajra was the .highest in paired rows mung beans S-9, cowpea FS 68, cluster-
of mungbean + one row of bajra. beans KVS-2, mnth beans local and three
Further, it is interesting to note that the fodder legumes (cowpea H Fe 42-1, clus-
yield of base crop was reduced by 3.6 terbeans 2470/12, moth beans local) were
q/ha and against this loss, planting of one intercropped with castor (Aruna), planted
row of bajra in inters paces resulted in an in paired rows (60/120), with an addi-
additional grain yield of about 22 q/ha tional treatment of mixture of bajra+
of bajra. From the point of view of . mung beans in 30 to 60 em paired row
total productivity and gross returns system for two consecutive years (1977
intercropping system of mllng bean + and 1978). The seed yield of castor was

reduced by 44% with the intercropping (g) lntercropping of annual grain
of fodder legumes and by 95% in the legumes with sesame':· Studies on inter_
presence of grain legumes due to the cropping of annual grain legumes. with
early harvesting of fodder legumes than sesame in 1980, indicated that combi_
gram legumes. Thus, castor + fodder nations of guar (KVS-2) and mung (S-8)
legumes intercropping system offers with til (Pb-I) are promising in view of
better prospects for monetary returns their highest gross returns than other
than castor+grain legumes. experimented intercropping treatments.

Silvipastoral Systeln - A Pragrnatic Approach to
Efficient Integrated Land Management
K. A. Sbankarnarayan

In India, although we have one was previously little or none or substitute

fourth of the world cattle population less useful vegetation by more useful
with 236 8 million cattle and buffaloes, ones having value as fuel cum fodder or
108.4 million sheep and goats, 6.5 million timber or fuel tree. As remarked by Ghosh
pigs and 3.3 million other livestock, the (1980), about 13 per cent land area (43
productivity of these animals is lowest million ha) is under potentially productive
in the world. This is because only part wa~elands a substantial part of which
of the cattle have access to forest grazing can be reclaimed through silvipastoral
lands but majority are maintained on system. In the arid and semi-arid regions
village grazing lands or other wastelands such development activity has immense
which are in extremely degraded state of possibilities. It has been realised that the
vegetation and nutritive value. entire socio-economic fabric of this
For centuries the forests have pro- region rests on proper management of
vided sanctuaries for livestock and histori- degraded lands and many species of
cally these forests were managed for a grasses and trees are capable of growing
form of silvipastoral system to accommo- inspite of the inhospitable site conditions
date millions of livestock which were and many of the tree species are economi-
permitted to graze in situ in whatever cally important for fodder, fuel and small
herbeceous under growth that occurred timber.
in the forest.
Dr)' Forage Yield
Extending this principle, silvipasture
is the conscious practice of cultivation of Silvipastoral studies were under-
forage crops a long-with forest crops taken at CAZRT, Pali in 1970 involving
somewhat similar to agri-forestry or treatments comprising offour tree species
taungya system. It is a land management (Acacia torti/is, Azadirac/zla indica, A/hi-
system, wherein the inters paces between zzia lebbek and Holoptelia in tegrifulia),
two rows of trees are utilised for culti- two weedings (Hand weeding and appli-
vation of grasses and grasss-legume cation of wedicides) and four grasses
mixtures. (C. ciliaris. C. setigerus, Dichanthium
This system is used either for the annulatum and Panicllm antidotale) with
establishment of vegetation where there no grass as control.

Results showed that there was no hal and their combinatio.ns to a silvipas.
significant differences in the dry grass toral system of Prosopis cineraria, AcaCia
yield under different tree species but the torti/is and Albizzia lebbek, alongwith five
maximum forage yield of 36.1 and 14.4 grasses, namely, Chrysopogon Julvlls
q/ha were recorded in 1975 and 1976, (Mhow), Cenchrus ciliaris (varietie,
respectively. The yield d ifferenc(s under Molopo and 3108), Sehima nervosum and
weed control by manual labour or weed i- C. setigerus (yellow anjan) it was observed
cides were not very marked. The mean that the combination of 40 kg N/ha and
dry forage yield in DichantliilllJl a;1nllla/llm 20 kg P205/ha had resulted in significantly
was 28.0 q/ha followed .by C. ciliaris (25.1 highest dry matter yield of 5.2 t/ha in
q/ha) and Panicllm anli£iofule. Chrysopogon Jlllvl/s (MhoWl compared
There is a wrong notion that noth- with 4.2 t/ha in the control.
ing can grow under Prosopis jul;flora but Similarly, the forage yield in Sehima
Deb Roy e/ al. (1980) reported dry forage nen'oslim increased significantly in three
yield of over 155 q/ll a per an n u rn of Cell- treatments, namely, 20 kg P 2 0 5 /ha (2.4
chrus ciliaris in association with Pr~sopis t/ha), 20 kg N + 20 kg P 2 0 5 /ha (2.0 t/ha)
jllltjiora. and 20 kg P 2 0 5 + 40 kg N/ha (2.0 t/ha)
compared with 1.2 t/ha in control. The
Tree Growth
yield differences in the remaining three
The tree growth and height were grasses were 110t significant. The tree
unaffected by intercroping with grass and growth in these cases also remained un·
maximum height (2.16 m) was recorded affected.
in Azadirachta indica followed by Acacia Silvipastoral studies in the semi·arid
tortilis. Further the tree heights under zone of Jhansi were reported by Deb Roy
Cenchrus setigerlls plots were maximum and Pathdk (1972). The treatment consis-
'followed by C. ciliaris.
ted of all combinations of two spacings
At Jodhpur, the silvipastoral trials (4x4 m, 4x6 m), 2 fodder trees Acacia
of Cenchrus ciliaris intercropped with tortilis and Lellcaena /eucocepha/a) and
Holoptelia integrijolia showed that the three seedlings (No seeding. seeding with
height of trees was not at all affected by Cenchrus ciliaris and C. setigerus.) They
the grass but a dry forage yield of 7 and obse(ved that C. ciliaris gave higher
12 q/ha was obtained in 1972 and 1973, forage production compared with C. se/i-
respectively. Further, during 1976, these gerus in all the treatments. Highest forage
interspaces were sown to mung which yield of 42.9 q/ha was obtained in C. cilia-
gave a yield of 101 kg/ha of grain and ris under Lellcaena lellcocephala at closer
309 kg/ha of fodder without affecting tree spacing. In the case of Acacia tor/ilis
growth. forage prodllction from C. ciliaris was
In another trial at the Central Arid higher (41.9 q/ha) with wider spacing
Zone Research Farm, Jodhpur involving compared with 32.2 q/ha in closer spacing.
treatme!1ts of three levels of N (0, 20, 40 In all these treatments Acacia tortilis
kg/hal and two levels of P205 (0, 20 kg/ showed cent percent survival· but in Lell-

caena leucocepha/a, the survival percentage to the ground for green grass for grazing.
varied from 75.0 to 94.4% Maximum But during qry season when there 'is no
annual height increment of 82.4 cm was blade of grass available, a very common
recorded in Acacia torti/is with wider feature in arid region, the animals can
spacing. look up to the foliage of trees for susten-
ance. It is undeniable that the trees form
It is, therefore, concluded that apart
valuable top feeds in the arid region.
from the benefits to be achieved from the
fuel or fodder trees, it is also possible to
Choice of Species
derive an extra dry forage yield of 43
q/ha through proper silvipastoral manage- Conceding the importance of trees
ment. as top feed during lean periods, it is
useful to know the important top feed
Tmprovemenl in Soil Fertility
species alongwith their palatability and
Apart from the extra yield of forage
nutritive value for arid region. Ganguli
grass, the presence of trees in the inte- et al. (1964) identified 16 top feed species
grated land use system, improves the in Western Rajasthan and determined
fertility and productivity of range grasses. their palatability and nutritive value.
The soil fertility studies were conducted According to them the palatability ratings
(Aggarwal el al., ]976) in 12 year old, for leaves of different top feed species
five desert trees of Western Rajasthan. in the order of preference are Acacia
Data indicate an overall improvement
nilotica, Prosopis cineraria, S. oleoides.
in soil fertility with respect to organic
Zizyphus nummularia, Acacia senegal,
matter, total nitrogen and t9tal P2 05 Albizzia lebbek. Allogeissus rotundifolia.
and available macro and micro nutrients A. pendula, Calligonum polygolliodes,
in soils under Prosopis cineraria commu- Azadirachta indica, GrelVia ten ax, Gymno-
nity compared with bare site and P.
sporia spinosa. Prosopis juliflora and
juliflora community.
Tecomella undulata. However, as these
Studies conducted by Shankar et a/. top feed species occur in distinct habitats
(1976) to assess the influence of Prosopis and remain green in hot weather period.
cineraria on the range grasses, showed even the top feed species with poor
that the dry grass yield under Khejri palatability may be over utilised by stock
was 2.3 tonnes/ha as against 1.66, 1.32, to meet their requirements. Ray and
0.85 and 0.75 tonnes/ha under Tecomella Mudgul (1962) have shown feeding greens
undulata, Albizzia lebbek Pro sop is juli- together with dry forages increased the
flora and Acacia senegal. respectively. digestibility of the latter.

Two Tier Grazing Nutritive Vallie

Silvipastoral management has the The crude protein content of the
advantage to provide two tier grazing top feed species varied from 7.4% as in
under in situ grazing management. Thus, Calligonum polygonoides to as high as
during wet months the animals can look 29-2% in Albizzia lebbek. The ash contents

varied considerably being 6.~% in Proso- A list of trees and' shrubs for fod-
pis cineraria and 49.8% in S. oleo ides der, fuel or timber is given in appendix.
The maximum amount of calcium was
Research Needs
seen in Salvadora oleoides (11.9%) and
S. persica (S.f.%) while P. jultflora had Highly productive and photosynth-
the least (1.5%). The phosphorus cont- etically efficient strains of the grasses
ent in leaves of most of the top feed SPI!C- can be evolved endowed with some degree
of tolerance that could be grown under
ies ranged from 0.1 to 0.2%.
tree crops. Role of any combination of
Exotic fodder trees and shrubs tree cum grass crops as convertors of
At the Central Arid Zone Rese- Solar energy into herbage products for
arch Ins titute, Jodhpur, a number of
cattle consumption and other human
exotic trees and shrubs have been found
needs would largely define the extent of
promising either for their leaves or for
tree crops and area under grass cover. As
pods. Some of the most important trees Ghosh (1980) aptly remarked "evolving
are: Acacia aneura (the mulga), Acacai suitable techniqucs for the modelling of
tortilis, Acacia albida, Colop/zospermum the primary production of a wide range
mopane, Dichrostaclz~'s glumerata,
of ecosystems on the transfer of energy
Brachvchiton pnpllineum and Piltospnrum
between the component' parts of the
phillaraeoides. The exotic salt bushes of
silvipastoral complex should receive prio-
value for halomorphic soils are Atriplex
rity in order to improve the ecosystem
nummularia and Chenopodium auricomum.
perspectives in land management practi-
These, however, need rapid multiplication
ces. This will lead to a new land use
for field scale trials in grazing lands,
criteria and in turn a new production
wastelands for a silvipastoral system.
system". Researches are required for
'Improved Range Grasses . efficient in situ utilization of both browse
The improved range grasses SUlt- and pasture involve the recycling of dung
able for various habitats in arid zone are
and urine for simultaneous soil fertility
enumerated below, which can be used
build up and sustained production. After
for trials in tree grass combinations in
all a multi-tiered silvipasture system
various habitats.

Hills an9 hill slopes CTlrysopogoll fulvlls (Mhow), Sehima

nervosllm (Jhansi local)
Alluvial plains Cenchrus ciliaris, CAZRI 358 and
IGFRI 3108 and Molopo Buf'fel
" " C. seligerus, CAZRf 1 and 76
Sand dunce
." Lasiurus sindiclls, CAZRr 318 and 319
Panicllm turgidum (local) and P.
antidotale CAZRI, 2S)
Medium to Heavy textured soils Dichanthillm annlliatum IGFRI 5495 .
~aline soils Sporobolus marginatus (local) Eleusine
compressa (local~

promises to be an ideal integrated land to s"ilvipasture research and develop-
use system that will ensure better solar me.nt. 2nd Forestry Conference, Dehra
energy capture efficiency and energy flow Dun, January 16-19. 1980.
through the food chain. Ghosh, R.C. 1980. Sylvopastoral system
the concepts old and new. Paper
presented in FAOjDANIDA Training
Aggarwal, R.K , Gupta J.P. Saxena S.K. Course on "Sand Dune Stabilisation,
and Muthana K.D. 1976. Studies on Shelterbelt and Afforestation in the
the physico-chemical and ecological Dry Zones" held during March 3-30,
changes under twelve year old five 1980 at CAZRI, Jodhpur (India).
desert tree species of Western Rajas- Ganguli, B.N. Kaul, R.N. and Nambiar,
than. Indian Forester, 102 (12): 863- K.T.N. 1964. Preliminary studies on
872. a few top feed species. A '111. Arid
Deb Roy, R. and Pathak, P.S. 1972. Zone, 3 (2); 33-37.
Silvipastoral studies on the establish- Ray, S.N., and Mudgul, V.D. 1962.
ment and growth of plantation spe- Studies on roughage utilization by
cies in an integrated land use pattern. cattle and buffaloes. Indian J. Dairy
Annual Report, Indian Grassland and Sci. 25 (3): 129.
F(Jdder Research Institute, Jhansi, pp.
Shankar, V., Dadhich, N.K. and S.K.
Saxena 1976 Effect of Kht'jri (Prosopis
Deb Roy, R., Pati!, B.D. and Pathak, cineraria) on the productivity o!
P.S. 1980. Development of grass- range grasses growing in its vicinity.
lands in India with special reference Forage Res. 2: 91-96.



1. Tropical Dry and Mixed Thorn

Acacia catechu A. planifrolls
A. ni/otica (var. cupressiformis) Acacia modesta
Acacio torti/is A. ni/olica sub. sp. indica
Ailanthus excelsa Aegle marmelos
Cordia rothi Albizzia amara
Chloroxylon swietenia A. lebbek
Feronia limonia Allogeisslis pendl/la
Lannea coromandelia Hardwickia binala
Leucaena leucocephala Daibergia Isisseo
Prosopis cineraria Inga dulcis
P. jllliflora . Sesbania grandiflora
P. glandliisa Tecomella IIndulala

Salvadera oleoides Zizyphus rotundifolia
Schleichera trijuga
Tamarindus indica
Poinciana alala

II. Tropical Moist

Acacia nilotica spp. indica Ailanthus exce/sa
A. leucoph/oea Alhizzia lebbek
Albizzia amara Anogeissus latifolia
Bauhina variegala Alhizzia procera
B. malabarica Atrocarpus heterophyllus
Cordia dichotoma Hardwickia binata
Grewia sp. Leucaena leucocephala
Kydia ca/dna Morus alba
Madhuca latifolia Samanea saman
Moringa ?Ieifera Syzigium cumini.
Pterocarpus marsupium
Pterocarpus santalinus
Terminalia arjuna
T. be/erica

Inter relationships of tr:ee overstorey and
understorey vegetation in silvi-pastoral system


The silvi-pastoral system envisages Effects of tree density

a multi-tiered structure typical of natural Jlzarberj Bordi (Ziziphlls nllmmularia)
forest stands in which the tall trees shrublands provide browse (locally called
constitute the top layer and the forest 'Pala' and herbage from its understorey
floor vegetation the lowermost layer. vegetation in community grazinglands
These 'layers are intergraded with a series called 'Oran' and cultivated fallows called
of small tree and shrub layers. This 'Beeds'. A study (Kaul and Ganguli, 1963)
arrangement-natural in forest stands and was carried out at Pali to identify the
man-made in silvi-pastoral systems provi- ideal 'ratio of shrub cover to the grass
des heterogeniety that ensu'res better and COver. Yield of the understorey grass
non-competitive utilization of environ- cover and of the browse (Pola) were
mental resources as the components or influenced by varying densities, i.e., full
biomorphs-trees, shrubs, undershrubs, stoked, medium stocked and poorly stoc-
perennial and annual grasses are of diffe- ked, with 18, 14 and II per cent of the
rent heights and their roots extend to community grazing land covered by the
different depths. Obviously one attempts shrub canopy, respectively. Existence of
to introduce in silvi-pastoral systems this linear relationship between shrub densi-
kind of non-cornpeti tive utilization of ties and leaf fodder (Pala) production can
environmental resources. This requires be seen from Table 1. The relationship
optimization of the biomorphs that cons- between shrub density and grass yield
titute the silvi-pasture. How to arrive at was broadly inverse, i,e" high shrub den-
0pllmlzaLon. An intimate knowledge sity associated with low grass yield. It
of tree-grass compatibility, i.e., alleloch- was concluded that the medium stocked
emic and shading effects, etc. and analysis density with 14 per cent area of the comm
of the effects of tree overstorey, i,e., tree unity grazing land covered by shrub canopy
density and canopy cover etc. on the was optimum for high forage production.
forage production from the understorey Effects of variol/s tree canopies
vegetation will help in arriving at the Trees affect the herbage growth and
optimization. yield of grasses growing in their vicinity.

Table 1. Average yield of leaf fodder (pa/a) and grass in the Ziziphus_ scrubland
(Kaul and Ganguli, 1963).

Percent density of Yield of leaf Yield of grass Combined Yield

Ziziphus nummlilaria fodder (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha)
18 150 545 695
14 125 875 1,000
11 105 770 875

Certain trees, e.g., Khejri (Prosopis ciner- ramosa) and the co-dominant Digitaria
aria) is reported Shankar et al., 1976) to abscendens) grasses reached very high
have beneficial effect while others e.g., (25.6 and 100.7 cm for the two grasses,
Vilayli Ban walia (Prosopis chilensis) respectively), under Khejri and very low
affects the grass establishment and (12.9 and 37.4 cm for the two grasses,
yield adversely (Shankar & Saxena 1976). respectively). 'Thus, on the basis of
The Klujri (P. cineraria) tree promoted herbage yield, composition and the grass
the growth and yield of Dlwman (Cenchrus height it was concluded that Khejri
ciliaris). The salutary effect was, however canopy favoured growth and production
restricted to about two metre perimetre of understorey vegetation .whereas the
with the Klzejri tree in central position. reverse held true for Vilayti Banwalia.
The beneficial effect was reflected in all
the vigour characters of the Dhaman but Understorey effects on tree overs/orey
it was significantly reflected in the basal Silvi-pastoral studies involving four
cover and green and dry herbage yield. tree plantations i.e., Israeli Babool (Acacia
The beneficial effects of Khejri on Dhaman tortilis), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Siris
ar.e discussed in detail by Shankar et a1. (Albizzia lebbek) Dhao (Holoptelia integrj.
(1976). folia) and four grasses i.e., Dhaman (Cen'
The composition of the grass cover chrus c iliar is, Modo Dhaman (Cenchrus
and the herbage yield varied in 14 to 18 setigerus), Karad (Dichanthium anllu/atllm)
year old plantations of five desert trees i.e. and Blul! Panic (Panicllm anlidota/e)
Klzejr{ (Prosopis cineraria), Kumat (Acacia revealed no significant differences in
senegal), Siris (A.lbizzia lebbek), Rohida grass .yield under above plantations
(Tecome/la imdulata) and Vdayti Banwaiia at Pali (Muthana & Sbankarnarayan,
(Prosopis chilensis.) (Shankar and Saxena 1978). Dry forage yield (average of two
1976). Highest herbage yield (Table 2) was years, i.e., 1975 and 1976) in Karad was
obtained under Khejri (2.34 t/ha) and the 28 q/ha followed by Dhaman (25 q/ha)
lowest under Vilayli B.111Vo'alia (0.85 t/ha). and Blue Panic (22 qJha). Among the
The herbage yield under Kumat Siris and trees, Neem attained maximum height
Rohida was 0.78, 1.32 and 1.66 t/ha, res· (2.18 m) followed by Israeli Babool. In
pectively. Composition of the perennial general, trees attained maximum height
and annual grasses was highest under in Moda Dhaman plots followed by those
K/iejri. H~ight of the dominant (Brachiaria of Dhaman.

Jntercropping with Dhaman (eef/ch- from the firewood and leaf fodder yield
rus ciliaris in Dhao (Holoptelia integrifolia) 43 q/ha grass yield (dry) was obtained.
plantations at Jbdhpur did not interfere In silvi pastoral studies involving 2 spac-
with normal tree growth (Muthana et al., ings (3 x 3 m and 6 x 6 m) of 3 trees
1977). Dry forage yield from Dhaman -( Acacia tortilis, Coluphosermufn mopane
was 7 and 12 qJha in 1972 and 1973, and Leucoena lallcocephala) and a grass
respectively. Later, in the same planta- (Cenchrus ciliaris) sown @ 5 kg/ha under
tion, Mung (Vigna radiata) was sown in Jodhpur conditions during Kharif, 1977,
1976 and 100 kh/ha grain and 309 kg/ha the establishment of tree seedlings was in
fodder was obtained without affecting the following order. A. tortiUs (98. 5%),
tree growth. In silvi-pastural studies L. leucocephala (68.1 %) and C. mopane
reported from Jhansi (Deb Roy et al., (26.7%). Dry forage yield from C. ciliaris
1980) wider spacings (6 x 6 m) of tree ranged between I to 1.6 t/ha in majority
plantations, i.e., Acacia tortilis, Hard1l'ic- of the plots.
kia binata and Albizzia amara, favoured Tree overstorey effects on 1I1lderstorey
high forage production from C. ciliaria. through microclimatic changes
Effect of understorey on tree establishment Rainfall interception by JO and 16
Tree seedlings often find it hard to year old Acacia tqrtilis plantations with
establish themselves in pastures. It was intercropping of Cenc/zrus ciliaris ranged
observed (Gillard, 1978) that in the open between 14 to 19 percent and 23 to 33
woodland with an overstorey of Ellca/vo- percent, respectively and that in II year
Ius creba and a ground ve'getation old Holoptelia plantation from 3 to 8 per
dominated by Heteropngofl contortus on cent (Ramakrishna and Sastri, 1977a).
the Kangaroo Hills in Australia, clearing Dense canopy of A. tortilis favoured
the trees greatly increased grass growth higher rainfall interception Poor germina-
but both trampling and defoliation by tion and establishment failure of C.
the grazing stock, killed tree seedlings of ciliaris in 16 year old A. tortilis plantation
E. creba. More tree seedlings survived in was ascribed to low total (14 to 30%) and
paddocks which had not been cleared off net (15 to 24%) radiant energy received
mature tree. in August. Total radiant energy recorded
Silvi-postural studies involving two under 10 year old A. tortilis plantation
spacings (4 x 4 m and 6 x 6 m) of two was sli~htly higher and varied from 30
fodder trees (Acacia tortilis and Leucaena to 60 per cent. It was concluded that
leucocep/zrla) and two grasses (Cenchrlls canopy regulation is essential for energy
ciliaris add C. setigerus) were reported penetration and promoting better pasture
from Jhansi (Deb Roy et 01., 1980). In growth and yield in the silvi-pastoral
all the treatments 100 percent survival was system.
recorded in A tortilis whereas in L. leuc- Meen diurnal variations in the
ec()phala it varied from 75 to 94 percent. below canopy air temperatures recorded
Wider spacing favoured yearly increment during September and October showed
in height (82.4 cm) of A. tortilis. Apart that during morning hours, the air tempe-


rl!ture was lower by 0.1 to 0.7 °C than soluble calcium low pH and qe}ter
;hose recorded in th~ open. The difference mechanical composition of soil upto 120
in air temperature of inside and outside cm depth in Khejri promoted the growth
canopY started 'narrowing down as the and yield of crops grown in its vicinity.
day advanced and around mid day the Aggrawal (1980) concluded that status of
air temperature beneath the canopy rose available micro-nutrients generally impro-
siightly higher (0.2 to 0.6°C) than that vid under: plantations specially under
under open condition. During the after- Khejr i. Studies of Aggrawal further
noon, the air temperature beneath the corroborated the findings of Singh and
canopy remained lower by 0.6 to 2.0°C Lal (1969) on the fertility build up under
than that in the open condition. Khejri canopy. Crop improvement effect
The mean daily maximum soil of tree legumes specially Khejri is genera-
temperature in A. tortilis plantation was lly ascribed to the input of microbial
lower (10 to 16°C in 0 5 cm top soil layer fertilizers in the soil through nodulation
and 4 to 5°C upto 30 em depth) than (Basak and Goyal, 1975). Comparative
those of the open, indicating thereby study (Gupta and Saxena, 1978) on the
better soil thermal regime in the planta- soil moisture status in 120 cm soil profile
tion (Ramakrishna and Sastri, I 977b). . under five tree plantations indicated that
Mean daily relative humidity values the soil moisture regime remained genera-
. ,
during the day period in A. tortilis Ily hIgher below Khejri (Prosopis cineraria)
plantation were more (7%) than that in and Rohida (Tecomella undulata) than that
the open. The study indicated that soil in Vilayati Babool (Prosopis juliflora),
and air thermal regimes and humidity in S;ris (Albizzia lebbek) and Kumut (AcaCia
the A. tortilis plantation were conducive senegal). The soil moisture under Khejri
to pasture growth and yield improvement ranged from 27 to 50 mm during the
but radiant energy penetration through rainless period from November to June
canopy regulation was, however, needed and 115 to 140 mm from July to Septem-
to make silvi-pasture aviable proposi- ber.
tion under arid enviroment. Canopy Studies on soil moistur regime under
manipulatian and management of grass- Kh,',jri (Lahiri, 1970; Lahiri and Kumar,
shrub species have been recommended 1967; Mann and Lahiri, 1967) revealed
for this purpose. that Khejri being a phreatophyte, moisture
Tree overs{orey effects Oil lInderstorey fluctuations in the upper soil layers has
through edaphic changes hardly any influence on its internal water
Singh and Lal (1969) investigated balance and that the wate~ balance of
profile characteristics and level of fertility upper soil layers is iargely regulated by
under Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) and evapotranspiration of the shallow rooted,
Rabool (Acacia nilotica) canopies. Parallel herbaceous ground flora. It was suggested
observations were made on soil under that herbaceous plants with limited root
open field condition. It was concluded growtb can be grown during short rainy
that comparatively high organic matter, season only and if grown during the dry
total nitrogen, available p~osphorus, period (November to June) stand very

little chance of survival because the soil pp. 345·350, Arid Zone Res. Developt.
moisture content (2%) hardly exceeds (Ed. H.S. Mann). Scientific Publish_
wilting point (2 to 2.5%). ers, Jodhpur.
EPILOGUE Gillard, P., 1978. Survival of tree seed.
Studies discussed here bring into lings in pastures. P., 24. CS/RO
sharp focus the need for optimization Tropical crops and pastures divisional
of tree density and the canopy cover in report 1977-78, Australia.
silvi-pastural systems. A study (Huss, Huss, Donald, L., 1972. Goat responses
1972) suggested that canopy manipula- to use of shrubs as forage. pp. 321-338.
tion through goat grazing is a distinct Wild land shrllbs-Their biology and
possibility in Mexico where both grass IItilization. USDA Forest Service
and goat production increased as shrub General Tech. Rept. INT. I. Intermo-
density decreased. It was further sugges- untain Forest and Range Experiment
ted that in woodlands are shrublands, Station, Ogden, Utah-84401, USA.
the dual grazing system involving Gupta, J.P. and Saxena, S.K. 1978. Stu-
cattle and goat can result in higher total dies on the monitoring of the dyna
livestock production and that optimiza- mics of moisture in the soil and the
tion of shrub cover will be useful in performance of ground flora under
estimating stocking rates in double
desertic communities of trees. Indian
grazing systems. Critical appraisal of
J. Ecol., 5: 30-36.
the tree-grass compatibility (Shankar,
1980) is essential for making the silvi- Kaul, R.N. and Ganguli, B.N. 1963.
Fodder potential of Ziziphlls in the
pastoral system a viable proposition.
shrub grazinglands of arid zones.
Indian Forester 89.- 623-630.
Lahiri, A.N.. 1980. Prosopis cineraria
Aggrawal. R.K 1980. Physico-chemical in relation to soil water and other
status of soil under Khejri. pp. 31-35. conditions of its hobitat. In "Khf?jri
Khejri (Prosopis ci; eraria) in the Indian (Prosopis cineraria) in the Indian
desert-its role in agro-forestry. (Eds. desert. Its role in agro-forestry. (Eds.
H.,S. Mann and S.K. Saxena) Manog- H.S. Mann and S.K. Saxena), CAZRI
raph NO., 11, C.A.Z.R.I., Jodhpur. Mo'nograp No. 11, pp. 38-44.
Basak, M.K. and Goyal, S.K. 1975. Lahiri. A.N. and Kumar, V. 1967. The
Studies on tree legumes. I. ~odula­ annual water turnover from a xeric
tion pattern and characterisation of tree (Prosopis cineraria}. Sci. Cult.
the symbiont. Ann. Arid Zone 14.- 33: 77-78.
Mann, H.S. and Lahiri, AN. 1979.
Deb Roy, R, Patil, B.D. and Pathak. Optimum of water for agricultural
P.S. 1980. Silvi-pastoral farming for crops, horticultural and fuel trees in
amelioration and increased producti- the desert areas. Proc. Indian Natn .
. vity of the arid and semi-arid region. Sci. Acad., 45: 1-17.

Muthana, K. D. and Shankarnarayan. 69-70. C.A.Z.R.1. Ann. Rep., ,C.A.Z.
K. A. 1978. Scope of silvi-pastroal R.I., Jodhpur.
management in arid region. Souvellir Shankar, Vinod, 1980. Silvi-pasture
on Arid Zone Res. Silver jubilee. research: A review. Forage Res. 6:
C.A.Z. R.I., Jodhpur. 107-122.
Muthana. K.D., Gian Chand, and Arora,
Shankar, Vinod and Saxena, S.K. 1966.
G.D. 1977. Studies on the coppicing
Vegetation under various tree canop-.
behaviour of desert fuel-cum-fodder
ies. Ann. Prog, Rep., CAZRI, Jodh-
species. C.A Z.R.l. Ann. Prog. Rep.,
Shankar, Vinod, Dadhich, N.K. and
Ramakrishna, Y.S. and Sastri. A.S.R.
Saxenn. S.K. 1976. Effect of Khejri
A.S. 1977a. Climatological studies on
Tree a (Prosopis cineraria) on the
rainfall interception, diurnal variation
productivity of range grasses growing
in the total and net radiant energy,
in its vicinity. Forage Res., 2: 91-96.
available under Acacia tortilis trees.
pp. 69, C.A.Z.R.I. Ann. Prog. Rep., Singh, K.S. and Lal, P. 1969. Effect of
C.A.Z.R.I.. Jodhpur. Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) and Babool
Ramakrishna, Y.S. and Sastri. A.S.R. ( Acacia ni/olica) trees on soil fertility
A.S. 1977b. Microclimate under and profile characteristics. Ann. Arid
Acacia tortiUs (1970) plantation. pp. Zone 8: 33-36.

Grass-compone~t in silvi-pastoral system with
special reference to Indian Arid Zone
T. K. Bhati

Forest area in Indian Arid Zone is Hence, what is needed most to evolve an
less than 2% as against Indian average integrated land management system under
of about 22.7%. As per the National which all the referred natural resources
Forest ,Policy we should have at least 33% are maintained in the highly productive
of the total area under forest. Of late, state and can be of economic value even
afforestation has been the' focal point for on farmer's field.
reclaiming the deserts. 'Trees in combi- TREES AND GRASSES-SUITABILITY IN
nation with grasses will not only meet SILVI-PASTORAL SYSTEM:
the growing demand for fuel, fodder and
Based on the edaphic f<lctors suitable
timber but will also have a cumulative trees and grasses can be classified as under:
effect on the global atmospheric cycles of
A. Sand dunes and sandy plains
water and energy. At local level the
presence of trees affect the micro-climate Grasses: LasillrllS sindiclls, Panicum anli-
by lowering air temperature in hot wea- dOlale, Saccharum bengaiensis, Cench-
ther, raising humidity. reducing wind rus ciliaris.
velocity and providing shelter for live- Trees: Acacia torti/is, Prosopis cineraria,
stock. It is envisaged that the afforestation Prosopis juliflora, Albizzia lebbek,
aloogwith suitable soil conservation mea- Acacia senegal, Dichros/achys glome-
sures will counteract the prevalent harsh rala, Cassia siamea. Tc.marix articulata,
agro-c1imatic conditions, viz" high wind Holoptelia integrifolia, Colophospoper-
velocity (20 km/hr) higb aridity index mum mopane, Calligol1l1m pvlygolloides.
(74-78%), h,igh PET (7 to 9 mm/day) and' E, Sandy loam and sandy clay loam
high soil erosion (5. II q/ha/yr.). Despite, Grasses: Dichanthium annulatum, He/ero-
'all the advantages of afforestation as pogon con/ortus.
advocated, there is a wide gap between
Trees: Acacia tortilis, Prosopis ju1ifiora,
forest exploitation and regeneration.
Albizzia lebbek, Zizyphus lIummularia,
Moreover under present peasent economy
Holoptelia integriJolia, Dalbergia
farmers cannot be mobilized to take' up
afforestation in isolation. Fortunately,
Indian arid lands are bestowed with C. Sand stone and rocky sites.
s~veral useful and productive species of Grasses: Sehima nerVOSllm, Dichanthium
grasses, trees, shrubs, crops and livestock. anllulatllm.

Trees: Anogeisstis pendula, Acacia senegal, Trees: Prosopis juliflora, Acacia tortilis,
Capparis decidua, Zizyphus nummularia, Acacia senegal, Dichrostachys glomer-
Acacia tortilis, Butea monosperma. ata, Calligonum polygonoides, Zizyphus
D. Well drained sandy alluvial soils nummularia.
Grasses : Cenchrus ciliaris, Cenchrlls seti- (ii) Rai,nfall zone 30 to 40 cm
gertls. Grasses : Lasiurus sindicus, Cenchrus
Trees : Acacia tortiUs, Dichrosfachys c;fiaris, Cenchrus setigerus, Panicum
glomerata Ailanthus excelsa, Azadira- antidotale.
c!zla indica, Albizzia lebbek.
Tree " Acacia tortilis, Acacia senegal,
E. Low lyiNg salin! soils Prosopis juliflora, P. cineraria, Teco-
Grasses : Sporobolus mJrginallls, Chloris mella undulata, Colophospopermum
virgata. mepane, Zizyplllls spp. Calligonum
polygonoides, Ricinus communis.
Trees: Prosopis juliflora, Tamarix articu-
lata, Salvadora ,oleo ides, Salvadora (iii) Rainfall zone abOl'e 40 em
Grasses : Cenchrus ciliaris, Cencltrus
Above classification is based on the setigerus, Panicum antidotale, Dichan-
edaphic factors but the selection of grass tllium annulatum, Sellima nervopum,
and tree species will also depend on the Saccharum bengalensis.
rainfall. Hence the classification on the
basis of rainfall is as given under and Trees: Prospis cineraria, Acacia tortilis,
the selection of a particular grass and Acacia senegal, A. nilotica sub. sp.
tree species should be made on the basis indica, Tecomella undlilata, Ailanthus
of these two criteria. exce/sa, Albizzia lebbek, Dalbergia
sissoo, Dichrostachys glomerata, Rici-
(i) Rainfall zone 15 to 30 em nus cammunis, Zizyplzus spp., Cassia
Grasses: Lasiurus sindicus. auriclilata.

Table 1. Dry matter yield (q/ha) of C. ciliaris under different trees

Species Spacing (metre) Dry matter yield of

Cenchrus ciliaris
1979 1980 ~ean

Acacia tortilis 5x 5 10.86 6.69 8.77

lOx 10 7.22 5.90 6.56
Co[opTlOspopermum mopane 5 x 5 7.24 622 6.73
10 x 10 9.02 8.37 8.69
Hardwickia binata 5x 5 8.61 5.96 7.28
10 x 10 9.60 10.00 9.80
Grass only 9.12 7.12 8.12

FORAGE PRODUCTION UNDER The grass yield was negligible under
SILVI-PASTORAL SYSTEM uncoppiced plants. Kaul and Ganguli
A. Tree-density forage yield relationship (1963) reported yield of grass and Pala
Silvi-pastoral studies with three (leaf fodder of ZizyphllS nummlliaria)
trees, i.e., Acacia torti/is, ColopllOspoper- to be influenced by varying densities.
mum mopalle, and Hardwickia binata at The maximum combined yield of grass
two different spacings (5 x 5 m and 10 x and Palo (1.0 tjha) was recorded under
10 m) at Jodhpur indicated that the 14 per cent of land area covered with
grass yield (Cenchrus ciliaris) was not Zizyphus canopy. Horti-pastoral studies
affected due to tree plantation. with two Zizyphus species namely, Z.
The maximum dry matter yield nllmmularia and Z. retundifolia at four
densities 70, 140,210 and 280 plants per
(9.80 q/ha) was recorded under Hardwic-
hectare and C. ciliaris was conducted by
kia binata when spaced at 10 x 10 m
(Table 1). Except. A. tortilis, under all Sharma et al. (1980). The studies revealed
the trees species grass yield was higher maximum dry forage yield (1.2 tJha)
when plants were widely ~paced (Mutha- of C. ciliaris under Z. nllmmularia at
na) et al., 1980). the density of 210 plants oha. Under Z.
retllndifolia treatments grass yield was not
Ahuja t 1980) recorded grass pro-
significantly affected.
duction in 14 to 18 year old plantations
of four desert trees viz., Prosopis cineraria B. Tree-grass compatability
(Khejri) , Tecomella undulata (Rohida) ,
Albizzia lebbek (Siris) and Acacia senegal Silvi-pastoral studies conducted at
(Klimat). He observed inverse relation- Pali with four grass species, viz. Cenchrlls
ship between tree density and grass yield. ciliaris, C. setigerlls, Dichanthium annula-
Dry matter yields of 1. 5, 1.2 and 1.1 tum and Panicum antidotale and four tree
t/ha under Khejri plantation at the densi- plantations (A. tortilis, Albizzia lebbek,
ties of 566.6, 1774.3 and 1264.8 trees per Azadirachta indica and Holoptelia integri-
hectare respectively was observed. The folia) indicated that the growth in all
highest grass yield (1.1 to 1.5 t/ha) was the tree species was adversely affected
recorde,d under Khejri and the lowest maximum with Panicum antidolale and
lO.6 to 0.7 t/ha) under /(umat plantations. least with Cenchrus species Table 2).
The contribution of perenniais was also Data (Table 2) revealed that the
maximum (78.3 %) under Khejri and maximum dry matter yield (26.6 qjha) was
lowest under Rohida (51.1 %). under A. lebbek + D. annulatllm. D. ann-
Acacia lorti/is trees planted in 1964 ulatum being: the agro-climatically adopted
and pollared in 1976 to study the forage grass gave higher dry matter yield under
production under coppiced trees by Muth~ all the tree species under study. However,
ana et al. (1980) indicated that dry forage A. indica + +
c. ciliaris, A. lebbek C.
yield in assoGiation with the coppiced setigerus and H. integrifolia+ C. setigerus
plants was 7.36, 3.25 and 1.03 qjha tree-grass combinations were also found
at 6 x 6, 4.5 x 4.5 and 3 x 3 m spacings. to be superior over others, under the

Table 2. Dry matter yield (q/ha) of grasses and tree height (cm) as affected
under tree-grass combinations

Grass species A. tortilis A.lebbek A. indica H. inlegrifolia

Ht. D.M. Ht. D.M Ht. D.M. Ht. D.M.
Cenchrus 341 13.6 167 19.1 352, 21.6 253 16.1
Cenchrus 347 15.7 186 20.6 351 14.3 229 18.1
mchantllium 326 22.3 205 26.6 303 25.4 190 24.1
Panicum 224 14.5 138 15.9 348 17.4 205 16.7

agro-c1imatic conditions of Pali. Silvi- and 3108, Sehima nervosum and C. setige-
pastoral studies at Jodhpur indicated rus) with fertilizer treatments further con-
that the sowing of C. ciliaris under the firmed that the grass yields were not
cover of H. integrifolia did not interfere affected by tree plantations.
with the normal tree growth and an addi-
tional dry forage yield of 7 and 12 q/ha Grass production in 14 to 18 year
in }972 and 1973, respectively was recor- old plantations of four desert trees, i.e.
ded (Muthana et al., 1977). In another Khejri (P. cineraria), Rohida (Tecomel/a
silvi pastoral system at Jodhpur (Shankar undulata) , Siris (Albizzia lebbek) and
narayan and Saxena, 1976) with three Kumat (A. senegal) was reported by
tree species (P. cineraria, Acacia tortilis, Ahuja et al. (1978). Data (Table 3) revea-
A. lebbek) and five grasses (Chrysopogon led that over a period of four years the
/u/ves var. Mhow, C. ci/iaris var. M%po forage yield was maximum under P. cine-
Table 3. Dry forage yield (t/ha) under different tree species
Trees 1972 1973 1974 1975 Mean
A.lebbek 0.53 2.59 0.59 1.90 1.40
(0.51)* (0.88) (0.58) (1. 77) (0.93)
P cineraria 0.60 2.81 0.54 2.22 1.54
(0.58) (1.68) (0.53) (2.05) (1.22)
I. undulata 0.45 3.36 0.36 1.73 1.47
(0.43) (0.86) (0.35) (1.38) (0.75)
A. senegal 0.16 1.80 0.15 0.63 0.69
(0.16) (0.58) (0.14) (0.60) (0.37)
Mean 0.44 2.64 0041 1.62 1.28
(0,42) (1.00) (0,40) (1,45) (0.81)
( )* = Contribution from perennial forage grasses.

raria 0.54 t/ha) and least (069 tjha) CONCLUSION
under A. senegal. Of the total understorey From the foregoing discussion it is
the perennial grasses (mostly Cenchrus evident that the silvi-pastoral concept is
species and Eleusille compressa) contri- an innovation born out of profound eco.
buted substential1y. Forage yield of the nomic, technical and social needs of the
perennial species was significantly lower day. In the paper an attempt has been
under A. sellegal as compared to that made to identify suitable trees and grasses
under rest of the three tree species, and as per the soil and climatic requirement
it was highest under P. cineraria. Workers, for silvi-pastoral system in arid and semi-
viz., Shankar et al. (1976), Sharma et al. arid areas. Further the discussion give~
(1980) and Saxena (J980) also reported a resume on the status of research on
maximum grass growth under Khejri. silvi-pastoral farming and brings in lime.
Aggrawal et al. (1976) observed that light few grass-tree combinatio'ns and
higher forage yield under Khejri can be their .density suitable in arid and semi-arid,
attributed to increase in organic matter, zones. Lastly in the paper those agrono.
total nitrogen available phosphorus, mic and utilization aspects, which need
soluble calcium and micro-nutrients under immediate attention of pastoral scientlsts'
this tree. and silvicullurists for future research
are stressed.
The research need on silvi-pastoral
Aggrawal, R.K., Gupta, J.P., Saxena,
system can broadly be classified in two
S.K. and Muthana, K D. 1976 Studies
heads, viz., Agronomic and Utilization.
on soil physico-chemical and ecologi-
Agronomic aspect includes research work
cal changes under twelve years old five
on a) selection of suitable tree and grasses
desert tree species of Western Rajas·
as per soil and climatic requirement, b),
than. Indian Forester. J02 : 863-872.
evolving optimum tree-grass-shrub pro-
portion, c) to work out economic optim- Ahuja, L.D., Verma, C.M. Sharma, S.K.
um dose of fertilizers in such systems, d) and Lamba, T.R. 1978. Range manage-
to study soil fertility status under such ment studies on the contribution of
ground storey (grass) in afforested
a 'system on J<?ng term basis, e) to perfac-
-areas in arid regions. Ann. Arid Zone
tise lopping and felling cycles under such
system for higher grass and tree yield, 17 (3) : 304-310.
f) to study lay farming and other crop Ahuja, L.D. 1980. Grass production under
rotations under tree cover. Utilization Khejri. pp. 28-30. Khejri (Prosopis
aspect includes a) determination of proper cineraria) i/l the Indian Desert-its role in
stocking rate of mixed population of live- agro-forestry (Eds. H.S. Mann & S.K.
stock (sheep, cattle, goat and camel), b) Saxena). Monograph No. 11, CAZRI,
to evolve suitable grazing sysfem under Jodhpur.
silvi-pasture, c) to study animal pro'ducti- Kaul, R.N. and Ganguli B. N. 1963.
. vity and economics thereof. Fodder potential of Zizyphus in the

shrub grazing lands of Arid Zones. Shankarnarayan, K.A. and Saxena S.K.
Indian Forester 89 : 623-630. 1976. Performance of grasses in silvi-
King, KF.S. and Chandler, M.T. 1978. pastoral system. Pp. 90-92. Annual
The Wasted Lands, ICRAF, Nairobi. Progress ,Report, 1976, CAZRI, Jodh-
Muthana, K.D., Gianchand and Arora, pur.
G.D. 1977. Studies on the coppicing Shankar Vinod, Dadhich, N.K. and
behaviour of desert fuel-cum-fodder Saxena S.K. 1976. EffectofKhejri tree
species. Annual Progress Report, 1977 (Prosopis cineraria) on the productivity
C 4ZRI, Jodhpur. of range grasses growing in its vicinity.
Muthana. KD., Sharma, S.K. Raina, Forage Res. 2 : 91-96.
Ashok K. and Meena G.L. 1980. Silvi- Sharma, S.K. Verma, C.M. and Ahuja,
pastoral studies. Annual Progress L.D. 1980. Production of ground storey
Report, 1980. CAZRI, Jodhpur. (grass) component in afforested areas
Saxena, S.K. 1980. Herbage growth under in arid regions of India. Ann. Arid
Khejr; Canopy. Pp. 26-27, Khejri (Pro- Zone 19 (3) : 283-288.
sopis cineraria) in the Indian Desert-its Sharma, S.K. and Vashishtha, B.B. 1980.
role in agro-/orestry. (Eds. H.S. Mann Horti-pastoral system in arid zone,
and S.K. Saxena). Monograph No. 11, Annual Progress Report, 1980, CAZRI,
CAZRI, Jodhpur. Jodhpur,

Role of horticulture in agro-forestry
B.B. Vashishtha

Horticulture has remained in its soils in the arid region (Pareek, 1978).
infancy in the arid and semi-arid regions Green immature fruits are harvested dur-
of the country, inspite of its great pot- ing May-June for pickle, dehydration and
ential in these areas. Vast lands are vegetable purpose. The fruits are also
lying without any cultivation although believed to provide relief in cardiac trou.
with some improved management prac- ble. There are no systematic plantation
tices these can be used for fruit produc- but new areas can be brought under its
tion. Necessity of fruit production cultivation. It can be propagated thr-
assumes greater importance because of ough clumps or cuttings. The cuttings
low calori-elow protein diet consumed by make very slow growth. Vast variation
the desert dwellers which results into exists in nature and single clonal selection
malnutrition amongst the poor masses. can help in establishing desired types.
Forestry combined with horticulture can The plantations can be taken up on
be an ideal solution for fulfilling the waste-lands.
need of desert dwellers in terms of balan- Pi/II is generally found growing in
ced diet and fuel wood, timber and other highly saline regions of desert. Its fruits
fbrest products. Situation oriented are sweet and edible. The pulp contains
management practices can be developed
glucose, fructose and sucrose. The green-
for horti-silva combinations. ish yellow seed is very rich in oil (40-50%)
FRUIT CROPS SUITABLE FOR which is not edible but is used for soap
AG RO-FORES TRY making. There is a great scope for the
identi~cation of types having large size
1) Indigefl9us drought hardy fruits:.
fruits with high sugar, and oil contents
Naturally growing fruit plants found in
and with lower contents of compounds
arid and semi-arid areas have remained
like dibenzylthiourea, dibenzylurea and
economically unexplored and therefore,
thioglucoside glucotropalotin which make
need attention. Ker (Capparis deCidua),
its oil non-edible.
Pilu (Salvadora oleo ides) , Gondi (Cordia
gharaj), }har ber (Zizyplllls nummlllar.ia) Gondi is a shrub or a small tree. Its
are some of the valuable plants which fruit is a drupe, ovoid in shape, yellow
have hitherto remained neglected (Pareek or reddish brown in colour. It is found
and Vashishtha, 1978). Ker is found on growing wild in the Indian desert. It can
rocky, s~mi rocky, aggraded and sandy be used as root stock for Gonda (Cordia

myxa) on which budding of Gonda can and guava), inarching (guav<l), ,cutting
be <:lone. Naturally growing Gondl trees (pomegranate), etc. A new technique of
can be top worked and converted into ber budding developed at this Institute
Gonda (Cordia myxa) which will be more has cut down the period from more than
remunerative. These can be planted on one year to four months for raising a
the fence wall of the farm. It can serve ber orchard (Pareek, 1978). The techni-
as a good wind break. que has bren further modified for long
Jharber is found ~rowing almost distance transport in which soilless ber
every where in desert. In farm forestry, budlings can be transported in polypack
it has a vital role to play. Its dried lea- weighing not more than 100 g (Pareek
ves (pa/a) are eaten by goats. The and Vashishtha, 1980).
thorny branch lets are used as fencing 3) The other category of fruit
material and tiny fruits are liked by one plants which can be included in farm
and all in villages. Being xerophytic in forestry is that which requires irrigation
nature i~ can withstand extreme vagaries facilities. These include aonla (Emblica
of nature. The Orans of Iharber can be officinalis) , fig; phalsa (Grell'ia sllbinequ-
seen at many places in western part of alis), Date palm (Phoenix dactyliJera),
Rajasthan. If the plant is not allowed papaya (Carica papaya), lime (Citrus
to cut, it assumes the shape of a tree. All allrontifalia, sweet orange (Citrus sinen-
the existing trees can be top worked into sis) etc.
improved varieties which would start MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT CROPS
bearing same year. Nowadays ber is being Proper management and care is a
recommended for large scale planting in mLlst for optimum fruit production. In
arid and semi-arid parts of Rajasthan. addition to the routine management
2) Fruit crops jor rainjed condi- practices such as insect pest and disease
lions: Ber (Zizyphus m'1l1ritiana) , guava control, irrigation, manuring etc. follow-
(Psidiun! guojavo), Karanda (Carissa ing techniq lies should be incorporated
carafldus) , Pomegranate (Punica gran- wher eever necessary and feasible.
atum), custard apple (Annona squamosa), 1) Water harvesting: To obtain
etc., can be successfully grown under higher yields under low rainfall condi-
rainfed condition. tions, utilization of runofT water should be
The maturing varieties may be judiciously done. The runoff is more
selected for planting so that fruit matur- from slopy lands, hills and rocky areas.
ity is over latest by 1st week of March The hills and uplands in Rajasthan have
after which vapour pressure deficit starts a slope of 15-25% at hill sides and 5-15%
rising. Seb, Gola and M undia varieties at the foot hills (Sen, 1972). Even the
of ber, Jodhpur and seedless varieties of dune area has a slope up to 20%. Abich-
promengranate, Lucknow-49 of guava andani and Yadav (1974) have estimated
are suitable for growing under Jodhpur that about 2500 sq km .of the area under
conditions. Most of the fruit plants are rugged high and low hills, rocky plateaux
vegetatively propagated by budding (ber and pediment plains, gravelly agraded

plains and eroded land surface exposing addition to root depth a04, soil profile,
Kankar beds in Jodhpur district can size of micro-catchment of a fruit tree
yield 10000 halm of runoff water even in can be worked out.
a drought year and 30000 halm in a nor- Pareek (1977) has worked out
mal rainfall year. plant population per hectare for diffe-
The shape and size of catchment rent fruit crops for Jodhpur conditions
depend upon topography of the region. with 360 mm rainfall, as represented in
In Israel a square basin, shaped in the Table 1.
form of a flat inverted truncated pyra- Experiment on tne use of runoff
mid at the lowest point is made for water for production of ber is in pro-
planting fruit trees. Considering the gress at CAZRI, Jodhpur, since 1974.
rainfall and catchment characteristics, in Results for past 6 years have indicated
Table 1. Catchment area per tree and plant population per hectare (Pareek, 1977)
Fruits Canopy Runoff Catchment Catchment Area Popula-
area supplement slope area per tree tion
(mm) (mm) (%) (m2) (m2) per ha
Ber 36 300 0.5 100 136 74
5.0 75 111 90
10.0 60 96 104

Pomegranate 20 800 0.5 148 168 60

5.0 III 131 76
10.0 89 109 92
Guava 56 800 0.5 415 471 21
5.0 311 367 27
10.0 249 305 33

Cordia myxa 36 200 0.5 67 103 97

5.0 50 86 116
10.0 249 305 33

Aonla 56 500 0.5 259 315 32

5.0 194 250 40
10.0 156 212 47

Sour lime 36 1000 0.5 ' 333 369 27

5.0 250 286 35
10.0 200 236 42
Custard 20 300 0.5 56 76 132
apple 5.0 42 62 161
10.0 33 53 189

that 54 m 2 catchment area with 5% slope five yea~ old ber tree gives about 8 kg
has given encouraging results. In the dry firewood on annual pruning, which
initial year the yield per plant was not increases with the increase in age. It is
significantly different owing to the fact an excellent fuel tree and makes good
. that plant canopy had not grown fully charcoal with a heat content of almost
therefore, there was praCtically no com- 4900 K Cal per kg. Heart wood of Zizy-
petition for soil moisture. The results phus IIl.;mmu/aria also has calorific value
were more pronounced ·in 1980-81 which of 4400 K Cal per kg (Anonymous, 1980).
was a drought year. iii) Source of other byproducts:
2. Shelterhel! plantation: The Dried leaves of Zizyphus nummu/aria
wind velocity during summer is around (Pala) form a rich diet for goats which
20 km/hour in Jodhpur region, therefore, are found in a large number in desert
making it difficult to go for successful areas. Leaves of ZizJ'phus mallritiana
fruit production. Shelterbelt plantation are used to feed (asar silkworm. Ber
minimises the adverse effect of scorching plant is also used to rear lac insects. Bark
wind during summer. It is advisable to is sometimes used for tanning purposes.
plant 3-5 rows of shelterbelt trees. Cho- Some fruits such as jamlill and Pha/sa are
ice of the shelterbelt trees can be made used to extract natural colouring agents
from Acacia tortilis, Prosopis julifiora, (dyes) where co altar dyes are banned.
Cassia siamea, Albizzia lebbek, Zizyphus Wood of many fruit trees also has marg-
Ill/mlnularia, etc. inal timber value. These are used in
making farm implements.
A ROLE IN AGRO-FORESTRY iv) To provide nutritiolls diet: As
IN TERMS OF mentioned earlier, the diet of desert dwel-
i) Establishing cottage ifldustry:-
lers is very poor, therefore, suffer from
Under this, small scale fruit preservation malnutrition. Be,. which is a common
unit can be established when the prices and adapted fruit of the region has, 150
of fresh fruits are not remunerative. mgjlOO g of pulp vitamin C. Aonlais
Technique for the preparation of ber one of the richest sources of Vitamin C.
Inclusion of fruits in the diet will help
products, viz., squash. jam, preserve and
in combating the diseases occurring due
dehydrated ber (Chinese dates) has been
standardized at the CAZRI, Jodhpur. to their deficiency.
Similarly dehydration units for indigenus It is clear from the foregoing
fruits such as Ker (Capparis decidua) discussion that a combined system of
Sangri (pods of Prosopis Cineraria,) etc. forestry and horticulture will not only be
can be established. This will help as beneficial to the farmers of the area alone
income generating source for the farmers but also to the nation as a whole by
of the region. stepping up the production of fruits there-
ii) Source of fuel wood: Fruit by increasing the potential of cottage
plants requiring annual pruning give fuel industries, an employment and income
wood for the use of farm dwellers. A generating venture.

REFERENCES Mann, CAZRI Monograph No. I, PP.
Annonymous 1980. Fire wood crops. 213-222.
Report of an ad hoc Panel of the Pareek, a.p. 1978. Quicker way to raise
Advisory Committee on Technology ber orchard. Indian Hort. March.
Innovation Board on Science and June, 1978.
Technology for International Deve-
Pareek, a.p. and B.B. Vashishtha 1978,
lopment Commission on International
Improvement of fruit and vegetable
Relations. National Academy of Scie-
crops for increased productivity in
nces, Washington DC. pp. 16U-61.
arid zone. International symposium
Abichandani, C.T. and R.C. Yadav 1974. on Arid Zone Research and Develop.
Surface water potential of desert ment, held at CAZRI, Jodhpur.
catchments. Seminar on Desert
Pareek, O.P. and Vashishtha B.B. 1980.
Technology, CAZRI, Jodhpur, August
Soilless ber budlings for safe trans.
port. Indian Hort. Oct.-Dec. 1980.
Pareek, a.p. 1977. Horticulture in the
arid zone system. In" Desert Eco- Sen, A.K. 1972. Agricultural Atlas of
system and its improvement." H.S. Rajasthan, lCAR., New Delhi.

Hange management in agro-forestry system In
arid regions of India
L. D. Ahuja

INTRODUCTION the range productivity. By vtrtue of

Agro-forestry aims at integration their deep root system, they bind the
soil and reduce erosion hazards. Trees
of woody plants with useful herbage and
on the boundaries of rangelands, appro-
other plant species for different economi-
cal use. It include practising of foresty ach roads to grazing compartments, act
as shelter belts and wind breaks, thereby
with agriculture, pasture development,
reduce wind erosion hazards and improve
rangeland developments and other bran-
microclimatic conditions for better pro-
ches of crops.
ductivity. Although forests are a major
Range Forestry source for providing top feeds in some
Range forestry (Silvi-pa~toral) has regions, but in arid zone, areas under
been in practice/since decades in Indian forests in Zone 'A' (average annual rain-
humid tropics and dry decidual forests. fall below 300 mm) and Zone 'B' (aver-
age annual rainfall above 300 mm) and
Forest grazing {utilisation of primary
products from integrated system of woody over all average for arid districts of Raj-
plants associated with their ground storey asthan is 0.4, 1.3 and O.S per cent, respec-
(i.e., grass and herbage) has been a com· tively of the total land. The forest in
mon routine feature in Uttar Pradesh, Western Rajasthan (arid region) is char-
Tarai tract, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, acterised as scrub forest; and grasslands
Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Him- occur on plains, lower hill slopes, and
achal Pradesh etc. But in arid and semi undulating terrain in arid parts of the
arid regions, forest grazing does not con- state.
tribute much to animal production due to It has been a common observation
poor availability of forests in the region. in various parts of the world that more
Trees on rangelands, provide shade and better animal feed is obtained in
to grazing animals and are an impor- rangelands with shrubs trees and grasses
tant source of timber and fuel for together than with pure stand of grasses
range use. They provide nutritious top alone.· Suitable tree (top feed) species
feed in form of leaves, pods (rich in could be planted along boundaries, and
proteins and minerals) to livestock during approach roads of the compartments of
lean p~riods of the year, thereby increase grasslands in single or double rows. Tn

addition, trees should be planted in stagg- the mound of trench and mound fencin
ered manner in the grazing blocks. A to estabilise it. In areas with annual rain:
'Good' rangeland may have about 50 fall of above 380 mm Azaditachta indica
trees per hectare. Albizzia lebbak ano Dalbergia sissoo hav:
given good perforrnance. In extremely
Choice of tree species on the range
arid areas Capparis aphylla has given
Prosopis juliflora succeeds on a good performance.
variety of soil types varying from highly
saline Bordering Rann of Kutch to Mur- Prosopis cinereria which is extensi-
mey, rocky, sandy and duney areas, with vely lopped in winter can withstand
low rainfall. It provides nutritious feed lopping without detriment either to its
from pode for sheep, goats and camels. growth or subsequent leaf yield. A
But this species is frost shy. Acacia moderate sized mature tree of P. cinererill
senegal grows wall on rocky, murmey yields about 15 kg of dry leaf forage
duney and reractrory sites and provides locally known as Loong and 5 kg dry
pods as top feed as well as vegetables for pods per year. Zizyphus nummularia
human beings. Gum produced by this locally known as Bord; is also heavily
species is of high quality with good dem- lopped in winter for its leaf fodder
and in pharmaecutical industry. Acacia known as Pala. Pali and
tortilis grows very well on active sand Jodhpur have shown that the species
dunes even in low rainfall region of growing in medium density (14 per
below 250 mm. It is fast growing and cent) is optimum in natural grazing lands
frost hardy. Its leaves and pods provide for maximum fodder production. One
a good top feed; Calligollum polygonoides hectare yields about 125 kg. of Pala top
is essentially a sand dune fixation plant. feed.
lt~ , leaves and tender stems provide a The palatability ratings for leaves
good top feed for camels, sheep and of different top-feed species in the order
goats. Prosopis cineraria is the most of preference are Acacia arabica, Proso-
important tree of the desert and is a very
pis cineraria, Salvadora oleo ides, Zizyphus
good drought hardy. Zizyplzus Ilummularia
nllmmularia, Acacia' senegal, Albizzia
a bush provides very valuable nutritive lebbek, Anogeisslls rotundijolia, A. pendula,
leaf forage containing 14, to 16 per cent Calligon(ml polygonoides, Azadirachta
protein. Talrwrix articulata and Salvad- indica, Grewia tenax, G. spinosa, Prosopis
ora persica perform well on heavy soils julflora and Tecomella undulata.
with salinity. Acacia nilotica grows well
on low lying areas with heavy soils in Care of trees
, on the Ranges
region with annual rainfall of 300 mm Wherever the root stocks of trees
and above and provides nutritious top exist and have assumed shrub or prostr-
feed through leaves and pods. It can ate form (Pillow form) due to excessive
tolerate salinity to some extent. Mixture browsing or felling; such trees should be
of seeds of Prosopis juliflora and Acacia protected and properly pruned. This will
lIi/olica are' generally sown on the top of save cost of planting and raising trees.

Tree guards should be provided in areas priority for higher animal productivity and
where controlled grazing is being prac- greater animal proteins for human use.
tised. Different stages of rangeland deve-
Where the pasture is devoid of tree lopmer,t are discussed below:
species, or the number of trees in the Forage production due to protection
pasture is a meagre, seedlings of appro-
With adequate protection and graz-
priate tree species will have to be raised
ing native rangelands on carrying capa-
in nursery beds and planted in the past-
city basis, aiming at 70 per cent forage
ure. It is best to plant seedlings having
utilization level, forage yield increased
height of about one metre and above
by 148.3, 91.9 and 116.3 per cent in
during July and protect it with the tree
'Poor', 'Fair' and 'Good' condition class
guards. In areas with hard calcarious
grasslands respectively after two years.
pan below the soils, it is essential to
. Detailed studies reveal that forage incre-
break np this pan by rotary worm oper-
ased with the increase in rainfall, forage
ated by the tractor else the plantations
yield is also dependent on habitat parti-
will not succeed. Such trees will have
cularly the soils for obvious reasons.
to be protected against biotic factors
Production was Iowan shallow gravelly
for abut two years; and during periods
habitats and highest on deep heavy
of continued droughts watering will also
have to be carried out. Weeding round
the stem is very essential for about 2 Top feed cum shade trees on rangeland:
years after planting. Trees on the rangelands provide
Range Mangement andforestry shade to grazing animals, and timber and
Rangelands may be defined as Land- fuel for range use. They are important
source of top feed in form of nutritious
forms on which agriculture cannot be
top feed in form of leaves and pods to
sustained on a sound footing due to hos-
the livestock during lean periods of the
tile agroclimatic conditions. Such land
year, thereby increase the range producti-
forms are subject to erosion hazards.
Land capability class of such lands is class vity. Suitable tree species could be
V and upwards. Ii these land forms are planted (in single or double rows) along
not properly managed, these are a source boundaries, and approach roads of differ-
ent compartments of grasslands. These
of devastation of nearby fertile agri-
cultural lands, villages. etc. If properly will also act as wind brtaks. In addition
developed, and managed, they become a to that trees should also be planted in
poten tial source of forage grass, top feed, staggered manner in pastures. A good
pasture may have about 50 trees per
fuel, timber etc. There is acute shortage
of forage for livestock (about 35%) during hectare. This is discussed in details
earlier ..
years of normal rainfall, and the condi-
tions become alarming during scarcity Soil Conservation: Grasslandsj
years. It is therefore imperative to under- Rangelands generally exist on class V to
take development of rangelands on VIII land eapability classes which are sub-

jected to erosion hazards. Soil conserva- India) Probably most successful work in
tion through mechanical and biological India is that carrie~ out by breeder
means are essential for such land forms of famous Kangayam breed of cattle,
for optimised production. the Pattagar of Palayakottai in Coimba_
Soil Conservation (Mechanised): tore district of Tamil Nadu State. e'en-
On rangelands with shallow soils and chrus ciliaris has been in cultivation on
rolling topography, (slope about 2-5%) grey loamy, lime-rich soils from times
contour furrows with cross section of 929 immemorial, Cenchrlls ciliaris has been
sq. cm. and 61 cm width and 22.6 cm successfully grown in Shanar fuel series
depth and placed 8 to 10 metres apart in north Coimbatore Forest Division.
have proved superior to contour bunds Cenchrus clliaris was successfully estab-
and trenches. The increase in farage lished in Agri-forestry by sowing (broad
yield has been of the order of 638 per cast) after ploughing, Cenchrlls setigerlls
cent over the control (average of 10 year). has also succeeded well. Reseeding in
forest areas has given encouraging results
Soil conservation on rangelands with
and good dividents.
average annual pricipitation below 200
111m-In extremely arid areas (Lawan- In arid and semi-arid areas; reseed-
Jaisalmer district) rangelands with grav- ing in afforested areas has not been taken
elly barren shallow soils were provided up on massive scale. It is suggested that
with ditch and mounds about 500 m spacing for forest tree species in areas
apart. In between these ditch and mound hence meant for development of Range-
lines, con\our furrows (929 sq cm cross Forestry system should be 5 x 10 m,
section) spaced 8 to 10 m apart were between trees and suitable grass species
constructed. Those soil conservation may be established by sowings.
structures trapped the naturally blowing
sands and on these sandy masses, Lasl- Contribution of grolilld storey (grass) in
afforested areas
urus sindicus grass (sewan grass, king of
desert grasses) succeeded naturally. To evaluate the contributions of
Herbage production during 1960 was 659 forage under different tree species, study
kg/ha (Jow perennial viz., E/el/sine compr- was undertaken in plantations of Prosopis
essa 55%; and seqsonal herbage plants cinerar ia-, Tecomella llndlilata, A Ibizzia
viz., Indigofer'a cordifolia 36%). During lebbek and Acacia senegal planted at
1975 and 1976 forage yield was 1722 and the CAZRI Farm, Jodhpur, from 1958
2157 kg/ha; with Lasiurus sindiclls as 73.2 onwards grouped under different sets of
and 78.7 per cent, respectively. silvicultural experiments. The data for six
years on forage production under diffe-
Reseeding in forest areas rent tree species in each experiment are
Reseeding of suitable perennial presented in Table 1. The forage prod-
grass species in range forestry system is uction under Prosopis cineraria (1.1-}.5
in practice in tropical humid and sub- tjha) in all the four experiments was
humid area~ of the country (Penninsular higher than that under other species;


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whereas mmlmum was under Acacia rodents (mostly desert hares), during July
senegal (0.6-0.7 t/ha). In experiment IV 1980, hardwickia binata replaced former
though the plant population of P. ciner- species.
«rIa and Acacia senegal on hectare basis
Forage was harvested during
were almost similar, yet the forage prod-
October-November every year. Data
uction under Prosopis cineraria was hig-
regarding grass yield during different
her. On the other hand tree population
years are presented in Table 1.
of Albizzia lebbek is sizeably less than
of Prosopis cineraria, but the fo(age Yield of grass under different tree
species and control plots did not differ
production was slightly higher under
significantly within a year. But the
Prosopis cineraria. Forage production
variations in grass yield during different
under Teeomella undulata stands second
years were discernible due to rainfall and
and was comparable with Prosopis
its distribution pattern. However, grass
cineraria, inspite of Jess population of
yields are favourable in plots where there
Tecomella undulata.
there is association of Acacia tortilis and
Contributions of perennial grass grass.
species (viz., Cenchrus species and Eleusine
eompressa) under Prosopis cineraria was Growth of tree species during earl-
highest (78.3%) and lowest under Teeo- ier years of growth is slow and may not
mella undulata (51.1 %). interfere with growth of ground storey.
With the advancement of age developm-
It can safely be concluded that
ent, crown cover and root system of the
production of grass (ground steroy) is
tree developes progressively and it may
maximum under Prosopis cineraria.
affect the ground storey. Hence for
During 1977, a desert rangel~nd such a long term experiments observa-
was ~uccess fully reseeded with Cenehrus tions for more number of years are
eiliaris. In this reseeded plot seedlings needed to find valid conclusions.
of forest tr,:e species were planted during
July 1977. Tree species and spacing Conclusions
given were as under: Land unfit for agricultural cropping
Acacia tortllis spacing 5x5 m,and 5x1O m
Colophospermum mopane spacing 6x5.m and 5x 10m
'Leucaena leucoeephala spacing 5xS m and 5x 10 ill
Hardwickia binata spocing 5x5 m and 5x 10 ill
During first 3 years (1977-79) obser- may be usefully put under rangelands in
vations on plots under first three species, association with forest plants. The
viz., Acacia tortilis Colophospermum development of ragelands in association
mopane and Leucaena leucocephala (plan-' with forest trees is encouraging and would
ted during 1977) were recorded. As be profitable in the long run.
Leucaena leucocephala was destroyed by

High Yielding Legulnes For ~rid And Semiarid
M. S. Yadav

The leguminous speci~s build up A. amara, Sesbania sesbans, Stylosanihes

soil nitrogen and organic matter besides guianensis., Desmodium tortosum.
improving forage yield and protein cont- 5. Average moisture and good depth
ent of the companion crop. Hence there soil
is a need to give more emphasis on the Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania grandi-
introduction of strains of selected forage flora, S. sesbans, Desmenthus virgatus,
species of both grasses and legumes and Vigna ungulc.ulata
their better management practices. This
The name of some important leg-
will not only enhance the productivity
uminous trees, shrubs and herbs suitable
but impart the stability in rangeland for multi-tier plant combinations in range-
production. lands are given below;
Some suitable leguminous trees Arid
shrubs and herbs have been suggested Trees - Acacia tortilis, Tama! ix sp.,
below depending upon the land types Prosopis cineraria, P. juliflora
(Deb Roy et al., 1978). Shrubs - Leucaena lafisiliqua, S. sesbafls
1. Sandy light and sandy loam, dry Semi-Arid
habitats. Trees - Acacia auricliliformis, A. niloticC1,
Prosopis cineraria, P. juilflora, Albizzia A. amara Albizzia lebbek
lebbek, Cli/oria ternatea, Lablab purpur- Herbs - C. ternatea, L. purpllreus, Sly-
ellS, Cvamopsis tetragoneloba. losGr.thes hamata, S. scabra, R.
2. Stony, gravelly, slopy dry habitats minima, I. oblungifolia, l. cardi-
Acacia lortitis, Siratro A rylosia scarabaeoi- /olia, A. scarabaecides.
des, Stylosanlhes hamata, C. terlragono- Shrubs - L. latisiliqua, S. gralldiflora,
loba, Vigna aconitifolia. S. sesbans, D. virga/lis.
3. Red soil, dry habitats. Herbs - Alylosia scarabaeoides, ClilOria
A. amara, Siratro, Stylosanthes humilis, lernatea Stylosanthes guianensis,
S. hamata, Vigna unguiculata, Velvet S. humi/is, S. hamata, S. scabra,
. bean. Velvet bean, Lablab purpureus,
4. Black soil, dry habitats. Macroptilium atroplirpUreU11l

Some selected high yielding peren- upto 1500 ft. alt. It grows well in areas
nial -legumes of pasture are discussed of 300 to 750 mm rainfall. The legume
here. Field bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) is not very specific in its soil requirement.
sweet Dolie/los lablab var. lignosus) It is sown in rows at 10-15 kg seedjha.
Before sowing, the seed should be treated
2n = 22
with hot water for 5 min. for better ger-
The plant is native to Asia and mination. It gives two to three cut8 in
occurs throughout India. The main a year and dry matter yield ranges from
tract of its cultivation is Maharash- 20 to 40 q/h. The herbage contain 21 %
tra, Andhra, Madras and Karnataka CP, 33.3% CF. 34.7% NFE 0.8% Ca and
State. It is a semi-erect prostrate type 0.28% P. Digestibility as tested on sheep
bushy herb. It is an annual to biennial was 74.2% for D.M., 5.2% for C.P., 61.
under arid/semi-arid condition and pere- 6% for C.F. Var. JGFRI-23-1 and IGFRI-
nnial in humid condition. It is hardy S-12-1 were CAZRI-752, 1433 and 466
drought resistant, and fast growing leg- found promising in arid and semi-arid
ume. It gives luxurious growth in com- tract.
paratively drier months due to its deep
root system in sandy soils. It is sown in Stylosanthesspp. 'Slylo'
July-August and provide green fodder 'Stylo' is a promi-sing drought
during the lean period when other crops resistant pasture plant. The species are
are dried up. For fodder or grazing, suitable to wide spactrum of soils viz.
field bean is grown in rows @ 10-18 kg acidia, sandy to heavy loam soils. Among
seed/ha. The varieties Rongai (Kenya) the perennial sp. S. hamata, S. sea bra, S.
is suitable for humid and warm areas. guianensis, S. viscosa are promising ones,
CAZRl strain No. 144, 1462, 1259 has yiel- S. hilmi/is is an annual and has been
ded 20 to 40 Q/h dry matter under arid considered to be an outstanding pasture
condition. In semi-arid areas, Var. IGFRI- plant because of high protein content,
2214-II and IGFRI-S-22 I 8-1, possess- the retaination of high quality herbage
iQg errect and decumbent growth habit for a long period of time and the ease of
respectively yielded 275 and 250 q/ha of establishment.
green fodder in single cut while in double
hamata (L.) Taub.- Spreading type
cut 'management system yielded 235- S.
and 220 qjh under rainfed condition at herb with lanceolate leaves. Seeds
_ JGFRI. Jhansi. are brown in colour and hooked
Clitoria ternatea L. Cordofan pea.
S. seabra - A vigorous shrubby,
2n=16 medium tall errect pasture legume.
It is a twining perennial pasture_ Thick stemmed, woody sparsely bran-
legume distributed through out tropics ched.
and sub-tropics. C. ternatea grows in S. humilis- Spreading type annual herb
bush, grasslands, often on seasonafly- with profuse lateral branches covering
W1lter logged black clays, wastelands etc. the ground. It tolerate to soil acidity

upto pH 4. It require high intensity The crop is native to India. yelvet
of light IGFRI-S-4109 yielded 400 qjh bean is practically useful for rainfed areas,
green fodqer yield in two years at ravine lands, tidal forests, coconut and
Jhansi. arecanut fruit plantations. It is suitable
for sandy soil where most of the other
Seeds of stylo sp. should be cove~
legumes fail. Velvet bean varieties are
d by a thin layer of soil i.e. 0.5 to I
re . . annual, ibiennial or perennial. They are
em for uniform or better germmatlOn.
prostrate, winding or trailing. Warm
Seed rate recommended for S. hamata
and dry weather with intermitent showers
and S. humilis are 30 kg and 10 kgjh re~­
pectively. Pasture grasses are grown m from 300 to 600 mm during the growing
season suits this crop the most. It
alternate rows with stylo sp. Crude
remains green upto the month of Jan.
protein content of stylo herbage ranges
after frosty condition set in. In the
from 12 to 18 per cent of the dry matter.
month of June-July, the seeds are sown
'Siratro' (Macroptelium atrnpurpureum
in rows at the spacing of I m between
2n=22 rows and 50 em within rows. Seeds are
DC). It is a perennial pasture plant sown @ 15 to 20 kg/h. Two rows of gras-
with trailing or creeping stem. It is bred
ses may alternate with one row of legume
from two maxican ecotypes of P. alro- in mixture. Green fodder yield ranges
purpllreum (Ruttan, 1962. It has deep from 250 to 300 q/h, As a pasture crop
penetrating swoolen root and a high level
the grazing is allowed after the maturity
of drought resistant. Siratro is much
of pods. Two varieties i.e. IGFRI-S-
more suitable in tropical mansoonal
2276-5 and IGFRI-S-2284-1 have so far
areas because in the moist soil, the
been evolved by Grassland Research
traing stem root arises at random
Institute, Jhansi. It contribute large
along their length. Siratro is seldom
quantity of organic matter and nitrogen
grown alone but nearly always in grass
to the soil.
mixtures. 2.5 to 4 kg seedjha are sown
in grasslands. Low and frequent graz-
Bankulthi (Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.)
ing or cutting produce detrImental effect
on Siratro grown in mixture with grasses.
Before sowing the seed is scarified to 2n=22
reduce the percentage of hard seeds. It
It is a perennial climber or trailing
can perform well on infertile and some
herb common in tropical India upto 24·
what water logged ground but not on "
N and considered to be useful and well
saline soil. Variety IGFRI-S- I of Siratro
grazed in natural pasture with the domi-
possessing prostrate stolonjferous growth nance of H. contortlls by drilling in just
habit yielded 250-300 qjh of green fodder before the monsoon rains. Sowing rate
yield in two cuts per year and had an of 8· kg seed per h and application of 20
average of 16% crude protein. kg P 2 0 5 /ha has resulted in good mixed
Velvet bean (Stizolobium deeringianum pasture which at the ripe stage contained
Bart) upto 7% CP compared with about 2%

for unimproved H. contortus stands germination, Seed rate is' used 15 kg/h
analysed at the same stage of grwoth. It It yield 5 to 10 q/h dry matter. R:
is a deep rooted legume, thrives its roots contains 15.1%, CP, 1.7% EE 29.5% CP,
vertically upto 2 metres, horizontally 1.6 45.9% NFE, 1.28% Ca and 0.28% P. In
meter. It yields between 12 to 20 q/h dry trials with sheep the digestibility of DM
matter. It is relished much by sheep and was 60% CP 64%, CF 54% TDN content
goats. It is found on sandy, red and was 60.9% and DCP 9.5%.
rocky soil in range-lands.
Rhynchosia minima (L.) Dc. (Dolichos REFERENCES
minimus L.) 2n = 22 Bogdon, A. V. 1977 Tropical Pasture and
It is distributed through out the Fodder Plants (Grasses and legumes),
world tropics and sub-tropics, in grass- Longman Inc. New York.
lands or in scattered bush and tolerate
Hutton. H.M. 1970. Tropical pastures.
seasonal water logged for not too long
Adv. Agron 22 : 2-66
period. It is drought resistant and can
tolerate moderate soil salinity. It is slow Magoon, M.L., Amar Singh, Mehra, K.L.
growing. Young herbage is eaten better Yadav, M.S. and Krishnan R. 1974.
than that at advance stage of growth. New high yielding varieties of forage
Seeds are treated with hot water for better crops. Indian Farming, Nov. 74.

Breeding for desirable forage attributes In range
grasses and legurpes
R.S. Paroda

In spite of the largest cattle wealth It is also in the present context of

in the world, the animal performance is energy crisis leading to shortages for che-
one of the lowest in India. Main reason micals and fertilizers, etc., that a second
for such a poor performance is non-avail- look on rational utilization of plant
ability of sufficient good quality fodder resources, especially the grasses, legumes
as well as feeds. Shortage is consider- and trees, has become necessary since such
able and it is estimated that we are short a system is likely to provide higher and
of concentrates, green and dry fodder by sustained biomass production under stress
almost 6.0, 1.7 and 2.7 times, respectively. situations like shortage of water, fertili-
It is estimated that the area under fodder
zers, chemicals, electricity, etc. It is now
crops as well as grasslands is declining, often argued as to whether mixed farm-
whereas animal population is increasing ing is more realistic than the arable
every year by almost 2 per cent. In last farming system especially in the arid
25 years, bovine population has increased zone of India.
from 74 to 98 animals per 40 hectare of Possible alternatives for increasing
arable land. In Rajasthan, livestock forage production are:
population has almost doubled (from 9.4 I. To increase rr.ore area under
to 18.1 millirns) during the last 20 years, forages.
whereas area under less intensive use has 2. To improve genetic potential of
decreased by almost 25 per cent. forages.
3. To have improved management
In order to meet the challange, it practices.
is necessary that the resources are aug- Of the three, first alternative is
mented rationally so as to overcome the rather less realistic since more area under
existing deficit. Obviously it is essential forages is unlikely in view of the incre-
because 60 per cent of the expenditure ased pressure on land on account of alar-
on milch cattle is accountable for the ming growth rate of human popUlation.
fodder and feeds alone. National Comm- Hence, second and third approaches are
ission on Agriculture has also stressed the only possible ways to which we can
the need for intensification of research expect'some improvement in this regard.
and development efforts so as to increase Of these, second alternative is likely to
forage productivity especially in the arid give more tangible results since improve-
and semi-arid conditions. ments, once brought about, would last

longer without additional requirements pared to cereal forages. .It is in this
of inputs, etc., which are the essential context that range grasses and legumes
features of the third approach. Thus, both have their importance and a role to
efforts are made here to enlist so me of play. Other desirable attributes are:
the desirable attributes and possible ways better intake, more leafiness, resistance
of improving genetic potential of grasses to diseases, low toxicants like tannin.
and legumes. saponin, Estragens, coumarin, HeN,
oxalic acid and mimosine content etc.
1. Nutritional requirements
2. High dry mafler production
Quality of the forage is most im- Production of high digestible dry
portant since it is directly related with the matter per unit of land is an important
animal performance. Therefore, an idle aspect. Improved varieties of grasses and
forage should be capable of producing legumes are much superior over existing
maximum of digestible nutrients per unit non.descript strains. Increased produc-
of land per unit 'of time. Among quality tion is, therefore, expected if the impro-
attributes, probably pro.tein (7-8 per cent ved varieties of grasses and legumes
minimum) and dry matter digestibility suitable for arid and semi-arid zones are
(in vivo or in vitro) <ire the most impor- grown. List of such varieties is provided
tant. In addition to these, the quantity in Table 1. Two to three fold increase
of dry matter produced per se is also very in DDM (digestible dry matter) is expec-
important since it is of nO use producing ted from new varieties evolved and thus,
only good quality fodder if the quantity all out efforts to cover more area under
of such forage is insufficient compared to such genotypes are needed. Breeding
others. Fortunately legumes invariably efforts to improve leafiness in both grasses
are superior in both protein and digesti- and legumes will help in increasing dry
bility but are relatively poor yielder com- matter as well quality of the forage.
Table 1. List of improved varieties of range grasses and legumes.
Grasses/Legumes Improved vaneties
A. Grasses
1. Cenchrus ciliaris IGFRI-S-3108 and CAZRI 358
2. Cenchrus setigerus CAZRI J. and CAZRI 76
3. Dichanlhium annulatum . IGFRI-S-495
4. Lasiurus sindicus CAZRI 318 and CAZRI 319
5. Sehima nervosum IGFRI strain
B. Legumes
I. Stylosanthes guyanensis IGFRI-S-4214 and IGFRI-S-91-1
2. Stylosantltes humilis IGFRI-S-4109 and IGFRI-S-22-48
3. Stylosanthes hamata Collections from CSIRO, Australia
4. Macroptilium atropurpurium Hawain Giant, k2, IGFRI strains
5. Dolichos lablab CA,ZRII44
6. Clifofia ternatea CAZRI selection

3. Quick in regeneration Genotypes possessing considerable
range of these toxicants have been identi-
It is established that the dry matter
fied and efforts to breed for low toxi·
production can be increased through the
cants are obviously reqllired.
improvement in regeneration capacity oC
grasses and legumes. Such result~ have 6. Better seed yielding ability
been demonstrated in t:ase of cultIvated Improved seed is the catalyst of
fodder crops. However. quick, regenera- new change and he_nce this aspect requi-
tion is more important in case of range res no special mention. Invariably gras-
grasses and legumes since these grow ses are very poor seed yielders. Being
through adverse climatic conditions for a apomictic in nature, grasses also have the
longer period than the cultivated fodders. advantage of maintaining the genetic
Need is, therefore, obvious to locate the purity provided superior strains in their
quick regenerating genotypes/strains. seed production ability as well as forage
Quality parameters in relation to regen- attributes are evolved through suitable
eration are also to be examined. breeding methods. Researches on this
4. Betler in establishment and seedling aspect are required to be taken up with-
vigor out much delay.
Grasses are often very poor in their
germination, establishment and seedling CONCLUSION
vigor. This results into very poor plant Forage production can be increased
stand. Not much work on these aspects substantially through the use of improved
has been done and hence deserve due strains of range grasses and legumes.
attention. Both grasses and legumes are important
5. Low toxicants to meet the nutritional requirements and
Grasses and legumes must be devoid hence are expected to improve the animal
of toxicants since digestibility is adver- performance. Scope for increasing the
sely iQfluenced by the presence of toxic- genetic potential of grasses and legumes
ants. Some of the important toxicants exists provided required multi-disciplin-
ary efforts are made in the required
are listed below:-
direction so that all desirable attributes
Species Toxicants present
are incorporated in new genotypes.
Grassses Oxalic Acid, HCN, tannin, Efforts in this direction would, therefore,
Nitrate-Nitrogen. be advantageous from the point of view
Legumes Coumarin, Saponin, Mim- of meeting the existing deficit both for
osine, Estrogens fodder and feeds.

Utilization and Management Methods for Browse
(Native) Stands and Plantations
R.B. Das

The term "Browse" has a double Also, browse species in nature grow
significance, its primary meaning is in pure or nearly pure stands, forming a
"shoots or sprouts especially of tender distinct shruby type vegetation; even
twigs and stems of woody plants with more commonly, however, they occur in
their leaves, which are cropped (Browsed) conspicuous admixture with other plants
to a varying extent by domestic and wild for example as understory in forest or
animals" - Dayton (1931). more or less scattered individuals in
Browse is also a generic term, app-
lied to shrubby, woody vine, or small Normally a pastoral -system aimed
tree vegetation, whether palatable or not at utilizing the browse is characterized by
forming one of the four main groups into a distinct ecosystem. This consists of
which range vegetation is popularly divi- two recognizable vegetal strata;
ded, the others being grasses, grass like (a) A herbaceous stratum, very
plants (i e. sedges and rushes and their largely dominated by mixture of
allies) and weeds. grasses, legumes of annual or
Adaptability of Browse species perennial nature with a height
Browse species are enormously reaching from 0.5 to 1.25 meter
varied in their distribution, being found at maturity; producing 0.75 to
from seashore (and below sea level in such 1.75 tons of dry matter per hec-
depressions as the Death Valley), to the tare, and having an active growth
timber line on'the HImalayas. They occur period between late June to
in. most arid places where vegetati~n will September only.
endure and also in the wettest of sites (b) A ligneous stratum dominated
such as water logged bogs. Normally very by shrubs, trees, bushes etc. These
few forms of plant life will endure a trees and bushes may be locally
greater degree of alkalinity or salinity. thick or sparse according to
than will certain shrubs which are used soils, and their active growth
as browse, and, on the other hand, vari- period generally is concentrated
ous bushes are commonly met within during rainy season but they tend
the richest humus. to remain green almost through

the year unless shrubs or trees when utilized offers to the animal only
are of deciduous nature. dry straw with or without seed head,
Vegetation growth and its utilization more usually already fallen, tqgether
with rarely green perennial grass still
The natural stand of browse species
growing. Trees and shrubs although
subjected to management system of
reduce the'ir production but still furnish
grazing is normally suitable for arid and
some green vegetation.
semi-arid regions where sparsity of preci-
pitation and long duration of dry season Further, as the dry season continu-
makes it basically essential and useful. es the situation deteriorates, the gramin-
aceous species and other annual species
In th is region the. observations on of lower stratum in the silvipastoral
the pattern of utilization by the animal system begin loosing little by little its
influenced by its behaviour reveal that, volume and value. more and more bushes
grazing is according to species, animals shed their leaves and it is only at the very
utilize one or other stratum of vegetation and before the rains say sometime towards
more or less preferentially. So goats and the month of March-April that new buds
camels make use of ligenous stratum appear again on woody shrubs. The live-
than do the sheep and cattle. But these stockfeed hungrily on them and utilization
preferences may also vary according to
of these buds help in gaining some lost
the season.
live-weight also.
At the beginning of the rains the Observations on grazing manage-
livestock find residual straw from the ment and utilization pattern in case of
previous year (often in a poor state of cattle reveal that out of four domestic
preservation) mixed with young shoots of species these are the ones which make
new plants (specially annuals) and new use of the herbaceous layer, but on the
sprouts on the ligneous vegetation, some other hand they search for a part of their
times fairly abundant. Then the utiliza- ration in the leaves, flowers and fruits of
tion of grasses which has grown rapidly woody shrub to greater and greater extent
and, have reached the stage of active stem as dry season continues. Thus, utilization
growth, flowering and seed formation, at of browse species is very much influenced
the same time their amount of dry matter by the needs and beeaviour of the lives-
increases, whereas their protein value tock and by application of management
decreases. On the contrary, the shrubby practices.
stratum providing' browse has a more
What is the proportionate forage from
regular production and the qualitative
shrubs stratum
value varies very little affording a pattern
The contribution of woody shrubs
of utilization much different from pure
of browse species natural stand or
pasture stands of grasses or legumes or
planted in making up the ration is, as a
the mixture of both.
matter of fact important, essential and
As soon as the rains are over and indubitable, but measuring its quantitative
dry season begins. the herbaceous startum proportion is particularly difficult.

The nutrition needs of bovine browse from agement is directly linked to satisfy the
Agrojorestry system needs of the livestock from the brOwse
stand. If there is any lack of reSOurces
For our purposes in India we would
in the grazing unit, the management would
consider a reference to an adult animal
change and pattern of utilization would
unit termed as Tropical "Livestock Unit"
be greatly influenced.
(T.L.U.) as explained by Boudet and
Riviers (1968). It is an adult bovid of The ratio of R.E. is the ration
live-weight nearly 250 kg. Its needs equivalent = total needs/6.5. It allows
have been evaluated as 2.3 Forage Unit us to compare directly the nutritive value
(F.U.) and 125 gm. of Digestible Protein of feed (theoretical value given by analy-
(D.P.) per day for its maintenance. This sis expressed per kilo D.M. with require-
quantity of Forage Dnit (F.U.) and Dig- ments of the animal concerned. The
estible Protein (D.P.) must be contained ration-equivalent would be:-
in the ration of 6.25 kg of dry matter
(D.M.) which an adult animal unit - For maintenance of T.L.D. 0.37 F.U.
(T.L.U.) would require in order to have and 20 gm DPlkg D.M.
a satisfactory space filling coefficient for - For 7 kg of movement per day: 0.64
digestion, the animal must ingest 2.5 kg F.D. and 4.6 gm D.P.fkg D.M.
of D.M. per lOO kg of its live-weight.
- For 100 gm of weight gain: 0.053
Any P.D. or D.P. in the ration
F.D. and 4 gm D.P.fkg of D.M.
exceeding these values will be used for
movement, or production of medt and - 1 litre of milk 0.06jF.U. and 0.6 gm
milk. The utilization and grazing man- D,P/kg D.M.

The data are summarized in Table No. I.

Requirements Short-range Long.range

movements movements
(rainy-season) (dry season)
F.D. D.P. F.lI. D.P.

Maintenance & movement 0.43 24.2 0.50 282

M + M + 100 g weight gain 0.48 28.2 0.55 32.4
M + M + 200 g weight gain 0.54 32.2 0.61 36.3
M + M + 500 g weight gain 0.70 44.2 0.77 48.3
M + M + 0.5 I milk 0.46 29.0 0.53 33.1
M + M+2 1 milk 0.5S 43.4 0.62 47.5
M +M + 5 1 milk 0.74 72.2 0.80 76.3

(F.D ..expressed in units per kg D.M.)

(D.P. expreseed in g/kg D.M.)

Animal feeding habit and management being varied according to the trend in
Among game animals elephant eat botanical composition of the stand.
both grass and woody plants as grass The importance of browse
cover is often insufficient for the animal;s
"It is a humbling fact for grass~
dail) needs, the utilization by elephant pasture experts to realize that probably
converts savana woodland to grassland more animals feed on shrubs and trees,
at the rate of 6% per year as they seek or an association in which shrubs and
feed by pushing over Acacias and other trees play ail important part, than on
shrubs. The giraffe and camel are well true grass-legume pastures" (Anonym-
known browsers and eland grants gazelle ous, 1947). The importance of browse
feed mainly on browse. The impala feeds is particularly relevant in the drier tropi-
largely on pods of Acacia tortilis. The cal areas of the developing countries
zebra. wildbeast, buffalow and other which lie beyond the existing limits of
smaller antelopes feed mainly on grass. agriculture, or in communual grazing land
Among domestic livestock, the horse within these boundaries.
and sheep mainly utilize grass, other
It is also a well known fact, that
herbaceous plants, and low browse; the
in semi-arid scrublands when grass gro-
cattle supplements its grass and herbage wth is scanty the nomadie live-stock
diet with some browse and pods, and the
breeders economy is based on the brow-
goat supplements its dominatly browse
sing of trees and shrubs by camel, goats,
and pod diet with grass and herbage.
and other animlls.
Field observations and recorded
Leguminous browse, because of ih
data (French. 1940) indicate that plots
nitrogen-accumulating economy, is even
grazed for six years exclusively by cattle more valuable in animal nutrition than
became open thickets with poor grazing other types. Chemical analyses reveal that
and susceptible to erosion, while plots browse has high nutrient potential, ex-
grazed only by goats remained grasslands cept for high fibre, and, by selective graz-
with insufficient browse cover. Thus, on ing, animals will choose a diet of higher
pastures obtained by clearing shrubs and nutritive value than normal sampling and
thickets. goats can be kept to advantage chemical analyses reveal (Wier and
without fear of causing either pasture Torrell, 1959); Haridison et 01.. 1954)
degeneration or soil erosion. However, consequently, browse is a valuable com-
heavy grazing by goats as witnessed aro- ponent of any environment.
und villages usually denude the browse
Quantitative dietary in-sufficiency in bro-
Or keep it under continuous suppression,
IVse stallc/
with de mage to other vegetation and to
the soil leading to desert like conditions. Throughout the years. the vegetativ,
A compromise in browse utilization i; state of the edible woody species compo-
often made by keeping a mixture of sing the grassland with browse stand in
cattle and goats, usually at about a ratio monsoonal zone is relatively varied. so
of four goats to one cattle, the proportion that it may be considered that live stock

by its grazing behaviour are always able arrive at quantitative estimates of thi~
to find some green and fresh leaves. But feed source, if it is at all 'possible to
the quantity of feed they can make use of _estimate in rather small quantifies, we do
is itself mostly variable. It is abundant not have any experimen tal figures with
during the rains, when it is very little which to make the calculations. The
utilized, for the livestock prefer grass enimal behaviour tends to induce utiliza.
species, this production becomes rare tion of pods and leaves of Acacia species,
during the dry season, becoming at the kubabool, leaves of Zizyphus species,
same time difficult to reach (unless anim- Bauhinia species, and many others also.
als are fed by lopping) even during move- Here, we are confronted with the
ments, which they often make for this question as are we keen to evaluate the
purpose, cattle never have the opportu- utilization pattern influenced by animal
nity of obtaining 6.25 kg D.M. from the behaviour to know and, if so, "How do
browse species that could form the adequ- we estimate with acceptable precision,
ate ration. the average forage productivity per hec-
On the other hand animals, which tare in a well defined agro-forestry vegetal
are able to find opportunity to utilize the structure"? Or alternatively. "In what
green available portion of the feed from proportion are the feed sources produced
this system get nutritive foliage which by browse (Natural stand) a contribution
always provides for the achievement of to the ration of the livestock".
nutritive balance and certain productivity. The estimations of the degree of
It is also important to note that animal utilization so far remains approximate or
should find a fair amount of perennial even theoretical. It a ppears necessary
grasses along with shrubs although, such now to perfect a method of determination
situation in nature are rare and could be involving directly the livestock affected.
achieved only by raising stand with plant- Simultaneous measurements of vegetation
ation in proportionate manner evolving utilized by the livestock and the perfor-
'a balanced system under the concept of mance of the livestock should enable us
Agro-forestry. to derive a method of estimating the
Hence, it appears that from quanti- _forage I',otential of the ligneous stratum
tative point of view, these feed sources of the browse stand which can from the
(except for fallen leaves which are ,akin to basis of utilization.
straw) are feed rich enough to allow for Utilization-Animal behaviour- Water point
maintenance at all times and usually a interaction
certain amount of production also.
In a shrub grassland ecosystem
Measuring utilization in brOlVse stand when we desire to study the interaction
Observations on livestock when between animal grazing hehaviour with
grazing is sufficient to prove that the respect to watering points for the live-
edible par,ts of the browse are far from stock we find most interesting process of
bei~g negligible, But, in an attempt to appearance and dis, appearance of species

in the population dynamics. This is more In cases of extreme deterioration this may
pronounced because of animal grazing fall as low as one tenth also.
behaviour ;nfluenced by realtive palat- Certain silvipastoral areas are also
ability of the species composing the characterized by continuous and over-
herbaceous and shrub stratum. The grazing" the average rate of stocking
net result of interaction of plant-animal being 1 sheep per 2 hectare, while the
relationship is well marked and exhibits animal carrying capacity may not be
the impact o'f degree of utilization of plant greater than 1 sheep per 4 hectares, on
community. There is a significant dete- the average.
rioration ofplants composing the grazing
system beginning from the watering point
as we proceed away from it, - it is exactly Anonymous 1947. Commonwealth Agri-
similar to the process we witness reflec- cultural Bureau Publication No. 10.
ting the changes in vegetation due to Boudet, O. and Rivire, R. 1968. Rev.
intensity of utilization, trampling and Elev. M'ed. Vet. Pays Trop. 2 (French).
animal behaviour; around a village.
Brewbaker, J.L., Plucknett, D.L., and V.
Productivity influenced by grazing and
Gonzalez 1972. Varietal variation
and yield trials of leucaena leucoceph-
Yield of pasture varies a great del.!l
ala (koa haole) in Hawaii, Hawaii Agr.
depending on the intensity and manner in Exp. Sta. Research Bull. 166, 22 pp.
which different types and kind of animals
have grazed in relation to physical envi- Dayton, William, A. 1931. Important
ronment, -and dynamic stage in the tread Western Browse Plants. USDA Misc.
of the pasture vegetation. Pub. No. 101. pp. 213.
The highest and most regular yield French, M.H Some use and mis-use of
is achieved on sandy soils while lowest shrubs and trees as fodder. East Agri.
on soils with calcarious hard pan with agric. J. 14: 157-165.
very shallow soils. Hardison, W.A., Reid, J.T., Martin.
The average yield of good pastoral
C.M. and Woolfolk, P.O. 1954. Degree
and with little deterioration over a num-
of herbage selection by grazing cattle.
ber of years is of the order of I F. U. or
J. Dairy Sci. 37: 89-102.
the 3 kg of edible DMjha per millimeter
of actual rainfall. Weir, W.C. and Torrell, D.T. 1959.
On a deteriorated pasture land and Selective grazing by sheep as shown
on skeletal soil the production is generaly by a comparision or the chemical
0.2 to 0.5 F.U. or 0.6 to 1.5 kgjha of dry composition of range and pasture
matter per millimeter of rainfall, that is forage obtained by hand clipping and
one half or one fifth of the production that collected by Oesophageal-fistu-
of non-degraded pastures on good soil. lated sheep. J. Anm. Sci. 18: 141-649.

Palatability, Digestibility and Nutritive Value
of Some Important Top Feeds of Arid and
Seme-Arid Regions of India
P.K. Ghosh and H.C. Bohra

The arid and semi-arid regions of A. lebbeck. In general sheep and goats
India, covering nearly 41 % of the total tend to consume more of top feeds (3.3
area of the country, have a variety of top kg/ I 00 kg) than the perennial grasses (2
feed species. High animal pressure, coupl- to 2.5 kg/l00 kg (Singh, 1981). Singh and
ed with generally low productivity of the Patnayak (1977) had recorded a consump-
land in these areas, make the top feed tion of 3.8 kg Ardu leaves' per 100 kg
species especially important for sutained body weight in sheep. By and large, the
animal production in these regions. Be- consumption of Pala (leaves of Z. nummu-
sides providing the much needed nutrients laria) is more than that of Loong in both
of which there is always a short supply, sheep and goats, although consumption
the leaves of the top feed spcies like Pros 0- of both these feeds by the goats 'is consi-
pis cineraria and Zizyphus nummu/aria are derably higher than that by the sheep.
also rich sources of moisture, containing This is, of course, related two distinctive
as much as 50% of this valuable commo- grazing behaviour of these two species, the
dities during summer. sheep being mainly a grazer and the goat
a browser like the camel. Adult camel
Important top feed species
may consume approximately 7.0kg of Pa/a
B.esides P. cineraria and Z. nummu- or Loong per day which comes to about
laria, the following. are some of the top '1.4 kg per 100 kg of these animals. Neem
feed species of this region: Ardu (Ailan- generally not relished by the animals.
thus exce/sa), Bargad (Ficlls bengalensis) , (Jayal, 1953), although goats are frequen-
Ber (Z. mauritiana) , Neem (Azadirachta tly fed these leaves in the Rajasthan
indica), Pipal (Firos religiosa) and Sir is desert. The palatability of Neem leaves is
(Alhizzia lebbeck). believed to be increased after treatment
Palatability with molasses.
Ganguli et al. (1964) observed that Chemical Composition
leaves of P. cineraria (Loong) have the Of the dry land top feeds, Ardu
highest palatability followed by the leaves would seem to contain highest
leaves of Z. nl/mmu/aria, A. indica and crude protein percentage (19.6% on dry

matter basis), while the two most paJa- higher in winter than in summer. The
table ones namely Bordi Pala and Khejri lignin content of the cell wall of the top
Loong have 140/., crude proteins each feeds is als.o an important determinant of
excepting Bm'gad which is not so impor- the usefulness of the feed. Khejri Loong
tant as a top feed species. Bordi Pala has 'suffer from the handicap of having a good

the highest (730/.,) total carbohydrates, deal of tannins (150/.,) (Gupta 1967), which
while Neem and Ardu have a very low not only reduce the, palatability but also
crude fibre content (14.60/.,). Bordi Para hinder optimum protein utilization. The
and Khejri Loong appear to be similar in tannins combine with the feed proteins
this respect (17.40/.,). Siris (31.50/.,), Pipal or the microbial proteins and make the
(26.5%) and Bargad (26.80/.,' would appear conjugates indegradable in the hind gut
to be too rich in crude fibre to serve as of the animals. The lignins, on the other
good feeds, except during severe drought hand, decrease the digestibility of cell wall
conditions. The nitrogen free extracts of constituents as in Polla.
the important top feeds are more or less As mentioned earlier the dry land
similar (about 500/.,) except for Silis which top feeds are often rich in moisture. This
has a low (360/.,) value. The total ash con- preformed water substantially meets the
tent of the Ardu leaves is highest followed water requirement of the livestock of this
by Khejri Loong (12.90/.,), Neem (l I .30/.,) region.
and Bard; Pala (10.10/.,). For the sake of Nutritive Vallie
comparison average values of different
Ardu leaves, Bordi Pula and Khejri
nutrients of an important perennial grass
Loong-the three most important top feeds
of this region, viz., Cenchrus ciliaria
are also high up in the TON (total diges-
(Dhaman) is given below: Crude protein,
tible nutrients) scale (640/." 50% and 450/."
4.50/.,; Crude fibre, 37.00/.,; Nitrogen free
respectively). Neem leaves also has a rea-
extract, 44.70/.,; Ether extract, 0.7%; and
sonably good TDN (43%), while the DCP
total ash, 13. 10/.,.
(dig'estible crude proteins) value of Ardu
Seasonal variations in the proximate leaves is quite high (160/.,). that of the
components of the top feeds have been more palatable Bordi Pula or Khejri
observed. Lahiri (1978) has observed that Loong is considerably low (5.60/.,). The
in Khejri Loong, crude protein is maximum role of tannins in this respect has already
in winter, ether extract and nitrogen free been mentioned (Gupta, 1967; Nath et al .•
extract are maximum in summer and 1969; Bohra, 1980). The presence of a
crude fibre maximum during monsoon. tryp~in inhibitors have also been reported
In Pala the nitrogen free extract increases (Nath et al.. 1969). The DCP of the
from monsoon to summer while crude relatively less palatable Neem and Siris
fibre changes in the reverse order in this are re~atively high {9.3 and 11.3%. respec.
period. An important component of the tively. From the point of view of feed
, top feeds is the tannin component, which value therefore Ardu leaves should be
often determine their palatability. Gene- considered the best. However, this tree
rally tannins content of the leaves is does not occur as extensively as either

Table 1. Dry matter consumption (kgjlOO kg body weight) of leaves 'of some
top feed plants

Local name of Botanical name of Palatability of leaves Test

the plant the plant tintake, kg/lOO kg animal
body weight)
Ardu Ailanthus excelsa 3.8 Sheep
Bordi Zizyphus nummularia 3.3 Goat
2.8 Sheep
1.4 Camel
Khejri Prosopis cineraria 2.8 Goat
1.9 Sheep
1.4 Camel
Neem Azadirachta indica 4.0 to 6.0· Buffaloe
0.33* Sheep
Pipal Ficus religiosa 1.9 Bullock
4.7 Goat

·Values are in kg/animal.

Table 2. Proximate components (%) DM basis) of leaves of some top feed plants
Local name Botanical name Crude Ether Crude Nitrogen Total Total
of the plant of the plant protein extract fibre free ex- carbo- ash
tract hydrates
• Ardu Ailanthus excelsa 19.6 3.7 13.5 47.7 61.2 15.5
Bargad Ficus bengalensis 9.6 2.6 268 51.6 78.4 9.30
Bordi Zizyphus nummularia 14.1 3.0 17.0 55.8 72.9 10.1
Khejri Prosopis cineraria 14.0 1.9 17.8 43.4 61.2 12.9
Neem Azadirachta indica 15.8 3.5 11.8 57.6 69.4 11.3
Pipal Ficus religiosa 9.7 2.7 26.9 45.8 72.8
Sirts Albizzia lebbeck 16.8. 4.0 31.5 36.2 67.7 11.5

Table 3. Cell wall constituents ~/~ on DM basis) of the leaves of some top feed plants
Local name Botanical name NDP ADP Hemi- Cellu- Lignin Silica
(cell-wall (ligno- ceIlu- lose
constitu- cellulose) loses
ents) .
Ardu Ailanthus excelsa 29.1 26.9 2.2 14.8 8.7 3.4
Bordi Pala Zizyphus 33.7 23.4 10.3 10.4 11.0 2.0
Khejri Prosopis cineraria 45.5 28.4 17.1 16.9 7.8 3.7

Table 4. Percent digestible crude protein and total digestible nutrients of the I~aves
of some top feed plants

Local name Botanical name of Digestible Total digestible Test animal

crude proteins nutrients

Ardtt Ailanthus rexcelsa 16.2 63.8 Sheep

Bargad Ficus bengalensis 2.0 44.5
Bordi Zizyphus Ilummularia 5.6 49.7 Sheep
6.0 52.0 Camel
Khejri Prosopis cineraria 4.5 41.0 Sheep
8.9 48.7 Camel
Neem Azadirachta indica 9.3 42.8 Sheep &
Pipal FiclIs religiosa 5.5 39.2
Siris Albizzia lebbeck 11.6 49.3

Klujri or Bordi in the dry regions. While treatment with ferric· chloride (Gupta,
top feeds, in general provide more energy 1967). Formaldehyde protects the feed
than the grasses, per unit of feed material proteins from microbial degradation in
taken, the digestibility of cellulose from the rumen. Most of the proteins became
desert grasses like C. ciliaris is higher than available to the animal for production
that of the top feeds (Bohra and Ghosh, purposes. Treatment of Loong with ferric
1977), presumably because of the high chloride has improved the DCP value of
lignin content of the top feeds. this feed for sheep.

The nutritive value of different feeds Future lVork

differ with animal species. For example,
Pala has high nutritive value for camel The palatable, nutritious and adap-
followed by the sheep and goats, while ta ble top feed species are already known.
However, these has been no selection of
Loong has the highest value for goats,
followed be the camel and the sheep. any of these species for faster growth and
higher production. There species have a
Improvement of nutritive value distinct role to play in the agro-forestry
Successful attempts have been system of arid and semi-arid areas. It is
made to improve the nutritive value of important that immediate attention is
Pala by treatment with formaldehyde paid to optimize top feed production in
(Ghosh et al., 1971) and of Loong by this region.

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REFERENCES Unpublished M. V. Sc. thesis, University
Bohra, H.C. 1980. Nutrient utilization of of Udaipur~ Udaipur. ,-
Prosopis cine~aria (Khejri) leaves by Jayal, M.M. 1963. Neem (Azadirachta
desert sheep and goats. Ann. Arid Zone indica) leaves as a feed for livestock.
19: 73·81. A study on their palatability, chemical
Bobra, H.C. and Ghosh, P.K. 1977. Effect composition and nutritive value.
of restricted water intake during Indian Vet. J. 40: 83.
summer on the digestibility of cell wall Lahiri, A.N. 1978. A note on Prosopis
constituents, nitrogen retention and cineraria (LInn.) Macbride. Central
water excretion in Marwari sheep. J. Arid Zone Research Institute,Jodhpur.
Agric. Sci. (Camb.) 89: 605·608.
Nath, K., Malik, S.N. and Singh, O.N.
Ganguli, B.N., Kaul, R.N. and Nambiar,
1969. Utilization of Zizyphus numml.lla-
K.T.N. 1964. Preliminary studies on
ria leaves by three breeds of'sheep.
a few top feed species. Ann. Arid Zone
Aust. J. Agric. Res. 20 : 1131-1142.
3: 33-37.
Ghosh, P.K., Ratan, R. and Taneja, G.C. Singh, N.P. 1981. Utilization of top feeds
1971. Effect of chemically protecting for sheep and goats. National Saminar
dietary protein from microbial degra- on Sheep and Goat Production and
dation in the rumen on wool growth. Utilization held at Udaipur, Aprilll-14,
Indian J. Exptl. BioI. 9 : 10l}-11O. 1981.
Gupta, M.L. 1967. Studies on variation in Singh, N.P. and Patnayak, B.C. 1977.
nutrient content of Khejri (Prosopis Nutritive value of Ailanthus excelsa
spicigera) and observations of the fac- Roxb. (Ardu) leaves for sheep. Indian
tors affecting its nutritive value. Vet. J. 54 : 198.

Diseases in arid land crops and their management
Satish Lodha

Many factors are responsible for and semi-tropical areas. Certain agro-
moulding the agricultural economy. The climatic factors are attributed for deve-
most important of these is the alarmingly lopment of few specific diseases.
increasing rate of population. Thus one 1. Limited availability of water to
of the main problems in agriculture is to crops and trees results in loss of vigour
step up food production to keep pace of roots, which in turn invites soil-borne
with the increasing population. pathogens.
There are two ways of improving
2. In arid areas, little irrigation may
the output of production : to increase
provide the moisture for dew formation
crop productivity and to avoid crop fail-
which in turn may favour diseases.
ures. Diseases and pests become a limiting
factor for successful crop production and 3. Adverse climatic conditions of
are responsible for crop failures to a summer in arid areas do not allow patho-
considerable extent. genic propagules to survive. However,
fungi like Rhizoctonia and Fusarium does
In arid land, crop diseases are
survive as saprophytes for a longer time
sometimes of little importance while at
by forming resting spores.
other times these become disastrous. In
recent years cultivation of bajra was 4. In the warm weather, powdery
reduced. due to constant attack of green mildev,-a pathogenic group of fungi is
also a major threat to a number of
ear and Ergot diseases. In addition to
seasonal crops diseases take away a major
share in'forestry. Management of diseases A brief account of the important
is of utmost importance in forest estab- diseases prevalent in various arid land
lishment as any forest takes decades for crops along with control measures is dealt
establishment. Infestation with soil' borne herewith.
pathogens in addition to killing the esta- CROPS
blished agro-forestry system also do not
Bajra (Penniselum typhoides). It is the
allow its proper re-establishment.
most important khar~f crop taken in arid
"In tropics protection research is areas. Many pathogens are responsible
needed more than the prod uction rese- for considerable losses; although precise
arch" a very eminent scientist had once information is lacking about extent of
said; holds true for most of the tropical damage.

1. Downy mildew or Green ear be seen proje~ting from in between the
(Sc/erospora graminicbla). This is consi- glumes. Severely infected ears rarely
dered as the most important dhease. produce healthy grains.
It appears in two stages. Control: Seed treatment with 20% salt
a .. Downy mildew - It occurs solution separate sclerotia from seeds
on leaves only in the form of stre..lks on as sclerotia float up in the saline
the upper surface due to chlorosis. Be- water. 'Early sown crop (before 30th
low thesc streaks on lower surface a fine June) have been found to escape from
downy growth of the fungus may be seen. disease.
b. Green Ear - In this stage 3. Smut (Tolyposporium penicilla-
symptoms are produced in the infloresc- riae). It is assuming considerable impor-
encc. Ears are deformed and all floral tance particularly in arid areas. Smut
parts are transformed into twisted leafy incidence as much as 35% has been obser-
structures giving the ear appearance of ved under Jodhpur conditions. A few
green leafy mass. grains on the ear are replaced by oval
The disease is favoured by a temp- to top shaped sori, which are generally
erature range of 15-2YC and 75% relative two to three times the size of the nor-
humidity. It is known to be seed as well mal grains.
as soil borne. Control - No effective control measure
Control : At present no resistant variety is available. However, Vitavax (0.2%)
is available. However, few strains like the time of flag leaf stage is
BJ 104, PHB 10, PHB 14 and BK 560 known to reduce the disease incidence.
are fairly tolerant. Seed treatment with Rust (PlIccinia pefllliseli) and few
Agrosan GN (0.3%) or Apron (0.2%) leaf spots (Pyricularia setaraie, Curvularia
is known to reduce the incidence. penniseti of minor importance are also
2. Ergot (Claviceps fllsiforms)- observed.
The disease occurs in almost all the bajra Guar I Cyamopsis tetragonoloba). The
growing areas in moderate to severe form cultivation of guar is assuming
and sometimes whole crop is devastated importance due to its industrial use
by the production of honey dew stage of and fodder value.
the fungus. 1. Bacterial blight (Xanfhomonas
The disease appears as small drop- cyamopsidis) is considered to be the most
lets of pinkish or light coloured fluid serious disease of this crop. Studies
exuding from the spikelets in different conducted at CAZRI. Jodhpur has shown
parts of spike. This stage is known as that heavy infection reduces the yield by
honey dew stage. In course oftime exuda- 45-50%. It appears as both leaf spot and
tion dries up and in place of honey dew blight simultaneously. The spots are
several agglomerated, dark, sticky patches intraveinal, round, water soaked or oily
may be seen on the ear. In the place of in appearance and well developed 0,1 the
ovaries small dark brown sclerotia could dorsal surface of the leaf. They may

enlarge or coalesce but ultimately result 1. Yellow mosaic: First symptom
in blighl phase. In severe infection it appears on young leaves as yellow Specks
produces longitudinal streaks resulting br spots. The leaf emerging from the
into blackening and cracking of stem. apex shows bright yellow patches inters.
The conditions favouring the disease are persed with green areas. Complete yello.
spatterin,g rains, high humidity and warm wing of the leaves and stunting of infected
temperatures (28-30°), the bacterium is plants are also common. Diseased plants
internally see borne. usually mature late and bear very few
Con/rol: Fairly tolerant varieties flowers and pods. Disease is transmitted
iike Durgapura safed, BFG 75 should be by a white fly (Bemisia tabaci).
cultivated. Hot water treatment of
Control: Resistant varieties should be
the seed at 56°C for 10 minutes or seed cultivated. In early stage infected
treatment with streptocycline (250 ppm) plants should be uprooted.
followed with 2 spray at an interval of
2. Cercospora leaf spot. (Cercosp.
30 days reduces the incidence of disease.
ora sp.) Brown spots with white centre
2. Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria and reddish brown margins appear on
cyamopsidis). It manifests mainly on leaves after 30-40 days of sowing. Size
leaf blade as dark brown, round to irreg- of pods and seeds are also re~uced.
ular spots varying from 2-10 mm in diam- -
eter. The disease is seed borme but Control: 2-3 sprays of Bavi~tin (0.02%)
secondary infection is air bornr. and Zineb (0.2%) at the interval of 15
days on 35 days old crop can control
Control: Resistant varieties should be
the disease.
cultivated. Two sprays of Dithane
Z-78 at an interval of 15 days after Dry root rot (Macrophomina
the initiation of disease reduces the phaseo/ina) and powdery mildew (Erysip·
incidence. hue polygoni) also occurs on pulses.
3. Dry root rot (Macrophomina Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare)
phaseolina). It appears in extreme dry 1. Smuts: Four types of smuts occur
conditions due to increasing moisture in India.
stress. Root shows rotting due to infec-
a. Grain smut (Sphacelotheca
tion of' fungi resulting in wilting symp-
toms on the above ground parts.
b. Loose smut (S. cruenta)
Cowpea (Vigna sinensis), Moth
(Vigna aconitifolia) and Moong (V;gna c. Long smut (To/yposporium
radiata). In most of this region, people
cannot afford animal proteins and _are d. Head smut (Sphacelotheca reili-
largely dependent on plant sources. These ana)
facts emphasize the economic importance Control: Seed treatment with sulphur or
of the disease problems in leguminous organomercurials.
food crops., 2. Downy mildew. (Sclerospora

sorghi). The disease manifests itself as coalesee and finally turn brown to
a downy, whitish growth on the lower dark brown and cankerous. 'The
surface of the leaves. If the infection affected fruits either drop off prema-
takes place early~ the plants are severely turely or become corky, cracked and
~tunted and produce no ears. underdeveloped.
Control: Resistant varieties should be Control: Cultivat ion of resistant varie-
cultivated. ties is recommended. Two spray of
Date-palm (Phoenix dactyli/era) Karathane (0 2%) after the fruit set at
Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola an interval of 15 days control the
phoenicis). This disease occurs as leaf disease satisfactorily.
spots. Numerous minute sori develop 2. Sooty mold (lsariopsis sp.). Blackish
on the pinnae of one year old leaves. spots appear on the underside of the
Yellow mass of spores 1iberate from leaves which later COver the entire
each sari. Development of these sari lower surface giving a sooty appear-
increases with the age of the leaf thereby ance. The leaves look yellow and
reducing the life of the leaf. brown on the upper surface and drop
Control: Prunning of older leaves reduces prematurely.
the incidence of disease. Spray with Control: To control this disease spray
copper fungicides is also recommen- with Blitox (0.3%) is recommended.
Other important diseases: Witches'
Other diseases of minor importance
broom (Mycoplasma), Fruit rots (Asper-
are black scorch and stem end rot.
gillus sp., Alternaria sp. Collectortrichum
FRUIT CROPS ·sp. etc.), and leaf spots (Cercosporajujube,
Alternaria state of Pleospora, Cladospor-
Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) is gain-
ium sp. etc.) are also common.
ing importance as a commercial fruit
crop in arid areas due to its drought FOREST TREES
hardy nature. Till recently diseases
Forests provide multipurpose bene-
were not a serious problem in ber.
fits as sources for timber, fuel, fodder
But in recent years two diseases have
and minor forest produce, for conserving
assumed importance reducing the
yield and market value of ber fruits. soil and water, moderating climate, off-
ering food and shelter for wild life and
adding to the aesthetic value and recrea-
1. Powdery mildew (Oidioum erysiphoides
tional needs of man. To develop and
sp. zizlziphi). It is the most impor-
protect forest which are one of the world's
tant disease of the crop. The disease greatest renewable natural resources for
appears on fruits during October- maximum productive and protective
November after the fruit set is comp- functions are the prime objectives of
lete. Small whitish spots appear on forestry, Protection of forests from dise-
young fruits, which later enlarge and ases constitutes one shch objective.

The common trees in arid zone Sporophores are uS).lally stalked,
forestry are Acacia sp., Prosopis sp., rarely sessile. corky, later woody. Stalk
Albizzia sp., Azadirachta sp., Zizyphus and upper surface are shiny laccate,
sp., Dalbergia sp., Holoplelia sp., Eucaly- lightly zoned.
ptLiS sp .. etc. Control: Mortality due to Ganoderma
A brief account of important diseases may be minimized or kept under cont-
commonly occurring on arid zone trees is rol by adopting one or more of the
given below : following procedures.
Acacia (i) Mechanised plantations. G.
1. Ganoderma Root Rot. (Ganoderma lucidum is endemic in the natural forests
lucidum (Leyss.) Karst. causes serious but becomes epidemic if a plantation is
root rot mortality in number of Acacia raised after clear felling a natural broad-
species as well as other trees. G. lllcidum leaved forest without clearing residual
infects roots through intact as well as roots and stumps. The disease risk is
injured surfaces. The pathogen attacks minimised to a large measure by raising
and kills the bark and causes white spongy mechanised plantations where stumps and
rot in the sapwood. All stages are roots are mostly removed.
susceptibl.:, however. symptoms are exhi. (ii) Isolalioll trenche/i: Once the
bited after fe w years. Affected plants disease establishes in the line its further
exhibit pale foliage which eventually spread is rapid from plant to plant thro-
dries up. The fungus produces thin ugh root contact. This lateral spread
white mycelial mat between the bark and can be checked by isolating the row of
the wood. It possesses ectotrophic growth diseased and dead plants from the adja-
-in the form of small, thin mycelial aggre· cent healthy plants by digging trenches
gates on bark of roots and also on obje- about 0.3 m wide, 0.7 m deep and I.5 m
cts. like stones and soil lumps which are long across the line.
in direct contact with infected roots. Its
(iii) Planting resistant species: In
spread from a diseased to a healthy plants
a reforested stand where the risk of G.
occurs by direct r00t contact. Therefore.
lucidum root rot mortality is apprehended,
in line plantings, the spread is rapid
it may be advisable not to plant suscepti-
Jrom 'plant to plant once the infection.
ble speties.
established 'in the line. Mortality starts
from the third year and increases with 2. Fames badius heart rot (Fornes
-age of the plantation. badius) : It is a wound parasite. The
Fruit bodies of G. lucidum comm- fungus infects host through injuries due
only develop on affected plants, usually to mechanical causes and damage caused
at the base or apparently on the ground by animals.
,~ut in the latter case, the fruit bodies Control: Control of avoidable injuries
are invariably attached to decay roots. inflicted to trees will reduce the in-
Due to presence of sporophores, it is cidt:!nce of the disease. Sporopho res
easy to l~cate the infected plants. should be systematically removed.

Our prime objective in agro-forestry
Albizz ia
system is to grow crops and trees free
1. Ganoderma Root-Rot. As descri-
from diseases and obtain a profiitabe
bed in Acacia.
harvest. I,n the event of an outbreak of a
2. Leaf Rust. (Ravenelia japonica). disease control measures that have to be
It forms dark brown rust pustules occur- adopeted should be economically justifia-
ring solitary or in groups on both surfaces ble. But Ibefore suggesting any control
of the leaflets and pods. Profuse develop- measures precise information is needed
ment of rust pastules almost plasters the on the monetary losses due to diseases.
leaf surfaces and this may affect the met- In case of agroforesty system, control
abolic activity of plants. measures are limited, to what can be
Control. : Spray with systemic fungicides achieved through silvicultural and mana-
reduces the disease. gement practices, to create growing
conditions ideal for growth of the crop
but unfavourable to development of the
l. Ganoderma Root· rot. disease. The principle of disease control
Eucalyptus In such a system are listed here.

2. Pink disease (CorticilIIn salmon- I. Sanitation

icolor). It is widely distributed in the 2, Eradication
tropics. The fungus possesses a wide hope 3, Isolation trenches
range among woody plants. Young plants
4. Chemical control
may show repeated die back and mortality,
while those which have escaped infection Silvicultural and management prac-
during the early stage, may at a later per- tices listed below are considered better in
controlling a large number of diseases.
iod become infected resulting ill deveop-
ment of cankers. It occurs on the host in 1. Choice and improvement of site
four growth forms, viz. Pustule, obweb, 2. Choice of species
hecator and pink incrustation. 3. Cultural practices
Control: In locations where the disease In addition to these control measu-
hazard due to C. salmollicolor is high, res, development of genotypes resistant to
a prophylactic spray is likely to afford specific diseases is of paramount impor-
protectio,n to plants againts infection. tances, Indigenous and exotic germ-plasm
Other trees. Among other trees, Azadira- (food crops, grasses and forest trees)
chta sp. suffers from Genoderma root -should be screened against specific
rot, pink disease, powdery mildew diseases under artificial epidemic condi-
and some bacterial diseases. tions Suitable agronomic charaders should
be incorporated in resistance breeding
General principles of plant disease control
i~ Agro Jorestery system.

Prospects of pest rnanagement in crops
and trees of arid area
Satya Vir

Man's association with insects dates earth. So far about three million species
as far back as the day he arrived on this of insects have been recorded and they
planet. He started establishing himself occur in every possible ecological niche.
in the company of insects who were by The number of individual insects is believ-
that time fully established on earth. In- ed to be around a billion billion (10)8.
sects may be taken as probably one of For every human being, there are as many
the oldest, if not the oldest, denizens of as about three hundred million insects.
this earth. If we assume the age of the Fortunately, most insects ar~ benign and
earth to be of 24 hours, then the insects some are even beneficial like pollinators,
have been on this earth for the last 8 but a very small minority-perhaps no
hours as compared to only few seconds more than 0.1 % of the total insect spe-
of man's existence. Man has baen associ- cies-are in direct and constant competi-
ated with insects as early as later Pliocene tion with us, sharing our food and other
period. The secret of long successful vital resources and several of them carry-
existence of the insect has been their exc- ing serious diseases.
ellent mechanism bestowed upon them by
In the field of agriculture with
nature. They have such mechanism and which we all are concerned the harmful
arrangements as their having exoskeleton, insects play a vital role. They not only
smallness of size, rapid rate of multiplica- directly damage the crop plants or injure
tion different shapes and mode'! of life the livestock of economic importance but
forms, varied requirements of food and. also caJry and transmit several diseases
shelter, etc, give them advantage over which indirectly increases the losses. It
other forms of life. They have d,eveloped is presumed that about 10 per cent of
engineering skills in manoever oddities the agricultural produce is lost annually
to their benefit and also adopted them due to insects and under conditions favo-
selves to the changed and modified state urable to them, the loss may be even
of environment. more. Recent surveys by the Food and
It is also well known that, as a Agricultural Organization of the United
group, insects far out number all other Nations, confirm the startling fact thar
animals put together comprising about even today more than one third of the
toree fou'rth of the total species on the potential annual world harvest is destro-

yed by insects, weeds and plant diseases. rage The significance of these, figures
Tbe financial loss in 1975 was estimated can be realised easily if we match this
at over 75 million dollars which was loss with thetotal food shortage in the
equivalent ·to the total volue of the world today. It can be safely stated that
world's grain harvest together with Jhe if this loss was prevented. we would no
world's potato crop (Pesticide Informa- longer short of food, at least for some
tion 11(12); 1976). decades.

The Pesticide Association of India Yield Prorjucliol1 Under Crop Production

also carried a study and estimated that Umbrella
the pestes'lnd diseases caused an annual
loss of an average of 18.4 per cent to Dramatic increase in yield of crops
our agricultural producti"on which works were obtained when appropriate crops
out to Rs. 5000 crores. In India, about protection measures (mostly pesticides)
2 million tonnes of food. are lost in stro- were adopted as reflected in Table 1.

Table 1. Effect of crop protection on yield level in major crops.

Crop Yield (q/ha) . Increase in yield

Treated Control ('Yo)

Rice-Jaya 46.4 33.2 40.0

Jowar CSH-l 357 15.5 130.0
Bajra 12.5 8.3 50.6
Maize 53.3 40.7 30.0
Mustard 5.4 1.4 285.7
Chickpea 17.2 12.3 40.0
Cowpea F.S. 68* 13.1 8.5 54.1
Cowpea JC5* 16.1 9.4 71.9
Moth T-t8* 9.2 5.7 62.2
Moth Jadia* 9.9 6.3 57.9

(Average over several locations and seasons)

Source: 1. Annual Progress Report of All India Co-Ordinated Projects on Rice,

Sorghum, Millets, Maize, 1968-71.
2. Towards self reliance in Agriculture JIJ)72), JARJ, New Delhi.
*3. Annual Progress Report, 1980, CAZRI. Jodhpur.

Crop Protection During Last 25 years food material to the insect pests continu_
The past 25 years saw a major ously throughou t the year. These factors
evolution in the usage of crop protection also aggravated the pest situation to a
technology, and this mainly revolved serious stage.
around the production of several kinds of Our main researches during the past
chemical pesticides. Until! the 2nd world three decades have been to find out the
war, most of the pesticides belonged to the pest mortality after exposure of the pesti-
category of plant products or inorganic cides in a known concentration. Only rare
salts. Nicotene, rotenone, pyrethrum, attempts were made to trace the influence'
lead arsenate and like held the scene. of these chemicals on the components of
However, with the discovery of DDT agroecosystem. However, there is a
these were mostly relegated to the back- danger, that their toxicity may not be
ground and a whole new class of chemi- exerted in unwanted directions to the
cals was sYlrh ~sised and uS'?d. These mos- detriment of the users, the consumers and
tly consisted or organochlorines, organ- the biological environment in which the
ophosphates and other "broad spectrum" materials are used. Therefore, the first
poisons. The world market today offer step before planning a control measure
120 insecticides, 95 fungicides, 26 nema- is to have an overall idea for the pest-
tocides and 11 rodentocides as compared host behaviour by continuous surviellance
with 24 p~sticides which were in existcance of the crop and trees. These surveys are
in 1930. In India, we are using 105 also required to find out the "Economic
different kinds of pesticides of which 43 Threshold" level of the pest. Economic
are now manufactured in the country. threshold is defind as the pest population
There has also been a great increase in density or damaged level at which control
its use fwm about 2350 tonnes in 1955-56 measures should be taken to prevent any
to 58,814 tonnes in 1975-76. economic injury level from being reached.
Pest problems becomes more impor- The success of the pest management
tant in countries having warm humid depends on correct identification of the
clImate such as India. Climatic conditions pest, determination of economic thres-
holds, effective sampling techniques and
which are suitable for plant growth are
good knowledge of pest life cycle, viz.,
aslo suitable for insect pest mUltiplication.
biology and ecology. The insect damage
In recent years pest proolem gained more
is assessed by visual observations and
importance as farmers are gro",:ing high
counting the popu1ation of samples or
yielding vareities, not knowing whether
indirectly by assessing the damaged
they are resistant to pest of the area or
leaves, stem. fruit etc.
not. Farmers to get more yields. apply
more nitrogenous fertilizers, making t.he Insect Pests of Crops and Trees /n Arid
crop more susceptible for pest and Region
diseaases. In anxiety to earn more profit More than 50 species of insects are
per unit area. farmers grow two or three known to attack various crops and trees
crops in a' year and indirectly they provide under arid conditions, although. a dozen

of them cause serious damage to them. dusting with carbaryl 5% at@ l~ kgJha
An account of majbr insect pests along- or BHC 10%, Malathion 4.0% and
with their control is briefly discu$sed in Endosulfan 4.0% dusts are also effec-
the following paragraphs. tive.
A : Lepidopteran Pests: 3. Castor semi-looper (Achaea janata)
J. Hairy Caterpillars (Amsacta moorei; family Noctuidae
Amsacta spp. family: Arctlidae This is the most serious pest of cas-
tor. While occurring in larger number, the
The pest is appearing sporadically in
semi-looper strips the castor plant bare
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
of all foliage. The adults are also fruit
Pradesh and other states in light soil
sucking moth which cause serious damage
zones. The adults are white moth with
to citrus. Adults are pale reddish brown
yellowish or brownish streaks along
moth. The full grown larva is dark and
margins. The moth emerge out when
marked with prominent blue black yellow
there is first soaking rain during mon-
and reddish strips. There is a character-
soon. The eggs are laid on the lower
istic white mark on the head.
surface of leaves which hatch into very
Control: Diazinon 01 methyl parathion
active reddish hairy caterpillars. These
caterpillars are voracious feeder which 0.05% has been recommended for
cause damage to cultivated and unculti-
vated crops. The seedlings are eaten B : Hemiptera: J[omopteran Pests:
completely by caterpillars leaving only 4. Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Glen) family:
stumps and sometimes defoliate the plant. Aleyrodidae
Contro I : These hairy caterpillars can be It is a very small white insect which
controlled by dusting the crop with is a vector of yellow mosaic virus in black
10%. BHC or 1.5% parathion or spra- gram, cowpea, moth etc. The disease
ying with 0.05% parathion or 0.06% considerably depresses the yield of these
diazinon emulsion. crops. The transmission period of the
2. Pod borer (Heliothis armigera Hubn.) disease is very short and the insect do the
family: Noctuidae. harm by inducing the virus, even if they
The insect damaged the crops when a'light on the leaves for a short period.
it comes to fruiting stage. The caterpillars It has a very wide host range.
not only defoliate the tender leaves but COlltro!: The insect can be effectively cout-
also bore the green pods and feed upon rolled with the application of systema-
the ripening grains. This is also a poly- tic insecticides, viz, aldicarb, ph orate
phagus pest. Unless pest is controlled in disulfoton @ 1 kg/ha in the soil at
the initial stage' of infestation it takes a the time of sowing. The folJiage dam-
heavy toll of the crop. ag~ can also be controlled by dusting
Control: The pest can be effectively con- crop with 10% BHC or spraying with
trolled by spraying with 0.07% endo- 0.07% endosulfan or 0.1 % lindane
sulfan or monocrotophos emulsion or emulsion.

5. Green Jassids (Einpoasca kerri This is one of the serious pest of
Pruthi) Family: Cicadellidae pulses and grasses in Rajasthan. The
The adults and nymphs of this emergence of insects in fields is noticed in
insect suck the sap from the leaves of the last week of July and continued UPtD
Kharif pulses and the damage is more mid of September.
severe when the plants are young. The
Control: Dusting the crop with 10%
leaves become crumpled and infested
BRC at the @ 20 kg/ha.
plants look sicky. The insects avoid direct D. Orthopteran Pests:
sunrays and are generally observed on the
lower surface of leaves. 9. Grasshopper: (Co/emania sphenar-
;oides) family: Acrididae
Control: Same as discussed for whitefly.
The pest appears in Rajasthan,
6. Aphids (Aphis craccivora Koch:
Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and
Lipaphis erysimi Kalt etc). family:
other bajra growing states. This is a fairly
large wingless grasshopper with lateral
These insects attack Kharif and rabi raddish brown strips. The general colour
crops. Insect colonies are observed on is green. The nymphs and adults feed
the branches and leaves. They suck the on leaves irregularly from margins and
sap and in case of severe infestation the sometimes entire plants is eat~n leaving
plant growth is checked. mid ribs. Young nymphs emerge aJter
Control: Insects can be controlled by use S.W. monsoon has set in.
: of systemic insecticides namely disul- Control: Dust BRC 10% at the rate
folten applied in soil at the time of of 20 kg/ha.
sowing. When the infestation is ob- 10. Locust problem: (Sohistocerca
served after 4-6 weeks, spraying the
gregaria) Famliy : Acrididae
crop with 0.1 % lindane or 0.07% end-
osulfan or 0.04% monocrotophos The desert locust prefer arid and sami
emulsion. larid region, and the Rajasthan desert is
well suited as one of its permanent home.
C. Coleopteran Pests: During recession and between plagues
7. Grey weevils (Myllocerlls spp.): Cur- it lives as scattered individuals in the
c,uliondae solittary phase., Under favourable rainfall
conditions, there ·is a mass and crowded
The weevil incidence are 'very com-
multiplication and the populationis is
mon in Rajasthan, M.P. and Delhi. The
transformed into the gregarious phase,
margins of leaves are eaten here and the-
giving rise to incipient swarms. For
re irregularly. The eggs are laid in soil
control of locust, a department of Locust
and grubs also pupate in soil,
Control Organisation is maintained by
Control: Dust BRC 10% at the @ 20-25' Government of India to keep watch over
kg/ha. the desert areas for any locuost develop-
S. Moong weevil (Cyrtozemia cognata ) ment and undertake control measure
fa.mily: Curculionidae. when necessary.

Olher Insect Pests: sowing, Heptachlor 5% dust at 3.0
1], Termites (Odolltotermes spp., Micro- kg. a.i./ha 9r BHC 10% at 6 kg. a.i.tha
termes spp. etc) Family: Termitidae 13. Ber fruit fly: (Carpomyia vesuviana)
Economicany, termites cause enor- family: Tephritidae.
mous damage to crops, plants, forests The pest is most destructive to the
nurseries, fruit trees and' wood work in ber fruits species Zizyphus mauritiana. The
building. Termite management needs damage is caused by the larvae which are
greater attention in view of their attack creamy whIte and slightly smaller than
on pulses, cereals and forest trees in the those of other fruit flies. The adults are
smaller than the houseflies, brownish
desert ecosystem,
yellow with brown longitudinal strips.
Control: Use_ of decomposed manure
The pest builds up population in winter,
and disposal of crop residues from
reaching peak in January to March.
field redues pest infestation. Aldrin
Fleshy varieties of ber are more seriou-
and heptachlor 5% dust @ 1.25 kg or
sly damaged.
BRC @ 25 kg/ha applied in furrows
Control: Adult fruit flies can be control-
at the time of sowing effectively redu-
led by spraying the trees with mixture
ces the damage. In standing crop,
containing malathion 0.5% and
aldrin 30 EC @ 1.25 kg a.i.Jha wit4
molasses 1'Yo. Insecticidal schedule of
irrigation water provides relief.
monocrotopbos 0 05%, carbaryl 0.2%
12. White grubs (H%trichia consanquillea. and malathion 0 05%. starting with
Anomala spp.) Family: Scarabaccidae. the first spray in mid-October, second
The adults are brown to brownish one after 3 weeks and the third six
black, 13-19mm long, larvae are C-shaped weeks after second spray respectively
whitish to cream coloured with brownish is very effective in reducing the damage
head. 1he beetle!> are observed after good to the fruits.
monsoon shower. The adults are noctur- 14. Gall fly (Lasioptera sp.)
nal and cause damage between 8 p.m. to This is the most important pest of
5 a.m. They feed on foliage of round khejri in Rajasthan. The fly causes galls
about trees like neem, ber, babul, Khejri mostly along branches. The gall appears
etc. The grubs eats away nodules rootlets as a rounded or oval thickening, Each
and main-root ultimately killing the gall contains 1-3 maggots and adults
plants. In normal conditions one grub escape from the gall by making a minute
Can damage all the plants in 1-2 ft. raw. hole.
Control: 1. Spray endosulfan 35 EC on Contro!: 2-3 application of endosulfan
surrou.,ding host trees to destroy the @ 0.05% to 0.08% at the interval of
adult ones. This has to be taken up on 7 days give good protection ..
village basis or community basis to Stratagy of Pest Control
have effective control. Broad spectrum pesticides are use-
2. Apply Ph orate 10% granules at 2.5 ful and valuable for crop production but
kg. a.i.Jha as soil application before their indiscriminate use can disrupt many

natural control mechanisms. Since most mologj of sole cropping and the emphasis
chemical insecticides are relatively non- placed on research on cash crops, which
selective, they cause adverse effect on often meant that resources were diverted
non-target organisms in particular and to researeh on insecticides. Initially work
on the environment in general. Develop- will have to be concentrated on a relati_
ment of insecticidal resistant strains, vely small number of typical agro-forestry
pollution hazards, a resurgence of secon- situation using large plot size and loca_
dary pest problems and destruction of tional replications. Data so far obtained
predators and parasites are some of the indicates that the situation with regard
disadvar:tages of chemical control. In to yield loss in agro-forestry system
the past total pest control was often caused by insect pests and pest/predator/
translated into total pest kill using highly parasite relationship are very complex.
toxic insecticides. But with the increased Polyphagous insects are known to be
recognition and understanding of the attracted by mixed odours and thrive in a
forces at work in the environment came habitat providing two or more essential
to the knowledge that. many troublesome hosts in close proximity. There appears
pests can be managed or kept at level of to be demonstrable differences in pest/
reduced economic significance by using a parasite relationships not only based on
programme of cultural, biological or crop, trces relationship, but .also on
chemical control methods. Here, the factors as cultivar. season and soil type.
mention may be made to the integrated These micro-effects can be seriously
control concept. The judicious choice of affected by climatic effects which results
improved varieties for a particular region in large scale immigration of major pest
which among other attributes-exhibit species. Even in integrated contf(~1 pro-
multiple mechanism of resistance to gramme in cash crops where pesticides are
insects could improve the crop production. used in the most effective way by ecologi-
Tentative economic threshold and need cally guided application methods, there is
based spraying, preservation of natural an ever present danger of some degree of
enemies and the available cultural metho- environmental contamination and hazards
ds can be pooled and an integrated to natural control agents. Problem will
control practices formulated. It is essential arise in application of pesticide in agro-
that integrated pest control programme forestry sy~tem. It is difficult to prevent
for pests of all crops is launched straight- drift reaching the non-target crops.
away to minimise the problems cr~ated Differences in crop and tree heights,
by insecticides. susceptibility and maturity and inconveni-
Role of Entomologist in Agro-Furestry ence to applicators while movement with
System existing machinery are other problems for
Basic information on the entomo- pest suppression with pesticides under
logy of agro-forestry system in tropical agro-forestry systems. Thus entomologist
areas and in parlicular from small farmer have a vital role to play in furthering
situation, is scant. This is due to the . understanding of agro-forestry system
preoccupation in the past with the ento- and in enhancing their productivity.

Role of rodent pests in agroforestry system
Ishwar Prakash

INTRODUCTION We have so far recorded 17 species

of rodents from the desert of Rajasthan.
A Wide variety of methods and
Some of these rodent species exhibit a
practices are being employed for controll-
habitat specificity and other are distri-
ing increasing' xeric conditions and to
buted all over the desert. Nesokia indica
augment the productivity of the desert by
and Bandicota bengalensis are found in
afforestation, establishment and impro.
the irrigated fields in Sri Ganganagar
vement of pasteurs and grasslands, she-
district whereas Golunda elliot; and Mus
later belts, and sand dune stabilisation.
booduga are found in irrigated fields in the
All these practices involve sowing of
south-eastern desert on the foothills of
seeds and plantation of saplings, which
Aravalli ranges. Rattus melrada pal/idior
establish and grow in an adverse environ-
occurs in crop fields as well as in grass-
ment withstanding critical ecological
Jands. Rattus cutchicus and Mus cervicolor
conditions. Even a small disturbance in
phillipsi inhabit only the rocky habitat,
Ihe ecological balance result in mortality
whereas Gerbil/us gleadolVi is more numer-
of vegetation to such an extent that
ous in the extreme arid sand dune country
it is wasteful of energy and money sp~nt
in the west. On the other hand, Tatera
over tl~eir establishment. Field rodents
indica and k[eriones hur,;anae, the two
disturb this delicate balance and deter
gerbils, are found allover the desert; and
the human efforts to revegetate the arid
Rat/us rallus ruJescens and Mus musculus
and semi arid lands.
bactrianus live inside buildings and are
THE DESERT RODENTS distribuled throughout the desert. The
In the desert region field rodents species specificity and diversity of desert
are the worst enemies of almost all prac- rodents in relation to various habitat
.tices and technologies being evolved for types makes the problem more complex
the development of the desert. The rodents for the control operator since one method
'not only inflict losses to foodgrains, stan· cannot be applied to all the rodent species
.ding crops but also ravage the native in a similar pattern over all the habitat
rangelands, devastate the trees and sown types.
grasses for sand dune stabilisation, and
are severe. threat to bunds and otht:r soil Our studies on the ecology and
conservation works. ethology of desert rodents have yielded

information regarding the distances bet- (Prakash, 1969) on the basis of uncon.
ween bait stations (on the basis of home sumed plants which were found IYin
range data) the optimum season for con- near tll.e gerbil burrow openings in fou!
trol operations (on the basis of observed principal plant communities was : Cen.
population fluxes and breeding cycles), chrus ci/iaris - 4.0, Aristida adscensionis
and the effective ways of bait placement - 3.7, Eragrastis ciliaris - 3.0, Digitaria
(on the basis of habitat types.) adscendens - 2.7, Barchiaria ramasa_
CHARACTERISTICS OF RODENT 2.6, Tragus biflorus - 2.6.
The palatability rating clearly indio
Grasslands and ranges
cates the gerbil preference for grasses
In the rangelands, wherever the which are also relished by sheep and other
seeds of Cenchrus setigerus, C. ciliaris and livestock. The annual feed requirement
.L. sindicus are sown for improving the of gerbils (477 per hectare) was 1044 kg!
fodder quality to enable better feed to hectare (costing around Rs 225/hectare).
grazing animals, the rodents dig them up The annual forage production of this
and feed on thus minimising chances for rangeland during that year was 1210 kg!
their establishment. The intake of grass ha. A comparison of these two figures
seeds especially by M. hurrianae is maxi- ind icate that gerbils would leave only little
mum as compared to other desert rodents forage for the grazing livestock. Thus
(Prakash et at., 1967). In addition, they the desert gerbil competes seriously with
cau~e considerable damage to standing
the livestock for forage and if livestock
grasses. In monsoon, the rodents prefer is to be developed, this pest should be
to feed upon the unripe inflorescence of
effectively controlled.
grasses but as they are unable to reach
them, the entire plant is cut and only the A study of the stomach contents of
chqicest parts are eaten, rest being left to the desert rodents. (Prakash, 1962; further
desiccate and blown away by strong winds. highlights their damaging propensities.
Like this they devastated 40 acres of During the winter they feed chiefly on
Lasiurus sindicus experimental pasture at grass seeds but during the summer they
Bikaner and 27 acres L. sindicus at turn to rhizomes of grasses, partly because
Jodhpur, deterring all the efforts for pro- the seeds have already been consumed by
viding 'better nutrition to grazing live- them and partly to get some water from
stock. At Maulas"ar, one of the Range "the rhizomes, which have a higher water
Management and Soil Conse,fvation content. In the rainy season the rodents
'paddocks of the Institute, during 1965 feed upon leaves and flowers. This "rota-
rainy season, the desert gerbil population tional feeding" by the rodents makes them
was 477 per hectare and an immense loss all the more dangerous for the mainten-
was incurred by them to the natur~1 ance and regeneration of netural pastures.
grasslands dominated by Cenchrus ciliaris. Sand dune stabilisation
It was revealed that they only fed upon The damage done by the rodents to
fodder species leaving other grasses and the tree species, particularly to saplings,
inedible vegetation. The palatability index is chiefly of two, types: (i) debarking, and

(ii) completely slicing the stem. The first ing it green.
type of damage has. been observed on Soil cot.servafion
Albizzia lebbek Prosopis (ineraria and
The fossorial activity of the desert
Acacia torti/[s. The activity is restricted
gerbil is also a big threat for any soil
to about half a metre from the ground
surface but may extend to the lateral conservation work. Its burrows are exten-
branches also. Usually, the cortical cells sive and have no fixed plan (Prakash,-
of the stem are debarked causing a detri- 1962) The burrow openings are 'scattered
mental effect on the growth of the trees. everywhere and as many as 14,000 per
At times even the xylem vessels are in- hectare have been observed. By tunnelling,
jured which prevents the ascent of sap, it excavates out fixed soil which form
leading to the death of the tree. The small mounds (about 1 kg) near each
debarking activity has been observed in burrow opening. A moderate estimate
trees upto 3 to 4 years of age. In the hilly revealed that with as many as \3, 860
terrains porcupines inflict severe damages burrow openings in a plot of 60m x 90m,
to trees. it unearths about 17, 000 kg soil per
hectare and. being, loose it is blown away
Stem of Prosopis juliflora and Aca- by strong winds. According to another
cia tortilis were observed to have been estimate (Sharma and Joshi, 1975) this
completely cut it the function of stem and rodent excavates 61, 500 kg soil /km2/day
the root, resulting in the death of trees. In during summer months. Thus the desert
sand dune fixation area at Udayramsar,20 rodents looses the fixed sojl in huge
trees were damaged in about one mon~h. quantity and deteriorate the desers condi-
This activity goes on under the soil sur- tions and even help in desert expansion.
face. It is detected only when the tree
starts drying up and after investigation it The rodents also prefer to burrow
is fOI.l:nd that the whole stem has been in the contour furrow, and bunds which
transversely sliced by the desert marau- are constructed for harvesting water.
der. F. juliflora trees were also observed The net work of burrows totally destroy
drying due to rodent damages in the them and the water seeps through the
Great Rann of Cutch. The sown and tunnels failing the basic purpose for
regeneration grasses on the sand dunes which they are constructed.
are also not spared. Even the mulches TECHNIQUES FOR DAMAGE
and micro wind breake are quickly colo- CONTROL
nised and cut down by their fossorial
activity. It is rather difficult to quantitiv- Biological cOn/rol
ely estimate such damages but to a person Considerable interest has been
stading in a gerbil infested sand dune, its generated in the possibility of biological
mere sight will give an idea of the exten- control of vertebrate pests because of the
sive damage caused to the natural vege- phenomenal results obtained in
tation by the rodent, which is a deterring controlling certain insect pests by the use
factor in stabilising sand dunes and turn- of sterilization, predators or parasites.

There are several possible approaches to in the artificial habitat created by man
this objective. Artificial control of predators are nece~
Sterility ssary for man's economic and physicai
survival. It is rare when the take of the
Some of the most spectacular predators wjJJ reduce a pest species to the
successes against insects have been level required. Predators are definitely
achieved by this method. Promising resu- creatures of opportunity and usually take
lts have been obtained with chemosteri- whatever is easier and most abundant.
lants in halting reproduction in coyote in Therefore, as the numbers of prey drop
some parts of the United States. Chemos- so does the interest shown in them by the
terilants or castration of males has been predators, even though they may still be
suggested as possible methods of reducing at a damaging level as far as man's
the nuisance of monkey troops and feral interests are concerned. The Indian
dogs in India. While these techniques mongoose was introduced into the West
offer some promise against these larger Indies to kill rats in sugarcane fields. The
animals with restricted breeding seasons, plan worked until the mongoose turned
its use against rodents is curren tly beset to easier prey and practically eliminated
with many technical difficulties. Sterilant ground resting birds and poultry on the
chemicals to be effective must sterilize Islands.
the animals for at least one breeding
Parasites and diseases
season. As most rodents breed every
month of the year in India, though there These _may work very selectively
are normally peaks of reproductive against insect pests, but it involves mani-
activity, it would be exceedingly dfficult pulation of a more dangerous nature
and expensive to ensure their: infertility when attempt is made to introduce para-
for an entire year with the present sites or diseases of vertebrate animals. In
ster1lant chemicals The probable rejec- the first place they may not be very
tion of the chemicals in bait under field specific, e.g., the 'rat bacteria' used in
trials is another problem. Until much Europe are actually Salmonella typhimu-
more is known about chemosterilants'; rium, which cause food poisoning in man.
this must remain a possibiltiy for the An example of a more selective parasite
future. ' is myxomatosis for the control of the
European rabbit in Australia. While this
Predators appeared to give spectacular species when
There is a common belier' that first introduced, the rabbits quickly built
predators control rodent populations. up resistant strains to the parasites. 1t is
Actually the reverse is true as shown by now only effective against extremely high
the year or more lag in the numbers of populations, whereas considerable damage
predators wild cats and fox) taken in the occurs at much lower population levels.
Canadian North West following natural Cropping practicey
cyclic trends of their prey (snowshoe rab- Another method is the changing of
bits.~Predators exert very littfe influence man's habits the planting of varieties of

grain difficult for animals or-birds to husk, Trapping
changing harvesting practices so that Rodents can be trapped in highly
grain is not left piled in the field to dry infested areas or to tackle the residual
for 2 to 4 months as is done in Rajasthan, popUlation after a control campaign.
planting crops that are not as susceptible Snap (break-back) traps are more success-
to the animal depredators prevalent in ful than the live traps. Since rodents
the area, and abandoning of cropping in develop trap shyness towards an object in
areas that are most susceptible to animal which they have to enter and through
damage such as those near forest preserve which they cannot see. Traps should be
boundaries. Changes in sowing, weeding, placed where the animals are regularly
harvesting and storage could all be encountered rather than relying on bait
utilized to cut down the losses due to to draw them to great distances out of
animals. their normal paths. Many rodent species
move on definite paths or 'runways'.
Fumigation Traps should be placed alongwith them.
Rodents can be killed with poisnous Their preferred food should be used as
gases where baiting and trapping may not
be equally effective. Some of the common Poison Baiting
fumigants are cyanide, methyl bromide, The use of toxic chemicals is the
chloropicrin, carhon monoxide, ethylene most effective, cheap aud humane method
dibromide, aluminium phosphide etc. of reducing rodent population. A number
Cyanides can be used with a foot gas- of toxic chemicals as well as anticoagul-
pump or by adopting spoon method. ants are available for baiting the rodent.
Since aluminium phosphide is available The most used one is zinc phosphide 1.5
in pellets (tablets), its use is more conve- to 2 per cent zinc phosphide should be
nient in fields. On exposure to humid air thoroughly mixed with cracked foodgrain
inside the burrow, the compound releases like wheat, millet, rice, maize, sorghum
phosphine gas which is lethal to verte- along with 2-3 per cent vegetable oil.
brates. After doing all the burrow open- Poison baiting should be carried out for
ing in a field, 1.59 tablets of the fumigant a day since jf it is continued for more than
should be inserted in the freshly opened a day, not only the consumption of the
burrow openings, which should be poison bait is low to be wasteful of labo-
plugged securely with mud to check the ur and material but the rodents also
escaping gas. This fumigant brings forth develop poison aversion and bait shyness.
better results in humid, sub-humid zones, Prior to poison baiting, pro baiting is
irrigated situations and during rainy essential. The modus operandi for poison-
season in dry zone. Full details of impli- baiting sequence should be
cations, hazards and precautions to be Day I. Prebaiting (Cracked food-
taken while fumigations use are dealt . grain + 2-3% vegetable oil)
with by Fitzwater and Prakash (1978) and Day 2. Prebaiting (Cracked food-
Prakash (1975). grain+ 2-3% vegetable oil)

Day 5. Poison-baiting (Cracked in which the rodent control operation
foodgrain +2-3 % of vegetable has been taken up. If rodents are control_
oil + 1.5-2% zinc phosphide) led on a district level, i.e. in a large area
Day 8. Fumigation of live burrows the reinfestation will be slow but if it i~
only with aluminium phosphide carried out only in one hectare or so
tablets naturally the immigration of rodents fro~
the surrounding areas will make reinfest_
Day 9 & 10. Harborage removal and
ations quick.
sanitation. Repeat the whole
sequence after six months or Sustenance strategy
enter if required. For achieving a sustained preven-
tion from rodent losses, it is essential
Time for rodent cuntrol
that control operation is taken up in as
For a rodent infestation in a loca-
large area as possible. The compaign
lised area or to save the crops from a
should be repeated at as six monthly
sporadic attack, control operations can be
interval or earlier if required.
taken up at any time of the year. But
when a massive rodent control operation Training and Edtlcation
is to be taken up in the fields of a district, The control of rodents can only be
its timing has to be properly fixed to successfully done with the clos~ coopera-
achieve best results at a relatively lower tion and understanding of the public.
cost. Studies on the ecology of field The organisers of this work should initia-
rodents have helped in arriving at a lly spend much time in organising lactures
decision about this important aspect of (in local language) supplemented by films
rodent control. It has been found thot the on the advantages of rodent-free living
breeding rate of most of the field rodents and on actual rodent control work. Such
is minimum during summer months and education through good films leave a
in the months of December. Studies on better impression on the public than only
their population dynamics Indicated that lectures or talks. Public can also be
lowest numbers occur during May ana educated by short pamphlets of diseases
June. Analysis of their food habits through rodents. Television and radio
pointe<\ out that acceptability of baits was are also very suitable media for this work
maximum during summer months when .and fullest cooperation from the organisa-
there was paucity of natural food. These tions should be sought by the control
results led us to postulate that summer is organisers. In every state and in every
the most appropriate season when large block, one village should be made "rat-
scale rodent control should be taken up free" for demonstration purposes. By
effectively. If the job is done precisely. a multichannel propaganda against the
the need for follow up programme will rodents. the people will become aware
arise only during next summr as stud- of the problem and will be able to over-
ies at the CAZRI have shown that the come their religious and sentimental
rate of rei~festation by rodents is slow. taboos and the public will extend full
But it will always depend upon the area cooperation after a good understanding

of the advantages of the rodent control Prakash, I. '1969. Eco-toxicology and
(Prakash, 1976). control of Indian desert gerbil,
It is evident from this account that
Medones hurriallae Jerdon. V. Food
rodents play a'n improtant role in the
preference in the field during mon-
soon. J,. Bombay nat· Hlst. Soc. 65 (3)
Agro-forestry system in the deserts and
; 581-589.
proper strategies are essential to mini-
mise losses due to pests. ----~' I. 1974. The Ecology of Verte-
REFERENCES brates of the Indian Desert. Chapter
XlH in Bio-geography and Ecology in
Barnett, S.A. and Parkash, I. 1975.
India. Dr. Junk b.v. Verlag. The
Rodents of Economic Improtance in
Hague: 369-420.
India. Arnold-Heinemann, New Delhi
& London. 1-175. - - - - , I. 1976. Rodent Pest Manage-
Fitzwater, W.D. and Prakash, I. 1973. ment - Principles and Practices. Mono-
Handbook of Vertebrate Pest Control. graph No.4, eAZRI. 1-28.
leAR, New Delhi: 1-92 (Revised by
- - - - , I., and Ghosh, P.K. (ed). 1975.
Prakash, I. 1978).
Rodents in Desert Environments. Dr.
Gupta, R. K. and Prakash, I. 1975.
Junk b.v. Verlag. The Hague, 1-628.
Environmental Ano1/ysis of the Thor
Desert. English Book Depot, Dehra - - - - , I., Purohit, K.G. and Kame-
Dun 1-484. tkar, L.R. 1967. Intake of seeds of
grass, shrub and tree species by three
Gupta, R.K. and Prakash, 1. 1979. Mana-
species of gerbils in Rajasthan desert.
gement of Range resources in the
Indian arid zone with reference to
Indian For. 93 : 801-805.
rodent control. Proc. indian natn. sci. Sharma, V.N. and Joshi, M.e. 1975. Soil
Acad. 44: 312-319. excavated by desert gerbil, Meriones
Prakash, I. 1962. Ecology of gerbils of the hurrianoe (Jerdon) in the Shekhawati
Rajasthan desert, India. Mammalia region of Rajasthan desert. Ann. Arid
26: 311-331. Zone 14 : 268-273.

Terrnites and their control: a paramount need in
D.R. Parihar

One of the major problems of arid Termites are polymorphic, consisting of

and semi-arid zones, from agroforestry three forms or castes viz" worker,
point of view is the severe infestation of soldiers and reproductives.
crops and trees by termites. In this
I. Termites of forest trees and their
regard, several species have been consid-
ered as the pests of agro-forestry (Harris,
1969; Kushwaha, 1972; Narayan and Both of indigenous and exotic spe-
Ratan Lal, 1952; Sankaran, 1962; Roon- cies of plants are susceptible to termite
wal, 1979; Parihar, 1978, 1979, 1980 a-c). attack (Table I). Exotic species like
Plants are generally attacked by termites, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia
when they are not in a vigorous state of tor/iUs both are attacked by Odontont-
growth and when their vitality is low ermes gurdaspurensis Holmgren and O.
either due to internal growth factors or lantiguloides respectively. Indigenous
to environmental causes such as drought species like Prosopis cineraria by Odonto-
or poor soil fertility. Longlived plants termes obesus, Azadirachta indica by O.
such as' trees and plantation crops are gurdaspurensis. The attack on indigenous
more susceptible to attack in the seedling species is severe in dry season (Nov-June).
stages and the annual crops near harvest The plants are exclusively attacked at
time. In all cases it is worker caste their roots. The intensity of damage to
which does, the maximum. damage. some forestry plantations are as follows:

Plant species Termite species % damage

Leucaena Jellcocephala Microtermes mycophagus 26.26
Zizyphlls nllmmularia M.obesi 47.08
Eucalyptus carraldulensis O. gurdaspurensis 33.00
E. hybrid O.obesus 56.66
E. atriodora O.obesus 52.00
Salvodora oleo ides M. Mycophaglls 22.00
Capl!aris dec;idua Psammotermes rajastlianiclls 50.00

Table 1: Termites injurious to agricultural and plantation crops and fruit and
otller trees in Rajasthan.
Termite species Plant damaged Reference
L Microcerotermes telluigna- Wheat crops, Parihar, 1978
thus Holmgren Calotropis pro cera
2. Odonlolermes obesus Cotton, jowar, barley Kushwaha, 1960
(Ram bur) groundnut, Khejri Bhatnagar, 1962
(Prosopis cineraria) R.C. Sharma, 1964
Gulmohar (Delonix ragia) Parihar, 1978
3. Microtermes obesi Holmagren What, bajra, barley, gram, Narayan & Ratan
sugarcane, chillies. Lal, 1952
Guar crop. Kushwaha. 1961
4. Micro/ermes mycophagus Parkinsonia aCllleala Parihar, 1977,78
(Desneux) castor crop
5. Micro/ermes laxmi Pro!.opis juliflora Roonwal, 1979
6. Microcerotermes baluchis- Ouar Parihar, J 978
7. Amifermes belli Bursera dupee/alia Parihar, 1978
8. Odontotermes gurdaspllrensis Eucalyptus camaldulensis Parihar, 1978
Azadirachla indica
9. O. lantiguloides Acado torti/is Parihar, 1978
10. O. brunneus Dalbergia slisoo Parihar, 1978
II. Odontotermes guptai Guar crop Parihar, 197F.
12. AllacanfTlOtermes macro- Cenchrlls ciliaris Parihar. ! 978
cephalus LasillYlis sindiells
13. Psammotermes rajasthanicus Tecomella undulata Parihar, 1978
14. Bremotermes paradoxa lis Eragrostis paoeoides Parihar, 1978
DiclwntflUs annulatus

The parts of almost all trees are In old trees, colony originate at the bore
attacked by termites. The attack usually of trunks, later penetrate into trunk.
occurred under earthen run ways which Th is is followed by an extensive hollo-
Were plastered on the bark under whose wing out of the heartwood.
workers and soldiers travelled to and fro
from the ground connection to trunk and
sometimes also to branches. The work- 1. With a brush liberally paint the
ers eat the bark surface, but the damage trunk upto a height of about 15
so ~alled is negligible. Exceptionally em with emulsion of 0.1-0.2 %
ho~ever, the damage become serious aldrin or BHC in Kerosine oil.
when they exend their operation to The treatment should be given
sapwood and sometimes to heartwood. after scrapping off the earthen

runways made by termites on Seed dressing: Wheat seeds @ one
tree trunks. quintal will be sprayed with the help of
2. After making a shallow pit, 5-10 hand sprayer wtth 400 ml of 30 Ee and
gm of aldrin or BHC is applied should be dried' on surface for 8 hours
around the base of trunk in before sowing can protect crop very
ground. It can protect the trees effectively.
effectively. Soil treatment: Aldrin 5% dust 0
3. Spraying of the emtdsion concent-
1.25 kg a.ijh applied in furrows at the
rations of 0.03% of aldrin @ one
time of sowing.
litre per tree in a shallow channel
in ground around each tree can Treatmenl of standing crops: In
standing crop, aldrin 30 EC @ 1.25 kg
control effectively the termites.
a. i.jha can be applied with running
2. Termites affecting to agricultural
irrigating water.
crops and their control
The most common termites attack- Bajra (Pennisetum typhoides)
ing cereals in India are Mlcrotermes obesi, This crop is attacked by termites
ad ntotermes obesus. They account for (Microtermes obesi) throughout the north-
almost 8 I per cent of the total losses ern India. The roots and later on the
(Roonwal, 1979). stem are attacked, resulting ill' wilting and
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) ultimate drying of the plants.
The most important species of
Chillies (Capsicum annum)
termites damaging wheat crop are
Odontotermes obeslls, Mierotermes obesi In Rajasthan, Chillies in various
M ieroeerOlermes tenuignathus, Nasutiter- stages of growth is attacked by termites.
mes sp, and Trinervitermes bi/ormis, T. A loss of 10-45 percent has been recorded
rubMis in India. at Mathania (Jodhpur). The culprit
Wheat is damaged in both seedling species are adonlotermes obesus and
and growing stages. Termites eat the Microtermes obesi.
roots, resulting in yellowing of leaves Control: Aldrin 30% EC @ 5 litrejha
and, finally, death of the plant in cases with irrigating water can protect the
of seveJe infestation. Fletcher (1912) standing crop very effectively.
estimated the . annual loss to .grain crops
Maize (Zea mays)
as a whole, including wheat, at Rs. 280
million, while Husian (1935) put the ioss Considerable losses to maize plants
at 6-25 per cent. In Western Rajasthan is caused by OdonTotermes obesus, and
Sharma (1967) put the loss at 0-15 per Microtermes obesi. The plants are
cent, while Parihar (1978) account· the attacked at ground level or underground
loss 0-7.15% (roots) throughout the growing season
Control of wheat termite: The from germination onwards.
following methods may be used to. Control: Effective protection has been
prot~ct the ,wheat crop. obtained by dusting field with aldrin

1 kg. a- i.jha in the top 15 em layer Patel 1962): Odontotermes obesus, Micro-
of soil. fermes obesi, Trinervitermes hi/armis and
Iowar (Sorghum vulgare) T; ruhidus. These termites attack roots
It is attacked by termites (Microter- and also tunnel into the stem near ground
mes obesi) in the seedling stage. The . level, the plants wilt and die in case of
maximum damage being caused to plants severe attack.
which are under 15 em in height tBeeson, Cantrol : They can be checked by using
1940). carbaryi @ 20-30 kgjha or BHC 10%
Pulse crops dust @ 60-70 kg/ha.
Termites are known to attack pulse Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)
crops in india. They are a major pest of The crop is attacked by Odontoter-
red gram (Cajanus cajan) Bengal gram mes obesus and Trinervitermes -hi/ormis.
(Cicer arietinum) and cowpea (Vigna The plant, both at and below ground-
sinensis) by· Odontotermes parvidens and level, as well as the burried nut are
Microtermes mycop/zagus and M. obesi, attacked.
respectively. More than 15 per, cent loss-
Control : The pest can be controlled
of cowpea crop has been estimated.
effectively by using 6 per cent heptach-
Control: Termites (Microtermes mycopha- lor dust at 25 kg/ha.
gus) can be checked by seed dressing
of aldrin EC at 125.0 gm actual per
Rusan, M.A. 1935. Pests of wheat in India
quintal seed in the infested field.
Proc., World's Grain Exhibit. Confer.
Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoioba) 1933, Ottawa, 2, pp. 562-564.
The termite species responsible for Karris, W. V. 1969. Termites as pests of
damage to guar are Microcerotermes crops and trees. 41 pp. Longon (Com-
baiuchistanicus, Odontotermes guptai and mon W. Inst. Ent.)
Microtermes obesi. They attack the crop
Kushwaha, K.S. 1972. 'Termite ·pests of
both at germination and fruiting stages.
fruit trees and grasses in India. pp.
The losses done by these species vary
58-61. In termite Problems in India.
between 12.3%-16.3%. Narayan, B.S. and Ratan Lal 1952 A
Castor (Ricinus communis) short review of r<!corded informations
It is attacked by Microtermes on the control of termites damaging
tnycophagus both at seedling and growth crops in India. Indian. J. Ent. 14:
stages of the plants. Termites nibble the 21-30.
tap root. The bark of the roots, in each Parihar, b.R. 1977. Notes on some termi-
case is found to be quite intact while the tes of Rajasthan desert. Geobios 4:
hard cores mostly tunnelled through. 173.
The larger galleries are occassionally filled - - - - 1978. Toxicity of some insecti-
with soil and excreted wood. cide~ to AcantllOlermes macrocephalus,
Cotton (Gossypium spp) Geohios 5: 92-93.
The following species are known to - - - - 1978. Field observations on
be the principal culprits (Butani, 1973, the nature and extent of damage by

Indian desert termites and their cont- in Gujarat pp.219-221 In Termites ill
rol. Ann. Arid Zone 17 (2): 192-199. humid Tropics. Paris (UNESCO).
- - - - 1978. Termite problems in Roonwal, M.L. 1975. Field and other
desert plantations. Abstracts intern. observation on the harvester termites ,
Sympos., Arid Zone Res. & Dev. Anacal1thotermes macrocephalus (Hod-
(Jodhpur p. 153). otermitidae) from the Indian desert.
- - - - , 1979. Seasonal incidence of Z. Angew. Ent. 78: 224-239.
termite injury in the desert part of the
- - - - , 1976. Field ecology and ecobi.
Rajasthan State. Geobios 6: 340-341.
ogeography of Rajasthan Termites.
- - - - , 1980a. Aspects of foraging eco-
A study in desert environment. Zool.
logy of two subterranean termites in Jb, (Syst.) 103: 455-504.
desert grassland ecosystem of Rajas-
than Z. ang. Zool. (In press). - - - - , 1979. Termite life and Termite
control in South Asia Jodhpur (Scienti-
- - - - , 1980b. Termites problem in
desert plantations Ann. Arid Zone 19 fic Publishers), pp. 177
(3): 329-334. - - - - , and Bose G. 1962. Termite
- - - - , 1980c. Some observations on fauna of Rajasthan, India Zoologica
distribution and pest status of termites 40: I-58.
attacking forestry plantation in the - - - - , and Verma, S.C. 1977. Re-
Rajasthan desert. Indian J. For. (in survey of the termite fauna of Rajas-
Press.) than, India and its Zoogeography. Rec.
- - - - , 1981. Termites affecting Euca- Zool. Surv. India, Delhi 72: 425-480.
lyptus plantations and their control in Sankaran, T. 1962. Termites in relation
arid region of India Z. Ang. Ent. 29: to plant protection. pp. 233-236. In
23-27. Termites in the humid tropics (Proc.
Patel, R.M. 1962. Effect of BHC formu- New Delhi Sympos. 1960) Paris.
lation on the control of field termites (UNESCO)

Role of birds in agro-forestry
B.D. Rana

M ucn. attention to increase the EXTENT OF DAMAGE

production of foodgrains, limiting popula- A. Agricultural crops
tion growth and minimising food losses
i) Cereal grains· House crows,
both in the sowing field and at maturity
Corvus splendens and Ring doves, Strepto-
stage before harvesting, is very urgently
pe/ia decaocto dig out the freshly sown
needed for maintammg population
seeds of maize (Zea-mays) crops. After
growth, food supply and other employ-
germination, house crows and babblers
ment generating opportunities.
of both the species, Turdoides caudatus
and T. stria/us start digging (20% of
With the adoption of improved seedlings) them out. The Corvus splendens
farming techniques such as introduction makes irregular hole with its beak on
of high yielding varieties of cereals, oil one side of seedlings and expose the
seeds and pulses have sho wn sig:nificant grain for feeding, whereas, the babblers
promise in terms of self sufficiency in food make a comparatively smaller hole
supply in our country. Likewise, Kaul around the seedlings. During earhead
and Ganguli (1963), Muthana and formation, the grains are usually dama-
Shankarnarayan (1978) and Ghosh (1980) ged for Parakeets, P.littacula krameri,
described th~t silvi-pastoral practice Babblers, House crows and Common
introduced in the past and being recently mynas Acridotheres tristis. The parakeets
adopted in India. Birds do considerable attack the cob from top downwards and
damages right through sowing of cereal cut the husk into pieces to expose the
grain to maturity of food crops, grasses grains House crow removes the cob-
and forestry plantations. The agro-silvi- husk, whereas, the Babblers and mynas
pastoral system has now been adopted by damage the cobs. The extent of damage
rural masses and therefore, its signific- caused by these birds is estimated to ,be
ance created interest among ornithologists 16 per cent. However, Ramzan and Toor
to study the problems posed by birds (1972) reported 20 per cent losses are
with a view to establish an effective caused by parakeets. Beri et al. (1972)
technique for controlling them. Their observed that Psittacula krameri and
positive role in the Agro-forestry system Passer domesticus were the two most
is an important aspect which should also vigilant birds for mustard Brasska
be studied and understand properly. campestris crops.

The freshly sown Bajra grains are damaged by Columba livia and PSiltaeula
usually taken out by Pigeons and Doves. krameri. Mehrotra and 'Bhatnagar (1979)
During earhead formation, 29 per cent stated that cotyledons, leaves are cut,
damages are caused by House sparrows, thus do lot of damag,;s to pulse crops.
Passer domestiells, White throated o1Unia, Among oil seed crops crows Usually
Lonchura malabariea and Black-bellied dig out the pods or groundnut (Arachis
finch-lark, Eremopterix grisea (Chahal hypogea) and feed upon their kernels.
et al., 1973). Rose-ringed parakeet, During harvesting period, 10 per cent
Psittaeula kramer; either cut down or damages is done by House crow, Parrot,
pick up the whole earhcad in its beak myna and babbler, Parrots are very
and thus causing severe damage to bajra seriolls pests of sun flower, Brassica jUflcea
crop. The estimated loss of bajra due and mustard seeds. Ripe or unripe seeds
to bird damage, mostly sparrows, Passer of Til, Sesamum indicum are destroyed
domesticus, has been 8020 ± 21 kg/ha considerably by short toedlark.
for R.S.K and 144.03 ± 21.60 kgjha
iii) Orchards-Mango, Mangifera
for hybrid bajra (Jain and Prakash, 1974).
indica fruits are usually damaged by
Thus total loss is about 8 to 10 per cent
Parakeets. The birds cut the unripe
to the bajra grains at maturity stage.
fruits from the branch and after eating
Among migratory birds, short toed lark
some pa rt discards the same (Chahal
does damage to germinating bajra crop.
et al., 1973).' Parakeets destroy both
Verma and Rana (1977) reported unripe as well as ripe fruits, whereas,
that white throated munia, Lonehura Fed-vellted bul bul, Pycnonotus cafer,
malabarica posed a serious threat to the koels, Eudynamys scalopaeea and the
cultivation of Panicllm miliaceum as a black headed buntings, Emberiza melan-
promising minor millet crop grown in ocephala eat ripe fruits of Date palm,
western Rajasthan. Conus splendens Phoenix sylveslris. The severe damage to
and Green beaeater, Merops orientalis guava fruits by parakeets is done during
eat seedlings of wheat crop. During June to August and November to Janu-
ear-head formation at milky stage, House ary periods. Pomegranate and ber,
sparrow, Passer damesticus, yellow thro- Zizyp/zus mauritiana fruits are attacked
ated ,sparrow, Ptronia xanthallis and by parakeets and bulbuls and they eat
Psitacula krameri damage to wheat· the polp of fruits. Bulbuls also cause
crops. considerable damage to fruits of Grevia
The common bird pests ofSorg/1lIm asiatica plantation (Rana, 1976. Bulbuls
vulgare are Corvus splendents, Columba and Bank myna; Aeridatheres ginginianus
livia, Strepf()pelia decaoeta, Psittacllia inflict considerable damage to viDe yards
krameri, Passer domestieus and ·short- (Chahal et af 1973).
toed larks, Rosy pastor, Sturn us roseus. Pycllonotus cafeI' eats pulp of
Lat~r two species are winter visitors. Zizyphus Illimmlilaria fruits (26.4 per cent)
ii) Pulses-Developing green pods of and flowers of Calotropis procera, 10.7
moallg, Viglla radiatus and Soya bean are per cent (Rana, 1973).

B. Vegetable gardens 1. Preventive
Pea-fowl, Pavo cristatus, common 2. Scaring
myna, Acridollzeres tristis damage to 3. Chemical
tomato and' chillies fruits. Likewise, 1. Prelien!ive-These operations
bulbuls and sparrows cause considerable prove more fruitful if followed properly
harm to Pea, PiSlllll sa/ivunI, coriander, and enthusiastically.
meithi and palak.
aJ Nettil/g- This technique is being
C. Afforestation plantation utilized specially .to protect vine yards
Besides agricultural crops, birds, from all sides with nylon nets made up
specially Parakeets cause damage to green of 72 inch mesh or chicken wire screens.
pods and buds of species such as The netting cost comes to about Rs. 3,
Albizia lebbek, Pro50pis cineraria, Acacia 000 for nylon and Rs. 5, 000-6,000 for
tortilis, Azadirachta indica and Delbergia chicken wire screen per ha (Chahal et al.,
sissoo. The seeds of teak plantation 1973 ).
are damaged to great extent in Andhra
b) Covering of fruits-Bird damage
Pradesh (Krishnamurthy, 1973).
to grapes, pomegranate and papaya can
D. Grasses and fodder crops be prevented by covering the individual
fruits with muslin or polythene bags.
Birds. specially doves, Streptopelia
decaocto, S. senegalensis and the common 2. Scaring-The most common
rose finch. Cafpodacus erythrinus digout techniqe of bird control used in India is
the freshly sown seeds of CenLhrus scaring. Human scarers are either empl-
setigerlls, C. ciliaris, Lasiurus sindicus, oyed or members of the farmer~ themsel-
Panicum turgidum and Dichanthiul1l ves to scare birds from their crop fields
anl/ulatum from the sowing bed of silvi- at maturity period.
pastoral system which are in practice to
Shooting scaring may also be used.
get the good quality of forage for the
Bird trapping is not so common in India,
live stock. The grey partridge, Franco-
whereas, it is being used ~uccessfully in
linus pondicerianlls. F. piClUS and the
U.S.A. and other African countries. The
grey quail, Co fur nix cott/rnix also feed on
other scare measures are a) use of Pata-
seeds of grasses (Rana, 1973).
khas (Aceytelcne exploder), b) Drumm-
BIRD CONTROL STRATEGY ing. c) use of sling shots (Eopis), d)
Sona~ra phic and Broad cast calls, e)
The control of birds does not imply
Distress calls, f) Models of predatory
their eradication, but it includes every
effort for ecological management of
population which ultimately results in 3. Chemical control-Bajra grains
minimising the losses of agricultural treated with 0.3 per cent endrin (15 ml
produce. Three integrated techniques endrlI1 20 EC) or 0.5 per cent carbofuran
may be suggested to control the bird are quite effective to control bird pests
deprivation. of Agro-forestry. The poison bait should

be placed in roosting sites of thetarget found 10 thrive upon termites, Odonta_
bird spe<.:ies. [n U.S.A. Amino pyridine-4 lermis obessus and Katra, Anisaeta moorei.
(AVITROL R) is used as repellent for The black drongo, Dierurus adsimilis and
controlling birds (Crabb, 1978 and Sch- Indian rvbin, Saxieoloides fulieata play
afer, 1978), Strychnine baiting is also useful role by predating upon white grubs,
proved most effective to control most of Holotriehia eonsanquinea, spiders and
tha bi, d pests of cereals (Fitzwater and Katra catterpillers, A. moorei. The rufous
Prakash. 1978) in India. Thallium sulph- backed shrike, Lanius sehach feeds mainly
ate has been used as frightening agents upon grasshoppers, Rieroglyphus higrore-
to reduce the population of birds (Fitz-
platlls and P!etocerus pictus. The grey
water and Pra kash, 1978).
partridge also predates upon Odento
PRECA UTiONS termis obessus. Thus these common bird
I. The kids, pets and poultry birds species are playing an important role ill
should be kept away from the poison biological management of the harmful
baits. insects to summer as well as winter crops
2. The dead birds should be in Rajasthan.
collected with utmost care and burried IMPACT OF FOREST PLANTATION
deep in soil to avoid secondary poisoning. ON BIRD POPULATIONS
3. The unconsumed bait should be Threshold level of the 'bird popu-
destroyed to avoid hazards non-target lation which in turns regulate the insect
fauna of environment, population should be maintained by
4. The containers used for formul- providing them enough and appropriate
ation of poison bait should either be nesting and feeding sites by the way of
destroyed or burried deep tn the soil. afforestation of suitable species of trees,
5. The hands of operators should shrubs. etc.
be cleaned well with soap.
Ali, Salim and Futehally, Z. 1967.
Besides, destructive propensity, a Common birds. National Book Trust
few species of birds do help in pollination India, New Delhi: 1-118.
such as sun bird pollinates to Eucalyptus
Beri, Y.P., Raizada, M. and Bhatnagar,
camufdutensis plantation in forestry
R.K. 1972. Evolving resistant varieties
ecosystem. House 'crows predate upon
to bird damage. Entomologists NelVs-
Castor semilooper, Aehoeajanata (Sachan
letter 11(7) : 47.
and Rana, 1974). The chief insetivore
birds like Cuprimu/glls asiatieus, Upupa Chahal, B.S., Simwat, G.S. and Brar, H.S.
epJps, Lanius exeubitor are predominantly 1973. Bird pests of crops and their
inhabiting this eco-system. control. PAU, Ludhiana, X(3) : 18-20.
The black bellied finch lark, Eremop-' Crabb, A.C. 1978. Bird damage Research
1erix grisea survives chiefly upon white at the University of California, Davis.
ants, Microtermis obessii and Black ants,· Proc. 8th Vert. Pest. Conf Sacramonto,
Fornuca indica. The house sparrow are California: 36-39.

Ghosh, R.C. 1980. Si!vi-pastoral systems. Ramzan, M. a'nd TOOT, H.S. 1972. Studies
The concepts old and new. Proc. o.n damage to crops due to. RDseringed
FA.O / DANIDA Training Course on Parakeet, Psittacula krameri at
Sand Dune . Stabilization, Shelterbelt Ludhiana (Punjab). Punjab Hort. J. 12
and Afforestation in !he Dry Zones. (2-3) : 145-146.
CAZRI, Jo.dhpur : 232-252.
Rana, B.D. 1973. Fo.o.d and feeding habits
Fitzwater, W.D. and Prakash, I. 1978. o.f the co.mmo.n Indian desert birds.
Handbook of Vertebrate Pest Control. Indian Forester 99(11) : 669-673.
ICAR, New Delhi (2nd Edn.) : 1-95.
- - - - 1977. Dro.ught fDo.d o.f Pycno-
Jain, M. B. and Prakash, I. 1974. Bird notus cafer and Psittacula krameri in
damage in relatio.n to varietal diffe- the Rajasthan desert. Newsletter for
rence in Bajra cro.P. Ann. Arid Zone Birdwatchers 16(10) : 5-6.
13(2) : 139-144.
Sachan, J.N. and Rana, B.D. 1974. House
Kaul, R.N. and Ganguli, B.M. 1963. crDW as predator o.f castor semilo.oper.
Fo.dder Po.tential o.f Zizyphus to. the Entomologists Newsletter 4(5) : 32-33.
shrub grazing lands o.f arid zo.nes. Schafer, E.W. 1978. Recent developmDnt
Indian Forester. 89 : 623-630. in bird damage control chemicals.
Krishnamurthy. A.V.R.G. 1973 Inter- Proc. 8th Vert. Pest Conf. Sacramento,
national seed symposium on seed Califo.rnia : 32-35.
problems of developing countries, o.rga- Verma, S.K. and Rana, B.D. 1977. Obser-
nised by I.U.F.R.O. at Berg~n. vations on Lonchura malabarica. a
Mehro.tra, K.N. and Bhatnagar, R. K. serious pest of Panicum miliaceum in
1979. Status of economic ornithology Rajasthan. Newsletter for Birdwatchers
in India. leAR, New Delhi: 1-79. 27(8) : 9-10.

Soil and water conservation in agricultural land
M.L. Kbybri

The two important resources for, cultivation practices.

crop production are soil and water. Due Depending upon the degree of ero.
to unscientific utilisation of land, consi- sion hazards, agricultural lands are
derable amount of soil is lost by erosion. treated with suitable soil conservation
It is estimated that 5000 to 6000 m. measures to preserve the fertile top soil
tonnes of soil are displaced 'annually in and to maintain optimum yield produc-
India due to erosion processes and with tion.
this 2.5 m tonnes of nitrogen, 3.3 m Some of the important agronomical
{onnes of phosphate and 2.6 m tonnes practices needed for controlling erosion
of potash are lost annually. This results are discussed below.
in loss of fertility of soil at one place and AGRONOMIC MEASURES OF ERO-
problems of sedimentation' and floods at STON CONTROL IN CULTIVATED
other. Out of 328 m ha of geographical FIELD
area in our country, about 150 m ha are Contour farming
subject to serious problems of wind and The up and down method of culti-
water erosin. The break up of different vation in many parts of the country is
types of erosion is given in Table 1. one of the causes of man-made erosion.
The above Table shows broadly the On steep slopes, this practice enables
magnitude of the erosion problems in rain water to gain velocity, facilitating
India. These problems are faced, be- runoff water to erode soil and cause, by
sides in agricultural lands, in other land stages sheet, rill and gully erosions.
uses also. In cultivated areas the prob. Thus, the upper layer of the fertile soil is
lems have been aggravated by improper washed away and considerable quantity of
Table 1. Extent bf erosion. problems in India

. Description Area (million ha)

Total geographical area 328
Total area subject to serious water and wind erosion 150
Area at critical stage of deterioration due to erosion 69
Area subject to wind erosion 32
Area affected by gullies and ravines 4
Area affected by shifting cultivation 3
(National Commission on Agriculture 1976)

usable water is lost to the soil, resulting in help of sweep cultivator or blade haIrow.
reduced yjelds. Contouring refers to the This type of tillage helps in keeping the
tillage practices .of applying all treatments mulch on the surface.
along can tours in agriculture, pasture or Vertical mulching has been found
range lands. In regions of low rainfall to be useful in conserving water and in-
contour farming helps cpnservation of creasing crop yield in Bellary. Sorghum
rainfall and in humid areas this reduces stubbles, packed in trenches of 30 em x
soil loss. The furrows between the ridges 15 em protruding 10 cm above ground
developed by contour tillage operations at 4m interval across the slope, conserved
catch and hold the water or part .of it. more moisture and gave ·extra grain and
making it available to the soil and thus straw yield of sorghum to the extent of
helping a unifom distribution of moisture. 400 to 1069 kg/ha in drought years and
Since contour furrows store rain water at 161 to 709 kg/ha in wet years (CS&WC-
or near the point where it falls, they have R&TI Research Station, Bellary, Broch-
a definite value in controlling floods in ure 1980).
small watersheds. Use of cover crops
Mulching Erosion from cultivated fields can
Mulching refers to the use of crop be reduced if the land has enough crop
residues, manures, leaves and other litter canopy during the peak rainy season.
as well as any convenient manufactured Good ground cover canopy gives protec-
material like polythene as mulches with tion to the land like an umbrella. Studies
or without shallow tillage for the purpose conducted on canopy produced by crops
of increasing soil productivity. This prac- arad splash erosion have shown that
tice is not only useful for reducing soil there is significant correlation between
and water loss but is also useful for main- these two parameters-higher the canopy,
taining high soil moisture in the field and lesser the splash Thus, with good ground
checking weed growth. Thus, mulching cover, erosion is minimised. It is gener-
can be used in high rainfall period/region ally believed that legumes provide better
for reducing soil and water loss and in cover and better protection to land against
low rainfall period/region for increasing erosion as compared to open-tilled crops.
soil moisture. Organic mulches are also This has also been observed in the studies
useful in regulating soil temperature. Stu- at various places. Among the legumes
dies conducted at various places have cowpea has been found to produce maxi-
demonstrated that mulching increases mum canopy, followed by moong. urad
soil moisture and yield of c~ops. and Dhaincha at Dehra Dun. Maximum
In areas where wind erosion is a root development was observed with
serious problem, stubble mulch farming Dhaincha.
is conside~ed as an effective tillage prac- Sowing of crops needs to be done
tice for reducing erosion in cultivated as early as possible during Kllarif season.
lands. SUbsurface tillage is used in such Little delay in sowing has adverse effect
areas, which is accomplished with the on crop growth and canopy development

which _is refiected in splash erosion. For slopes, it becomes difficult to lay ti
. e
example, in Dehra Dun, maize sown at stnps exactly on contour. In such ca
" ses
different dates, namely, June 25, July 01 the strIps are laId across the general
and July 07, produced 48%, 20% and 15 slopes but not necessarily along the exact
% canopy, respectively, by 30th July. By contour. This is referred to as field stri
this period respective splash produced, cropping. In buffer strip cropping, stTjp~
was 14.5 gm, 18.4 gm and 20.5 gm. of permanent sod crops are used and are
located on steep, badly eroded areas that
Strip cropping and mixed cropping do not fit into a regular rotation. Wind
As discussed earlier, crops behave strip cropping is adopted for control of
differently in their capacities to produce wind erosion. Here the strips are laid at
vegetative cover and root development right angle to the direction of the prevai-
and consequently affect splash erosion, ling winds.
runoff and soil loss, Legumes, in general,
Strip cropping is simple, cheap and
as they produce good cover, resist erosion,
effective soil conservation practice and
whereas open-tilled crops like maize,
can be adopted by farmers having large
bajra, cotton permit erosion. Nevertheless
holdings. Mixed cropping is a better
farmers do grow and rightly so, cash
substitute for strip cropping for small
crops and other open-tilled crops. In
order to produce minimum erosion from
the field, farmers need to be given systems Mixed cropping is a practice of
of cropping which can satisfy his food growing more than one crop in the field
requirements and at the same time result simultaneously. In mixed cropping, there
mll11mUm erosion. Strip cropping and is one main crop and one or two subsidiary
mixed cropping are the systems which crops. Generally, legume is used as one
n{eet such requirements. of the crops. This system of cropping is
Strip cropping is a system under very extensively adopted by the farmers in
which ordinary farm crops are planted India. Mixed cropping gives better cover
in relatively narrow strips, across the of land, good protection from beating
slope of the land, and so arranged that action of rain, protection from soil erosion
the strips of erosion-permitting crops and assurance of one or more crops to
are always ,separated by strips of close the farmers. The roots of the various crop
growing or erosion-resisting crops. There species in mixed cropping make use of soil
are four type of strips croppings : moisture and nutrients at different depthS
in the soil. In mixed cropping, different
(i) contour strip cropping; (ii)
crops can be more efficiently sown in alter-
field strips cropping; (iii) buffer strip
nate lines, instead of mixing the seeds,
cropping, and (iv) wind strip cropping.
which is also referred to as intercropping.
In contour strip cropping, the strips are
laid along the contour, at right angles to Studies have shown that mixed
the natur~l direction of slope. Where land cropping/inter-cropping allows less runoff
and soil loss. as can be seen from table 2.
is' undulating with no definite defined

Table 2. Runoff and soil loss under intercropping (Deochanda)

Runoff Soil loss

of rainfall% (tonnes/ha)
38.4 17.5
Maize alone
13.1 5.3
Maize and arhar
(Quoted by Rama Rao, 1974)
control of erosion. Mechanical measures
Crop geometry. required in such situation are discussed
Row crops that are widely spaced,
are generally erosion-permitting. To
reduce the erosion the plants should MECHANICAL MEASURES OF ERO-
be spaced in such a way as to obstruct SION CONTROL IN CULTIVATED
the flow of water downhill by the crop FIELDS
itself. For example, normal spacing Contour bunding
for maize recommended in Dehra Dun
It is an important soil and water
is 60 cm between rows and 30 cm
conservation measure in areas receiving
between plants. This gives a plant popu-
rainfall less than 800 mm and with absor-
lation of about 55,000 per hectare. It has
bent type of soils. It is commonly adopted
been seen that keeping the plant popula-
on agricultural land upto the slope
tion constant and increasing the row
of about 6%. In such areas, contour
spacing from 60 cm to 90 cm and decrea-
bunding helps rainfall to infiltrate into
sing the piant spacing within the row from
the soil and check run off. Thus, the
30 cm to 20 cm, there is no effect on the
moisture regime of the soil profile is
yield of crop. However, when the roWS
increased, with consequent increase in
were laid across the slope, decrease in the
crop yields.
soil loss from 18 tonnes/ha to 12 tonnes/
ha and runoff from 34% of rainfall to As regards spacing between the
29% of rainfall, was obtained by giving bunds, it should not exceed 1.5 m vertical
plant spacing of 90 em between rows and drop or 67 m horizontal spacing which-
20 em between plants. ever is less. The following standard (table
These findings show that agronomi- 3), which is used in Maharashtra, can be
cal practices, when applied in a proper used as a fair guide.
way, go a long way in reducing soil and
Table 3. Vertical interval for lands of
water loss from the cuitivated fields. Suit-
varying slopes
able practices are to be adopted in the
Slope (%) Vertical interval ~m)
field as per needs of the crops and.prob-
lems of erosion faced in a given location. 0-1 1.05
There are, however, certain situa- 1.20
tions such as steep slopes, where the 1.35
I 5-2
agronomic practices are to be supplemen- 1.50
ted by mechanical measures for effective

Graded bunding 0.5% channel grade were found suitable
Graded bunding is adopted in areas for clay loam soils.
having annual rainfall of 800 mm or more. Graded bunding requires a safe
Observations and experiments at Sholapur, water disposal system. A grassed water-
Bellary and Kota have shown that even way, parabolic in shape, is provided at
in semi-arid climate, having rainfall less the end of graded bund to dispose of
than 800 mm, contour bunding in deep excess runoff safely into the drainage
black soils is not suitable. The low rates system. This excess runoff can also be
of permeability in these soils cause pro- collected in a pond for reuse.
longed impounding of water in the fields, Conservation ditches
whkh damage the crops. In such cases Management of watershed with the
also graded bunding is recommended. help of conservation ditches has been
Graded bunds may be narrow-based or found to be quite advantageous at Bell-
broad-based. Broad base graded bund ary. These have advantages over graded
consists of a wide low embankment, bund in that ditches store excess runoff
constructed on the lower edge of the water and can be used for supplemental
channel, from which the soil is excavated. irrigation which cannot be stored in
The channel is excavated at suitable graded bunds. The ditches, 30 m long
interval on a falling contour with suitable with cross sectional area of 1.583 m 2
longitudinal grade. Experience at Dehra (base width 0.61 m; side slope upstream
Dun has shown that graded bunds with 5:1, downstream 1.5:1 and depth 0.61 m),
V.1. of 0.3 (Sj2+3) can be safely adopted. were designed for storing 20% of a 10
Moreover broad base and narrow base year 24 hour rainfall. Side slopes of the
cross sections function well, without any ditches were planted with Dichanthium
maintenance, by adopting contour culti- annu/atum grass for protection against
vation. For the maintenance of broad- securing and caving in of the ditches. The
based bunds, adoption of contour culti- grass so planted gave 5 & 15 tonnesjha of
vation is a must and this can be accom- green grass in 1977 and 1978 respectively.
plished when improved implements of The ditch stored 87% of runoff water in
plo'Jghing, such as mould board plough 1978. The water so stored was utilised
or disc pJough, are used. for supplemental irrigation with simple
Studies pn broad-baseq channel Jjlothi hant} pump (Patnaik et al., 1978).
terraces, constructed on black soils (land Bench terracing
slo'pe 1%) in semi-arid climate at Bellary,
On steeply sloping undulating land,
showed that V.l. of 0.6 m was better
intensive farming can be practised only
than that of 0.75 m; that channel terraces
with bench terracing. Initial cost of
with variable grade recorded less runoff
bench terracing is more than bunding.
and soil loss than the channel terraces'
However, bench terracing helps in better
with uniform grade.
retention of soil moisture, manure and
At Kota, graded bunds with 0.7 to fertilizer and facilitates the application
1.0 sq. m. cross-section and with 0.1 to of irrigation, if available. In rain fed

areas terracing is usually practised on directly utilised through transplfajion.
slopes ran~ing from 6% to 33%. It may This shows that 262 m ha m of water is
be used on gentle slopes as well, if still not utilised. Most of this water goes
irrigation is to he applied to crops. as runoff into the ocean through the
In Puertorican type of terraces, river systems. Thus there is great poten-
bunds are formed gradually by inducing tial of harvesting this water for agricul-
erosion on the sloping field and arresting tural production. Harvesting of runoff
the soil by creating vegetative barrier on water and storing in small ponds located
contour on the lower side of the field. at suitable sites has been found quite
In this case, cost of construction of ben- feasible. It serves two purposes. On the
ches is reduced and the decrease in yidd one hand it helps in reducing peak floods
in early period of terracing observed in and on the other the water stored is
regular bench terracing is minimised. utilised for supplemental IrrIgation
Khadins during lean periods. It has been amply
demonstrated that even with one or two
Khadins are extensively used in
supplemental irrigation there is consider-
Rajasthan's arid and semi-arid regions.
able increase in the yield. In some
These are constructed on low lying lands
cases crop yields have more than doubled
where crops are raised by conserving
with the use of this supplemental water.
rain water from the rocky catchments.
Cultivation in khadins is done by retain- REFERENCES
ing runoff water over low-lying areas Anonymous 1980. Brochure of cs &
through construction of bunds across the WCR & TI Research Centre, Bellary.
slope on the lower boundary line of
National Commission on Agriculture
Khadin land. Cross-section of the bund
1976. Report of the Natiollal Comm-
depends upon the soil type, area of
ission on Agriculture, Min. of Agricul-
Khadins and discharge from catchments.
ture and Irrigation, Govt. of India,
It generally varies from 2 sq m. to 24
Part V.
sq. m. Crops are grown in kharifand
Patnaik, U. S., Padmanabhan, M. V.,
rabi,depending upon the rainfall and
Chittaranjan, S., Ramnath, B.,
runoff received in the Khadins.
Hanumanthappa, B., and Subbayyan,
RUNOFF WATER HARVESTING, R. 1978. Conservation ditching for
STORAGE AND RECYCLING soil and water conservation in deep
It is estimated that annually On an black soils . . Annual, Report, CS &
average 400 m ha m of precipitation is WCR & IT. Dehra Dun.
received in India. The present utilisation Rama Rao, M.S.V. 1974. Soil Conserv-
through water resource development ation in India. Indian Council of
is 38 m ha m and another 110 m ha m is Agricultural Research, New Delhi.

Conservation farrning in arid areas
K.C. Singh

The problems of farming in arid reducing wind erosion hazard in the long
lands need to be examined towards run.
conservation of soil and water resources, 1. Vegetative cover
which constitute major constrains for any
The establishment of proper and
gainful utilization of arid areas. The
permanent vegetative cover, particularly
primary need, therefore, is the develop-
on marginal and sub-marginal lands, is
ment of techniques which combine the
undoubtedly most effective for efficient
dual role of conservation of soil and
water resources and optimised/stabilised wind erosion control. The land not suit-
production. able for crop production may be used for
tree plantation and grassland develop-
2. Wind strip cropping
S.:>il erosion by wind is one of the
foremost problems of Indian arid zone. Wind strip cropping is a method of
The following practices have been deve- farming where perennial grass or other
loped and found useful for the reduction plants are established in the field at right
of wind erosion hazard. angle to the prevailing wind direction
and crops are grown in between these
I. Vegetative cover-grassland develop-
2. Wind strip cropping Plants suitable for wind strip cropping.
Under this sys·em, plants should be
3. Stubble mulching
able to establish under low soil moisture
4. Afforestation-shelterbelts and wind
and fertility regimes which are often
associated with dry regions. Grasses like
5. Tillage-
Lasiurus sindicus and Cenchrus ciliaris
(a) Minimum tillage serv~ as useful materials for planting
(b) Emergency tillage perennial grass strips. However, Saccha-
(c) Set-row ~ultivation rum benghalensis (Munj), Panicum antido.
Vegetation like grasses help in stabi- tale (Graman a) and Panicum turgidum
lizing the soil in the long run due to the ( Murat), if grown, can also serve the
binding action of their root net-work. purpose effectively. The perennial grass
Application of F Y.M., pond sediments strips should be planted in rows, at right
and various soil conditioners also help in angle to the direction of prevailing wind.

Zizyp!zus nummularia may also be planted higher (O.S to 1.5 per cent) than, in the
in strips for controlling wind erosion unprotected land (Misra, 1964).
where conditions are favourable for its
3. Stubble mulching
establishment. Z. nlimmlilaria, locally
known as Pula, is one of the most signifi- Stubble mulch farming is practised
cant flora of the arid eco-system. Once in dryland condition where soil blowing
established it remains alive for an indefi- is a serious problem. Tn a study on stub-
nitely long period, unless cut dead in the ble mulching with crop residue of bajra,
soil or uprooted. In so far as the forage carried out at CAZRl, Jodhpur, the effect
value is concerned this has an advantage of crop stubble of different sizes (15,30,45
over gras~es which need to be re-establi- cm) and whole stubble was monitored.
shed after every 8-10 years. Regeneration The minimum soil loss due to wind ero-
of Pala is less affected under grazing sion in case of whole stubble was 761.1
stress as compared to grasses. Pala is a kg/ha, followed by 45 cm stubble (949.9
deep feeder and takes its quota of kg/ha). The soil loss of 116.5 and 149l.3
moisture and nutrients essentially from kg/ha was in 30 and 15 cm stubble plots
the 'l1lurrum' layer. The competition respectively. Maximum amount of soil
with growing plants is, hence, bare mini- (2087.8 kg/ha) was blown from control
mum. Unlike grasses which the farmers plot. The crop residue of 45 cm proved
at times are non-willing to adopt due to effective in preventing soil loss and in
various reasons, it is expected that a increasing grain yields by 5.7 per cent
programme in which one of the (Mi~ra, 1Y64).
components would be readily acceptable
4. AJforestation-Shelterbelts and wind
to them. Pala 1las been disappearing
from farmer"fields due to use of imple-
ments like disc plough. Tlierefore, to The terms shelterbelts and wind
conserve Pala in farmers field strip breaks are ofren used interchangeably but
cropping system with Pala and important a distinction can be made. A shelter belt
crops of the region may be useful. is a long belt of shrubs and trees for
protecting fields whereas wind break is a
In a study on wind strip cropping
protective planting around farm. orchard
carried out at the CAZRI, Jodhpur, the
or a building. The action of these planta-
average yields of Vigna r'ldwta (Mung)and
tions is to create a mechanical obstacle to
Vigna aconitifolia (Moth) were 272 and
the free sweep of wind and to reduce its
257 kg/ha respectively, obtained under
velocity, which ultimately helps in contro-
unprotected plots. The yields increased
lling erosion.
to 484 and 372 kg/ha respectively, when
the cropped strips were protected by The practice of growing scattered
perennial protective strips of Lasiurus trees on cultivated land is quite common
sindicus and Ricinus communis, established in desert areas. Tree species like Prosopis
at right angles to the general direction of cineraria (Khejri) and other light crowned
the prevailing wind. Soil moisture in the trees do not compete with the agricultural
protected cropped land was found to be crops.

5. Tillage are efficient utilizers o(rainfall and stored
Tillage has to be minimum in desert
soil-climatic conditions. Howe~er, proper 2. Planting system
root bed is a requirement and hence Pair<::d row system of planting pearl
tillage can not be given up completely. millet proved to be more efficient for the
Sct-row cultivation is one of the alterna- utilization of moisture from deeper layers
tives. Under this system, crops are planted of the soil profile than the conventional
in pairs in the set-rows (30-40 cm) alter- system. This system of planting also
nated by inter-pair spaces (60-70 cm). produced 9.1 % more pearl millet over
Tillage is performed year after year in uniform row planting (Singh et al~ 1978).
the set rows only and inter-pair spaces
3. Use of surface mulches
are left permanently untilled. The tillage
component is thus reduced by 60-70% Studies on the efficiency of different
(Singh, 1980). surface mulches, viz., dust, wheat straw
(6 tons/ha), bajra husk (4 tODs/ha) and
polyethylene, carried out for two years
Dry farming is an important con- (1972, 73), indicated that application of
servation farming in arid areas to stabilise bajra husk or polyethylene mulch after
crop production and in reducing the the saturation of the soil profile resulted
pressure of cultivation on marginal and in significantly higher grain yield of bajra
sub-marginal lands which are not suita- (25%) than no-mulch treatment in low
ble for arable farming. Crop production rainfall year (1972). Surface mulch also
in al id areas can be adopted with consi- reduced the surface temperature (after-
derable success provided adequate steps noon) of soil by 3° to 4°C. Crop grown
are taken to hold water where it falls, to in the mUlched plots exhibited higher
hold- it in the soil and to use it as soon I
MUE over the unmulched plots. Bajra
as possible through suitable techniques.
husk in general, was found to be the
Some of the pertinent measures and cheapest (Daulay et al., 1979). A pplica-
practices developed at CAZRJ, Jodhpur tion of mulches did not confer any
are discussed below. advantage in good rainfall years.
1. Efficient crops and varieties ill utilizing 4. Wate~ harvesting
rainfall and stored moisture. Inter row water-harvesting system,
The crops like moth and guar, being proved to be mos~ promising for dryland
hardy, are cultivated in desert areas. crops. The technique is simple and can
Varieties of dryland crops that are most be implemented mechanically with the
efficient with regard to utilization _ of help of a ridger seeder. Ridger seeder
rainfall and stored soil moisture have. developed at H.A.U., Hissar is tractor
been identified as the S-8 of mung, driven and has three bottoms. It forms
Aruna of C~stor, TJ8 of moth, 2470 (12) ridges and furrows and sowing of crops
of gllar and T 13 of til. Besides giving in one operation. Studies on runoff
higher productivity per unit area, these collection from a bare catchment revealed

the possibilities of collection of run-off 6. Use 0/ organic manures
water in farm pOhd and its recycling in In a continuous bajra-bajra sequ-
the event of drought as life saving irriga- ence trial at CAZRI, Jodhpur, applica-
tion to Kharif crops or as presowing tion of 40 t F.Y.M. once in two years
irrigation to take crops like raya in rabi. resulted in consistently higher grain yield
Plantation of suitable tree species on the
and MUE than with control and inorg-
bare catchment is useful.
anic nitrogen. Application of F.Y.M
5. Bentonite as subsurface mois/ure also increased the soil organic carbon and
barrier availability of soil phosphorus consider-
Bentonite clay is a natural resource ably (Singh et 01., 1981).
of western Rajasthan. As subsurface 7. Weed control
moisture barrier it has been found to Conservation of moisture in the
reduce deep percolation of moisture from standing crop is very important. This
root zone. can bes.t be done by keeping the. field
Incorporation of Bentonite clay as well inter-cultivated and weed-free as far
subsurface moisture barrier at 75 cm as possible. Crops of moth and guar, when
depth in pits or trenches, combined with kept weed-free till maturity, produced
run-off concentration, resulted in 60 to higher seed yield. The weed infestation
100% higher yield of linda over conven- after 30 and 40 days of sowing, resulted
tional planting under dryland conditions. in significant reduction in yield.
It also reduced the deep percolation of In drought years, complete crop
moisture by 40 to 60% (Singh et 01, 1975, failure can be avoided by irrigation from
1979). The highest yield of linda was harvested water, removal of susceptible
obtained from the treatment having component and allowing the resistant
bentonite barrier along with the husk of component in inter-cropping system,
pearl millet as subsurface mulch and run- removing lower leaves of the plants and
off concentration (Table 1). All the sowing of rabi crops like mustard (T 59)
treatments gave much higher yields under on conserved moisture, if rains are very
run-off concentration than under flat late.
Table 1. Yield of round gourd (gjlza) as influenced by different treatments
Treatment With micro catchment Flat Mean
Barrier 43.1 19.7 31.4
Barrier with mulch 45.1 23.8 .34.4
Mulch only 22.1 14.2 18.1
Control 18.2 13.4 15.8
Mean 32.1 17.8

planting in a year of drought (1974). REFERENCES

This technique has also proved useful Dauiay, H.S., Singh, H.P., Singh, R.P.
for the initial establishment of tree plant- and Singh, K.C. 1979. Effect of
ation. different mulches on yield and mois-

ture use of pearl-millet. Ann. Arid Singh, R.P., Singh. H.P. and Singh, K.C.
Zone 18 (1&2): 108-15. 1975. Use of bentonite clay as a soil
Misra, D.K. 1964. Agronomic investiga- moisture barrier for vegetable produc_
tions in arid zone. Proc. Symp. tion on dry lands of Rajasthan. Ann.
Problems of Indian Arid Zone. Jadhpur Arid Zone, 14 (1): 63-66.
(Nov. 23. Dec. 2 1964). Ministry of Singh, R.P., Singh, K.C. and Ramakri_
Education, Govt. of India, New shna, Y.S. 1978. Effect of systems of
Delhi, pp. 165-169. planting pearl millet on the yield,
Singh, HP., Singh, R.P. and Singh. K.C. total productivity, moisture use and
1979. Effect of bentonite sub-surface monetary returns. Ind. J. agric. Sci.
moisture barrier and run-off concent- 48 (3): 138-42.
ration on soil moisture storage and Singh, R.P., Singh, H.P., Daulay, H.S.,
yields of round gourd grown in sandy and Singh, K.C. 1981. Studies on
soil. Ind. J. agric. Sci. 49 (11): 382-388. soil fertility management under con.
Singh, H.P. 1980. Soil Management in tinuous cropping of pearl millet.
regions prone to wind erosion. Proc. Effect of periodical application of
l.C.A.R. Summer Institute on Mana- nitrogen in organic and inorganic
gement of Arid Zones of India, Vol. form on the yield of rainfed pearl
VIII. May 12-June 10, C.A.Z.R.I., millet. Ind. J. agric. Sci: (In press).

Op:timu~ use of scarce ,water in arid agriculture
Y.V. Singh

Scarcity of water is the principal ally improves the forage yield and
constrai~'t 'ifmiting agricultural' produc- increases shil rilOisture'status as compared
tion in the arid and semi-arid regions. to c~~trol or bundin'g 'or ftirrowlng.

" ,
Li~ited rainfall, high eveporation co~b­ 2. Moisture conservatIon in sandy soils
ined with runoff and low r·'tention of by . sub-surface barrier and use of
mqisture in th'e s~fI . 6"ft~n cau'.se serious a';endments '
problem for. rainted cr~ps wliile limited
ground water' resource does not permit Placement of a barrier at a depth
large-scale irrigated agricuI'ture. Hence, in the isoil is 'a f'~tion~l' measure 'for'
the~e is need for utilizing' scarce w~ter . arresting the high perc6lati'on losses in
resources rdore; effici~ntJy thf~ugh tIle sand'y soil~. 'Experiments underlaken by f r
adoption of improved technologies'.. Gupta .and Aggarwal (1978) iridicatedi ,
! j'
that' impro"vements bf soil moistute'
brought about by "tbe:' placement 'o'f'
. RA~:NFED'.
suitable barrier of asphalt (ca. 2 nlm thick
at 60 cm depth) brings about' high'er
Various attempts have been made mineralization of nitrogen and an increase
in th.e Indian'
l '
arid zone,

as' else~'her'e,'to' in the uptake o'f nitrogen 'by oajra plant."
improve. plant , water use ind produc- Tl).~ Use of p~nd silt or exfoliated verm-'
tivity of ra'infed crops by the adoption iculite in sendy soil does also help in im- -
of different" 'technol'ogies. TIlt; followin'g proving the yield and water' use efficiency .
methods are worth ~e~tioning. ' , of bajra cr~p. ',' . . ,.
• . I '

I, Contour furrow and bundiryg;. 3. Use of sll~face mulc~Jes:

AJthough specific data on water use is
Conservation of soil moisture by
not available. studies undertaken in the
range lands of the CAZRI located at mulching has a direct relevance 'to th~
Jqj~almer (178.5: mm avg. rainfall), optimization of water use. The evapora-
BhopaJg~rh (3] 6:8 mm), Palsana (468.6 tion losses can be restricted' by the use
~m) and Jada,n (4]1.0 mm). indicated
of mulches. "
that contour' bunding of 75 em height' Experiments undertaken at the
a~d 80 c~ ~ertic~i spacing. combined' CAZRi indicated that bajra husk mulch, L

'Yith contour furov.:ing or' 10-15 cm depth wne3t straw and 'grass mulch help to
m~ verti.c~l spacing: gener- .
II" ! ! f, Ii. _
maintain a high moisture regime in the

soil profile and contribute towards the other water sources in thes~ areas. There
yield improvements of moong and bajra. is ample prospect of recycling this water
Gupta & Aggarwal (1978) also noted for cultivation.
that polythelene and bajra husk mulches
7. Choice of crops
significantly improve the grain and straw
yield of bajra. In the arid zone, crops with low
4. Micro catchment water harvesting water requirement and high yield poten-
tial are most suitable. As noted earlier
In this system, rainwater can be
crops and their varieties which are drought-
catched in the cropped area from the resistant are being identified and bajra,
sealed catchment (with asphalt spray or moong, guar and castor are most suitable
tank silt) area. Among the various ratios in this region.
of catchment to cultivated areas (viz. 0.5,
1.0 and 1.33), 0.5 ratio has appeared to
be more promising. It has been observed
from trials with various crops like bajra,
muong, guar, cowpea, til and sunflower
that such method improves the soil-water 1. Optimization of nitrogen and seeding
condition, minimizes the risk of crop rate with limited water supply
failures in a drought year, generally incre-
The application of irrigation water
ases and stabilizes the yield and improves
in quantity lesser than the seasonal
the water use efficiency.
evapotranspiration should be accomp-
5. Runoff collectiorl, storage and recy- anied by agronomic practices, particularly
cling. nitrogen application and seeding rate
Runoff collection from a bare (Shmueli, 1973; Stewart, et al., 1975).
catchment to a smaIl tank for providing
Studies on wheat (Singh, 1979)
supplemental irrigation at critical stages
revealed that an increase in yield was
of crop growth is suitable for arid and
followed by a steady decrease with
semi-arid areas, as discussed elsewhere in
application of more than 150 kgjha of N
this volume.
and 125 kgjha of seed. The maximum
6. Wa(er harvesting from natural catch- ET was recorded where maximum water
ment was app1ied and minimum where less
In the sub-stations of the CAZRI water was applied. Attainment of higher
located in the desert areas (200 mm or crop yields may not be possible unless
less rainfall) rainwater is being harvested water use is combined optimally with
since early six tics from natural slopes other factors of production (fertilizer N
(3-6%) and collected in cement tanks, each and seed rate). By reducing 50% water
having a capacity of about 2 lakh Iitres with a modest adjustment in fertilizer N
(Prajapati et al., 1973). Presently, this and seed rate, area under wheat can be
water is being utilized for human and extended besides improving yield per
lives~ock consumtpion in the absence of unit application of finite water supply.

2. Irrigatioll scheduling Extensive irrigation through sprink ?or

Iri accordance with the 'critical Adjusting irrigation to production

growth stage: concept, the three growth would in severa! cases lead to the possi-
periods of wheat crop could be rated, in bility of extension of the irrigated areas.
order of decreasing sensitivity, as boot- Although under such circumstances, crop
ing/heading, flowering and grain develop- yield per unit area may decrease, but the
ment-vegetative stage. It has been obser- lotal produdion from a project area may
increase. The data (Table 1) provided by
ved in the case of wheat that medium
Singh (1976) indicated that a marked
irrigation (40 cm) reduced 52% of water
increase in total productivity of different
use but total yield was reduced by only
crops may be possible by using a given
l3'7{, compared to yield from maximum
amount of. water over a large area.
irrigation. Based on this, sensItive
stages of irrigation and growth have been Drip irrigation
identified as booting/heading and active
Drip irrigation maximizes produc-
tillering and flowering to grain develop-
tion per unit application of scarce water
ment for wheat in this region. Similarly
and per unit use of better seeds and
in Israel, booting/heading and tillering
stage was observed as most sensitive. fertilizers.
Singh, (1974) indicated (Table 2)
NEW IRRIGATION TECHNOLOGY that the yield and efficiency of water use
Recently different methods of supp· of a number of crops like bottle-gourd,
lying water from· point sources have been ridge-grourd, round-grourd and water
developed (sprinkler and drip). They melon could be increased to different
may give good results under specific degrees by the adoption of trickle irriga-
conditions like shallow soils, very steep tion method as compared to those
slopes, gravely soils and highly saline obtained under furrow and sprinkler
water. irrigations.
Table 1. Production for a given water quantity used over different areas. (After
Singh, 1976)

Crop Water used Area Production

(cm) (ha) (kg)

Wheat 84 5500
3 9100
Hyb. Bajra 25 1 4200
4 10300
Mustard 25 1100
. 1.5 2000
Sorghum 28 1 4400
2.5 6400

Tab'Ie 2. Yiel~ and water use efficiency 'of vegetable crops under various methods of
irrigation (After Singh, 1974)
Crop Irrigation method, j
Water use Yield (tonnes) Yield of
(cm) ha) water use
Furrow 84 38.01 4.5
Bottle-gourd Sprinkler 84 38.60 4.6
Trickle 74 55.79 7.5
Furrow 84, . 10.74 l.3
Ridge-gourd Sprinkler 84 9.96. . 1.2
Trickle 74 - 12.03. 1.6, ..
Furrow 80 29.47 I 3.7,
Round-gourd " Sprinkler· daily 80 . 30.84, 3.8,
Sprinkler per
5~daY'cycle 80: 40.62 4.2
Trickle 80, 40.62. 5.1
Furrow" 80 ' 67.24 , 8.4
W~ter-mdon Sprinkler daily" V 80, .. 68.76 \ 8.t? ,
Sprinkler 'per cycle 80,' 74;64, ~ 9.3 .
Trickle 80,\.· 82.33, 10.3
Whler economY'imd use' of saline water' : trickle irriga,tion without, reducing crop
yields. The yield, of p~tato was reduced
In'arid 'region 'wh'ere water is scarce: drastically "after using water of 1O,000u
and bntckish, .the 'efficient use of water by' mhos conductivity. - Ample scope exists,
mea'n~' of drip has I become a neeessityl., for utilizing the' brackish' water mix"d '
Singli (1976) inditated (Table 3) that the with sweet water thr.ough drip irrigation"
poor 'qualityl wa'ter 'canl be used'through ' (Ta:ble 3) ..
Table 3. Yield of potatoes and tomatoes under drip and furrow ,irrigation with good,
and poor quality water. (After Singh, 1976). -
Irrigation method - m
Water use 3jha (Y ield metrle ~
Potatoes tons/ha)
Drip ETIOO' 3260 31
Drip ET75 2440 ' 24.
Drip ET50 . 1630,; 18 ..
DrIp ET100 (s) 3 thou. ',u mhos" -3260 ' 26
Drip ET100 (s) 10 thou. ,u'mhos 2860" 14 '
Furrow 3530 19 ;
Drip ET 100 6860 59
Drip ETs 1 \,000 ,u mhos- 6860 44-

Planting geometry influences water use Prajapati, 1\{C. Vangani, N.S. and Ahuja,
and economics of'drip system 1.0. 1973. In the dry range lands of
Western Rajasthan 'Tanka' can be
In comparision to conventional answer, Indian Farming 22: 27-32.
system i.e. rectangular planting (60 x 25
ShmueIi, E. 1973. Efficient utilization of
cm), square or equilateral (25 x 25 cm),
water in irrigation. In B. Yaron et aT.
i.e. one lateral in between two rows, plan-
(Eds) Arid Zone Irrigation. Ecological
ting bas proved beneficial through saving
Studies 5: 241 Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
of about 50% water 50% installation
cost and through considerable yield of Singh, S.D. 1978. Effect of planting con-
tomato, cauliflower, cabbage and turinp. figuration on water use and economy
of rlrip irrigation system, Agron J.:
Thus, the agricultural production
under scarce watre supply can be increa-
sed many folds through the adoption ----and P. Singh 1978. Value of drip
of technologies developed on rainfed and irrigation compared with conventional
irrigated agriculture. irrigation for vegetables. Agron. J. 70.
Singh, S. D., J. P. Gupta and Punjab
Gupta, J.P. and Aggarwal, R.K. 1978.
Singh 1978. Water economy and
Effect of asphalt sub-surface moisture
saline water use by drip irrigation.
barrj~r on water characteristics and
Agron. J. 70 : 948-951.
productivity of sand soil. Symp-. on
"Arid Zone Research and Development" Stewart, J.I., Misra, R.D., Pruitt W.D.
held at CAZRI. Jodhpur, Feb. 14-18. and Haggan, R.M. 1975. Irrigating
corn and grain sorghum a deficient
- - - - , 1978. Effects of mulches and
moisture and thermal regimes of soil water supply. ASAE Transactionc, 18:
and yield of pearimillet. Ann. Arid
Zone (In press).

Saline water use in agroforestry
B.L. Jain

Adverse climatic conditions, low by U.S.S.L. Staff (1954), Durand (1955).

and erratic rainfall, limited ground water Taking into_ consideration the soil char-
resources (sometimes highly saline in acteristies and plant tolerance to salinity
nature) are the major factors responsible the following water quality ratings (Table
for low vegetation cover in the arid areas, 1) have been proposed by Bhumbla and
thus resul ting in severe problem of wind Abrol (1972).
erosion and scarce availability of fuel Effect of irrigation water on soils
'and fodder. Under such circumstances High salinity of irrigation water
it is essential to use the saline ground results in accumulation of soluble salts
water for crop production as well as for in soils and adversely affects plant gro-
establishment of tree plantation and wth. High values of SAR and RSC in
shelter belts around irrigated farm irrigation water result in development of
boundaries and wells. alkali soil condition after leaching of
Some of the problems associated soluble salts. Higher values of exchange-
with the use of saline water for crop able sodium percentage in in soil results
production, tree plantation and use of in poor soil physical condition. Hi~h
suitable plant species for saline condi- boron concentration has toxic effect on
tions are discussed below. sensitive plants.
During natural process of irrigation
Quality of ground water
salts accumulate in soil profile and are
-Water quality for irrigation pur- leached down during rainy season. Thus,
poses can be judged on the following a cyclic change in salt build up and
criteria. removal takes place every year. Amount
1. Total soluble salts expressed as' of salt "accumulated in the profile depends
mmhos/micromhos. upon the quality of irrigation water,
2. Proportion of soluble sodium expre- number and depth of irrigation and
ssed as S.A.R. (Sodium adsorption amount of leaching provided. Leaching
ratio). or removal of soluble salts are predom-
inantlyaffected by the amount of rainfall
3. R,S.C. (Residual sodium carbonate)
and soil characteristics. Studies conduc-
4. Boron. ted by Dhir (1977) and Jain (1981) have
Water quality criteria and suitabi- shown cyclic changes in soil under saline
lity classe,s for crops have been proposed irrigation system.

Table 1. Water quality ratings (Bhumbla and Abrol, 1972)

Upper permissible limit of E.C.

Nature of the soil in micromhDs of water for the
safe use for irrigation of crop
Semi-tolerant TDlerant
I. Deep black soils and alluvial sDils, having 1,500 2,000
a clay cDntent mare than 30 per cent.
Sails that are fairly ta moderately well
2. Heavy-textured sails, having a clay 2,000 4,000
content .of 20-30%. Soils that are well
drained internally and have a gaad sur-
face-drainage system.
3. Medium-textured sails, having clay cont- 6,000 6,000
ent .of 10-20%. Soils that are well drained
internally and have a good surface-drain-
age system.
4. Light textured sails, having a clay content 6,003 8,000
.of less than 10% sails that have excellent
internal and surface drainage.

NB-Far the above-proposed limits, satisfactory internal drainage and water-table

belDw 1.5 metres at the site, with the soluble sodium percentage of irrigation
water below 70 per cent, are assumed.

Management of saline water irrigation fraction as leaching, helps in main-

Studies conducted at the CAZRI taining low salinity in raDt zone.
have shown that with .optimum use .of 3. Furrow irrigatiDn helps in maintain-
saline water adoption of the fDllDwing ing law salinity in rDDt ZDne and helps
practices help in .obtaining higher yields salts accumulate at the tap .of ridges.
and sustained crop praductian. Drip irrigatian also helps in main-
1. Under saline condition restricted taining IDW salinity in raat zone.
water availability is O11e .of the majar 4. Unlike good quality irrigation water,
factors affecting crop grawth. Freq- saline water system respon~s to
uent shallaw irrigatian helps in imprDved management practices. Use
avercaming the harmful effects .of of .optimum level .of fertilizer imprDves
high salinity. Frequent irrigatian yield and lDwers the deleterious
also helps in maintaining low salinity effects .of high salinity.
in root zone.
5. Better system .of crapping during
2. Irrigation, praviding 0.2 to 0.33 kharif and use of amendment fDr

temporary amelioration of surface methods have been developed for produc_
alkali condition during leaching phase tion of agricultural crops on saline-alkali
have been found to be effective in ne soils and also for use of saline water
improving soil condition and help in for crop production, timited work has
increased crop production. been done on field-scale on the utilization
6. Selection of suitable crops and their of salt affected soils and saline water U~e
varieties will also be helpful. Certain for afforestation. Some studies conducted
crop varieties are relatively more by Forest Research Institute, Central
tolerant to saline and alkali condi- Soil Salinity Research Institute, and
tions. Wheat (WL 711, HD 2009, Central Arid Zone Research Institute in
Kharchia 65, Kalyan sona, Sonalika), those direction have. however, made it
Raya (KB 2, TM-T2, M-4), Sorghum possible to plan afforestation in salt-
(CSH-l, CSH-6, SPV-96), Bajra (BI affected soils and saline-water irrigation.
104, Long panicle), Sugar beet, Sun- Saline and alkali-tolerant forest species
flower and Cotton are relatively
Based on the studies conducted in
tolerant crops can be successfully
India, Israel, Kuwait. Australia, Sudan
adopted in saline soils.
and Sahara tree species can be grouped
Use of saline water for tree plantation into the following categories" depending
Although suitable techniques and upto their tolerance of salinity (Table 2).

Table 2. Relative tolerance of salinity by different tree species.

Tolerant Moderate Sensitive

Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus hybrid Azadirachta indica

Cas!larina toru/osa Pinus thumburgiana B'lIea monosperma
Cupersus semepervirons Ciama crops humilis Dalbergia sissoo
Tamarix articulata Raphio/ephis indica Pengania pinnata
Tamarix sp. Leucaena ieucocephala Terminalia arjuna
Prosopis julifiora Colophospermum l1lopane Albizzia lebbek
Capparis ap!Jy/la Lawsonia glausca
Atrip/ex' vesicaria Acacia aneura
Acacia nilotica Delonix rigia
A. repens Cassia siamea
Pinus halepensis
Leucop/zyUul1l frlltecans
Salix purpurea
Ai/anthlls altissimen
Acacia ebl/rnia
Acacia tortilis
Chenopodium species

Tolerance of forest species to saline water the growth or" plants which was most
at germination conspicuous in Eucalyptus hybrid.

Eucalyptus camaldlliensis, Acacia Studies at CAZRI have shown the

eburnica. Casuarj'1a torulosa, CUP('rtlS possibilities of use of saline water for
semepervirons and Tamarix have been jrrigation at initial stage of establishment
found to perform better under saline of different tree species studied. However,
irrigation. Studies conducted at Central variable effects on growth pattern have
Soil Salinity Research Institute, Kamal, been observed due to the genetic character
with nine different forest species have of tree species and salinity levels of
shown that germination was adversely irrigation water Eucalyptus hybrid and
Prosopis juliflora have shown relatively
affected with increasing E.C., S.A.R. and
higher tolerance to salinity and registered
R.S.C. of water. Increasing salinity
higher rate of growth in height and collar
caused more pronounced decrease in the
diameter as compared to other species.
germination percentage as compared to
RSC. The RSC affected the germination High salinity in irrigation water retarded
less adversely th~n SAR. Acacia torti/is the growth of Acacia aneura, Tamarix
and Prosopis juliflora were most tolerant articulata and Dichroslachys glomerata
and Lawsonia glauca was the least Changes in salinity level of soil due
tolerant to saline water at germination to saline water irrigation varied with
stage. At seedling stage Albizzia lebbek different tree species. Salinity levies were
was relatively more sensitIve than relatively higher in soils under Chinllopo-
E. hybrid to saline irrigation water. diunJ species, and D. glomera/G. Salinity
was minimum in soils under Acacia
Studies conducted at CAZRl have
aneura and Lellcaena lel/cocephala.
indicated that E. hybrid, Cassia siamea,
Performance studies of different
Acacia aneura and Delonix rigia were
tree species in naturally occurring saline
most sensitive to salinity and failed to
soils of Jadan have shown that P. juliflora
germinate even with 2.7 mmhos water.
and T. articulata are tolerant of high
Prosopis juliflora and Colophospermum
salinity in soil (EC above 16 mmhos),
mopane were quite tolerant at germina-
whereas A zadirachta indica and Eucalyp-
tion stage even to 9.0 mmhos salinity
tus camuldulensis have failed to survive at
such high salinity levels. Except P.
Survival and performance of differ- jll/iflora all other species han shown
ent tree species to saline water irrigation retardation in growth at high salinity.
have shown that survival of Pro sop is Therefore. Prosopis juliflora and Tamarix
juliflora and Tumarix articulata was articulata can be safely recommended for
almost 100 per cent, even with 9.0 mmhos high salin ity cond itions of 8-16 mmhos.
salinity water. Seedlings of Eucalyptus Ameliorative effect of tree growth on salt
hybrid and Colophospermum mhpane were affected soils
sen",itive at high salinity levels. Increase Tree growth is reported to exert
in the salinity of irrigation water reduced ameliorative effect by improving physical,

chemical and biological properties of soil. and the salt concentration in the ~ictiv~
Deposition of salt in upper surface is root Zone of young plants IJ kept at ~
minimized due to high transpiration minimum level through leaching. Somf.
rathes than evaporation from surface, of the principal requisites of good soi;
thus reducing upward movement of working are: (i) production of a loose
water. Tn high water table areas the water soil for rapid prolification of the root
table is lowered due to water use by trees. system, (ii) proper micro-relief of the soil
Plantation of trees with deep, sturdy mass to facilitate leaching of soluble
root system open up the soil and improve salts, (iii) capacity of the soil to retain
water penetration capacity thereby facili- maximum amount of moisture, particu-
tating leaching of salts. Incorporation larly during the period of stress, (iV)
of organic matter in lhe form of foliage maintenance of fertility status in soil
bring about favourable changes in physi- mass through fertilizers and organjc
cal condition of the soil. manures, (v) perforation of Kankar pan
Tree growth in saline soil increases in the subsoil by means of deep plough-
ing, etc.
water permeability substantially and
reduces the salt content due. to efficient In the salt-affected soils pits are
leaching. Yadav and Singh (1970) obser- dug in patches where good soil occurs,
ved decrease in pH values and soluble salt but sometimes the pits are ei~her filled
with good imported soil, or the origmal
content in so_il under Prosopis jllliflora.
soil of the pit is treated with amendments
Tamarix artic'ulala is also reported to
to provide a favourable medium for
have beneficial effect in term of lowering
initial growth during the establishment
Some plant species are reported to Planting of trees on ridges or raised
absorb and extrude large amount of salts mounds has been found to facilitate
from 'the soil and thus provide a scope establishment of plants in coastal saline
for mitigating the problem of salt affected soils. Ridge provides a relatively salt-free
soils. CalQtropis, Mochia brevi/alia, Arti- condition and also a favourable mass for
plex Lycium sp., Chenopodium sp. and root prolification.
Creessa cretica have been reported to Plantation ·techniques
absorb large quantities of salts from soil.
Deep. pits having good soil with
Crystals of salt~ are seen on th\!ir leaves
adr'ition of gypsum and FYM give better
in winter.
results in alkali soils. Leucaena leucoce-
Planting technique phala (varieties K 8 and Fiji) has shown
For successful tree plantation on good growth in moderate to heavy usar
the salt affected soils, selection of proper soils. Acacia nilotica, Prosopis spicigera
method of soil working is of utmost . and Tamarix articulata have been found
importance. The soil working techniques promising in alkali soils.
should be such that the rain water is In Haryana experiments in alkali
utilized to the maximum possible extent soils have shown that treating the soils

of pits with 5 kg gypsum + -20 kg FYM conditions for better crop growth. Tree
increased the survival Tate of Eucalyptus species so planted, can derive water fro!J1
hybrid and Acacia lIi/otica to 63% while lower strata of soil. Nutrients leached
Albizzia lebbek sho-wed only 16% survival: down from crQp zone will also be utilized
Replacement o( original alkali soil with by trees. Thus, a system of agroforestry
normal soil as well as gypsum apglication with suitable tree species for saline condi-
resulted better survival rates of Prosopis tions can go a long way in meeting needs
jlllifiora and Acacia ni/otica, Acacia of rural community.
senegal. Pros()pis spicigera, Cassia auricll-
lata, Tamarix articulata and Parkinsonia REFERENCES
have been tried in salt·affected soils in
Bhumbla, D.R. and Abrol K.P. 1972. Is
Rajasthan. In salt-affected soils of M.P.
your water suitable for irrigation?
Acacia nitotica, Azadirac/zla indica and
Get it tested. Indian Farming 21 (4):
Prosopis juliflora were found suitable for
afforestation. In the coastal areas of
Dhir, R.P. 1977. Saline water potentialities
Gujarat Casurina souisatifalis and Prosopis
for irrigation. In Desertification and its
chUet/sis have been planted. Eucalyptus
Control, lCAR.
microtheca, E. camaldulensis and Tamarix
Durand, 1955. The quality of irrigation
ap!JyUa have been found to grow success-
water. African Soils 66: 175-20 l.
fully on saline soils.
Jain, B.L. 1981. Salt balance studies in
Tree species like Prosopis juliflora, sal ine water irrigated soils. 1. Indian
Elicalyptlls camaldulensis, Tamarix articu- Society of Soil Sci. (Accepted).
lata, Acacia ni/otica have been found to U.S.S.L. Staff 1954. Diagnosis and Impro-
be suitable under saline-alkali soil condi- vement of Saline Alkali Soils. U.S.D A.
tions as well as irrigation with saline Hand Book 60.
waters. Adoption of these species for Yadav, J.S.P. and Singh, K. 1970. Toler-
plantation around farm boundaries and ance of certain forest species to
wells will help in creating shelterbelts varying degree of salinity and alkali.
and improve the micro-environmental Indian Farming 96: 587·99.

The problems of fuel wood ill arid and SemI
arid regions of Rajasthan
R.C. Soni

Wood was probably man's first region. In this area mean annual rain-
fuel. In India even today it continues fall varies from 164 mm in laisalmer
to be a major fuel for cooking. With district to 456 mm in Sikar. However,
high rate of increase in population (both even this scantly rainfall is very erratic
human and cattle), at which we are good, making conditions more difficult. This
and depleting forest, at which we are not results in very low vegetative production.
bad either, we face a major problem of As it is this region also has a very low
fuel wood shortage more so in western per cent of forest area. Out of total 2.1
Rajasthan which is arid and semi arid. lac sq km only 0.032 lac sq kip (1.2%)
Our problem of fuel wood is [ike the area is under forests. 'In the whole state
problem faced by a lethargic, ignorant percentage of forest area is 10.5 where-
and spilt son who gets a fat bank balance as for the country it is 22, According to
in legacy from his father and whose sole National Forest Policy our aim is to
source of income is the interest he gets have 33% area under forest. From these
on this capital. With his expenditure figures we can assess the magnitude of
being, more than the interest, his capital work to be done.
keeps getting thinner thus steadily reduc- As far as Western Rajasthan is
ing his interest also. In fact the fuel concerned, the top priority among forest
wood problem is even worse because the produce is for fuel wood. We should
expenditure is also steadily increasing due not hope to produce sizeable quantities
to increa~ing popUlation. of quality timber from forests in this
We will ~e able to appreciate the region. T-herefore, we shOUld try to
enormity of the problem better jf we produce fuel wood only.
have a rough idea of some facts about Pattern of use of various types of
the sources and production of fuel wood fuel in the State is as under:
and its demand. Fire wood 70%
Facts Dung 24%
Total geographical area of Rajas- Charcoal 0 1%
than is approximatey 342,000 sq km out Vegetable waste 4%
of which approximately 208,747 sq km of . Soft coke, etc. 1%
11 Western districts is arid and semi-arid Kerosene 0.9%

According to the survey conducted the gap from both sides. That is we will
by the Energy Survey of India Committee have to aim at;
1965, daily fire wood consumption per I. Reducing the demand of fuel
head in urban and rural areas is 0.41 ~nd wood.
0.58 kg, respectively. With this as a guide- >
2. Increasing the production of
line present requirement of fuel wood in
fuel wood.
this region for a population of approx-
imately. 1.3 crores is 23.5 lac tonnes. For Reducing the demand of fuel wood
the entire state the recorded production We will have to encourage people
of fuel wood accounts for only 2.510 the to use alternative sources of fuel. Follo-
req uirement. This roughly indicat(s the wing are some of the important steps
quantity of fuel wood which should be we will have to take to reduce the
extracted from forests if they were to be demand.
technically exploited and capital resource
1. More use 0.( soft coke
was not be encroached upon. However,
this figure of 2.5% does not include At present quota allotted to the
unrecorded extraction of fuel wood by state is almost negligible (roughly 1 lac
headlonds or ilIicity, which may be many tonnes) and we have difficulties in even
times more. All this extra extraction is lifting it due to the vicious circle; shor-
over and above the interest (increment) tage of coal leading to lack of transpor-
and is a net reduction in the capital tation leading to shortage of coal. How-
itself. In Western Rajasthan most of the ever, due to importance of trees we must
fuel wood comes from Goachars, waste aim at increasing the allotment and then
lands, revenue lands and private ·holdings. lifting it also. Use of fuel wood should
In this case also same phenomenon of be banned in all industries and soft coke
eating away the capital itself is taking should be made available as an alterna-
place at a fast rate resulting in deforesta- tive fuel.
tion and desertification. The pressure
On forests and trees outside will keep 2. More lise of kerosene oil
increasing in geometric proportions with
Though we have had acute short-
ever increasing population. And if
age of this commodity in recent past but
appropriate steps are not taken without
now the situation has improved. We
further loss of time, the day is not very
face the same problem of having less
far when the cost of heating the cooking allotment (roughly 7000 tonnes (for state)
pot will be higher than that of filling it.
and not being able to lift even· that.
Kerosene oil stoves of higher efficiency
Soilition fa the problem
should be manufactured in bulk which
We have seen that we are confron- will ultimately encourage people to taking
ted with an ever increasing wide gap bet- to its use as fuel for cooking. We should
Ween demand and supply of fuel wood. also modify our conventional Chulhas to
To bridge this gap we will have to take get better efficiency so that fuel wastage
measures, which will ensure reduction of is reduced.

3. Liquified petroleum gas atleast 10,000 sq km of good plantation
We see a silver lining in the cloudy area as against our total forest areas
sky now in this regard. Approximately of only 3000 sq km of which also more
5 lac connections are going to be rele- portion is already denuded and rocky.
ased within next 2 years or so. Some Therefore we have to undertake planting
connections should be reserved for rural on every piece of un utilised land whether
areas also so that it becomes popular within forest department or outside such
there too. as railsides, roadsides, Panchayat lands,
scroob, Government buildings, etc. Also
4. Solar energy
what is more important is to integrate
I will not hazard my comments on the land use for agriculture and forestry
this because CAZRI must have already so that the agricultural fields provide to
made you experts. However, we eagerly the people both food and wood. This
look forward to bulk supply of efficient system of integration is called Agro-
solar Chulhas in near future. This forestry and is of utmost importance to
source of energy will prove to be much us today.
belter in this region than anywhere else.
What is Forest Department doing about it
5. Gobar gas plants
For the 11 districts of Western
Encouraging gobar gas plants by Rajasthan the Directorate' . of Desert
way of subsidies, etc., will reduce consid- Afforestation and Pasture Development
erable pressure on forests for fuel wood. was established in 1978 under the Desert
Not only that we have atleast 25% extra Development Programme. Efforts of
heat generated from Gobar by this this organisation are directed towards
method we can also use the residue as a planting and pasture development, on
good manure of which also fertiliser so far almost unutilised lands. Also,
value is increased by 45'}{,. there is a scheme called Farm Forestry
6. Regulations of trade to be modified scheme which aims at integrated use of
land for agriculture and forestry. Brief
Regulations of trade in fuel wood
details of various schemes in force are as
and charcoal should be so modified that
it curbs illicit extraction and also prices
can be controlled by the government so 1. Farm forestry
that people finping it costlier. automati- This scheme has been started to
cally switch over to above laternative motivate farmers to plant trees on their
sources of fuel. farms so that fuel wood and fodder
Increasing the production offuel wood is produced, fertile soil is protected from
If we were to maintain a sustained wind erosion and the crop is protected
su pply of fuel wood in this region 'we, from damaging hot and cold winds. The
would need to plant approximotely 1000 incentive given to the farmer for planting
sq km of fuel wood plantations every year is as under:
and exploit them at a rotation of approx- . (a) Free supply of plants on the
imately 10 years thus needing a total of field alongwith pesticides.

(b) Payment of Rs. 1/- per plant each seedlings 'of fuel and fooder spp are
planted. planted at 5m x 5m interval. Species
(c) Payment of Re. 1/- per surviv- preferred are A. tortilis, Z. mauritiana.
ing plant per year for 3 years. Neem, Ardu, Dichrostachys nutane, Khejri,
etc. The grass area is opened for cont-
Species: Ber, Gonda, A. tortilis, Anar,
rolled grazing after second seed fall. The
Sheesham, Eucalyptus, etc.
entire area is opened to controlled gra-
zing after 5 years. These plantations are
2. Village fllel wood and fodder plantation
also going to supplement fuel wood
This is done mostly on village supply when they are harvested say after
gochars on small areas from 4 to 15 ha. 15 years or so.
Half of the area is planted at 3 m x 3 m 4. Sand dune stabilisation plantations
spacing with fuel wood and fodder
There are large chunks of active
-species and other half is disc ploughed
sand dunes in this region both under
-and sown with Cenchrus or Lasiurus
private and Government holdings. These
grass seetjs. Controlled grazing is allowed
sand dunes have great capacity to retain
in the grass area from second seedfaJi.
moisture throughout the year So far these
The entire area is handed over back to
areas are lying unutilised despite the fact
the Panchayat after 5 years This will
that many of above plants put on the
also act as a demonstration plot to the
best growth on these dunes. All farmers
Panchayats for taking up similar planta-
with ownership sand dunes will be
tions on their own.
greatly benefitted if they plant A. tortiUs
Species planted are-A. tortilis, Ber, P. and Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) on these
juliflora, Neem, Sir is, etc. In my dunes and also take their Klwrif crop.
opinIOn looking at the manner in Forest department is taking up planta-
which Panchayats are likely to manage tions at 5 m x 5 m. Seven grass seeds
these plantations, the best species for are also sown along mulch lines which
such platantions is P. juliflora followed are laid perpendicular to the wind direc-
by A. tortilis. tion to create mini wind breaks. Plants
3. Silvi pastoral plantation put on a very fast growth as you would
see when you visit some of the sand dune
These plantations are taken up on
stabilisation works. 200 grass seedlings
Revenue, Forest or Panchayat lands, of
are also planted per hectare.
comparatively larger area say 50 ha or
above. Area is fenced and divided into 5. Shelter belt plantations
3 parts (t + t + i)· In the 2/3rd These plantations are being taken
area, which is flanked on either side by up on either side of roads. Three rows of
1/6th areas, disc furrows are made at plants are being p!anted on either side
1.25 m along contours and Dhamanl at a spacing of 3 m between rows and 5
Sevan grass seeds are sown at the rate of m between plants within a row. The
4 kgJha. In the two flanks of 1/6th area plants are staggered between the rowns.

Nee:r, Sir is, Peepa/, Eucalyptus, etc., is a very wide gap between demand and
which grQw tall are planted the first row. supply of fuel wood in this region. To
Second and third row is planted with A. bridge this gap we will have to reduce
tortilis, Shesham, Karanj, Parkinsonia use of fuel wood and increase Use of
acuieata, P. juliflora, etc. Due to very alternative fuels like soft coke, Kerosene.
high cost of barbed wire and angle iron gas, go bar gas, etc. Also we will have
very small stretches are covered every to increase production of fuel wood by
year. For example this year only 16 km taking up fuel wood plantations on
of roads are being planted in Jodhpur massive scale on all unutilised lands.
district under this scheme. Panchayats Because of the. large areas of agriculture
should take up these plantations along fields agro-forestry is going to play the
village roads to utilise these areas for most significant role in this field. And
production of fuel wood. P. juliflora it is here that you all, from agriculture
and A. torti/is will be good species to field, have a very important part to play-
plant on such sites. I hope you realise the urgency to impl-
CONCLUSION ement agro-forestry and will do your
In the arid and semi arid region best to solve the fuel wood problem of
forest areas are almost negligible. There this region.

Selection of speci~s for fuel wood plantation
in arid and semi-arid areas
K.D. Muthana

Arid and semi-arid zones are capacity and low in nutrient status.
mostly areas having extremely arid Moisture deficiency is the chief limiting
climate, temperature ranging from O°C factor for the establishment of tree species
to 4SoC, annual precipitation ranging in these areas. Vegetation is very sparse
from less than 100 mm upto 250 mm, with scattered thorny trees, shrubs and
baving excessive evaporation with dried, grasses comprising of about I to 2 per
deep or intermittent streams, with saline cent of forest cover and remains ineffec-
soils having sulfate and chloride crust tive from soil and water conservation
formation. In such areas, flora and fauna point of view. Considering the poor repre-
are very scanty and negligible. In these sentation of the forest cover, the Planning
areas agriculture is a gamble but to certa- Commissiol) and Forestry Commission
in extent possible wherever irrigation have emphasised for development of all
facilities are available. However, in such waste lands, marginal agricultural lands,
areas there is more scepe for animal lands unfit for agricultural operations, shi-
husbandry with tree and grassland deve- fting sand dunes, marginal lands of high-
lopment. ways, railway lines, canals, etc., under
In India, desert area is about II trees and grasses.
per cent of the total land area of which Indian desert is one of the most
90 per cent is confined mainly to the thickly populated deserts in the world
North-Western portion. Rajasthan alone having about 10.2 million human and
has about 60 per cent of the arid zone about 20 million livestock. The density of
which needs greater emphasis and impor- human population in the Indian desert
tance on afforestation activities combined is about 60 per sq/km whereas it is about
with grassland development. Here the 3 per .sq/km in most of the other deserts
climatic conditions are very harsh, rain- of the world. Livestock density is about
fall is very much limited and erratic, wind 735 per sq/km. The impact of these on
velocity is high having high rate of the natural resources is so great that they
evapotranspiration, low relative humidity have been responsible for gradual dis-
and deep water table. appearance of the vegetative cover thereby
Soils in these areas are generally accentuating soil and water erosion
coarse in texture, low in water holding contributing for the desertification. This

has also brought an imbalance between andalso enrich the soil from the leaf
human and livestock on the one hand and litter.
the plant, water and resources on the The main problems encountered for
other. Once forest resources are depleted any developmental work in checking the
and become scarce, rural population start desertification are the increasing human
burning the most valuable cattle dung, and livestock population, the increasing
crop residues and thus drprive the soil trend of cropped areas, cultivation of
from the vital fertilizer and soil condi- unproductive wastelands, sand dunes,
tioner. In India, it has been estimated and enormous damage being caused by
that about 80 million tonnes of cowdung termites, rodents, wild life, etc. In addi-
ar!! being burnt annually by the rural and tion to the above, vast unutilised areas of
urban people. barren lands though found all over the
A tonne of cowdung burnt means the desert are not accessible for afforesta~ion
loss of as much as 50 kg of food grains. programme mainly because they are under
Therefore, all efforts are to be concentra- private ownership. These private owners
ted to restore the forest wealth so that feel scared to get their lands developed
large scale cowdung burning is checked through any Government agencies mainly
and diverted to the agricultural crops. for the false notion of loo,sing their
It is now time for forestry activities
to establish self sufficiency in small timber The fuel policy committee estimated
fuel, manure, leaf, fodder production to the fuel demand on all India basis for
meet the requirement of every farmer. domestic sector for the year 1978·79 and
This can only be achieved by intensive 1990-91 as in Table 1.
afforestation practices on farm lands, on
In the rural areas, in the absence
comrpunity lands, wastelands, marginal
of regular source of fuel wood, all
lands, on shifting sand dunes, etc., but
available cQwdung, crop waste and
their success depends mainly on the
other fire wood are burnt. The villagers
cooperation and support from the villag-
are fully aware of the importance of
ers, social workers, forest and agricultural
cowdung and crop waste as good manure
experts, politicians, planners, administra-
for their fields but they are helpless due
tors and 'economists.
to' non-availability of alternative sources.
In the desert areas, forestry practices Economists have worked out that rupee
are' advocated because forests regulate spent in replacement of cowdung or crop
the temperature of the surrounding area, waste can earn indirectly Rs. 5/- to Rs.
serve as wind breaks, prevent hot winds 10/- if applied in the fields to boost their
of summer from dessiceation, checks the agricultural crops. The use of cowdung
shifting sand dunes which also engulf the and crop waste for burning has created
adjoining farm lands, highways, railway importance for raising tree crops on
lines, buildings, canals, etc. Forest trees . waste lands, morginal lands, road sides.
provide shade fer the grazing animals railway lines, canal banks, sand dunes,
which'in turn reduce their water intake etc. The acute shortage of fuel wood is

Table t. Estimated fuel consumption

Estimated consumption
Fuel in coal replaced
(million tonnes)
1978-79 1990-91 1978-79 1990-91
I. Sofe coke 5 mt. 20 mt.· 7:5 30.0
2. Kerosene 3.5 mt. 6 mt. 29.05 49.80
3. LPG 0.4 mt. 2 mt. 3.32 16.61
4. Electricity 8 bkw 25 bkw 8.0 25.0
5. Fuelwood and wood 132 mt. 122 mt. 125.4 115.9
for charcoal
6. Dung cake 65 mt. 53 mt. 26.0 21.1
7. Crop waste 46 mt. 46 mt. 43.7 43.7

After B.P. Srivastava and M.M. Pant, 1979.

more conspicuous in the desert areas due For suitable approach on the
to limited resources thus people are diver- application of the forestry programmes,
ted to exploit the existing degraded it is essential to have land use capability
natural vegetation and burn all the avai· classification. From such data, if the areas
lable dung cakes depriving the fertilizer are earmarked for pasture development
to the agricultural crop lands. only, there is no harm in incorporating
Faulty land use pattern is very forestry programmes to a limited extent
common in the desert areas and this has to enhance fodder production by way of
got to be checked and improved on top pods and leaves for stall feeding in lean
priority. All lands unfit for agriculture periods. The indigenous tree species of
should not be forced under plough as this the arid zones are few in number and also
would lead to further deterioration. very slow growing hence it is necessary
Generally, efforts are being made on un- to investigate and introduce fast growing
productive, barren waste lands adjoining tree species resistant to drought and frost
to villages to develop under afforestation from different isoclimatic regions of the
programmes by fencing to prevent the world. It should be kept in view while
cattle entry but the villagers force their large scale afforestation programmes are
cattle inside the enclosures and thus ruin envisaged in arid areas, the species grown
the purpose. Unless we gain confidence. should have mUltipurpose utility such as
cooperation and willing participation nutriti~e fodder, fuel of high calorific
from the villagers supported by politicians, value, small timber, their usefulness for
no developmental work will progress in soil conservation, etc. Preference may
the right direction. also be given to species which can produce

high quality charcoal, which could also a pit in layers alternating with layers of
be used to run the buses and trucks. dried leaves and kept moist for 12 hours.
During the second world war, in India They are removed and dried in sun for
most of the buses and trucks were run on 24 to 48 hours and again placed in layers
charcoal. This would also ease our in the pit. This process is continued for
energy crisis to a greater extent. Further a week and the seeds are sown. This
the requirement of the local people for method is mainly followed in caSe of teak
their cottage industries like basket making seeds.
with twigs, rope making from fibre yield- Scarification is also recommended
ing plants, tanning materials for local for hard coated seeds. The seeds are
leather industries, etc., may also be given mixed in coarse sand and gently pounded
due considerations. together to give some scratches to the
The approach also demands detailed seed coat. These scratches facilitate
studies on 0) s~lection of exotic' and absorption of moisture when soaked in
indigenous species for different habitats, water to give quick germination.
Oi) production of nursery seedlings, (iii) Another simplest method adopted
Silvicultural characteristics of selected for Acacia and Prosopis species is to feed
tree and shrub species, (iv) soil working the pods to goats and sheep ihside their
techniques and cultural operations befitt- pens and the droppings are collected and
ing to the erratic rainfall pattern, and (v) sown in the field. This melhod gives very
protection against diseases and pests. good germination.

There are certain pre-requisites for For the other types of seeds not
raising tree seedlings. Some seeds have ha ving hard seed coat, it is desira ble to
hard. seed coat and unless they are given soak the seeds for 24 hours in water
some pre-treatment, there will be lot of before sowing.
delay in their germination. In the case Eucalyptus seeds are very minute
of Acacia species, the seeds have very and are sown direct without any-pre-
hard seed coats and to facilitate quick treatment taking care to spread a very
germination, they are to be treated with thin layer of loose soil over the seeds
50 per cent sulphuric acid (commercial just enough to cover them.
grade) for 30 minutes in summer and
40 minutes in winter. After stirring the Raising tree seedlings in the nurse-
ries is another priority for any planned
seeds in the acid solution, they are was-
afforestation programmes. The site for
hed in running water. Another method
is to boil water and stir the seeds for 3 nurseries should have regular water
supply, the site should be free from
minutes in boiling water, dried under.
inundation, should have proper drainage
shade and sown to get quick germina-
and with good sandy loam soils. Tempo-
rary nurseries are always laid near the
Stratification is another method of plantation site having the above require-
pre-treatment. Here seeds are placed in ments; whereas permanent nurseries may

be located at convenient places which have proved a boon in afforestation "Yorks
should be. able to cater the needs of where watering the plants after transplan-
surrounding sites, easily accessible to the ting is not feasible due to inaccessibility
inspecting officials, having permanent
and immobility of the terrains. These
water source, storage facilities, etc.
bricks can retian moisture for number of
Various containers are used for days due to clay contents present in them
raising seedlings, i.e., earthen pots, poly- and also due to their weight they provide
thene bag~, galvanised iron tubes, sun anchorage for the plants even if the sand
dried earthen bricks, etc. particles are blown away from the plan-
Earthen pots have been disc~rded ting pit. Afforestation by stump planting
and discouraged as there is every chance and planting cuttings are not practicable
for the roots coiling inside the pots and successful in arid regions due to
resulting in failure of the plantations uncertainty and lack of moisture in these
unless care is taken to straighten the tap areas. Even seedlings pulled out from
roots at the time of planting. the nursery beds and transplanted with
their root system intact have not given
Polythene bags with perforation
appreciable success in these dry regions.
have been giving good results and they
are easy for transportation to distant Guidelines for afforestation in arid and
places except that the polythene bags semi-arid region
cannot be used subsequently. Time of planting: Tree plantation
G.T. containers have also given very should be done in these regions after the
good results when placed in sunken cem- onset of a good soaking shower. All
ented beds. The water requirement of planting programmes are to be completed
seedlings in this case is 25 per cent less within the shortest period as soil moisture
when compared to other types of contai- is the main limiting factor for the success
ners. Seedlings raised in such containers of the plantation. This would also facili-
are easily transportable to distant places tate the seedlings planted to take advan
without causing damage, easy access for tage of the subsequent rainfall. Even the
monthly clipping of roots which would replacement of the casualties ~hould be
give scope for development of sturdy and completed in the same season lest the
straight tap roots. Further, though these plants loose one year of growing period
GJ. containers are costly in the initial and suffer from root and moisture com-
stage can be used for number of years. petition.
Sun dried earthen bricks made of Preconditions for planting
equal proporation of clay, sand and farm
i) The seedlings should have long
yard manure are very advantageous for
and well developed tap roots.
afforestation and sand dune stabilization
works. In this case, the nursery site should ii) Coiled roots should be straight-
be close to the plantation sites to save . ened at the time of planting.
transportation cost and breakages while iii) Care should be taken to see that
trans-shipment. These sun dried bricks the collar zone of the plants is

Table 2. Comparative calorific values of some desert tree and shrub species
Name of species Calorific value
Acacia tor/iUs 7800
Acacia nilo/ica (sub sp. indica) 7680
Prosopis juliflora 8050
Prosopis cineraria 7640
Capparis decidua 7810
Anogeissus corunta 7660
Albizzia lebbek 7530
Eucalyptus camaldulensis ·7730
Salvadora oleoides 6770
Butea mOllosperma 7340
Calligonllm polygonoides 7590
Euphorbia nerifolia 7790
Zizyphus nllmmularia 7900

completely covered by the soil Selection from exotic species from

and not exposed. homo-climatic regions should· be given
due considerations as most of the exotics
iv) Depth of the pit should be
perform better than the indigenous
slightly more than the root por-
species is growth and establishment.
tion of the seedlings.
All exotics should he tested tMrou-
v) After planting the seedlings in the ghly for their growth and utility with
pits, the soil around the plant regards to wood, leaves, pods, etc., over
should he pressed firmly. indigenous species. They should be
tested to suit the soil and climatic condi-
vi) After planting, a saucer shaped tions of various localities.
depression around the plant They should be easy to establish,
having 15 cm deep and 1 m reproduce and yield good viable seeds for
<;Jiameter may be provided in further propagation.
plain areas and a crescent shaped
Preference for species which repro-
ridge 'of 15 cm high may be
dU,ce coppice shoots should also be consi-
provided on slopy lands to coll-
dered to save additional expenditure on
ect and store the rain water.
replanting the area after the felling.
Choice of species is an important Optimum espacement may be given
factor to be considered before plannjng. for the seedlings in order to combine
any plantation programmes. Drought Agro-forestry of Silvi-pastoral progr-
hardy and fast growing species with ammes for proper utilization of the land.
quick returns are to be given priority The area after planting has to be
over others. ' properly protected from biotic interference

either by fencing or by engaging watch out in Ukrain (USSR) in 1950's indicated
and :ward staff. that the agricultural crop losses due to
During summer seasons, all precau- trees 'were offset in 2 years in case of
tions to be taken to protect the planta- Oak plantations ultimately resulting in
tions from accidental fire incidences. an increase in herbage and gain yield of
In case of failure of rains, supplem- wheat. However a mutual adjustment of
ental watering at 9 litres per plant should spacing of trees and selection of trees
be provided for the survival of the would tide over tlie situation.
plants. As regards depletion or undergro-
Two weeding and soil working per und water sources, trees actually repl-
year is essential to check moisture com- enish the ground water during monsoons
petition. This operation should contin",! through seepage. No scientific data on
for at least 2 years. water consumption of trees and agricul-
Sometim~s the agronomists/farmers
tural crops are avilable. It is very likely
feel that grow;ng trees adjoining to that trees growing in areas where water
croplands is not desirable for the follow- table is high are bound to pump out
ing reasons: water through transpiration but in places
like Rajasthan, where water table is as
i) Trees harbour birds which in turn deep as 100 to 300 feet below, the ques-
damage crops. tion of pumping out underground water
ii) Shade from trees hamper crop does not arise. Trees planted in waterlog-
yield. ged areas facilitate to reclaim such areas.
iii) Trees pump out underground In Saharan pur and West Dinajpur, the
water resources through transpir- practice of planting trees on farm bunds
ation. is an age old practice. In 1976, about
The foresters have the counter 304 mm rainfall was absorbed in the
argument against such misunderstand- 'Vatava farm (GlIjarat) in a few hOllrs
under trees, while water in the adjoining
tree-less field stayed on for 4-5 days after
Birds do more beneficial things to the rains. This clearly indicates that
the crops by destroying and feeding on trees recharge the sub soil water effici-
harmful insects, pests. rodents, etc. They ently provide more scope for seasonal
mainly feed on caterpillars, locusts and crops.
also destroy their eggs. The young ones
of the birds are usually fed with insects. Trees, if raised on farm lands,
Owls, eagles, hawks and other birds always provide good returns to the farmer
help in destroying rodents, rats, etc. in a COli pIe of years. Trees are consid-
ered as cash crop with a distinct advant-
To a certain extent, shade of the age over the traditional field crops.
trees might cause in retardiation of the Whether the field crop has favourable
crop yield. Certain experiments carried market value or not, the farmer has got

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to harvest and sell, whereas he need not 4. A. senegal
do so in case of tree crops but can always 5. A. catechu
wait till he gets a good market return. 6. Cassia sianea
Tree crops always serve as an insurance 7. Dalbergia sissoo
against field crops. During emergency, 8: Prosopis cineraria
the farmer can always depend on this 9. Albizzia lebbek
tree crops for quick money. If any 10. Azadirachta indica
revolution in agriculture is envisaged, it II. Tamarix articulata
can only be achieved if the farmer is self 12. Ailanthus excelsa
sufficient in fuel, fodder, manure and 13. Hardwickia binata
small timber. Most of the cottage industr- 14. Albizzia amara
ies also depend on the tree components 15. Tecomella undulata
such as sports goods, silk, honey, oil 16. Anogeissus pendula
seeds, paper pulp timber for furniture 17. Boswellia serrata
and agricultural implements, fodder from 18. Calligonllm polygonoides
trees for livestock, fibre for ropes, etc. 19. Zizyphlls rotundifolia
20. Zizyphus nummularia
List of promising fuel wood a'nd
fodder tree species for arid and semi-arid REFERENCES .
regions: Muthana, K.D., Gyanchand and Arora,
G.D. 1978. Silvical studies on desert
A. Exotics
indigenous and exotic tree species. In
l. Eucalyptlls camalduler.sis Arid Zone Research and Development
2. E. terminalis (ed. H.S. Mann). Scientific Publishers,
3. E. coolabah Jodhpur. pp. 339-343.
4. E. tessel/aris
5. E. melanophloia Srivastava, B.P. and Pant, M.M. 1979
.6. Acacia tortilis var. tortilis Social Forestry on a cost benefit
7. A. forlilis var. raddi1lDa analysis frame worke. Indian Forester
8. Acacia salicina 105 (I): 2-35.
9. Acacia senegal (large farm) Palit, S.B. 1980 Species for wood, food
to. Ac,acia aneura and ladder in arid and semi-arid zone
11. Prosopis julifiora of India. Paper presented for FAG/
12: Brasilettia mollis DANIDA Training course on sand
13. C%phospermum mopane dune stabilization, she/terbelt and
14. Dichrostachys glomerata Affoestation in dry zone, held at
15. Prosopis alba CAZRI, Jodhpur.
16. Prosopis tamarugo Muthana, K.D. 1981. Afforestation prac-
B. Indigenous tices with relevance to Watershed
1. Eucalyptus hybrid Planning. Paper Presented for short
2. Acacia nilotica sub sp. indica course on "Watershed management",
3. A. plallifrolls held at CAZRI, Jodhpur.

Industrially economic plants in agroforestry
Ashok K. Raina

Arid and semi-arid regions world FOOD, WOOD AND ENERGY

over present worst examples of resource DEMANDS
degradation as a result of the indiscrimi- Demands on the forest for energy,
nate destruction of their forest at an industrial wood, the needs of rural
alarming rate to meet the ever-increasing communities and the environment already
demands for food, fodder and fuel needs exceed local and regional supplies and
for the growing population. Development may well exceed them globally by the end
of these areas is only possible with the of the century.
adoption of such land-use-manage-
ment systems which have the potentiali- FUEL WOOD DEMANDS
ties of augmenting the benefits from World Bank calculates that an
both agriculture and forestry to provide additional 20-25 million hactares of trees
food, wood and other forest products and must be planted by the year 2000, i.e., a
at the same time conserve the eco-system planting approxi[11ately of (0 times more
by simulating or partially recreating than the existing reforestation rate. In
forest conditions to improve the partially addition to being used for conventional
recreating forest conditions to improve the cooking and heating purposes ample
prevalent edaphic and microclimatic demand is building up for production of
conditions (Wilkins, 1978). charcoal; feeding electric generators,
railroad locomotives, driers for fish,
AGROFORESTRY-ITS' INDUSTRIAL agricultural products, lumber; factories
milling sugar, timber or other new
MaQY countries have already deve- materials; pottery, brick, charcoal and
loped, although on a limited scale. agro- lime stone kiins; and metal smelters. It is
forestry sy~tems to establish 'industrial used for the supply of secondary fuels
tree plantations', for instance depart- produced by thermochemical. routes-like
mental taungys in Kenya-pines; Nigeria- secondary solid fuels from charcoal,
Gmelina; India and Burmateak; and a
gesification, synthesis gas; and secondary
number of species tried similarly at fuels by biochemical treatment of wood
CA TIE, Costa Rico. A number of for liquid fuels produced from wood.
commercial establishments in England
and Canada have raised improved clonal WOOD FIBRE DEMAND
populars interplanted with agricultural A world shortage of wood fibre of
crops (Burley, 1980). 200 million cubic metres (7.1 billion cubic

feet) has been forcast (Keys, 1975). An bIe prop.ortion of the annual precipitation
estimate of total annual demand for wood (Lahid, 1975; Tomble, 1977) are essential.
will be in the order of 4.0 billion cubic There is ample need to draw a comparison
metres (141.3 billion cubic feet) by the between the species on the consumptive
year 2000. use of water or water withdrawn, before
Intensive forest management and introducing new crops or crop combina-
utilization techniques, particularly the use tions.
of short rotations and whole tree harves- In floral biology, early sexual matu-
ting, however, are sure to make increasing rity, floral and seed setting and other
demands on the soil, resulting in adverse phenological details necessary to be
environmental impact on the fragile studied before taking' up a crop combina-
ecosystem. [t is to be seen in this context tion. For instance, in Chile, Prosopis
whether agroforestry could, in the face of tamarugo a highly palatable species is
such exploitation, conserve the ecosystem interplanted with less palatable P. chilensis
and still satisfy Farmers' demands. which attracts bees and thereby helps
improve the pollination (Leaky and Last,
The species to be taken up in agro-
forestry system should adapt well to An ideal multipurpose species
difficult sites without much care, be would be one whkh provides (I) fuel
adapted to grow with lesser requirement calories; (2) timber-for lumber, posts,
for water or tap it from deeper zones of poles; (3) pulp for paper cardboard and
ground water, be able to improve soil construction boards; (4) vegetable oil,
fertiljty by possessing nitrogen-fixing fruits and nuts for food; (5) edible leaves
ability, possess rapid vegetative growth and shoots for sauces, curries, salads and
and have ability to regenerate naturally beverages; (6) honey; (7) forage for live-
or respond to methods of artificial regene- stock and silkworms; (8) green manure
ration. for fertilizing soil; (9) tanbark for the
Lopking for favourable attributes tannin used in leather making; (10) medi-
for suitability in the agroforestry systems cjnes an~ pharmaceuticals; (1) extrac-
in arid and semi-arid areas, the' vegetative tives suc11 as gums, resins, rubber and
growth characteristic like (1) having long dyes; (12) shade or support for plantation
rapidly growing tap roots supported by crops; (13) add to the soil improvement
lateral roots for better establishment by soil and sand dune stabilization; (14)
(Bhimaya and Kaul, 1966); and (2) shed- production of soil and water supplies;
ding leaves and to remain leafless for long (15) improvement is soil structure, chemi-
periods so as to temporarily decrease stry or water balance, and control of
ratio of shoots to roots, and to avoid weeds; (16) useful in hedges, windbreaks,
transpiratio~ losses in drought conditions shelterbelts; and firebreaks; and (17) above
whicll otherwise amount to a considera- all be of ornamental, esthetic or recrea-

ti9nal value. A number of such trees jng ~ystem, more suitable- crCl-pping pattern
have been identified like Azadirachta can be worked out. Singh (978) reported
indica which provides shade, fodder, food better utilization of land and higher total
chemicals, fuel and wood, is adapted to productivity from intercropped Cenchrus
varied and harsh habitats; Eucalyptus ciliaris, a palatable drought hardy species
microthew can tolerate heat, drought, and cluster bean Cyamopsis tetragonoloba,
frost, flood and alkaline soils; and Proso- than when raised as sole crops.
pis tomarugo-salt and drought tolerant, The applicability of the various
palatable with high stocking rate, yields silvicultural treatments to the diverse
fuelwood, minor timber, edible pods, forest types with respect to the floristic
and a number of exudates. However, and structural changes that such treat-
with the increase in demanded benefits ments bring about have been variously
from a species, the chances of selection dealt with in different synecological
of a mUlti-purpose species, equally suita- studies (Ghosh and Kaul, 1976). In
ble in all respects and its utilization agroforestry systems the productivity of
potential in specif>c environments and a stand will largely depend on the mani·
agro-ecosystems becomes all the more pulation of composition, regeneration,
difficult (Burley, 1980). fertilization, choice of species, yield,
protection, water uptake and economic
costs and benefits of the silviculturalJ
agronomic treatments.
Standard techniques for the design,
management and assessment of producti- REFERENCES
vity under specific agroforestry systems Bhimaya, C.P. and Kaul, R.N. 1966. Role
need to be assessed in terms of improve- of seedling root habit on initial seed-
ment of agricultural environments and
ling surviva 1 in some desert tree species
rural living. Vega (1978) used O. [ ha
Sci. and Cult. 32: 204-206.
replicated plots to test the effect of various
Burley, J. 1980. Choice of tree species
agricultural crops (including rice and
and possibility of genetic improvement
banana) on the growth of Cordia alliodora
for small holder and community
in Surinam. However, whatever design
forests. Commonw. For. Rev. 59:
is used in agroforestry context, there is a
need to evaluate land equivalent ratios
(LER)* for two crops of diffe~ent rotat- Ghosh, R.C. and Kaul, O.N. 1976. Effect
ions wherein the agricultural crops inclu- of standard silvicultural systems on
ding pasture-two or more rotations may major uses and forest types in India.
be achieved before the tree component In: XVIllz IUFRO World Congress,
closes canopy and several more years. Norway, 1976. Proc. Div. 1,447-462.
elapse before the tree crop is harvested. Keys, J.L. 1975. Projection of world
On the basis of LER for each intercropp- demand and supply for wood fibre
'" LFR '" Yield of a crop as an intercrop per unit area
Yield of a crop as a sole crop per unit area

to the Year 2000. Tappi, 58. No. 11. Tomble, 1.M. 1977. Water requirements
Nov. 1975. for Mesquite. J. Hydrology 34: 171-
Lahiri, A.N. 1975. Water use by desertic 179.
vegetation and its hydrological impli- Vega, L. 1978. Plantaciones de Cordia
cations. Ann. Arid Zone 14: 135-148. all;odora en combinacion con co/tivos
Leaky, R.R.B. and Last, P.T. 1980. Bio- agricolas. una a/ternativa de manejo en
logy and potential of Prosopis species Suriname. Pap. FFF/7-8. 8th World
in arid environment with particular For. Congr., Jakarta, Indonesia, 12 p.
reference to P. cineraria. J. Arid Envi- Wilkins, G.C. 1978. Integrating forest
ron. 3: 9-24. and small scale farm sy~tems in Middle
Singh. R.P. 1978. Guar Agronomy. Forage America. Forest Ecol. Manage. 1:
Res. 4A: 41-48. 223-234.

Chemical constituents of econolnic value from
plants of arid and semi-arid regions
Abu Ghanim

It is well known that the harsh Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and

desert climate is responsible for poor Deccan.
vegetation. However, there are plants The sapogenin, a mixture of diosg-
which thrive even in this climate and enin and yamogenin, has been isolated
yield products of economic value. For from all parts of the plant. The highest
example hyoscyamine, an important life yield that has been reported from the
saving drug, is obtained from Hyoscy- roots (0.5 cm thick) is 2 2% (Puri et al.,
amus muticus that grows wild in Egypt. 1'976).
Similarly Acacia senegal yields gum
Ripe fruits, collected from different
arabic, a gum of high quality which
distribution zones, show considerable
earns valuable foreign exchange for
variation in shape, size and weight. The
Sudan. In India, Cassia angustij,.lia and
weight of a single fruit ranges from 12 g
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba which are
to 80 g.
plants of arid region yield a drug and
guar gum, respectively, and earn much As high as 4.29% (on fresh weight
needed foreign exchange for the country. basis) diosgenin was obtained from some
PHARMACEUTfCALS fruit samples (Ghanim et a!., 1980).
A systematic chemical analysis of fruit
i. Diosgenin from Balanites mxburghii samples collected from trees located at
Diosgenin is the raw material for the Jodhpur, Devlia and Dangiavas revealed
considerable variation in diosgenin con-
production of steroid hormones, anabolic
agents and oral contraceptives in the tent ranging from 1.29-2.7,0.5-3.39 and
2.2-4.20{4.29) per cent, respectively. The
country. The fruit of B. roxburghii is a
seed kernel also gives 45% of a bland
rich source of diosgenin (Ghanim el al.,
yellow oil which increases the overall
value of this desert plant as an alterna-
B. roxburghii, locally known as tive source of diosgenin.
hingot is a spiny tree about 6 m in height
with glabrous or puberulous branches !i. Scopolamine from Datura innoxia.
ending in very strong, sharp, ascending Scopolamine is used in controlling
spines. The tree grows in the drier parts tremors in Parkinson's disease, in delir-
of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar ium, in maniac and other psychotic condi-

tions. It is also the best medicine for noids in the genus Artemisia, (Chand rase-
Sickness in sea and air travel. kharan et al., 1981).
D. innoxia is an undershrub which iv. Naphthoquinones from Arnebia hispid-
grows wild. Leaves of wild plants issima
indicated poor alkaloidal content. How- Naphthoquinones are considered a
ever, the leaves of D. innoxia raised new class of drugs (Shukla et al., 1969).
from seeds obtained from NBPGR, New Arnebin-l, isolated from A. nobilis, is
Delhi ,gave 0.309% of the active principle reportedly undergoing clinical trial as
which compares favourably with the anticancer agent.
yields reported from other parts of the A. hispidissima-a shrub growi ng
country. wild in West Rajasthan is one of the four
iii. Scoparone from Artemisia scoparia species of the genus occurring in northern
Scoparone (6,7- dimethoxycoum-
arin) is reportedly under clinical trial Apart from alkannin which has
as hypotensive and tranquillising agent. been reported earlier, four more naphth-
oquinone derivatives have been isolated
The chloroform extract of the inflor-
from the hexane extract of the roots and
escence of A. scoparia afforded scoparone
characterised as amebin-7,. alkannin,
in 0.9% yield (Chandrasekharan et al.,
alkannin isovalerate, alkannin-acetate
1981). Efforts are being made to further
and alkannin f3 - hydroxyisovalerate
enhance the percentage of scoparone by
respectively. .
extracting the inflorescence at different
developmental stages. Inflorescence con- v._ Cineole from Eucalyptus viridis
tained two coumarins, scopoletin and Cineole is an important ingredient
7-methylesculetin and 7-methylaromaden- in inhalers used in sore throat and cold.
drin; rhamnocitrin, eupalitin, cirsimaritin The leafy portion of E. viridis raised at
and eupatolitin. Incidently this is the first Jodhpur from seeds obtained from Aust-
report of the occurrence of these flavo- ralia yielded on steam distillation 2. 1%

Table 1. Comparison of important characteristics of oil from E. viridis, E. globulus

with B. P. and I.P. specifications
. E. viridIs E. globulus B.P. J.P.

Y~eld% 2.1 0.9-1.2

20 1.4635 1.4605 1.458 1.48-1.47
0.923 0.902 at 0.904- 0.9065-
30° 0.924 0.9155
[ oc]n +3°4' +.9°68' -5 to 10° -5 to 10°
Cineole% 93 62 70 60
Solubility in 70% 1.1 a 5 1*
alcohol in volumes
a= insoluble in 10 vols. * In 80% alcohol.

(on fresh weight basis) of a colourless locally k'nown as thumba yield an oil
oil. (Ghanim et aI, 1979) The oil which is used in the manufacture of
(Table 1) conforms to the specifications soaps.
of principal pharmacopoeioas which
Seed collected from different loca-
require eucalyptus oil for medicinal
tions indicated considerable variation in
purposes to contain a minimum of 70 per
oil content ranging from 8 to 33 per
cent cineole. The oil was superior both
cent (iPareek and Vashishtha, 1980).
in quality and yield compared to E.
globulus which is at present the chief
Guar gum from Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
source of medicinal oil in the country.
(Ghanim and Jayaraman, 1979). The gum obtained from its endos-
\ PERFUMERY perm and its derivatives are in great dem-
and in pharmaceutical, food, textile and
Essential oil from the leaves of Cymbopo-
paper industries, etc.
gon martinii var. matia
The essential oil from the leaves
Can de/ilia wax from Euphorbia antisyphi-
and inflorescence is in great demand in
perfumery industry, especially for its
high geraniol content. The oil (0.81 % Candelilla wax is imported for end
on fresh weight basis) obtained from the use in the manufacture of explosives by
leaves (Table 2) was found to conform cordite factories in India, It can also be
to lSI specifications. used in shoe polishes, chewing gum and
INDUSTRIAL other allied industries.
Oil from Citru/Jus colocynth is A process has been devloped by
The seeds of Citrullus colocY'lthis the Institute for the extraction and

Table 2. Comparison of phYSIco-chemical constants with lSI specifications

Character istics Raised from seeds lSI specification

obtained from Lucknow

Yield % 0.81
Colour Colourless-light yellow Light yellow-
Odour Rosaceous with charact- Rosaceous with
eristic grassy back-ground characteristic
grassy back-
Refractive index at 30° 1.4695 1.469-1.4735
Specific gravity at 30° 0.876 0.874-0.886
Solubility in 70% alcohol 1.2 vols 2 vols.
Total alcohol calculated as 93.9 90 Min.

suitable refining of candelilla wax from constituents of Balanites ,aegyptica.
the leafless stems of Euphorbia anlisyphili- Phytoclzem. 8: 261-65.
tica which is well adapted to arid zone Chandrasekharan, Indrani, Khan, H. A.
of west Rajasthan (Ghanim et al., 1979). and Ghanim, A. 1981. Flavonoids
A sample of Candelilla wax, isolated at from Artemisia scoparia. P/anta
the Institute and sent to Cordite Factory Medica. 43: 310-11.
Nilgiris, for their evaluation, was found Shukla, Y.N., Tandon, J.S., Bhakuni,
suitable for end use in the manufacture D.S. and Dhar, M.M. 1969. Chemical
of explosives. constituents of Antibiotic fractions of
Besides Cordite Factory, Nilgiris, Arnebia nobilis. Experientia 25: 357-59.
others who have shown interest are shoe Ghanim A, Jayaraman, I. and Muthana,
polishes and chewing gum industries. To K D. 1979. The essential oil of
make it economically viable, efforts are Exotic Eucalyptus species raised at
underway to evolve suitable processes Jodhpur. Symposium on Production
for making. the wax acceptable to above and Utilization of Forest Products,
mentioned industries. Jammu. 1: 142-45.
REFERENCES Ghanim, A. and Jayaraman, I. 1979.
Essential oil from Jodhpur grown
Ghanim, A., Jayaraman, I., Khan, H.A.
Eucalyptus viridis. Indian J. Pharm.
and Amalraj Alphonse, V. 1980.
Sci. 4: 80-8 J • .
Balanites roxburghii PI. Fruits as a
Pareek, O.P. and Vashishtha, B.B. 1980.
Source of diosgenin. Indian J. Pharm.
Variability in Citrulus colocynthis in
Sci. 42: 149-50.
the Thar Desert. Ann. Arid Zone 19
Puri, H.S., Jefferies, T.N. and Hardman,
(3): 277-281.
R. 1976. Diosgenin and Yamogenin
Ghanim, A., Jayaraman, I. and Muthana,
level in some Indian plant samples.
KD. 1979. Candelilla Wax. Proc.
Planta Medica 30: 118-21.
Symposium on Production and
Dawidar, A.A.M. and Fayaz, M.B.E. Utilization of Forest Products, Jammu,
1969. Steroid sapogenins-XIII. The 11: 60-64.

Post harvest technology-solar energy utilization
Jagdish P. Guptil

The present chapter is concerned arch on solar drying are nT, Kharagpur,
with utilization of solar energy for drying, Annamalai University, RRL, Jammu, etc.
instant heat treatment and cold storage. The design of a solar dryer should
These are important aspects of post depend upon the following criteria.
harvest technology for which solar energy
(i) Use of inexpensive materials and
can be used ..
ease of construction by the village
Basic devices for thermal applica- artisans at the site of use.
tions of solar energy are flat plate and (ii) Suitability for drying particular
concentrating solar collectors. types of crops.
A concentrating solar collector (iii) Incorporation of thermal storage
essentially consists of a curved reflector. for use in sunless periods, and,
A paraboloidal reflector concentrate rays (iv) Option to use auxiliary mechani-
on a point whereas a cylindrical parabolic cal power and conventional fuels
mirror on a focal line. The latter could where available.
be mounted along the North-South axis
A. Direct solar dryers
which needs both diurnal and seasonal
tracking or along the East-West axis (i) Flat plate solar collector type
which needs only seasonal tracking. In this dryer the grain is kept on an
The above two types of solar devices inclined perforated metallic tray which is
are used for most of the solar applications divided into four equal compartments.
including drying, heat treatment and cold This has been used for drying of 13 to 30
storage. kg of grain. For 23 kg of grain the
SOLAR DRYING moisture content could be reduced from
21% to 15% (w.b.) in about 9 hours. The
In India, the work on development
small fan causing an air flow rate of 15m3
of solar dryers is being carried out at
per hour could be electric, wind or hand
CAZRI, Jodhpur, which also runs a Coor-
dinated Research Programme on Opera-
tional Research in Solar Energy Utilization (ii) Cabinet type
in Agriculture with CRRI, Cuttack, PAU, It essentially consists of a cabinet
Ludhiana, TNAU, Coimbatore and the with the horizontal insulated bottom and
University of Udaipur as the cooperating an inclined glass window at an optimum
centres ..Other Institutes, engaged in rese- tilt to allow for solar radiation. The

arrangement is made at the back for produce is not exposed to solar radiation
sliding -in and sliding out the wire mesh d.irectl y and therefore actinic gecomposi-
trays containing material to be dried. tlOn of the colour of the agricultural
Holes are drilled at the bottam for allow~ produce can be prevented and hence a
ing outside air in and at the top for moist superior quality of dried product results.
air to go out. The temperature in this
It has been observed that the forced
dryer sometimes reaches much beyond
circulation type solar dryer can be used to
60°C after loading it with agricultural
dry 1/2 ton of paddy per day and the
produce. It is ,not desirable in the case of
moisture content is reduced from a initial
fruits and vegetables. In order to regulate
val~e of .18-24% to a final value of 11-12%.
the temperature and increase air circula~
WhJ)~ dIscussing indirect solar dryers,
tion an improved solar dryer with a
mentIOn should also be made of the roof
chimney has been designed and tested
solar collecton wherein air is heated and
at CAZRI, Jodhpur. The dryer has a
circulated to the shed which is used for
basal area of 1.68 m 2 area and material
drying and storing. This method offers
-to b;: dried is kept in two wooden trays
a low cost solution to large scale drying.
(100 cm x 75 cm x 5 cm) with wire mesh.
C. Mixed type solar dryer
Twelve ventillation holes are provided at
In this type, although. a solar air
the bottom to ensure inflow of air and a
heater is used, partial drying of the
chimney (15 em dia x 76 cm length) of
product is also done directly. It has the
aluminium to allow for the escape of
advantage of making available fairly hot
moist air. A regulating valve controls the
air and also only partial direct solar
circulation of air. It took five days to
heating so that actinic degradation of
dehydrate 17.5 kg of chillies from a mois-
colour is less.
ture content of 80% to 6.7% in the impro-
In a solar dryer of this type the air
ved'type while in the simple type it took
heater is made of a blackened hardboard
six days to reduce the moisture content to
sheet and a perforated blackened metallic
12.5%. Similar cabinet type solar dryers
sheet covered with transparent glass or
are being studied at Tamil Nadu Agricul-
tural University, Coimbatore, for drying
of chillies, coconut and cassava. Cabinet
Nqrmally, food grains are subject
solar dryers ~ave been used for drying of
apricots in Ladakh. . to insect infestation. To prevent this, a
solar device has been fabricated at Univer-
B. Indirect solar dryers sity of Udaipur. It essentially consists of
An direct solar dryer essentially ~parabolic reflector made of reflecting
consists of a solar air heater and the mylar sheet. It is installed horizontally
drying chamber. One advantage of this in the E-W direction so that diurnal trac-
type of dryer is that the agricultural king to follow the sun is not required.

Traditional agro-forestry practices in arid zone of
S.P. Malhotra

b) For getting fencing materials for

History has it on record that the
the agricultural field ands hut-
desert dwellers in India have not only
survived since ancient times but, great
civilizations flourisbed in the region. Man c) For getting materials for construc_
tion of thatched hutments.
had developed tenacious means and
adjustment mechanisms to cope up with d) For getting fodder for livestock.
the vulnerable desertic situations (Malh- e) For getting vegetables and fruits
otra and Mann, 1978). for human consumption.
As it is, cultivation of crops alone e) For getting protection from wind
IS a big gamble in the arid areas since blast leading to erosion of soils
the rainfall would not only vary five to and also for adding green manure
ten folds from one year to another, but in the fields (specifically when the
also during the same year at places just a trees are not lopped).
few kms from each other. Most desert
For satisfying the above needs
dwellers tllerefore raise livestock as a
subsidiary occupation and allow shrubs different trees and shrubs have been
and trees to grow alongwith cultivated grown with different crops in different
crops to mainly cover risk and uncerta- agro-climatic zones of arid Rajasthan. In
inty of crop maturity. In good rainfall personal discussion with S.K. Saxena
years, however, added returns are thus (S-2 Ecology) the following eight agro-
forestry zones have been deliniated and
the shrubs and trees grown with crop in
In the context of the present topic
each of these regions have been described
I shall attempt to deal with agro-forestry
in Table I.
practices in different agroclimatic zones
of arid zone of Rajasthan. SOLAR COLD STORAGE

Commullity-agro-forestry relationship It isevident from Table I that

Agro-forestry practices were devel- Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) from among
oped to achieve especially the following the trees and Bord; (Zizyphus nummularia)
benefits. from among the shrubs form the impor_
tant components of vegetation grown
a) For meeting the fuel requirements
of the households. with different crops.



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Agro-forestry practices when the leaves are left for storage
Brief details of agro-forestry prac- purpose. In scarcity periods 'Bord; is
tices adopted by the desert dwellers in out twice a year, i.e., in ApriJ - May
relation to cropping of Bordi and Khejri and in November-December. Bordi is
are provided below: also grown with Jowar crop in the same
fashion as in case of Bajra. However,
Bard; is mostly taken with Bajra when taken in combination with legumes
(the pearl millet) crop which is the staple Jike moth-moong and gOIVar, the produc-'
food of the population of arid areas. tion of these legume crops gets reduced.
Right with the start of agricultural opera- This mainly is due to the Bordi achieving
tions. viz., "Sood". that is cleaning of almost the same height as that of the
the fields, Bordi plants are allowed to crop. The uses of the Bordi leaves,
remain and are not taken out. Care is Bordi twigs, the mode of its collection,
also taken that while ploughing and storage and use may have been discussed
weeding, Bordi plants are not removed earlier and hence is not being provided
during rainy season. Bordt plants sprout here,
each year from the root stocks which are,
left in the fields in the preceeding year. Khejri termed as a king tree in the
arid Rajasthan grows well in combination
The plants also get established from the
with crops like Bojra, legumes (morh-
seeds which fall in the fields. Twenty to
moong) and oil seeds. The density of this
thirty years before an acre of field sown
tree traditionally preferred and maintain-
with Bordi contained about 100-120 plants
ed in one acre area put under crops, was
of Bordi. However, wilh the. recent intro-
about 25 to 35 trees. The plants getting
duction of tractor majority of the Bordi
a vertically straight shape were allowed
plants get removed and the density per
to grow while the de shaped ones were
acre has reduced to only 25-30 Bordi
removed. As in case with Bordi. the
plants in many cases. The farmers can
introduction of tractor for cultivation
ill afford not to use the tractor but
purposes has affected the density of these
wish that ways and means be explored
trees in the field boundaries while they
for greater number of Bard; plants in
would prefer to' learn more if ploughing
Bajra fields. Most knowledgeable far-
through tractor could also help them
mers admit about the reduced number
retain the number of trees traditionally
of Bordi plants, its excellent feed, fencing
present in the fields.
and food values. and suggest for explor-
ing ways to ha ve more number of these Khejri. as is well, known, provides
trees. Farmers look forward to science livestock feed (leaves). vegetables (Sang-
for telling them the practices to be ariya), fruits (Khokha) and timber.
adopted for such modifications including When not lopped (as among one of the
row to row and plant to plant distances, cO,munities namely Bishnois) the leaves
etc., Bajra crop matures in October and that fall on the ground add fertility to
is harvested while Pala harvesting is the soil. It may be pertinent to recomm-
done generally in November-December, end here that those engaged in researches

for amelioration of the desert dwellers should be explored so that, the farmers
may intensify efforts for providing reco- can get the benefits from these easy
mmendations to the farmers regarding growing desert plants.
optimum number of Khejri trees that Concluding Remarks
could -be taken per unit area and to sugg--
est the improvement in the package of Awareness of the traditional agro-
practices being followed by the farmers forestry practices reveal the importance
of developing greater knowledge on the
for growth of these trees.
past and present activities of the dwellers
The trees like Bawalia (Acacia nito- pertaining to agro-forestry. This provides
tica), Vilayati Babool (Prosopis juliflora) leads for developing new knowledge
and shrubs like Ker (Capparis aphyUa), which could consequently bring about
Phogra (Calligonum polygonoides) are also improvements in the package of traditi-
important and useful and found mainly onal practices and provide suggestions
on the borders of the field. These plants for effective adjustments according to the
produce fuel, fodder and fencing material changed and changing situational factors.
but disregarded by the farmers for agro- Developing or improving upon the
forestry due to their negative effects on traditional shrubs and trees grown in
the crop. However, looking to their combination with crops and a search for
importance, possibilities to grow them alternatives assumes further significance,
with the crop specifically On the field specifically in the change in the system
boundaries in a more systematic manner of agri..:ultural operations.

· Consolidation of holding~, land tenure and
related problems in agro-forestry
M.L. Purohit

Agro-forestry had been followed the development of forest resources like

since dawn of civilization, after drawing trees, shrubs, including arable crops,
a first furrow of plough on forest land. forage and pastures raised as intercropp-
This concept remained unnoticed through ed on farmer's fields with their active.
the ages but followed in each and every participation with the primary objective
part of the world in one or other form. of meeting their demands for fuel, timber
In arid and semi-arid areas this practice fodder and othe minor forest produce, as
was common since times immemorial. It well as to supplement their income,
was first recognized and properly through increasing productivity per unit
designated in 19th century by then area over time beside achieving other
Forest Officer Mr. Taungya and after- social beilefiis and ecological balances.
wards popularized as Taungya Systems l .
Growth and development of forest area
It was an in expensive means of
establishing timber plantations. Toungya Before discussing the agro-forestry
systems were used extensively in India vis-a-vis consolidation of holdings, ceiling,
and Burma and were later adopted else- land tenure and related problems let us
where in south east Asia and in parts of have a brief idea of forest growth and
Latin America and Africa as well 2 . This development of Arid zone. In arid zone
was first followed in hilly tracts. Slightly the area under forest was only 1.07% in
modified form of this was 'shifting 1956-57 and 1.84% in 1977-78. Whereas
cultivation' locally known as Jhummings in Rajasthan area under forest was
and in other parts of the world as 4.2[% and 5.75%, respectively, in 1956-57
'Swiddell agricuitllral'3. and 1977-78. In last twenty two years the
area under forest increased remarkably to
Concept an extent of about 71 % as compared to
The forest trees groves, shrubs, etc., State, i.e., 37%. It can clearly be inferred
used to grow at farmer's field along that the inclination of desert dwellers
with arable crop but these are not in towards forest was too much. While
definite order or in a specific pattern. fast growing population neutralized the
Usually found in ill planned fashion, being growth effect so that the per capita area
their natural growth. According to the under forest which was hardly 0.023 ha
socio-economic concept of agro-forestry, in 1961 had declined to 0.21 ha in 1971.

However, ~tate showed a reverse trend, purposes (6.3%), checking wind erosion
i.e., 0.04 hajcapita in 1961 to 0.05 hal and fencing 4.9% and others 1.8%. These
ca pita in 1971. The growth rate of area studies focussed at the preferences qf the
under forest was computed 6.28% in arid arid dwellers towards the different type
zone and 5.27% in state as a whole. of species to meet their various daily
But there is no proper inventory of need. These considerations would be
forests, parameters, growing stock and served as pre-requisite for future planning
annual increment which gives rise to the of Agro-forestry system in arid and
semi·arid zones.
annual allowable cut so that capital stock
of the forest may not deplete. Due to Difficulty of forest grolVth
this very cause arid zone cannot become In arid zone. forests the loss of 90%
independent of forestry products to a or more of the planted trees was so
large extent; because forests provide the common that even fifty per cent survival
agriculturists with ploughs for cultivation, was considered an outstandi~g success6 ,
fodder for cattle, fuel for hearth and wood One of the reasons for failure was that
for shelter. To meet out the huge demand, sites used for afforestation which were
forestry should cover two major aspects, usually those. found unfit for agricultural
viz., multiple use and sustained yield. production and consisted of over exploi-
The combination of two aspect is to ted, shallow soil, on steep sandy slopes.
determine them in the light of natural If any arable land remaind it was thought
environment and of economic and social essential for the production of food crops.
consideration. Utilization of poor land by foresters
Sodal consideration for trees according to became a tradition and even something
their uses of a virtue. Perhaps it is for these reasons
For these consideration liking and many people believe that afforestation in
disliking of the rural society may be taken arid zones is not expected to yield ec~no­
into accQllnt with the help of opinion mic returns nor bring social benefits.
poll. Some of the past studies 4 revealed The only remedy for above difficul-
th"t multiple responses of,243 respondents ties is agro-forestry, where deep, unexploi-
to Sanchore block perferred forestry, 52% ted well rna intained soils are available.
opined for timQer for' agric~ltural imple- This type. of soils provided favourable
ments, 27% for shade, 24% for fruits and conditions for tree growth along with crop
food, 9.5% for fuel, 8.6% animal fled, cultivation and hope to yield better econo-
0.4% religious purposes and 11.5% had mic returns and bringing social benefits
not expressed their opinion. Another to arid zone in habitats.
study5 was conducted in Sumerpur block Nomenclature of variOllS forest systems
revealed that the first choice of the villa- On the cultivated fields the trees, of
gers was to grow trees for shade (54%) fire wood, shrubs, etc., are of infinite
followed by trees for agricultural imple- . varieties in various arid and semi-arid
ments. (38%), fruits and food (27%), zones due to variation of agro·climate,
animal feed (24%), fuel (11%). religious topography, preference of dwellers, etc.

The m~jor four categories of vegetation are regen,erated and manag\d for their
either naturally growing or cultivated are ability to produce not only wood but
trees, shrubs, crops and forages. The leaves and/or fruits that are suitable for
combination of either trees or shrubs and food and/or fodder. This would, there-
crops comes under agro-forestry, while fore, also include the use of nurse crops,
trees and forages combination is known cover crops and interplanting of useful
as silvipastoral, etc. Similar to agro-fores- species in forestry plantations.
try, there are various practices like farm The list of components could be
forestry, SOCIal forestry, community enlarged to include agro silvo-horticulture
forestry. mixed forestry, urban forestry,
systems and other multipurpose system
recreation forestry, environmental fore- combinations of forest trees, plantation
stry. tree farming, forest farming village crops, horticultural and agricultural crops,
wood lot, tree dimensional forestry (con- pasture grasses, etc.
servation tree crops and livestock), forestry
for 4F (fuel, forage, food, fertility)" etc. All the practices or nomenclatures
According to the nomenclature advocated used except agro-forestry are raised on
ty KingS; agroforestry is to be treated as common village land or g?vernment land.
a generic term which embraces the follow- The consolidation of holdings, ceiling
ing components: Acts, tenurial systems have not affected
these systems but agro-forestry is prone
0) Agri-silviculture systems: Cons- to it. Prior to discuss their implications
cious and deliberate use of land for the
on agro-forestry. it is essential to deal in
concurrent production 'of agricultural
brief what are these acts?
crops (including tree crops) and forest
crops. This term win therefore, include
Consolidafion of holdings and agro-forestry
taungya or equivalent systems as well as
the basic concept of farm forestry or The Rajasthan Holdings (Consolida-
extension forestry and farm wood lots in tion and prevention of Fragmentation)
the Indian content. Act 1954, was passed and came into force
from the II th Dec, 1954. But actual work
(ii) Silvi-pastoral systems : Land
of consolidation of holdings was started
management systems in which land is
in May 1957_ Central subsidy was"availiP
managed for-the production of wood as
ble to the exten t of 50% of the net cost
well as for rearing of domesticated anim-
subject to an overall maximum of the
expenditure. It was envisaged, that 50%
(iii) Agl'o-si/vi-pastoral systems: In of the expenditure would be recovered
which land is managed for the concurrent from the beneficiary farmers. The consoli-
production of agricultural and 'forest dation of holdings means rearranging
crops and the rearing of domesticated the scattered fragments of individual
arrivals_ o\vners into few bigger and more comp-
(iv) Multi-purpose forest-tree produc- act field through exchange with fragment
tion systems: In which forest tree species of other cultivators in the area. The

major aims of consolidation is to reduce The agro-forestry practices followed after
fragments, to facilitate the advanced consolidation of holdings is well received
methods of cultivation. provides opportu- as compared to before. Already developed
nity for planning of village common fragments became an obstacle to the
land. Surplus land obtained after consoli- consolidation of holdings. Therefore,
dation may be used for roads, schools, consolidation of holdings and agro-fores-
play grounds, etc. try may go side by side.
Two types of consolidation was Ceiling Art
followed, viz., voluntary and compulsory. The state legislation passcd the la w
But both of them faced various difficul- on the subject through "Rajasthan
ties like lack of trained persons, involve- Tenancy" (Amendment) Act 1960 (Act
ment of huge costs, affection towards No.4 of 1960). Act received the assent of
ancestral land, non-availability of upto the President on March 12,1960 and came
date records, opposition by village land- into force from 15th Dec. 1963 thereby
lords, money lenders, various agencies, providing considerable time for transfers,
etc. Without consolidation of holdings when the law was enforced a series of
agro-forestry remained stagnant. The litigations followed with the result that as
small size of holdings situated at a against the estimated two milli.on acres
eonsiderable distance caused inconve- on Iy 35,165 acres could be resumed by
nience for tree plantation and agro-fores- the end of 1965.
try practices. Already well developed The unit under this law kept 'A
plots with fairly good density of trees
standard acre' shall mean the area of land
became a major hindrance in consolida- which, with reference to its productive
tion of holdings. An individual may get a capacity, situation, soil classification and
plot Ot few plots in exchange but difficult other prescribed particuiars is found in
to provide trees, if available then not of the prescribed manner to be likely to yield
the same age. The affection of an indivi-
10 mounds 9 (4 quintals) of wheat yearly
dual to his planted trees avoid this type
and in case of land not capable of produ-
of exchange. Consolidation is possible in
cing wheat, the other likely produce
irrigated tract but the opinion expressed
thereof shall for the purpose of calculat-
by majorify of the respondents in unirrig-
ting a standard acre, to determine
ated areas that they were not interested in
according to prescribed scale so as to be
it due to uncertainty of rainfall. In rainy
equivalent in terms of money value to ten
season one plot receives better rains than
mounds of wheat.
other, if he has only one he may suffer a
lot. The size of plots is also fairly large Provided that III determining a
in un irrigated as compared to irrigated ceiling area in terms of standard acres,
areas. The problem of consolidation in . the money value of the produce of wel~
arid and humid areas in different vis-a-vis irrigated (Chahi)10 land shall be taken
Agro-forestry. The size of holdings in . as being equivalent to the money value
humid. areas or irrigated is very meagre to the produce of aq equal area of unirri-
and they may raise few trees per hectare. gated (baroni)l1 Hind.

Even in Ceiling Acts exemptions were 1. 30 times the sanctioned rent of 1st
there. The policy behind the exemptions 25 acres,
while determining the general ceiling 2. 25 times for next 25 acres, and
on agricultural holdings in a state, it will 3. 20 times for remaining land,
also be necessary to consider the catego- 30 standard acres to a family of five
ries of farms to which the ceiling need members and 5 standard acre per additio-
not apply. Three mli'in factors could be nal qJember to a limit of 60 standard
taken into account in deciding upon
exemptions from the Ceiling namely (i)
Integrated nature of operation, especially In fact 1st Ceiling Act since Dec. 1963
could never be properly implemented due
where industrial and agricultural works
to all kinds of vested interests. In order
are undertaken as a composite enterprises,
to overcome the situation the RaJasthan
(ii) Specialized character of operation,
Legislative Assembly took up the issue
(iii) from the aspect of agricultural
again and passed the Rajasthan Imposi-
production the need to ensure that efficie-
tion of Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings
ently managed farms which fulfil certain
Act 1973. This law reduced the ceiling
conditions are not broken up.
limit to eighteen standard acre.
If these considerations are kept in The reduction in land owned by
view there should appear to be an advan- an individual caused less motivation for
tage in exempting the following ca'egories Agro-forestry. After plantation, if surplus
of farms from the operation of ceiling area is acquired by State leads to disin-
which may be proposed, (i) Tea, Coffee centive to the agro-forestiY develop-
and Rubber plantation, (ii) Orchards, ment. The sub-division of land, due to
where they constitute reasonable compact law of inheritance and succession reduced
area, (iii) Specialized farms engaged in the size of a plot create a conducive
cattle breedings, dairying, _ wool raising, condition for non adopting agro-forestry
etc., (iv) Sugarcane farms operated by practices. After reduction in size the
sugar factories, (v) Efficiently managed tendency of the owner to take more area
farms which consist of compact blocks on under cultivation, reduce fallow land,
which heavy investment or permanent rcpetative use without adding additional
structural improvements have been made inputs, indiscriminate felling of trees due·.
and break up is likely to lead to a fall in
to hard press need of fuel wood for
production, (vi) Land held by or under the
shelter, implements, etc. This hampers the
management of any temple, Masjid 12 ,
d.evelopment of Agro-forestry. The only
Gurdwara 13 or Goshala 14 and land held
natural growth over sub-marginal and
by and educational institution of a public
marginal lands took lot of time to attain
nature if the entire income of such land is
maturity of the trees. Well managed
appropriated for such institution.
farm wood lot, or agroforestry farms may
Government gave compensation for be exempted from the ceiling on holdings.
surplus land acquired above the ceiling This phenomenon will act as major incen-
land. tive for the forest growth.

- -
Land tenures and agro forestry transferring of land to peasantry trees
Land tenure systems can be critica- were ,cut, sold and converted into -unrep--
lly reviewed under two major era, before orted cash. But in Khalsa land tenurial
Independence and after. Before Jaglr system tree population on the self cultiv-
(feudal state) abolition various land tenu- ated land was found better than other
rial systems prevailed like BllOmich.:lra15 , tenurial systems. Now at present the
Soson 16 , Jagir17, KIIO/su 18 , etc. The land density of Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) is
was in the hands of feudal lords, given to 40 to 400 trees per hectare and similar
tenants at will for cultivation. case in Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia).
Princely States-feudallords-tenants, Some times tender plants of bord; are
e.g., passetedors 19 , doli 20 on rental or uprooted inspite of lot of care at the
time of ploughing with tractor. These
share basis or free in lieu of services
trees are acting as shock absorbers in the
rendered to feudal lords. The productivity
famine and scarcity period by providing
depends on the system of land tenure,
top feed, twigs, roots, bark, etc. Only
being a status symbol is attached to land
owned in the rural society. 'But after a minor defect is that these trees are not
independance uniform land policy was planted in proper manner. It creates
formulated by passing number of land the problem in ploughing, turning of
legislations from time to time. All the tractor driven implements. These are
peasants are Khatedars 21 and only few acting as complementary enterprises to
crops by sustaining lot of livestock with
are goir khatedars22. The ownership can
added returns, per unit area over time,
change the sand into gold. This proverb
besides changing microclimate of the
was applicable in land tenure systems too.
area changing fertility status, changing
In preindependance land owned by Jagir-
land value, reducing crop risk and wind
dars (feudal lords) or Maharaja (King).
These feudal lords were however princi-
pally responsible to the states in a very Related Problems of Agro Forestry
loosely defined fashion. Ram Pande 23
The problems of agro-forestry may
revealed that as much as 62% land was
be clsssified under different heads
owned by such Jagirdars in the arid areas
, of Western Rajasthan., Ownership of land I. Technical problems
was essentially concentrated in the hands 2. ' Economic problems
of the kings relatives or those who rende- 3. Social problems
red personal services to tpe king. 4. Institutional problems.

In this type of uncertain tenurial I. Technical problems: Technical prob-

status tillers of the soil could not think lems are mainly discussed at length by
of tree plantation due to eiection from respective discipline, e.g., what type of
land, frequent changing land-ownership, species to be grown:
and various other considerations. generally those species which would
~fter independance peasants grew not compete with crops for mois-
trees on their own fields but before ture, space and air

trees should provide nitrogen in soil due to long maturation time farmers
and enhancing fertility by fixing cannot wait,
. nitrogen being legumes through socio-cultural and religious barriers
nodules. in number of tree species to be
trees should provide food, fodder, planted along with crop.
fuel and timber for shelters. whether aesthetic or recreational
shrubs or tree should be grown with value of the species or not,
crop to maintain proper eco-system. whether some ~hady trees with
damaging of crops with toxic effect profuse canopy tq give protection
of tree roots should not be grown. under scorching heat and hot winds
broad leaves trees should be avoided for social or family gathering,
to safe guard of crops agaillst bird irregular and small fields are facing
damages. Jot of problems after raising trees
2. Economic problems in agro-forestry and shrubs in turning of tractor
are as follows: driven implements, leaving unplou-
ghed land around trees, etc.
availability of land or leased in or
adoption of mechanical cultivation
share basis. may become problem under agro-
number of fragments and distance
foresty systems, if it is not properly
between them,
laid out and especially when shrubs
size of fragments-small due to sub-
are raised instead of economic
shape of fragments-irregular fields
super natural beliefs attached with
after further sub-division,
number of tree species.
availability of labour force,
availability of capital or credit from 4. Institutional problems
various sources to develop agro- government policy and Land Re-
forestry, forms Acts,
to fulfil the family requirement of revenue and taxation generally
fuel, feed, fodder, timber, shelter, increase after the improvement of
etc. land,
some of the problems can be man- external demand for major and
aged internally within farm but few minor forest produce,
need solution from outside, i.e., infrastructure and marketing facili-
government's land distribution ties for disposal of forest as well as
policy, agro-climatic conditions, crop or livestock produce,
etc. proper institutionalization of agro-
3. Social problems: The species are acc- forestry in comparison to farm,
epted by the rural society or not: social, communities, extension fore-
traditional farmers faced problems stries, etc.
in adopting new technology like Agro-forestry policy formulation
agro-forestry, Agro-forestry policy may be form-

ulated to attain a specified goal, i.e;, 2. Taungya methods have been used in
productivity per unit area over time, Costa Rica Trinidad (Wattets) 1971:
reduction in instability of production, 280.
socioeconomic security of a family and 3. Swidden agriculture, Swidden ,in Bur-
rural community within a designated mese language but the term has been
span of time. adopted widely in many countries to ,
The major criteria of agro-forestry mean the type of timber/swiddening
policy formulation may be in terms of combination.
people's particular needs, their goals and 4. Bose, A.B. and Bharara, L.P. 1965.
their resources. The policy should be Some sociological considerations in
such that politically acceptable, adminis- Farm Forestry. Ann. Arid Zone 4 (I):
tratively feasible, economically sound and 24-31.
socially acceptable and capable of modi-
5. Bhal'ara, L.P. and Sen, M.L.A. 1970.
fications as conditions changes. The trees
Social aspects of farm forestry in Arid
in each and every cultivated or unculti·
Zone. Ann. Arid Zone 9 (1): 36-44.
vated land with an individual may be
marked on the map of the farm so that 6. Goor, A.Y. and Barney, C.W. Forest
the indiscriminate felling may be stopped tree planting in Arid Zones. Second
easily. If possible age of the trees or Ed. The Ronald Press Compa_ny, NY.
shrubs may also be entered in the pass 7. Sangal, P.M. 1981. Scope and implica-
book of every Khatedar in rural areas. tion of Agroforestry in India. The
Indian Forester, May 81. 107 (5): 289-
The consolidation of holdings,
ceiling Act and land tenurial ownership 297.
may act in developing of the agro-for- 8. King, K. F. S. 1978. Agro-forestry
estry. Some times these legislations paper presented to 50th Tropica Agri-
became hindrance in development of culture Day, Royal Tropical Institute,
agro-forestry or vice-versa. Agro-fore- Amesterdam, Holland.
stry can be developed by providing some 9. Maul1d- Unit of measurement of
incentive to the new allotees for raising weight, tquals to 37.5 kg.
trees along with crop cultivation. These
10. Chahi· Irrigated land, mostly by well
trees afterSutl development provide some
remuneration or services to the person
11. Barani- Unirrigated or dry land, where
concerned even in scarcity period'. Agro-
forestry would help in income stabliliza- only rainfed crops to be raised.
tion over worst period and provide addi- 12. Masjid- Mosque.
tional returns per unit area over space 13. Gurdwara- Holy temple of Sikhs.
and time. 14. Goshala- Charitable institute, where
REFERENCES cows are kept, especially those are
1. Govindan Kutty, M. 1980. Taungya disabled and old.
cultivation ill Kerala, Paper presented 15. Bhomichara- Land rights, where land
for '2nd Forestry Conference. holders were Rajput ·nobles, whose

ancestors held the lands prior to for- rendered to landlords (feudal lords).
mation of erstwhile princely States. 20. Doli- Land allotted to priest in lieu of
16. Sa san- The villages granted by rulers services rendered to temples of feudal
in for'm of charity to religious caste lords.
such as Charan, Baraths, Brahmins,
21. Khatedars- Peasants have ownership
Swami, etc.
rights of land, and landrights entered
11. Jagir- The villages granted to some in their names in klmahandi register
one in lieu of his services or special of land revenue.
relations with ruler. 22. Gair Khatedars- Temporary land allot-
18. Khalsa- The yillages under the erst- tee without ownership rights of land.
while Maharaja (directly owned by 23. Ram Pande 1973. Agrarian Movement
them). in Rajasthan. University Publishers,
19. Passetedars- were mostly from artisan India.
castes got land in lieu of their services

Benefit-cost considerations in Agroforestry

Benefit-cost investigations are need- the secondary benefits represent the added
ed in order to ensure that agricultural value over and above the immediate pro-
investments are desirable and economic- ducts and services which the project in-
ally sound and that they will be utilized duces. The primary benefit of an agrofor-
to the utmost advantage (Yang, 1968). estry project, for instance is the increase
in the availability of fuel; its secondary
In the appraisal of an investment, or indirect benefits are the increase in
'benefit' means any increase in produc- the earnings of the timber transportation,
tion or any gain in goods, materials and
processing industries in the area and
services which emanates from it. 'Cost' these Increases have come th~ough the
means the expenditure or the consump- handling of a large amount of forest fuel
tion of goods. materials and services for which the forest project makes available.
its production and maintenance.
Likewise, costs can also be classified
Benefits and costs can be put into
into those which are primary or direct
two general categories : tangible and
and those which are secondary or indirect.
intangible. Intangible benefits and costs The primary costs are the value of the
are those to which no value in monetary
materials and services used for under-
terms can be assigned. For example. the taking the project; secondary costs are
damage to food crops by birds which
those incurred in securing the secondary
have beeh harboured by forest trees in the
benefits and among them are all the costs
crop field is an intangibls cost. Similarly,
incurred by the transportation and pro-
the control of wind erosion by forest
cessing agencies in handling the increased
trees in the crop field is an intangible
fuel output which is due to agroforestry
benefit. The importance of intangible project.
benefits and costs should be duly recog-
nised to understand the process and It is suggested that when benefit/
increase the prospects of development. cost appraisals are made, all expected
Tangible benefits which can be ex- . benefits and costs-primary and secondary,
pressed in monetary terms may be classi- . tangible and intangible-should be carefu-
fied primary or direct and secondary or lly ascertained and examined. Only the
indirect. The primary benefits represent values of primary and tangible benefits
the value of the immediate goods and and costs however can be determintd and
services which emanate from the project; calculated with a reasonable degree of

accuracy, for as said earlier no value can where, Rt= receipts in year t,
be assinged to the intangibles and the Ct= costs in year t,
drtermination of the value of the secon- i = discount rate,
dary benefits and costs are susceptible to and, n = number of years (project life).
wide inaccuracies and errors. If the NPV is a positive sum, it
The making of the benefit/cost implies that the former will get a return
analysis requires the: (a) determination of in excess of the value of the capital inves-
the quantity and value of the various kinds ted by him plus the specified rate of
of costs and benefits, (b) conversion of return on the capital. If the NPV is
costs and the benefits which take place in 'Zero', then the return to the farmer is just
different periods to a common time basis, equal to the capital invested plus interest
and (c) comparison of total costs and on it at the specified rate A negative
total benefits. NPV would mean inability of the farmer
to recover his capital plus interest on it at
The value of various kinds of C0sts
the specified rate. Projects with positive
and benefits will be assessed through the
NPV when properly discounted can be
market value of output produced and
considered as financially feasible and can
through the costs of producing the same
be taken up for implementation.
output in some alternative manner. The
market value approach is easier to apply The economic feasibility of the
and is widely used. project can be judged by looking to the
benefit-cost ratio expected from the
Tbe method of analysis for conver- project. Benefit-cost ratio can be worked
sion of costs and benefits to a common out using the relationship (Mitra and
time basis is called discounted cash flow Muranjan, '1980)
technique. The prime aspect of this tech-
n Bt
nique is to compare the costs and returns 2;
over time. The costs and returns on year B-C ratio= t= 1 O+i)O
to year basis are to be estimated first. n Ct
Then to estimate the worth of the project, 2; - - -
t=l {J+i)n
the costs are to be subtracted from the
returns again on year to year basis to where, n = project period,
arrive at net return stream, the so called Bt= benefits of the '1' th year,
cash flow and then it is to be discounted Ct= cos's of the t th year,
and, i = rate of discount.
to the present or known period of time.
The discounted net cash flow has to be Projects whose B-C ratio exceeds
added over the life period of the project one can be considered as economically
to get the net present value (NPV). sound and hence can be taken for imple~
Symbolically, the procedure can be
expressed as (Mitra and Muranjan, 1980:: ll/ustration
n Rt-Ct The use of NPV and B-C ratio as
NPV= ~ project evaluation techniques has been
t=1 1(l+i)O illustrated with an example (Table) taken

Table. Cash flow of per hectare benefits and costs of irrigated agroforestry
(eucalyptus and cotton) project, Vatava, Gujaratl.
Year Cash out flow 2 Cash inflow 2 Net cash Present (l9n) value
(costs) (Benefits) flow of net cash flow at
15% discount 3
1973 5780 -5780 -5780.00
1974 1365 8000 +6635 +5772.45
1975 1365 500 -865 -653.94
1976 1365 500 -865 -569.17
1977 1365 Il25 -240 -137.28
1978 5336 44461 +39125 +1944513
1979 174R 200 -1548 -668.74
1980 4253 12900 +8647 +3251.27
1981 340 825 +485 +158.59
1982 4942 46084 +41142 +11684.33
1. In the original Table of the article, cash flow approach has not been followed. ,We have
generated cash flow, Det cash flow, and present (1973) value of Det cash flow at 15 percent
discount rate for easy illustration. We have converted net cash flow to present value taking
1973 as the time base.
2. For details see Srivastava and Pant (1979).
3. Heady and Jensen (1961), p. 389.
from Srivastava and Pant (1979). The data As can be seen, the agro-forestry
relate to agroforestry project at Vatava, project at Vatava is financially feasible
Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The farm had an and economically sound.
area of 78.9 hectares out of which a total
of 64.75 hectares has been progressi-
vely'piaced under Eucalyptus plantation Heady, Earl O. and Herald, R. Jensen,
starting from the year 1973. 1.82 ha of Farm management economics. Pren R

this plantation was felled in 1978. Only tice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
one coppice rotation (out of four) has 1961. P. 389-90,
been considered in the analysis. During
Mitra, A. K. and Muranjan, S.W. 1980.
the first, year, the farmer took cotton as
Economic benefits of rural electrifi-
an intercrop. cation in M aharashtra-A study of Four
New NPV' and B-C ratio can be work-
Districts. Artha Vignana 22(2) 169-182.
ed out for this project. Net present value
9 Rt-Ct 40311.77 - 7809.13 Srivastava, B.P. and Pant, M.M. 1979.
(NPV) =~ = or Social forestry on a cost-benefit
t=1 l(1+i)n +32502.64 analysis framework. The Indian For-
9 Bt ester 105 (I). January 1979, P.2-35.
t= 1 (I+i)D 48702.04 Yang, W. Y. 1968. Methods of farm
B C ratio= - - - - - management investigations. FAO,
9 Ct 16199.40 Rome, P. 229-243.
};--- or
t=l (l+i)ll =3.00

Role of institution in agro-forestry development

L.P. Bharara

INTRODUCTION to decide which is cause and which is

effect (Buchanan, 1959). However, in
Importance of Institutions recent studies attempts have been made
to analyse the agro-forestry systems in
Scientists view Agro-forestry from
this light and under different stages of
various angles. Their notions concerning
the phenomenon vary from climatic to
bio-physical to socio-economic in nature, Studies conducted earlier have
The geographers in general have revealed from forestry as an importont
used to emphasize the role of physi- measure for brin~ing relief; its potentiali-
cal environment, whereas economists ties for meeting the needs of the rural
have laid more emphasis on economic population for fuel, timber, edible fruits
factors, and as such -the natural and animal feed. for checking wind ero-
relationship between the phenomenon sion and for raising the productivity of
has been under emphasised. In fact agro- the area. Species and lands suitable for
forestry is the product of not only farm forestry and methods of farm fores-
physical environment but also of social try management have been suggested
and technological frame work such as (Khan, 1960; Misra, 1960; Raheja, 1960)
land ownership and tenancy system, size, by several workers.
shape and layout of plantation, pressure
Case studies in arid zone
of population, irrigation system, imple-
ments, market, attitude of farmer and Various studies conducted on socio-
his literacy status, etc. Hence, launching logical aspects of farm forestry (Bose
a direct attack on technological problems and Bharara, 1965; Bharara and Sen,
above will not be sufficient to ensure 1970) and impact of irrigation in devel-
success for agro-forestry development oping agriculture and forestry (Bharara,
plans and package progammes but simul- 1977, 1974; Malhotra and Bbarara, 1971)
taneons attention must be given to the are available at the Institute. In arid
social institutions which at the moment areas the forest areas are rather discour-
are impediment to the rapid development aging. No forest worth the name existed
of agro-forestry. So much intimate is in the former Bikaner state due to
the relationship between agriculture and adverse climatic conditions prevail ing
character of social institutions and cust- in t.he area. The meagra tree growth
oms that it becomes virtually impossible wherever found existing, Were preserved.

Planting of new trees by private persons dered essential to know their preferences.
was encouraged by grant of rewards The villagers preferred trees' chiefly to
and concessions. Trees were also both be planted for getting timber for agricul-
planted and preserved at state expenses tural implements followed by shady
and their cutting was prohibited when plants, fruits and food, fuel, animal feed
green. These measures resulted in an and religious purposes. In the region
appreciable increase in numbers of trees one finds bush growth and very hapha-
growing in the area. The actual manag- zard planting of trees. Very little inter-
ement of forests was introduced in 1910 est in planned planting was evidenced by
for developing forests in the area. With the villagers. This requires a great deal
an idea of incoming irrigation facility of pursuation and demonstration to ind-
through Gang Canal forestry develop- uce farmers to take up farm forestry.
ment in advance was conceived as a Landless farmers should be induced to
measure of d<!sertification. Practical start planting trees preferably from
introduction of forestry in the state took community places.
place with the start of Nursery in 1926-27
Since the forest lands in the arid
on the bank of Sarpalsar tank. A forest areas are grossly inadequate. The fuel
Act was passed during the year. The
wood and timber requirement have
nursery raised plantations of Shesham therefore to be met through the develop-
(2921), Bablll (326), Siris {250), Date Palm ment of wood lots. Farm forestry has an
(16) and Neem (8). Gradual improve- important role to playas a supplement
ment developed 1367 ha of Hanumangarh to agriculture and without any detriment
forests, 822 ha Bir forest and 342 ha to it. Some possible sites for planting
Madh Forest in the year 1927-28. Inculca-
trees are:
tion of an idea of afforestation as a
meas-ure of soil conservation and regional (i) The cultivators should be encour-
development was further strengthened aged to plant trees around culti-
andthe forests were closed to camels vated fields and habitation to
throughout the year, Goats and sheep function as shelter belts against
~ere also banned from entering the forest wind erosion.
area frorr- the first July 1928. (ii) On sand dunes to stabilize them.
(iii) On pasture lands to provide shade
The rapid increase in population
and feed for animals.
and consequent encroachment of cultiva-
tion in forest lane's; increasing demand (iv) Around community facilities such
for forest produce, uncontrolled lopping, as schools, gram panchayat as
overgrazing and overexploitation of the both have special role to play in
land are the various factors exagerating tree planting programme. School
the situation. Since any programme' teachers should inculcate in
for the successful development of farm "--_ children a genuine love for
forestry would depend upon the active plants.
participation of the villagers, it is consi- (v) Road sides

(vi) Religious feelings of women larger proportion of food crops needing
should be exploited by having a to go to urban markets, certain kinds of
small grove of peepaf. problems. characteristics to the stage of
development, become evident. Inade-
The planting of trees on c_ommu-
. quate facilities are among the principal
nity lands for meeting the needs of the
problems in the transitional period. Need
community should be managed by the
for roads, transportation. at low cost are
Gram Panchayat with financial help from
essential. Here the question needs to be
Panchayat Samities. In view of different
answered as to what kinds and forms of
climatic conditions, agro-forestry should
inputs add to the efficiency of the Agro-
be taken up to perform a protective
forestry system in the period of transition
function in which case the question of
from traditional to commercial. Thus
equating returns to investment assumes
comes the major role of institutions and
secondary role.
agencies which can facilitate the system.
Developmental Stages, problems and
3. Market oriented agricultural economy
Inslllutiono/ Approrch
At this stage changes in traditional
The three developmental stages are
and transitional stages are to take place
identified as traditional agricultural
with the establishment of mstitutions and
economies. transitional agricultural
the role of these in developing the areas.
economies and market-oriented agricul-
Technology advances and income rises.
tural economies (Table I). In each case
The part played by the traditional middle
there is a development iJrocess-beginning
man also changes. Changing in the
with- traditional subsistence production
farming method, technology surrounding
activities through the transformation to
the agro-forestry system; changes in the
more modern agricultural economies
basic institutions roles, etc. lead to
culminating in the third stage of comm-
specialization in the production proces-
ercialization market orientation.
ses. The concept of the change agent,
I. Traditional subsistence economies ,; the individual or institution will bring
In these economies, most of the together the elements .into a new combin-
people earn their livelihood from the ation with characteristics more conducive
land, they eat what they produce and to efficient development of agro-forestry
have little left OVer to market. Changes systems in the area.
in the production system are taking place
Characteristics of the various devel-
slowly and practices and facilities are
opmental stages indicate the nature and
likely to accommodate themselves to
extent of the problems and form the base
needs as they emerge.
for strategies for development. Recogni-
2. Transitional agricultural economies sing the differential land use pattern
Areas are increasingly being deve- - influencing socic-ecoDomic and physical
loped. Populations human and livestock features of the area, different strategies
are growing very fast. Most small ~uited to different eco-systems are needed
farmers are becoming marginal. With a for development planning. Strategies

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that can produce greater benefits require know how of agro-forestry programmes
people's participati?,o and local institu- will be seen as providing the means and
tions involvement which needs to be motivation for increased production.
assessed and examined in various deve- Hence, the development planning for the
lopmental activities. For local resource agro-forestry sectors, investments by
conservation, there should be more the financial institutions will help the
emphasis on motivation, perception and production process by introduction
local values as the starting points for of irrigation system, fertilizer plants,
securing participation of local communi- pesticides, farm machinery and supply of
ties (U.N. Conference on Desertification, credit for the purchase of these things.
Thus various incentives based on the
Institutional role·policy considerations assumption that certain types of encou~a­
gement such as loans, advances and
Each stage of development has concessions are essen tial. The estab-
been identified by certain characteristics lishment of institutions are thus the
with agro-forestry problems and institu- only remedial measures to propagate
tional approach to these problems. Here
incentives to agro-forestry developmental
traditional insti tutions are regarded as plans.
social decision systems which operate to
Thus if agro-forestry is to be encou-
answer the following questions. How
profitable and what special benefits can raged, several steps are necessary. The
be gained from agro-forestry? Are the lack of knowledge of the potential of
essential resources of knowledge and agro-forestry must be remedied. The
capital available? How effective are efforts of the local institutions, develop-
present means of encouragement? What ment agencies are very neC'essary. The
are the incentives and disincentives to scheme of government assistance could
agro-forestry ? usefully be restructured and an annual
easy payment would be worked out. The
But what is the role of modern long production period could also be
institutions in agro-forestry development? mitigated against by the participation of
Institutions are viewed by many planners extension agencies in the establishment
and most farmers as an adjunct to devel- of the plantations. There are also several
opment and production of the system. government schemes (DPAP, SFDA)
The role is assumed to adapt itself to the which have the effect of increasing local
nature and extent of the professional income in the area.
groups, climatic vagaries; kinds and The answer to agro"forestry prob-
quantities of commodities produced, etc. lems do not lie in stalling afforestation or
The supplying of loans, subsidies, credit protecting trees from wood poachers
alongwith easy procedures will help the but in people-oriented development or
farmers to take b'!tter use of the institu- what has come to be called 'community
tions. The supplying of farm inputs, forestry' alongwith the establishment of
extension services including technical helping institutions.

For effective functioning of the REFERENCES'
institutions engaged in disseminating Buchanan, R.O. 1959. Some R~flections
innovations, the importance of social on Agricultural Geography. Geography
system needs mentioning. The adoption 44: 1-2.
of new technology/innovation involves
Bharara, L.P. and Sen, M.L.A. 1970. Social
decision making on the part of the
aspects offarm forestry in arid zone.
farmers: This decision takes into acco-
Ann. Arid.Zone 9 (1): 36.44.
~nt not only the economic advantages
accruing from adoption but also depends Bharara, L.P. 1977. Socio-economic
upon social setting in which he is placed. consequences of canal irrigation in
Hence, the behaviour, action and charac- an arid district of Rajasthan. Ann.
teristics is very much influenced by socio. Arid Zone 16 (4): 458-472.
psycho"cultural factors including religion, Bose, A.B. and Bharara, L.P. 1965. Some
caste, moves, norms, education, Jaw, sociological considerations in Farm
public opinion, etc. Forestry. Ann. Arid Zone 4 (l):
Ralph Linton, has very clearly
narrated that, "if we know what a so- Khan, M.A.~. 1960. Planning offarm
ciety's culture is, including its particular forestry. ]n Procd. Farm Forestry
systems of values and attitudes, we may Symp., 1958, ICAR, New Delhi.
predict with a fairly high degree of Misra, B.R. 1960. Creation of fuel-
probability whether the bulk of its cum-fodder reserves in the plains of
members will welcome or resist a parti- Chhattisgarh. In Pro cd. Farm Forestry
cular innovation". Symp., 1958, ICAR, New Delhi.

Reflections for the future

I. Research 9) standardisation of tree density in

Since the main problem besetting systematic row plantation system speci-
the system of agro-forestry is the inherent ally for Prosopis cineraria and Zizyphus
potentiality of competition among differ- nummularia for eaSe in cultural operation
ent types of species for solar energy, nutr- by mechanical means is essential for
ients and water, the selection of species agro-forestry programmes, 10) research in
assumes great importance which should breeding of Koobabul for low mimosine
not only be compatible with each other content and for breeding suitable cultivars
but also complement each other. for arid regions requ re to be undertaken
II) in basic researches the adaptive pot-
The trees in particular should have ential of different combination crops in
the following attributes which should agroforestry should be worked out.
receive special attention for research:
1) they should be amenable to early 2. Extension and Education
wide spacement, 2) they should tolerate On the basis of research work done
high incidence of pruning, 3) they should at CAZRI in agro-forestry, the ICAR may
have a low crown diameter to bole dia- consider undertaking, 1) Operational Res-
meter ratio, 4) they should be low bran- earch Programme in Agro-forestry in all
ching in habit, 5) their phyllotaxis the eleven districts of W. Rajasthan. ORP
should permit the penetration of light to should preferably be taken in tribal areas,
the ground, 6) the phenology particularly 2) the ICAR may request all the Agricul-
with reference to leaf flushing and leaf tural Universities to restructure their
fall should be advantageous to the growth syllabi to include agro-forestry both in the
of annual crops in conjunction with which undergraduate and postgraduate classes,
they are being raised, 7) their root sys- 3) the beneficial role of agro-forestry in
tem and root growth characters should improving local climatic conditions and
ideally result in exploration of soil layers better economical returns even from
that are different from those being tapped marginal land have already been well
by agricultural crops, 8) new breeding understood by the farming community.
programmes designed to obtain in both However, with a view to consolidate this
forest tree species and crops those charac- movement and accelerate the momentum,
teristic and attribute~ that are necessary financial assistance through Land Deve-
for successful and efficient intercropping, lopment Banks, Rural Coopetative Insti-

tutions, etc., should be forthcoming at low analyse land to man, land to livestock
interest rates and long term repayment and livestock to man ratio which should
conditions, 4) still closer links between be the basic criterion in implementation
the district development agency, forest of the agro-forestry programme, 6) for
department and CAZRI are to be-fostered rapid and urgent implementation, the
for formulating programmes of agro- extension and operation wing of any
forestry in the State, 5) people's participa- Institute must be strengthened.
tion with high expertise is needed to


Our grateful thanks are due to the the summer Institute would not have been
Director-General, Dr. O.P Gautam and a success.
Assistant Director-General (Edn.), Shri
In no small measure we are also
M. Aravindam of the ICAR for selecting
grateful to all those officers who made
CAZRI to hold this Summer Institute.
our study tours to Ajmer, Chittorgarh,
We are also grateful to Dr. H.S. Mann,
Udaipur, Agolai, Dadania, ORP areas,
Director of this Institute for his valuable
etc., very successful, purposeful and enjoy-
guidance and encouragement and to Shri
able. In particular we wish to thank SjShri
S.P. Malhotra for having kindly agreed
A.K. Sen, A.K. Raina, Laxman Goyal of
to preside over the opening session in the
the Institute, the State Forest Officers of
absence of Dr. H.S. Mann.
Ajmer and Jodhpur Divisions, the Direc-
We are indebted to Shri Vijay Varma, tor of Extension, Proiect Coordinator,
lAS, Desert Development Commissioner. Associate Professor of Extension of the
Rajasthan, who very kindly consented to Agricultural University of Udaipur and
be the Chief Guest and addressed the all their supporting staff.
participants at the concluding session.
For rendering efficient secretarial
Our grateful thanks are also due to assistance, we thank SjShri B.G. Kalan-
al\ the participants for their unstintcd tri, Harish Darwani, and George and
cooperation, alertness and keen interest Mrs. Annamma Varghese. For assistance
shown during the training period. rendered in preparing the sets of lectures
and their distribution, etc., we express our
We thank al\ the guest lecturers and
thanks to SjShri G.D. Arora, Dalip Singh
Institute scientists for sparing their valu-
Patwal, G.L. Meena, Bachan Singh and
able time to deliver the lectures. We also
Daula!. Our special thanks are due to
extend our sincere thanks to the staff
Shri Mamchand for his assistance in
members of the Administration and
audio-visual and lecture hall arrange-
Accounts Sections of the Institute, especi-
ally SjShri H.M. Mathur, G.R. Bhansali,
Dashrath Mal Mehta, Makhtur Chand, We also thank SjShri T.K. Bhati
and Rastogi. S/Shri P.C. Chatterjee and and M.P. Singh for their assistance in
S.P. Marwah had extended their full registering of the participants and in
cooperation and assistance but for which recording the discussions held during and

after each lecture. The Drivers of the Insti. and all time services.
tute, viz., S}Shri Sarwan LaI. Jar Singh, Our special thanks go to Shri Dalip
Mohan Singh, Kundan Singh, Kistor Singh Patwal for his untiring services
Singh and Ranglal deserve our sincere rendered in managing the mess arrange-
thanks for their wonderful coopetation ments.

Central Arid Zone Research Institute, K.D. Mutbana



AHUJA, L.D. 161 DAULAY. B.S. 132

Division of Plant Studies, All India Coordinated Research
Central Arid Zone Research ' Pro.iect for Dryland Agriculture.
Institute (CAZRI), • CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Jodhpur-342003. DHIR, R.P. 20
Division of Basic Resources
'Present address:
Studies. CAZRI, Jodhpur.
3-T-35 Jawaharnagar,
Jaipur-302004. GHANIM, ABU 257
Division of Plant Studies,
Division of Plant Studies,
GHOSH, P.K. 180
CAZRI, J odbpur.
Division of Animal Studies,
Present address: CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Production Manager,
GUPTA, J.P. 43
Hindustan Lever,
Division of Soil-Water-Plant
Etah (U.P.). Relationship, CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Human Factor AICRP on Renewable Energy
Studies, CAZRI, Jodhpur. Sources for Agriculture and
Agrobased Industries (Solar
BHAn. T.K. 150
Energy). CAZRI. Jodbpur.
All India Coordinated Research
Project for Dryland Agriculture, JAIN, B.L. SO, 232
CAZRI, Jodhpur. Regional Research Station,
CAZRI. Pali.
BOHRA, H.C. 180
JOSHI, D.C. 33
Division of Animal Studies,
Division of Basic Resources
CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Studies, CAZRI, Jodhpur.
DAS. R. B. 174 KHYBRI, M.L. 216
Division of Plant Studies, Central Soil and Water
CAZRI. Jodhpur. Conservation Research and Training
Present address : Institute, Dehra Dun (U.P.).
Emeritus Scientist. KOLARKAR, A S. 39
Division of Plant Studies. Division of Basic Resources
CAZRI, Jodhpur. Studies, CAZRI, Jodhpur.

LAHrRT, A.N. 99 PUROHIT, M.L. 267
Division of Soil- Water-Plant Division of Human Factor
Relationship, CAZRl, Jodhpur. Studies, CAZ"iU, Jodhpur.

LODHA, SA TlSH ]86 Present address:

Division of Plant Studies, Division of Agricultural
CA,ZRI, Jodhpur. Economics, CAZRI, Jodhpur.


Division of Human Factor Division of Plant Studies,
Studies. CAZRI, Jodhpur. CAZRI, Jodhpur.

MANN,H.S. 94 Present address:

CAZRI, Jodhpur. Programme Coordinator
(Forestry Research),
Present address:
.Bharatiya Agro-Industries
42D, Sarabha Nagar;
Federation, Central R~search
Station, Uruli-Kanchan,
MRUTHYUNJAYA 276 District Poona-412202.
Division of Agricultural RAMAKRISHNA, Y.S. 9
Economics and Statistics, . Division of Wind Power and
CAZRI, Jodhpur. Solar Energy Utilisation,
Present address: CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Agricultural
Economics, Division of Wind Power and
LA.R.I., New Delhi.
Solar Energy Utilisation,
MUTHANA, K.D. 75,243 CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Plant Studies,
RANA, B.D. 211
CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Animal Studies,
PARIHAR, D.R. 206 CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Plant Studies,
RAO, A.V. 67
CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Soil-Water-Plant
PARODA, R.S. 171 Relationship, CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Plant Studies, SASTRI, A.S.R.A.S. 5, 15
CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Wind Power and .
Present address: Solar Energy Utilisation,
Add!. Director of Research, CAZRI, Jodhpur.
HAU, Hissar. Present address:
PRAKASH,ISHWAR ]99 Department of Agricultural
Profes~or of Eminence, Meteorology, J. N.K. V. V.,

CAZRT, Jodhpur. Raipur (M.P.).

SAXENA, M.B.L. 126 SINGH, R P. 107
All India Coordinated Project All India Coordinated Research
for Improvement of Millet, Project for Dryland Agriculture,
CAZRl, J0dhpur. CAZRI, Jodhpur.
SAXENA, S.K. III Present address:
Divisiop. of Basic Resources Project Director.
Studies, CAZRI, Jodhpur. All India Coordinated Research
Project for Dryland Agriculture.
SEN, AMAL KUMAR 80 Hyderabad (A.P.).
Division of Basic Resources
SINGH, Y.V. 227
Studies. CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Division of Soil-Water-Plant
SHANKAR, VJNOD ]43 Relationship, CAZRJ. Jodhpur.
Division of Basic Resources
SONI, R.C. 238
Studies, CAZRJ, Jodhpur.
Divisional Forest Officer,
SHANKARNARAYAN, K.A. 1,59,7},137 Jodhpur.
Division of Basic Resources SURESH KUMAR 88
Studies, CAZRI, Jodhpur. Division of Basic Resources
Present address : Studies, CAZRJ, Jodhpur.
Director, VASHJSHTHA, B.B. ]56
CAZRI, Jodhpur. Division of Plant Studies.
30 CAZRJ, Jodhpur.
All India Coordinated Research VIR, SATYA 192
Project for Dryland Agriculture, Division of Plant Studies.
CAZRI, Jodbpur. CAZRI, Jodhpur.
SINGH, K.C. 222 YADAV, MS. 167
Division of Plant Studies, Division of Plant Studies,
CAZRI, Jodhpur. CAZRI, Jodhpur.

CAZRI Monograph Series
No. Desert Ecosystem and its Im- Edited by H.S. Mann
provement, pp. 1-387 (1974).
No. 2 Proceedings of Summer Institute Edited by Ish war Prakash
on Rodentology (Mimeo.), pp.
1-365 (1975).
No. 3 Solar Energy Utilization Re- by H.P. Garg
search (Mimeo.), pp. 1~48
No. 4 Rodent Pest Management- by Ishwar Prakash
Principles and Practices, pp. 1-
28 (1976).
No. 5 White Grubs and their Manage- by S.K. Pal
ment, pp. 1-30 (1977).
No. 6 The Amazing Life in the Indian by Ishwar Prakash
Desert, pp. 1-18 (1977).
No. 7 Geomorphological Investiga- by Surendra Singh
tions of the Rajasthan desert,
pp. 1-44 () 977).
No. 8 Proceedings of Summer Institute Edited by K. A. ~ilank~arnarayan
on "Resource Inventory and
landuse planning", pp. 1-373
.. . "

No. 9 Land Use Classification System by Amal Kumar Sen

in Indian Arid Zone, pp. 1-43
( 1978).
No. 10 Ecology of the Indian desert by Ishwar Prakash
gerbil, Merions hurr;anae, pp.
1-88 (1981)..
No. 11 Khejr; (Prosop;s cineraria) in Edited by H.S. Mann and
the Indian desert-its role in S.K. Saxena
Agrofo res try , pp. 1-78 () 980).
No. 12 The goat in the desert environ- by P.K. Ghosh and M.S. Khan
ment, pp. 1-26 (1980).
No. 13 Bordi (Zizyplllls nummu/aria)- Edited by H.S. Mann and
A shrub of the Indian Arid Zone S.K. Saxena
-its role in silvipasture, pp. 1-93,

No. 14 Sheep in Rajasthan, pp. 1-38, by AX. Sen, P.K. Ghosh,
(1981 ). K.N. Gupta and H.C. Bohra
No. 15 Water proofing of field irrigation by K.N.K. Murthy, V.C.
channels in desert soils, pp. 1-23, Issac and D.N. Bohra
No. 16 Termite pests of vegetation in by D,.R. Parihar
Rajasthan and their manage-
ment, pp. 1-31, (1981).
No. 17 Water in the eeo-physiology of by P.K. Ghosh and R.K.
desert sheep, pp. 1-42 (1981). Abichandani
No. 18 Ground water atlas of Rajasthan, by H.S. Mann and A.K.
pp. 1-61 (1983). Sen
No. 19 Agro-demographic Atals of Rajas- by A.K. Sen and K.N.
than, pp. 1.63 (1983). Gupta
No. 20 Soil and Moisture Conservation by J.P. Gupta
for Increasing Crop Production
in Arid Lands, pp. 1-42 (1983).
No. 21 Depleted Vegetation of Desertic by Vinod Shankar
Habitats: Studies on its Natural
Regeneration, pp. 1-32 (1983).
No. 22 Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) D.C., by K.D. Muthana and
a fast growing tree to bloom the G.D. Arora
desert, pp. 1-21 (1983).
No. 23 Arid Zone Forestry (with special by H.S. Mann and
reference to the Indian Arid K.D. Muthana
Zone), pp. 1-48 (1984).


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