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What is Energy Conservation?
Energy conservation is one of the words you are hearing more and more
these days. Unfortunately, a lot of the places you will hear about it will
be in ads marketing products or lifestyle habits that may have nothing to
do with actual energy conservation. To learn what real energy
conservation techniques are, you have to begin to understand the theory
of conservation behind them.

Understanding Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is not about making limited resources last as long
as they can, that would mean that you are doing nothing more than
prolong a crisis until you finally run out of energy resources altogether.
Conservation is the process of reducing demand on a limited supply and
enabling that supply to begin to rebuild itself. Many times the best way
of doing this is to replace the energy used with an alternate source.

In the case of fossil fuels, conservation also can include finding new
ways to tap into the Earth’s supply so that the commonly used oil fields
are not drained completely. This allows for those fields to replenish
themselves more. This is not a process that happens overnight; when
you are talking about replenishing natural resources, you are talking
about alleviating excess demand on the supply in 100’s of years’ time to
allow nature to recover.

Why it is Important?
Without energy conservation, the world will deplete its natural
resources. While some people don’t see that as an issue because it will
take many decades to happen and they foresee that by the time the
natural resource is gone there will be an alternative; the depletion also
comes at the cost of creating an enormous destructive waste product that
then impacts the rest of life.

The goal with energy conservation techniques is to reduce demand,

protect and replenish supplies, develop and use alternative energy
sources, and to clean up the damage from the prior energy processes

Without energy conservation, the world will deplete its natural

Practical Methods of Energy Conservation
1. Install CFL Lights
2. Lower the Room Temperature
3. Fix Air Leaks
4. Use Maximum Daylight
5. Get Energy Audit Done
6. Use Energy Efficient Appliances
7. Drive Less, Walk More and Carpooling
8. Switch Off Appliances When Not in Use
9. Plant Shady Landscaping
10. Install Energy Efficient Windows
11. Bicycles are your Best Friend
12. Buying a Programmable Thermostat is the Best Decision to Make
13. Motion Detectors are a Real Saviour
14. Closing Doors is the Key to Conserving Energy
15. Keep Your Dryers as Clean as Possible

Other Energy Conservation Techniques

1. Education
2. Zero Energy Balance
3. Alternative Power
4. Cap and Trade Agreements
5. Reduced Demand
6. Research & Development
7. Switching to Solar Energy

Practical Methods of Energy Conservation

Below are 15 energy conservation techniques that can help you to
reduce your overall carbon footprint and save money in the long run.

1. Install CFL Lights


Try replacing incandescent bulbs in your home with CFL bulbs. CFL
bulbs cost more upfront but last 12 times longer than regular
incandescent bulbs. CFL bulbs will not only save energy but over time
you end up saving money.

2. Lower the Room Temperature

Even a slight decrease in room temperature, let’s say by only a degree
or two, can result in big energy savings. The more the difference
between indoor and outdoor temperature, the more energy it consumes
to maintain room temperature. A smarter and more comfortable way of
doing this is to buy a programmable thermostat.

3. Fix Air Leaks

Proper insulation will fix air leaks that could be costing you more.
During winter months, you could be letting out a lot of heat if you do
not have proper insulation. You can fix those leaks yourself or call an
energy expert to do it for you.

4. Use Maximum Daylight

Turn off lights during the day and use daylight as much as possible.
This will reduce the burden on the local power grid and save you a good
amount of money in the long run.

5. Get Energy Audit Done

A home energy audit is nothing but a process that helps you to identify
areas in your home where it is losing energy and what steps you can
take to overcome them. Implement the tips and suggestions given by
those energy experts, and you might see some drop in your monthly
electricity bill.

6. Use Energy Efficient Appliances

When planning to buy some electrical appliances, prefer to buy one with
Energy Star rating. Energy-efficient appliances with Energy Star rating
consume less energy and save you money. They might cost you more in
the beginning, but it is much more of an investment for you.

7. Drive Less, Walk More and Carpooling

Yet another energy conservation technique is to drive less and walk
more. This will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also keep
you healthy as walking is a good exercise. If you go to the office by car
and many of your colleagues stay nearby, try doing carpooling with
them. This will not only bring down your monthly bill you spend on
fuel but will also make you socially more active.

8. Switch Off Appliances When Not in Use

Electrical appliances like coffee machines, idle printers, desktop
computers keep on using electricity even when not in use. Just switch
them off if you don’t need them immediately.

9. Plant Shady Landscaping

Shady landscaping outside your home will protect it from intense heat
during hot and sunny days and chilly winds during the winter season.
This will keep your home cool during the summer season and will
eventually turn to big savings when you calculate the amount of energy
saved at the end of the year.

10. Install Energy Efficient Windows

Some of the older windows installed at our homes aren’t energy
efficient. Double panel windows and other vinyl frames are much better
than single-pane windows. Choosing correct blinds can save on your
power bills.

11. Bicycles are your Best Friend

Yes, bicycles could help us a lot in the process of energy conservation.
Since the bicycles are manually driven and use no forms of energy
whatsoever, but manpower, the bicycles are literally your best friend. If
you are health conscious, then it is simply double the gain.

Just by choosing to go from one place to the other by means of bicycles,

you are not only doing your bit towards saving the environment but also
you are striving towards a healthier lifestyle.

Altogether, it is good for both you and for the purposes of energy
conservation. Keeping all this in view in mind, many countries across
the world have designed specialized bicycle lanes to promote the use of
the bicycle and also to promote the safety of the ones riding it.

12. Buying a Programmable Thermostat is the Best Decision to Make

Let us face it. In our life, we all have had that moment where we have
known that we do not need the air conditioner or the heater, but we have
been lazy enough to ignore that inner voice. With a programmable
thermostat, life just becomes a tad bit more efficient.

A programmable thermostat can turn itself on and off as and when

required without troubling you, even when you are away. It is not just
cost-saving, but it is also something that would help you do your bit
towards energy conservation.

13. Motion Detectors are a Real Saviour

Installing motion detectors could help you a lot in serving the purpose
of energy conservation, besides cutting down your energy bill budgets.
Installing motion detectors, especially for external lighting, could be
really helpful.

This way, you do not have to worry about turning them off when you
are leaving or even worry about turning them on when you get back,
which means, you no longer have to turn the key in absolute darkness.
Motion detectors would make your life a little bit more convenient.

14. Closing Doors is the Key to Conserving Energy

It cannot get any more literal than this. Shutting the doors immediately
behind you is one of the best ways to conserve energy. This includes the
refrigerator doors as well as the doors of the rooms where an air
conditioner is running. This saves not only the machines but also your
electricity bills. Also, above all, it is your little step towards the
conservation of energy.

15. Keep Your Dryers as Clean as Possible


Cleaning out the lint filter of your dryer could save a lot of energy as
What is the energy efficiency of a building?
The energy efficiency of a building is the extent to which the energy
consumption per square metre of floor area of the building measures up to
established energy consumption benchmarks for that particular type of building
under defined climatic conditions. Building energy consumption benchmarks are
representative values for common building types against which a building’s
actual performance can be compared.The benchmarks are derived by analysing
data on different building types within a given country. The typical benchmark is
the median level of performance of all the buildings in a given category and good
practice represents the top quartile performance. Comparisons with simple
benchmarks of annual energy use per square metre of floor area or treated floor
area (kWh/m2 /annum) allow the standard of energy efficiency to be assessed
and priority areas for action to be identified. Benchmarks are applied mainly to
heating, cooling, air-conditioning, ventilation, lighting, fans, pumps and controls,
office or other electrical equipment, and electricity consumption for external
lighting. The benchmarks used vary with the country and type of building. The
measure of heat loss through a material, referred to as the U-Value, is also used
as a way of describing the energy performance of a building. The U-value refers
to how well an element conducts heat from one side to the other by rating how
much the heat the component allows to pass through it. They are the standard
used in building codes for specifying the minimum energy efficiency values for
windows, doors, walls and other exterior building components. U-values also rate
the energy efficiency of the combined materials in a building component or
section. A low U-value indicates good energy efficiency. Windows, doors, walls
and skylights can gain or lose heat, thereby increasing the energy required for
cooling or heating. For this reason most building codes have set minimum
standards for the energy efficiency of these components.
Energy efficiency measures for buildings are approaches through which the
energy consumption of a building can be reduced while maintaining or
improving the level of comfort in the building. They can typically be categorized
Reducing heating demand;
Reducing cooling demand;
Reducing the energy requirements for ventilation;
Reducing energy use for lighting;
Reducing energy used for heating water;
Reducing electricity consumption of office equipment and appliances;
Good housekeeping and people solutions.
Reducing heating demand
Heating demand can be reduced by:
Limiting the exposed surface area of the building;
Improving the insulation of the building’s fabric;

Reducing ventilation losses;

By selecting efficient heating systems with effective controls.
Limiting the exposed surface area of the building
The shape of a building determines how much area is exposed to the outdoors
through exterior walls and ceilings. To save energy, try to keep this exposed area
to a minimum. The most economical house to build and heat is one with a simple
square or rectangular floor plan. Complex shapes increase the exposed surface
area as well as the construction and energy costs when a house has a
complex shape.
Improving air tightness
Air leaks reduce a building’s energy efficiency. Air can leak through cracks or
in walls, ceilings, floors and around doors and windows. A typical building can
lose about one-third of its heat through this infiltration (outside air coming in)
and exfiltration (inside air escaping). An airtight house will reduce heat and air
movement and be quieter and cleaner. Infiltration and exfiltration losses can be
reduced by:
Installing continuous vapor retarders on walls and ceilings;
Caulking any holes or cracks on the inside surfaces of walls and ceilings;
Caulking around windows and door trim on the outside;
Sealing around window and door trim, and electrical outlets on the inside;
Sealing around any pipes or ducts that penetrate the exterior walls;
Weather-stripping windows and doors.
Improving the insulation of the building’s fabric
The other two-thirds of heat loss occurs by conduction through foundations,
floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, windows and doors. Heat flow in and out of
the building from conduction can be reduced with high levels of insulation in
the attic, sidewalls, basement walls and doors. Windows should have a low
Energy conservation in air conditioning
Energy conservation is an integral part of commercial facility operations.
Managing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) through
effective operation and maintenance is a best practice for conserving energy at
your facility.

Here are eight areas of focus for HVAC maintenance and management to help
improve overall energy efficiency:

1. Maintain Proper System Boundaries

Overseeing system boundaries by controlling heating and cooling to designated
spaces can improve HVAC energy efficiency by as much as 20%. Boundaries
can be adjusted according to the operating environment and season. A garage or
loading area may not be heated or cooled at all, depending on the time of year.
An open warehouse may have open entrances and doors at times in between
seasons, but be sealed and heated or cooled at other times. An energy audit or
commission for energy conservation in new buildings requires that system
boundaries be clearly defined to know what those settings should be and when,
where the boundaries lie and how airflow from HVAC ducting should be

2. Maintain Daily, Seasonal Thermostat Set Points

A programmable thermostat positioned to regulate air current and temperature to
provide reasonable comfort levels at various times of the day and year creates an
economical heating and cooling operation. A pre-set schedule includes
programming heat or air conditioning to maintain temperatures for specific time
blocks within a day. Adjusting the temperature settings for rooms that are not
occupied through the day or night can save as much as 10% in energy

3. Use Automatic Controls Where Possible

Automatically controlling the speed, output and run-time of HVAC equipment
such as fans, chillers and compressor motors allows the entire system to be
controlled so as to provide appropriate amounts of heating and cooling. For
example, the installation of a variable air valve into the air system of an Indiana
school was used to regulate airflow. This and other programmable energy
features saved about 25% on the school’s electrical bills while maintaining
student comfort at appropriate times of each day throughout the school year.¹

4. Maintain Equipment Set Points

Ensure that equipment set points are reasonable to achieve desired comfort levels,
and that they aren’t working more than necessary. Equipment such as fans and
blowers should be set to run at speeds that deliver the required air demanded by
the space boundaries they serve. Systems often deliver more than what is needed
and are not set properly. They consume more power to produce a greater heating
or cooling effect than is required, reducing energy efficiency. Implementing
calculated set points will avoid this and result in energy savings.

5. Adjust and Set HVAC Operation for Seasonal Change

Raising the temperature of the system’s chiller water supply to a level that is able
to achieve required temperature settings and levels will help conserve energy.
Depending on the configuration of the system, controlling the temperature of
cooling water to your chiller, within manufacturer's guidelines, can achieve a
desired comfort level and consume less power. In fact, this can be a huge energy
saver as the compressor does not have to work as hard while maintaining the
desired comfort level. Be mindful that a modest change in temperature setting
may be all that is needed when the season changes. This alone could result in
notable energy savings.

6. Consider Variable Speed Equipment

Heating and cooling with variable speed alternatives for fans, blowers, motors,
and other components have improved energy efficiency for many commercial
facilities. Over the last decade, air conditioners and thermal equipment have
incorporated variable speed features to create more cost effective and efficient
operating systems. Efficiency lies in the ability to configure settings properly and
in preventing motors, fans and operational components from running at their
maximum designed speed at all times. Variable speed control allows the
equipment to be set for what is necessary, less than 100%, and still meet the
heating and cooling demands.

7. Properly Specify and Size Your System

Achieving facility climate conditions while conserving energy relies on an
appropriate HVAC compressor and chiller size. Purchase enough tonnage and
capacity for your systems based on the temperatures demanded throughout the
year. Major apparatus in small areas will run at optimal speeds and consume
large volumes of power, while a small unit is placed under strain for larger areas,
decreasing comfort – if the wrong size equipment is used. The Air Conditioning
Contractors Association of America (ACCA) Manual J ² provides standardized
guidelines on the correct air conditioning sizing requirements. The manual offers
correct analyses of insulation, wall, ceiling and floor areas, including possible
leakage of ducts.²

8. Schedule and Maintain Equipment Properly

Ensure that HVAC systems and components are on a disciplined, time-based
maintenance schedule and that data is recorded promptly. Develop a standard
HVAC maintenance checklist that Includes, at a minimum, the following actions:

-Audit your HVAC size for the size and capacity of any equipment additions.
Statistics have shown that many contractors often incorrectly install oversize
units. According to the ACCA, it is better to install a smaller unit that can
maintain the load. Larger equipment decreases energy conservation, hikes utility
bills and compromises air conditioner longevity.

-Clean and change air filters and check thermostat set points regularly. Optimal
HVAC efficiency is achieved with scheduled maintenance. Filters clogged by
carbon particles and dirt must be replaced, coils cleaned to minimize overheating,
and wear on components determined. Thermostat assessments can detect poor set
points or faulty operation causing constant energy consumption. Faulty
thermostats require immediate fixing or complete replacement to restore a
comfortable, efficient space.

-Check for refrigerant leaks regularly. A leak will reduce the system’s effective
operation and lower its efficiency. If not repaired, the capacity of the system can
be compromised and permanent damage could result. When units are unable to
deliver a powerful and efficient output, compressors may be overworked because
of leaks in the system. A careful assessment of leakage within the unit and the
system provides HVAC longevity as well as efficient operation.

-Check all drain and pan drip lines regularly. Should system condensate
connections become blocked, the excess moisture can migrate and spill out of
drip pans, causing a multitude of problems. An accumulation of water also
increases risk of fungal growth and mold.

This eight-step approach to managing and maintaining your HVAC system will
ensure optimal performance, lower energy consumption and suitably meet the
needs of your facility and its inhabitants.

Heat recovery
Heat recovery ventilation (HRV), also known as mechanical ventilation heat
recovery (MVHR), is an energy recovery ventilation system which works
between two sources at different temperatures. Heat recovery is a method which
is increasingly used to reduce the heating and cooling demands (and thus energy
costs) of buildings. By recovering the residual heat in the exhaust gas, the fresh
air introduced into the air conditioning system is pre-heated (pre-cooled), and the
fresh air enthalpy is increased (reduced) before the fresh air enters the room or
the air cooler of the air conditioning unit performs heat and moisture treatment.[1]
A typical heat recovery system in buildings consists of a core unit, channels for
fresh air and exhaust air, and blower fans. Building exhaust air is used as either a
heat source or heat sink depending on the climate conditions, time of year and
requirements of the building. Heat recovery systems typically recover about 60–
95% of the heat in exhaust air and have significantly improved the energy
efficiency of buildings .


Research UTESS started in the late 70’s. The purpose was to develop energy
technology utilizing waste, renewable or ambient energy sources to supply space
heating, space cooling and process cooling to achieve significantly improved
Storage options that can be used in UTESS can be grouped into three types: (1)
storage in water, (2) storage in aquifers, and (3) storage in ground. The benefits
using UTESS include (Paksoy, 1995):
•Reduced heat losses resulting in more efficient systems
•More economic central heating and cooling from seasonal thermal energy
•Can be used both for heating and cooling purposes
•Can replace cooling systems using chlorofluorocarbons
•Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels
Heat storage in water
Waste heat or solar energy may be stored in underground earth pits using water
as the
storage medium. Pits have to be lined with polymer based materials to prevent
from the storage. Earth pits can be partly or fully insulated. For storage
above 368 K a stainless steel liner was used (Zinko and Hahn, 1994). This
storage can
be used for both short and long term in district heating system feeding 50
Heat storage in rock caverns was used for storing hot water. For the system to be
economically viable the volume of the rock cavern should be 60,000-120,000 m3
large enough to feed a district heating system for at least 600 dwellings.
Heat storage in aquifers
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) involves seasonal storage. ATES is a
very promising technique for both heating and cooling purposes (Andesson,
1994). Aquifers are underground water reserves between consolidated (rock) or
unconsolidated (gravelor sand) geologic formations. Natural temperature of
aquifers can be slightly higher than the ambient temperature. Aquifer that is
suitable for heat storage should have a permeable layer between two
impermeable layers. In ATES applications, two hydraulically coupled wells are
used. One well is used for storage and the other one is used as the source. Waste
heat, solar energy or just ambient heat can be stored in ATES.
Heat storage in ground (borehole or duct system)
Borehole or duct systems consisting of vertical heat exchangers is an earth
coupled storage technique. Examples of such heat exchangers are boreholes in
rock and plastic tubes in clay. The heat transfer fluid is circulated through the
space heating after passing through a heat pump. A system with many boreholes
may be used to support large heat pumps.
The promise of hydrogen as an energy carrier that can provide pollution free,
carbon-free power and fuels for buildings, industry, and transport makes it a
potentially critical player in our energy future. The acceleration of hydrogen
technology development is appropriate and necessary.
7.1 Need for Cogeneration
Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is defined as the sequential
generation of. two different forms of useful energy from a single primary energy
source, typically mechanical. energy and thermal energy.
Thermal power plants are a major source of electricity supply in India. The
conventional method of power generation and supply to the customer is wasteful
in the sense that only about a third of the primary energy fed into the power plant
is actually made available to the user in the form of electricity (Figure 7.1). In
conventional power plant, efficiency is only 35% and remaining 65% of energy
is lost. The major source of loss in the conversion process is the heat rejected to
the surrounding water or air due to the inherent constraints of the different
thermodynamic cycles employed in power generation. Also further losses of
around 10–15% are associated with the transmission and distribution of
electricity in the electrical grid.
7.2 Principle of Cogeneration
Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is defined as the sequential
generation of two different forms of useful energy from a single primary energy
source, typically mechanical energy and thermal energy. Mechanical energy may
be used either to drive an alternator for producing electricity, or rotating
equipment such as motor, compressor, pump or fan for delivering various
services. Thermal energy can be used either for direct process applications or for
indirectly producing steam, hot water, hot air for dryer or chilled water for
process cooling.
Cogeneration provides a wide range of technologies for application in various
domains of economic activities. The overall efficiency of energy use in
cogeneration mode can be up to 85 per cent and above in some cases.

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