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The classics (hard to avoid)

1. Introduce yourself

→ 自己紹介じこしょうかいをお願ねがいいたします。

Prepare a short monologue (under than 60 seconds), including your educational background, most
recent activity, and a bit of personal information like extracurriculars.

2. Explain your strength/weakness.

→ あなたの長所ちょうしょ/短所たんしょを教おしえてください。

This question comes in different shapes. All either focusing on one specific example in detail or are
asking about multiple characteristics. Best prepare around 3 each. Pick strengths that are relevant for
the job you are applying for. For your weaknesses choose unrelated things and show how you are
overcoming on it.

3. Why did you apply?

→ 応募動機おうぼどうきを教おしえてください。/ 志望動機しぼうどうきは何なんですか。

→ 応募おうぼをした理由りゆう/応募おうぼしたきっかけ/志望理由しぼうりゆうなど。

Listen for the two keywords and don’t get thrown off by an unfamiliar phrasing.「理由」is asking for
the reason of application while 「きっかけ」is asking for the occasion. When answering also include
how your skills or experiences qualify you for the job.

4. How do your experiences match the position?

→ あなたの経験けいけんからどんなことを弊社へいしゃで活いかせると思おもいますか。

Explain, using specific examples, how you can utilize your previous experiences at your new job.

5. How do your skills match the position?

→ あなたのスキルのどんなことを活いかせると思おもいますか。

Almost the same as above. Just make sure you keep experiences and skills apart and talk about the right

6. How good is your Japanese?

→ あなたの日本語にほんごのレベルを教おしえてください。/ 日本語にほんごはどのぐらいは
They already can guess your level from the interview, so give facts. Mention your JLPT level, relevant
experiences, for how long, and with what intensity you studied.

7. Any last question? Anything you want to say?

→ 最後さいごに質問しつもんありますか?/ 最後さいごに一言ひとことありますか?

Both questions are checking your eagerness to join the company. If you really want in you almost
certainly have questions or things you want to share. Not saying anything is going to show a lack of
interest. Use this opportunity to appeal yourself to the company.

Know the company…

8. What do you know about our company?

→ 当社とうしゃについてなにをしっていますか?

Show that you get what the company is all about by giving a brief summary of the company history,
products, customers, competitors, etc.

9. Why do you want to work for our company?

→ どうしてうちの会社かいしゃで働はたらきたいと思おもったのですか?

Include your research findings to point out how you fit the company, and how you can benefit the

10. What do you know about the position?

→ 今回こんかい応募おうぼしたポジションについて、どう理解りかいしていますか?

Again, this isn’t only about the job. Based on the requirements, explain using specific examples, how
your experiences match the work.

11. If you get the job what do you want to do/ achieve?

→ 採用さいようされたら、達成たっせいしたいことは何なんですか。

Really think about this one to give a specific answer that ties into the company goals. If you don’t have a
clear image of what you want to do and achieve at the company, then how are you going to convey to
your interviewers that they should hire you?
12. Is our company your first choice?

→ 弊社へいしゃが第一志望だいいちしぼうですか?

When you hear this question, the interview is as good as over. The point of the question is to check
whether you will actually take the job when offered to you.

…your skills…

13. What kind of work did you do so far?

→ 今いままでどんな仕事しごとをしましたか?

Straightforward, asking for your concrete work experiences. When explaining what you did and in which
kind of environment, make sure to create a connection to the job you are interviewing for.

14. Tell us about your current job?

→ 現在げんざいの仕事内容しごとないようを教おしえてください。

While the previous question asked for any working experience, here they only want to hear about your
most recent experience. Both questions are a great opportunity to highlight your skills, so stay on topic,
and illustrate how you can add value to the company.

15. What have you achieved at your job?

→ 今いままでの仕事しごとで達成たっせいしたことを教おしえてください。

Here you need to bring data and facts. Explain your achievement by outlining the specific goal, process,
and results. You probably didn’t do it all by yourself, so give some credit to others. It will highlight your
teamwork skills.

16. Tell us about your … activities.

→ 今いままで行おこなった〇〇活動かつどうについて教おしえてください。

This is a common pattern to ask about your experiences or skills regarding a specific field or area of

17. Why do you want to leave your current job?

→ 今いまの仕事しごとを変かえたい理由りゆうはなんですか。
That’s a tricky one. No matter why you want to quit, never criticize a previous employer or other
company. Phrase it positively, by talking about things you want to achieve.

18. How can you benefit the company?

→ あなたの強つよみをどのように会社かいしゃに還元かんげんできますか。

Explain with a specific example how you will use your strong point to further the company’s goals. Base
this on your company research and what you want to achieve in the position.

…and yourself

19. What are your career goals?

→ 今後こんごのキャリアをどう考かんがえていますか。/ 将来しょうらいどんな仕事しごとを

→ 今後こんごどのようなポジションでどういった仕事しごとがしたいですか。

It is okay to dream big, just make sure the career goals you mention align with the position and match
the company.

20. What is your dream for the future?

→ 将来しょうらいの夢ゆめはありますか。

Having a dream you want to achieve, shows you as self-driven and motivated. Interviewers want to find
out if your values and life goals match the company, so consider this in your reply.

21. Where do you see yourself in X years?

→ あなたは〇〇年後ねんごどうなりたいですか。

Questions for 3, 5, or even 10-year plans are common. So prepare accordingly. With Japanese
companies, they hope that once hired, you will stay with them for the long-run.

22. Describe your personality.

→ あなたの性格せいかくについて教おしえてください。

The point here is a spontaneous and straightforward answer. Otherwise, you could convey the feeling
you are hiding something. Prepare this one so you can point out those traits that benefit the position.
23. What do people around you think about you as a person?

→ 周まわりからはどんな人ひとだと思おもわれていますか。

This can be a bit tricky to answer. Try asking friends and family for their honest input when preparing for
your interviews. It will help you build a stronger case for other questions too.

24. What is your niche?

→ あなたにとっての就活しゅうかつの軸じくはなんですか。/あなたの会社かいしゃ選えらびの

This one is asking about how you want to work (task, environment, etc.) and which values are important
to you. Maybe you want to create something or work with people, or maybe the atmosphere, income,
or room for self-development is most important to you. Phrase this one positively. Extra points for
bringing in company’s values.


I would love to tell you that’s it, but there are a few more bases to cover.

25. What do you do when you are about to miss a deadline.

→ 締しめ切きりがまもれなさそうな時ときはどうしますか。(どのように対処たいしょします

These questions can catch you on the wrong foot, so prepare a few examples ahead of time so you can
give a good answer. Sometimes specific scenarios are given as reference.

26. How would you solve a problem at work?

→ 仕事上しごとじょう問題もんだいが発生はっせいしたら、どう解決かいけつしますか。

It’s easy to just keep talking with this question. Remember to keep it short and specific. As with every
other answer, be prepared to go into more detail if asked to.

27. How do you convince your boss of a new idea?

→ 新あたらしいアイデアが出でてきた時とき、どう上司じょうしを説得せっとくし、納得なっ
A question about your communication skills. These and similar questions are asking for how you act in
certain situations. Be as specific as possible and explain how you use your common sense, strengths, and
skills to go about it.

28. What type of person don’t you get along with well? And how do you deal with them?

→ 職場しょくばでうまく付つき合あえない人ひとはどんな人ひとですか。(苦手にがてなタイプ

→ またその人ひととはどうやってうまく付つき合あいますか。

Don’t get tricked into giving a specific answer. Keep it more general. After all, it all comes down to the
individual, doesn’t it? So instead, focus on stating that you get along with people well and how you
would use your communication skills to handle a difficult situation.

29. How do you deal with a difficult person?

→ 扱あつかいの難むずかしい人ひとに対たいして、どのように対処たいしょしますか。

Similar to the above question, but more focused on your communication strategies. Imagine you have a
challenging customer, how would you approach him to create a mutually beneficial situation.

30. How do you solve a disagreement with a coworker?

→ 仕事上しごとじょう、意見いけんの合あわない同僚どうりょうにどう接せっし、対応たいお

A plot twist: this time not the person, but the content is the problem. Get out your inner mediator and
explain how you respectfully find a solution without straining the relationship.

Kid in batman costume realizing his dream.


31. When did you come to Japan?

→ いつ日本にほんに来きましたか。

Notice how the question is asking only about the time and not about the why.

32. Why do you want to work in Japan?

→ どうして日本にほんで働はたらきたいのですか。

Another question to check your motivation and seriousness. If it’s just for the visa or your answer shows
a mismatch with company values, those will be red flags to the interviewer.

33. Do you think you are able to work in a Japanese environment?

→ 日本にほんの環境かんきょうで働はたらけますか。

This one is checking for you compatibility and adaptability to the Japanese working environment. Show
an understanding of culture, manners, and mention previous experiences if possible.

34. How long do you plan to stay in Japan?

→ いつまで日本にほんに住すむつもりですか。

Japanese companies hire full-time employees to stay long-term and invest a lot of energy into training
new employees, especially new grads. So if you say that you only plan to stay for a few years, you might
not be around enough to make the company want to invest in you.

Student Life

35. Briefly summarize what you have done until now.

→ これまだやってきたことを簡単かんたんに教おしえてください。

Prepare a short monologue about your educational and work background, and the reason for coming to
Japan. Most people will like it if you like their country, so it’s okay to show your enthusiasm a little bit.

36. What did you work hard on during university.

→ 学生時代がくせいじだいに頑張がんばったこと。

Whether sports, classes or another project, show that you are hardworking and committed to reaching
your goals.

37. What (life lessons) did you learn as a student?

→ 学生生活がくせいせいかつで得えたことは何なんですか。

This one is not asking about your class contents, but about other things you picked up. Maybe you
learned life-long learning or found out how to realize your goals. The company wants to know whether
you can learn from your experiences and keep developing.
38. What is the difference between a student and a regular employee?

→ 学生がくせいと社会人しゃかいじんの違ちがいはなんだと思おもいますか。

Typically Japanese, you might think. If you don’t know how to answer it, think about it this way. As a
student you have been the consumer, paying money to receive a service. Now with the tables turned,
you will need a different outlook on self-driven motivation and commitment.

Private Life

39. What is your hobby/specialty?

→ 趣味しゅみ(や特技とくぎ)はなんですか。

Show a bit of your personality but consider your environment. Applying to a sales job, saying you are a
hardcore shut-in otaku might not be your best pick, neither is it advisable to show a high risk-tolerance
with hobbies like say, bungee-jumping.

40. How do you spend your free time?

→ 休暇きゅうかの過すごしかたを教おしえてください。

What matters to you. Are you investing time into your own development?

41. Was there something memorable in a book you read recently?

→ 最近さいきん読よんだ本ほんで印象いんしょうに残のこっているものはありますか。

Your answer to this question will give them insights into your personality and interests.

42. Share your thoughts on recent news you found interesting.

→ 最近さいきん気きになるニュースについて、自分じぶんの主張しゅちょうを踏ふまえて教お

Keeping up with trends, new skills, and the world around you, shows that you are learning. Try getting
into the habit of skimming through global, Japanese, and industry news.

43. What person do you respect?

→ あなたの尊敬そんけいする人ひとはだれですか。
People we respect are often our role-models, so think about the characteristics commonly associated
with your favorite people.

44. If you were an X, what would you be?

→ あなたの〇に例たとえると何なんですか。

This question might seem pointless, but it is testing your ability for spontaneous, original thought. When
answering, say for example, what animal you are, weave your strengths into your explanation.

READ ON Want to brush up on your interview manners?

You can never know exactly which questions you get. Still, this extensive list allows you to prepare
effectively and get ready for most potential questions.

During the interview, show connections to company goals and values when possible, and remember to
keep your answers to the point, saving the details for follow-up questions.

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