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10 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones Edited By: Krista M.

A hormonal imbalance can affect many aspects of your health. Some common side
effects include infertility, weight gain, depression, fatigue, insomnia, a low libido,
as well as hair loss and hair thinning. Thankfully there are ways to balance your
hormones naturally. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones:
1. Consume a raw carrot a day  Too much estrogen in the body is usually the cause
of hormonal imbalances, but a carrot a day will naturally help balance
hormones. Raw carrots contain a unique fiber which helps detox excess estrogen
from the body. This tip is especially useful for women who suffer from PMS
(premenstrual symptoms such as migraines). 
2. Avoid vegetable oils Keep your hormones balanced by excluding margarine and
plant oils from your diet. Vegetable oils are extremely high in omega-6, which if
consumed regularly can cause inflammation within the body. Nevertheless, some
omega 6 in the diet is necessary, but too much can wreak havoc on hormone
balance, creating widespread inflammation. Rather than upping your omega-6
intake, increase your omega-3, as this will help keep inflammation to a minimum.
3. Include more liver in your diet Liver is packed with nutrients. It provides the
highest source of vitamin A, one of the most valuable vitamins to balance
hormones. Vitamin A also helps improve thyroid function, which in turn improves
liver health enabling the body to synthesize and detox hormones effectively. To
reap the benefits, enjoy two to four servings of pastured liver each week. 
4. Try not to overwork your adrenal glands Dietary and lifestyle choices may
overwork the adrenal glands, making them unable to keep up with their hormone
production, leading to adrenal fatigue (a symptom of which is PMS). All hormones
are interconnected, but thyroid hormones work hand in hand with the adrenal
glands. So, if your adrenals are stressed, your thyroid will be affected too. 
5. Go for a walk in the country Address your exercise habits to keep your
hormones working effectively. Constant jogging, running, spinning classes and
Cross Fit can cause undue stress on your body. However, walking in natural
environments is both restorative and invigorating, providing an ideal exercise for
balancing hormones. Walking in nature has also been shown to reduce cortisol (a
stress hormone) and boosts the immune system. High cortisol levels cause
inflammation in the body, creating a hormonal imbalance. 
6. Get the water you need from consuming foods As opposed to drinking eight
glasses of water per day, get the water you need from nutrient-rich water foods
instead. Drinking too much water can deplete electrolytes and cause premature
aging of the skin. Consuming foods with a high water content helps balance
hormones naturally, while also supporting the thyroid and the adrenal glands. 
7. Stop eating products that contain soy Studies show that soy can disrupt
hormones, may cause inflammation and a leaky gut and more often than not, soy
tends to be genetically modified. Furthermore, soy consumption has been found to
have toxic effects on hormonal balance and general health. 
8. Spend a few moments each day with your legs up against the wall A regular
yoga practice, or stretching, often can benefit the body in many ways. One
particular yoga pose which involves keeping your legs up against the wall has a
profound ability to balance hormones naturally. The lymphatic circulation in the
lower body is maximized in this pose. Often referred to as the garbage disposal of
the body, the lymphatic system collects and carries lymphatic fluid, eliminating
toxins from the body. Sitting all day can cause the lymph fluid to become stagnant
and toxins to collect. Therefore, reversing the flow of gravity in your legs can
encourage the circulation of the lymphatic fluid. 
9. Eat egg yolks to balance hormones Egg yolks contain valuable nutrition and are
extremely beneficial to our bodies. In fact, they are packed with nutrients that help
balance hormones, including vitamin A, vitamin D, and Selenium (necessary for
the conversion of thyroid hormones from inactive to active). 
10. Gelatin can help improve hormone imbalance Gelatin contains a unique profile
of beneficial amino acids that helps balance hormones. It is best consumed
alongside a portion of meat. Therefore, with every large serving of meat, include 5
or 10 grams of gelatin. Doing so will boost the amino acids that enter the blood
stream. Gelatin has also been shown to support a healthy thyroid function and
thyroid hormones, which work together with all other hormones in the body. So, in
supporting the thyroid, it supports balanced hormones in general.  Source

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