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Lesson 6

What’s the weather like?

It is sunny ----- cloudy----- rainy--- windy --- snowy
Today it’s sunny.
Where were you born?
I was born in Sgo. del Estero.
When were you born?
I was born in 1968.

Family members

Siblings Spouses

Relatives = parientes
grandfather grandmother
great grandfather great grandmother

grandson granddaughter

uncle aunt
nephew niece


Present simple

Do you have siblings?

Yes, I do. ---- No, I don´t

Do you have brothers? Do you have sisters?

Yes, I do. ---- No, I don´t Yes, I do. ---- No, I don´t

How many brothers / sisters do you have?

Have you got a mobile phone?

Yes, I have. --- No, I haven’t.
Have you got brothers?
Have you got sisters?

Lesson 7
Listening 3 (vt)

Do you have brothers and sisters?

How old are they?
How old is he?
How old is she?
brother(s) --- sister(s) --- age
speaker 1
2) Joanna She has 2 brothers. They are 21 -24
3) Sohail He has 3 sisters. They are 36-28-39
4) Chris He has 1 brother. He is 29
5) Lauren She has 1 brother. He is 17
6) Hampton He has 1 sister. She is 13
7) Anna She has 4 brothers. They are 46- 44- 43- 36

Where are you from?

What class are you in?
Who do you live with?
I live with my son, my mother, and my pet. It’s a dog.

Present simple HE- SHE- IT

He- she- it + verbo con s
Have – has
Do- does
Go- goes
Live- lives
Like- likes
Work – works

Finish- finishes
Study - studies
LOOK LIKE = tener similitud con un miembro en la familia en
cuanto a facciones o cuerpo.
Do you look like your mother?
Yes, I do ---- No, I don’t

Does he look like you?

Yes, he does. -------- He looks like me.
No, he doesn’t. -------- He doesn’t look like me.

Do you have a twin sister?

Does she look like you?

GET ON WELL with= llevarse bien con alguien

Do you get on well with your son?

Yes, I do ---- No, I don’t

Does your son get on well with you?

Yes, he does. -------- He ………..... me.
No, he doesn’t. -------- He …………. me.

Do you get on well with your twin sister?

Does she get on well with you?

Lesson 8

Hi, my name is Anna. My surname is Jones. I’m from Brazil. I was born
in Salvador in 1996. I´m 25 years old. I live in a big city in the north of
the country. I live with my parents, my two sisters and my little brother.
I get on well with my two sisters but I don´t get on well with my little
brother. I don’t have a job. I am at university. I´m studying Biology. I ‘m
about to graduate.

Possessive case ‘s (Caso posesivo)

Indica posesión.

Diferencia con el español

En español usamos la preposición “de” para expresar posesión,

por ejemplo:
-El nombre de mi hermano es Tim.
Los hablantes del español tienden a escribir esta frase de la
siguiente forma:
–The name of my brother is Tim.

La oración anterior no es incorrecta, pero un 99% de los hablantes

del inglés usarían el caso posesivo (NO “of”); el cual se compone
de: un apostrofe + s: ‘s
-My bother’s name is Tim. (El nombre de mi hermano es Tim)
El sustantivo o persona que posee + ‘s a ese sustantivo + el
miembro de la familia o cosa.
Anabel’s brother is a bus driver.
The teacher’s car is red.
My mother’s name is Sue.

Es posible que haya una confusión entre el caso posesivo y el

verbo “to be”.
La clave para evitar esta posible confusión es entender que
después del caso posesivo (‘s) siempre debe haber
un sustantivo (name, car, girlfriend, etc.). Esto no ocurre cuando
el ‘s es la contracción del verbo “to be”.
My father’s name is Michael (El nombre de mi padre es Michael)
My father’s tall and strong. (Mi padre es alto y fuerte)
What is your brother’s name?
What is your sister’s name?

Usamos solamente ‘ después del plural:

Brothers’ home. ------------ Girls’ phones.
Lesson 9

Listening 4.4 new h.

Who is Oscar? He is Elena´s brother.

How old is Oscar?

How old was Oscar last year?

Who is Maria?
How old is she?

How old was Maria two years ago?


Football – hamburger- skiing – wine- tennis – pizza – coke – tea – rice

– Swimming – coffee - Pasta - beer



What’s your favourite sport?

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