Alca Yaga 1998

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Brain Research 786 Ž1998.


Research report

Selective activation of carotid nerve fibers by acetylcholine applied to the cat

petrosal ganglion in vitro
a, )
Julio Alcayaga , Rodrigo Iturriaga b , Rodrigo Varas a , Jorge Arroyo a , Patricio Zapata b

Laboratory of Neurobiology, Faculty of Sciences, UniÕersity of Chile, P.O. Box 653, Santiago 1, Chile
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Catholic UniÕersity of Chile, P.O. Box 114-D, Santiago 1, Chile

Accepted 18 November 1997


The petrosal ganglion innervates carotid body chemoreceptors through the carotid Žsinus. nerve. These primary sensory neurons are
activated by transmitters released from receptor Žglomus. cells, acetylcholine ŽACh. having been proposed as one of the transmitters
involved in this process. Since the perikarya of primary sensory neurons share several properties with peripheral sensory endings, we
studied the electrical responses of the carotid nerve and glossopharyngeal branch to ACh locally applied to the cat petrosal ganglion
superfused in vitro. Ganglionar applications of AChCl Ž1 m g y 1 mg. generated bursts of action potentials conducted along the carotid
nerve, while only a few spikes were exceptionally recorded from the glossopharyngeal branch in response to the largest doses. Carotid
nerve responses to ACh were dose-dependent, the higher doses inducing transient desensitization. Application of nicotine to the petrosal
ganglion also evoked dose-dependent excitatory responses in the carotid nerve. Responses to ACh were reversibly antagonized by adding
hexamethonium to the superfusate, more intense and prolonged block of ACh responses being produced by mecamylamine. Ganglionar
applications of g-amino butyric acid and serotonin, in doses of up to 5 mg, did not induce firing of action potentials in any of the
branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Our results indicate that petrosal ganglion neurons projecting through the carotid nerve are
selectively activated by ACh acting on nicotinic ACh receptors located in the somata of these neurons. Thus, cholinosensitivity would be
shared by the membranes of peripheral endings and perikarya of primary sensory neurons involved in arterial chemoreception. q 1998
Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Acetylcholine; Arterial chemoreceptors; Carotid body; Carotid Žsinus. nerve; Petrosal ganglion; Sensory ganglion

1. Introduction elicits discharges in chemosensory nerve fibers Žsee Ref.

Since the pioneering work of de Castro w6x, it is known It has been recently proposed that numerous properties
that the petrosal ganglion contains the perikarya of the are shared by the cell membranes of peripheral nerve
sensory neurons innervating the carotid body chemorecep- endings and the respective somata of primary afferent
tors. The transduction of physiological chemical stimuli neurons w13,31x. Since the protein components of transduc-
Žlowering PaO 2 , increasing PaCO 2 , lowering pH a . within
ing elements andror chemical receptors anchored on the
arterial chemoreceptor organs is commonly attributed to membrane of the peripheral endings of primary sensory
glomus cells, which in turn release junctional transmitters neurons are conveyed to these sites by fast axoplasmic
to activate the apposed chemosensory nerve endings Žsee transport from the respective somata w19x, these transducer
Refs. w9,15x.. Acetylcholine ŽACh. was the first substance and receptor elements may also be found anchored on the
advocated as transmitter in the carotid body w33x and its perikaryal membrane on sensory ganglia.
application to the carotid bodies of all mammalian species Based on the above considerations, we decided to test
the hypothesis that ACh applied to the petrosal
) ganglion—where the perikarya of carotid body sensory
´ Facultad de Cien-
Corresponding author. Departamento de Biologıa,
cias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile. Fax: q56-2- neurons are located—would induce excitation of the carotid
271-2983; E-mail: nerve chemosensory fibers.

0006-8993r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 0 6 - 8 9 9 3 Ž 9 7 . 0 1 4 2 4 - 8
48 J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54

2. Materials and methods was placed in the 0.5 ml capacity lower chamber, over a
pair of stimulating Pt–Ir electrodes, and pinned to the
Petrosal ganglia Ž n s 25. were obtained from 22 adult bottom of the chamber. The electrodes were connected
cats, weighing 2.0 " 0.5 kg Žmean " S.D.., of either sex, through a stimulus isolation unit to a stimulator. The tip of
anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone Ž40 mgrkg. i.p., a thermistor, immersed in the superfusion channel, was
supplemented when necessary with additional doses Ž12 located at 4 mm from the ganglion surface. The carotid
mg. given i.v. The animals were placed in the supine Žsinus. nerve ŽCN. and the glossopharyngeal branch ŽGPB.
position, the neck opened through a midline incision, and were placed on recording paired Pt–Ir electrodes Žinter-
the full trajectory of one glossopharyngeal nerve was electrodes distances: 2.3 and 4.1 mm, respectively., and
exposed. Its carotid nerve branch was dissected up to its lifted into the upper compartment of the superfusion cham-
entrance to the carotid body, where it was cut. The so-called ber filled with mineral oil. The recording electrodes were
glossopharyngeal branch w26x, going to the pharynx and connected to AC-preamplifiers, and the resulting elec-
tongue, was also cleaned from surrounding tissue and troneurograms were amplified, displayed on a multiple
sectioned distally. After removing the tympanic bulla and beam oscilloscope, and recorded in a video cassette
the ventral wall of the jugular foramen to expose the recorder after digital pulse code modulation ŽPCM.. The
petrosal ganglion, its central process was cut at about 2 electroneurograms were also fed to a spike amplitude
mm from the apparent central border of the ganglion. The discriminator, whose standardized pulses were counted and
petrosal ganglion with its central and peripheral processes integrated at 1 s intervals to assess the frequencies Ž f . of
was placed in a Petri dish with ice-chilled Hank’s balanced discharges of both nerves, which were digitized through an
solution ŽSigma.. Under a stereomicroscope, the capsule AD interface board ŽLabMaster DMA. and displayed on a
was removed from the ganglion and the epineurium along computer ŽAT 386..
the full extension of the glossopharyngeal nerve and its Agonists were applied in 10 m l boluses by means of a
branches. After excision of one or both petrosal ganglia, microdispenser, whose tip was placed about 1 mm distant
the cat was sacrificed with an overdose of sodium barbi- from the exposed surface of the petrosal ganglion. Acetyl-
tonerurethane given i.v. choline chloride ŽSigma., nicotine tartrate ŽICN-K& K
The petrosal ganglion with its peripheral nerve branches Labs.., g-amino butyric acid ŽGABA. ŽSigma. and sero-
was transferred to a thermostated chamber kept at 38.0 " tonin Ž5-HT. hydrochloride ŽRBI. were applied in doses of
0.58C, superfused with Hank’s balanced solution, supple- from 0.1 m g to 5 mg, at ca. 15 min intervals. Neostigmine
mented with 5 mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.35 Žadjusted with methyl sulfate ŽHermann Strack, Germany., hexametho-
NaOH to desired value., equilibrated with room air Ž21% nium chloride ŽMatheson, Coleman and Bell. and mecamy-
O 2 ., and flowing at 1.5 mlrmin ŽFig. 1.. The ganglion lamine hydrochloride ŽMerck. were applied at constant
concentrations through the superfusion medium. Doses
correspond to the salts.
The changes in discharge frequency Ž D f . induced by
the drugs were calculated as the differences between the
maximal frequency Žmax f . achieved during a single
response and the mean basal activity Žbas f ., computed
along the 30 s period prior to drug administration. The
relation between D f ’s and the doses of the tested drugs
Žw x x. was assessed using the best fit of the standardized
responses Ž D frmax D f . to a sigmoid curve Ž R s 1rŽ1 q
 ED50 rw x x4 S .., using a simplex algorithm. Differences be-
tween dose-response curves were assessed using Friedman
and Quade analyses of variance.

3. Results
Fig. 1. Diagram of experimental set-up. Lucite chamber for superfusion
of petrosal ganglion, to which square electrical stimulating pulses may be
applied. The chamber is thermoregulated. Inflow of air bubbled saline
3.1. Electrical stimulation
provided from thermoregulated bottle Žleft side.; outflow Žright side.
controlled by the same roller pumping device. The peripheral process of The functional integrity of the preparation was evalu-
the glossopharyngeal nerve is lifted to the mineral oil phase, where ated at the beginning and end of each experiment by
electrodes pairs record action potentials from glossopharyngeal branch
and carotid Žsinus. nerve, after stages of preamplification, displays on
applying brief electrical pulses Ž50 m s. to the ganglion and
oscilloscope and storage of digital coded signals on video-cassette recorder recording the compound action potentials in both periph-
Župper right part of the figure.. eral nerve branches. Several components of different con-
J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54 49

duction velocities ŽCVs. and relative amplitudes were detected from CN recordings in all preparations ŽFig. 2,
recorded. Conduction times were estimated from beginning left side.. The basal activity recorded from CN’s consisted
of stimulation artifacts to those peaks of compound action of low frequency, randomly distributed discharges, al-
potentials clearly discernible and present in all successive though clusters of higher frequency spikes were seldomly
recordings taken at the beginning of experiments. For the observed. Fig. 3 corresponds to a high speed display of
fibers following the route of the GPB, fast components recordings obtained in one experiment, where three units
were recorded in four experiments, with CVs of 52.3, 45.7, were recognizable, firing spontaneously at 15, 10 and 3.3
31.0 and 20.1 mrs; intermediate components were recorded Hz. This shows that the gross spontaneous electrical activ-
in eight experiments, with a CV of 10.6 " 1.1 mrs Žmean ity recorded from the entire CN corresponds to basal
" S.E.M..; and slowest components were clearly dis- discharges from its units.
cernible in only two experiments, with CVs of 0.85 and At the end of some experiments, novocaine hydrochlo-
1.0 mrs. For the fibers comprised within the CN, the ride was injected in boluses of 200 m g each at the entrance
fastest component was observed only in one experiment, at of the superfusion channel, until obtaining abolition of the
a CV of 25.3 mrs; intermediate components had a bi- compound action potentials recorded in both peripheral
modal distribution in four experiments, with CVs of 9.7 " nerve branches in response to electrical stimulation of the
1.1 and 4.6 " 0.2 mrs; and slowest components were petrosal ganglion, along with the disappearance of sponta-
recorded in five experiments, with a CV of 0.94 " 0.05 neous activity, thus discriminated from electronic noise.

3.2. Basal actiÕity 3.3. Effects of ACh and nicotine applied to the ganglion

While scarce spontaneous activity was recorded from In all experiments, topical applications of ACh to the
the GPB in only two preparations, such activity was petrosal ganglion produced bursts of discharges recorded

Fig. 2. Basal and ACh-evoked activities in peripheral branches. Electrical activities recorded from carotid nerve ŽCN. and glossopharyngeal branch ŽGPB.,
at same amplifications, before Žy1.6 s, left. and after Ž1.6 s, right. the application of 100 m g AChCl to the petrosal ganglion. Simultaneous displays at two
different rates, as indicated by time signals. The response to ACh is restricted to the CN.
50 J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54

spontaneous activity was present before and after applica-

tion of the drug.
In two experiments Žnot included in the present series.
in which the petrosal ganglion was bathed at room temper-
ature Ž18–208C., no responses from the CN could be
evoked by ganglionar applications of ACh in doses up to 5
mg, but the doses of 1 and 5 mg reduced by 25–50% the
amplitude of CN compound action potentials evoked by
electrical stimulation of the ganglion Žnot illustrated.. This
observation, together with those reported in the previous
paragraph, suggest that high doses of ACh may cause
depolarization block.
When testing CN responses to repeated ganglionar ap-
plications of the same doses of ACh, transient desensitiza-
tion was observed, especially for doses above 10–20 m g.
An interval of 5 min between applications of the same
dose was required to achieve similar neural responses.
Thus, 15 min intervals between applications of increasing
doses were used when obtaining data for dose-response
Fig. 5 summarizes the maximal frequencies of re-
sponses recorded from carotid nerves to applications of
increasing doses of ACh to the petrosal ganglia in ten
different preparations. The dose-response curve reveals a
mean effective dose of 29 m g, a slope of 0.9, and a
maximal response for doses of 500 m g.
Fig. 3. Carotid nerve units discharging in basal conditions. Display at
high speed of the electrical activity recorded from one carotid nerve.
In two experiments, neostigmine 20 m M was added to
Time, 1 msrdivision; Amplitude, q140 mV to y140 mV; interrupted the superfusate of the petrosal ganglia, provoking a shift to
line, 0 mV. Three spontaneously discharging units are recognized, marked the left of dose-response curves to AChCl, whose ED50
Ž1., Ž2. and Ž3., which discharged at 10, 15 and 3.3 Hz, respectively, was displaced from 63.8 to 3.2 m g Žnot illustrated..
along 1.2 s of continuous recording, comprising the 10-ms samples here Just a few spikes were recorded from the GPB in
response to the largest doses of AChCl Ž) 100 m g. in only
3 out of 25 experiments. These doses are well above the
minimal effective doses of ACh eliciting bursts of dis-
from the CN ŽFig. 2, right side.. At the end of these charges in the CN.
experiments and after crushing the glossopharyngeal nerve In three experiments, nicotine tartrate 100–500 m g was
trunk at the distal border of the petrosal ganglion, ACh applied to the petrosal ganglion, evoking increases in the
applications to the ganglion failed to evoke electrical frequency of CN discharges similar to those evoked by
activity in the CN. After displacing the tip of the microdis- equivalent doses of ACh, but of slower time course Žrising
penser to the nerve segment immediately distal to the and decay times.. When given at short intervals, the
crush, ACh applications failed to evoke electrical activity responses evoked by nicotine presented more prolonged
in the CN. desensitization than that induced by ACh, as well as
The threshold dose of ACh necessary to evoke CN crossed desensitization with responses induced by gan-
responses varied from 1 to 5 m g and maximal responses glionar applications of ACh. A dose-response curve Žnot
were obtained with doses of between 100 and 500 m g, as illustrated., constructed from one experiment in which
illustrated in Fig. 4A,B. Carotid nerve responses evoked by nicotine injections were given at 30 min intervals, revealed
ganglionar applications of ACh were dose-dependent, in discernible response with 1 m g and maximal responses
terms of the maximal frequencies Žmax f . of evoked within 0.1 to 1 mg, of similar amplitude to those evoked
discharges. However, CN responses were slightly pro- by two test injections of 200 m g of AChCl. Nicotine failed
longed at low doses, but were shortened at larger doses, to evoke responses from the GPB.
becoming more abrupt in onset but also more rapid in
decay ŽFig. 4A.. Occasionally, responses to large doses of
ACh were biphasic Žsee responses to 100, 200 and 500 m g 3.4. Effects of cholinergic blockers
in Fig. 4B.. Furthermore, brief silencing was sometimes
observed immediately following responses to high doses of Fig. 6A summarizes the dose-response curve obtained
ACh ŽFig. 4C,D., revealing that a low frequency basal from three different experiments in which increasing doses
J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54 51

Fig. 4. Changes in frequency of discharges Ž f . recorded from carotid nerves in response to applications of ACh to petrosal ganglia Žarrowheads.. ŽA,B.
Responses to increasing doses of AChCl applied Žin two different preparations. in boluses of 500 ng, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 200, 500 m g and 1 mg ŽA., and 5,
10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 m g ŽB.. Recordings interrupted after evoked responses subsided. ŽC,D. Pattern of discharge evoked by single AChCl 100 m g
bolus, followed by a brief rebound Žsilencing. of electrical activity. Continuous line, mean basal frequency of discharge. In recording displayed at higher
amplification ŽD., the interrupted lines indicate upper and lower limits of the 95% normal distribution of mean basal frequency.

of ACh were applied to the petrosal ganglion, first in from the superfusing solution. Hexamethonium blocked
control conditions, then during superfusion with 10 m M partially but consistently the excitatory effects of ACh and
hexamethonium, and finally after washing hexamethonium this blockade was reversible after washing. The CN re-
sponses evoked by electrical stimulation of the petrosal
ganglia immediately before and at the end of the superfu-
sion with hexamethonium 10 m M ŽFig. 6A, inset. reveal
that the block of ACh responses was achieved without
affecting the conduction properties of CN fibers.
The effects of the nicotinic cholinergic blocker
mecamylamine were also tested in three preparations. In
one experiment, 100 m M mecamylamine produced com-
plete and irreversible Žwithin 3 h. block of CN responses
to full series of ganglionic applications of ACh, but this
effect was associated with conduction block of the faster
conducting fibers of the CN, and partial block of slower
conducting fibers Žnot illustrated.. In another experiment,
mecamylamine 1 m M produced full block of ACh re-
Fig. 5. Dose-response curve of ACh-evoked responses. Dose-response sponses, not associated with conduction block of CN fibers,
curve for changes in frequency Ž D f . of discharge of carotid nerves and followed by partial recovery of ACh responses after 3
Žexpressed as percentages of maximal responses of each preparation.
h of washing the antagonist ŽFig. 6B.. In a third experi-
evoked by AChCl applied to petrosal ganglia. Means"S.E.M.’s from
data collected from 10 preparations. Curve adjusted only to the range
ment, mecamylamine 100 nM produced partial block of
1–500 m g. Inset: correlation, mean effective dose, slope and significance ACh responses, with partial recovery after 3 h of washing
level. the antagonist.
52 J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54

Neither GABA nor 5-HT applied to the petrosal ganglion

had any noticeable effect on the electrical activities
recorded from both peripheral glossopharyngeal nerve

4. Discussion

The electrical activity recorded from the CN may be

carried by chemosensory nerve fibers innervating the
carotid body and barosensory nerve fibers innervating the
carotid sinus. Otherwise, the electrical activity recorded
from the GPB may be carried by chemosensory nerve
fibers innervating the taste buds located in the posterior
third of the tongue and nasopharynx, and by mechanosen-
sory fibers innervating the lingual mucosa and pharyngeal
structures. A few efferent fibers are contained in the CN
Žsee Ref. w9x., whereas abundant motor fibers are present in
the GPB. However, efferent fibers cannot contribute to the
spontaneous electrical activity reported in this paper, since
their perikarya are located within the medulla oblongata
and therefore not included in our in vitro preparation.
Leaving sensory fibers as the only source of the sponta-
neous and drug-induced activities here recorded, such ac-
tivities cannot originate from peripheral sensory nerve
Fig. 6. Block by cholinergic antagonists of ACh-evoked responses. endings which were also not included in the preparation
Dose-response curves for changes in frequency Ž D f . of discharge recorded used here. Thus, the intraganglionar segment of sensory
from carotid nerves evoked by increasing doses of AChCl applied to
neurons remains as the only possible origin of the electri-
petrosal ganglia. ŽA. Mean values of data from 3 preparations Ž D f
expressed as percentage of maximal evoked discharge in each prepara- cal activity present in this preparation.
tion.. Evoked responses obtained in control conditions Žfilled squares., Spontaneous electrical activity may be recorded from
during superfusion with 10 m M hexamethonium for 110 min Žtriangles. primary afferent fibers within a few hours of peripheral
and after at least 50 min of washing Žopen squares.. ŽB. Data obtained nerve section w25x. Furthermore, the recording of impulses
from one preparation in control conditions Žfilled squares., during super-
from the CN central to a section is not new. These
fusion with 1 m M mecamylamine for 110 min Žtriangles. and after at
least 50 min of washing Žopen squares.. Insets, recordings of compound impulses may still be recorded after intracranial section of
action potentials from carotid nerve evoked by electrical stimulation of glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve roots w39x, an in situ
petrosal ganglion in control conditions Župper records. and at the end of preparation with the same remaining structures as those
antagonists superfusions Žlower records.. included in the present in vitro preparation. The observa-
tion reported here that electrical activity was evoked in the
CN by application of ACh or nicotine to the petrosal
ganglion, but not to applications distal to the ganglion,
3.5. Effects of other putatiÕe transmitters applied to the suggests that the impulses observed in both in situ and in
ganglion vitro preparations may be generated from the perikarya of
primary sensory neurons. It has also been recently shown
Since g-amino butyric acid ŽGABA. has been reported that petrosal ganglion neurons from rat pups co-cultured
to induce depolarization of cat primary afferent neurons in with carotid body glomus cells may exhibit spontaneous
vitro w12x, we decided to test whether petrosal ganglion action potentials and subthreshold depolarizing potentials
neurons were excited by this agent. Although the hypothe- w41x. It is known that the petrosal ganglia only contain the
sis that serotonin Ž5-HT. should serve as chemical trans- perikarya of sensory neurons, the presence there of auto-
mitter between taste receptor cells and glossopharyngeal nomic efferent somata having been discarded w36x.
nerve endings has been mostly dismissed w27x, the possibil- The petrosal ganglion contains the perikarya of
ity of testing the effects of 5-HT upon the perikarya of mechanosensory neurons innervating the carotid sinus, lin-
their sensory neurons was also attractive. gual and pharyngeal mucosae, in addition to the chemosen-
GABA in doses of from 1 m g to 10 mg was assayed in sory neurons innervating the carotid body and circumval-
three different experiments. Serotonin in doses of from 1 late and foliate papillae of the tongue w9,17,38x. The above
m g to 1 mg was assayed in two different experiments. mentioned mechanoreceptors are considered simple recep-
J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54 53

tors, in which transduction is performed by sensory nerve macological demonstration of ACh receptors operating in
endings themselves w3x. In contrast, arterial and taste the perikarya of primary sensory neurons located in pet-
chemoreceptors are considered composite receptors, in rosal ganglia of preparations in situ or recently excised and
which transduction is performed by glomus and taste cells, superfused in vitro.
respectively, which in turn release transmitters for the The excitatory response of sensory nerve endings to
excitation of the closely apposed sensory nerve endings ACh is a prominent feature of the chemosensory fibers
Žsee Refs. w9,15,32x.. The exact nature of the transmitter innervating the carotid bodies w8,22x, while ACh has no
substances released by receptor cells of the carotid body direct effect on the carotid discharges initiated from
and taste cells of gustatory papillae is still controversial, barosensory endings w23x. It has been shown that the
but ACh has been considered a putative transmitter in both perikarya of chemosensory fibers have different electrical
preparations. membrane properties than those of barosensory neurons
The carotid body parenchyma contains ACh, its synthe- whose axons course through the CN w2x. However, the
sizing enzyme Žcholine acetyltransferase., its degrading present work does not allow to conclude that CN fibers
enzyme Žacetylcholinesterase. and a high-affinity incorpo- activated by ACh applied to the petrosal ganglion corre-
ration system for the precursor choline Žsee Ref. w9x.. Our spond exclusively to chemosensory fibers contained within
finding that neostigmine produced a displacement to the the CN.
left of dose-response curves to ACh is consistent with an The initial enhancement followed by depression of dis-
anticholinesterase action exerted at the level of the petrosal charges recorded from gustatory nerve fibers in frogs after
ganglion. Acetylcholine release has been demonstrated applying ACh to the tongue surface led to the proposal that
from the carotid body in situ w24x and in vitro w8,10x, as ACh was the transmitter between taste cells and gustatory
well as from cultured glomus cells w34x. ACh produces nerve endings w20,30x; however, intra-arterial perfusion of
dose-dependent chemosensory excitation of carotid bodies frog’s tongue with ACh depressed glossopharyngeal re-
in situ and in vitro, an effect that is blocked by nicotinic sponses to salts but not those to HCl, quinine and water
blockers mecamylamine, hexamethonium and curare, in Žcited by Ref. w28x.. Nevertheless, the nerve endings of
this order of potency Žw8x; see also Ref. w22x.. It has been primary sensory neurons innervating the skin w35x and
shown recently that selective perfusion of the cat carotid cornea w37x are also activated by ACh. It is also known that
body with mecamylamine produces a dose-dependent re- nicotinic ACh receptors, traced by a-bungarotoxin binding
duction of chemosensory responses to hypoxia w11x. In sites, are manufactured in the somata of primary afferent
response to ACh applied to the carotid body in vitro, slow neurons located in dorsal root ganglia, and are transported
depolarizing potentials have been recorded intracellularly by their peripheral and central axonal processes to their
from chemosensory fibers, presumably not far from their respective endings w29x. Furthermore, acetylcholinesterase
endings w16x. Although ACh receptors were expected to be is widely distributed among sensory neurons of dorsal root
located in the membrane of chemosensory nerve endings, ganglia w4x.
presumed post-junctional site, nearly two-thirds of a- The presence of nicotinic ACh receptors in both
bungarotoxin binding sites were located in the membrane perikarya and peripheral endings of chemosensory neurons
of glomus cells, presumed prejunctional site w5x. Another does not imply that both regions are equally sensitive to
study showed that specific a-bungarotoxin binding in sen- ACh. Respiratory and circulatory reflexes induced by nico-
sory-denervated carotid bodies was similar to that ob- tine 5–50 m grkg i.v. in cats disappear after sectioning the
served in intact carotid bodies w7x. carotid and vagus nerves w40x, in spite of the anatomical
The presence of nicotinic ACh receptors in the mem- continuity between the somata of petrosal and nodose
brane of sensory ganglion cells has been inferred from ganglia with the brain stem, an indication of the higher
electrical responses of cultured neurons from rat nodose sensitivity to nicotine of peripheral chemosensory endings.
ganglia w1x, as well as from neonatal rabbit nodose gan-
glion cells co-cultured with carotid glomus cells w14x. The
presence of nerve growth factor in the culture medium is
required for nodose ganglion neurons to express nicotinic
ACh receptors w21x. There is a recent brief report w41x on
recordings from neonatal rat petrosal ganglion neurons,
cultured alone or in co-culture with carotid body glomus
cells, showing slow depolarizing and action potentials in Work supported by grant 96r06PF from the Research
response to ACh applied in the vicinity. There is also a and Postgraduate Division of the Catholic University of
recent immunocytochemical demonstration of the expres- Chile ŽDIPUC., and grant 1971013 from the National Fund
sion of nAChR a 4 subunits in cultured neurons obtained for Scientific and Technological Development ŽFONDE-
from cat’s petrosal ganglia as well as in the somata of CYT.. J.A. also received support from a Data Foundation
frozen tissue sections of the same ganglia w18x. However, Award. Thanks are due to Mrs Carolina Larraın ´ for her
we do not know of any reported physiological or phar- help in the preparation of the illustrations.
54 J. Alcayaga et al.r Brain Research 786 (1998) 47–54

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